The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 09, 1881, Image 1

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Tie tap Seiiel. Office in ii>« J«*up IIoimy,trM«Hgon Cm fry rtrrort, two dm.« from Broad S, PVJihimtt) KVKHY WiDNESDAY BY T P LITTLEFIELD Subscription Rate.® i Pmistgu Frepsul.) On* year., ................ .............,..$2 (4 Six amutha.... i m Tbret mauth*.... so Advertising liates far wptfre, first bwtoas,............?*. fo Iter njoare mi-h mbattqnmn fssrotifwi. 75 writem. DRstTHpreial r*te* tr. yearly and l»r** »ii TOWN DIKEtITORY. vows .Qvncmm M>r w, n W bW*f ombwuim*. . i3»fie vhli* curr, «. W dte»% t Sr s i Fi a*4 'ft Vt- AA*i3-rir ft. SrjNk&i M Jf L T ■ wrimm, mnittr-j Vrdfeary—$U«1 P uunI B Hopp*. JftebisMW, i-ierk 3«p*riftr Co8r«~-BMj. O Middletro T«x K«««ir«r—J 0 T*x @.te.UeteMi~W & C»av*y, w»*h < SsrMjrsr—te Ire-<i.«rer- {*hi, U Sk»ott, Miosss "■ nty Kniehr. I *i-*ke*, ¥ap*rior JoAg«: Csart, Simon Wsyn* W «a»oty—Msrtin BU*k. Sobviiti-' I meiff, M*?«k «a to an ft m s>«4 H#ptm>‘eu'. B A. X IxK Y , Or EORG l A . A'-mjk* Coe-STT <3 mic!i.s, Ofd5S*ry--*iJffi« A. Ctoxbf. «ssri8~l 9. €**k. A*ttoty Clerk—W. W filrahsm. »r«.r—If. Mreafherly, Tfta. FUeeivM—s. ,1. ftevl* Tax 0*Ji**t«r—Sites Jtebersea. thaniy C : »n«w*—I... Jshnroc. f.eoatr CoB’-wf»foa*rs B. MrEs.cJiia, J«hs (>- Hart, IVm, ®, Swwart, Jam** War* c*«k, i-i.aiii Carter, JHtlt »y 'Wftiao* ts-ffti-no )MWtM C- l ■te. W & < ti 1 a . a My m$ (K't* ber. TUAJJKKS JAir.t,. 14 A .'fusivcs ojtJft’. v ■irr.cK.t «. ‘ -nl.i asy— R*: e?i Hatei.vr ■‘tor: S'—J aha Preofes. <.Wrtr-~J. W. R«*U-e , Oeiawdar. E-lmh-SfrouHl is Marsh and 8-pt®»hW» I i Thi rd Monday i* Mfirth 4 ftp me— *B.i S*pk*n,b#r. f.'-sjne—P.varth Monksr in. M«re!< as d ■B.err*—First liofid.ty |» April tad Ware—8«j©»a Mvndsy is April f««t iM fehtr. '' is«h—Ta**day rifttyfevr. Mfn third Monday i« Av»»l rad fcnrtk April ttftSke—Taeteay awd afttr Mafeday-la «'a«4*«—Taasday C«t«h*r, afiar Monday ia May i.'fearlten—Third amt SawaMr. Ifoadsy la May and K* <*!«■««— Tm rte Monday in M%y and K* wan bar, ~.r.n TB K JKSLT HOUSE, -M** jusji Ok^try Si-* lESUP, GEORG I A «* »» AiSrau* v*& Salt, i*i M«r*a mi imxo »- ; *k Belt J5a#4«, • -*•* ktfimiflrMS .4$ ik% tittVJ'* %.t* Vr ta‘« 31 «*»*». t'ie » *« *i*f*;*A *y*u*i m* si k ttmtff --*d si *«*- Ar» t*5b « f*t it it *»i< sb^s-i *4 .•*;«) ftSf*. it* 4 }** ; i. * -1: - tty i® • :i* »»»•* »>-t Q- * Si tl thki k*t» *»*•» Jptr «*»? li«|l« ** femm MBM4L WMOlSl Iv* rSWiftNT K-Mt. sat * v>o »»4«f * !**ftt*i *. i»* ,<«>. • *>« m mam* **.« J v. w It* »*■*• ar*pei*i»i, r »* **i*a«r *i!i» »»•:«-! ♦*»»-• « I*« '-**■■ *6 » * *.*t hum Sot j ».« tot * i r inramu r ,»•. Altered Time*. th the year 1871, on the sadfenl .read* sny: of a Mil iu the House of Gmamon* f« building a bridge over rise Thames, ft* lad Fntuey, after a number of tneinWr* delivered qiesehei in ridu-ule of the biro, Hir Henry Herbert, just before the 1 base divided, nw< and said “I hou •ftdlv cob to* myself mi euemy to who isijxiiiefi, l (iiu equally opjxwt-il t-t rued, viyionarv -d projects that - and I may be per mt!' to say in the late King’s reign several of throe thoughtless unwn rteiift wt-Ttt thrust upon the House, but w ■ ‘must to property rcjro ted. If a man, hi-,_ ro-ro come to the bar of the House i tell ft s that he pTi’i^ ■■■<: 1 1 to eoaief m regalarlv to Edinburgh, bring iu coaches, ■;n tft-'M’it days, should .and us back in sewn 'hate move, wa not vote him to liini !> justice; > Sandy u.; felionJd, if' vu did or, if another, that he '* ' *ail to the East .Indies in fox Kiof.ihs. ftboitfe! wcuot pubtoh him for j-.. bring if upon our crednbtv? ngiithv” A-sur •fti'., we served him Tire i-MVtmydt<m lrf*Mfen to lidinhtu-gh ' h i-nv ft-s-onyplishwl hours. What in aomsehiag like Think < ‘even would Hir Henry now, could be tmm from Ms 'crave 5 No Yen Jokes. Fh»#» is. ab«fl«tyiy notlufig now io m ftfti They IWTet dfe. n»e mkcft that are fonidar to-us are thaa« which our met* t-ufti ehjoyed. They are ton ml in * hat r ' uiwa? ’ SSrhSe^uT •>x;.v»en«e tlmwurh ttrroe age# doe* notab St £t i ^ u* MM xht sr mmi ri nme }mm created alwdutely. At Krone nfeae „f the work of creation the joke* 'were huau-feftl into feting, «ud they bav« «on imurol to revolve by tlieir oi» pravric, TUecmvaetfe. aunifnlnteS planet*. NW of u£ter, them can bo any more tkm eorcauanrjher I* added. Nopcreon Vroognirrol who artempift ««igmfttitv rou «,-! wlfo tnkid t* a wit, but any.mnn van, life. tor mroauriang the old stre-k tovro am! fuuny stories, aud f<« working tiiern over on all occasion*. 1k« sligife-st: thing we .<fe mris a thrill vibrating shmg fee ehdlom ehain of ftanse and effect to the utmost limit ,.f TttJStitS mfoaWa reaulta, nffactog & JSttE : *ome to mm* f m *“**>-***«»* j*3U.SsS&t,™£ ^ ***** i VOL. V. •i«ws or mi. ni titii K. BT l.K- niXKK*. 7 hr- tv 5 •? air.}# Ivsat. t- ; TSS ctewls tot*N ISti k, om ,fis» i# i«W} Asst Tbs wr.< rpMors f«i* 6am. ®«t» ttm eotnwte ttpaniftot whses?, nigfct 1*m f»w>j5, tMt Rw mti *tmi pain to Mtf Thu ;j xw« in baS<» tm Iwr- Ian*, tit* hmiUig MwctusiU t&avm ft Wj(H, tot, the waste (■*■?, « nMw sivstis 1 ow «ky. mw m sht«!se* »m«6; Ptessd is Wt® gkik-oi OH p-mycroei. Hioltl ta»w tlie «i4 tab’*# coustt.* oat JWte' 9 J'iiEts SHf ots ts** s-wri ~ H* RtfaR w* t tSs *Sa»fi} If r-rt'.u* »r»s«BS iizr, AftfNe -hsr Her test fn-.t turt tiimiy seat her. Tli* s-.sck to* tin tiss F.-s-r.-.i-®: cry doom taiit auu M!h *» jtjkrng w^ft. tfew- wsfta* »s« ass i Ba- irtin* ewisse 'Hie 'Cns ’' - '.*? ^Uvftsrft rb tte- tlw tit Jaw '>'*(■««« etna* ite »w*!tow -a-tag* T1 k‘ orteket, I »~jvr -iiarp Un Binv»: I'WMonttM I'iVm srijrtsg vn ia« ivesi-tfe, » vaivetMWx, ®t» ••» 1 nr »-!•■#!.>-<-i»l *»«-« Ttie *n»Sw from •1 nmxt*, ft Tfet-fi, #,>->• 4 i V, >Ut* ft- *ar f ii .1 wb.U. •Tlse wlutf, mte^jntNUMWi v<»r* UtXUii, Or wil.tUa* In rbs soiilh souili i* M fnunA foaittl. ThKxqdi An* is8»i>;> to* njucii e vex ttse «lrft.*m taoutUoa* ti*» Sit*. rt«, T!i» *Io»™onn» aumeroiic, cl‘-»r «3.1 bngbt, I ISInaswl }&.- di»»y hill lttt At dusk ttsfs «qo*ud feiwS IftUw • The Whlrliiig 4«fclruv«U, *lu<! fttotii Ok- «'ws- dust *-ft* fEtea. Ami wawaag mm ek at The :>t Oa **i*M «lssag*3 tody fits pU !*}'#. Ain't ft*# Ua# mitt* frnow ?«rt it. * rasset irmmei. Ta* n-.ft Ay ii> f»!», bki-Atird* tb.' »«■ a AKi, j BMflM* vuk* t» s'oriii ; The Jeje, m *»«r<4 in hi* Qtttt* te-Jjold watWift-tou-* on'gtwa to few*t toe i«J4 SieSr : ThW usitate preWiritet* ts# tpidte* k*w, And »*sh w Cali. A* it ttor tm tlte pi«K!«« h*U tte soit* on h*cfc do '&■, Xj : '-«••-.■ fV u-,.t-.f ^ t , II &■« sect s’-. “ .? ?-iv, 'rtKe »*dft* through (.* mount t!i* *k *T.wat #e*»!y raJw, ""ft *#*>» *-H8« ***»• So wwrktog Ja Bn; fields a*aanrrew. ‘The Cm, - H*tk; ©«« the mmw* «wi tn.:** ttoB-Uadicetee s#la«>Rwt, as isi- • jciisa -itei!«, OiiAmm*. w««»Mrr. (N» the Afiainmioit <4 Str-iviuetf.. The Risnt Man after Iu. viola bad found a lover ; or at least, , JMm Bkwortih aspired to that dis- i i iimuon ‘"Two ' i years ago, tha paternal Elk wroth imd (riven John on his twentv-third good : ' birthday liia a deed of a small, Jam uedO’ own, John wet alxmt making a I home for hiataeU, with on© of His half- : tea sisters to manage it, and weal at , ! hit farming in earnest. And th© younger fejaalft portum thoaghl Mm rather a do- : siruble object to maneuver for. ; Viola _ Perhaps bad that was eitf reason why been so gracious to him. It ; was something to secure, without an of- ‘ fort, attonlKHis that all the other girls i schemed for. But John Ellsworth did i not realize her ideal. Under her calm exterior, she dreaded romaaee-s of the most vivid rose-pink. One June night, driving over to see his lady, John found her with au unu suul flush on her fair young face. She | rodv in mnttmr-of-ooarsiC' with him—accepting that his invitation j a wav ’ was dread* ; fully dwomuraging. | It out, after « litt le while, that i Mrs. Mownngton,» greateaunt, had scut for her photograph a month ago. not having Two .lays set'u her hod since ah© w*» a child. i two come an invitation to sqn'ud ft couple of mbfiths with her (the gi'ut-nuat) at Sew York, and she wa* tomo^ixw “If*, no nm denying,” the young fellow said, ills voice growing husky, “ that. I'm aorry for this. I don’t know what will come to you from Ibfe You j are not couteated here ; von.never will f he you have had an ex i.« yomt U -Jft riiap* not th-.-u. I am not ntoc onongh to toll you now , I mt*- ! jum do : bn!' T love you," far Viola. Mind, I noi a»k you now any return. I : «fedl wait heart for want the future may put } in “Indeed, your to J, *#y.” do for 1 ears y<>», 1 Jvihfi; and you caii»T blame me for | wstitwg to go. Aunt flioeeb me, you ’ see; And and Tv* no one dim here, anything particularly, of j never seen w»- i TAG... itLjf'li'S ..... .. And 1 sliflii not * t forget . *.■ you, »- inter- - ruptodg hua. “ I tduill always tmnk -J ^ t ’®— For fiternflj two whole 1 *®' her months, hand- » kttlo ft»-.Hy. ‘‘Good-by, then.” ktoriu* tlw li«re»flt tt\h, akmc, • and Mir then Uim w«»f to fltttth fe» packing. v tola s next two month* were ue%ht fill Site was always prettily dressed, huraiathi brim EBaworth eslfed ou her the scanning ’ „„ ‘ ’ her taoe said “ I »m,” she. ; and nho told him ail alrout her delightful visit. “Oh no’ 1 *Uiv here oulv a f*. r'-lnm- from , via ,h, i. *»**,'• “Poor fellow moonlit ! ’ nm road. mil, then vmutolownihe Am. Frank Thorpe’s dmnmiy *ad gray eye* came up before her. and *he forgot John lSlfewortb’* ahatly brown cmca. Mrs, Momiagtott cane and trek the most deairSdv inntnmmiial nri^e and twmt - Fnuik Thorita J lonnged L, in on ^ i ei * m 5 i !V ftU 1 m -‘ re Hrefe-i advi»4*to \lwnin»*A»mMto «».i »•. , rf ' her vounu ch’-mrethatVifl-lit with ^ mv dJ^T hnintifuVr ttd!,lr ?■ j ItoStH « hflf r kt-Ito ILk ‘«rtUlnT tWht J-Vauk h SeW to lJ^.-v doc*not in'lovo care for me L. smt" “ If he ia Birt*edme wifli v tm iA tb ,, atteadfsV’" * " Groveri Iwll muftt be Yiak went to that ball sun froze Frank Thorpe, who. miuonmouit of of If W 'U-c. jangmASy her. ssiiumcd fits nan&l ata 00 llfM other. When he %** printed to Tiok sSt ^^ tjys . iss ; “*• Om tnmtf] ivmUmg merning Viola J ESI P, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1881. had been not tar » wslfc Dm the way she met Prank Thorpe.,, accompanied m she wm very apt to do, He her home sud entered the boom* with her. Then loet Viola, feeling bright herself, began nring ft him c® his man—"eniphattcally, jmrpnsefe?** life. “ I were a "Thank heaven yoa are not! How¬ ever, go on,” “ You put me out, Mr. Thorpe , wiry yon do mmaetMng Don’t f ” If "Do somethisc? I urn your devoted oiteadast throe- tottrtbs id toy waking Yea, mil life,” yooreoif talked " get mid ov about certainly,*’ by everybody. hurriedly Not that i care, to recover her blunder. “I shall choose my friends of where I idea#*,” making matters worst?-, course. “ Yon see, 5 ’ be said, leaning forward and laying his hand eontfetetiriaily ou hex arm, “ 1 cannot 'near to see » tflusr hearted, honest girl lowering herself to the ways of these Rftifieiai, brainlewi giris, Who have been bred up ail their lives ia the tmalneas of nmung » hus b&ad. Yon don't need any paltry luubi fcioa. Wait until von find a mats worth hiihiig us love w ith, tmd then marry Inm, Wait forever, if you don’t fimf him,” Viola >->a,t mobof j t -so with astonish ni.-nt. 1? any dumb thing Imd firrtt d win© she w.mid uot uare been mm amasted. And ©he felt k> fully <*lh-d to administer advfee. While ah® sat, his hard thill on hot atm, uud his rvr- on bar £«*», the etoer bpenod. fend John Ellsworth wo© nahered in. Vk$K ir»Y towam utm With eager, otttetretfibwi few <bs Prank Tu orj.>e, being.ifeturbed by this new-ooraer, who was called John, and re John Kllsworth was in town for a fort. * a . iri>t. \ wla . always lUHwpted in, um t-uu«.m« v m& mim the. time mu t&e for their fulfillment th«ve was some unavoid “'dc obstacle m the w..y. rt - en I; «? t 0,ulie *“« '^7? , < 5#38sa ^^ 1 oi U i “fifed ^ fl away by metntable hw tethers reaction, tlltews, an 4 It , was alike everywhere. In thenar row curelo out of which she lied come there were jealousies and heart-burning-, petty she better and «»< woiwe than hwl oome to know in the guised jawt weeks, by smooth^ though possibly less dis mmentioml polish of manner. Wait till she met « man she loved! She might wait until she was grey and blind. There bad never up p.-an-d one to whom she could give n second thought, unless it was—well, jaw hups, John Ellsworth, if the life tliat would follow with him wv>v not too nur row to breathe in ; or Frank Thorpe, if ho were not too lazy to speak. Au-i theu, Mr, by contrast, there cam*- a vision of Nicolaos and all h* wealth. ,« »he had shown the first avmptomR M her mooda to Mr. Nicoteon h© would «* v « denistwi from his attentions at omv. wa * f mth »»d Iwanh a> si atatn ete’te he state of. perfeotion Tltat wit* mi&f wauk^d—tiie statuesqneuees. and ftflidr. everybody conaidensl it a aettl.-d 1 think Yiola began to consider ither scU. Hh« hft«l just- one letter from John EBaworth otter bin re turn, and he said : ■* I love you,Viola, uud am waiting for ■'*}; Hh V lul , , mt avm ^wwer the ,, letter , , Bw W6S «»bs. even with Mrs. Morn htfftou,. tor two day* after it, Then she was seised with ft fit o htoamfeksiesH, been aod, amldetoy bad .her friend not taken very ill, uothAng weald have kept her there. Mr. Nto olson came more frequently than ever; m hi* w«y. very hum and «iusdde.reto. Thorpe Dot night and m early took Vjoto spring Frauk «me out for * * .i You are looKtug tmal. We not have another anch night for may Break aawmtli,'’ aaid. In the half hour they did not sjieak b«U a du»« wnteuro^. iu*.l ?* t «fe*n be ll rf" uat lH-r ow«do*a-,andhrfd h«* hand for » ouBOte a» k» mad •• Fare* well,” Viola felt that they were nearer each otfior fiuan ever before, violnwaarme mnmtow aitmtnone.i to In }h« occupation of the peek weeks ahe % zr 3 zT 3 rs & z ,h % girt *£*"* ever went fo***^™ to meet the final her question a* to answer. eateredfhe www'^Xot thafhewa* o*m eooeerted. "f gff P* *« “ k 1« • t~ few tt, i *&.’*<** *«r. t6oro - ; iil£ Andthon, in speech which was + oration than anvthma L cl-, A‘kda had ever heard ’ be'offered hi* fioad end fortune. She wont np-Rtoir* to Mr*. Morning H. , * \ i ewrtWMed’’’ ^hatV “Irefused Mr. Niooluon.’’ J have “ Perhaps aakl you will be aerryttntt you |. «*».’• I rtmll j. „ * I erhitp**. pever **» Wx. l ,r f 1 ^ > A »>rvaat anuounced Frank Thorp-. “Annt, aboil I-' 1 «d miwed. Even I *° ro*' T f e ^ m >f fv«-ex«tr A mood aho ***»*¥« ^rmnUmm ilmt 1 y< i?*° ^ r ' ^ vtK ^ ,0a ' rofwt Don ask me. I P” , A lf,lu T at d ,i >v ' ? 1Eo ** h ' r vl “»“ r . . who wo* at the full tide, l of In* languid, ! tovd ‘nrhfference, ! } ' t,r 5‘ ‘-uitortamuig >«*u are So. ! t,R , >* ' om conversdtonal powers ate nomettung to lg» wcuMSeted at, Viola * ^ l **> ^ ^gi». Toa «, not £$&&&??& rjfz jSS?“•" M ‘ ’’ M4 «o there few bveu There; talk uixmt «»metbing else You upedn’t lie en temruiiOg any more.” •'Mias Havrikm," Um tsemma t an oounoeii, and tt-r* rnil an end tn it all. Viola reasoned WrHt»lj into Hid erm Mctioo that she twin love mm Frank Thorpe, uud, it not actnnUy in that con¬ dition, ahe* might easily find Wined them The crisis w»* sot for off Coming in txsm an errand, that night, «Ke fonnd all the dimly-lighted hems© empty, and west oh firuat room to room till, in the isbrnry, Thorpe, she opened the door on Frasot “Bim» yon were ru-f at homa, I < aru© toftrnl tor myself ft voinroa Mrs. Morn iiigton But lie hail closed pnnnised the door me,” be explained. as he gave her a chair, his as if the tete-a-tete were « part of plan. dean “ We might as wril 'oegiti with deni a of record,” he »uid, with a great You hard earnestnes© in his voice. “ are not my first love, Viola, Not quite two vttam *06 she condition—there's jilted um 1 wa© iu dunvinK au aw fill spoonv no xt ii—and for a few vwks thought would be th« death oi me One mom iug my letters end trinkets ctase back to me There wm not « word of ex¬ planation, and 1 did Wot choose to ask anv.” “ And the young lady** name?” '‘ Emily Prescott.” that * * Emilr Hrmcatt, '* Wh y, is J the young lady I met this afternoon. rsi iioiue from abroad—-in mother Paris monming. H< r father and both died oomo wiier< m Fraae© in the spring, and she «u.u<- home with the Mortons. ” •• Viola,” staring at few witli eagor eves, ohftit. “ I don't “My believe darting—” it,” dropping into a poor “It soorns to j»m‘. Ftttek, that th« lit¬ tle arrangement, we entered into ten mtiintes ago might as well darling be quietly annulled. Your 'poor fe at present with the Martens. Hadn't you liettex go up there nt one© luid re»ir mnge tin programme ‘f *’ “ I don't know. Viola, you will think tee w scoundrel, bat i believe I love her vet “Of course you do. Who doubts ;t f There, don’t say a woman can’t be gen ftrous,” After that nothing could keep her in home, New York, and three old-fusliioned days after reaching driving th< her road, nony- she chaitKi over green country came »oon John Ellsworth walking, and lie accepted her invitation to ride. thoroughly “ It is good homesick.” to lie here again. I was “ When are you to be married ? ** “Never 1 ” with n burst of vehemence: “unless you—oh, John 1” with a hys¬ terical »ob. At home a telogram awaited her, Mrs. Morningtou was deaiL Mrs. Moraington di«l poor. She had epeot all lior inonej Ito Viol i waft not hrirons after all * tm Brief and Comprehensive. Ye-ftis »g when tor sabjfeet hroadiod of digging the «mal that oon naota Portland, M»>., with Daki- Bebftgo, then- was ot c t nn>e. much Opposition on j too part of I hot oouawlcrable oli»s founa , r-adv ou all ■ro-ftM u.k to bitterly oppomi i l intemal improvennemts of every kina that | ro In n appeal to the jiookete of tax in payers. one of the towns intepisted that a meeting of the higal votore was Cidlcd to sme if the town v.ouM pledge in- I rn-dit it neve*- irv; wr would recogutot* ■ by The vole meeting the ueoeaaiiy ojaMietl, of t he w<»rfc. and the was full and they op* ! ent» were out in foixw; engaged a jMumriou.8 old doaron who never paid a tux that he could avoid j vmviug^ lie to^rgw tlieir ea»ri, I,k**y thought' ? could do it He could worrv the other side down, and wro*' them out, any wav. 5*555? W The tm warrant , and atM**,! the object of the nmeUug: oud, iu x lew very chottv, clear, aad pteasautl.v . »pok«*u word*, be atatrol the facts in the and- made known what it w«* hoped, bv tlie liberal aud progreasive ' ilo ‘ .-hmeat 'then tire town would ‘ A ml the popper v old rinoeou , Failg to hto feet, ‘arid opened hto of g«oer*d almao and ocurrilltv of He talked false aulreur aud iurimwilingstoff. and a half- a temink which ugly, dtognirted even some of hia own supporter*, ^ «■?>»^ui irr ^ r ^ rWMVx. mtertenti-vvilh the Mans j a . . .., ‘‘qnuL .. fmd^Wvb , . intended a wafer com wuiifeation bet* oea iiuiberuuid t nr m,v hkp « n.irodiu R S&j’S llV tj, with at^ Hismvuioplftn*! puny. IcUerc^ti.! Mind what I! Aqd throfirorniit. Deacon Hk^aHiat ‘feinjyi:.Sant sot, (town. Ami, Lit on up rose 'kr» P ! rosant. paly face r-ll Bot* fha* in » certain pmee there was lacked water, and lUWtorf a f/rero, aud called the pmrov B-er §nr, *1 mov^ xm menmm mim fttin."’ aitnpfe The 'thing took wonderfully. That nentenee—“and Abraham digged « well ttm«v!*'-ro.«oke U it, Tit tic field’* iUught liv1 int vn fc)gtlifi „ TO , , v „ v down ifeh.„ w , i'iio motion f „ r t fi e ..w qurodou was. carried: then the feait, aueation die wa* put: Should «»e credit,,! town bo given to th* great by improvement’; 1 -and it was earned an oxernhelming majoafv. Ami vet if wn> -<id, to fh«.-» who ought to know, tliat, had soma friend of the measure followed old Skinflint in an exhaustive Mieccb. the chances would h*v» Iwscn wcjdedly Ledger. the- other w*y. —item York ® 1 ^ »rs: | **« ftrto’k*,3«S ‘ZtfZ Bpw ® Vm SOUTHERN NEWS. At'Brownvftfe, Tcxa*. the recent snow -term was the first in fourteen years. Farm hands »ra said to lie more sett w in Thomas county. Ga , thaw they have bees -*mce the e ar. Three bandrcd German carp have been niaeefi at various points up th« St. John river a Florida. A Louisiana planter says that he ooa ilders twenty geese lo a cotton field equal ■(. one hoe-haaif. Negroes are said to be leaving Gadsden county, Fla., in such numbers that it 'uninuits to an ex* da-. Tycoon. Gi,, having an existence of eight yean, has acquired a thrifty pop;;-' iatios approximating a thousand now’s. Thousands of robin# roost in a carte htxke About fifteJbtj tniJe# from Homer, They are taken to Hornet by the » folk A clipper 4,ii>. brought into Fort Boyai, 8. C.. loaded with gaane, csvne nj> to the dock ut half-tide, drawing t wentjr-one feet. Iu Louisiana the census exhibits 47S Chinese, 819 1 a Laris and naif breed*. eight haif-Cbiweap, one West Indian and ore East Indian K. Garbini ha.» been elected Froskfeat of ti«* New Orleans Fruit and Produce AtwociaUoa, a new and Bermanoct organi¬ sation of wholetsaie fruit deajet*. In the last tour months of IM0 col portuen of the American Bible Society supplied 1,91 if destitute families and 955 destitute individual* with the Bible. Harry Stephens, the wribknowu col¬ ored body-servant of Iton, Alex. H. Bttqihcns, who dtml hint week, at Craw¬ ford vide, was the owner of perhaps #20, 000 worth of property. The -St Augustin© (FI*--) Pmw .says that the majority of the farmers there¬ about-. instead of ratsing their own eorn, buy it at the city stores, A cotton planter could scarcely do worse than that. An amendment of the constiuiticn of Arkansas has been proposed, in the leg¬ islature. providing that the general elec rioiiB shall occur every fourth year,State Itepmwmtotive« be elected for four years and the Legislator? meet ©very fourth years. The Pern Ga. Hmw Journal r-hut the old plantfiiioi. system, almost universal in Houston county before the WHr g„ n p t < its death, and small ,u>tt r, " wt l tute thl ... * or<W r ‘ f »« r ' cultural work. There are very few teti¬ mu l,. tarnis in Houston. There is a prupoeiuon to form a new North Carolina county ou of par fa of Sampson, John -mi', Wayne. Oumhertfesd and Har l 'vit cimtitiro, There on- several propo mtTOtta to cut off portion* of Wake county , 0f ^ Uxrmaiwn of new routoiro. but r Kalcign , t . is awns?. At Scarliero, Ga Jolai F. Toale {* President,. Warren R, Wood, Troasurer, and Jaiaro A. Fulcher, Becrotury, of the "First National Non-cursing Society, sScarbcro Division No. I.” The object <rf the organiaatien is to 'iLjf.f>ntiuue the ■ of , profane praaret* wire an.ig. , Ito a eterirol error, ia making up the fet of cities or ceuaiw bulfeun' No. M, ’ tlie . populatum , . ol cue enumeottum dia tr'.ct or Atlanta »v«» oonttea. Use true population, Qcn. Walker, ^£ Superintend of th9 tWtM ,^ 42h mt -US^ as previoutily atmounred. angehurg S. ■ ’ * as high as in Chariro t<,B * A cotton factory with tour Glem hnt aMachintotte is established. The crop probably reach abeut- 40,000 bushek «,IW hTO. The answer ».f Urn citi/rout of Men, chi* 1 !, V hi ! bondholder* n ! or credi- CH U ! tor* ot the old t»*pomvm «•» Memphis , allege- that tie ■ cojitprmuire proputrol by taxing district, twenty-five cents on *-«. »•>'" d‘to the old city. *ay fl.248.!»8*J, » fair jurt ami honorable, Ktntrslle, 'i* tm., rot* laid put m 17$1, mid srnnied in hoitoi of General Knox, of Revolutionary fmne. The fir- ? Ter¬ ritory! Legislature ttmembfed there in 1764. the eomtimtion >1 invention in 17fe>, aud the firrt lLate Legislature ir, 17!'t>, The seat «f .juvernment was re moved to Nashville in lkK». IL-hmom! Hi- j-at* St If Mr. Jfiflhnior Oavwdoea uot mok« iu\a»ro«s chofige* iu hie pr«rf-sheetft. Ins is; not the man ho was m 1880. Then he had' a ha hi t id chanring the report* r*<« note* to *uch an extent that Ms »pec>ch« Mvmed almuat to he. new reiiro, <u rather not the. same w hich he had dctivcied in the Senate. A bill is pending before th, Florida medical Lroi-iaturc-providing fe*ar<fe--at !Vtisacol«,Tatfah«ftwri for four r-xaminitia Jacftr.itix - , .... .jc . tun : K' , - y .... \\ est fthich , . , rimJ , - c.Miifiinc applicant- and grant certificates V# those • ftlv w iiu are «|mtlified to die . L th fori'.*- • f a ..## 1 . a!* aptrt The lift: re as ’ .Hrttictivv, and wifi upt di«iu:tlify -i' rn w.w pntcliciug- 1' n* «f Emory tkdtet* NO. 24. Oeorgia, says that in 1976 the improved lands in Georgia amounted to 28,737.539 aery*. In 1889 the aggregate hat! grown ho 29,815,581 ceres, the increase of fir.!, years befog sufficient to provide farm of 100 acres each for nearly 11,0*00 fimiilie-. He says the colored people are buytu.. farms of from twenty to fifty acre*, and getting excellent .returns from them. Evidently he does not believe m tli decstdtuire of Georgia. Charleston (8. C.) News and Courier To-dav the leading men of Miadasippi Arkansas and Texas are Georgian-, and in every county and neighborhood, a’ iBon, iu those States the controlling spirit ts a Georgian. The Governor of Texas is a Georgian, so art* both ibe Sen i*tors from Mississippi. She baa given ihree Governors to Texas, two to Mi »i«iippi, a Oovernor and Senator to Alti bamtr, and bet ablest and b< -t men to Arkansas. Tli* niAuufecture of briek is one of the inmt icntwctaot ittdostrietit-f Macon, Gtt, The material furnished by the bind l* iow Macon, in the Ocwulgee «wamp,and a tract extending aftr&ss the Bruarw.ick railroad is said to be unexcelled in the world for parity and firmness. The Ma¬ con Telegraph and Messenger thinks there w no reason why the number of marmfiV-Uirif'S should not be increased, aad the production of pottery, pipe*. drains, etc., for the whole State eab red Upon. In old negro near Shock too, Olineb county, Ga., has invented for iroo-cli a new plan for planting orange trees, and lias plained severs! hundred. He plants them among the green pines, ami leaves the pines standing to protect the onuige tree*. He dear* up a spaco tweiva feet square and pltmta ar orange tree. Two gentlemen its (Tittfh county propose to plant a grove cut as; island, in the Hu wauooche, scar Dupont, A gentleman. 5n an adjoining county o 'ntemplatea set¬ ting out several thousand tree*. A Charlottesville, V* if oorreepondent of the Eicbmond Dispatch says that George Sogers Clarke “lived within sight of Charlottesville, though two miles and * half away. | ha ve been to the old booae-plaeo. There to riot a ves¬ tige of the buildings left, but the situa Atiou commands a inort Iwautifu! view of a large extent of country, looking westward and northward, and southward down the Btviinna valley, and is on the Southwest mountains, o« the farm now owned by Mr. Red field. The Clarke family owned thousanda of acre* of land in that section, embracing even Er| : §e Hill, the rwideaoeof the late Thoms* ,1. Randolph, five miloc away,” Olkfitt* Fpir iutics. Thanks to the general use of steam in troveling, it i» oorntoiting to reflect that iu spite of the very great annoyance and in convenience caused by the horse <iia «a»ro iu recent years, particularly by the epizootic which prevailad in the yew 1872, the inoonvettieucc* to which peo¬ lack ple arc subjoeted, nowadays iu the of borsos arc really much ions grave than those which our ancestor* had to con¬ tend with, in similar ciram*tanro«. For our forefathers, the prevalence id a se¬ traveluig vere epizootic and meant tlie ceaaatlon of all transportation, whether for long or for short distance*; cv-«pt ing. of course, such servico asf may W done by oxen and by men on foot. Home idea of the gravity trf the sittuition to sugge-ind old by th* following extracts from an February Birmingham newspaper. On 4. 17t>0, notice was pnbLtohed that “ the horsfe* balooging to the Bir miugham fected by the stage coach are m much af¬ vails present that <.’,i*vmp«r that pre¬ among fit- rn, its journics nro obliged to Iss discontinued until tlieir recovery And in th# week following another notice uppoar.'i nndm that of ing February th* VI, Birmingham 17fi0, “tha hoises belong¬ to stage coach arc still so had that going it would with be the dangerous to attempt their coach this week; but on Monday next, the Prih, Mr. Peyton propaHcs feat the c^ch shall aot out to go from hence ns usual ; aft«a which he hopes it will me. i with no other interruption. ” Macaulay’s Mcunu ♦ Beu ffowmi won fmm Ms admixing contemporaries xcimmhir the epithet aviglu, of “rare*'-— his F 1 from ynysom of memory But BmV. powers were caulay, small who compared muted the nith greater those part of Ma¬ of flu* Lay of the I.*st Minstrel after read* iug it tor the first time. Ho used to tmy, mm he if» by 11 « means & boastful man, copies tliat if of by Milton any ohaitee, all Ik? the destroyed existing worn to first l.m thought he could replace the six books of ParedaH* Lost £r>m memory, '• He met «c<l, " ««kl his friei/d Milunm, ••re haw- ivnrl everything; aud to romem fetr all that he lad read I have seen a letter of th« late Bit William Stirling .Maxwell to ft fth nd, ennviumg him to ask-. "Mr. ALwaislay, who knows every¬ thing'' fur tome piece of tofornsation. Mm rerite oufey,' the list v'iri of Sydney IMpeaY" Smith,*• ten yoa No," coufeseed Macaulay, “I “ get .'-Hifiwd with tho Hftllaos, -f.thrift (usdUregoriro." “ Well/ »!*.:-i who ^isS pteiv «ut. of CkmtcvhnryF* “rou you manage the ArchbrihojiS “The disdainful Arefebiritojui of Canterbury!" was the reply, “anv f<x>] can i»i* An^btahops trf Canterbury hackwarfi* v And he Itegott, irons Howler . back to when his bearer* declared them selves aauafisd. ---------— Ts * 5oVe oi mA d “ iro ot imjirovcmcut, ought to be on!v motives of augmentation; difficulty and, where throe ore sin cere, uo eim l.«e t»*d« of cm bracing' jite trutu ss foos.M it i* pair, j MV6i. !«STS, • ■wo, i , 11 ^ ;,, .^. , w ^ . A «imr mm b^i-qiiilt m&f V>o im# r»vm>.i by {Mating ltowspajiej* Wwmhi I 3^Tho>« who msgUt to know say ikktt pnuitiy aka tbeur thrives boiled. »ob cooked fowl, sad oura ,f)o sot Wp robber sIhxss or Miubda ai the feet longer than nemmwry. Tbay slionW sorer t.m worn in thn house. Fob stilt corns dip « piooo of linaa clotii in turpentine end «tap it Monad the toe on which the earn is situated night and morning. The relief will bo immediate, and, after a few days, the corn will disappear. Lip SaIiVW,*—O ne gill sweat oil, ■I." ounce White wax, three-quarter® of an oiinee the fire epemiwxdi. Dissolve them over and stir til! cool. Another— t)u of sweat almonda, eight ©unoas j white wax, three ounce*; spermuMietj. three ounces ; rMxlium, fifty drops, I!.. 1 salve. wlute sugar candy form an exeelfmt lip r Ants.—B ed ante may !>,-• baufehad from a pantry or eUire-rcKim by strewing tbo shelves with a wuaD quantitv of clovea, former, cither whole or ground. ’Wo the as not being #o Ukely to get into the food placed upon the ©helve*, The ssloves should tw reaewud oocamoa *lly, as after a time they lose their strength and eilicacy. OUKid Moanunoxs, bettor says Homebody, love l#*rf than they do any that flows in the veins of human kind. " Just put a couple of generou© pieces on pl»p»* near your bed at ni^ht, and you will aleep untroubled by then© |H>at*. fu the monung you will find them full and stupid with the beef blood, and the meat H-neked m d-v m a cork .. Stains.-^B emovs ink-stains from ©ar pete With milk, and afterward wash with fine soap, a eleau brobh, and warm wafer. For grease spot* use powdered Sprinkle tuagneeia, fuller's earth, or buokwhe&t. m the spot, and let fie until all the gwrn m nbmtimd ' renew the earth, tnagfeNi* or buckwheat until, all the grease w removed. Time and p». tmiioi- will in this way remove the worst of grease spot*. To Dsmet Gtaronas Gowmm.—’Mime foolish itoraaaa who t-sjy ground Cofifee may find out wfedfeir f* hut they the buy is gen nine, oof © or not by following method: Take ft wine glass or n tumbler bill oi water, and gently drop a pinch of tfe» ground Mime ott the aurfeoe of the water, without starring or agitating; gaanine iuf&m will t!r«u for some time, wililst chicory, or and other sweet root, will soon sink ; and ohioory or oamuel will Ciiuse a yellowish or brown ook«r to -liffitof: rapidly through the water, while pure ooflVe will give no visible tint, under such droumstnuces, for a eoruhdernble length of time. Starch Por.rsH. —Tko old receipt of stirring candle the starch with a bit of wax km. of m mt nearly so good,in the opin much eheapet an experienced laumlress, «a a instiimi pkn. 8ho uses mutton suet of wax ; it makes the starch firmer. Before roosting or boiling yemr joint of mutton, eat off whatever *not you want from it. 1 ‘ Bender " it in » tin cup and ««;t it aside in a jar; it will keep six the months or longer. The £»t about kidney in a hind quarter n» the firmest and best When you want thick starch for collars and shirt tewoins, take fou rUble-spoonfuls of stareli to one quart of water, and a piece of Urn clear suet about the size of a walnut, Tina makes a good quart of starch. The Botfewhtld Family. The Paris branch ol this fiunons famuily is quite large. The dowager Bomnem Hothsohild, who liven in tlie family uian sioa iu the Rue Lnfltte. bad five obihfeen. Baroiu Alphous©, wlo to at tin* tune the head of tue family; Boron Solomon, who Baron died a long turn- ago; Baron Gustave, Edmond, and the Baroness Nath¬ aniel Rothschild. Tlie venerable dowa¬ ger is» veritable fountain of charity. She give* a w;.y hundreds of thousand* Id franc* every year. In summer kite Uvea in a splendid county house at Boulogne, where apartment* for each om of hex mm order. ami daughteJS Baron and are Barones* kept Constantly Alphous* in iu.Tii.-' hiM live.Iu the old mansion in the Rot Haim Florentin, where Talleyrand once resided. They are gay and «t everywhere fcremcly fond of thf- society, motide; and the are Barones* aoeu ui to one of the mont ocoompltohed equost riomics who frequent the Boto d« Bmil Bar httslraud is an enthusiastic patron of the turf. Ho has atahlea at Meoutrif and nt Chantilly, and Rothsehild laviahe* millions on them. Solomon wa* n delicate-minded man, food of exm His vcisation, wido book*, ha» daughter pictures and society. it'is w si who, -mill, U* the richest heiress iu fee Pari* family. Boron Gustave fit the ouly one who hiaa married outride the family. One of the son* of the into Nathaufei Both;, child has jiu*t pure baaed the splendid mansion of Count Tolstoi, iu the Avenue do Friedland; and another, named Ar¬ thur, Kpunds his life i» collecting Imoks. It i* suid that no one else in France ex¬ cept tko Duke <]'Anionic possessfw such estimable treasures of rare editions and hixurkiu* ehild. One binding of Introt as this addition* young Itoth* the to tin* delegated family in is Paris Baron of Adolphe the phenomenal iy rich JtotbschiM, boai of Naples, who has closed out Ms »<*», and reto-l with the sareftify of oonacicnoe the possession pramotod of fortune by the of know ledge hun¬ of » ose dred and eighty millions of francs. H» may be seen now and then in the Bois, lolling negligently in the bine carriage which is otto is of the pecnUarjties collector, nod Of the house. He a great wilt sjK*nd hundreds of thoniuMnla of franc* upon any trifle which he huppoua to cou sider that bo must have. Tlicre is but one Catholio Duchess in of family, Grammont, and that wlw>, ia the y«.ung it will bo remcmlmrrol, wius Frankfort-oin-tho the danghtor of Baron Bothsehild, of Mato, one of the richest members of tb# p*oup.~.-| , «rf# fetti Sri An *;?. pc is sire lTcasare. It i* no trifling expearir to he » bride* mai l at a fftriitotmUo wedding,"' mm ifcut- » Wmh ugton cursysp* ud :ut <> f «Lo ford hearing (Ct.) Merit/iff ask her Post. daughter “A iftdy . another * «i i to he an Attendant to » crot-un w,-,! ding, promptly answered; ‘No; I ma tired of paytag at kwt $Ifk) for thw dreoa she wears whenever she is ft bridesmaid. She lifts bought drosses fe>r that p«r}>js« «ev«a tw»e».' w.d that . m enough,' Of txmnvo a hai'drvome pae*rojt is abmyn gives: bv ft tm h- maul to the bride. Which adds considerably to the Tim c. at *>f her at- * toudooue on ..her friend, 'best man' round xt scijim wrikKugs for is tofcril for io the pay brtdea- a pwA sum boipucts J know M one instance where a ytvniig Vna gvalleuiftn, who could ill afford it, told that ho would In? expected to pre-cut each of twelve bridemnaida with a liovpu t of rvsriHids, There were un groouiwitaH'W rt» the tfew unfortunate wedding, best aud only Ufheis, #o man, after he had swchph.d the post, won oooliy told that h» would bo rc iuisEal to iiro* ride tiUfi trml iPVf* «t htHififita.*'