The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, January 24, 1884, Image 1

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Tte Jem SenffltBi M*» in tfee Jt*up House, front!.#* on C»efr» •treefc, two doors {rota Droa-i ' Ml, PUBLIMlKD EYEKY THURSDAY T, P LITTLEFIELD. Subscription Rates. (Pacing* Prepaid,} Or* Y**t , .......... IS fO Ifti ®«uth*..„ ,.., ; m Three «n>8tli#.,.. oO TOWN DIRECTORY. .Hayor-G. Clerk sod Tr> W. T. Wa ~W, O. Elleaw^ftd. Marshal—J. N jrt»d. AUte-snsn—1\ B Itoffee. II. IV Wbidev, W.T. wood. Wi, John A. Bucoph, W G. te> *« S lech tegular meetioga oa wsond Moudayln month. <>r4i»8 i?.herdf' .rr—tt t>. 8. Ibspp*. —J. Rohinsoa. t’ink- !. A. lUumd! T re I, T. Dote nett, T-.v p. ,.. r—A, R. Kiiharlson. T’s>, i'oPe* -o. w, Avuii*. Coroner- AY. T. Wilkin# Coiso’y Tbc^t? Mu, •'-her v<f„.\y. M. A Mu i ’nxit’ W Mar fj. Meishc tl Ju da 3 . B, Mabry, . hrld i; Mi Conn tv Ccmifiis re I. e-fi aw cttkirmric F lium K C Fo aoil A K Csnwron day iu bfi11, Jtti v $r cijL d b *\x . A BP UN Wifi fitftfeisry aw tiierk -np-rf' f FTrVt'f—,J. ff. t T#K oUketek-—W, If, lOftrerstMe, lit Retodv* c r—Il . ;8iW’t?eyor-« Artiuir .lot CmuPy * .-‘-W, E. Tb’pinfi ; CI Sj'TTIUi S, }lilies W^.mock &ud Daut® ! llE>g;&r Dmirl JteEachin, School Conimiss :®T S THAPF-KS 1111 , 1 .. »A. c*«*tro& <s>ww rt tsxrtomm. O. ? > P |! Qntdiot ■ ri!? C.erk— . i*;ei M. Ri’s'&a, A*s ’I’ll ,'rifie-—,1 a in —,1 lists in.- On. CliriG M o &4 <i j i i a M i rzh a > - ; Sv I. Mosfiays. "I lii h . as <>G! Waj -■TiiiTit Ahsndst; a M r ■ --Fourth ^ OeU IHi Sl-atsdi 'Wz A- f rit nan third M, in April mi K c GTthp CODETIAND SYMMES, ATTOHioY AMD COU.^SLllOR. B SPENCER R. ATKINSON, Attorney and Co® e ta-at-law BIMJJs- Winiv, Q H. HARBJc K J* fl TTDRfiEY AT LA'A f h" W-at). re | T B, MABRY, attorney at law, BRUNSWICK* G E 6 ug 1 A. Fraction ogulsffy Id the Good tfe# o Giynn, Wayne, Appling;, Fierce, Cogee Ware and Caauieu oi the Rrunswick Circuit, *nd Telfair oi the Oconee Oir* ■ mcbSMyr -tjSP 1 "'* J. GLaM. AtroRj?rr as» COUNSELOR AT .TESfPP, * CEOJUJIA w .^*,pw«ee m the e»n«tie» »f *h« Bn»* c P GOODYE 4 F Attorney at Lcgw, , Civet fsltehselsne 1 * Frc-viskis Sterr .Gfeunsafer jBtrtet, EBTJh'eWfCK, • i : GEORGU " riMIDMAS ... ?>*» - • a Bmmx . .Commissioned Notary Public ■ ' ' . »»„ BiX-UtTiClO d%JOCi s J. a *■» P„ i.'iolth IMgferiflt n. M., Wayne County, Georgia. ; ? M I r E i A Yj -■ A i ! fwW i : k !l 1 m ^3. i ¥ k ♦ vf . W V 3 ^: VOL. VIII EDITORIAL NOTES, Bu is enthusiastic *Y the growth of the elect ..;, r K»fe of this :ng small towns have found it a matter of >nn t j introduce it. the » down to ilia fw-ist-t per tlionsand f§ot» Kdis* pry diets that- within five y mmc fight eempan * in to inti mate tli iTie 1 day be cl \ pi-r than kerosene, The udiee .inst the new illuminator m mi ....... Ths tibiftf oooka- in leadn fiiHl in'iiisto ft ,Y M pf Frenchmen, A French chief portent personage. H bis. with tho greatest d^fc i .16 distinct table and 6« ait m lb' m ’wines ed at Ills liiftils, &m! I110 f<x>tinij in t n6 ii that of an hx, •?red giiesst. Wi th £ line arts and he regi-rda sculptor tee a Sonse of the New York and Philadelphia elnl* bo rt eooks as skijlfnl as etm bo found •E' It m a Bottled jpet that go<xl chat prodndug it nml the incarred by bur hot th that i>not range high- No .... more to the skill of the maker h aiit-T of the grape than this favorite The * the >f itB merits. Indeed to wait riiitil the e&rhome V dtaappcaml, lor then, if the <3 ua he good, it will be found to & its ben y and flavor which aled by {h ! U: rent m v tiiut tl k in Am. r tl W >it. A ary an .•tatoes IS 4 l ■n le for K the at fit Tb its g It on striking ti >a gteat of . haft lu uth c IZ ij+c . U ; i : to (.hr w>u if tli** shot. :.if h pint etrik 1 iafelr shi its w ,th oil, wit : j ks sahl to fe ere Fkw |>eople have any ilea of tl a ami tor of ft i passes grunt-si 8 a leading railroad. Mist come the 1 P < Hot. a railroad to iasue 1, 5 ()i| of fckefet? o ■me States members of the Lcgisl; fwjrc and Cuftglressmeti are fumislied with pftsfteg Rlife.rH of leading pat irs are also favored in th ay. One of the western road i sstics edit-.irial passes i fortn oi UM* \ ;,'ks. Each t mpoa ie ;li division the | travels over, if it is not more than ! Elites, A black Iwt of editors who «(>11 pkstoas has. been c.i»uf,lied by the natimml ticket agents iissoeifttiou, uud this has a i tendency Pj rcateou the editors of j horse jounuite who are tempted to sell weir passes. _ The probibitiotiisteofthecouiitryclaim that the outlook- te favorable in many States lot the adoption eiuMtitutiioa} ame»d»>ftitte prohibiting the j ^ tine and sate of alcoholic Iwiveragtm. The ! 'd »«”«*** *«• | m twenty-one Staten, la Kansas it j ;'k» Htbrangn teen two Iowa I»tod tturesand raUfie.1 il I !!,? majority,.but the amendment W» fcMfed by ito etaraml errors. Maine *» M *' j ,^‘J ^^* r ° * wl ll » . .JEMUP. GEORGIA, THURSDAY. JANUARY •>}, 1X84. Weat Virginia, Nebraska, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arkansas it failed by few votes GENERAL NEWS. Ta» stste lunatic Sum of Arkansas, J, 247 inmates. As i sue cAn <iy and runfee tkinery fiiauit rill tlv yeaL The total nnmbf >f cowviete from Mo: *v r , AhU>am&, sntea* ted to hard lal I* m Tt» city p m of Minor i;»nc> riche t M Bmnch, T id O'U N has ■fXX v |i ml H:mis xg f M r Tarrr J p>. SUB t t [if Sent A HiN'r era eitai the A mibcrman, v sola I f n building t iowin 'V m, Georgia Me. Bami > aire man ufaci Phila* ; £1 He ban pi if p.nan ixi the i> V t its was 13 ( there i the R is.t Mi pre lii i fiij rat. sf 3 t t r. tl of Ur. Dur; Yt of con¬ bushels of oats * ■lid: A low ate teak* the j paw for th - franaportaMon of this graiii at te ast yflitei.'KUi Wbbx it is rememl d that «: litieft of Brazil i [as during the^pscnt year, it fine.. S B#t seeiu verj far in the future ichen a tidal wave p pulareutbusiaswi w tlltioll lUXfcil't;! A ctujih (to October 14 tli, the pro vis oia.1 a-seuibiy of ('earn took a step in tli direct by rairing tLf taxors to $100 .111 l by prohibituig the renc slavery In all mtmtefpftlities has been abolishetl The new law gom Its to effect oti d sum ary ip, and tiie Bio News tbftvk^ that tboitsands of «I wes will iil>cTatoti 1 than pay the tax, Da. Bi ®E--UA®#afe-ft»h ___________ of Qenrgitv,has t>ceu interviewed in Merida, where be b»# been hunting of:' the shisl. Tl doctor Hfcit. - that stmd are disappearixig in the St Johns and will djaannotir W«p»«ni*hefl at »Uy H .fa w toOmmimooflushucrvum' ■ iutrudHotimi of artiji ual spau baroy 'yeara ago.' im Dr «u*l mat a few imi half ii million young * ' C-»nr*vt;cnt river '■ . rivmT^/oTtwl , P , . - : «m rfmfi mse readily to the fly, The Mannfaetiu Jl'yy/rd gives the name and location it every >tfon is llie H .nth, with the non ami 1 compiled, show that tin Mi cotton mills in th< 422 RDittdle* and 2 - 4-818 l< ,nig, at i ad dv 180 ii HSU spiudlfi • CUB iXg. here I exhibitedi wldle Oen diici.-d at the ffi,w A Xi •t t h .T%: ba ! fe Oar A Tetter A i vim: yf it St It .1 , 5 , itC Tli !* {, And With the i e th 1 : .fely si th- r. It he ph itch CUTS hr. Domes for Soldiers? W idows. Many of the Grand Army port it National west are moving Home in an to l : for it Widow M Soldiers,. Bevei }■■■ a a h&B 3 tl to Ooii^ sett ig forth th 1 homo* :>ldier»' widows. Tli lie laid Indore the Grand Km mptueut of W iliSUl ftOOU tp bti held at diUit;:. vtfle. It is proposed estafcmcnt to petition Con urcss for the of orphan phi of the homes, •■'.’■ id infirm aud aged widows of v ■prarted, laai&teinoel, and I for. It w held by those vs ttet the. exptYBflltuff for Hitch i% poT|x II be iti oro ftrMinil; liful jjiOTcs projM llUiJX; thftt Ok; |>TOVit} >it} trefM*nt it for peofeions to ail S<«ilkSl8» OssTjsits, Now Haven ’k ifystertuen -lube York derisively and CbimKi at th rvurwr of B Now ayiidifato v forn! to iso i qw 'iix*-. t hr oyster trade, aud to ch^incity’a destroying killing the starfish that are oysters iu the Soaud th deafen* say timt the chefs . . fdtoak that would kid the fish a .aid kill the oyster also. EUPEKTS HKQi EST. \ iKmifti. p«« ivymT. v>ru rlon t«k flfrit'Yl’if P« ii. l.dBfft * l» all Use :Hc K-C ant Nutwood spoke In kihr id n< il that M: in Par evr. t! i ■ ■ a Th % i 4 » 1 ■4 on I And for i h«d e T i face. fci • d B< iid lie ‘C re of Iter ij :> frOBl belt itrange Rcrvl f,,-!*, t ea it Ul I 1 I! does not reply. To i forward, and y» Tl Y i 6 V6H x> hersf K uii Rupert i Bo she her fathr Bii <km 1 whiftpera with in fir.ite t ear : 4 * f rw6i:dT-ilv( h TH The Public Lands. Bills for th of Iho public tods are »Sren into ator Pliual laud warmit ft 1 'te .<1 1 f: [B Civil War, with* t wo f®& 3 M §V?Ml iWHm* luitment, on account, ol disability in airt ■a iu the I'uc of bis ffiiiibvry duty ; .. ?■ Ha suitor Til liV 80 ucroa to • • i$k*T >r WiTVX Of H'liAi f A for a t)fitW00K OfiO ftljd b 5 ?idh H.te* ^ ^ d I .. b. IB thftt ra)i , use it, Mr. Beck . w tre<! iu the lafet v if an acre, and o locate ih>it quantify, upparcatly iatH>n with local land office*,. «ml idrary to law, along atioame in rt gtous mntily supplieel with water, ao iu» to raetiealiy control malty tiiiKs the luiinnt <•{ land thus itwngiit from th* x «n old wlm[ story of * ? >* nts rate iuo.d, el, rfully, cve.,.i«!* d ; tt • rtl!h ' ,h< ' ’-f fa 'i te Bwi I, / !n fJl « t ni * ““ •- 1 - Ire mid ■<?, * 11 stuntertdi tu. 1 if 1 I felt the. gins!'i ><4 iiufefe NO. 22. l’UE STORY OF V SbWE’S LIFE. H tv*.. !• ItOWUr# .Mrs.i i, PI, & C rt of Phil* • Jerome V. »r ,u«iii f of Mrs. Hour Tta R colored, in wi «pi ->st in pyiftiT petty TI 4 tli Wl, 1 w Alt' v ftt nr&n 1 Baft to? the sted t M rnarr OL0 x mi M. I T^filnd I ■om it >tli 16 old T B: tf ‘dltl. Mrs la 'dm at Mm ucks for* had nd c 111 ad •If t JSfe ale mnnmtki te fyh tJ re ah« p notified t j and there Mr Mm. J >5 th ftijreet H twt i pi a of They had oi« l i» the Peluw ars host" h When old Mm. Da di,., of her mid I hnsbaod'A ft aid .1 the estate. did by order of f .rid van paid into A, Mr, M iisterson viil. as nm Auditor, of the funds. The yers of the ooi a heirs of Mrs hold that bftve no just he having l The legal ad yi*er» of the •olativca of Mr. Daniels argtie* however, that J beciuno a free u and Ids wife’* ec$tgai y and iiiat the Phil i "WiM-i tli his s it slu. nmoim them. Kn.nEi>.—That lightning kilted bis *otl is the belief of a farmer,iu Newton, III, He writes: '•This summer, when :.l •• urn wtte two feci lu'di iho light niiig struck feet it, killing a pMch It memed Miout IfW square to extent. to have killed tte, ground, as neither weed w sp. R r of gras* has grown on it since. The ground looks dead, and I bmjfeyg it is. Occasionally those sp>tH arc met ; with all over the prairies. The people nis'otmt for litem as buffaio tramp,*, I wtetre buffates-s congregated iu fiy tuxio and tramped n util they killed the soil, but from the above occurrence 1 inicount for them twt having hi'ou struck by lighk mug, THb liim ft. liWl.e. He ■ Was .gtw,. I .ut he whs crippled. His bound broi g l d a shriek of train to uiinglc with his mm )<aar for and . he tvmld vcnge.-im-c, ere iwwt from the false Hairing tte-re was a whirl t r --a flash, and the heels ot the wild home king «< id, him robing over and ove- the ! grass. There was a rriwh- wild weighs ’ howls of <fes|>ftir—mulftt th 4gmr«l.<.-}4 -■ king head of of the his prairte band the gailoii* awav the »t U« and king of grove lice tram plod bnjvsett and d««*t 00 *hc grams. ! i -‘A FoimiKE orwefe AwTtmg ,™-*mp&«ry. a Tc-mp,” te U Urn title of an .m u « .1 - mere than just. Bo many trump, * ou, been waiting J for a t„rtnw so many tlii j that It mow tUftu right 'j, Fortnm ,lumM n«w wait for a tramp. I | t.o^a r,-»u,a ■n-mtutiwtott lUimoripL THE JESUP HOUSE Comer IS: d and’’Cherry Sts. J.fe%TDP « ciKOKGri A... •: :• of Atlantic, Gulf ftiHt Maeon and Brunswick Railroads, T tentioo of the traveling <ift&p6ct public 4 i tiic «a them by thin 3 £otM» ’J'b© location of tlrtB JBtounn in a ele¬ vated crour •1 m(\ )$jfl THE DEPOT, ft Tl : «S with water and | in way ya M A F/ 'fiSZ- CLASS 1102 FL. la; ingle M.ttfe 50 nth 42 ft - cck | 7 . *riy*IA ?A MU sun H of the propri m Polite c 1 from Hotel I* 1’. LITTLEHELD, Proprietor. i. f. s. m i co, DRUGGISTS PHARMACISTS, (At ta« Nfe W 8 JESUP, CEORCJA, Fhsrmactcliral an 1 ) Toilet Preparations ft Bg n&l HtipjKiffcerw, juk! A jc! ptjrF OarJvji BotmI al .%iui in a!! eol^tf. hhI, «wr 4 wilt cofu** Oaij DR, F. B. McRAE & CO. THE -JOKER’S BUDGET. WHAT WE KiNfi 1 it m 1 1 v ift&uov * IM.FKHH TO Mill I EE OVER. AYF.», ft he biitE they sf $<% A him a 4 o loangu WOULUK'T .MOTE A, $T A g a eit-y friend phone* Ert: hi*r anc NIT ••Mu 'there ii tu <Ire wul. ’’ j it g‘*uflt mill, and “A g }00*1 heavens, the I till l e< rtt, Do you tin if and tad 4 I t t vies may l luit I do know wnat w !«■>! md that mm i i wait till 1 in r not see i, that’s all. '"-Merch&fi THIS IVBArU.T MOC'SfK. wfell :d in the pursuit of he lomeetic duties, c tncoMitereil » rnous the dour uBtcdL Now, most ladies, under simiter oi re ii run tai ices, would have uttered a few genuine the shrieks and thou sought safety in garret, but fiiiB om po* red .more t han the ordinary d* mini , eotttage* £^he 8U0iD.ioiUitI the man aorvant and told hifls to get the gun, call the dog and feta-* fion him«eIf at a conTeuient thnlance, Then f-ihe clambered un «r.i*iri5 ami com nuuiccd to pisiihli th ri<«ir-barrel 'with a Preacntly the mousu made ite fttaTMja fw 8w* The flog tinted at once in pnranit The rum final wmI the flog dropped the ^ The lady tern ted, felt down »♦«». «4 p* ™*' U»>nkmg she was kilted and fearing that ho would be ar reste-d for murder, dmsppearwfi iho ftnd has n ot fe-cn seen »mW\ mouse m ( -’*1 U-h1, ! TtiSVBMKa OS A IMSte ! “I suppose you travel on pass f* •this She qucslhui put to ft nrtwjmpw? man recently while ruling on a train, ’ “Oh, ye». T truv-d im a free was w the reply, mUruafift extend great “The a many don't xmru-mm to you newspsjter men, they?” indeed. little •courtesy" ‘Ten, A two waa j sent to the office only a day or Inibite- ago. | After it hud atMmtniad a local j slmpc bon and a name notice it appeared of road. in ’ th» j of a the j -‘You get j,u»id for that, of course?” ; “Oh, y».s, 1 get » team pass. I am now going out to the end of ttnv rend and Slack to reduce the amomift * iittte, and then my partner will take his tom. " the ooame of «fewf p ^ A “V\S *?} *" *«;•> over half <f * to profit *'«* il ’^ «°> <**+* muciUo jt *»«>. nde 0,w ' A »»» w • nulrowf train—not over five dollar# « AY emng (MU,