The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 28, 1884, Image 1

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TIs Jesij Mt O®#* in tk*v?e*up House, freittisgoa fYierif street, two door* from Broad -H. FUBLIHHEB EVT.BY THUKSDAY m ... : T. P, LITTLEFIELD Subscription Rate*,. (Fwetsge Prepaid.) (flhwi «■*** swe**w*A* MV ......-.........$s 8S8 S»t Htteith#..., . Three cuoatfc* . . TOWN PIHECTOEY. Mayor—Jus-pH J. Bell. Muyor pro U».-~W. Wsrvi# Cterk >t*h«!—John »i;<i T«a«>> N r#>r-—Thomas O nrlbre-i. A. Fiojd. M Aidsr.ut n~W. T. Wikta*, W. tn<nw» Barvls, A. WilOsn#, W, E. geum tt and A H »<> OrdThsry—R B. Koblaton. Ho»ps. Sheriff—A. D. Clerk—J. A. Rumnli. Trr**«re»—J.T, fWaaett. T*V Uece.vrr— 1 H. K ; chsr<lsr-». %*x rwHector—n. W. Willis. Cwrcarr— W, T. Wilkins D. iuiiy Hher.f Sr ... W. M.Ansi*n Cosaty Sarveyor—Jtui’s* 1(3 Cell. Bsperior Co«r*, Jadke; W»ya« hourly--Martin Solleito* H. »*r#boB, Sessions be!4 O. B. M«‘->ry, third Monday Ceavrai oa n March and 8«,jlea»her Connty Corawii V. L'ti’sfield chrirusn; (' C time, E R>-rp»e, K 0 Fort, a^d A H Canter<-n. Caortthe3rd Wednes¬ day in J**utrv, Anrih Jolt October, ii.ui.icv, »a Af!*I,mrt OOFWTY omCMM, Ordinary— James Tib’mso. (’leek WBcrrior ('cart—IS. Mobiey Sheriff—J. H. Cook. Taj Collector—W. fit. Ovvarstres. Tw* Uee-eei P. Thoms*. «Yi ro a er—Her'or M <;K*rh i a. .“nrysyor—Arihut Jolm-on. Coenty Comma.*, n-rs—W. Warnook end E. Tivplms Dsais ('ti.'rmw. Jurat# MeEsvhiB. Dsoir! MeF.smhln, School €ommis#kiaer, TMABKRB Ml 1.1b, OA.. CM** OOBStS ovvicssa ri,.3v»*ry—- R'vUert. Hatcher, fio t ri ff—J oh o Brooks. C.erk—Andrew G- Gowen Ooilactor—F. M. Oonrso®. A**e»»or-..0. Cl Crew*. Tr«a«*m—d oha Fa* voa Coroner—Jaior* Robinson. Clii e «tM mday i la MtriSh * H 0 > tober. Moad&yr March A T.pH»*-"8*ceud so »* Wayue— 1 Third Mondays iu Mtroh »nd OcteHer. Mondays Msrca sad Pifree—Fourth in Oeto er. and , No- „ W»rr-. Fir»t Monday* in April vesnber. seeo&d Monday t i.tiei- • • T-i»jci.i v after la Ar-rii #nd Norrtuorr. third Cinirl w»—Tnr*d*v after Monday iu April and November. is April sad Osjndet—Foon.i Mondsys NovsiUhlir. Glynn--Coiu-waSlog o» the first Mon fcys in .M*r *a*i Decrmher, sad toccotinae 7c two week#, or m loag «» to# h«#is*M sasy require. COURTLAND SYMMES, Kmmm m counsellor. HitUXNWICK, GA. tl., MjiUreyifiari sttoj'.d the- Huperktr Courts of swsS .-••Ufiift W*-..!,!,. * sml ,-j * auidwn,_ wtil slj idyna, Pierre, Wire tou'd to <>ntruM««{ at, iui..?# him. i«sro>i>iil« #t J. it. atsttvrs Banking to Office over G^iisofiiter office. Entrance on sueet. SPENCER R. ATKINSON, Atbiney and Caun e Sor-at-Law And So icitot iu Equity, 14 R U N S W l CK, - O A. Will regntftrlv attend the Hnnerior Courts of the Brnnea iek Cirenit wid the PedcrM Court# in SavsBfiah. Office ever MtAdi-n's lUnk cntrftueejtun Sew ( *slie a.u \ (il.eiccsti.'r street*. ^ R. H'AKK.LSj *TraRHET ST LAW 4E8UT •*;, OBOKOIA *; Pro re* re : r }y fi t fee Humfiii «we the Hr itc«» ick cimtit, sud vissshsrs by «estract. Q B, MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. rrgnisrlv in the Ot.until » o Glynn, War# Wayne, Appling, Pieicr, C ffee and Camden at the Bma#w;ek Circuit, and Telfair ol the Oconee Cir* OUT Bi«h81-ljr gfTMOUE J. OURt gmmm and COUNSELOR AT LAW .. J MCr, : aaoxaiA w. fa mmhmUettlke Brew p p UOmJYBtf Attorney at Law, rtnh MftAaslto*’* Sferfe Store. UC-mmer #uv©(, BBUKgWKJK, , , , OBOftOU fJiaOMASO, BUMPH OommiB^ioiied Notary Pubi c — ABC— Ex-Officio J. P., l.‘i«5tb district Q. Wayue Oeauty, Georgia. Oowrte b«M j« 0-feirt House fir A sc bii«f In #nek mmth fke §fet0 J&r - ♦ k VOL. VIII. EDITORIAL NOTES. A fkw years ago a measure was adopted providing for the gradual mwiu oiissi n of slaves in OuLa, T his workwl exceedingly well indeed, and « der it 385,000 slaves have aJp-adv been pssee f ally liberated, with entire satisfaction to the owners. 1 here are How hardly more than 100,000 slaves on the island, and most ot them will be set free during the year. GmtEEAr, Jom Newton, wSjo ha# made a study of modern explosives, says that no agent can supplant gunpowder for the principal requirements of war¬ fare-. In Wasting mek the higher ex plosives may be employed, except where the roek is weak in cohesion, when gun¬ powder » preferable. In coal ndin-e the higher explosives are too destrucuve in their actios. Dynamite as a destructive agent for unlawful purposes can. only be applied on a limited fu« e, and with seariv fruitless resulte, as time, money and elahirato preps r« thins are required for effective work. Twt World’s exposition- at Ntnr Or leans, will devote 247 acres akes and gardens, showing the rarest t,mm and plants of Mexico, Central America Florida and foreign countries, Hnrti oultural had will he 600 by 184 feet* Mr. P, J. Berokuisus, of Augusta, Ga., hn» been appointed a special couimis rioaer to confer with various European soeieti® in miemnue to the fruit and plant iiispiay. 'I he collective Mexieaa oxhIWt will be an immense thing, occu¬ pying a building lAOOxbOO feet. Ac¬ companying this exhibit will be a Mexi¬ can band and a battalion of Mexican troopa. The exposition will receive lib¬ eral encouragement front the leading countries i f the world. Beer a* an article of dint lias been discontinued in at least 27 pauper luuatio asylums in England, with the result that in no instance ha the apparently impor¬ tant change led to any Bert of physiologi¬ cal inconvenience. Many of the super InteBilente, iu whose aaylunw the incrii fleafiou was made, and through them many of the patients testify cordially to the benefits derived from the change. The question, says the Journal of Mental Scteooe, is not one of teetotal ism, or even primarily of a financial order, but one oi pure expediency and good management la all probability the disuse of beer as an element of the diet of pauper lunatics in English my mm will be more ex tended and will bo watched with In. to rest. The latest estimate place the pt.puia tion of the globe at 1.4.13,800,000, indi oaring a deoreaac in the last three year* of some 22,000,000, though, as a matte* of fact, there has been an actual increase of s me 33,000,000. I his apparent dis¬ crepancy is accounted for by the fact thas the population of China has heretofore bean largely over e timated. In reference to our own country the statistics show that no country iu the history of the world aver had such a composite i-.-.pu lafioii, leaving hut four cent from other mm trios, and from white mem of other types, and thirteen per cent for those oi African descent Probably no other country on the face of the globe can show such a diversity and at the same time such a substantial unity ot race aud descent* The recent discovery of tin me at King’s Mountain, North. Carolina, is at¬ tracting considerable attention. Several scientists visited King's Mountain a few days ago, and fouu 1 quantities of tin ore scattered over the ground all through the town. Striking a hill-side several ditches were dug, but. without running across a vela of ore. The discovery was made in a singular manner Several qieetmens of black looking ore were sent to the Boston ex position, and marked "unknown.” An examinaiiou showed it to be tin ore of t a richest quality, yield mg 75 per cent of tin. There are only three tin-bearing mines in the world and there is a standing reward of $50,WX) offered for the discovery of one in the United States. Following the announce meut of the North ( aroiitm tiiscovery ounes the report 1 1 the finding of tin dejxMHta within three miles of Sants Fc. New Mexh ». SofflftAS is the uamo given to the vast extent of territory in upper Egypt stretches from Nubia to the confines of Abyssinia and from, the Red Be a to Lybiaa desert This vast and territory is inhabited by scene thirty forty Hiiilfons «f Arabs of various tribe*. The proposed control which England preparing in to exercise over the Soudan not the nature of the recovery of a volted state nor the chastisement of mfncU>T 7 p*fk, nor *ve* the SOB of the slave trade, bat it renews old xxmrfUrt between Chriatian two and Mbhatitniedan barbarism. triumph of Tel ei-Kebir did not fanattotem. Tbe hatred of MahoTamodats against the Christian #gftu»#t civiitxaJisKj is innate and fwesaifefo. Tbj# hydra-bended •* not dead, and when it is qufot it nuly dimming of Afmmbm mi JESUP, GEORGIA* THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3 $, 1884 , walls of Vienna, and of overrunning one day the civiliW! world. The cigarette is a harmless looking thkig, but in the opinion of many well posted poop e it contain* about as much poison to the square inch aa any one ar¬ ticle that could lie named. The cigar¬ ette basin® * started in this country at>out fifteen years ago. American cigar¬ ettes were uove tics, and attracted favor¬ able attention from the start.. The rapid growth of tlie business ami its present magnitude will be better understood when it m stated that in 1&S2 600.000. ■ U00 cigarettes were manufactured in this •oil o try of which New York furnished 444.002,867. One h urn bred and eighty two different brands of cigarettes have been manufactured in the last fifteen years. Of these seventy-one varieties have had their day and censed to exist. The original American cigarettes had mouihpiece# in imitat-ioa of the Euro pesMt article. The price was then twenty cents a package, bat since moathni cm wont out of fashion the price dropped to ten cents. It is ass ried that the tobami used in the manufacture of eisriwettes is of a meaner grade than that used in the cheapest cigars. It is adulterated with giiltpeter to prevent su-itkiiag. and this uaeof saltpeter . is said ., by , medical , men to be highly injurious to the . ital func turn*. .. be . oil of the , cigarette . paper wrappers »«ud to be even more poison our; than the oil of tobacco. The major .ty of dew. •»*'* »«• WO w poopie, princijwly l> >ys, ao.l not a few gim, n-ljifc PhWicif tnrs.C...)W H* *ne pe ifv ify tiw the following ft«*l„wteo a> among toe emis J K^r. from the haldr- Jtoott. piipitati.m of »H« I ho heart, finite- h.,!i ■«. tif.n, catarrh in the hwui. asthma, pnen — »-orwa ™vi, g drink, dcatruction of the nerve* of the '« *« J«wr - I.» paaso.1 making it a penal offense to sell cigarettes or tobacco to toil,ora under sixteen years of age, and a similar bill if now pending in the New York legis a ture. There is a disposition everve here - to suppress or check . , a# mm , U as pofis We the habit of c garelte smoking. K The vice leads , , tore uits , as injurious . as any I,, hji.i the physical, nienfai aa . moral decay own rioned bv the •pract ice cannot fail to fill our ,.u hokr.ituU h.sp.te,» tsv'now aa„, j.\o* ,,, ana ,i (.ont,v<r ; rtes, unless' a halt' is sjwedilv called. miMS OF NEWS, The movement fit Germany for the bettor.obs rvation, of Sunday ia growing rapidly. A CBvsas just concluded iu New lafi gives that far-away laud a popu a tion, t n;optum aud Qhinvm, of 5S2.W0. The old fields and bush undergrowth around Mobile that s • d fur a root five years ago command from twenty five to three hundred doliara as Hcrv. The total income of the Salvation army for 1883 i» ftyjfiai at f 1,5 'j 9.000. The army in now publishing sixteen ‘War Cries” in various countries* Ar Miss Clara Cushman's mission school in Pekin the feet of the girls are not a Mowed to be bound—the only school in China where that is the ease. llussiA, which has an area in Europe two-thirds as large as the whole United States, with a population ol more than 7 UMO,OOfl, lies almost entirely north of St. Paul «,____ X HEBP. were ____ 1,6.6 aocnlenui . .,. last . , year in the Pacific coal mines, 323 deaths, rriRSiiig w . I5S IJCO widows - , and , ol#* . , 0 orphans. * There was one death to eve J y 90,0 0 tolis twfean . out _ Thk bank of EwrUbd Ua* a f], a tin a salaace i of . tlOfi.O ,'i) -and Uto , bank ; note*,- if stretehed t.#g«tbor cud t. etui -«»M r.«b . «*», »l 12 520 ml!** The fervotaaa war will use up a few allies of thw mosey. Ta» “Cfoolederete rose” is the name .j * *.« fiowM .wa ft whit. morning and red at sight. Four of them them have have been planted nUitod around ftrrmnd too the grave of iif-nerai A!l>ert Sidney Johnson, irillm.ttteom.iUr, rrr Amrlirr, *• «n pernusstou having been given by prefect of police, on the tiou of Drourdel, to bum the remains hospital subjects’ provided a *atkfavt<»rv apparatus be , constructed . J in • one of ,,, the I’ariB cemeteries. «•.«« <t*«»w u. with sotae liatlfwiH'ss. He pounds “■w* ™ -"»* -*ew much noiiiio, in this respect he from Aetfer, who made the splinters fly over the devoted heads of the clerks low him. He is a smoothly-shaven with .,r,rh two »*, , bulging bumps of ... ., ity over his even, a rather narrow in ia. w«i wi,„ U. fa . comes somewhat weak and a fiwn orsamrats or, to put it di-figures Im brow. .....-•*#—-!—M?#*** \ WrttKo iftflv .tttfthed brefttfalesslr b hmm umTsataown in a chafe ' -If «»*«»t*a* "Why, trfaaf. i. ..t or ? rndtod her moth.-rtn the alarm. “Oh,” aaldthe y«m»g « bv. Mo- had .<*«»vi-ru l her breath, jii«t cscapi-d it. Another oft# of b«w414e red «*h«bi to-night, and red Art trylag to my c<v»plexicHi.”— (it Call. NEWS OF THE WEEK. *«rter* «a MAAiOh State*. , .^ . K . w * fog Tokk tiai^ has bean prevailed shr muted t ftert* in the tar f**?'*•, 5»*vwatwn on the mvere was almt at ; r ^^S®*** *«kl business wa* very much w impeded. Tbs mining- wilWe of Olyphant, Feacu, lAOkawannA was janio-strickea by a sod ifoo-iel ten rise tk* In the rrv-vr, wfcich li>W h-tng famTSies streets and »urwri.**'I a number of in their bourn The Women and cmMm were removed b.apiaco of *fety w-«w hack* of the »»:> *!» wmted. at " f K‘ the 0 ^a^ gat ' { .eveateeu war. w». drowns! A A J law»k AH ..«. nteetinr wee bold hi Sr Rerr N#T York rora In favor of !li@ bill eivuut the may n the right to nominate public officers Wd wiibmit tnakingconflrmatum »\ by the M. of aider, and men Other# oecwparj. aildr«»ed the meeting. uiutm. bvarts AssKMB!.y»AS “.reLT: Hoo«Kvm.T 1 ^!- 'tnX^ut,' of Jew York his mother and wife dying at hi* raMeneo on Us. same day, the wde having Jo* be •ome a Htotm-r. M aftv E*»k* when ten war* old w»* r«n over The by a train begun at Troy, N. Y.. aadtof a leg. omrwio fourteen year- ago and TO " krUktmr ** *.’flW«l»l«i*.beoii * ' v ’ Thai. S. Avkry, . of , Chichester, „ . . . „ N. _ Y., a-'.HI quarreled hi.-own, wtth his wtie Lite and cut aud her ioffictiag thmat h- fci r 'er a faud wound u><ou himself. Wsumexju Pmrxu-s' will leave# bis prop t-rt, ai'.rica: mul »g in velu- alxiut Ii'lO.UOu, to hit wife adopted daughter. Tuk sd-atefthij. arrived S?a'.- of York, Nebraska, from Gtasa-ow, in New having on board the ninety-two men comprising tea officers HU), and crew between of the rteanwhip London Sotting New York running and huge iceb<>nr The Sotting 1 injured Hill had been badly struck that she by * an ao had to be abandoned. Kix convict# -five colored an 1 one white ware whip,cd a few daye since at New C— ' j-gys-^jj y^„„ Wo* teja jM end 1, i ltas.mdfa 'hi wunectwl wi«b , v h «»“ te? ** *•?.*? * Dj !, “ to P rev « n{ ' toeirranmeg repaired. Mayor Ebsow hfom of few York, rweived tel«gn< im. , fc^ tee inayors of fl°<>dnd »n , & 5 'L,XT£> w «. W« < l e 1 } 7 :S- a. a Thomas Kikskixa, a prominent journal &*"•'«*" « »* Miss Jesnik AImv, a ha-dsMos young eld,ahS JaSSSdVtotw private O^aI ts^h-V. dre l^tvl^VeaM SvC 5E uah a in at the New Ym V etevatei mi. Then Mi*. Almv Aot a ml koto i he, The tw. had heen engaged to be married, ,i- but it b ^ aMtsrted that Andre ; -p— t--s tbi untry 8 , x Wl . n<h Nl , " Son tb and West., in Dakota, has been burned wt Thethere were compeUed to canm eiit, with the thermometer at iwei-ty five d*?reee below- sero, A oan-o of nine counterfeiters were ar rested Iijuisvitie, bv mud states .Secret service toil rersat K>. AkOCT '4M0 persons In Cincinnati and the autiaosat toUriis of Covington sni 5ew. P t ■ were renderel tomi-desH bv the fiood. I* « dieiatehfnm tbs may -rof (toll, *«esi r-Kton, ami a-kimf for relief, toe sendet says: ".At least 2,am bouese have b*<en swept away or damaged to *bou an ex-. teat a- 1 in- ui.o.bali.iahto afte> the Shod has-ob iiei. It is for th «• unfortenato P have 1 that we apnaai rh o The famiep J..rt tereMyot their horses ami cattle tuid iufit-b til then grain au.l feed, and all their fencuur. tn» WBi-chaute and manatee torerv their st M<ks the mechaoireare thrown wit of employment. mluM awl alt w -.rKH are tlooie-L and every tiling m^uhs. is Jetodndiwd. It wilt iw weelte lie tore busine.a .-a 1 be resume.}, awl help wi« rw nef. !i-l long ’*r the water* have gone down.’’ Ootxkror Krott has issued a prnchuna Ife-ni Sou to th* 5«. the -pic of 1 Kentucky by esuilng «|»>n to ai.l !'(k> sutferes * private sub* wrijvti-n . coiitributiom and ot herwise. The Keunteky relief Jesr*«!atute the sufferers. apfropriftted for the of A muHWb catastrophe, the result of th.- flood, occurred at; Cim.-imiati. Ab-ut 4 o'clock e. *s a terrible crash was beard at the i-orner of Peari and Ludlow streets, in the tfoolwl dmtrict. It wa- ft .trod that the nv-u iai + - »i foni bi b'.i i '!'ti.;*., wh.cbhad te<u wi ennirn*! ny tlm wipers, bad fallen. The weni. which followed the < ra h was one of horror. Men were shouting and wotneu and ohikirua were screaming for help* Bo>>u w veral boats of UTvteri'm, arrived, am! the Ik attnen, with t-he aid to tbefft* n ales or th**h nm<. AIxiut 0tT,vf'eople a - re teken ut of the wrecked b„il-Uni-. Ten were ertistei to-tlaat-h in. tlte ruins, Bt kaukha wifcb Kuophes of food and cloUi te>? tfeedhioainl hay# beeos^tMy tributanw the to goveruamut relieve the along tat o srities of tbs sufferers by- the. floods, Ojtomet. Hvsr, a tnUUoua re lumberman - CSSS SS ttSS.*ftS»*£n hr had a,f-i*(Hi.uiatcd a large number, he ha# left.15,000 vvard, EM each Perkins to the and mother to Juffi ef BiUaigs, Arteunta to a oxspkhJSS shooting affray at Hot Kar t bSiT , sff , p?u;^ wore iu ft hack at th« time, on on* side, and *evan m«n tm the otfaar sitfe—resutteil- in the kll , iru , lfoae o( Uk , in vua , tt „a u ,« hnck driver, the mortal wounding of another M^ZtllVugi and the SSJ, air nr. grew out of an attemut -r twofac ^nrto c., B '.rol the gambling “ business" of Thk m atwl total loss by the floods in Wheeling, VV. Va., and vicinity amount# to fft,UiSi,flfiO. Am appeal tor aid, Issued from Wheeling, states that th* sultering there and *» points above aid Imiow is In tense, and probably a>,0<X» people to b» fed and burned sarly In the morning. and'Mcitooaid j £££ ary ’ tw0 d «r* r «toe., ware burned to Tub Plato-vill* bank, of Plattevilte, Wta, ^ with habilities of ilW.OOSl. Ki-.h kfs dtunkan men captured » coa! brakaman, xt-saiu at MiU«lgvillo, injure.1 Ohio, fataiiy boat a seriously Um conductor to ssjtrs, bis fife. save l Oxkat destitution is reported from the ' ovetflioodsd bank# of the Ohio and it* tribu taruw. and many appeaia for relief have been j use# out. Th-iu-AiHfeof iahabttaot* belong* i to* to nnmerous Village, arvl town* were > l r £ n J^lJ™£ j ; rivsrs were and higher than they had ever been before, describr-d tna state of affaire among ; ! petffile wa# as apf.sllmg In the ex trt>no '* | W’O-HtBvhi.s, The ia Dakota., hm bean boraafi ‘ out soldiers m«r» were coin pel led to i camp ant, wi»h the tbirawuaeter at twenty- Box-togm tro TJtSx* Estoutm troop# have been ordered to the fted 8ea ports* to defend them against 1C1 Jdahdi's rebel*. Two mandarin* hare been executed for rffS (m^i'ffitinjr thc the rncftut ne*at ffl-tti' mmmire a -rr of. t*f Vhmmm Mrxioo .. Want* , 40x000 MMn feat . . ofspac^lathe . ... «»*»» .™*|"** *Er£L c< I , “’? <l: NewOrlean# ®SS*a g?? M»n«eTS ; lfrT?tS^JS ^<w ■ 3^i ««». who win send a nsagnlfiocat land of musicians and aeorpe of cadets. Rtvnut Wtv*wat, ,»«,««< persons were drimnsi orownea, awt . n ,i an immense pecumary less was sustained by a wa^pout In, Peru, and ite en ■ Mcnoatta are now very nomerom on the Lthmus of Panama. * > Lownoffip lord mayor tw*Mjd over a mae meeting denunciatory of the Bnttah forern meat’s policy in Egypt. Two members of the French, chamber ot deputies have just fought knee. a duel, one receiv tog a wound to tbs k,. Mauoi’s forces have evacuatid their position tea milee from Bualdtu. AtBiniat they tailed a« woonen and a number of chudren El recently sent two mol iahs he (Sw niter of the Kafa province, at the so tiros of th® Bine Nde, to order hisa and hi#aubgecte to renouace fetish worship end embrace Mamwm. The mullahs, after had >iettvered Ki Mabdi’s orders, were . ttranalcd trr the Mtivea. | Dimiso a fight between white* ami »* tive# irfthe province of Angola, Wad Africa, mi explosion et gunpowder killed forty of toe latter. : Barn*i.l, the Irish da home ruin leader, clarud , in an amendment to the QivW* «i*ecb, {wopuaed England's by hint in the house Ireland of that policy in , j *Ul,*nd ° i Z 55 strife ZL between the different classes Bleckburu, or u> «u« at manulactiurw England, wfth cmriwi tlw effigy of » th» inteatiou ol hang- we?e tog charged it in front by of his residence. They the police and several person* j i w„re in jured. Mrsa Clara Bauroaa prwideot of the An ^ rican Satfe)n »| A .-«octotorn of the ltod ! 5 at 3 »ss' jy&^ssss-a r” ,e Iroln WMhington to the seems of the t mffenwa L t b, present kwion of Congress. 5 GRRAT d tma tof a o tton has been ermtel | v^lato?v 'Si ( cLw JTVL < | ^2^ m * a * n , \«abatltig ,^'te?teaf policy caiiowmi* £*Sic P ^f the S i I mgereaoe to mwsa t rca in a i country where ! asr“—— wtoa ' A Bamsof R» Indiana murdered all the prluoijsd ptonderoi rwddents of Omitlan, Mexico, and the town. At a banquet given .10 Bari* toteadtog tmmbun of :be sesebtlSc \mm, M d- Lem asps.stated in the that Sahare the sehetua desert, for ereateig order a wo great to to | i««xsform toe arid sand intoa ferutecountry, | would Mi-iniv he oommeftoed. 1 BRADLAOO.a, elected refused to the Brttbdi | house . of common*, but fiermission to 5ake hw «fe*t tecause be decline 1 to take SSSSSuSwSs? Z £ *-- Ulie ' i fpwn the p.ewu.te. . . tot use. J r “ announced from Sicily that Mount »®a is in a Mate of eruption, Time Thomas dee.1 Cxiasaby, editor of the London is Whilr a wedding Domra.!, narty was Hungary* crossing the River Tbeiss, near the broke and thirty-five * meiubem of the ' rwrt* were J? drowned arownoa. Th* French bishopm 1 onqujn reports that cjf. <-Un«iat» priest, have twenty-two bean massacre!, catechists ami and tttet 315 m mmtm howw nave been dwteoynd. *V’ eky Vktorja oas justpubliabed a book remutiaing areccNndof tier life for the past twenty yssrs, d«»«sriblng her fttnrtiy persunai emo tton«, and State affaire and master#, and John highly Brown, euktgissirig her lata body guard, Biwkat, in the Sosdsai, hm timo captured by Kl 'Mahal’s rebels and its force ot ‘id E%fpt'mn$ under Twftk Bey cut to pfeeaa A motior to OMwure D!a.i«oru-'s gorem ment for its vacillating policy m the HouCan was passed in the British house of lords by Ibl yeas to -SI nayi A vjomeht earthquake Its.# occurred at Asiatic Turkey, destroying a number HradulCob has given up the long stro* elc for possession of » seat is the Brftwts bouse of oommon*, and a new eieuMon m hi# district has been erdere i PA»S«at, the Himmiment Irish home rah tettder, de c? rot ii* an to the C ureu’s rtl>«cl), pioposed feat Engtand by him in (he house of ftad commons, failed to tiam-fufflte the * oolicy peopfe. in i: aland piohibited public wwitinir# and incite wantouly i iff «th and strife between the <liIterant ciasMi* of the cuuutry. tt >l»l»i!ljM»!-,l. Rkciuc-vkstati vit Tomnmam, of njlnoia, who rvfaymmt* in 'Congress the Stoat# con¬ tain tag meet, esfiorters of p«>rk anil tber h.« prixiiictu, expraviee in an interview the opinion that retediatiou is tbe only remedy left ii* against tha foreign governments which are shutting out the American hog from their markets A Cnsms who appeared in the district court, a! Washington (or Uniwd the purpoas of be¬ coming a.tatiren of the Btates bad hi# application refoswd, Thk House committee an laltor ordei-ed a bill favoraWe fife the mptH est-ablMpnent m Bepeere-ffaflve of department Hepfensf a of labor starlsrica. The measure provhtea for the shaii appobitmnut ftsMuiro ail of a information eomtuteioaer, who usefu its 1 the subject of labor, relations to Capbal. and th'- uft-an- of fir-anuting the mer«-ia!, xoo&tt, re 1 giousaud intellectual pro-yjorily of the laboring men and women. Th* qne#t.ten <>r ooutrai-t convict labor was dtofowi Without reaching a conclusion, Tub Houre d$ Hepresawtattves passed a Joint nsrolntifui anthoririnc the sw-rotary of war to uwue rarious f»r d;tti'.^k tb# rtjtwf of tie-lie ; V- 5wrww»s;lii the #v#r«t»ot|*J by U» Obio'rivtr and ibt tribamrse*. iwil «!ak the fog suflSaretok an aj'«j«roj>riatk>a <rf gHiO.OlO tb'jufiteva The rtNofotion was then stmt to the Senate, and that b>ty passed it at otw*-. Tra fiteaat*, in axemj'ive session son* firmed the following Dominations John M. Langstton, to Hayti. mi/iister rcsubn! also and rwxjsul-gen eral to be charge d’affaires to Ban Om.roep.umi to Domingo; del Henry St* Oro, F. Mexn-.x fe ltd to b# consul at the Qovimmu House committee Oxowatr, of Territories Dakota, addressed, fever on ia of the admission of Da Kota as a whole into the Union. Judge Branding* and Mr. Tripp, alto of Dakota favored tbft division of the Terrrltorv, T.,„„ttr. o. ft. >««! an order tfiaakiog the officers aod men of the revenue cutler Dexter for their bravery daring the City of Columbus disaster, and advancing Second-ldeutenant bu» Bfiistes twen ty-one number# in grad*. NO. 2 T, Brotous, tb# vmui mat tar the Halted Skate* tS&ISrZ h£ tt Darlington, ^ report states that Lieutenant eommlttid coenu^uifier of the Proteus, various errors of judgment, and that Chief S'mal Officer flaxen, who expedition, superintended did the fitting tniijlxmtwiaad out of the Breton# Urn mavritim of the not time H of opinion caw; that at the «o«w the court BO further proc«#<Hngs Wore a general court Martial aro,ra.!i<*l for. Tint i felted States Senate commit tae of investigation mt alleged Mfcw., politicaJ arrived nut *»** New Orleans l» t optob andl.xannned cobrQt. w»«a*a at F«?»thkh «>nhr»nation» by the bena*: Cotfluvslmw Mward; KdwardB. teimpeon Steven# be mtral m the navy; Francis to ^ ,,‘r , vietoria- ?• A distf^to? Osgood to be S.ld Hvluncmaun,' f the Mar AiU»rt of Denver, to be receiver of puWie won»y$ at iYeecott, j A.riww-1 ia , «-ouiaree with the recommendatfon IfuJ ^ Gutter Fl*5££*»£& faster cSutnt ■ tor sLfmcritoftous «v«,me Columbus o.St disaster. on tbe tK celtotfof City of j i Tuk wgSwwWng p rft>iamit tw the , *rtc«rved wnding of the joint «*pedt- mo ntiw an ti . :m cto relief of <).« ty. wn a hears tcstifled before the Senate ot investigation U-tw*n comeming thy elueti>< „ trouble whites and Macks “ Danville * v'a COMMITTEE WORK. What I* tioing On tm ttev < oni{fp»Hm. al ( «maini«» llnom*. The _. T Hoa , ttimmitt<4 ,, the .. judiciary . .. . had , , * ou I agreed upou a report adversa to the woman*# j suffrage advov’-ate*, bat determined to hold it until a delegation from the West oouid be beard. j i the Only a comparatively public Imi,ding smu'l prcpHrtion bills before of se-.enty (iv, I wdl [L^tvorhbly pu ®° < The bill pr-differing «» emigration of monstructe t Mr itk-, - f Mas-ach-. setts, tr.-aiv-tis j>rovt#i utattoc that Its proytshew violated posed .Iniss Wore Sititon. U» Hons., » Vittefourg labor corofiBteS capitalist, s r«. } o««te advanced before the committee by *»b.»r JJiSrJSjrwswwsas ojvanizatkwj. *hf liaLtoty <T national banks to that of The Route committee on jostotBees in¬ M wa^^Ti.,”Lmct-d S^^JL^TSSi to^Tt' .Wti.m favombtehls Wtl striking fr .m 3,».a» r.mswl *"¥*!, won! ** lottery.” Wu , rd This " ^utort" dvugned ibsfun. to prevsnt the w %h'*u Jt f F?** 1 th<? T !nm,tw by a, * ' V y l< ’ ttery ,!W »1 *»T concludad ixmaweratton of the first section ° r u -' *^i asiSrJttrtF«iK ? n bid t; regulate interstate con. |Si W»« make# 5 it unlawful for railroad eon*-, • paniw to charge or receive from viy jorsoa or jwsoiiii miy g /•■•if.'” nr !■,.* rate ,>r *®ount-of trcivbt oomp»«v*tttk>n nr reward than I# eharicit to or ; oooh«l man mj other pers® r persoiis for tike and cori¬ teJMi nrars.* >i>i n' r*t, AH .-hargsa shall b« reasouabte a id s ailioa i cumpam.-s shall £ur UUh wfciRffl' ill- tivi same far III ties for th tra sporttMHte of good#. Any break-, ssopr-aset; or interrupt,!*m to prevent the* varitego of *»v proper * from too place h shiPHwht to the ; ‘are or desttuate#) is pro* aliut' d unless the *tou; a^c may be inwie for torn.* nee ft-ai'y pariwse ECCENTRIC SUICIDES. I run# %V Ai.i *us. of Akron, while intoxi eated, out a hole iu tins ice and drowned Mt» - A De Kai.s county. TVnn,. <«au cut a tret until itwa* ready to fall.awl then 1st it crush him. A Sab A sms ■ > man cut l-i« throat be¬ cause a lottery ticket he bad purchased proved a blank. Mm, Thomas I‘axv ■- uvi r^k#, Mlnu., killed herse-f h«a« she wa* married agsiaett her will. t.iwii, Mw. Ohio, Jimr-PM cut her W'AaKrtHAUMJt, throat ou w-c.-utit of Young# of tas death ol her sou. June ArrxHlujuriog her knes in jumping a rope' Becker, aged bsi^rst thirteen, ot Kesdkut, lma| hsrtwif from a Wm* wiifering from iotlnmmatory rheo niatiwn, Mrs. Benjamin If Watson, at Bloom* 1 higtou. III. threw he me into a cistern and was drowitad, Mits. A as Stump, fearing of Cdlnmbiuft Ohio pos# live <ned her pet dog, it witeht out her. Remorse at the d«w*l caused her to kill herself with strychnine. l.KM> Ki. VVhistks, mar Futon rise, s halier around his n«*k ami bitched Maisaif to hia wagwa. He Ui-u seated the torsea and made theta nui. WiiBUm s yotltig wife foul died but a few weeks before Hknkv K. Muawaro shot himself after .field, parti, ijifttiug Home in a merit weeks trag. dy MlUward, !U Spring ( -Ui«. ago aa si,.u? I by ’out n bundle nnmber of frietids, constructed a dmmnv of a of towels ami pit* t, »>, and if* A it on a l«d *» the Aread* hot*;.hi tt»at oily Tbstdom wa- uarafuliy tiarkeneii. an i the dummy <-ov«i#Hi with s sheet. A )>astobi.«rd hea l with grotewpidy (Mlnu-il fymtxam was attached to the body, M< ft" to bo in p'ain night when the -Tiers should be renuved. U I wo all «a, r.-*ity,tb# teport wa# cir,i»lat«d through the < Uy by the Joker.- 1 that « dntfiuuer ti;«i comtuitted in lies, l-o ar. the hotel. The repot t at,ins ted hundreds of ert- a-iss, inula Hug the rorooer, who were pi wwd up to the room one by one* lUUward killed buhseif in Um» same roowi MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. T«x Texas ■- =-»-**— nmAt *“ . f.-nos out. iV titt -5 * feH * i ®>' hatrsAH last, ywproduced M.M . pottod# of oo-b-n, valued a* #“ 6*0. SrxTXXN (. hinatm-n who rtwvll bt Wonsw trr, Mass,, attend lirara eimteh, A SKVRX Mtx.h -1 1.0 air! Hartford, w *.W» of Conn. MW fa-t* a#t tvptosttton at Naw A hscx-rovv, thmesn hand* ll.flft high, w* recently sold at .Scaly. Texas, for A vXAKf beea found we-xlriug nearly hue of »> grains Panama l«s# <*w»l- lately «>a the Um ttaooK lktouta savings banks have #r»y.* totettsted to teesr care by mjm da powtora. Tsrs Montreal «•- pa.sro. bush .->f 'ai-gs h'oake of it^ is fn sin* 1W by t.'Xf feet and ooet $3,000. oommtttcd Aa eleven- wdcide year-old be*-ause Uov ia Corydou, Ind„ his [sn-nts re fused to let him ret at first table, 8*uit>x fishing on the (tecramesto rlvor is now ven arrive, awl is going on dav and night, more than A-Mb men befog sfoptoyad l Sf ±S ITricrin^asa th^RfSn fo alauSfw,,^^1 a t n Part*, who had muroiered and ro bbed a man in her husband’* retoom Tlie second awl sa^sis.^s-as'~«-v« *» «* k y> . ~ 2*** , . Wffi-Uf»v«BMI»«nt nnv ,„ TO tag j city of Paris js . little than #50, i * more * OiKl.OOO annually, TEE JES1 USE Cornet Broad afid- Clwtty Sts. jrKi-tM*, aico itai a. Jan scion of Atlantic, Ouif end Macon and Brnnswick Bail toad#. The attention of the traveling pnbitc w directed to the tuducvimmts altered them by tide Bonne. The location of this House is on ele¬ vated ground and DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. drains^, Tt is well and supplied fitted with water and ss itt every way to give lt» guests every comfort of a J*/fi,s2-CLASS I/OZ&L. Ratk.»- • $1.60 per da*; *»;'*«* Single Meals 60 '***• ** ih * «’J *«> * 7 ;., • HajT MBKRAIi IMP JOHN r to VAMJUKS. T T wilt . be 7 fenatng feature * MR AST,* a of the Jesup House, and being Wtlgr the jmnirliHtr ,1 sfipervisibB f of theriTbpriafefe, Jwedto nn , p#.«» ,,r or fxpeiui win w II he m df. to fit ‘<k<* it e»pi:4. to the * ; ”w watt er will move bcggage to and from Hotel * a] Depot. P r. LITTL* Prnprietar. .........- ...........—---------------------—- i f. s, m i so., Dili; (i GISTS i -A Kl»- 1 PIIAHMACISTS, (Alice Jitw I>ruj0:ore.) jesup. CEORCIA. MAM'f O TVUl-.Ba ot - fiiirffl iffstkii! ■ni-.i TuHrt frffjmrfitififis ASfOi P*M,WWI - I* PaOnt M.di'-iui-H, Stationery. Book*. H].,.ni ler Trit».n*s, AW »! SivpporVw*, aimI Km wi c. A folium >t ,frw»b o*l purs Garden Sand Wtors. *1 W'eyjt vn ioirnl. r ur.nal Paint in sll i p iv h*t tin -d. Ami will turn S pc-te Call wit) C ■i any axaodnc lioiiw mi ret stock ilt prices. ii t our DU. r. B. Mi HAS & CO. Ill. MrhAE *Rf receive aad asvsvr eaii* at tire n»«*s th re 13 MUSICAL AM) DEAMATia Mmk. PjSUUffK Licca will uadoubtedly ling in this country next wasou A K0VXMKS* » bn fork to sstabHsb a «m* wrvetory of musks in Peoria, Ill. him Is non. mooed to opeu th# iww CasitK* theatre in Washington next autumn. Ida Winch, the American tenor, England. la iingj* big with sacoaw in oratorio In Fawnuc I)*vxNfn.«T is playing ‘'FtKiora* Ri,sou oh the roast to avaraga weekly reoeipt* ot Histori, the odabnited Italian wkn, .1* Kiintng to Uils country in Octolier, and will make a tour of the priiusi; at oitie*. line, Laniiirv will not, after all, says an English paper, go to Australia, not will have a London theatre after the ternuinattan of) her- Atusedoan atigageawnt. Knvt *Hn Miujubs, of tea "Jalrsia* com paiiy, lias wnt-v-a & new drama in five aota,. which is purely American, and contain# soma novel seeuic and niachafiioal esfecta. Qxo-ko* Aiv rkp ®«w k.-kn£i» be New Yarks foarmw*, turn written a drama catted "Groms promoter well,* which deals and with iunludiug: the history the of thW up to protso torate. Mm. w, G. Noab., one of the great ao tressemof fifty year.* Fanny ago, who KvmWa played rival! wigagemontti with and sap parted the ddtr Route and Furratt, i# «tett livlrig in Roohexter, 8. Y. Eownr Booth, who recently Fhitadelphia, finiteedavery attreessful aaga. euwnt in de dhtoi an eugai emeat in Pifsburg «is« a guarantee of giu,W clear tor a single weak, lit* preferred to go to Boston. ‘■Th« MarrSii. i icss, ’ ft" played by lAtte in of teiriAm, is a new by adaptatiou t-uarles Utekwet of the Uicklentw the novel . who ha« merely arrai igwi his father’s “Old Curiosity hi.**:,. into a istirfcw of dwcoauocted sobum* nnt any mom uf th» wsjrd, malting a T«* New York-Onshetena anjatedrS society ha# aa orctia.* ra uI oompOswl as follows; Ton vtelitt*, oue viola, one vioMnceUo, two fi* «b. liaises, tw-. (tutoft, one oboe, thiwa clanoueU, one ;-axoj)iw>ue, two tnuap'ts (oor n«t« piano probably}, and two two drums. horns, two trombouss, one Th* Modtmkm fOn,Otti, much out oomtaemwd in Cftltfonda, which v<«t her has yfeld teg other a profit, day, wiitoh •hrUmnu* #i» looitea ttw aetr«»$5,W ’‘luck the upon as money snd invf,- i«d it in a tiara and ear ring* to «'<■ u »•• a on 'of tuasootte in Mat»• rice Barry m -re’s new play. This tiM MttlX UoeetO, notes aa interesttog fc-L with rebueuce t«. Urn weU-knowa song, ”1 .i .-. f cm lirwusa: *>f K. Ti’ce.” ttwaseotn I u «d by Mr. Cliar.'e* Halenion, who, not m-iijgiimng eo'iyrjgh:, th* aiid Wt all. tw had The», sold holder it for of ■&. present t at ri -lit £0j& derives from it the nice little in Btnm of. • year. M«* T. bi.-vricu Smith, manager ot KaucU 10," has purchased a new play, which will h; pT-*luo«ci for the first Mine hi Philadelphia on March IT. The title is •• to Kentucky heroine, Bella,” hut to which celebrated applies not only horse to ! a raee that ha# l«eu named after her. The play t ns a number of j-casatsonul vlTeots, * novel fire so mie, ami » rcps'oductton of a race ■»urm PBOlIiNKNI PKOFLE. V A.xtjEEW hT, —Careful estimates plans th* value of William ri. V*ad»rbdi * outfit, when he drivers, at #150,tifrd, Unity, f i i -ntoos. S*- EL, --<lolonei N’ai.hau Free JFfuntoon, of is the oidewt Masoa in the world, having been initiated tr» im% of Papuan,—Sx-Guveruor inlaws, lift* John M. Palmer, was in early a eioefe’ psddter. He studied law by the advice of Stephen A. Douglas. WamTXa.-~.foto O. W hittJer, the poefc Is about the last of the toflaeatta! Ahottfiost* Iste belonging to the FuibipsdJamsoo era left alive, . Pait*a»o.—Professor Alptwos 8, Packard, of Howdoln «>J»-g«,wh.Q »# now ia his e^bty fifth ycar, says.that he has never been IU a day iu hi# life. . . YuAMSh.-~Bmty sftBr U lt YUketfi is net. a very P®** 1 “»« * - ® * m th * 1 b® wreck will rnuuaga fortune. to save M.uoO,lW from u,« of his Bf-Acamms.-Wetmtor-elert J a R Black j Imrn, ot Kentucky, is forty si* yeate <d<?* and | ts tail, square handsmtie, ahouhtorad and and M»wy, btur-gray HI# features are large, even ion* <MH above a heavy browu wuw i tacha ' ! ^dor , , «, r im on the Sariai.muito Jlemwt, mxB owmr l«» took 0 l the lectonne Baa ,H.i» wife Bat, J# and tattr later at , to a Irhffi parentage ntia AwATalhtn btrtfo Pikp^e. ......Bishop MethwiM. «. F. Ptopfc of South, Charging toe great Matter of the re ctr.Uv retebretad Th" biUbops lii» gbldse f:v. weddbtg Rev. Ltmo mt tijiarta. Piero*, tfao ajio#tla her, of fleorgia i Methodism, was awl for giaat half century the over a »» has folio wad vigorously tba Wter. path set by the ^ther aa an sootestasticaj tattmato truioi pt Mbs BUa Wheeler, the S v *(•<««, now in New t)r* AffS?? w^paid S*Mr with ««• Una, IB whh* she (whiles her mother awl a yova^.s# ^ wbrnn she etuoatol j I ^ . ll»a»J.*tO-«,—Obartes British Brad-augb, parliament, tot log¬ memtwrof the has a with hi* bcwtot-r, e»#®t, in sjtsss mtgtato rnces oowpaninnship epiaiem#, am# though be*w#etr there them i» bc he fraternal he mv* love? him as murti as :w Christ and iattity. cwAfently tools for hi# eoareintoc to