The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 06, 1884, Image 1

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Tin Jesna smM. OFlae 1» the Jemp House, fronts#* on Cnerrj etrett, two deer* trow Broad St. PBJRLfoHl’.P EVERY TIM RSDAY ... ST ... T P. LITTLEFIELD. Subscription Rate®. t Pastas* Prepaid,) On* year ...... Thro# P* **••«>he..., month.*, ............. ... .. Si ............... ..... au TOWN DIRECTORY. Mayer*-Joseph tern.—W- J. Bath Sarvla tXrrt ■Majv.r pro Tr«t*« rer—Thomas Floyd. and A, Marshal—Job a N G >odfer«.*d. Alderm, u—W. T. VVnkio*. vtf. 8arvi*, A, hleyd, Pfiltiaxnt, W. E Beuu-*t and Thomas A. <teiiis*rV--R B- Hupp*, hber.fl—,!. D >!obin»on. firrk—J. A. finmoh. Tr**.«rsr~d.T. Bennett T« Receiver—. *. A Ktehardsou, ’ Tax Cedectnr—O. W. Will s. Coroner— W. T Wilkin. Depaiv •'her yffr ft*. M Austin. C’.uflsy Hap»*i**r Surveyor- f’teur*. Jar. e» Ma Call. H. Mtoshr-B, Judge; Wayne O. M't-’-ry. »«»«---Wwrtts PoMehwr p. Gener®!. Session* held on th : rd Monday b Msfch sod Sst>!emh«r eh*5ro*«n; County CT.ninii* C Grac-. ion r«—O. F I.'tt’eSe*d C RJtl rp v, K C For), aed A H Cs.rer. m, (’•>.■• >t the ?.>d Weda'.s d*f so .liBrirv. A «ril ery; J(t)v »' d Octohar, ba x O-a AmtMa f-ory-rv omc*B8. Ordin*ry - J»mre Tillman f^FitwIp C’srk 'opror |H? f VA t* HflfiRLwR Court--B. Mtefety Kher-fi—j. n-J, n H. Coo Tax Colter,tor— W. H. Ovrerttree Tax .Eeeelvef—B, Themaa, t.-orowev-H Setor M Purveyor -Arfhnt Jolmsen. Chv'rman Cauntr CeniKiiosb-wara.—W. James E, Tteplaa Dante Warnoek and Mcftstofein Daniel Me Kuchin, School Comuii*aioaar. THADKftR HILb. GA. cXAStrox cotfwrr owmt O.-fitnsry- Rot«*rt llatchai. Sheriff—.!ohn B ooka C.erk—-Andrew G. Gowea Joilector--P. VI- Gou.*,»a. A**e**or— C, C. Crew*, Treasurer-—John Paxton, CoroBer—Robinson, Cline at Monday ♦ la M trah * «1 O > tcher. Appling—Second Monday' in March an October. Wayne—Third Mondays in M rob and October. Diew«—F'onrtb Mo»d*yi in Marco ansi October. W.**e— First Monday* m April and No* v*rti T’fifiee—Tuesday after second Monday in April and Noveatoer. fjfrrtr *nn—Tvroi*v after third Itondsy to April s»d Nov rin'ier. Nnvewher. ttyhJea—Fi Mendssy* in April **.! ■ Ghw- Comrtt««.e<3g on the Int Mon <♦*** in May sad D«c»ruher, and to continue far two weeks, or at long *» th* baainte* way rvquirt. SYi m S t JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW KKUNSW ICK, < r A. "’til levilsriy attend the Kuperior Courts of tin- emmtirti of Can d i-, Glynn. Pierce, Ware and Wayne, aw) mV pt-r-oniti attention to all Im.siisros cuti !»U( i to ttivto. Office over. J. M. Matldeit's 3t»r,ting GSice Entrance on ‘ do-.ivm r ctris-i. SPENCER R. ATKINSON, Attorne/ and Counig !or-at-Law And Saioitor in Equity, BIU'NSWIOK, - GA. M Hi regnlsrly stteM the Superior f’onrM of to* Brunswick Circuit and the Federal Oourte <«' BowkutuA. Office ov,;i Madden's Bank - i> 9 »ui«ii on New Castle and «, »-v. *tre«»s. Q H. HARBIS, * TTORHET IT LlVlf ft J* ST?? SKOSOU, f’raettae revubriy is the eonatis- "oa» the Bwiavits eircult, aoti vise *h»>r» by *,.eetel eoairaci. JT B. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, B8UNKWICK, GEORGIA. Praetrefi regularly in tty Conmbvo Glynn, Wayne, Appling, Pierce. Coffee W’are and Camden of the Brunswick Circuit, and Teiiair of the Oconee Cirv cast. mehki-lyr C^BTMo.nR j. at,«ilc ATfOEim AWD COUNSELOR AT I AW i ksv t, : «K<mau. ^ W5b^.»»*H-e* t* the eamn ,* *f th# Prs« 11 .^1 Mp ^ I’ GGOBYEAf V,, ..... v ft.' A ttdr>rney at Law, 0?«r Miohoeltofi** Pr .virion iter*-, OTucttier tirce.% BBBASWIOR. r t GlnRfli #pHOMAS C EBMPH, 0 ommi 88 ion«d Notary —Alro— Ex-Officio J. P. f J,lfi50s District Q. M«, Wayne Goaaty, Georgia. Oo«r» fe»!4 fa Chart ffoase **»» Ba% w*d*f i* mak meskh- j»ael»-w f 0 •1 jj i >w VOL. whtoeial totes. IhuBtouaa, who has made hisaacif famous tv refusing to take tb® oath m a ttenibei of tile British Parliament, hm beea re-c-itvt*-:!, Ik likJO Tennessee ringed fottrterttth it lii, list of iron-prodaeing stvtvn, Alabama &lUs> nth. and Virginia sixteenth. Ik three years ih*«f shrer »t»to* made a rapid gam, ami m lti«j ressuasee stood ninth, Alabama sitth. and Virginia seventh, i* thia country are only two sstittoltehmsstto at which cannon can be matte. One t» at S».*ut 5 , Bmim, Mas^dmseUs, ami the other at West Point, New York. The Boston works, which have lata idle for six yearn, are said to be fit to omapeie wish foreign f modc-A-is. Bxwxts 1505 and 1730 it was customary to put over the title of periodicals a cross with the Initial tetter* of the cardinal points of theeom press—-N. E. W, ft., indicating intelligence frt>m »U quarters, and the name newspaper Wffie to be applied to such periodic#!*. -----------............. Tv* oil bittiness has all grown up within the past twmte tw,,nw-fonryear*, tons »«,-« in T» i860 ««ta seventy x barrels i of oil glutted the market. Now the world naes Abont W.OOO barrel* a day. The amount of oil prodaced scctaa to be steadily incroagiag. Probably the oil supply will m ■■ • entirely give That out, but it te beginning to be re., vi hut unless. s«w oil Seids are speedily discovered the price of od will go to a high figure. Mbs. pAMuatrr, the widow of Admiral Karrv gnt, mseiree in pension money *5,000 a year. There arc 29 cose* where the widows of Gun zt^ZT^Z’tz i the widow* receive oahigh a* >100 a month, white ottaM aw given $36 onlv. The rate *.1 lowed by the general tew » #3D, and the )W ^ •" °° T * by speoal legislation. AoooBMteo to the cmukw of 1880, the total number of jierwm* of bosh w»s reported «s pursuing gainful vocations was 17,392,099, (ba¬ a—-—** bans, »s follow*: Male. Female. and personal 7,0/5,983 594,51(1 aervkv, *............. 2.712.942 1,301,395 and transportatian. 1,750,892 59,304 mecli&ui «&1 teJarffting 3,205,134 631.988 A nansnosil ventriloquist recently ad¬ to a reporter that rontriloquieni wsa but a Unmimfi. It i» gee. rally thonghi the ventriloquist throws hi* voice in order make This it appear is all to sms iffueiou, from The different only du«- thing j an is to deceive the ear. ft m well that the organ is tMijgtslarly matscurate determining the dirmtion from which a proceeds. The ventriloqntet take* o>1 of this and by a 11 tils Juggerly pm th© illusioru He given to his voice such as convey to the audience the im of sounds heard team tome particnior at * greater disteaoe, He directs m the time th® attontiah of hi* hearer* to the front which the sound te to come, and controls their imagmaVioti. m, B. .t om ,«i » « ore logwood and fustic, from the W«* ;fima, from the shore* of the Pacific, tike bar and cam wood* from Africa. The 3« mentioned, , with . tbe exception of /untie . T ; s» yellow, we *«&* hni o£ r%dmm «hade», j i *sppo»to wmd. winch i, a delicate pink, from the East Indies. The costs of th# ; ha the rough are, according to the Ihovt- t Joiinial. S as follows s LogwUd, '. from »36 * j t„S a toe . 5 the red , woods, , trom . #40 to #70 a > and wood ( the cans about #!W a ton. The : wood comes from ti e interior of Africa, I * considerable ■, .n i for g tTan,p»rtation • ,. and . .. is sooree. Cato wood is reed mostly woolen monafsotnrew in making their dyes, and very frequently staple* and chain* found attached to the kg* when they ar* to this city, and poisonous in^cU of that are often found ui the hollows of the which are speedily killed. -----—_ Ms. S. B. Ooeanwcu, aeninr vfee*pr««i<ient r of n CotU ,. fn , ii f lanter* association, ,, ,■ has . made . a of intereating auggeetioB* to Director Burks, of the Sew Orleans exposition. CockrtU want* ; a premium ’ um oi of m o-.* bate# u«i «-.u of offered „ for a cotton picker with iron so constructed that human finger* con dispensed witti. Under the new syriem, of 8,009,000 negroes tit theetmth, ono-half will -to work in the cotton mil)* end the other will plant, Gear teds and sow glass, * . progressive cotton ^ man concludes by say that the haste ot a great south is “a cotton - »■“ fields ; cotton planters’ motto The eotton opens the Way for the milk. ” Th# part of Mr. Cockrifi's tetters te his *ag that half ,, or ,,, th« negro population . . ahoiud t» the cotton mitts. This is not to some to paw .for some time. Tm* late William ('niters.Bryant mode a strong pl-» a score of years ago for the preaervatirm our forest*. The poet cattail the attento® of hu, read®** and of the government to the atal reeukte which foilev th» ateipping of * <w«utry of it* forest*. In ril woodlands nature has provided for rriainiog the mmtrtur* of rmx,n. Th® m-ih under the tree* is corned with * thick carpeting of falkn leaves, which prevspt toe water from j«#*ing iwruft-Uateiy into, the stream* and burtying to the tea. hart tsf the iwsfetoe thus confined mako* it# way otewly into toft ram ot the earth, risen ® springs and mm off in rivuMte; part te gredu" ally drawn up ty the roeilte of the (roes, red giver* off to the air fete toe tevt# to Conn the vapor* which are after wanb condamted into •howem. Thu* toreste tnMMIy protect a cMartry againet drouth, and keep it* at rmm M ffiiBStetttiy flowing and i» w«a ereuteoaty to a. Out <town the tree* and the moisture at th* p&stm rapidly off from th* aarfitre and. hastens to lakes and oemm. Tm great Tresphuate mdsateiss of South Caretire are looming up wondariaily. In rinds phosphates the bat*toes* to fttemry lari ati teiard tuiprimMmm pr«q«rth,B*, the ship ***ws rereteBng «,fl» tore. Tty qtutnkty at UttiUm* »a»«fs.tymi tit iSTl wav n.,m tom, which increased the area y«re to §7,7.89 tore, and ia 1873 to 68,23*. The next year there «« ft tUgfct fatting off, and the pvaviore fjgiue wm aos ©xreeded until vm, wises the product JESBP. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 6 IH 81 -ift* **10 u-..* n., .. .ie., r.«.s !b-n has teen as follows: 1880, 80,00& few* ,* ISO, 10*2,525 toft* ;!#», 108,490 tea*; 1888, 'p from Juue *»■>“ 1 . 1876, *»: to S*p May 31, 2255 1877. was to«* The cc-xt year si was 120,82* ton*, which was not exceeded until 1880 ^ 1 , when it reached 832.077 ton* UM® F«uwuwt,». .»»i.v, ton*. New fields are being opened and worked, •ud the factoriM in evaty instance have Uiefc I UNUSUALLY OLD PEOPLE „ft£*sr- ■vJ ■" * —w. - r m? o . „ l< . . ... al< _» **' , * ia ’ " ' ' * wpof Khod* ItowAito, Of Owmgsville. Ky., « i.uiasii Holukv, ,.,f Waterford, Conn.., is !02 years okL Amo» DKMtte died reoantly at Ridgeville, B** ■ *’ 8 th .rear. Mss. Martha Cr-.* kstt, of liberty, Me ******& f-'KABi-tss Ah ' A - iu brr Mth year. hsKuiKK, & farmer of bachelor? CJtoeon, a, c., has lived MB year*. He is a NTcuofcas Bobsy, a peanonef of the war of 1812, died recently at Boone, Ky., in bia 1 X)t.h year. A » at ? ln Washington seventy ^ ^ years ago ' die! * £vxkv (Mnununion Sunday Mm Annie Gordon, of Biuifttm, ft. C.. walks four miles to cl:arch She is 1 II, Cmtihfiax C-Wi-KR, who fives In the hottss fotmeriv 'i» ses on „ .if Robert Fuitor,, i, hiving.-Aon, N. Y.. is 110 years of age. Aftbk being blind for twenty rears, Mrs JoedAme Lepafcria Jiwi at Watertown, N, Hav husband msmUf din! at bin. At ft. Blytht &, wood, eighteen McCSellan, mho* from Colum Andrew aged cently married MarUnt Wityn, n widow of twenty-seven. . Miss Sab RA Phu-mps, of Norwood. 11 I.. is iros rears oi!. Bb* in-r ,-w.i h ,u-.-~ gia^-. C!'Z?££SSJ£rJf£g‘:tiZ, w.K- :;av. tease a-„i .!»<• >b sr- the name* o' trii>l«ts stilt living at the a o* of seventy two years. Kite, of They are the ctoHron of Cstba rmr itiebteud township, P«m., who rtt am tiy .lio-i, aged mart y eight .1 A< OB It tXJ.lK**, of Duns tan, Me., 0:1 the asvnivervai-y snyular eoufeteiott: of lus MXtih- *ti voted birthday tor Thomas made & totferson for his second term, aith .ugh l a deed two months of uiv majority ' WHIRLED TO DEATH. w t’»rm«io s,-,-nv M» t><ml anil 't tj r«:<* 44 OH tided l» One Ilmiw. A dtepafch from Javier, <4» . describing terrible «ffrets of the - nt.vl -. say* that It came in sight *»vea iwikw to the right t>£ town “ It went over tho nicmatain* out of sight right iu he- from Jasper, it in sight five minutes. The devastated was from half a mile to three miles f« it* five minutes’ trip over that, fiftoui strip of country twenty person* were killed. The scent* that the tornado left in track *re beyond description. One need* to stand in the nfidst of the demotished for»-t.s and see the destruction of life and ’%&&tS?££?Sii , & front Jasper three brothers have lived Jteors. Their naunv are John, Peter and Un owning Tbl>i good \^ lands prosperous and running farm- an within government skme distillery. throw of They mAi a ^ ^ aXgffto” V ry house, s-tuug upon the cross of hill overlooking t!» valley. Suuthwcsi- 5 * 1 '* fro «,house wa, au o t e,tiag. No or atlk ware in. the way, and the ro.u eood right in the pathway w&b ot aaiff the tor* nodo. and u»n--Wiliiam hi* Sv* throe hired tiro William Karrcn and ftStoao Wright, tornado whisked over tiie mountain and into the valley, wlmro it paused to wBireed gather tut Then. settUmrdown-ft to and a ( utter, and the air was filled flying timbers,’ pans, .furniture, feath- 5 the ' residence of his i„ti« w as at brother outside the fury of the storm, and when saw the tornado coniinar he started to ward his _ house. lief ore he reached it be was from f‘.treed blowing to ding to Use underbrush to keep away. As soon as the tormv iiatl gone, lie went to where a moment be f ° re his house- stood, and a heartrending k f **? H H ? Bd tw ° tii!dr*n wore found one hundred yards dred. Furtter an three o«h«r chfidr ° 15 ® * baby eighteen ^ months old, were picked *£ woods yards. Scattered about the were the three men..... With a ; huge ..I|w^n tree and across Wityhte-aU his body, ;W lha- ,.v,e in a moment iu that house six persons were killed throe others, dangerously injured. The wild with uf&i-iss!; The dead and was the ininreii chudron grief. hw Westey were btium * ti,f> » s oi^Mr. for shrouds Oogle. and one me-ownger went for bix, and an wont for surgeon* for three. Such » visitation rarely falls to the tot of dm man.” PROMINENT PEOPLE Bovs rex.—t'umi Boynton, t.h.- swia'uer, was utftrr.e i reot-nUy, io Maggie Connolly a< CbiG#[U ! - Bru . w < t t it#,! fttutos Senator Brown, ot Gwwrla, hm four tern mines tn toe nort tyra part Of that State, m winch ty enipUjyi nearly I,tftSI bands GKAirr.—iludge James Grunt, of Dawn a-titmai Trot¬ ting associatiois. says that there are in the association 5.0W) hoi mss trotting below ‘A.W. Brjk.’HER. — It is expectwi that Mr. Beecher will go to Eurt fie oa a lecturing tour iu th# sfjrw* or efirb summer. It is over twenty year* tinea Mr. Beecher was tn England, where ty made man v addressies upon the war Baasox.—B, _ ... T. Iternutn berag fanted the other day Sew to lecture before a temtytomw so emi v in Y prwjtyw. s^’-xiinardfcws sprir.iiuiag Ck>x-~-W«tiiiaKUni490rre^pofidimts of Go^roanman 8 note B. Cox' th gray in . hair, ’fhongh am of the youagest wsaifams in tiW^testiBea been he to fifty-nine ymn of age an t has in Congress £«• a lougyr period than any democratic member. KeBev. tty of Petmsj'tvan'a, {HttAtswn ride mfiy #xeeeda him «n re* 1 st length ot oeryiea Tcuruw.—It bus.* aboat a dozen av ■'•rage tartiea ti:» foraish one quart oi the famous green, fat so highly (adeemed by «Ii gouiuiai.'irt, ss»d us it bs only found at ditnsig oertain v,$mm ia the year, tho flO pm quart elmrged considered by the Eugltei* dealers may net be so high a price. A WPEO WOVSTlS i i men- rat- d .» Albany, N. Y. CofCfiKHfBABJU® hatoreti! ®ss! by f *k» JWghtratto* of a ten-aiiiiion-doUar murt * T«?« In th»» oilUrm of forty didemit town Telegraph tsssAAi?s:ftaFSd , ftsa,!J eoiupatiy. foirt in Teniw Ivanla to ^ terg. Vitt burg, Allentown. I aaraster and JS. «ttM£&.XS?5SiZi SSfe»S.‘WSS8& IKK ewnmonCftimcti. Ffv* cam* '«rf mteMaand several sadden U ‘* ^ ^ to Last year's i->al product, a* reported by th* toil* Inspector of the V’enitsyu aula raid* die district, wasa< follows; Deh gn Valley Coal fcmpeny.tu .Mtt ■*, ’ * h'gt a JAVt'ke— bar-- company, 175.118,T1S tens; DnUtware *o.l Hu ,<itts ' ,055 tun S«siiw.*faantt% in,h,'.,i> 5. Wyoming trixeellau laity <ni* oompastlas, * ton-,, companies. F' i if',*., fir.- TR« i s r»-” -jf ho twa’ly These figures einpkryai Jo mtahm ooal wo* 17,83a, show ait excess of tteiiA thfttt lOO.OOO tons and more than 3,000 employes over the jjrevfcm* year. By an explosion of fire damp in a mine osar Untoutowu, killed,, ant! others Tens,, nioeteen miners were had * narrow escape from taffoeftri n tarred, Asttke and Vwing after twire 11,000 buried m!,l«x<rf and twice dtttev i<*t the b strange wan* <ls « ( ri-etwj ha tmot thne'i-t Jeauueite have once more reached the land from which they went forth to death. The steamship Prism arrived at New York with the remains of Lieutenant Commander kf Zi 1 S ’*}?.” K; to JaTOe * M. Anildm rttnu, tta.te. Lea, v. Oteorg* . Carl Washington Augustus boy- Oorts, 1 , Henry Adolf Hausen Drossier Knaafik, and £f«Isp The remains Ivorson, of seamen, Coliin* and Ah 8am. to'Cork, cook. Ireland, were sent those of Loyd to Alexandria, Va., end those of Dr. Aiabler to Philadelphia. 7'he remains of the others were buried at Woodiawn cemetery, near New York. nently Aworr connected 125 genttanen with more Republiaau or fens promi¬ New the party in York, Pennsvlvauia, New Jawy, MaasaBteisstits and Mary land root, .n New York city for the purpose of pmrfeciing au mdejwidefit for its object Republican orvanbatioa proddeutial hav-nr the nomination of candidates at the forttuxoaiiur Republican national convention whose record would • ‘ warrant entire confidence in their reed i nesH to defend tl» advannes already male toward divorcing tfae publi-' service- from party fioHtfes." Gr-oa nsotisn of Carl SchuiT a committee was appointed to jortect a,a organization covering all the States and to take such other action as may be deemed rxpedient. Th»vbs entered a _ , _ proi*irty valued at- 445,060. VxsSKtx arriving at Boston report now ing iimnense icebergs and tea packs. Boms iceivertcs were from a half to nearly three miles long, and from KW to 3>*i feet high. Washhttgtftn. Th* secretary >.f war rocteVad oumen>u* tetegranw the work ^hovrlny to- ad- sattefoctory pty r as in of relief to the flood suf¬ taries. ferer# along the Ohio river and its tribu¬ Th* President noMiiniited C. R. Palmer, of Vermont, to be associate justice of the su nreme court of Jjakota: .Max Weber, of New Santa*. York, to H. be consul of the United States at B. Trfat, of the District of Columbia, to be consul of tits United States at "^Toa Momnibujua. Dawns hre been authorial by the reinate ooiuuuttee on lu-aau aff urs to favorably pufibikmeut report of « bill providing for the by tr- si-asnere on Indian land* tHiprteonraestt This tor speeiatty‘intond».i one year «r #SGi fine, or bowl- te to kdep Tayne and his follower* out of the Gkiahama tan ids. Kkxaxor 1’iuinb lire re;orted to the .Sen ate an original bill from tits committe ■ on a rrk-u ture, making executive the dep>art*oent of a? r,culture an departumt, whose chief officer shall be the seeretory of ogrtati-' turo. Ibk Seuaf '-i;iv- i awed a bill iu.ikiup au h , aoproiu-iation to provide arms for the.- militia. The bill appropriates THX House has passed a joint resolution ap; tin'- ra| Indians riii ting# tor IritjOiXi educational to be expended among purposes. SnrHi tasy has issued the l AAh rail tor bond* Toe call is for the redtuiip turn of #h), 000 /XW in bond* of the three pur cent loan of h-w'. Th# agricultural a.s»pr<tyiatton bill, as vninplrieii by th* House 'committee onagri culture, appropriates $430,SW0—an increase of about #J4,i (At over the last appropriation. 1 he bill inotow on apjiropriation of # 8,000 l -r •he propagau >n of the tea plant. At a ineeting of the Democratic National ooHunittee in the Avlii.g'ou hotel, U aniir ton, hrid for the purpose of naming the time «®d ptye to hold the national conven Stem for the nomuirttum of candidates for hres-diMit siri Vice-1’resident, ovary State was i-epressnted dither by & mem¬ ber of the oocnmitte* or "a proxy. W H Barmun. of Ctoor«>cticut,pr«iided,ari i 1 r>* toi tf o. Prince, of Modaohuaett-. was secretary. A motion was adopted that the lVn.oi-inf.-i.-f each organized territory and OT t he insiricc of Cokutvbia be invited te tend two debates to the nations convete tion. Upon the third ballot Chicago was so lected as the pla-e to hold tha national on vent ion. tha- city receiving twenty-ode votes to seventeen for St. I*mi*. The date for the convention te July A After touting tin-call lor the convention the commute* a I <>urned to meet next, iu Chicago on July 7. Thk Notional Greenback tatwr party has issued a call fur a nut ioual convention to lie hciil in hhfffti apbijs, on Wednesday. May r t \t a State convention if the Indiana lirewnOft, m imisiir.a'.-! s » full ticket, heated by Ii. O. Leonard for governor, was and twenty three roat>fution-» af¬ firming the pri.twipty of the Greeuiiftek Latar fiatty wore adopted os * ptotfdrm. South aud W*at Bwjftxfi Ha, m and wife iomoredl, residing three wfte from Crockett, Texas, went to oimreh »r night, aud left Mix children at tents a»4«v>,, .‘-jrh the door livjM*! At 10 o’clock the boose was discovered to ty <cm Hm. and it burned so quickly that it was tmposrtbie to mj •- it- or tty chibiien, every one of whom tea# tartm I to death. Tta sUtert was a boy thirteen yews old pB'StteS, Heavt #aow stonna have prevailed In 0* koto and Southern Mfunewta, and the rati* resds-have b.«B tdeckaded ; A CTtrwut* Which staruck AjabersoD’s, Ala., .Fourteen dcowthihati uearly every house in town. persons were reported kiiaed. whw» detiroyed toousand* **!*..'***”**> of houses and kiliwl bu'iiire-is of peopir hi Georgia, Ai* baiuft. North ami South Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi. Am* »% .itykaon,, ftffch.. destroyed tty I ntel, hotel btek ^tyr^r^daXTl jaseuiffed by a hotel. &£* nZ\ a four peroona were fatally and am seriously foptroi The pecuniary Una is about $170,- tV. 6 . Peso, Gohrt!«i son of c«k>!-«l flash, tty 3 uel i«t who killed Hh*nt,o« a few year* ago. catered Mt (', and ester oriob ifiz fvai ilv got into adlffieattjr with V-wu Star hrtl Re httods, who w*» roughly tMUeUid. Cash then ‘wrtfoP’ft Wfireturueu the follow¬ ing aftwno*>n awl ftfiproaeliiug M Richards drew * revolver ami rapid)V three »hofc;. The first bril struck «n imio <>Mt (•y.-t.tif!* r named Cowart and in a*.Mint hit wounds fttefcards, t :ash then both mounted *bot» eattimg hia horse mortal and state rapidly away. Tbs cabin of BeVerty Ciriemnati, Taylor, a tattyd colored man ground tiring near night, nod wav to the at It was « first grandchild. thought that had the owner, perished with In hta the wife and a bodies flame* later, however, the of nil three were to covered in the budding of ll>-> Ohio Modi cal college, whither they had been curried for dteC ’.-a Alien logaiisi, a w-tod noma body snatcher, was arrested, and confessed that he and Ha.t Johnson ha l entered the Cabin and killed the three inmates, token the bodies to a waiting convey*! wagon, them shriven by E. B, Dickson, nott'medical and institution, where to they the sold Cincm the corpse*. Beside the three negroes mentioned, two others wen* arrR-Uxi for complicity in ti.e terrible crime, T Bi-: breaking of a dam on the Isas Angeles river experience.! producer'! tit* t»wt dfsa-c.rou*flood ever in California l he lower part of and I.-- forty Ahgetes hajidiisgs was oomph-tely swept Inundated, Hun dreds of were obliged a way. abandon ■* were to their homes arid sack shelter on the hilts. The loss am-’-ulitn to #ir0 000. Prom Jsm Angeles to Mu ave, a distance of 100 miles, ha-rdlv remains a ; il<- of the Southeni' PaciAo track in t-'a and east to San - ■ oixio, tagiity mi the devastation is e^na ly great. The CaliforniaSout barn road from «kilton t** Pan Diego !i also wuetind but. Travel to all diraBt.ibas is stmnMM, It will prooabtv b» two tnontfa before. c,>fB munhati , <-aa l>' jiro!s>riy e,tab!i- h*sj Ho. pom i • ceiv<*< i from town* in the Southern portion tins h-wviest of the floods M&h j©»p®B known. vahey anaounoed ever Two colored me , t» jail at Ubanon, Ky., f« aswttltin a w-om.-m. were taken out U * ftwiou* n-.-b and h&Hge<L 4 h . , } ... * . .pr«w»M»nt t ctfiisa of fty*'l,*s, throat, ,. . A tero' i» , ifioioi Mi-hI. bw lUtiwaun wife and the eut tamtiy hb own Is ,h:! Psrtlfa, A bispatuh from Berlin asserts that raiurau ea Ger-nan-American citi/.ens who re: urn to v are again being rigorously rnbjeotsd to military duty. It says, too, that the German foreign - ,i)ic« igu-ires I niroi ftrstos Mluteter Ba'rgent, W »i ti>« con.toots *11 negotiation* Sirect-ly with 'asimigton. Th* 1*itidon Times, in an article on the basker incident, implies that dislike of the country which deprives Germany of thon sand of eonscripfes is the basis of Bismarck's ■ son and that Mr. : argent's restyiation w-cmld strain the- retetioBS- of Germany add Um l toed States. A ICIER hold tag out for weeks' against the attacks ot. Ml Mshdi’s toram the town m \ > a- -a,rend re! to El MohdiN h fercit could he. relievrol by General Gra from Tokitr. ft was stated that only the soldiers at Tokor who hod families ha-f sur rnadsred, white the others attempt! to reach London ftuakim. Upon reception, of the iu groat excitement snsnsd . s|-trial cabinet meeting was called. K1 Maiftli appointed his brother, Ail Vussuf, governor of i'.arfour, and ordemt him to tevy irififorc* 7,000 Bie.ii, ami march body to K.ortlofaa to the main of Ei Mabdf# Gknk&al uoa&CMS otutounred that after 'restoring order in Khartoum h» would i pro* fees! to Kordcfa.; s, to interview the Fa-la* 1 ‘rojifcefe, t bus I>I»ha. the leader of the rebel a in the by viotoity of ftuokim Koran, te exciting hte foitow t-i-s ouotii^f the saving that Ki * * ... M** stwlore tatonging to the Britlah . bark Arm tiarton, froraSu Johu, N. B., abandoned drowned- * l ** 111 a watreiogfted condition, war# BmUMOtft motion to returning the Laskar Congress rosolutiore of sytupathy -itwsl moch to diw-ussion the Ameiican tire e* among the paper-, of Germany, toe government oi yarns demrung praising the German and the chaneettor’s opposition jMrexs coa ftorgsnt, the course, “ r - Americoa representative at ineully l erlin, L- defend! also bitisvly ; by German attacked and for vt-he ari wUicb he has taken to the papers U\« i matter, As rew iation of KngBtii authors hre ton formed to aid to securing an English-Aiiuvri (i copyright law. An Indian uprising ha* occurred in Mam ti hu. British America, an-i twelve mounted i e-ent to quell the dteturbanoe are re¬ ported io bav- been roassacrwl. Rut HxnnKy Bha.nd, who has resigned the ep-akersblp udoouBt of the of stokness, British house declined of tom* mons on bos a peerage, Tn* three men who murdered Count Von Ma.itetb, Of-r, president of the court of cassation B hanged t b Hungary, lAath. A last Maroh, have te-en ab. cheered neat crowd eOMisted ut Hie {wteon and tty condemned, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, Osi.y three executi ut- for murder took place in Frau.-e dui ,ng IS-SJ. Mas. Em* ; ti-wtii. of Troy, ff, Y., dtwl while tm tyr'koeay at prayer. Many Western railroad earnpa are now fore bidding tee pteemioeof Chinamen. factory, arabic at Hart '** “ ^ ot gum i every J ' ... i h.kb» throe New York , dune are women tn n.u-eum* whose combined weight is 1,905 pounds. Gaukorsha te at promntprodualug not far from #18,000,000 of gold and silver bullion amiuttily, A stsket car driver tn New York says he has picked np as much a* ffS in one night by natebtog the tranks for tost money. Bams Konooiunn, of loadon, is having tattt “tea ; ai-g«st steam yacht in tty world." The craft is to ty “Hi fe t ioug, aud is to bav# twenty-seven, f«»t tyaat A sit* lias bash, secured at foitterwonli, ji KngUinil, for the aiboumesft of John Wy ciiffe. which, it is inn-iskvi, shall ty set up to commemorate the five hundredth anrdvor sary of his ibath Tut Rev Hm»n Morgan has eugogal i ift> scale# t« ty placed at every police Vtatlon >m>! brau-V. i.t Uio iW-i-maG-l >rhar,t«ss m B-rtyii. so (list i»or>i‘ people In thatSsitv mat u *t bi*cfieated is tii- weigtttofibe coal rtyy buy In ft mail rptiuititire. W HhAf :n Ksid-as t-> said to have boon m ri-.-'r affected by tty variable WHattyr. tty Mternately tmuiij t-i Ueef sw»-l,. >.„• mid injured ttotwnur, tty root® imutiug »t mis tty p am. «#■! ia mw» r.mnlim it m feared tty crop wiUi be a twttd X# ilam. Exclusive* The Cabinet Album i& going tiumigk flie press iu the <*.>v«ttuavii* piiutnig oflSee. It is a eaatom for the Baeeaa to pn-pare fine steel eugreviogs of emit President and his Oabfoot. Theseeo gran hl ; v rig# are in thehigkti 4 . ^ , . ,, .. style of ,, the art, aud are bound in a corresponding style. The l>ook contain# the portrait# of ail the .Preaideatii and views of the White House, Capitol, ate. Only a euf number at copies ere made te present the President and members ot bis Cabinet with one each and retain one oopy at tins Bureau of Printing, N0. ~23 ! SEMMAKY OF CONGRESS Mr, Merrill, front the eo-nmittee on finance., reported a of lv.r-seiy th.' WH autltoririug tlie pnyqtent Vnutom* dati«. in legal t-mier not*e 8 , hot w»k*t that in ,jtef«rehe»» to . lie wi4i of another Stenat .r. it be placed on the mtendar. It Wite -r p>a**ed. Mr. Morril also for reporftsl i'vment a.lverse.‘., tlm 611 providing tewler U.e in of emnii legal notes: the also, adversely, th . bill autfaonnng secretary <W the ireasui- v to make final adjustment at claims of foreign stea tisnio wwaptoBtes M-tetan from tits 111 .gal action of tonnage dues. Ttw last tw.> hi!!- were ln defluitniy postponed.... Mr Blair introduced a to amend th« fK-naton laws,,, .The Sen¬ ate the further considered the bill lonal to provitte for tasue of Hromlatlon to net Innk. The Senate twssed the bill making it a felony, and punishable Stm, Iw three fnbely year# Imprison went government ott Seers cn.piovHs to with fmmhtftt* in ten: or to dei mud......Most «f the day was spent in debate on Mr. Morg an same 'druent persnib tixg natufia; hanks to 4 .-posit Ixnidv of tiw separate .States as wcem in I ,, omn.ialion, wikI uitrofiucwl finally the Mr M withdrew it, having origi Raj feiii same projHSftrti .n as Shermait an • hi motion of Mr. a .o'rot •-.•- lutio m was passw) appropriating $10,000 to «OA ble the <• -lumliteeon pri i d«ge* •ud eject ions to carry o« its tnv»»i.htat*9aa Hoi Mr. Dorsheimi-r moval granting to sttspwad copyright the rule* an<l make the Dili to eitissM of foreign epoatries a»} erder tor February- 37. Mr. Dewater aakltbe ■sKaat :if she hill WottM lie to make te.oksdear and to tax our It people fof the te n- fit ot «nr>iol'-. fcrmgo authors. Would also throw out of men: rar’i win »n * onga.-t ‘<1 iu mak¬ ing reprints of foreign author*. Mr, Chat* ttetieved in internattoual «efpy< right, but Wfc I>ptx»(wl to the t-iU m it* in j it shape M’ k-i;.y wi-h-si to inv« the bill fixed for a later date in order to beat authors, pabUgbem ami bookmakers^ Mr, l) >r»!iei)uer'x nmthut w.i> The bhl fot the retimnent of the trade dollar was wad* a sped*! ortlsr for March H, Mr. Towtv kbend said be* w-is .,py. to th*> hill, trade doiimr iu».i * iroulaiw 1 at }*a> until tl*» tjonkers repudiated it, mtd the merchant* r*-» ciated futroi to to fro eighty it. cents it imuieiLatciy the dollar, depre¬ and on who went Into wilt the hao-ls '.;**» of jobbers it-esohanged- m New at York, now to par. . ..A bill si. r-i'ovt.K troio the charge of' desertion soldier* who serve! through -mroand the war, ' when but who, being iwwtere*! absent from out, their c y was dkl mt receive » i honorable discharge tran- — A bill was j*aesed fixing the postage on wonT. nowepaper* at om- cent for fear onnhsia. ,. The House voted to hold nigh t sessions on Fridays toeyosM®*’- (*<>..dim MBs, filibustering The H.ou-af suent ai. n ghfc in a i seMtion. - From 6 ‘.rctoek at night until < cSot-k ia tiiij morning tiiere wa- a ifwihw.k, <,w i-g *u t.if. in * ! a the H**i uMu-m- >io ri ne*i tu in’,. <>'■ a cm t.«*.i Ui hi a lay i->r the ('-.jn.tJsratK'fi of the h;U to pe ision M<-xi veha'ana, and the eaerivora of mom in <ihU! wars. At about 3 o’clock A, M. ( an ex citing dtwM-ifon was brought about by awe Mr" t,wn, mad-* by Mr. iminb, of Indiana, to fin* Bm of thwtyivania. five dollars fof leaving theHouse aft-r the contest of the evening bad begun. Au angry delete fob lowed, prin. iv-av-y participat-d la by MUwsra. Hiscoek, Morrmon Tucker, Heal an.! Hanti At one time Mr. Hteotick was standing full is front of fta 8 ai. u - desk wtare In rounded by an excited crowd of adherent* an 4 opptmoute, wid tbo *>r tb$ mt gcant-at-write ha-i to Iw called into ro(Ui-i ii n. in order to min some degree of enter J iuaUv, Mr, Brumin explained that he hsu been Hii-umlerstood a • .tying that be had no left the House until the fill lectori ng •> a liegun. He ba*l left b,-ton* tuat tinie, Mr Iamb then withdraw hi. moiion, an<i Mr. Bmmm wasaxcuted. At ?i;15 a quorum hav Sng been obtained a roote-u to make th- tnil the special order for the. 31st Rouse was carried then Mi- by 175 yeas to uays, ami the jouroed. communication rvewived from ton A was Hieriideot, tr.-uwnittiug ft state-moat from the secretary of state to the eltect ttsat tbs British government Ah-rt the bad 1 u.t«i i tyussttle Kt» rt th* * wuiwh j n. es ,ol urn «i the Growl? roiief expedithm. The real tag at Seeswtftry Mr. rrel.mghuyseB BandollL dteclrocd s statement, tha* at tty roqtyst at ia the search tor vessete suitable for the ex peditkm now oref-oring for Uroely’s to roll- Alert (, attention had been directed the and that Minister LoweB had been insiroctea to inquire whether sty could be -.pared by the British government; that Minister Uw ell was told the British government had. not forgotten the action of the United States in the 'matter of the Basohito, a British vessel which had i»een abandoned in tb« Arctic regions, discovered by American and brought to this country two w.itm, purchased from them by then the Amer¬ ican government, repaired and returned tii Great Britofa; that the British govern u-en>, in recognition of this courtesy, had given the Alert to the United State mt conditionally, in to this with “graoetui a.i her equipment; and that romance the her opporum* majesty’* sot t of courtesy on part of govormueut,’* telegraphed to -Seoretary Minister Freltnghuysen U-well that tide imd evidence of sympathy “rocvivt^ the highe t ajiproriation of the ‘, United a. Uiai-w.,” it will that o) Mr. the Handail people of the etc, askiMl unauhnous consent tlmt the ©fftiinunSivti ion be spieai npau UVKHJ th* /ftirnaj journal of ot tits tty House, ib-uae, and tout affairs it ty be rt£ reftared object to the committee ot having on. foreign formal affai.rg with w ti>« priate « of more tty an a Bntsdi appro¬ gvivi-riuiHnit. reougnitiou Mr, Fsnnerty act dbjisste-i of toe and Me. lUmdail then iiut In- ropiest iu the form of a motion, which was a*r-ed to, Bum Kite nerty, of Unuois, and Kobiuson, of New York, voting in the negative The military acwlauiy bill, apf>ro;>riatt«h with" ftanote bill, ameudmoiite, and the port route were A Duped rradesnuut. In Loudon, lately, two ! well-diwsod men tradesman onterod the asked shop of a fashionable and to see the chief of the ostabimhmeut, whom they privately iuionwd that they were detectives from Scotland Yard. The men said that from information received they knew that two ' ’swell woman” would drive np to the shop in a brougham and order drapery te a large amount, paying for the same with a of forged well-known check for £50, Waring the name a nobleman. It would, however, be necessary, in order to properly convict the women, te allow item to carry the gpoda off with them, and take tha change of the check. Rut in order that they should not escape, the detectives were to have a hansom with a fast homo, to follow the brougham and take the ladies into custody. The officers took their stead behind the counter; the “lodtea n came, ordered the goods, and tendered tits check. They received the ci.muge hifaisciives and tiumcfliately guotte, *udt drove off. The followed in with the “fast house.” . tf intemam te still waiting for the good# A lap* who liad pointwl . smiling cherub on her eanvns. uumiKto to a gentlemnB o' Acxxcr Bf you know, sic, shat with stroke 1 «*« change this siuMii g boy into a weeping genffoimtu, “Tbat’e home, iioridng," arid the “At when my Ixiv oiMkis, too Ill twh of» racket, I cm, with me stroke of my ea»o imdto him woo®.. and. Isowlj......... too, tuatouriy "Y< rat Satiny*. JESOP USE Corner Broad and Cherry Sts. JfcsUI*, GEOBGIA. Junction of Atlantic, Gulf and Matson and Brunswick Bail roads. The attention of the traveling public is directed to the inducements offered them by thia House, The ItKisition of tlm House i* on ele¬ vated ground and DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. It is well supplied with water and drainage, and is fitted in every way to give it-* guests every comfort of a Ft7iS2 (‘LASS 1102 EZ. R*te*-"$ 1..*K> the per day; ,Single week Meals 60 ct«.: by month $20: $7, 5>f8COrrST TO FAMXTJXB. The Table will 1«* a tawing feature «f the Jeatip House, and being under the immediate supervision of the proprietor, no pains or expense will be i-paredto make it equal to the best. Polite wait¬ er will move baggage to and from Hotel and Deont. PI. Proprietor. I. F. I. MiEM l CJ„ DRUGGISTS -A»l> pharmacists, w, (At the New Drot Store.) JESUP. - - CEORCIA, Mtxxsfu-mam or FbariHTfhotit* i! auif Tsiirt Frp|>arati->n» iSP i -S'.iU Kaa IK Patent Mrdirinc*, Btatienery, Book*. Shonlder Br»c(-», Tnwees, Abdominal Supporters, and Eoromic. fait A line o* fresh and t pur* Garden 8**d al w»t» on hand. Brady m ixed Paint in all oolora. Wf keep »h*t tii* peoph nerd, and will com* peto with any hoeae ou retail prieea. Call anti examinr mr shty. DR. F E. McRAE & CO. I>E. McRAE wiil re-ceiv* and answer call* at the Drug Store. THE rlOKEITS BUDGET. W HAT IVK MM.' TO .«'Itl.K fJVKR IS THE BUIOBOIA I*.SEEKS. TH* BOSS. A Tribune, attache yesterday heard a skilled vocalist siug “Wait Till th# Clouds Roll By." She rendered it: “Wnh tail 'ah the th* claw raw haw; b*w, Jawyj Wah claw raw J*wy, Wall Ilia tab: »a the trow ctew tew wah, haw," raw And then *ht> smiled wed-merited so aweetly applause and that broadly the over the her mouth held corners of a so¬ ciable on the back of her neck.— Bia rnanik Tribune. BEAfs “Fatber,” said the joangmt sporting nif-n.l., r of ”, the f, 37' familv ««th«*re wV- ain’t h' ,f ht-i cau ben , I viand r H.,k !ft they t 1 **Oh, y«S, rephcd Mr. Wlggleawosth. What?” “A tramri,’* replied Mr. Wigglea „ A ” in - with w “. i ti a liirbt Ign *, and a T ^ alrv J ; tench S- a of “ hoiuor. A tramp boats everything and ev* ‘-l.know ryi*<x«y. thing don’t beat?" oBu he re mark ,. d M m Wiggles worth. **tChaite th»t .list, V” nneH«! queried her her hnaband husband to , ttiJlu kru prise, “A carpet," returned Mrs. Wiggles worth ; “vou can’t ever get a tramp to w, ^ . K cai » H T •» ' - a mtaoom mtoat. “Yes, papa,” said Beryl, "I am in love — nay, more than that, I have plighted my troth,” “How much did yon get on it?” asked the banker. “Yod misunderstand me,” replied Beryl. the “I have pledged myself to be¬ come bride of the only man I eon ever love—Arthur Ainsh-igh.” “What r almost shouted the banker, “that, “Yes,” drygoods clerk?” wm the reply, in clear, reso¬ nant tones. “I love him, and, despite yonr sneers, I shall marry him, It is no crime for a man to be a drygoods clerk.'* ‘•No,” said Mr, Setback, thoughtfully, “but it ought to be ,"—Chicago Tit/tee. NcmiiNfi bvt a o.rii war, ik» rr. A big clock liungK aborre the hrin) of the ticket agent Third at the 125th «tmd atii tion of the uvmne elevafod remit A phtrmrd I right." on the pendulum say«; “Yty, sir! am A passenger gassed at it yesterday and started to inquire “What is-f" Bui rive agent cut him short, and yelled “That’s j there keep people to from asking’ if that's the right time. Ques¬ tions used to average from 100 to 600 a day. Now twice as many auk what the placard’s Keeps for. oud talking the thing’s nearly worse all day.” than ever me —New York Aten. PbANTaiTOtf PHHiOeOHHT. Do wise man an’ de fool doan quarrel, but two fools or two wise men kaui’t get along so well. I>e man what marries a 'om*n ’ease she's got more sense <ten he hm is netar »llowed ter lose sight o* da lack. Be ehild <lat too soon shows signs o’ smartness doan him out ter be de smart <-Kt man. Be lust cotton dat opens ia m U-rde beak Kbi-u ’mong do siiiriiaiff 'paarsucsB# makes a d.iffereneo, fur ef do blackbird lmd bright dat his foathors te Ms wing we’d thmk song was much sweeter. Be gigglin’ girt generally doan tunm oat ter be de woman what laff much, m' tenuue tell Jor, marriilgo an’ a lot o’ Chilian will take de chuckle oaten de mw‘ <»’ 'em. Be fox is wot only smart, but ho te de !.!<>' fwrtiealar o’ ».0 de animate. He is mighty do playful, porirtiit but o’ his he nobberget pleasure dot bo fur he m m in glecks playin’ his btiriness; an’ as soon os he stops he te so mighty cuuuin’ dat yer would link dat he nebber paid any tent ton tor frolick. I>e ooon tms also got boobs fun iu him, but it te a sort o’ dull an' ol«frfo<l kino o' sport, fur ba tnsbber piays till srter he e»t« on’ orter Ki sgiTs thro’, w*y fool he’s duo cat so much ty b» (loan m nob like caperin' ’t'.tow’.--AlrAwMa» lYmmler. Tax four highest point* mountrina. in the Empire fttatu, aside from the are: Fabian, Onondaga county, S.'Hfo feet above mesa tide; Eari Hill, United Hohohario Statefl Coast Survey, 2,117 VMrt) and ; ILU-'o, Summit, k. county, 2.438, ; Hchoiuirio oounty, E-v 8 ut little frog is great in hi* mu