The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, December 22, 1880, Image 1

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w w m n w rwii i|[»i||i,, Tie Jesip ©a®# itt the , tests ft Him**, fronting on Cherry street, two far# front Broad to . PUBLISHED EVERY WE&S&SDAY, BT T, P. LITTLEFIELD Subscription Rates. J'tMftage Prepaid,) One year ms ®* month*... .... *•**■»«*#* *;*■** » I.P.MH J, ,. . t; Three amnia*,.,. .................... Ad v ort i suing Kat. es. Per square, 8<as insertion. 1 Per tMjaan*, v.mfe subsequent foaeltfea. Wrtimtw. ittNSperis,: re-tea u, yearly and i«r» aj, TOW If .DIRECTORY. tow* osthcbbs V*fht-w. H. *w«. , b. W. vitr'c - , • .......... ‘ (T'JtTY 0V*toX#* Shtrifis-J 0{dlHSry«-iy<tiisi-d 0 Robiasoa. M Mcpp#. Fierk Superior Court—Btnj. O Middleton T*x Reotiver—J C ffaioher. Tax Collect* e —W ft Csumjf. Cfaaaty County riurveyor— >W D Scott, T?s»*ttr«r~Ji>h* M*»vey. Coroner —<) Kaisht. Superior renji, Wayne ct> aty- MarGn ' (itntt.tJ, llershon,«tidg*; Se*r.«Mi« Slfaon held % Uitob, ijolleito^ i* H»‘«h on fatirUt Moads; mi Teptemlu t. 13 A X I- F , Ci IX > Ita 1A. ACTUS-. Co UN TV 0*HC«ES, Slwrift—I, Ordtaary—faiiss f’cefc. A. Cr«*fev... H Ttemanr-.y On»*ty Cltek—W. W, Graham. Tax JUmsiver—j. , Weathetiy. J. Bavin. Tax. Collsetn'—Siiaa Itebenou, f'ouoiv Gurooar—!. Johnno*. Comtr Cttu - taiaaionsMi — B. McKtshuj, J»hn O. Hart, Wm. <3 Stawart, Jamt* War* sock, Iibam Cuter. Cuaulytownoi , caw.n-.JJte?-. i; t\ fimmh i. v‘- t| mm, i . tk .r: Ordinary—1 t Hatelier ' K * S ’ M «— Join i Breuk*. Clsrk—J« W. Beaton. Conn Calaudar. Kehtiv-Sewad U<»dsv« ia Mired sad ttptsiD Appling—Third her. Ifoaday •sjgsarfaw... in March and Wsytts-Fourth Monday m Msrck asd VMHsmlNsr. OmLTm *'”* ^ J * MW * 3r , Arn M,i 'War* -Sccord Monday in April 1 and 0 O lobe*. Cineh -Tuoday after third Mc»d«y i» Apul rrod Oe;ob*r. April Cotfee—Tuenday and after fourth Monday in Ctewber. ' camdea-T t esday afterseewid Mi in , S“ ;33J ■■ Glyan-Fourth Mooday in May and No v«tut..#r THE J,hM llimrn I 11 SIOdNlte /’fell0171 Csrae gre*v Ml Ctwrry Si*.. JE8UP, CrlCORO 1 A JaMttM Ait»B «9 and Quit, »r.d ilnesa *a 4 Bran*, wick toil K®*tls. Hie * ti •OUilC i fee triTrtiaa public U dittetedeA Che laAai- seiamtu Ti.- ioemh mui Aifmilj *!.t vraua v.i ti«vu* i mmU r,VJ?£Zi uwiati, itiwwm to K®i»tt, ,'taa T43 *nit o#!a ■ ttiij esit*f o# & lesfi.ij, HuaittdittdfTfliiii fvvi ■>-,#* .,, Jl s tfi-tt •, , f- to tn*projwfaaat', ittttktt ao pttmia ,..,.,,,.4 It ,<ju*l 1* tll« liM "Slits »»!!« ; >ill Biot* <Jags*,e is, an* troaa liiceiaSS U«j C T, p. tlTTLIFlUB. f/ow : «a« A Led Note, In 1740,-, :i d)rector of the Bank of Enghuiii he lost a DiOJKK) !muk note, which chimney-pie was porwmukd ioul fallen from the •<' of his room into the fire. The, hank ilm-efors gave the hwer a Sflftiad bill, inii*t; .hfe 'agreement to re¬ store the first bill .'-iioultl if ever be found, or pay the nioucj if presentoi Ly¬ nn; stranger. “Alfeiut thirty years nf b-nvunlyh-iavs Mr. Fviuici.s, “the director haring heeju lmtg dead, and his lu-im in ,.nwiscssion T his fortune, an unknown person 1>iui|t -and pre-ented the lost bill at the demanded payment, ft was in vain that they mculioijetl to this (mr* son the traiisactkm by which that bill wins ttnnullt 1 ;-Lo wonld not Sisb-n to if. He imuutai'ted that it had com* to him from diatc abroad,' payment. and Tho msi»te<l u|«m imme note was pa vablo t“ tkarar, ami tho T10,<xK) wom*paid him. The heirs of the director would not listen t > any demands of rcstitnttein, tmd the ba. ik was obliged to sustain the loss, i t w is discovered jifforward duu an wciiito ;t, having purchased the di¬ rector’s boom, fakes if -h,w ti ia order to build onoUier upon 'the same hail found IV note in the crevice of the chimney, and n:.ul- his discovery an engine for robbing the batik J’ < hristmiis 1 b Norway, In the ratmntaia dfetriete the «fe; is kept with, hearty hospitality All work is atuipniKfed for thirteen, days. The en¬ trance of every honm m decorated, find the walks of the kitclien are roughly odarnfal with gatuiy picturea, fanUusti* ttlly out Chris,T-c painf-vl in water colors. Through¬ and Omataufe Ifey the n.e-n ^-making fe potiroly dome-itK-, restricu-i: to the member* of each honae hold. .Not. even a friendly ri«if is paid On the foUpwfcig day* the neigh boro as acmbfe at each other's hnmee by tarns, for oarou arig No regular rami' fa pro wkd, but open bonoa is kept, the fables richly gt-r is pemiittod r] rea*i U >x to all leave < otarre. the house No steam until he has partaken of the strong Yule alb, which a K«rrcd tip in true Norwegian faohioaj ettubm. cask following cask m vapid sue On these- occassmfe tffia semuite eit at Die same table with the host, his wife sari fain iiy, -m me immei in their gala attire of rich colored cloth, trimmed with gdid add afar braid, ttwi wearing; cape* and aprons of brilliant „ H»vWi*4 B *. .. 'Suffer , fi _ httk- ,. Ml children klt , to come u atom* was the Chmtmasf great four.der iid of the gladsome feast .4 il is to His tomor that s« uphold the feast *sd ^bidden the lieartw of the little ooax lielovtd m dearly, ft is » pfaasnse, a bright holy vdt&awe, to make their mam m<*tom«ssc*jL *, their laughter ckeeriet and ly cek-brate Obriittmftft n# all. Itoy. then, proper A (bmamiKH turkey in the h &u d fa -Ttortfc two ia the market, 4 VOL. V. " ■tWAt THE M«;i«T BEFOBK niRIST. -mm.” Kt nmi* rxwrasrk *Vifh so-tt i» tsale vohrsnre, hr «avag». winds hatted. 3‘be »%ht t'tire* mss b« Vrawt the wild wM: now so it* inAse* the little ones bark Where she jtorsrry nWt,* loci* forth m the stork.' While w-eMIe sgstef lb,- Sjii-fc Sifoft it! i‘m ejty Those i*tamt«9M of sttfiw-ciMid p**> tnacryttut by, ho■br.sitii i-J the children **u|« tort n Alterterm * mat «w the *rt vapory whirl of the «m iiogr iS'-ftsttes? . Whists watiowtfigtriwlw,.f (»»!•; Rifghty pr<sii*tt»tseijattue-- horses that pram*; T® -COW they fiJssiro »sis»»geftpere, w.hflSebKfa 1* bent fir tm weight of « ts.micrcms peek, A ad tltvaminjg Sjt fr-ofi of him.'fdxtBer than fi*y, The board of Kt? Rftngte Hiss? Wairn ocean spray 1 Ab, toppv TOVttS dtoiiuttas. trjfiiing dMUmu m ns y« will < TSm.ujji, ■■inmioi; St, y'icboijL- to fill, *:utry fust*, with Imocrolest trrxfi, *1M I f'.* Sicckiap test you delttSfe*, ban* mantel or \M ’ Anfi yant 0 w.It filropln'i arms, gain wbiic yy.\ ran o, iifutwrT cUariBS ! Tuotooti witt r-aJilr•* h»ofi mar aai-tc Titormt vsi'i of fyaef who*# filament# t'fifih, Like sh<; tilrnsi sh, ttoujHiiink to the .rose's red youth, •Himst- n» diiapjwjtotniroi. life’s aettwi truth! — *tnl »et. darbBf smiots, content in run erood, How bbsi W#(V jour fate thatuvurr, mired, l! inch (Ilsenchantownt on earth left behind jwch i hat a to pteidwst.muU j.iace ol your *» Santa awskenlof. Claus, to wnmffct lad from » Y-W toe that- eaginii’ fosx, fond, rigtlMst, tev* proud ! — sseer mirth l* to bring, Bbe arnfrow shall rise, »*w iotu latialiter. new light to tmir vsmi A Christmas Tableau Vivant, __ m wa*ri» au rnrnmmiL “dfimsiiiem!" tt Wits a favorite expletive <,f good Deacon Darks when exeiteraent got the -tamping t ' into the house, slammed *be d u fetter him and starred up the faro until rise hickory blazed and roared like an KH-iMn-ut yokriino What i« tho matter now. T , cxckimed, pansiug in her baking hands op<-rati‘>u.s. wiping the flonr lr in hw uprai fan huge aptm aud iowwriijg.hcr h'-r obtain gj;i."s.“: from her ioVidicud to nose to a better loofe >if l-:-r husband and satisfy lmrself that. h« had *T ^ "’ K u»s* "Why, day after tomorrow is ■ Vbmt- , "As if 1 didn t know that! , ,, „ fi ivca’t I fa' CB making prcmiraboun f< r it for morn thiui a w- ck? Catch mo without nun<v>-pks and fried enkee auu.-t.:; berw of i the good thing* Mreuriy prepared. *A ml I never thought of ti until just now -\wm no butsy. you know,” he guilty apofagiml, a# if n/reality ar*u«>’, he had been of some great “Well, it don’t mutt-1-. Jib; end I »®d :■■-■ Minerva «>£%, will be home f mm tenchliig schcol. Pixur cliild! how she must suffer tbia weather, sleeping ia cold room* Aud like m not withemt a feather-bed and “ItK all her own fituH. Hsanah. The gcsid and Lord knows' we have plenty fur m i half a dt>WB inure, and if she will .. ...... liuttnctiiig into 4M.3L, the metre ‘‘ the ‘•ho from bt Jong, room, golden shaking ourfe’ snow r Strid inmiif up to Li i father, fairiv limotiK t-ed him for s motneni, with kfesc-H ami then dartett uway, laughing, to her mm fete r, twined her arms .ii>out l.-'r neck and greeted her as warmly. “Tor isiih m!” exclaimed the old man m voon «i.- lte could regain life bi.-mh, though a Ids >fJi h.s hoi,! -t face flu dim with ji.?y hi* and daughter lips quivering hwfeWi with emotion, h ’’ was m the apple of life eye and the one thing upon earth altogether lovely. the “My ford dear, mother, pmimis Drub,” wbfeperud with busy through tears of happi firiss, the as lit bio fingers she removed gloves, jiuuity clip, furs, cloak and “to think you have com*- safe- 1 ; *iu k to ini* much- uaM’i: iy r\ — t * “Now,” lutermpltsl the,girl, “J should hkc to kuow; what father was t-Okiug about when I cafaiftin.” '•So uitexpectod.” said the mother. •TYti did nut took for you until mw i ight.” “Oh, 1 had a chance to ride home, r>«'r- ” replied the girt, blnshing, “mi got mission to let. out school. But you were talking about me, father?” “W(> 15 ,.y«»,” he ftusvveitel, with a mer¬ ry twinkle iu hfe eyes, “and l was about to say when you oars* rushing in like a young bear.....nbi -ut to sav, though rabid, I didn’t.....that if yon kept on teaching other peoples by,'its you wouldn’t have at.-ugrh to te.wh yonr own.....when v. ■■ gni them/- and he faugheil loudlv at the chaogod expression of her face. “For aluimc.” rcsfwnded Minerva. “Bui 111 pay y<»i for that, father. Be meinfair, I sis a young Italy impunity/ now. and y ou can’t joke with me witti as y ou twice did. ” “A yoifflg lady? VYlmw* And l sup¬ pose feftf some imumise young troublo gectk-uiau put hiia home to through the cold and to bring you storm and didn't forge* to collect bill at alt the Viridgos Aren’t yonr lips sore, (laugh ter? ” Tho girl colored still more deeply, and bustled an.untl to help her mother set the table for dinner, that she might e c»l» i ho teasing- 'but fa r father enjoyed it tori Jiiuch, and asked i “Wliowaa it, child? Seme »f them vetipc-gnu e clerks trouv Beaverton, 1 11 b» bound.” “Y«m .know .1 never nsoodate with them.” ^ she rospmtded indignantly. “Mi . frank ElBtfiuijA brought rac hotiM*,” - “O—b?” with a low whistle, “Yds. he fe a nice . ami _ black proper young man, and has s-uch pretty hair ana eyes, and teeth »» d moustache and such white hand*, and sings like half a dor«n angels sad wa»is so gently,” and the old gentle man arose and rtxottodmuicinglv around StoSt” tho room in toSto barh-me imitation of the Minerva could not but faugh, gli&d y©t pre tending to fake no notice, about „ the dishes, and , her . mother «^ -know, wbcto the sail young her *stber, man was. m«sw«rtng n t *°* ”? Br » •' puik and HP 1,5 > cotton JTriruoed m mm wai “^J,***^g»*mw»ed.' emogne sno pot him He will be hsie r ChKsstrems Eve. m “ltrr;,dA^u Lt i-are^fathen ,": 1 U invited Iknewyou would if ^ them," JESUP, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1880. " Not I,' am*ete& the oh! hiau heart ily, !ite broad atid ta-kxag ti»e drew’ curl j bead lu«» m<l itw-ml painae he ti>e her teadwiy to rosy mi ('itisisdcsl cjteefcs. You are trr.iv oar one Iamb, fend V< everything tiisl will some right, d«y be yours, It s, ton perttvtlv and will be pieplant to have the boaw* filled with tinu*. yormg That folks is »ml 'how have Christmas a tfkumug, merry be kept. ” ought to "Wo are going to have fabkaxx vimnfr. -mi one of them, will surprise yon, fatUar/’ Ha was UiatyilretMly, atul had about a-s mneh uf eoaceptioft of what was utf.-iulvd as the lucid (?) t iplanatioa# of Her. hurt Spencer of the Uurwmui!. theurt. hud for hint to have repeated the words cidld-Would with the Prencii have been accent utter given in-,) !«• ajssi- fe|s an Ifibi}, «> he pretomied knowledge, his head sagely, gav*- a very ’.knowing wink, .but kept silent, and snon foima that prewing businoss mjaired his at> sonee. But the doting mother w#s taken into full ounSMeiwe »ad she and Allstc.rva bml a hmg, earmsit and flpjmrcatly de»q’.l% intaysfing comersstticn upon the jc«'t - -one that eonBuued for over an hour;, indeed it had not concluded when the old miiii ret urned, for he caught the ijitme i.l the minifter mui asked f^VS^ 4 ° hMV lhmiM “Ob, sLi, just because dear I like him, Ld and hfa Wife is a old lady. thev will la* wtvhmelv on weh’a dav, with their ebfldran all married and away from home Sol thought you would like to i>:£“^ for* “Hold on, mercy’s sake’” ex churned her father “or Von won’t have breath enoturh left to eat wm dinner and that would to*, verv bad:- “ But you wanted to know, and--” “ iWonable You We told m«sufficient, to satisfy a»v mortal al man ” he 4 he took lm place the table and Ix-gan loading her plate as if she Inul been' hi danger Dinner of starvation for a month. over—it was one of tho sub steutial, old fashhmed -kind, though the mother had added the richest of dessert dtiiieacks to tempt her chud, as if there was no siii li thing Itescon as dysjarpsiii in the land- and the took an easy ohaji by the broad hearth, pipe a«d lietween sni»j«’t tbp- .envliug doudwof smoke resmned the of th« laombig oou ■versation. daughter*’ “How many h« qbMituuied. arc vou going to have, “ All the lioys and girls.” “Boy* first, every time with !,/laughed. your sex, mid girls with the other.” but all means howmanv? “Well (reflectively,) from fifty to sov emty-fivo. ” • ''Gracious! the old house will acarndy hold them, and w-U! be certain to be tom l t"IH., mother, *h« a detu-?” iwfoctly miaflyil. ar.-.u't you and a look of under £fe.^ “ d “ Then nil 1 have to do is to help thr rici along, for riot it will be with hv many >iAin:,inters together._ But what was it jon s»u: you '.orre going to have? * *A tnblw yevaag, was answered with the laofHiwt {faeeeble h reach aepent* ■ An yes, I Rwuiber, , and , no doubt “ fSS !i5 -T vo« will find it solemn father” * ’ “Yes, res “ and faurful she should * f fit?” T A K ‘ l T zh { U " r ‘; sSmU v |, 'l >(lt,n11ed - ‘* 'Well, fj e< st will ‘ -'f, take *!* ,J, a V lot " to ,J feed '; so many • to.iysand gkk ’devour They am always hungry, mi can more than so manv wolves. Bo Hannah I fear you haven’t provided me ’’ “You are right, “responded Ida wife; “«n«* oar pet told me about her plans and how would be here l have been cnlculating.” “Well thev shan’t t,i/«».iSits go awav hun<Tv «u*.a™» R (hem. Hi have Mike kindle a fire under Sffl S t ttle i“ * r Tt (1 k ^1 hm \ im Cl : $ Mi k bnnth to help drees them, and when to .1 :Ttfi \V n « “Ob! how much I .“**«*« ,fund ............ *Itoerva, . xwpnl»»vc»j spring m%> h»- «de atf immg lnm. “Ion arc- tlie kimlcvt and Ixjst father m all the W °o»h ’ AB talk, , „ he , langbcih , , , though rare pleasure was visible in hia face, “and you 11 get. married *c«ne day and forget h i a.N<ut me, the wind chop around more suddenly. ssut £.v“S 5 tixet dr^ Kg iSTyouneX’! btosh^'u s StiSSS aUritrht XS23&L* and nroisn- and the »Betoalcs,n- natorni con “Then,” asked she, archly an coquet* ishly stendurg thniM before him with one little between herml.lipsm mock miHlefety object and has..fulness. • \,m wouldn t to my getting osmut? i ■ an. * 8^*.*°, M hy should a «:-v if I. k b< 1 A K t human b odwtrux* heart, ««<1 eBpccrndy of yow sex, without love, yotrr “tM^goodJalTwlmm whofa lieart, and w youca“w ho loves you with the ; same, for I am old-fashioned enough to I in such things, and IT! not only ffiw my cmwjmt but my blcsaing, some i wedding haviugfor a start in life, ami > 8licfe » as will make the old 5 rafters *4nd ring.” ! blooming feuopcse, girl, father,” questioned the ! half way between smiles andteim ‘‘supuusc Kfu, it should li' i.i ,7 Humph: ‘ t I 7T donT know. T He is— „ ; Just as nice a young fellow aa over nved. interposed his wife. him .“Yes, but-- yes. ’ I can’t say aught against “I know, laughed Minerva at hi* con *«•«?»: m.™** «*** uch to fl,aM “** UJ ’ ” M ,0 ° “ ’ * *T 1 believe >W von are 816 rioht cWdl child it Bat *T 1 n must provisions. iffa saul.scc..fth<Bit Oraciousf an it extra will supply 1 fortu of :hj irate if we don’t have a famine.” He wiped away tire mist from lus old daughter eyes, brought thereby the thought to"whistto his had mrggostwl; tried bravely with down touch the of very rugged situation olo<iuenee he hail de¬ me fended, and hastened to call his man-of nll work and give him iustmetious. “Yfi rierva has qoinc back, Mike, ” he? said “and is going to have some kind of a blow-out on Christmas Eve, She calls ita ubl"i vevnught, or something of the kind. “A fwiiftt ?” questioned the Irishman, Bcrate-hing hfe hcml in the most ptusslotl nuuincr. “That’s what sticks me, Mike, though I did not let her know it. Anyhow there to to be some kirnlof a female circus, and the i,uiDials will want plenty to fed. ” aad “Blessings ivrv on the briglit eves of her, kill if she its thing on the old farm 111 Yea, wantait, I the OariiitV * ‘ believe you. That gid seems to have a faculty of twisting every one around her finger, and—” “Dinl a won more thin her ould fay th¬ ee. ’ said Mike as he proceeded to oliey the orders he luA ritceivod, “aii mtithcr lashins of poultry,” well knowing that his share of the feast would be no stinted one. Tt ki l rf x \Tl »v ^ Am i'A il the neat Ta day *° wasaronuuua ^ ^ b "t Tulu^f « ! P ‘glowed'^alid plei.ty *-° d Dutch oven wliilo ruled triiunphant, the old deacon sf l a » proyokmgly olhoions. «th So the. everything day passeil ready mi the for night the gram! came w «*».,. Tkirly the house began to be tiJI.Ni with » merry eoinpuiy, and were welooiucd bv father, mother ami daaghtur, the httf-'r abundantly w»pleti«laut iu « of tleecv soft* white, trimmed with floating laces ami looped with artiflwai fkiwers. while natural roses, fringed with invrlto and pnifax. were half hidden aniid" her golden iiair and pnleatwl nisui her jov- S urmly thvofibing fawom. * For an hour there appeared to b« a oesiseiess chiming of sleigh-bells, and dom*. rosy, laughing fteieed, loads dewositod at the «o many were the teams that Mike was. frirttieto know what to do with them. But the Deacon believed ik “the moro the merrier’ principle, and k.u>* cv. bmv uid contented Yet f <>r ;v n (| ie sha<l/of gaily' dnociucr and now^and comimnv tl J cr ^a a bis fai.'He nerulexitv had not solvj • I *1... mvstcrv ..r ti», „,„i nfalitm^ h | uwn fiim as a tnmblesome Sbfa ni , ou iSSe strong" 'foundation 5? funS‘fnJU^d It was a ■ born.kd trlia'lhYoii 1 circling arm and mam a pair of ears g^sr A‘;/...... t tiri. ‘ “ 1 ■« " " 1 " ur But good, buxom pride dame Hannah had almost as much iu her cooking as in her one dea* iamb, and when the ancient clock made its huge, heavy, coffin-like, case throb with the ringing of ten, she whispered soul to l«rhusband, that‘“the good. T*** prudent that she was, 1 she was going to see about the tables, j aoJghtoSf In^it t undld^lh^ i we» going folks to have supper, and that the i ! young hail Wtter stop romping and tateSr nr wm of dJdh them would Im tr *'fy4 to fShe^ ”If ! 1 Ifttntr, ane uuweted- answered, «Tmt nut we we i ; , f iU f ,*“*% f>\! ft!L aU ™ u far f \£ a}'Mr sha ! t JL > p ra k Fturn m .non Am w 1, 1 am arm s,ia * 1 n I 1 f Vn .Vt'« ; ” A ■ >;e»ia>nded tlie olu man; ; it I ’l , ScK■??';;• ;iL «,J’ ' tol * “No! tell* , 1 . but mother, MinenaAbWd please, T want her.” And Mis* away k) hor 0 , v „ private room, while the old u ' a « told the fiddlers to adjourn to the what Bkd?n“»TI?rflh,prt,„ going m l OTto d was on, if the Deacon did not, f or they cleared one end ,,f the hall. hung a great patch-work bed-quilt across and marshalled the company into some thiag or<fcr Then, ‘after a brief pause, m which there was much wkis pering, tho improvised curtain wasdrawn aside and disclosed Miss Minerva stand* •sjtt.itt’* : tg lady Mr *tad - F gcatleaian ~ kE - T,tTZC''" - cl the old minister be- 1“ ariiiSriSsSS J hi f n*5 ^ kls (Uidenitan<tol'g, and ^ hp cxclftuuod 1 ^ . ' 14 th ^ , tar y d M a mr ' The heart v laugh that followed sufficed f« r a full explanation and it needed not the- assurance of the minister to convince him that hiadaagbter was’honest iv and And legally married to thetnsw of her choim yet at first he was disclosed tol>c an gi 7 . They 1m saw the foolishness of S®J|y^'^ Lstion of "his U ,%, l '^ daughter " ’ and ' entered * ,PartsW inkl tha agatast him »•■}• That s what you call .. a—Tcnwaicm! T I caci t * f >eak the new fangled name—is '» Vet it wasn’t hardly fair to fool the l (} id -xp-ct yon fi’-mght, find.something child, m , your stocking* ‘ but not a great, live man. is all right umvtbu.g J, she ' «” iM have done would have bouu and ; well make the best of it, and yonr moth er and I will have plenty to do in getting _ things that—” ready to fill the little stocking* A soft white hand stopped bis word*, red and ripe lip* were pressed upon his <*m, »«lkea fee wai laid hia . w” r e^fn<TdiwiT U T LT U 1,W ^ h rw *' I ,^ Ipa * t Md mth tai *™9 ^ » ue man called the young husband to his side, gave him the hand of his darling, aud “Take her wad may God bless row both, my children, if I have lost a daughter 1 .have found a son and shall have another arm te> h;au upon when my eyes grow dim and steps unsteady and—’ ■More he would have said but a great per—and ringing of such bells summoned them to ruj> asopper. It would have made grim Famine commit suicide iu de¬ spair to have walked upon the tables, and Time throw away his hour-glass and sit blythcly down aiid enjoyed the feast The* g<xid mother had known the secret from the first, and with her pride stimu¬ lated had distanced all former efforts, even the to produce a Christmas supper, aiui only when complaint was violins of exoestnre full ni-es, again the summoned the party to the hall. A rarely few mare hours earth of such and hSphtem the *« comes to old house liecame silent. Tlie company had departed, but not before the Deacon had invited ail to tie present that day year, whfejiering at the saum time something in the oar of hia daughter that sent the blood Ijounding to her cheeks and caused her to turn suddenly and Bhaniefaccd away. he Was right ? Come with me this joyous, blessed day. You will be welcomed right royal¬ ly. Come and assist in the festivities &¥ e rcpii bright-oycd tiou of tli« babe ginul is christ¬ cheer, ened, join alt with ail in wishing to lnm, aye even bountiful to Christians. noon earth, a happy, merrv. cum>» Says a writer in the Youkers f7<urr«f / iwtte ”>« so much about Uimtnuw that w*$« <*f harmony, concord, jpeace— a poatfe^thnt tion of hostilities faeans.not between merely coulhctwg th« eessa- m tercsts hi our mx'ial world, but that ms* rm«t, broader, deeper peace which unites man to man by all the tie* of frWliy universal interemursc desire wliicb make proceed Chmtmtts out of an to a bright, the spfd among like the thh fading memories the of year. l sentiment more because it _ pervades every corn mu* «»ty and brings to view the brtfcff Ntfe of eveiy man s oharacter. Not a Scrooge uor ! a himself f*iwdgrmdon earth huuwniaing can wholly sU '* against its in fhieuee, ftud_ and though ehantv tlie(flowing dispensed of the glad- day may no will or uesa awakened, yet it at h-itot snrelv °* ' 1!s habitual severity ‘’hinted. ft there is ever "pe«c« on ear ^> initsfulkMtsons&itisonChlist mftS ' 1 do n.»t lielieve that custom and versary day of the Saviours nativity one of rfi ^ ,olHg; lt hm glad ovor tiding* tK>c,u ' red to me tfad wince first the went oat frwra Bethlehem, the event has left it« un¬ ? Sit"* f th f w ^ re u,,t 80 1 tluuk *'? should aee . . ss. of action tor the alma gatherer, fewer v« Citing hear homely loss old storic* of legendary lore. caroling of ‘'Christians aw.ike,’ find a sparser harvest of Bustle toe, and we would have far more con traeted views of our life-cldud’s silver liuiiig. And tlmn, too, I like the moth oda we have taken as a nation to show 0ur “SaterSv^d appreciation of Uiat day. tortlSem They are to^.aSei riit fa W^iteX Ui^ mnra i Aevclopment ’te\uopu.t nt. Where vv licit thoughts mougnis f u< V™ »«nmy Io0k auce ^AS*^^** (> f (jhnstmas w made known the through ofeserP benevolent acts, kind word* to thedw ‘Mv ftud t F dwtn bu ! U) ? of ^ het h ‘ er the celebration I l be to honor the day for , the day s sake or not, the occasion is one t j iat ve should lie truly thankful for. mas «»“ ®'"Y or *« of “W'r lts Goulet 1 help to * “ emor4bte - Do you see. the fx»r, thin mao? How sad it fa to ba poor, and have no lur-key to eat. Who is the naan? He fe an ed i tor. What is an ed i tor? An ed-i-tor is a man who robs hfe own stom-ach to fill the heads of oth-er peo-jfie. Poor man! I, will Bead him a big. fat tm kev for his Christ-man dtn-ner. Do 3 ou see the fat, > thick man ? Yes; I can see , him . with , one eye. Does the fat IB M B, * n * <w> t-'trekey? tso W You bet. Is he I A "' 'A i «d-i-tor, too, Ma-MBtf,' l\ Nix-ce, mv child, nix-ee. A Christmas Nnowhall. ,! . Sijowl»lls ft Bt f jd** of lilted holiday with hunnw', Christmas A frapie gift* of f whalebone i or wires in halves is failed with toys and bon-bons, covered with hick paper, the halves lightly fastened together and covered with pure white wadding. The bah» may l»e mmle small and (he fun of pelting the family with thorn forms part of toe coromotues of Christmas morning, the ball and scattering heruf the presents over the re* reiver’s Ora huge snowball is made and rolled into the room, V part of the Christmas tree festivities. The semi circular whalebone or crinoline “dress snowballs improvers" in can thrnr bepnbtogood by joining use. pair for way n and covering round with cotton, doute'wtaidy Tv®f»vili m»v fi«-b “.s3 hrim.ten* an <« of a Bve pluck's and By **” h,!t ,f he single bristle from the beard of Ban to C Uus, there will he a row. no. n. SOUTHER* NEWS. Etowah, Ala,, lists over to* -payers. Twenty-eight failorrs occurred i n Alabama last mouth, ‘flic city lax rate at Mobile Is" $1.75 per fliHi. At Mrrupbie it is $2. A gin for sea islsud cotton 1ms lawn in vrnted by sgcreven unty fteorgistj. Cape. Hcary IVl'untl marie .the first Wl(Jc ■ west in Arkansas, In the year fttte. Aliyep raising is said t» be the principal industry of ti.'iicv!! i'Mvftfy, Ala. Sheep-raising i# ssifi to be the imneipal industry of Geneva county. Mm. The. forth comiii c report of the Auditor will show in North t'lirolim* 1 ..Y’.fi 4 S 3 bog*. Twenty -seven :ui* -iili webs aty it! Fort Worth, Texas. A bill in Alabama propose- to turbid the shipment of fricight on Sunday Itt Birmingham, Ala., more than 100 houses have been built in six weeks. Gov. Wiuniotttll expect- to make over eye million pounds o£ sugar ttiis year ,»u his Magnolia, i.a., phimution. Mr, T, M. Boyd, of V*., has been csSh-ii iu the eh urge •:! the Kuitmia. A is., ftrwbytcrian church. Tlie total loss by the tire at Durham, N. » last week is estimated at |vi 0 , 0 t )0 tu |«; 5 , 0 f*t. Fourteen or tiftcen Imilffingx were destroyed 'Lite Alabama sciutte has passed a bill au thotizing the appoiiitmsnt of a conimlssioticr of immigration. i ujit. Dwyer is cleaning out tlie Knoxubce rivor for steamers, which can reach Macon, Miss,, by spring The quantity of leaf tobacco sold ni l>an villc, Va., iu November, v. b*m r ®4 jxjunds. The Henry county , Atabsuia, jail in witb <Mit an oecupaut W tin- first tteic since It was built There are over i>,0w bates of: cotton in compress in Vieksbarg, awaiting transportn t'ton to New Orleans. There will be 39 farmers ia the next 1 ‘jtfis lature <»f Testis. A very huge irobority «itl l*e lawyer*. • fa the AiTicoii MeihodiM clmreh of rionth GarolinA, there are J 00 local preachers, and !>•> exhortm. The New firieaus. Democrat say# that the Sabine ri"vr a* ver floated so aiari v ste.un hosts as unit . The ’ MveS on St John's river, in Florida it tlihugtM M» he 50 per cent, greater ’ thnn in i'te- . ■■■ t? is said »h»l there is plenty of idle laiul in Lfmwiaaa, which mo be iKuight i-heap and pifl yield large crops of i-wo, : cotton ami • am . , ■ Gyi*. J oseph F, Brown lives on Washing* ion street, AilanUt: jtenj. If. Hill, <>n (Va"h tret , amt (feu. Gordon, :il Kirkwood, a «nl> urban village. The census returns front ten counties of ; ",ai r xr <be result r^m- «ill show that tuorgia “ U t ha- u f fa- i tween l,t/.tO, shi and t,lg),0uo populvtioo. The new ice fa.-mry iu course of erectini ai New Ortranr wl I turn <jwt shout 38)900 ten* of ice aiiimalU, and etuplov about, r.*. hands. The Jackaouvilte (Fla.,) Union repaid* the reception In rail in that city far shipment to northern factories of 55 specimens of Florida wood. The Gazette my* that German or Bweedfeh M-rvHiit girls arc to be supplied to responsi ble feiwilies at Little lock. Two or three have already arri ved. Poisoned water is said to have appeared in thegulf. The Pensacola Gazutte hopes it will not reach the itpj« r tianks. The tfeh seem instiuctively to lie • item it. The bicrvillc South nays that live'ticres of cane ground fast week on Mis. Paulin On py’s plantotioii yielded Is-, ijuarters hogs beads of sugar of excellent quality. The constitution of Florida provides that after 1 S 80 the legist!)ttire slutH pass a few making hii edueatiou qualification for voters. A plusi to Mrllle the slate debt of Virginia prcpcMs fo issue three per cent twmife for the ivliols of the principal and e*t«hli*h a siuking fluid. The siuomu fit jntblie school mom v avail' able in Goorgia, thi* year is $34(1,373, or about 30 cents a head on the school popula¬ tion. The roll of th New Orleans Gotten V.x. -change is now'larger than at the elo-.- of any previous v<*ar. t he board is about to buy the property known as the Denham cor ner. An orange crop embracing -'>5 acres eon. mining about »»*W t'recR. in Sam for couaty i lk,, has been purebawd by a Go)utubus. fie sold the fruit, cow oh‘i> ,: - free* far A.;,<X«> The aimt«I report of .Major H. *. Thomp stAm Siiperkuciidcnt' of education of Carolina shows 3,3K schools and :t, 17 i. teacher* for faTti-50,against 2,W1 m liotvfe and “gjpgj teacherafar tofeto'fe 1*78-79. ami 2,074 Iu teacher*. Ittifi-;? there were Tweuty-five m embers of the faunii i aroli no legislature are in tautr o; holding s e t , n - stiniti'oiud'wovetttlMi; IA arc in favor of reg i-tratiou, t*‘ «»uf the Mam ami fcticcaS. eli-et j-.un separated, " desire » properly or cducs qualdifaUnii for Htpira.m . Gov. ifagood sa* in Starfimrougb comity, c. C., * field of .130 Hero* which yfeldod this year, an it did afeo lost ye n, 350, hales ci fa>t too weighittg 500 pound* each, At t# «*»« a pound rise grow vslnr ol the crop is $80 ,m scry, which fe *h »U as Uni# »A -the ti wi is worth in tti<* marfert. There are -lx mo*? factories is New Orfeauf. a ml vicinity. All the «(** rrinited is shipped abroad sa thiriuroimre usaiuifm-p ur«* do set bay it ginned, preferring to pick And eteoti it «wm*dlv*-i TV tn«i sewmaf paid teeth* temgh mm by nt--- g c »crs, uphfirSietftf* ' and .osaftrese mskere «f Jh * Np ” <>***** T»» »*>»‘hat tto< % fa tiJ rapidly drifting tato * deafentMt eenffi mi if the uarmw iUifand idea* of die w«s*-baek rffBfut ure a ft<>«r«4 u> prevail «nw.-h.loH(«r, mates d r.f being * great uu trofMp*, it *$11 |>e « rUkety: ilet-aying old tv'wn, with dikj>jfe»t,.,i building* unpaswabh »lrwi#ami a gemm-*) aU uf r<-» aiidruiu. Major Mark*, a (fenftaosa fa ) sage cmm ty. 1 ferula, is -mid to bar,- conceived the *dH'«»e of securing Henry Ward I Jowl,ora samucr tent, capabft uf seating 4,000 pie. or some otljcr eijuaiiy sum-fans one. and pitt-hiug tt ainoirj 11 , b»aa«»f;sl lake* that environ tit*: itwa t,t iheiae'htlte*; ei-e to be pitch* i agreat itomhei of mpalfar »•*»<►. ‘or lodging room* for guests. Dinins owfi fairing fadl, biHfei-d i mou e r» HIT (dl . to lx- within this iniamuw- t< ot, (Hid tl.e •holt to lx' fitted tip and furnished e^uf,! to the most perfectly equipped hotel. Roaring, fishing and hunting would eonstitati the at trapt'ooa. f mtismis humor. Ths muss that children are tuitions to get into—Chrwtruus. As the Cimatma* fare# w famt m iy the youthful heart made glad, Chkih-tuah is the anniversary of dya pepsin’s h >w fast coiutpiracv agsinU tmn birt Hoas morn despised by little children (ban the matt who takes no stockin’ Manta Cfews? . Remwmdrh the barber, the bciotblack —and the l>arteiidci'—,p/ >o /Jack dors. Soys, folks will bang up their stocking* Christmas eve, a»d some will Jasmg up the bartender, Theiuhu who taken uuto himself a wife on Christinas eve w ill >»• sun; to have well-fi.lieti stocking*, • Tr is said t hat a child tyjm on Christ - ntos will always hate tmkt. and goose, *nd lean towards codfish and bacon. The small ixyv now puts in eight hours a day flattening his nose against the windows of confectionery and toy stores. " Is Tt* Kite wnslf Ktoglc ter Mid stive, jassth *• AS: yr*. *ad • kickfaut,* ** S*id Ibc fiuaily'* te*4, Christmas is rapidly coming this way, and the young man with * No. ft foot will, as usual, l>c presented with a pair of No. ti slippers. tbtix V> tktv vJslgh-te'it* jnijjte! ajlnvlil See Ibe iumry «nvw-tl*vfl» Hour It make* Wit UUditiwd tl«jl»' A rovul welcome to old Kri»l rin*t«! D* you really desire to perpetrate a practical joke upon your jirinter this year just send him the amount of yoat subsoriptiim on Christ mas. WHAT ItIM tb* tetUbfli rotlvouiid, The bud teij , will iu fux-kv, Led by tlie e»i, t« bit m* draw* neer, Ai>d gvueth fti* box “Hano up the baby’s stocking!” shoute it the distinctly Hackensack uudmlood firmWean. that, We want we haven’t any such »]>pendagea A. Yoraa man who gave bis girl r $75 during gold watch the last (’hristmas, married her «ummer, and now he think* the present was 1 ‘time” well spent. Now comes the season when the young mau. on au eight dollar salary, bothers hfe brains to raise the stamps to get life girl fcemm* a twenty dollar holiday present. — i%t</ Tithes. Christmas tails on .Saturday tins year, and severe atoms are predicted. The storm will likely break when the young¬ sters wake up and find their stocking* filled with chunks of coal. The morning dawns, and the house¬ hold is awakened by the sound of ilrurii and fife. But it ism.t war. ft is not the sum¬ mons to go out and slaughter the Zulus. Nay, brethren, Krpn:$$. it is Christinas \cw> York “Mamma,” said the little one, “do yon know what you are going to give me for Christmas?’ ‘ ‘Why yes," said tlie moth - or, “of course f know.” “Well*for nier eyVsftloy with don't tell me,” responded the puss great vehemence. As Christmas approaches, the young man who has been toasting life toes, and lounging on the best parlor sofa, i*egm* to try and get up * quarrel with hi« vonug'girl himself so as to escape bankrupting on a Christmas present.— Baltimore K <•■■■/ .Saf tir/Jay. MIE Hipped tt #• til# »i,ivhy [ORsios, And Use wind. Ui*t One*lj i.leir An Incli «r *n of her Expmsi h> tbs Mbitc visir. ■ iri.t 011 tb«.<)«st cornet W,* tfttttitn tly Iinud to T •>Tb *HVlt tiir 0! neat thlo* In s Cocking f fas- r« teen fltttCteJetw** 4**.“ “ .Sis« »yi‘ the merry mi.Utlo*, Tlie meirv, merry mlttietoe. •The merry, merry an.iWue, Ti»» mintltttn* Wwh," F lestStt nf 11 <■ in e m b ra ace*. Sitting her*-, 1 find myself holding a levee of deparfotl Ohriatmas nigh fa. Si¬ lently, these hita my study of iuiagination come mantles, hrooehed sppuitiionh, <da<l in snowy witli fmvts. Their and do gerumed niimfa'rs 1 not care to count, for they arc the number of h»y yeitt-H. The visages of .van*- are sail enough; but,'on the w hole, ’ti» a con¬ gregation of jolly ghodfa, I hear u t-oimd as of light umaic, St wiiiok of women's dresses whirled around iu d&uoe, and the click as of glttsaea pledged by friends. Before one apparition is a mound on which the snow is lying. 1 know that, spring midst! of _Under mistletoe 0, spirit in the it I swung the girl 1 loved atul kissed her, too. And thou, loo, •with Umolier iu hand; t ivuncintw thy reigning night. Where now arc the many boys iu end blaze? girls that thrust tl.cir fingers M'hc diy 1, kindly Chi iatiuts tree, from which trust every gentle reader will pn)l a bun-ton or two, n already sparkling with tho sweet fruits of if*, season. You, voung ladies, will pluck gittlings fruits from it; and with the sugar-plum you will find one of those delicious eornm drotna, which the confeetiom-rs iui.m ducc into the sweetmeats, and which Ap¬ ply There to the canning passion of Jom who dou’t are some standing atxmt the tree care about the love-riddle part. Patience, little peqple! a down Cbrfel mases more and yon will be reading those wonderful contmdruhis. As for n* older folks, we watch the young people pull mg at the branches; but we no lung the er reach for the fruits, and for us Ohristtcuui lights have mostly gone nut. Wealth Not Omnipotent, Wealth fa potent in ite own sphere, but telegraph itnjMvfont under lieyond the if. It can put * sen and oovn* tho lard with n wdwurk *>f wires io< with it Spider's bridge vv<-b It ft can htiild buy railroads houses aixi oceans, can aad lands and every material advantage; but h«re it.-* iw« ttojis. ft i»£iii.rf pur chase goodness, or just roe, or geatlawh*. or If patience, or love, cham-for or true friendship. cannot make stronger, or life sweeter, feed ft can mv to the minister, I wifi you and clothe yoa while you are making I men better, and to the teacher, will Uric care of you while you arc making men wiser, m» it eaa do nothing without the brain of wisdom « the- heart of geodaew. It con build raiirreeda, but it fa powerless to traiki H r who ha* ridden in * country stage jmmh knows how meain <f«els wlwa it is churned into butter.