The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 14, 1884, Image 1

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Tte Jesnp Mil. h» ft* J«*a p Mod**, frootftf on Caerry ill-#*!,, two dy«s from tte### sit, ITOS8ED EVERY TlHTte>r>AY ... *Y ... T, P LITTLEFIELD Subscription Rates. (Portage fnpauii,) ©I* »*su....... ... . *2 ft fiU :a<utlj»,..... Khr«» so TOWN DIREUTOKY. Ma M- T, Wm% Clerfe 3..isft Trt v 8*'9'r«t*-* W, Cl. Eltomwood* ifaunbxl—J, N GoodbToad. A!den»*n~F. B MeJBae. H. W. Whaler, W.T, Wlittua, John A. Rtuaph, W, 0. EU lech Regular meeting* on record MoniUyia mouth. OMivarf—R. Skrr;#-—,1. I>. B, RoMnseu. ilopj* 'Clerk—-J. A. ’Efurtch. TreB*nrer—J.T. ton celt. ’Isr Receiver —A. H. Kiekarffcoa, Tax ('»ll*otnr—O. W, Wilti*. Oorojpr~W. DrpcSy kheri T, ff—W. W«ki»w M-Anrsis, Ccoafy 0ttrvfc} y or—Jans** .......... Ms Cfc’l, ff. &pn® Sferskcn, i'ourt, Jodje; lYsyus 0,*R. Ma’ry, county—Marti® 6eser«J, Sessinuf hold on third A MArc'fs And Sri'tenshar Coaniy tlirttigS: Cobs.©!* Vtv r‘ i cl C C fi's EH rpi , .. . , sjsd .*. H { stiittrexs. Court th<-:sr<i Ws.ioii*. iii I a si avy, AorH, .1 ul y ■\ toiler. B'AXLKY, a- a. APPKm© COinSTY OrFICERH. (ttsrk <toiiaary—Jawrs lilituau. Moblsv I Niiieiior Court-— !5. Sner9~J, 11. Cook. T’ix Ccllecttw—M T . W. Ovv»r*tr«*. T:ix Reee'ver—B. Tliomss. t'or.-.'Brr- -ilf- 'or McBscMb. j !*» rvk f or— A * t b« r J ohuso n. County CeiHiatssi iisra—W. E. T : rpina > CNdrmao, James WsruOck and MeBsetii®. j Das lei M cEachi®, Bckooi. Cotmnluioacr, j VBklAnKItS HIM,. 11 A. ! duio^l wGrt? vw*semm* O ,i,R«ry—.lidkrrt liafthsr. j fihsriff—J#hn Bowks. j Ctoik—Andre* O- Oowe® ^kiLivctor — P. M. i.hirsua. J Axsessor—C. C. Crews. Traaeurer—Joitn P.ixu . Coroner-—James Robinson. CJjJsc stMoalsy l in 34vrah nt 0 A ?> p >Unmcm-rnfi M it rei an i ?*• J m.-Wfm -Th itd Monday $ I M-.rob and ■ * ifihe-r. Pierce—Fourth Mend 9 y# m Mm Ami i ( mm -Monday* No* ! j In aini ve tuber. Ce 8®«—-Tsesdft^ ftfter ascend Moml*y 5a j April uriioB—Tiirii ,,n,l Sntna^.-. ftv After third Motufty m j ! 1 ~Fourth Mondays in April and • r- the. first Moo, days ft M y ad Ha j xn&? j ; COUETLANB SYMMES, j klimm j AND C0UKSEL10R, Wit - NriWfCK, GA. on SPENCEE E. ATKINSON, Ateney and Coon U p .’Inr—af-i lul ul L j Aud £ tfb J BRUNSWIOK, : X K. H: A ItEl8 ATTORNEY h T Mm i j ick pi be IlilCt. Q- B. MABRY ATTORNEY AT LAW | SBFNSWICK, GEORGfA. I*ra«tfee. regularly in the Ccuottex o Glynn, W&re Wayne, A puling, Pteicc Ocffee nud Gain dec of the Bnitjtwick | Oiruait, and Tel fair oi the Oeooee Oir*. j 1 cult. mchSl-lyr j V^KYMf-im J, (ff i p K I . * ■ ■ *Wl'B»rt ANO COUNSELOR AT LAW imrp t mmmns- f } y u gg stofifetasuticssfta. Bran ] -Jst ■ • . ^ >■ n p nAm*«, QOQDY Ekk n . „ - AvtOLE^y a—, JbnW ILL J Qm Mieh&ehtciii'* Provision Store; .. Gteueraier gtreeb rag Gfc. .. *. > ; ti G K<jRQ 1 A i “““***”“*“ ■ T“ 7 •— t ho *. m& CogBMissIrilied Notarv 3 Public . „ , ASrP ' : EX«Off!Cio , J, P m , 1,88Mb. Owrrict G. M„ Way tie County, Georgta. . . . Cfonm held Is Court House first Sxt ttrday to e«eh «n»th. janelk-ii f S! y SfD f- f ii fflj « i V V l A..; ki . V7 4 VOL. VIII. ElilTtiKlAI, .WlfcS. —‘ y - — —— Tim tSTiito House conservatory is one of til# fme?(i im th& 'World, It eoBta-iiss $,000 plants inJtke conservatory proper and 12,000 in the hot house*. The white Arouse decorated every day with about 800 plants, flowering, tropical and foli The building and contents ate valued at $8(i,OttO. and eleven men. Toe sides the head gardener, are kept busy atre f f tho plants, i of kcopin r up the A SRAPORttU for truth writes from Portland Oregon, ■that the great north w«#t is tiof the pla for men without Ho adds that if men whe ar _ ^ , down at , the heel and s vutiuue to push for ward into Oregon the great state will be a fool’s paradiao by another year, with more tramps thau there w« (i in New England just after the col lap in 1873. Clerks and iner* well stay where They i re, tho farmer who has from ioiH) to $600 will do bettor to-si^t at homo than to spend it nil in traveling to an unexplored Hi a' letter to Edward J. Itandail, president of the Keeiy M« 'lie inventor ar.: Mi portion of his iuveatkm is :m plete. After the first of “nothing will be left,” L ting up the transadlt •>n will terminate preparatory to * c E show" quail that f#r § rnmada tl; hun<lo-d JM?* Bfed&R to all the b facia, and infer thorn hold themsolvos t-xhibitio the wor ti has c The “smm • ■ to Phil pa: mruisKa . of Nt .took for the of crematkm in New Yo city its vicini matory in.Iii'v axii tl From. ■£• atory at 'Wa-hin 'T taeut bus it* origi ies than is supw mi n New York and I ixwi to th Mr. A, M. G. Stm: must root a steamer » h wi I rnnkfi York and Euroin The vessai t IV hul he i ■pry le forward where they cut the f fee v AV hen >]y ill barely calculations show d could o’cldto a speed of pi,>a y thirty-five knot# an hour, and at t rate four day would be -nt i P lasage in calm water fro® Hew to Europe to fc mr i •s. iu»kes a success, ft. fe >t»a sfeamern w tosh to. U will be devoted to the freight traffic. Busth and vessels run some <paeei risk* . The common HWOtti fish llaS been known to pittage its d through the copper sheet)ung, a three inch plank of hard wood, - - -• white oak t v olve iiiehes this-.k, a t wi 8end a iialf inch k (-riling, and finally : he head .I a barrel of oil. Hit«* it is recollected that, a sword fish strikes with tire accumulated’force of fifteen double hammers, its vriodty being equal to that of a swistel, it wilt be seen that is a ferrilde m»mstet to cope with Whale* also are terrible things to en Wlrtu, It is a common thing for a lwipt wha e to vtive in a vessel and sink her in a tew minutes. In southern w*- ' tors mariners stand in great dread of 8 babble ith tentacles some times l- 0 feet long, armed with darts o1 . poiwmous nature. Cuttlefish some a f «f ,li the perils of toe great deep. It would rc<;uire a volume to simmer ate them at], .taUstiroof^e^'iu __ . Tuk tixe Coifed State* ffuriog tire three autumn months of 488H are remarkable. During that r7\ m ** ^ oifow'^d'S of’ in November. The number make was JESUP, GEORGIA. THURSDAY* FERRULE! 14.1884* 288, females 19. As to condition 111 were bachelors, 40 were maidens, 121 wer6 hufoaads. 22 were widowers, 42 were wives, 6 were w dows and 2 were divorced women. The age* rang©! from 13 to 91, but the proportion of middle aged and 6 derly people was largely in excess of the young. As regards nation ality, 128 27 were Americana, English, 114 only wewCter. ] ;nau », were 12 were .Irish, and the others were of various tionallifta. Poison . was tho favorite m f destmoti m, but one victim n- : sui'tod to dyUamito, ami another ijapaied j himself on* his own woodun lee. The suicides were of all furtaoks were the most anmerotm. Tha ! causes for these rayb acts wore, iusanity, family eknesw, trouble, SO; 84: love trouble, 46; j troitbls dissipation, 84 * sn, 24; grief, o. Southern States had somewhat leas than their proportion. T»'.s EssaE has four iron belts -the fora, dye i. The e as Bern ■ ! Xt :ids throagl 1 ,.t*. The dyes i one * uinberland table land from V ireima Georgia. Ifamwftf® J into the Ivist T t)tir-s j c*e valley ® distance | of from to j Tl, I , o I ii,. (i ii a b vv, i i.i nM anu ,l IX part t-a •e rivet. Is fc id in forlv f Ainties in the ieaUy toe x - i He In Tilt second volu manufftcture* is full It show thi h .ter p ed in P f > >t y r .mifa- tori. 1 la three dot. 31 .t 3 tit Ir tti G there are 36,655 he - • >,v (-r does d in c Wc are iot limoonse whet) i d with thosa of the 6 states of the r.< utiicasr; but . th at Georgia leads to maau i s’ tl e other cotton stixfes. ieu ■* 14 379 horsepower, Nortl: 7,962, South Alabama 4,660, ?,|issi.i ippi 2,613, and Florida SOI, Pemiayivauia is the great manuf&ctur- j Etafe of the union, v.a\hg 354,774 ‘ rse power; New York commence 39; Massachusetts with j 279,114, follow ei losely after; Ohio has I42.BA3 h i power, ami little Croi tic^E shows up with 104 652. Con- j a marvel uufacturiag ndofitry. There are only 600.1*00 peo pla in tbo iittie state, but she uses more horse power than ail toe south, exc ad* f - tig Missouri, Weat -Yiigioia* Maryland j ami Delaware. ‘Hie south hue no reason, j however, to bo discouraged, for she has ! v just entered upon an tudnstria .nreur, and a few year* will be apt- 4 i change the relative figure* very mate At present the three skates, Peiiiisyivartet, New To k and Mass*, ebusetts, use more horsepower in macu ♦cturee than all the otin states &ii»i ill*;' territories cosahiued .—Atlanta Cpnstitu tion ‘ ------ • ----------- GENERAL NEWS. I.v the penitentiary of North Carolina there ar# 118 whites and S94 blacks. As Prttt mines, Ala., there are 600 ijsriiyksts, inriudirig state and county J men. A Pbxvch lemon tree at Daytona. Vfohxria county, Fla,, has I,d00 Iwwiii, 'ou -it ■ "ro - . ^wi io -£ktra’factoring to the four principal eit iee of Louriana. North CaaouiOAsrs are reckoning ^ development of the oyster ! . , - ...... ^ r «-« ut -oo*d snap, Charles , 1<le •. u'iw ' ^ 6 °° * *** !“ " i *^! t ^ ts evcr fo^oein X .Maine B*to were built of Georgia pine Montgomery, Alabama, is getting over the gambling question again She seems determined to toot it out. NkaXU Y all Florida hotels get thei. and jK'ultry from New York. Canned regetabic* are almost exclusively used. Tub Frigate Colorado, which has cost $1,410,608. has been condemned at the Brooklyn navy yard, snd she will be sold auction. Mississippi loses hy death leav than Utirteon persiSs to the thousand aiuih ally, and. this includes the deah rate the negroes. There are now more than five hun strangers {>roapdetnig for homes and arranging for the purch«se of prop in North Carol in s. The winter this* fa? ffc rmi considered wheat crop, Thftrto ' of the tu-er lilwsra! fails of its of good c The ted :d in. this rt > t> ort » ”hii«ielphtft and 8a Dtaecsironi Ilian rs •fed. Bixtkvs YCATS ®g a 1 a w Was passed wg for the g m & ia C uba, of wiwth. there were at wel; stered ter* road re set Mm, I’ostmastkr Gi ;ma m say* mmtoMee tk'i %B»M> :M of the I hey shall li epee H ii fid om cent. Au a p dot ‘ft ft A ;4 ,t Up $( ared si#tad t 7fc> I sacks of and 1,5001 bate that day them war at Savftnoah, I brigs I s a rapidly s for SavaKiialT *s a city of larger THE ret'l ml Week Virgiiii tested l ’ r 1 ilia to ft infer fet te an extent - be at It -■ opi XI Hi ista that t richest < t s | 1,-s A se; ed 800. ; ve 8! It is bt tlx .1 How He Worked It A drummer on , tton sd on their rote tc «, !<te dr haa re ■to The younger man it a very go<xl k’lea, and o i-'/.jua *'■•' trip he m* cloti !> * r '.xi>ei.n«- f gpr ro i xpn'sacd tiicmaeivoH i with hm a* » aiesnas * ,ut objected to pay for the l )0{ ou his next ferip Ito’ was fortunate enough to meet his former a uaintance. “How in ii?” he ked, “that your firm will stand overcoats #* legitimate *V* <* ‘X. .... , !lid'Von?" , , , . expcDse rn-.f,mlp WU *“ 7 ° Ur “Certainly,” “Well, said the young ’ man. yo : p. Ym should have dovetasled tin the ft .stage stamps tuid sundries, r h#» the vountr man again sui Lis iu«H»aitt his “We don’t H- uv mom ■((dote.’ or anything of that nature, Mr. So-and so.” “No/ 1 Mr; So-and-so said m t, himmtf. ’’You don’t see it, but th D-rr ft is a forty dollar overcoat there just tl e same, '’•^-PhUadetuhia Rv&n&xui CetiL Thot say you can see tho new comet now with the aid of a good gtasa. “Be oarefai,” aids the Boston Gfofie, “take ° therwke y0U 5 »®e two oornefe, TENNYSON'S NEW POEM. Once more the Usavenif Power Mfckc# ftU tbfogft new. And the red-ph>w’d hill* With If wing bluet The h«ive lh»-ir irilk, Th* thr<$llv3 too. Open a door in heaven; Promt ufaim-itf .'glk®#'" A JuOT'iL’^ la<hier Off(?*Tcmrjg And oV tho uuMmi&ia wall* Yotmg Angela par#. 'Btefor© t|sfe?n Soet# the ihoYM, And bu>st the btifLf And nhiue the lerfl lands, And 6&sb the Tlte from -tfe^rlinasd# Flung thro’ the wood#; The woods tiy living airs ff .w freoliiy iAnnctL T.igir: air, fr where the <ie«a Is l Hi Oh, follow, leaping bleed, !aso!( Ob, heart, look do Ti up, Warn an Use CTIS-Cup, lAkti thfi snow Past, futare, gHropfe and fad* 9Sffl3& sjlight apttil fro o*a#r Tald far blw *, And i«, bow frail, 4 smell. not®, AutL li Riag litt bed* of ebang* from i ■r<l to wca d. F»r now fte 3»v#S8Sy Power Make* ai !W, And thawrt the The fewer w P 'it. M ARY’S LOVE ROMANCE. ilg-rooui at- Heutheot, to :ember twilight, Mary at Hav -ix Ii H ,av6 x in i ; I know y »f. is i' M fork to ft wit notk g bu **ta the Mr. Merer ii )e:ir Felts,, veexui i yiT r he i r. He yon amtoY * vour- * yfi ronbl*w?“ me and I must be true to him, yon and mrntii. I will to him md our I mid fi “Go BOW; Iso ir Felix .ught r to his arms and (T f.S •‘Your confides: nrpires m© with ,t M. tiiciy iloor, and g- petttiiisioa to ■ ter, Felix approached tl old gentle a, who gave him his hand, saying j Why, boy, you are liuexpected itofor, No had iif. “No, it i ask of yon a t HO \ toa llrot I have very little into#? it.” ‘Weil, wel I, name it. I am always to favi. you if 1 van. ’ 1 aix ■as greatly agitated, but ram maned up ah his courage and said : “Mr. Meredith, I love your daughter, \. do not, however, ask you to give he* fe me now. Only lot me hops that when I prove, to you Mr, Meredith leaned back in hia chair It had never occurred to him that tlift yuB!*|> Clerk would dare to lift id* eyek to,h*r‘laughter, “You are an ungrateful, treiu*hcr<>na leoundrel !*’ he cried. “Out of com ( 1 ,-y.Hii>n for your frictidlcsssifss I ud y ou h my hottto aud my iUngh tor’s society, aud you. villain that you -ire, have taken tins opportunity to steal into .her confidence and win her tor* pcrfe&eed heart. ffogmio, sir, and m wr ^ - r ‘ Ml,r ******* ‘ ’ “Listen to me one moment, Mr. Mere ditto’* “Not one second t” cried tho-rid man, ** he virirafty brought down hi* emnehed fist upon the tabfe, U -I*ettv# 4 dm iumse instantly or the servanfe shall thrust you out. And as if to put his into execuHvoa ha fiercely rang of *h\ thing* bo mot Mary* w**>, 7 tu&ra&a at the violent ringing of the bell, was nwlimg to her father’* atiuiy. wiidiy throw his arms jjoot her. ktotog her again and again. Then he tore him s*df away and rushed from the iuuiHc. Mar Y »«« knew what occurred at Hist ‘embk interview. Mr. Metudfth was deaf to all her entreaties and tb* lofvar fiS-PP^nA Xhe poor r*! was stricken with brain fsver, and for BO. *25, weeks her life hung in the balance. Be pen tones came too late to the unhappy Gllier, for although sought for far and near Felix, could not t>6 found. At length youth and a good constitution k health to the heart-brokei m the MtHwiisg y eg sk sti miners wAs no f Si Ic-r place a tall, j.»ale gi) op {'Bstwt'd, but with a beauty that even tho ;.t fuatidh'otta admired The golden an curls that ciusfer»d around her k ■ told of the heart grief hat t„. J; Mr. Meredith traveled with his dangh most attractive parts E >1 for Then, at tear ra h Mom her home. Mary had. be a woman, brigbt, itr tollmen t, 'Oman 'ds of admirers worshiped at hr the image, of Felix f«*h over in her she had excbanged r for a moment for ali oners of marriage don. Ma d iwetety-oiglith year, and still re* m&hied & ',at,h the paternal £ ( la* cold winter evening Mary sat by th& g fere to. her father’s drawtog room. Her siuall white hands were olaeped upon her boeom, end her eyes wore east downward tuitil the long lushes lay like golden penciling upon her ch^ek. N her, in.his great-arte chair, sat M;r, Meredith, with the snows of many win It ra on his bead and bis lace deeply fum ed by the Imal of tSme. There was an expression of care upon his He looked troubled and tin u Miixy/* said h© f con tinning a condor j boon goto; between -in. life X hav ica- nr my sonsiaut study and '<>U. » Now voi ;ara .rsi: y loath. H»w ci % I leave y It I * mar. m etto the ti yout wi‘ g; blit X know yt H and kind as ‘Ttich to w it. fat! It! 4 ft rut at k bo more. iraed Mr. lit ‘In IB ISC' me. Mr. A- asked me for ti “N. laid so; but s » littict. and, knowing i S aa it God pt yon - ' ' !r tm. Wh it c t was broken Mas answered, i«x»king into her father ma but bo mtuit i.u)t gsp$$t ftlfootjon, h> * 1 haVl; l!t a tc: Tell him iliis ‘I will bring him here to-morrow ling, for he is mixiou# that the inter M Meredith waa relieved* the font of ;e was reme ed from him, and he id j: the prod it of a prosjxirous ruasriage for his daughter, Gu the following evening Mary again gat by the drawing-room fire. S*.i was alone now and cairn, but her face was as pals as Parian marble. The outer d mr opened, and she heard the sound of heavy footsteps in the hail. (. toct- nuirc tho image of Feb x arose before her s .8 coid shiver passed over her and unbid den (Jen fears tears trembled trembled to her eves, but by ,*» great effort she subdued her agitation before her father, and the man about to buy her with his gold entered the draw ing-rootu. Mury ate and extnnded ;u t ; it was as cold :<s ice but did not tremble. She glanced at Mr. Ambrose and »hw a man of medium bright with lirUlnujfc dark eyes j a neatly-trimmed beard conomled th» lower part of bis He «"»*« her politely, and took a seat A short timo was spout in oouvereervation, but gradually it iftenfie fell upon them which .was becoming opprosmre, when the visitor broke the , “Miss Meredith,” he said, in a soft, low tone, “you are of course aware of ft.® object of my visit here? Pardon ^rif 0 who love him. “Your father has told m« you have no love k> give me btit that voa will marry me. 1, too, once thought I should never love again, but the sight of yon has dispelled the illusicm. Letme feU you my story. Long yearn ago I loved a Iteaut-iful young girl and sho returned ray affection. I was then young and did not dream that Fate would crash out my soul’s dearest hope. That fair girl Ti!E JESDP HOUSE { Joiner Bread and Cherry 8ft. jtmv t\ OKOIMJIA, Junction of Atlantic, Gulf and Macon and Brunswick Railroads. The attention of the traveling public is directed to the. inducements offered them by this House. The location of this House is on elft* vaied ground sup! DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE DEPOT is Well SC cd with water and dmiwe ml fitted ia eve ry way to every comfort of # f'Jfl*2~ C L A ,y.y 2/0.7 UL. K-Atm f !:;§<} jNBY day.; feiogkj Bfe&t-s §0 by t ho ‘ MM $201 week $7. fftjJf* 11B % B A \ •' I> l -1 K it V AMitUEU. Thk TabCiX will he a loaning feature of the Jesnp House, ami being under the immediate supervision of the proprietor, ins or expense will Ik- *pare<l to make it eq mu to t bed Polito wait er will trm re iwggage to d from Mote! and Beuos P t. tm il, Proprietor. *P DltUG GISTS ’'*• A Jf D'* # PHARMACISTS, (At me New Bras Store.) JESUf*, GEORGIA. HUN WuriBawBtkiU an‘l Toilft Freparatiooa Me kler and »n Seed *J Caii n reft i DE. F, B. McEAE & CO x .ij'l &n*?vor C4ll« the was my all, my very life, and I had hot a thought of the future separated from her. Her father whs a wealthy mer¬ chant and I his poor clerk, When I told hitu I loved his .In ugh let he spumed rue from hi* door and ordered toe never to enter it again. . Oh. »!w b**«d0 my If can ever know the wtt«r midnight of my blasted hopes ! Crushevl ^ iii toy despuit, In tho ’wluil and excutcm^nt qI hmimyml stxm to fs?irget toy Borrows, Fortune etoglod ra¬ as her especitti fuvoril My ilest speeul&iiona w* sf«i n‘ul K by iinocHt. Thus eleven years paisod. I refcumftl a of in y mi happiness and saw 'Nmhi love rgwl up to nr j. :ai Bit ■e I asked tfc S old morel:out f ; ftakev’s lipatreto! --; fe,c iii 8 Aft he COD#*! •it, - )b, Ms; j i will ■If into her unitor’# ou After a t XV Hx as rcstor-d 1!” gasped t. “1 ■inJ “N<: Take s y is a. W ;vj 1 is too J! A fkiftl Mfuerh Story The following may show that gr to a Higher Power ia world. offener id expri d to the e “l in ueeaafon, sard mi mt. “three of us were orouche<i down in a tub The pony was goiiig at a walk up t it: rise. I can't fell you. how it hupp d, but I musi have raked lead u; U1 seiousiy above the lovei tub. I felt my foreheud fetich a curossbeum in the rexrf, and before I had time to reflect 1 knew i wa# ijt fatal pen;. The for Hli rd 1 m<m>ruent of beam ijie tubjfnnumxl the edge my head jet wet ul the aud of the tub. I gave myself a wrench trying to got free, but I couldn’t. A 1 tills, of CCUVS&j passed in SI fTUOtlOQ of V HOCOnifi ' ; I ; inyseif up a# dead. N'riw come# the most wonderful part. At the very time my er'iate head touehed the roof, in the very of my agttoT of mwi, when the whole situation fkaued on nac, the pony stopped. it. No I one b*d had uttered touched it or spoken to no cry, Tho pony stopped, I drew down my head and couched almost fainMng fet told tho tub. companions My life was until waved. I never ray we cause out, when they remarked how pale I. looked. For weeks, whenever I went down the pit, I was almost atmervod by this terri¬ ble recollection. And I fell you, sir, I Lave read of drowning jH-opie seeing at of a giaiiae their lives-—I all the ptwt scene* thought and much doings of never it—bat I fell you every scene and deed of my life seemed to come before me in a flash of light forgotten, I saw everything, I have never and shah never forget, the feeling of that day. How it was that piny stopped and rov life was saved, I can t say; but if it wasn't Provi¬ dence, I don’t know what else it could have been. "—Chamber* * Joui-rvil, tie tmX ha# orily %'r&% by the etftge negro, “The Unjo.m*yr>e th<i negro. tvj>irai . He/ay*; or the p.iixjtatiou 7?»?£ZStS* hV (eri, musk' haw with heard the them (pulls ptoy - Tim’s jl|s ^ s; 1 the, fiddle the fife mid oti tne »»««•; l have fowot ibm *-fow tin l traptpy % J u*tl> tm,* -mg s o, „ r to the hands of a plantation negro,”