The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, December 01, 1880, Image 2

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f . xm^-***** amt ■ mjaop swratt. '^’P.tTTTLtftFiiiMK “■ I'sliMiV. ; •" wK*MtE.«*»*ir, ***$*'• * ***»■ s TlSIbMKRjg&S^ 4®if.*» % *«■* s ssi*ffi was i ' four* ft w > . 1 “■ Z fJE*l§f nfcW If infill* SI 9 If " 'T iy*y Xi&p. A!{ \. ffr . ' &v/ ' puHnuHi-'-’ u> t’rr > Ifl . V|MI rt»i, 1*7/ftt' hmiji'.il ) ! i than Mo - ht ,-. A- : communiestiom muM M - aoemn j touted by a trepan*Me Htyrmhire for t ffevner. ATLANTA LETTER, f JWtloo—Hud \» «•« l her— »tlloiu AD. .»»*•« Thrill. fwW JtiI,;,.. s.m !;S0. W* fipkhfhl lhe efeotioa on venter day tBonuu*, alter wo.king kuhtuily io joint«*»lot o.«hy «i«M J-.-, both aBtl.Cri fHog ee#*»ens. It wa, ; -iy tcimus and elusive, «hr Lcgkla- lot it »«s ttdufv imposed unt.B iare f.» the New emwifution, whwb i s untatisfactory iboec 6iid equally as effected, * to *bo failed to £61. I thifil: the C amltottuu ought t« be hanged, **i to placu ofife-rs the back npj oia in > u.en,t «.?' iPfitM the 'prcval Uuvetnor’a haoda, tafcjfeCt to the «p cr diaa|=prov.,i of tbc Senate. That 9rr--»i,jjo,i,cut would «.»»« the Slate ab «t HtLCGO and the oandidatee about g -.000. The present. or.W of things »brows a Dumber of r-bstaeles in ttie 'w#y of proper legislation. The wits ter ; 5 certs tidy an unfa v< r able s<.*jbou of •h. yew for the m>t vetting of tie Leg islstare in AtUnts. Nearly sll the memhotii from tu id tile am1 lewer Get>r gi* .-affeted mk re colds, feiome have Iceo, and seine are still quits sick. Ur. Dykes, treat Msco'n « :mty, has W-n tMrvmcly ill ^proving, for two ■weeks- He is now sightly nc*-' sasy poMbty get w jli etlaugh to ic-nu’o borne aga-.R in & few weeks. H csmmcceeii raining ntgbt ycsicrtliv ere ning. and ri«et«d last t, a C on Bidet able extent. To- lay hag b.en very <}*£ inclement-— inisti-.g or raining a tl and i be streets in gome pL,eo» arc (-xeediBfly sloppy and muddy, Tbo probai iitty is that the L.-isla turc will Adjocm on .he 8th ,f Doeem her, to mec-t again on the utb ol Jaiy. The elceiione have so far re urded the bowuess of the Legislature that it is utterly itnpw»iblc to com plftte what ism rosary to bo be fare Ibe expiration of the forty d»y* prescribed by tins cmiHitouon « the Unlit ef the session, unless prolonged f>y a twtt-fcbirda AlUnU vote ef both Houses. In the summer is much more l-r-aU(ie than in iha wiotcr csoec&lle ‘be .»»►. the State, A® it is ats lately ueces.- *arv to continue in cession Huger iban forty tlori tHvs'td da tbe m-evssary lrgs$!a l think it fat better t- ;nli«ur« mi Hie Sib n.ocmbei and me a again f iht- ifth day c f next 3«K tbi , k about 50 members were absent vwier „l,p The Coniniittve# vn tbt‘}Vni»ci: .,,4 for the D,ut and .1} : : r !ib vvactril to ■ have OU yesterday, 1 nt it was decided <b»t it would be bu.-i Hr them todwf.r »| : rir until mosf • ouMusm coMnioly growing Atlanta is ft *ttd ‘biivins; city. Tt.oo ars uboct *;?.000 . A.'tii.;. In Atlanta, j r- p« t Mil -■ ,i» b*> b Ml) M 11000 ill N varicu 'aixtjtbu, A i*rgff amoaiit m busmera i Si it: uk itprebdiMc i. b - > t in Iweu’y 'reftak years the {•■.puUtii.o ti .-da wifi lfifM'00, Ouit<? a IiV bat- f roil..,»Is CPtiomimo’ tine ft ad tUm an iRHPPu.-u-. of bus-; and l,i .ml are bright Dj ! oiut, DuubEJii'd umuj mui'tf railroads) 'viH diverge irofp ,\tl.u.« L Hi diffvtun eotinas i« fnhir ■ years’ Many ®a«a fecturiwg ofttubtishii:. s.ts ate tu opera f-»ua li .-w, ;Ksd fnjT'Y more wifi KOtljv itp, littd 1 .' ; , ( 1-1 ■..(( ( O ■ y tipre. T-O .ai, „ ..i A.iuita :-.... : - Tiff f .. i, .e- ! -i ..... .» ’ i ..* l «. hi • '• rite, iv;.. ' c Si; - -sU-fliitbiy fo r tisapy rias' ■ -’o.; io v •-•- t.,»v lo live. K iu-„j * n J"* ft* *■ *■> m mcai.-ii.te • p.., ..... i .}.. ...... : * ^ f v , " LonU'irn Gardeniaix and Fruit CuRiu'f. TU; Jironrtofcor <f t!» • SuUthnu \ 4 ■ nnr r $ mmtlihf (Huvif-nflah- Q&) } 1 11 7 «J' 5 p '• r One flu I 1 B.cllar't tysar a w<-.-vk on "■Yrnnrvui.v * ; :f • . -va a: Flr.-.T Cut! si IN rat. N-n .* ! tlvk " I IT AS," 1 - • l 1 I ’ IV -i ’** e, t) ’ -I* M. ft a Iph f t- ffbt r. <1 >t ,|. j,,, i 'Witikad «.nti j'Ojptkr wort, on tin it-iportetif >.-iL, »-t. futenfcpd t > H t f s s> ? *7 i. nth \tkw! •■•-;.] i -] e ‘ r *' T’-ri arp't immV-cr of wti’J ■ hooka pu^nlicTit the Xortli, ‘ s Jahioniacwild Fruit Culture, bm t.>v.-nm- to U?,e .lilTere»t*<ri» ktitnde. thev " d H'.Hn* > ► >Vjt V->;‘s .,,7 p- otdo For - :tfu a wodk tv-, it, men t ft.* t above. wr:W?ts !*v a • Frftsitmni fhu*.i«'*r, ft ut mm m » ofFered Wayno AgRcultuvaJSociety A^wuHuw is loo lift, mi ] fiou | „f F(« _ N,,i <1, < Hit of if Hilts{, Sjirixlrr . <•"!*?■ industry imidim-d to «». and .V. ,u: L'lniti'o tt, that .Kt<*«ii.,a bjould be wttmiJy e»tbra«tJ i»» ®v«ry ’ <nt > 11 -F* JMJyll.njyv ft', jh«» fv-i. nil,nvs; to- ill. MLft, of 1», t! bun ,> > . of \t»y .li 1*1 nil r., t\ -in W gatftg tu grow w!i«ro gD,v More, is a frwbHc benoWtor ifoft W ixym 0>miy A$riwhnml t ft-d'K Ty whifth S.iotis Lore nest Haittr » i , t t”H: every Lrafv. natj join ’n ij« ■a*.)iY, hisirt- ara-i hand, without *tn*.< ftnti v **| |>rumLj;. ;i JW £rE£U,»*. W»«h ;!/»-. Kihlar: Jf*«r jurmission i would U> caH the aUenfi»n o( (hr politic to # matter Nt'w »t’bosiu# , 5S throi'gH the fruNTisot. that, the election j&j*- 1 , «0 d the togtehitshra, ve ought t» ie coo tent and turn oar artention to tiv rag to imjHovo our seen it of enmity. l, perhaps am sot the ftrrper j.*«nu Hm ««h|or nor am I kl;e!y to my just wHai ought to i*e saw, hut *.•■ no obc else«o«»# { willing I la kaa of Hi file waiter, wi stty what i think, Loping olhtrs wilt take hold aud earjtot whatever <*rrci f may t tt ; oto, ! tbriife we can imi*«vg onr agrieui taro, our sn>ck. end all other burnt-** that is kii-vvd here, and start the i>»* *bi*s« of KsantlfaOtnrifl|- Agriculture is the true md wild foundation on which all other pursuits must rest in s ««n »«■•. •»*< *"» «M.«» of m.nh't'.mg „ i. »,-al.l, to my country Let us, tueo fur® a com P*»J- “>• ^ ^,to me that there ought *P gsag eu« i tu. u»nt»ut., <uat ceu t < aftVd to risk #100 00 oach tu »f«etory fors|twwog and wwawf.and 'jto wa'or power catt easily be found. siilgJil a oh»nco tu tuse sn ok io the enter P T ‘*e. and ia a way that bobs could feel *t»y Utead la the uauertaking, f am d tha.t the ab<vo sum will pros auf c ‘he Kite, build the data and the necessary yUflioo«t>», and start l,O®0 «J*od»oa, with all the ateoinpanymg ntachteory. if we w.H go at Once to work and get the above number of men *« take SiuM of this business, »ud chose oar I):rectors, like a railroad coaipauv. 3 -bore will be oo need, of a ay man fesriag to go- into the com p-*tiy : and we can be making cloth i« less than twelve mouths. Now, if the vittzoua of the couniH-a “bare named,. favor the project, let ‘hero be a meeting called, and sea there eaoen.t bo- soaiv-tbiug ^nc. 1 poanbiy I will cap. attend t^ok such at a meeting '«"»"> .» u.aiH>la;tunng ts the lo^utog bu s»»c«. Sec the Amount of wealds and prosperity Nof'bcrn there. Some yiru ol iLc State* nearly all Urn bu«i Bass *-«• man uiae.i tire.*, and fondy all ibo money in Norm. It a rail road, or «*»*<» bond, is issned, it has to go North to raise raonoy <m it. I ^«bat there is tweoty-two and a ^ v»*de , f tu ilourgia a j«tr. J or l1 i he Value ct one yoat.» crop woatu 8t»< t .actortes enough to weave all the e. Hoo Stado here for many year*, y«t nearly all oat o tt »u goes a* ay to iftmo ether pare lo 1,0 *oiked up, aid we pay big . f.,r goods grumble »U F.ocs aud ti.o uuie - One bottom! years age toe , North w *s aa poor built »s «o ar«, but they formed ooorpanie*, factories, got stuns rtUl - u ® “‘J ” ai ^ l,wc .'•gj" e tnmb.iug at tli c Uritl. end sp.-ut our money 5 ^ ' ! * r * Jt: s. N w iho no ro is a f"' f olepbant on our bauds, and the «*• ‘b gtumohng at u about them. W« vm taxed lo educate the aegrn: ‘-‘Andes a a tb j tax be can, ami when an comes, he votes tor a tnao wot t0 ‘be manor bora. " b ,mva 1,0 n»a»ttf»otBties here but torpenliBe flm( iumber, uhich dt^Hoyv om °« r P t,Uol P»‘ e. When “7 ’ 1 1 *« •’ ‘ * f "” ! “ > m !ttuil - a!,u !; ‘" vc U: A ^unby id p > cm t ,u ' * :il :U ;; ”A tv,uu *^ jl * N>ot 80 i ^ &u l-bt4’.-«-ut tu» tt-Bdous wtavh mm ta..d U P u,e agnoultura! and all other i»U and will bring emigrants to the «bttotry, »su instead of om-huda going • tU u ’ tt ®bts an acre, they wni vwamjand irais five to te« doiiars an »5«* We havt very a«w grouutls to i0H * n!C Ul| dciiakii»^, aiul n I ^'\ e0 * of H r ' .»* «« *'»'» S' et 0IK t.iciery M»ri«'-t ami any ijfy tti) bindei ws.t<i* IH* t- with ht« huafe, a* ***** *»»' <,tlffit;U?tjr- (II (.Hlillg a pr« nmuB oti i A V ..loR.'fi VVlfl » ink iil* i - u>u * "O •> to fc «‘J- «, ami Work itKu U»c ' 1 * - U,Sn !!> A « il »’ AUtihctij l-’iA e«( !*d'. “WSj Call', iV 5* {>r dit t y he. os O w - HTAxaEcr. ’ H-illA V.m. N.;-riwiok. ■ NT ...... ' • iujr i*. ti‘»i. I knew tie Rud hcHpol r}i *^ ;e a>'v. ir-aanoi i P 0 &ftS ! fe*' teg; PAIN VECETABl.S KILLER ■ te te rvv'H i <=2t A Pt'RKLV VnfiKT.lflhE | Ig UKMKD* H»a W7MSAI AS® £STtS»,U BSt. !w*r'«Ww» L. ' ”;*» J* a tmre cure for « i ».!.« dtaaawa for Which ft. i« recoifimemiiMl /' «»i if a.Ways BKttrKCTLY ft.VFK hi She baud* ( . of eviW-i feu aiost iRexparienun* persona. * ir '' S «»»*'-* »»•»*<»> for ( Ol UWI,«t)RE f T S * i niliftAT, veltcf 1 r, the Cltir^ftft. tuest is*iU *,(.4 nimhfUr Sombs truChlf:* of DIPHTHKIIU, uIT Itait&ui [ ' tf u:t:;t aaJ * 1» t hv bMt k-m. a a sera, t, for BhvuanatlMa.aad Maorwlwta, I Th® Oido-st, S«at, and Nlost Widely Known 5 fj tt ha* Family used Motiiclne in th© Worid. j w«Ui «t>. h unmluful anceasa in all mr<° ftwm.! 11 r fB4*W, C IlOhRlU, IHAUBHOU, •*' '-ISKiTKIlV, end s»U BOU’KT. (XIMI'UISTS that it i* toUKi-.ietetl ait uufoduig cure for ttn-se tUseo»». M»» stood th® tost of Forty Years Constant Use in ail Countries and Climates. II If i* HSftl OMHES UEB by I’aylUUlii, Sllulonnrtai, ii! tWii M Vt*»as:« 1* „f IHsnwtluiu. War It •Shop*, tad R Faelwlw, Kara** tn H«raol«wla—in short try Everybody, I ’ lb *v«rywiM®-e* vrS» iw erar t;:v«a it » trita. ii |j I IT It IS should WITHOUT always D* used A RIVAL for Pot# AS (he A D*tk UNIMENT. * 1 IU t» »nrt Aida, And !..’(»*» epewly and permanent rcUef in all caseiof Umim, ■ CWA Spralna, Severe imm,fookh, *te. t &g m mm Vo many family pam «u its «*t m% la %M-terv tee wttkeat Uils and I*, ft will anmudly fcnags ! ! wi!?.;n |lo reach of ail. It < f* sold «»e., as pHcc » r at so*,, *ad |t pm ' hothe, and «ii hr. .fotnjaM ifawa all <1rug;g«tt. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proyidence. R. I. techie cote ty, Proprietor#, ■t- NEW Ain KRTISEMKNT? y % j. t p CM 1% sr t'-.S’ .'X: l - • . f; tu :\ ftom a Tr , >[>kAt u*f«r a*'. v»i«e, «ndis * wami* Remedy tom!) the l^ffiSr^SZ£SlJS£f&£ gSSKRItSS&S? AS?^fW ,„«jp liheiatu N«nrbiy M«n*t»u»H<wt« «wt ^ Mrtj &**JX.Au" , £ , th?i2S sr-'rr'-AC.'Stt.W hsS>, b rvtiiefly use w- 4rePr ' ( *aff otaiuues I ore, « ** « m*»,h a, n» »■ ■"•■'- Hwefceater, 3», V. Tie Marshall Boise, WITH ITS CAPA.CIOUS VESTIBULE, EXTENSITK AND ELLGANT «****«*> VEnAIVDAH affording 'udies ft fine view of the prome¬ nade, airy ant! well veBtiUted rooms. «vad * «, *» n.\ sc 1 IS PAl; excellence THE LEADING HOTEL Of SAVANNAH aeces4fenicd . t’s tb* !.-««>of whet *»■ forme.!j taown tb« FtotiJa Hog*<% ami h ; sup^Utd with *!«. ar.t fumilnr#, <.'arr-Hs, otc., SZ v«d forma a graud c<-H;b| ? -,tio.n un.'< r - Hit : JOHN ESN an. M avag«r To the Traveling Public! <-a»-a K . )St fcV ,, m> ,.. „ f f ;., ; Havin, ^ ato^l at tU M»,s Houa >llile iu nnt)tl i, r i c * t , , u ^ t «r rfnlty ) eBiinnio it as mrietty a firct-c!*** b<wg* in i it« ngporntm. u-s, wiid cnriv*.l«d excel j tence of its tabic, A> ^ou^n, r . „ .... , ^ at the Mir shall Uo-ise i.n t uiost «b.v»uliy rt com , a - ea d no the t»ave;ii-n» p.«Wie as strictly a firsf-eU« h'-M» in a’l its appoienments, and table l.y u- y. ■ Fn r . .,..„,. <s ._ 1{ „ vin . r t!j . tcnn«l ‘.t tl-c Mat { j sl.*u llaatfe xi. te ou »-v viuts to 8»vousah. s f oan most cbe«rfo‘!v rm-moumd the h one j . to the tra-.-ilmg publ-oi stn.-Uy a Urs | “ d *“*' ; Q m rjj,,, i ....... ; /; ..,, . ,■ j j j mv p fre.pi-t.>:> slopped at the Marsh*it aod . ■ Monte, *.«--mnau. aw m-swnsnd it t<> 1 the !r vei -s pabiio as oc«h Bt «. laid- | : -- - ............................ - * 1 Bk - iiflllSPVlIIIS iHf 1 1% 1 W \ * . !m! 1|SM!1S£JL11SL % Ojcby : %nn j /u | i bfntb v- i ft AY . J.| |J”E','r s -, ’\‘ >r ^i.UU.l , lwil <r-. '< - < ■ . . »..i j Aav»i»i. iMiVtnnv s.oN.-;,t"ia,..u»A.,i^ It xy Agfk-uHarai jo«raa.i Put»U»h«d ia ! ' the South." : THE SOUTHERN j , I FMMEE ’5 UK ! | A LAMM QPABTO ert -IS ‘ hmossmeijr pnn t ed. Aitajlwith eboteama<b KSrSS tteiiitrtm&m ^>r th« * Sf * ^ >tiS ' ' -d'i iattsat*, ; 3 Viatafeer *tr*at. S»* astaak, 4». nttmmrrk H-ptifft copy </ «n* SavttmA the i!W» Kae»" a j /**«," Ac it&Uvg na.tspaptr, of Sfrrxlaa fi , •r&f 'laity UU St*itkmst, tmt cst ■ V 8<a>l Wanp. Atidrm suatsm. ‘ I ATTEfliTIQN aOIH ISC BOYEKS 1 lilt SOCDS, KEW STYLES. SEW PRICES! \nnm% mn\ and ghiloiie^’s ciothinc* AT— KKNJAMTN TK LE\ V'S, 101 awl IN. i’oncrcs.v Si. conser JiAVitaw. Hatnaw-Ji. Ha t take this uR'thtid u> inform mv friends &ttd m*r’>u» that f am now i>repmv.| to exhibit *:.» larg-at an.I oompioto lit.o of SIKHS’ b-OVS, mi! CHSLDlH.N S <T'U'\ mwtmms wm, mm ato Tmm at asioaiahiag low prior*. Coard your int« re-t «nd ®»ve i»vBey by 'albug - r. h n . \ ItH and KM iVihsiri- -i N*r(”-i Mi-,' SS9 a ewjg g i SteE t aa ggasssw ' ii i aa g i > 0 WIIOLESALB DEaLBHS IN Dry Goods and m Boots and Shoes and (JESTS’ FllllSISilllfi GOODS, NO. 17 CONOR EBB STREET ■m -s Tfr :N, m| -a: yfi " C !»: G-i/iif I I ss __aaj, I * . |E EF ©, P . i T-s W& CVv >- i - lf e £.tf ^* ^-^* 7N/as;Tr>T’C'IE | dec 10-!vr patents obtained for new inventions, or for Improve¬ ments in oh! ones. Caveat*. Tvade-Matks and »H i-atcut business promptIv anemliwf to. ed OfKce, i.v us. and Beingopposi*e the v. 8. ! eng«g.d in I* t TEST tffSLSESS I 8IVPIA, w <- c*» st<cor«. patente in »« M U ‘*» M tb.» tt.ost- who arc h wow from wS- tola Stothe ^ *^Su ° Wbva lnvcolors send model or sketch we «n»k- search ia U.r. Vat. ut fjffic?. «».l advise to its |«-teotaHiity / re <y Cor so*' (*8VltUC V'LE.sV PITgXT iS {ip' niVEb for al :d.reams, terns, advice, be,, ts r , wnw *V' . ro w y;» rr,.~ ate, , b.i, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Oi* I hr 5„ s?» of A % »vff Hirr on t»*e \at t?rr, Treniinctit a»<K tadicai our« of hvutiu«l r iadnc«tf by SSf f A tmsf, Tii^ohuj taty Bmi^ionw, ImpHBiR-v, ti, and laipedimem* to Mawisg* g*n*nl)v ; Co-Hampltors. £4* le( *y, ami hit*: Meaia* h i\ iHiyaioal Ju^paHlv. ote. \i\ itobtrt Onlvorwel. M D author of the ‘-Owen hook." Ao Tins votlsi-recnwsi d « : ..;thor. in this admin bin lecture, t-Wio v p ov<sfr»-m Iusowh exo - I vu-DCt) .... that Sue »*He , , u.r)*w ipislu'CK of - abuse may be t S' retdal y reiut.v«-d wfihbu-' -Un/erons*argural suiucu opt-c r**«.,!-•*. i«-ni«i-.t ii. rln„ ««™,l ....... on, . ol cai& at i/rg& c*rtniti t ffv- vtaaT > b> which every scffttfer, nt msitir wisat hi» oyiiditJOB may be, may cu.e himself ehea; !> ; j-i'v <t<iy -mi rftthcully. GST This > f ititt j, o -1 a btt'inte.ifar, ■ sawtfr, ■Stint- tuidtr st-el, in a p!a-n envekpo, lo ; any address, on receipt of a cents, or two i poniftge A4stn»»«. ,t»nps ptihlPPer* ibe THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL C3„ 1 jonW-lrt ^11 I tin f*. oircri. box New Tvrh I ?t t.flftie , i mims vim fit, EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. one ThuuHimtl Oallara ttntt:- in Thirl \ W« body »*«>'*■. want, svery to write to tw for t It pati.'culare of a b«HU.-w# in which money can t.„ uttdo eawty, 1st i,«-t , and rapidly. We are aeliieg a U«u«ietk>d article that is needed by every family in the world. The prafita lo Apents are UK> t<> 500 per cent. Whether „>iuj want to u. age in our husint fw f Lt»», we mtf nipa-l valuable itsf.trnmf ton to \ n. Etthrr tallies or gents, tu* a e«n conduct aueeesfl'uUy, L will c at you <.nl> one cel I to write to oe. Do not uegt. ft ihiv oppo * l-tlitj. liie bcetuiWH is ! ti * au cu-. i ■ Foil p.-i i •!.•;»!s fr»A t.;, .a DUCK EVE 'IAN L FAC 11 aiNG ru.. ft vtt »ni M- riot., <Hrt,. FOUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS A m, £»*• Lett* sPowAms ftow.lers «rintwr« wtll and prevent lion Owv.siu »Hn*T»Powdsi* i.r-rant Oiroa Cue ^ «*•*«««» Wfteat" wtlllaermiM: «.c oroi nattaiakf-tsc »sm ft ?:nr Vusuv w:1I cure or aliaosl nvsui &»*ea*s tn vhici, |lon«s tunf ts*w« an, ufoi.-.-t twrrr* mrmum mu «tvws*»»«ric.~rio:. feu.UvVt.rywia.rf V'AVtT} jr&tmt, a. Pmwiftw, -BAUftftaiOHSi, JJ*. leli iyr HOLMAN’S PADS CURE THE ONLY SifllOiV TRUE * BY iMUMM Ih<nrnt«nn : l WSOfptlOil. Antidote, Ague, I*l’r^r »mt Siomat-h AQV ftN*4? - Wi ■• r M \ L a K! \ t Ron' K. U TOR f-uu! m’OM'JR T BL.ES. Fr.ic-0 $gJHL 2 to aw C-SiVoLiic awe?*, FrR’M fit OO. S i flclt—l?vi- -<uihbor$ wr.yR>Lth!g ■ . of EiiTvrgcil T.-iv#*' n't-1 unvjib an.J 'P r\i ■ mo 98 lIoDn uti'-e 1^.4 :—P «r ;iilro>: chiUB'fR: f'r>t-V' J * Hi*n-at l*n<l f t Klduev* vu..l j ■ BBuf-fn-r iVMiyt.Uii.Mn Prl.-M >*.<■*). Hol sws au* « 1. if rlike I*a<t K r Vcmni:. If HE't-n mrM **ai, A^kmarptive' (SI - tetel Pod* r Tt i«lpi!b''.rn8i'It‘ T--rc>v Ah* Wi ot\ hsr-hatAA: Dleihljtal b‘rie« SIt: otytiiv *>'< .,i Dtant, It* r a—S 'of rmtiB it utBlif e<-it tuidshig Ad.sli r.l r- ■U : c a:,.'Tsstb'-1 ft. Prf. A heorptloft salt—si*? for cottfct. - .* - v‘ r ./ p , ^f'r , oa * * Fh * AI rvti >; «*t!i is not, ** waitable * 4 mmt L*; aeut l*y .pTrejImltofora nt pftyat.mmr*!* "’Vadfltmlter “"‘"ff Si 1 fo»s« itnd o&ur to tm tri:b Hulmajtk. ^ayiTi^ ‘*Th0y U10 &*'Bow»rf? juI ^ uaefi heara “ f> to ,,n th e eepu »w that Psd the green ratv.tsi Rxvwon srsMPUf tir- Hoim»n i'sj i,*tni)|iauy w it j.* k ntRtvfed iS,",o.«f with citrome v ' - athnentx swid , a *:«». calve «».i **«;rlpw.>!i t*f 9ymjA*>n f s w hieii wli; re prompt and tare?-*.! arr«titK>t!, ■i-.T'? 1 « * 1 ^gSKn -’'’' 4 a-Hdev- iv »,V»» ircc. bud treatise r: (F„ O, Bojjc Y. 1!^/ fcr$ ^Yo r*e U®-, ,A iff* l oUltcillw geiuleniau. ‘‘t for fet.,»i ; .ify f i or t>y Idled by all hairdresser.-? ToWferfAliOKrt’' 1 ' - ... 83 William Street New Vortt o 27-6 .• sostwick ClANT 1 ^ j a, n DlN3 StM* 30@L fe. JT«s >n fl 4 | M N%Hp£i | j WS I i this WONOfe-WPUL 1MPROVE0 i llf wJP811^lc j Vrt rr^ : sr : ^ Every Farmepand Lumberman need* one. Fttt* * V’VSSMKK oet 13 wmm atm Send cHrte Atm--‘i of Jnvui of county it eta. hir -<kv pa« ». EPHR4iH BROWN, lowtf, , ., ."'' r1 « vr For Sal«. Ten kits of gat*? iau*.! comi ty of VVavna. fytuto of tJ-t.-omia. For, apply t*> rp i. 1 l*irnjeri£bB ) , 'sip. On S. R. Il:ii-i:is,, »«v 5 S» vTvv» j v i f ,\ £:^ uil '' r - c(u yt '' unis n. uiijii'ii Aliorney k Ommselor at Law AND souemm tx e<ji irr, .ii>i i’ ( >:uiit;it. "Will practice in the Courts of the Brans wick Circnil, acd l,v apwcal cortrnct k> oth cr Gowrts or the HUtc. inolnditig tic state Huprotne Conu. tnhm Hatisfiictery ref. nr.i os ghen in ad «:•*.** immti, J tari-lvr " THOMAO G. HUMPH Commissioned Notary Public , and Ex-Officio J*. p„ )!‘i'»3Ui Blsfpict f. m f B'ajnt 1 C«„ cat. Courts h* Id in tuo Coaft I! nsii first Sst-anlay iu escli znuirtb jnnlt; itr a, & ATTORNEY \T I. AW, BLACKSHEAR. GA. lVacUoqs regularly i u the eonnlisn Tom. pms, ni? the Brunswick Oi.ruit, ami j„ a,. District aid Oiicuit Courts of the Put* ,1 rn«te-* *1 Hvvauush fat the Southern i>is trko of GdOTgis. »p!14 iyr O, F. Mabut. A. J. OfrOVATT* MABRY & CROVATT, Attorneys at Law, Bbcnswick, Okoigia is'x.'ssz? rS^SWKS»VWK‘.Sg? (s,s:"'“‘ ck 8 S: >■“>»' i tj r W1 NOBLE, Dentist, HUl hsllKIH, and Kospectfully inform* the c l z m ti* Efin-tte da adjoining eoawtm tbM it- is ,.rei.;.red to «ii kinds of wmk known to bis pro <i'its)i, u . Teeth extrsciivf wi-liout- pkjii by the use of nitrous ox de (or laughing g m). v\ ork warranted, and it is low pi ices »s »•«•• r e done elsewhere. Sjiiti! further ootfee, I wll spen ? one wo, k m ve«k oath. u. Lronswiek: iiHxith at *h« ?d fartt.wing vv.ek pkilMS : t*» -l eek in Haaiehtirst 4th it. Jean,.; Id ; week in jfiaefc. ear * muyii; tn die ’CTimitry saktcwno .Ia-V. ia --• i»A-r ji’NT :i,i » watdij came*. a proof, teati (Inf fitiiow-iurr; WlttiaOn*. Md , MitreSi Sih. . '•b'.’ dRjh Utrti, It bEtiUiL ■rtisi'X . wcui“ •1. i. 1; Kd. illni ft.,;.. THi ... ha Part'd,-, i ltd,, .M Si , u- x’Iud-i §r -)*|h• Ja n HaU'.ls : Chw • IBiRilv -fRD-TscM LV H»*d wear a. , - - --I v„ , n .„ )c aB-iain as «■«;;-«* i.-oioc. W. EJ. (wit! Prt-p: t.furlkr, Onr Ih t VIoUmv. t«.. l-Vb -KM. t«M»i w.tveT! iUm-, mmmgm 1 - <*»» wrrii-a » 4as. B, (w . «w«mt and rhccrinsij -ars :wt it caiuwt 1st LiAEit•-• hi ifi iV. y Wily state ',k \ i<i n > - 1‘tlh- h »» H0|i t header. , • .,.-((“el! >V»,.tka, Hi?., Mania $ib. IS8!. [ have am j »„ soy that Ilia ):.«■ - wan (h ai is rutircty aatDGictoij, being tn cvtrv re V 1 '-! J!t»- as MprcMilited. |> l* a {K1 1,-ct ta-allly. Ed. and i’lop. Irtajui- t;,,. Tj, 5W , H Alurch PHh, IK.SD, T-h<* • wnfei'.it • J hrsve <»f yiri.r jmvkc i» u* tYc wny ft' tvu^fivfi 05-}: it f>* «. ;• -. 1 »n: %: Kil sj.J rrt)ji. Torch oftiiv-r »y. Tie.- aitovf. arc ts«iftt:«r ; -ra in t»jcb»adrtMl*of.eil.i;r 1 ■-.....■-- 'srcLii- Mr i.'s«i«td . ;(*! j.arts of 1(5(1 ddurd-e i- U-.c oijy -.(jafeot fit-:- i-aartfe of Two P!«U*» «»l Wotld L ul it. It i-i '.ViirpHVh-d l..y tj,! 4s# Soar (fcfe-ler for i]:«*tr!«.;:ib mf-rtogactkijilaJiasi*- mB dentripifat, .L,i. - - — - - - —-i~ ............ ............. ....... THU EKNi JNE ® jl yr w m fe w jk vr> rs ia ia •ii ti , : Jkk! |. M j.ri ft f il M?’* - 4 t ^:i;: • mm mi 'Hie U!]tlf*rsi^m*il informs the ‘‘‘BZt'OH (> r urn! i surmumi- , t <*. j | *°g ooanlry ..ill (hat he ha accept ' ; ia . a tor , the above , an Turney !i:un< ” , mat tm0, a H i ,rc - pared to furnish them on rea* Mimtbto terms. All in ricful of n. iitafliuio t}iat !:? ^JKST-l LA> n in PVCTV res}K*uf? would <lo well to afuil ilseniselvcF ci' ihm opfinrtuuity, Noctllfft. Oil and Attach incuts on hand. i l 11 h\I TI) J IlAIAllt' * Jtftsuji, . (.ia, ^ sfe r - |i “ 1 tSwusBAj, Mta.ttua'a Owe, i '»V 4». May V!3, r niij” On m* rnm SUTjjDAY. ?j*y rfird, i’asu^ftjr Ttmua ou this Hmut will -ran m ' lUovt.-. NIGHT HKPlUm M-wc HavaiusiiU (bisly at 1do p m Arrsvt, at 3m .up . ;*'> p m A f a t vs- at TbOtt»B»v11le 11 «;!# tt m Arrive Arrivti at Baiiibriitge Aflsusy “ ltfcS| IhSO a m at <« a in A-bUi at Lin i')nk “ n ru «t 'lVll«ba8i?j-t. -> T.’rt® a in Urivt. H t .Uu-kHoundc ** 7 M a tu i u-avu rtilvt ‘ Jur.kMinvdle T«l*»»»«••••.-a *• ti mi p m H'livfe Live Oak &:$> p m 11 li: IS p ill .!*>»** Aibm-y “ t:00 p nt U«.Vu 4:1*1 ji ju Leave Tiiomaaniia u 7:80 p iu licavt! Jwt.p *• » ia Arrive at K. vaunnb >• bsfiO»in ... Noeltttige of , car® between Sevcanab ^!vilie and Savannah »u«l Ludiuan ami AiWuv ; Palace Wocpnig i « ft4 daily be I tweets Hkvannab uud daetUMmvilla. Btuepteg e,*is run through w art! from Savannah and Alhimy, and J.-tckacinvilic anil Albany Without charge. Fawwgers fn.-sn Jtevannah for .Permiudinii, Gainesville and Coder Keys take Ibis tram, Iv-e.-gc-m lor Ucrteu tiske this train. Fasaetigero from 8av»unah lot Hntnswick take tb« urate, arrive at Bruoswick 0 «, a. I'luweugu-a leave Brunswick at s.uo n m., art■vo at »mvmvab m. (daily f*a»Hfe«ig«f# loavieg Mm-,oh at 7;X6 n, m. vmh inctiuiiag Hitucbvy) at J,aup Bits tram for t iimda. Passengers lrouu Picirjdn by (hi.-,- train cont.-i-et at J«*op with train arriving u, M» 000 at J>. in. (daily lunhidii.g JSuoday ). I 'u,?.—t-1 at A'tmiiy aiiti i a-.t,* i trains both ways on Mmubwest. ru to urn! iroiii ila. on. Eulaidn, Monlg..m«ry. Mobi.e, nvv> tUU-nun, otc, M.-.U Stua.-nt-r loaves Bktebridgo for Apa laonieoL. Columbus every Sunday and Thursday t v, m , >»S; unlay lor afle-ttriKUl. tveiv Pavaday and Hat Close couth cLitia at JaekMmvilie daily (SulidnjR ex-raptvd) for titetiu Cove ttprrings, ■St. A ■ iistin!*, l-'aiaika, Lntt rpriae and all latutiuga ou St. f obit's river. trams on If. ft-. A. U. if. leave junction gijirm tt' -t. at ii.:; / a m., and ! 1>r i>ruhawKtk »t i:40 p. a-., daily except buudsy. •i brongb Tn ktfth sold ami Sloephtg Car Bt ribs wemed at BranV 'ticket OlBae, No. TJ Bull Street, and at Ssvanrab, Florida A. Western fiftiUr.j r . ACCOM A1O0ATION TU AIN. > D.VlMlDN. —E.VHTEUN Ijoare Havimuali, Sumlays excepted, at McIntosh 7:(*i v m Leave '• y to B , Eesve Jeaup >• i-_e :} ,, „ Leave Bluokshesr *‘ Siiiit. ti ui Arrive hi Dupont “ '7-00 o ni i,tave Dupont •- 6.,'lU a tu L.-avs if.a<Uo»h«ar “ 0;G0 a oi U-»v« Jt««p ** Eyti p m kr.'SHSSL* :: tZli 1 Wl-STMKN DIVISION. Leave Dupooi, Sundays exeepH-d, at Leave UAH) ft m V a Id out i* : «;17 a m L«f..v B ti: I a 8 m Arrive i-.t 1 boinasviltn : U’.fkl Ui Ij»» ve Ttioiaasvitie S 5!j#0 p Ul Li Csomlla t 5:’iil p m Arrive at Albany : 7; 15 p m Leave Albany : « m Lei Vr Camilla : 8:-IS ft ui Arrive at 'll tsnjBsvilia : 11:,Id S m leave Ti oiuiovillc : 1.1-> p m IjOa Vt: Dsttttiiili : 3:6:1 p tu i, ,- uv, Valdosta 5 0:1 7 p ID htivi' at Dupont 5 7 ;Hi! p ni J, S. Tvs k, M st« t T«.*.-<s{.wrislioii. il. * v . iiAINEif, Con,, rouble daily TO AND I;’hOM FhOBI 0 A. Macon w & „ „ Lvunswick Railroad. , ftet* i ft '■ < f N. IdANAftEtba Osrvtcs, I Mr.elm, Ui,, April 2!!, 1«HW, > j OL and a i I T Sunday, May 2d, iLsd'-tiger ft iiuw t n ibis road will. i-an as follow : | COW.iiDAXD I’OUTK, via Bvursedek, : XHlStlT TAHSBKliEH, N->. 1 t?o»lh Daily. Lf.'tVf Mat t M . .... 7:4u P. M Arrive- at CovUraP....... .... ‘.hit p. AD Arrive at Litsuumi.... ...Hi r. r. M* Arrive desiipt.......'. .. , H:‘i7A, M At , iv,. lit utlHft it:it, . . , . .... A. M Leave Brauswiea j*:r atuuiJt-r, . *::ir» a. M, Arrive bVrftiinliua .... 10:1.1 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville . . U»- V. M Arrive Cedar Keys.... ... 8:.,', f. M. NIGHT LA.S-ENGKL, Nn a. North, Daily. (a-ave Cedar ihys ..... 5: ' , A, M. Leave JiackaObViUa..., .11; 15 A.M. l.tttivi» T-. i-uiiiidilm per atcauer . 3: It 1*. M, Arrive K.'ujuiwick............ 1-krr.uawit.k.,.. 7,15 ! M. Leave ........... k.oo.l*. M. Leave Jcsup. ....... ........ 10:.’.A }’, M, Anivit Kio-iwit)!,,......*........' r •" t A. At. Arrive IVcftiau., . -!bh; A. M, Arr.vetii M.icou............. 15Ho A. d. Otete eennfotten at Macon tr-r all potnm North, East ai d West vi# AUaiilu and An g - i«. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. SI, SSoalli. Vi# JtKisp aud Live Oak—Daily except 8'o’Ay L‘ v« M ,ioeu, ... ..... (Ida A. M. Arrive 0‘oebran.,. .... . Drf.N1 A. M. .tTv* ji mp".". . . , .It*.27 V. M. ... l\ M. At-i i cit *? *xskm*'& vUir,. ..... 7;2;> A. M. No. 4, NOUllt, Daily * sw*pt Huuday. l*«v» jeanp............ ,iatk».>»viiie........ MuV. m. L rive .. ., f ‘.'fi A, M. L av>‘ L»klIIUMI-............. 2:121*. M. i. av«c« M *hwiu.................. • a.:»*.ti>. m. Arrive HtHum....... ......•-,... ti:Id i*. M. CftBiieut-t at Macon for iwfnta NtrUi. K»»l it UVKINSVilJj: JSKANOII. Freight tnd Acco«>ni<vUtion- .D. ily, t locpl h till d»y. fieitve Coflirau...... . iffttwi r. M Arrive at !Uwlu->imil«. ... ID:4i l*. M Leava ilawkinavillc Hum A. At Ar.-ive Cochran........ i-L. A. M. e»,«u eels at Coci-.rim with Trains So* i and Mtul from 4:1 aeon. Leave Ciiehran------------- liawkmsvilife. . '.l.lft A M. Arrive Hi,do A. AI Leave Hawkiuevilte. . t-M I*, M. Arrnv Cochran...... 3 W l‘. M, Connects at Ooclii tu wtlh trains 3 and J to and front Matron. •I\> M ED'V\H1>A, 8u| t. A Obd. MauVr. W. J. Jsavts. Master Traov, l MONTH iraaranteetL *13 a hi> ut Inline made by tb<- ratltta tuii'.is. I’apilal not ri *« will atari you. Mm, votnen, boys, sad girls 'tiafee money last- r at work for ns than a* anything eta*. The work is light and pica* - act, atul such as anyone can go ?■"” at. 'flttrae who -tr,' wiM* wilt) aea (Uir notice will raw! us lh«ir .idtireseas at outu* aotl see for ihetuseivtis. Coekly Outiit and tartus free. New u the time. T hose already at work ara Address Tlii E A CO., Augusta, Maine. jauaii-tft