The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, January 05, 1881, Image 1

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ft Jssij Sniel. 0R« tn the Jssttp Bouse, fronting on Vnrrry street, two door* Uom Broad St, nriiUSflKD JBVEBY WEDNESDAY, T. P. LITTLEFIELD Subscription Rates. iPostikg* 9 « * « •- *«»•***•*« V* *«** «•*-•*» %*■»*■*» ft-y* * » 4M?' wfS wfei* .;e »» **-#»***•#*•*.«'• t ^ flan?#' . Advertising Rates. Per »tj itars, first iore/tton...............4? «* Per »»jWW, each subsequent ituwrtioa. 7 ft jagtopeeial rates to yearly and large »d rertker*. town directory. rerwH etna in. M*feT—W H Sfthftlvr. 2SS?fTK5r .. mmtt mrmm t>rdf»*VjtT-B ob»rd B Hoppa. T*x Clerk Jteepl.**r-to •'sperior Csart—B*nj. fi-.,«b«r. O Mififlletc u C FcnS5i t*x;(fefi»etsr— Sarrryn*—W W B. C»ui»y. U ifosht. Cbttfity Tr«*nar*jr—-ito* Masks'-. Cvroi er —O .Kaiebt. Superior Court, W*-}-n* toanty—liurtia L Meftcio!. K«-*^i8, J'Bfigv; %«*!««* Suaas told W Bitoa, SJU.m Ms ch so4 Kvpteuihtr. tin ivir.n Mumiay ta ---------- ----- ----- ___________________1 BA XLEY, Gr KOKCTI A . Avru.NO Co**W OrfiKMi. Ordinary—Ai!»* ftoCftok. A. Cro*by. Stortt—f. ,.%38oty ■.•i«ik—W W. Ora ham. Tax Jtreaiver—J. Wtatoarly, J. Davi*. , .Tax toiWacte*—*fo«» Rutkeraoe. County Corooir—li Co»«si»*JU»B*r4 Job**o«. H. Vomit — McKaebia, John O. Dart. Wan. O fiifwart, Jaw*# War* nook, Ifttiaw Carter. _ < aiiwy-rc-TOifnS,, W. «#.*,;-Tctiiua feadUli. ■cf kss.r.ff/’Ktfsiiar'v—' Oi««# 8 Mu !*iou. .-.a HIM,, OJA. <«**!.«>* corurr ornemn. wainxry—Botsr-t •her-8--.totu* brook*. Hatchtr, U*rk- -J. W. F.eatao. Court Calendar E.-hotft—S«eo«il Kon4ay« in March acil Septtaobftr. Apfiltav— Third . Monday is March *a.l Bspteiflher. Warn* —EoBTth Monitor to March *sd i*. ere v—Eire f Moaduy ia Aprt! # B (f Octetwr, War#—S«ee»4 Moaday ia Aprii and Oc¬ tober. A toiaeit—TttMdsy after third Monday m r ‘ari.r T frnrth Mead a, to -April Camden—-Taeftday *ttd Center. after Mondt; cveoud to Chirhon-ThUd''iload** ia May *ad No v*mhe.-. * vembf**” Fourth Mo»fky In M*y and No THE JESUP HOUSE, Coro# S.o». tni Cii.rrj St»., JESUP, GEORGIA. luTietigs All,otic xsssl Qftlf, *ed Misua tui Bfua» •lek BtlJ Bm<1« Cb# »ti*BU 0 B of the W*T*Jlo# pahiic !» rtlnciortivt tha iis^Rtsem Hia . ff -red bj th;» iIurm'. (A thU How* is m »oai r ctppA* t« ib, Drifoi. ri h w*l > »«.• piu-4 wi ft wrier nud ‘I't.: RII: Ijit-.j : - *,, t w.y - e* **»• *•* xmt» «*«r «Msr«ri «# * $m ei»» ««ui. j i.tiiCJKJu, attcoi'.vr to riaiuH. , , j % n \S, iT,* “»»»t« *n4 trow h , «- „.j a, 0 i t. P, lITTLt lifLO, VrrPT~*\or. n-BArs's Atm arm*mm. Men of practical talent fir* now sought for in coaatry *nd-ri«y. They ate wanted everywhere and will be called for hereafter more than ever. Where are toes© men to coma from, these thousands of Major Generals in ; commerce. Now is toe time to train > young men fear business pursuits, for too great avenue* to wealth, and dis tmotiun and power which wealth con¬ fers. We are prepariug young raen for the &n»y st West Point, for th© imvy at -' Awjxsrt, for the foamed jvrofwssions at > various universities. This fe well. But where on© is wanted m a graduate «t these ’institutions, a thousand are wanted in th© greJrt- artsy of bmi nes«. Parents, as you value the happi »c» of your sons, give this matter a careful oOnrideratfon, a thorough btwi uees education will ever be a blessing to vour children .—Burlington Hawk-Eye. A mom mm is Georgia has taught the public & lesson in respect to the ifeager of bssty gea^ralixatiim. When Tsxaaer txiumphmtly faeted for forty fctys the mmtdxmoo was jumped to toot th© limit of life under privtt tkm has been very irmeh anderetatod. Acting upon tots m-mmptiojj, the ttesegift ®mv Tack Jack.&on by name, refttsed food, expoeimg, so doubt, ho would liw forty days, at leash Bat <ds»® 1 fur tho force of Tanner’ll ex ample. He died on the seventeenth day, Cbas. O. Fahuuw, editor of the H . Bdra f‘N, %) Advertiser, mteWtty mar ried Mrs, Writoy .Whitteil Now ,L Lwriff Whlttett, itep-stsu of Mr, Fwr ®ac, betxunes bin sou-in-law by marry «s* Hattie 8. Fairman, step, daugfeles- ©f her nnWher It will thus \m oboerved that Mm, Whitt«tt no fatbcr-in-lew, and Mr. Whlttett, who Warned hi* step-skter, ha# evodod the ©ompticatfons arising from, having, aritetdndaw. t?.* Ifco-w f '»»«“» « ft» a>mm to STSSrssi '? il y - t “‘ 19,3 chrMiw * 8 ® 01 ' 1 2 M, ♦ i m I V K m j 1 : #'tlS H 1 iV ♦ VOL. V. OCR .n rEXILES, Th* lullaby. ‘ llttH Bo-Vwip toe f" A :a. 7 th«x is bet Mt>j tu *!. «J>, ' Itat tiua ui-ttegess tipped with peart lictiud oae wether v**a&otuay swirl, And feet so ci.anSftg, no rosy toil WUiek, Axe tossing; the- critapsfii with poach and Wdi, Aud wtfie-awak* eye* jtiirt a* hlu.i » (be sky Are mymjj» mmm, "IU ste-p l„--*aM>srt And you eea’t hurt sue uts« w MV Though, trying vour «s»eef**t, you patieuay tit And «ng hjr the hoar teefcte mst” •‘ Utile Bo-Peep law kot hex efeeep 1” “ Harry up, AaxSlug! Do go to steep! May.V- yoa’B ItasI in the land of I in-uusi* Little. Ko-I'«sp by the starty stnmffis* Waiting for yon, wlttt tier to go A •■.<-£• her huuas as imctr, Hutttiisff Ssivugia mcjuiow usid «toti slid AsU To Sad pt fiew orntste* sU safe «od i*%a Out-win * the lowly kantbeUe pat, biwMistt *n'd‘t«ed!itg to and fro, to<»lai|to* tiutr tali* behthd hso.f" tow end iowpr tbs shadow dlpe Owr «» fcreiii'sd, the dtsASc, &@ ; LoVelit *y-ea snv ijiosod st last; Liiltoby, hush-rt-by song U paid; Bslij" h*s K-oiie to the 2khd of CrwiKS, Hiruhs.* 1 Bo-Map by the stowly ntreassx Mo(g»r, uuwMrted, to *%ti keeps, PtHMAag awake, white tow My sJeope— I-U«aiub wtsk h the fotars, peretiacce, pi»y Intng To her wtukkne -tortSng b&itnd «r 1 leeee no stfeg— X-» waking grief tli.-aa, ' • - . . * . , Silently, tenderly enter there; Sod lias «s*w«fr4 * tuo&w** prayer; Baby, oar baby, tei-day has gone Into » oouutry to m Wtii-Siown, There to tea, by the shady streata* Which border tbs oi.iy where te«M dreews, DUSa as ooetly, m ridfi aad. rtow, As ,'»er Were dreaated tu ft aiottiert prtyeH Oh*i», w&s sang her iaat. swiot inlkby; Awns, the Sale «nfi»- friend, be asgts Xooonofftrt as. loft behind bert Tie .During their stay npon toe ie-hmd of Java, I>r, Bnauoa and his young trav cling companions Uxik a trip on a rad way from Batavia to Biiiteimwg, in or dnr that they might loam same thing of ^ interior of toe Wand. While on tote trip the boys obewrvod, among other things, tout the trees in some instances grew T« ito dase to tlie trfu ' k * Dr - Bron - son explained to them that in the Drop* ic jt waa no small matter to keep a rail¬ way line clear of trees and vines, and sometimes the vines would grow over toe track in a single night. It was nec¬ essary to keep men at work along the track to cut away tha vegetation where it threatened to interfere with toe teams, and in tha rainy season the force was BometiinCB doubled. There te one goodefiect,” said he, “of this luxuriant growth. Tho roots of the vines and trees beaoma' interlsoed in the embank merit on which th© road is built, and prevent its bring washed away by heavy rains. Bo you see there is, after *11, a saving in keeping the railway in repair.” At several of the stations the natives offered fruits of different, kinds, and near ly all new to our young friends. They ha<1 imm toM ‘ that th ^' WOUJ,i P rob *ibiy ^“1 road they ma ? fold g ?! inquired eeo . ^ for »** it alon in Sing*- « the } pore, but it was not in season there, and now their thoughts were best upon dig covering it between Batavia and Buiten sorg. Two or thro# times they were chsappcdnted when they asked for it; but finally, at one of the stations, when Fred pronounced toe word “ mangosteen,” a native hold up a bunch of fruit and nodded, Th© doctor looked at the butieh and nodded likewise, and Fred apeediJy paid for to© prize, Perhaps we had better let Fred tell th© story of the. utaagoateen, which he did in his first letter from Buitem-org : “ We have found to© prince af firaite, and its name fe mimgostevm, Itfe about the a cre of a pippin apple, and of a pur¬ ple oofor—a very dark purple, too. 'The husk, or rind, is about Irnif an inch duck, and oonfokts u bUto jaiec, which is used in the preimutios of dye ; it stains the fingers like aniline ink, and is not easy to wash off, Nature has wisely provided this protection for the fruit; if >1 had no more covering flmn the ordi aury skin of an apple' to©'-birds would eat it all up os soon wit. wife ilpe. If J were a bird, and had a bill that would open the mangueteen, I would eat noth* lag elm as long as I could get at it. You cut this husk with a sharp knife right acroes the waiter, and thtsu you open it in t wo jmrts. Oat omm a lamp or pulp as white as snow, about th© size * of ft small peach, It fe divided into oec bolts, like the interior of an orange, and there is a sort of star mi the nuts uio that tells yon, before you cut the hunk, **»ctly how mnay of these metaom. ; there are. Having got to the pulp, you l>KK‘«d, to. take the lump into your month and eat it; and you will be too busy for the next quarter of a minute to *»y anything. •‘ Hip ! hip t hnmto 1 It strife sway is your mouth like att overripe peach or ofa-awfowrj-; it hm a teste that is slightly aed—very slightly, too—tori yon can so more describe all the flavor of it than you car*, describe how a catiarv stngs, or a. violet smells. There it, no other fruit I aver tested that ix^itis to compare with it, though I hesitate to admit that Wn.-.-.-Jt. 0.ofl.vor.„l„, .bo,,- V,ZJZJ.irn u fr „„. ioo „,„,d ih ™ «*” u»‘«. a» -oifttep* ■ «i 1 to© t&smgmimn, perhate you might **** it: hatt m y ° u *“ <io 1 fe ao use de nying that the tropic have JESUP. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1881. the prince of fruits.”.-'" The Boy Travel¬ ers in the, Far FmtF Patty 's Scare. When Patty w«* .» very, very lift!. girl, sho one day took it into her curly head to rim away. Her mother was busy nt work and did not mm .her until she had been gone some minute*. Then she looked out and saw Patty’s pink dress, like u little flow¬ er, moving along slowly away down the dusty road There was no one to send for the run¬ away, so the tired mother had to leave the bread burning in the oven, and the baby crying in the cradle, and start out herself in the hot sun. There was an old man coming along the road toward Patty, an old man that she knew very wi ll, but was really afraid of him. She need not have been, for he was kind and pleasant; but he was a queer, simple old man, and everybody called him old Daddy Morse, Patty of the was road so and afraid that she turned out went along dose by the fence to get by him, H» saw the little girl was running away, however, and, in the kindness of his heart, he went and picked Patty up to carry nor back, and save her mother the long, warm walk. How frightened and angry little Patty was I How she did kick and scream 1 The old man held on all tlie same, and tried to soothe her by gentle wards; but he,n«ghi as well have tallied to a thhiicter-shower. She screamed as loud as she coaid till she-Suet her mother and found herself safe in hex arms, and even then she sobbed and cried for a long time. Her mother talked to her about run* ning away, told her it was naughty, and that Daddy More© was very kind to bring her back, but Fatty still sobbed and sighed, and could not gat over her frigid. She shat the outside door, and stood by toe window watching iu fear that the old naan would come again. Pretty soon her brother Allie came whis tling «evpw the yard. Patty oyicned the door a little crack, “M’in, Allie,” she -aid, in a trembling voice. "Man bite ’ee 1” Then her little kitty came around the comer. "M’in, kitty," she called, "Man bite ’eefi*— Youth's Oomw&nion. bio faux iso. A correspondent of the 8i Louis Re¬ publican tolls of the wonderful farming operations of Dr. Hugh J. Glenn, of Cblusa county, Gal, Tho farm consists of 6-5,000 acres, 45,000 of which ore in wheat, and has ITS miles of fence. The acreage yield is 25 bushels in favorable seasons, and this is considered a favoro hte one. Of this year’s crop Dr. Glenn says, idthoagh he has on hand 330,000 sitokH, efteh holding 140 pounds, he thinks they will sot- hold his. wheat He hm his own machine and hiaeksmiih shopaj boring, turning and planing machines; buxz saws, etc. He mana faetares Sua own wagons, separators, headers, harrows and nearly all the ma cifoiery and implements used, He has employed 60 men in seeding and 130 in harvest, 200 bead of horses and mo-b'S, 55 groin-headers and other wagons, 150 sets of hantewi, 12 twelve-foot headers, 5 sulky hay-rakes, 12 eight-nmle culti vstor.ii, 4 Gem seed-sowers, 8 Buckeye drills, 8 mowers, l forfy-aighf-fooh sep¬ arator, 86 feet long and 134 high, with a capacity of 10 bushels j»er mfouto ; forty-inch separator, 36 feet long; 2 forty-feet -elevators for self-feeder, 1 Hioam barley or food mill, 2 twenty laitse-power enginea. Th© working force to no to© sepomtex is €4 mm, 8 benders, 22 header wagons, 100 horses and mule®. The average ran of the machine is 1,800 sacks, cont-airiing 2f bu« ia-ls each, ixir day. The utmost CS~ pacify of the machine ia 3,000 sacks or 7,000 bushels per day. The harvesting force cut and thrash simultaneously, and fo fifteen minutes from the time the heritor begins in toe grain to© wheat fo in toe sacks. If you want to keep you* boy at home, make it pleasanter for him than tin #fxeei Chalk a bop-seoteh in the hall, put a hognheafl of molasBes on tap in the kitchen, h»v« a dog fight in the hack yard, make * " bally slide” on the ccliar door, haw a hand-organ and monkey iu the reccption-roota and a German Viand on the stairs, hire s "€teevu© ” to be chaffed, let th* boy chalk colters* backs on th* 1st of Janu¬ ary, throw life base-ball through the window-, ring ths bells, and ran away, and "plug'’ tha cook with fish-bails Sunday mornings: but even then you will have to engage » eircu» to drive through the premise© two or three times in the season to "make it pleasanter toss the street,." a v mrmxreormB compmtjtob. Several men ew«m the Missiarippi river, above New Orleans, on a wager. A reporter of the race says : “ None of titans sensed to be putting forth murii effort till it wm diKcovored that an alli gatrar bad etrarii out from shore U-. ,l competitor, and then—-well, every men did hfe I'©©* to keep the al%»tor from carrying off the stake*. SOUTHERN NEWS l In North Carolina there arc 207 tobacco factories. Fine specimens of pure plumbago have been found in Cherokee county, Git. Key West yields about 82B&00 pet month to the internal revenue fund. Ileal estate in Lafayette, Ala., is as¬ sessed $114,17$ and personal property #112,175. The revival at the Baptist church at Durham, N. C., resulted in forty-seven •onversiooB. It h proposed to scale the city debt of New Orleans to the extent of fifty rents on the dollar. Lands in Montgomery county, Ala., have more than doubled in price within five or six yean*. The building of the Library Associa¬ tion, at ThomsBvilte, Gs., coat $3,000. It has 2,000 volumes. It. is against the law' in Fort Smith, Ark-, to carry a pistol in any other Way, except in the hand. In Perry county, Miss., John A. Syl¬ vester planted a poplar tree near an ap¬ ple tree, and the poplar bore apples, In some hwtaces in Grayson county, Va„ five and six person# of a family diet! of diphtheria, and in one instance an en¬ tire family, home thirty fate!lies from’Mich ig«|i. New Jersey and Florida, are locating in North Georgia, on the line of the Atlan¬ ta and Charlotte road. William Lockridge, of Highland coun¬ ty, Vit.. says that he lias killed in his time as many as 1,500 deer, The old man’s step is still firm. The receipts of the State of North Car¬ olina from all sources during the year ended September JO, were : and the disbursements were $432,720.34. The Supreme Court of Miwssippi de dares that eighteen mills on the dollar, including three mills for State tax, is the utmogtlmiH to which taxes can lie laid. About sixty Swiss coloaiste, the men being * eneralty poseessed of means,, ay rived at Mount Airy, Ga„ Saturday. A colony of Armenian* are expected in the -priug. The entire amount collected bv way of taxation in North Ocoolina is #2,082,7* 0, of which the counties spend iwo-thirds, the school*erne-sixth, and the State the remainder. Walnut furniture has been" received rum Chicago and put in place in the new poM-offiee at Atlanta, Ga. The. old furniture will be used to furnish the post-office at Macon. Ga. The dueling hill baa been patwed by the South Carolina Senate, with an addi¬ tional section providing that it shall not •"fleet indictments now pending or eSemses nommitted before its passage. Three men sit in the. United Ntete-s Ses *te who were Governors of Southern ^tates when the war broke out, and re¬ mained in office by re-election at its close Harris, of Tennessee; Vance, of North Carolina, and Brown, of Georgia. The flat lands on the Escambia river tu Santa Kosa county, Fla., are alluvial deposite from the rich lime lands of Ala¬ bama, and it is thought that they will make the largest possible crops of rit« for hundreds of yea e wiriiout any ma¬ nure. Two bells found by a diver between Fort Sumter and Fort'Moultrie, taken from lire wreck of a vessel of about 350 tons burden, bear the date 1374, and must have been cast nearly two cuitu rica before tlie discovery, of America. There is an ex tensive depodt of kaolin, or porcelain day, in Hearth Carolina, near the Georgia city of Augusta, of the finest quality, equal to the dm&mfo of a hundred years. It is said to have lieen used to adulterate flour, being soft, white and free from gravel. Old i'ol’hj Lamar, in Alabama, i# dead • He was positively known to ire 110 years dd. But according to his statement of his age when became to this cuuutry from Africa and his recoliectioa of war times long ago, he must ha ye been .125 years otd. He was aW» to go afoiut where he wished until about a. month ago, when he fell in the fire, since which tiase he has teen confined to his tied. The South Louhkna Canal and Navi gat inn Company in less than twelve years, banning about six miles west of Fort Livingston, near the Southern entrance to B&rataria bay, has cut a fine otogl, westward, nine miles ioag, forty met wide, and six feet deep at low tide, cut¬ ting into Bayou*J.afourehe about twenty miles above, it* mouth, and extending nearly three miles farther west, Into the back waters of TimMier hay. This gives safe and easy inland navigation to Bayou Terrebonne at a point about-twen¬ ty miles from the gulf. «9» Wakhtnotoh has had » bodlding boom tins year. So far 1525 new buildings have been erected, against 511 for the ■«**»« period last year, A large ntmiter of public roeu are building handsome reni deuce* »i the -capital. this mast Birmn nmmm. The first consignment of »G«I~27,4'30 pounds—for tho nupcantnutare of the East Eiver Vmdge hna been received, and rapid delivcrifw »r» expected from this time on, the Edgcmoor Iron Corn pay having put its full force upon this eontr.uH. The gays of the superstruct¬ ure, mamifftdured by the Roeblings, at Trenkm, of BeMeoaez steel, have also ar¬ rived. The Caasbiiti Steel Company, which fumwh.e* the steel, has about 1,000 ton* alicttil of the Edgemoor Com¬ pany. CoL Paine rejvorts that t ha steel hse all be«B tested, and is of eujiarior quality, tlio Btrongth of the steel trusses being six times greater than is likely to b« required. The last structure to lie razed to make room for the New York approach will »>«in \m beared away. Thus fat the, bridge has cost 811,000,000—of which t=um $3,000,0fX) went under water and $4, 000,000 west for real estate, to lie OOY wed by a mile of costly masonry. In the profile drawing; of the eompictcd structure the lofty towers sink to com¬ parative insignificance. Tlie projection carries in the observer’s mind a-sc-use of length rather than of height. The gu }>erb arches at Vsndewater and Bose and William and North William streets, the massive anchorages at Franklin square in New York and Main street in Brook¬ lyn, and the airy bridge over Pearl street become, says a critical observer, more conspicuous in the picture than are the towers, which are so imposing m seen at midstream on the East river. It is calculated that with too greatest possible weight m the bridge and in the hottest of August days, with the tide at i its inches highest, in the there dear will betwenm be 185 the lowest feet 6 { ! point in too bridge, midstream, and toe surface of the East river. —Semtlific American. f arm aoxHisa m msw wmi.t,Asih The cider mill challenged tho Imy’e a tention in the fall, when aqrples were brought by the curt-loud and damped in , huge piles ou the ground, then carried in | I forge b«kefo to the hopper, to be «,« verted info) ponmeo. The steady old boreetnrned the creaking mill. w hen ] tfae r^nmee put into form and ! pressed the sweat juice ran out into ! ! tuba that invito sampling, (tops and glasses wore a barbarism ; tho only : proper instrument for tasting and tost- { j fog was toe long, bright straw. Ka cherry cobbler was ever so delicious as t that new enter. It was good sport to j hunt hens’ in obscure ' eggs, manger cor ners, or high hay-mows, or in tlio tall, ' standing gram ; to see toe swarming bees settle on a limb of toe near peach tree, and wateh toe process of hiving them; ‘ to rule ou high loads of fragrant hay ; to trap the sly woodchuck, and see his grit as a prisoner; to follow tha hsmstew afield, Aocka,” and stack the dean oat-sheaves in “ and to see the some oa ts By from under the alternating flails. About the bust fun of all was in the hustings ou toe great bam floor. Hates were at one* activity and repose^ indi¬ vidual excellence and social enjoyinent. Every man has his stories to toll. '.Ih© gray-hamd grandfather recounted Ids curly exploits, and told how his nimble feet used to trip those of heavier and stronger wrestlers. “ Stand up a tntn ute,” he would say to his tuest hired man ; and, taking him by too collar and elbow, he would illustrate life youthful “ seienee,” and semd hfe man tottering serosa to© flotar. Hardly let» was tlie sport of abewriug time, when the boys were allowed to hold toe big abeam and tmm the sheep's fleecy legs, 'fihe shear¬ ing was pre-xded by a general sheep washing, at iiie bridge on the nearest cross-road. It was “high jinks ’’ for toe boys to stand wafotedeup in toe water, pass along the swimming sheep, and give the forget lambs a useless bath hy them¬ selves.— Martin Kellogg, in September Californian. | Canada has definitely offered herself up to too capitalists. She bus definitely agreed to tom over to a syndicate the new Canada Pacific Company, iu pe. - )>*tmty, that portion of the line which has already beea built and all mf< ii» tion in its p<>«8«sion, and will grant .sub¬ sidies iu the form of 8200,000,000 of Canadian Government lgtexhi and several nulbruj acres of land (dong the .line of road for the nuke of its completion ta tile L’wdfi.' eoa#fc, In Maine they have about ioaafe-. a “corner’ ou doctors as Ghii og© ever got on-pork. One fowferlsidij a man ‘ lm T aayhofly re'i A ^f but W mratna.*. “ S ^ A vJy& hm ahohshed capital pumshment Bo that the number'd doctors w malted to to* number of peiMns who aappeu ta dm in prison. I.ongevriy there, it » »ai«l, is becoming absolutely ap^>alling -to to© undartakera. It ih really getting tirtwome to hear so much kbomh “the biggest crop” over known or hoard of. Ffewt it wsw <.i-c wheat, then it was com, alterwawd mte, apples, potatoes, and ftlmost everything elm, until bow we hear from the cran¬ berries. “ Never was there wiytlitag like it.” - : NO. IS. A TROUBLESOME HOT. BT SOB BOUkKTTB. “ I Impe nothing will happen to that boy,” fcha oros* paseengcr remarked, wuooiwly, as wo \r«a« ppeoding north¬ ward from London. The boy in quca tion wna about 7 years oil He was cm tortaining the prnm^ru by ronaiug up and down the aisle, shoutbig like a Conmrcho Indian. He would mu to the rear door, kink the panels, and i shout “Ho!” Then ho would ran to ! the “Hay!'' forward When door, this kick performauee it, and my be-j j ga-u to grow maddening with the mo notoay, tlie Ixty would fond it-a variety by jsmsiug to look mto aw pwwwn gear’s foci, while »t too same time he w-.-uld strike at him and shriek, “I’ll kiB you 1” It was very interesting, and all fovad the infant. Now arid tocn the ruotoiir would say, “ Sammy, Siua my, de«r, yon nsnstu’t strike too gnn tleman : perhaps toe gentleman doesn t like is." And torn the geuUeman would lie like a Trojan, and say, “ Oh, yes, he didn't mind it; he liked Httfo boys,” And so we were all nervous and wor- ! ried for fear the child inrglit get hurt, } We fairly grew wild with anxiety. He stopped at my scat, snatched the lap- I tabli to out of my hands and roared, I “Giinany tlmt pencil' r and when lids ; mother said, “ Why. Bannuy, I am i afraid yon disturb the gentleman,” Sammy j olted, “I’il Icrit him i” 1 was so anxious about Mm that I watched him ail the way down the atefo to swi if he wouldn't fall and break his nock. Bo wo ail sat ami watched him, witil written all over our The boy snatched an apple away from the fat passenger, kicked the cross passenger’s valise, made faces at the sad passenger, and bit the man on the wood box t wice with a stick. Once, and only once, he made an offer to slap toe woman who talks bmi ; but she glared upon him with a croak that made bis hair stand on end, and he avoided her during the rest tn . u *' u ’ l’ A 5,Wit * ** he W!W the t forward door to kick it, the impete < >m hmkmmn Uan ^ d lk U ‘ Wi - no ™ 8tetlon : li crmktd th,d W the head , with the knob, and the boy very much ss he would have acted ^ b 1 f°f 1 *' be B bMwwater ** W ” h in f Ca tho ^*’ wx>for !Uld to £t **>' off hw hood, and the boy was cf T uxet *d down. And it wm reaU T P ioMaat »° ***« ™ mriei1 k *> k » f - * M,t>as otmoem off foe passengers’ ku '’' s dk '' r t!l ° brakt-man droj>j>ed the lK f • <it(ms £"**&*'» ^ *** rfcW lUte a U ^’ ’ Uul fllt P* 8 "®** ***** . at ^ mm an tit* wood-box, who was still robbing his knuckles with an air of tender interest; toe sad ptesenger hummed a merry little air. and the woman who talks bass gave a cheerful croak that was interpreted to mean fought* r. l-'onr pasaongt re v/hv-sc names I could not team gave the aston¬ ished brokemon fe> cents apiece. The bey, with his hcful swathed up in wet handkerchiefs, remained comparatively quiet An exchange' says that the lb*v. Mr. Parsons, of BahHdnsville, ,N. Y., the, c\fe«ionary who wiw recently robbed and murdered by Turks, was a remarkably qn.t©t and bravo man: The following incident fe told of him. Borne years ago Mr. Parsons, ruling alone, unarmed, and with nothing of value about him save a smal l package of Bibles and Twriamtmta, wa* stopped by three despercuUs*, who renunanded him to disburse in their favor. “I have no money abont me,” mildly re marked the missionary. “What are j vu ©iuryuig dwuuuMf in jam jiackog..! tocre? rotq hly on* of the 14«e«. -Ofoygrsd was tlu asis-.wer; and, hiking one Bible out, by lift of cxhi.rting and talking, to#©e hardened ms iaals were ivmoskl«d to purchase an i pay for a Bible tspiece, they feaving .nioney with him who ht*H intended stripping him of alike bsd. Mr. Farsdfts w-euhl have been .worth f2O,00O a year to any insurance company. Mkmchis, in. providing for the drain oro of its houses, adopted- an entirely new system. Tho sewers are not more thou six laches ia diameter, until they have extended tmeh « dfetaae© that th© drainage- .they arc likely fo Mwciye will more than fill ono-liaif to© pip#*. They tlmn ineressed. iu slowly, but fc i w ^y» with toe view of keeping them as small tw possible, while large enough (o <3o thrix work. They aretuetfoniy f<-r 1 . 0 H 8 © drainage. 8t Hoil drainage are otherwise dd^rti of. Th© bouse drams are aotfonriy four inchw in dfemricr, not trapped, and, Ktfining clear above the. roofs of tlx© hrtnsea, are carried down to thsoulverU. Fresh-air inlets are provided fo ; too so tlmt the honso dram# and sewera have a constant current of liar passing through them. Enwts Boots is to act a* the now Prinweae* Theater, London. The delay ,-n hfe . . .ppcaranc© wa. . by fim . ^ fnsftl t,! Pfe>' I «^*‘. tii» Gthelfo of Charles Warner, which would m « meas¬ ure *ul«mlir.ate him to a popular En srlfeh star. CURB1ST ITEMS. Iwoss of tlso day--8matt-pox, uit> rheum, etc. Dammit is a pomtoffte© name in Bevfer county. Tuan, A husband soya it should be calk'd “ matrimoney.” So mb riulad»!pM&n<* named their silver mine the “ Scoop*e, w n ad the name proved prophetfe, They have ta sooopsdL No vroNjwg the miser desires to taka his gold with him liejond the grave, w'hms «-v«m “death lovea a shining Turner* Falls Reporter. j Thkris w* in Philadelphia *S4 jwtffrab©*; -Brooklyn, in New York city, other 854, and m 240. ta no A-tnori •'■ui cdy w© there more than 200, Faiobsm in Dallas county, Texas, «*> cure artesian wells, dewing six fee# , the . JUUl1 , h , , , , ^ ’ * a «f A Cknaroasru woman, seven tout tsd) s!1<1 wmgldzig 200 ponmk, broke bar heart for love of a Httte runt of a ma» wearing No. 4 boots and leading a poo b Y » eliain .—Detroit Free Preu. IjtswK by over-study of too Bible, » ymp»g matt named Pierce, of Theme, Jefforton county, N. Y,, iaisgining that his left h»ml had otfoudud, ttohbarateiy cut off every flngnv. Bmau. bov (ruahiug in front of young My wearing forge poke bonnet, and fiftanng her full in the face)—“ You’va your bet, Oiarii®; I told yer it WatnT an old woman. Dttos elioaod the murderer of their master, at Navfleofo, Tex,, but only held hire fast when tooy caught Mm. The human pursuers were lees merciful, for tliey liangcd him to a tree. The medtettl atudvut of lCoioe must tosmict before he oaxi lieuome an M. I)., bat the law provides that po bodies shall be dissected except those of executed criminate, arid another law abolishes I‘»n>*luzient At Exeter, England, a young fanner has been sent to jail for a month tax shookfog % rabbit on a farm of his own occupation, while a man brought before the mam bunch for brutally ill treating his wife was fined 5 shillings. The Fbifodtelpliia Herald says that the women of that city are busily en¬ gaged in gutting ap political clubs, They arc about two feet long, and only appear on pstnide when the husbands of tlie women came home late at night. An old English miser named Rhodes, who began making money aa a rnbbjsh gatherer, and liuil and died In squalor, luus tevjueatiled 1300,000 between tha Royal Free Hospital, London, and the National lifelwat Institution, leaving bus refotioa* penuiieas. Bomb philosophical {mraprapher hua bem struck with wonder at the pertiist ■sneo of mothers in teaching their chil¬ dren to talk, and too equal peratetones with which they endeavor, a few year* later, to keep them from exercising their talents in that line. Tub word “ welcome ’’ on toe door¬ mat, or worked in silk floss and framed to hang an the wall, does not always mean that the relatives, even unto the tliiril or fourth generation, way ootne in at all times and make themselves per¬ fectly at horn i .—Rattan Globe, Tub tradition that Cologne (trihedral would never be finished t<K>k its rwe as follows; A young srehiteot in deajviir at the refusal of hfe pious by Arohbn-.hop Conrad went tet too bank of too Rhine meditating suicide, when there ap* poured the devil himself, who offered hinj, in exchange for hfe soul, the pi.m of the cathedral as it stands to-day. The young m*h demanded twenty-four hours for reflection, and submitted the matter to his confessor, who suggested that on to© morrow, when Satan showed him again the. design, he should •out© it with his left hand, and, drawing rapidly a relic uf Sh Ursula irv ia under ^ hfe robe with the right, strike the evil spirit wito if on too brow. Thk was done. Bate said :' “ That's a cunning trick Of the ehit«h, but toe design which yon »* ire shall never be finished, and your name shall remain unknown.’ Aft h© spoke he snatched sway the upper part of to© j design. Tire young orehi ^ 0 mortification witliont reooo #trucUj lUt; ^ For ovcnU st , ein<fd u> U . u <mt tiltl old legend, It fe a curious fact that the locomo¬ tive which, with its train, went down with to© lay bridge, fe w running regularly between Glasgow »ni4 Edin¬ burgh. For three month# it laid in the bottean «f the Tay, but wh<*u it wm brought, up it was found ntu-. jmvd, ex¬ cept the fwttaal, doBB©, mul weather board, which had to bo renewed, Bhe ran on her owu wheels to Glasgow just as she MJxao cut of her long bath. Strang!* feelings might tmw in the trav¬ eler's breast on learning that hfe tram Was drawn by that engine, hnt there i* a locomotive engineer, it is said, in' this country riuuifog regularly tjpcm a rail¬ way ujfton which ho was one time th© cause ©f a urnst tcrubfo disaater. rrr 'ww&owhufrftn s.ppto/a »q| soap*** ©«l9JgO P«» spwayri ottiddipffd #<w ^avoo ‘a f aap 9 ! a 0 timituojoo m «H(« xounu W .« ,«« T|»an»tel*ix o«w*wI{»A. pus ytj| pa* ^ H „ (;1 », ri om% ogpaj 0 „ 4 ^ 9nQ ; ^ pjpn* ui {1 jo am ■aln .uqcfeJtSf-gai »ifi m-rj,h>ro-> •>, -w i*ns »a|qwc> wp V’V «n-r*wn.« But .jtmufiusf wm 'jxipp>»««?..».. »‘n Jtmi jw*d fiiijxua ’*wpt»> -ap* wounmqm; p septa pt^wm gyj -‘Afl uos»;puw dapfioje at won ura wutji W /« g, m pj t,x«M a At Naxt. the caricaturist, Ham made fl tort uae of f2O0,OOf) by h>» peueii.