The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 13, 1884, Image 1

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Tl§ Jesip Sentinel. <H#e* m tli* Jt.:*»p Ecu**, fount I»:f«» l, 'Kerry *tr*»f, iw* fl©«* V . iu fSte* : ,4*. PUBLISHED EYKEY THUBBDAt wt T. P. IsITTLBFIBLB. Subscription Bats©*. (Pu«*e'i> i'lrjnU’hj On* year....... 13 Jrp* »U mutt tbs.... ffcrM' maaths. TOWN DIRECTORY. Mayot—Joseph J. Hsil Mayor pro teia. —W. JSsrvfa C-ierv sum Tout ,liter—Ibeniiw A, F'oyd, Mfcrtls.*!' - Job it N, U ■*c*tbr**d. AMenura—VV. 1, tVi kioa, «*f, flarvfa, A. Wiliisma, VV. E Beuart;, and Tkowa* A. Hoyd. <•..••• i: a - v-. p. R«. Bhanfi-J. |>. R«b‘n*«*. tjuk—J. A. Rutn h Tte»«nrer—J. T, Urgreit. T-x 1 K Ktohar leoa Trx Cn'hcttifW, Wsu-m. Cjrmmg: r— Vto T W lx ns 'bar”'’ VV M ‘".‘in U nfs f 8ar*«rito-'--.!#■■ «; hr fS'l Siijtonor "S4*nkm. < W« f m *o >1.0 > - Ms-rti s ffi JHnit* (J ' r 'i ft j* >te te* Gt-ntrvl. Scs’ors.hrid ou tbid Monday ti Mt»* #ml-H#i»-a«ilrWr. Genety Onmds on r- —O 1 !. t><i!' ! d «h*irn *w U V One f H rt> «\ V, <' For , » d A K (to. n r, ('"•’■l th* ’tti VVednrs «f*y te-daisery, Af-r'.k Jntv «. ri October, 13 A X : v- V. < i A. UTU.sii < )!'N IT ovrit.SK* Or >iaery—.1 am.v.» Cte'k -iHiftnf Cb.A (>, >rt—IE. Jgi-blvy sj- ir , t5~L H. T** ftilfartteo ~ U r . H. Oiwrrwi T-i» Her. v«r f*. Thomas. \!a.'Ma r>w-r¥»y rot A 1 1- I U rtfOt r 'tN mw'ol w* *.—W- *»4 R. Ti*pl*» rh»-ft«S:a ,i»mn WariKMtk Disie McR-M-tf.d Daniel MeEacbis, School Comw.i«*iaa*r TRADKR9 H1I.T,, t»A.. e*i»i.*C* oovvt r ovrstaae. t» imsry »*«* *rt Hat- her. Sijcrifl--bum P rka U.«rK—.A«4fr» G. Gowea ,V !f-<-tor- -R. M. u>-i'*ia. Am*»ox~ t\ r, ('or*. Tte-SMirer—John lotion. * C-ity iit*i----J Robinson. Ufirc *uvi>a-.l*v > la «ir«H * 11 0 * Annfior.....-Steettd Monday• if U-urh •• Wayne—Third Uoe leys in M reh and October. Mo»d*y* t» Mre.-t- d Pieiec—Fourth « D o> - . FEsre—First Mofefliy* to April aad No* vtt:A*r. Uofttfa Tustda* after teeosd Motiday to April end No ? i: u> '- r - *ft*f third Monday. ■ riituriioti—.Tsjtoi sv » sc<1 N rii.'if-T UKi»d*ftw,»v e ^ r Monday* ifi April ae< Nov* iub*r. ©f.iH.o Uotu-tts *gv da th* first Men ihrts .-?i kSii-R'sl i»M«-nib#r, #..a»t t« ecfidstj# ter two .1 ■ k*, Of M h:t% ** She t.-u* «1I "may reguire. SYMES l JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW IBllUN^WKJK, GA. Will regularly attend the Superior Guam of fin- . .-ntm. * of ( sanleti, Glynn. Puir-. ,, Wan •»d Way***, am] will give persona! atteation to ail twines*entrust hi Oftico over J. M. «'* ItaniduK Office. Elitesitas on filotKKwter street, SPENCER R. ATKINSON. Attome/ and Coun e lot-ai-Uw And Solicitor in i quity imuxswioiv, - (iA. Wit; c anfariv *«M the Snpvrter ("etc to of Hu- 8r<ifa*wi-'k GitonH *««f t!< p.-d. ral <.'<>nru it HavsBBAh. Oflw ever Ma<fal-iT* bank-* O&toMwre on NewtoWfa »ud G me- -ter tirmw ^ R HARRIS, 1 . i O R ■ rp Y * T 14 Vi m i i&.vp •-K.rsctifl > .r ui riv in- tor H>na!-i rote* ft-zir-./ ill- .Hft;!!,K-*«k eironit,»uo **.*e*h»r* Q B. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - BRU k,SW 15 K.. G kAu< »1A. Precticn rrgoieriv ip !(-.* Cnmuic* 0 Glynn, Ware Wayne, Appling, Fusee*. G>ffs* and (famdan of to*. Btummek. Cocuit, and TelHir si tha Oe«aa* Oir* «u i »ahtl-lyr m A nrumm ,7 . <h*vbk » AWoSsior Aim COUNSELOR AT LAT9 smvy. «Si>gs3lA ■i«i Myruftte# f» tot *9**t « ef tot Bre » w-t-. 0 P HOrtHYtAf I Attorney at Law, Over lliekaAbs.'-efi. T- .-isioa Stow, B&onmfMc, , , , «Bu««u ■ ipHOMA-G HUMPH Cominsssioriftd Mfotary Fubl * Ex-Officio J. P„ IjSSHh Diautti d M«, W«yi»§ ■7$#%* t; dbwtty, (feorgt*. ■ n ffowrte held i» Oonrt Hmare flrst fit »td»y : each wtu). m to > t/2 D i CS » V s I J -IN. Id VOL. VIII. curkhti CiaauTie* seem* to Vie, *4Muuteg rapidly In favor. I»addition to the Ne* Orfaan* end Ifeaston societies tor bnikbng erensatorfa*, New York formal 4 siusilir *wi,X'i»Ei.j», and tbe Ni-W Eugl/uid < remaiK-u Society h&s Uhm •tep* to eetal^ih its pnad|de« to every !•*» to the New England State*. Masts “natural gs* cotnpanias arc befog formed m I'o«m«ylv»»|ji. The pressure as tbe BtoBiiis of the yell# i* very great, and the gas °*n foe cosvcytx} in ootamosi mains wln-rever it is neaded for light or tor -tunttafartaring. Uittsbtirg etpwte to get rid of tie smoke aa d *cs‘ the stui again. tJnw urn f^ing Uid to Jkltiniato and mmv of the lake citiw, It w* were to be crowded ont of the fteman and Mediterranean markets by RkWian petro Jewo ft becomes all tbe more important that sr# should cultivate oar neglected trade with Smith America, Mt<ric-0, Ouuwfa, Australia amt tbe West toilios. Petroleum is one of the pro dttnU of which we have more t ha n w« can use. It srill be a rnfafcrttine if w«hare more th»» we can aril Tire M»»Xld fa not an Aral ' v birth, and fa ttf a black hue, which is unac, tii.* to the Semitic Moslem*. He iK-tengs, i - ■ - to the Kadrlyeh order, which is held in re. j high vow ration in Egypt arid which > - ■ serve* all tbe pagan saperriiaona, including i ■ worship ■of the giga&tto shot, of their founder, They are diuttogoialiiri from other orders by their •"bite banners and by carrying always fish net* in. tbetr pracesriona. With the Mala wiych and Akmetyeh they are among tbe most powerful of the Derwtdi order* in Syria and Egypt. Usn& * biB which bM pesifad the genets of Firgini* end is now before the house, the State D:i Moaument assofiatloti (of which tho state fawuniw* fa the tteasanr ox-ofitoto) will hare upon the redemption of ibetr bonds, m provfa dol for. about #28,000, Dia Udiro’ he» Mon tunriit avsnciatiob bare #48,000 i tbe Musical association #1,080 mors; total #48,000, not Including the rapidly growing veterans' fond. This money was collected ah over the south, and fa held in trust by these aseoctetiotHt for building a monument in the city of Richmond to Robert E, Lee. 1st a TSCaWt terturc on ‘*Ttie Raiabow, w Pro¬ fessor Tyndall described the rare phenomenon of a white rainbow which he had witnessed»» tbe Alps, and algo in H&nipubire, This rain tow is caused by reflected light oa a tufat at¬ mosphere. Tiif prefeasor showed how to pre dw» this pbettomsaon by artdieial mean*. At tbe same tone it was shown how, when the air was toinposite, as, tor' itirtancc, where water spray fa nosed with pa refine oil spray, a still more wonderful rainbow results, such a* Is to be seen atabnott afi tones la western Cbisa, whither the people flock at sll time* to witness w.uit they call “TheOfoiyofBaddab," Tmtm are now forty-eight lady etodeat* to «b* HarvArd annex, and it fa the testimony uf some of tbe Harvard professors that tic* aver¬ age scholarship of tbe elans*» in the annex fa above that of the college. Over fifty courses ere open to tbe pupil*, Mid <• f these Greek, Latin, : .English, German md mmtimantum at¬ tract the largest sombtirs. Thi* year thirty, flve out of toe forty-right ladies have eh-, wen iroek eiecftves. Two enthusiast ie girls from Texes sold lands sad traveled two thmisand mk-* tot privileges which Harvard onivereity oo«W afford beyond any woman’* eolkgc, In return tbe Annex has sent a gradwe to Mon¬ tana eaiwad of a claeakal .school. Trot progress of tbe Yfariiingtwi nattored saniratueat is very gratifying to the patriarch* who have been watriung the work for more than half a eentnry. The Mctrameet aenucio tiem was organtoed ta im By |%j* fBO^fiOO bail bee* eolfaeted ht private safesenpttofta, and toe sum of #230,000 was expended in rais¬ ing the obelisk to toe height of 174 twsi, la 1876 the government fmh ehtugc tit tbe work, has since appropriated #300,000. The monmnent fa a trifle over *90 feet in height, its total cost thus fax fits* twa |^7,0©e, with & bafance of #1*6,000 on hand, which will the work. The dbetfak w*LQ fanaw by December, lb* b«*e K ing fifty -five toe bright 565 fcet, avertoppng all other roastmtitent of hams hsawfa, the spire* of tho CS&logne catliwirs.1 i«-i ug m% feet jr fifty feet luwrr than the Wsebiiig i Wlier. fitotoisi the w< ght cif t.ha struc¬ will be 80,000 ton*. To* New York trade eehoafa, though' !«** than lour year* obi, bare sncooesftoiy <wt*b Uriied toAmseivai, and it i generally dial they fill a long, feh mnui At tfitw st-boefa hundred* of bright naya andyewng »«i at*' learning at night tin,- mysteries of brick laying, pfaetertog, ptombuig. panning, rtone-cutttag and wood-earvlng. They pay only a moderate tmtsun fee, and in tbe course of five or six smiths they are prepared to ge mit into the world and earn their Utidk J turn * ^. hoot* „, , have . been brought , into . risteDce . by the brotility erf to* trade* aniuas to toe aj> prentice system. If y,mng mm cannot learn asefni trade, to the regular way, they wifi |«*ro * •“*»• bftw* way. *od «J«der tbe now systoa, it fa Mill that a boy aiffi raoeire *t»ro itfatruc hob in fire mouth* tNut b« woinilgetia the •bops ip a year’* time, Theiie handle >af» schools a « are are as m yet vet in in their these tofaney-tot-y tatem-v *1. „ will «sri toon to .-atritashed al,. over the conntry. Fun a nomber of yearn it has ocet more than #1,000,1X10 a year to pay the govern aent expen tm of the »roaa IHstriet of (taltanbia. *ad nin-e lfuta toe amnniDt* have been marii big]i«g. In 1*73 the Amount «u more torn #fl,«»,0«». In 1375 ft ws* mere than #7,040 ihZ 000 heTo™ while from J«2« tn wad 1652 it u was ws* to* tea* toon * #t,fi00,000 a year. t In 181* only #1,800 was appropnatotl for the Die trtotofOulamfefa.and i, was not antii 1837 that the yearly proportion reach*! *h«J0.«Xh H fa ujter«#ttng to h*k over the ilwcjiof per mmea-t iniinde lmpnmweeBte fat Washington 'Ibeee the original o ust of the htiddinge and sltsir repair, furnt»h»*g and keeptng ta enter, rite following estimate, though my*, exactly oorreot, fa approximately so. It fa fas* rather thaa greater than toe actual cost, a ome. of toe ««®r*rp«a*«i during the past m-tmymt* heta.g o-raitted ■ Tbe tatpitol ha* cost #i?,«72,. 728; to* .polml riSca *vre» ti3,9s^#ofl ; to# Ireaewry about #7,806,000, tbs Wadi ing ton rtrerte more tbwa #«.W)0,«»; the state tbiparte o>«»t aliout #7,000,000; the navy nearly #4, 000, m '> tho wklte botost, two parka and public W>mS», afaosi I^OBP.fiOQ. JRHUP, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MARCH is. I88T -sar&sss SI. utcrptionally **4,000,008 good , b«r foreign tr«4e, which %es barely to vsine to more then dunbled since, »nd ia 38da exceeded he to recollected recollected, la ia on!» only 1 4.900,000, VW one and oor for- . . eign trad* In 18S0. when w« had IS,000,000 in habitants, wm ronch leea in value. It miuile admittad that Chilnia the ronwribn* nrwn «« this axmumt command the Pacific const at Oie United State*. Any one of her three iron clsde ooaM rink every woo lea vessel in our wretched nary, end eny of oar seaboard cities could be laid under contribution by one of those formidable iron dads, which after ro cniving tee oontribuHon, or destroys,* ,Bi..tfy ‘ho «ty by bombardment ooald ,uam away withont danger. In the event of any costtpUcation between the Cnited States am'i Chile«to. the eoatml af the Panama canal Chu.««M,«...«, „rt.™ m she would probably be backed by England, France and-every ether South America! b-y. cr ollJIMAuI if II i DU nc Dr C0MfnL55 rftV/1 DPUJ Ti o House bill r*^«ai.-t^ the test oath «■ pas*ed slier belngmodffiod byan amend r“ME£* Hi«»t iwopoesd by the| m» Jtittesary mm T^: 22 :rJUwa* r .nTrlim^ r^n LAfh th *’ ^r&Srate te any position In rh© ar my or navy of the I United State*. ..Mr. Sewed tnGKxtaeed MB to grant a rensioa to the widow of ff»n era! Ju.faou Kl.patnok ... A bill was Intro duced Re»-»rTaf'<iE to locorpoirate tto Yt-Bow-bme Park romiany ,,.Th» pleuro-pnau mouia bill was amen lod in oomi»lt» of the whole and reported to tbs House. Cousidtratlon of the bill for the construe tion of new sfwl oru**er* was resumed, ami a v al anyin.lurprif^ w,*rc adopted *. r " 1-ngaUa be*"*«f tntrodttord a Pite-.iohtt MU to relieve the mem the original Porter court martial of the obligation of scorecy a* V>th« vote* of members Mr IVn U-'bm. I»i re quest, introduced a hUI to facdf ate the »-tr tsemwit and dr< *» poM'itot Alaska is’.a an i up- »P* hAtnicattoh propriating with Vto that Territo open itory, overland eo >:«• Mr. Ransom reported a< iverselv from the comfflrtcae i»%vidin f>n ajproonwtifcas bis b A .Joint joint m» re»>. r for an aripropriarinn to aid the sufferers by the famt gr«»» great storm storm $n ii the South. He explained tteMf .. oa . -Invesfaga . *> . tie ,,on n..Local' todteringeen^dby *SUte relief F ter as to ba and EespeeieHr whether political orotliar compii ‘rations are likely to wr to the near ‘< A 1 ! f ST.S vLl n u c-iriL-L fiESte lv to ?, L^!3? t, fa wm Li « (Yret tetpceanici introduce.! Ship Railway a to incorporate making the In iCaptafn Bals aud h* amciate, company, body a c ‘pirate, with power to hold property and to capita! Issue bond* to i* the limited extent of the |A0,090,000. The etoek to same sum, * ft n n eg, A motion to strikecaitme enacting* of the pteato-t)a«tti»onia W!l i* M defeated— US to ut. . A «w-.,ltniuu by Mr. Morrison was adopted, dinwHug rh« tho secretary of the treasury b to inform the It .u-> of how the United inpeh money now m treasarv State*, under what provfaions of law it Is there retained, an.i haw much, ta view of Jibe babtlities current of receipt*, the treasury, eacpeu can iisaire*. be applied and legal at the this public tune ia debt Hqnidation of that part of embarrassing now db.f«teto»®at. panaWe, witJawit fab Rheipv from the canviiutsee titejNjigdatiiK on foreign a‘a 1 -fj< tod lacte dpeefa mg that cnaimiueeko in .uire as v* whe*h»r • be mtois'-er vt any f irw.'h H»wer hm e.s •feavorfai tofanflify tlw»e«*t <M auoaaijnow teeatatao* of the rloasw by reflection on the honor aad mtegn-.y of i'.« member. The <»®*aitt*« ha-1 mtv <- ao tnveetigatton bat n&d h&m .finable U> o0£si.a any mtQtw&U®n *» ■«» sdbte t, and'aatedto bi agaued fimm further aensidemthm of the resolution. The iwpert Waft as reed to without dUeujsion and th» committee d^cAmr.-^! irom tb? further wiwfderation of toe subject. «»«» consent to have the clerk read the row hiUoit of the exH-nttve committee of the E.ib-rA Union •? Gj < l-rmsn j artiane oi t. exprvwing ite apj>• w af >?i of the a ti m of saeHou*«.of U, i». w --u v-na iplmgre"> Iwssonsinhono.-of Edwird Mr. Roaster he WJ4 i?no ripewl s bat ;fw astioa nf tbe Idfasrol Upton was s ’r.^ s .},.y fw, fadtof united Genn-nv Mr, Mr. Guentow Guenther 'of of Kassoa wteeonsm, «kpmt«m a wndtor optnion, Mr. thougfat tbe lloas? would better oonmm its dtzui‘ v by waiting until nm official commwai«ati<,.n reaabed it show ing that improper wsaeni bad tw«i Bade ip-M i» action, srjsaa*£*«? i!r==£ cu«*.sr ,s Hmm* paid a- tribute ti th*> memory K' of !h« !» Many * Iter-icscn-ti Jv s.»s»:r^j*; D. C Haikeii, of were, mad * bv n "ml* r.«, »'!! i»* a further omrk of res t >c ’ the Himisb ad' PLEIIR0-PNEUM0N1A, Drento »* th« Hilt m Frereed by th« H«ii K . _ The pfauro-pneumonia . bill, as pawwl bv the House of liepi-esentatiVfK, j rovidtw that tbe wnanfiauwter of ogrteiiitar* shall organ * * bureau of animal industry and appoint a chief thereof, whose duty it shall be to to vowignte anil report <m the number, value »«'* condition of the domestic Animals tk* Catted States, and also tbe causes of co» togious and oonsununicabte disease- among J an , t thb mft&ns fur Uw |sreT e nt km a; , urn of i to ftatto tto fa Mtobprfawd to be m rejsnt upn'toe beet mwh^ >t : rooting,1 ^ traivaportstig th ° "J 6 *”* *»J **?. •floi’tfd for for »'d- the Wipj Rtow irtmum and mmrplKM of pbwro-nneamouto. The toll further «»t tha comausaUmor <4 a owm * r * c *“*® * appr^mated r * toAjf ^toud. by this1 *p act rouoh of the b os may; osMMKy in pay-ug for the onimafa it it is 'l«snw>d noaessary to s aagbter, and ta j£Mb ^ ^ tv ».«, at the States shall MY orJ-hlt tl* of Us« ar.,n»ttis j, is deemed onabalf tbe rteprobibi* to onol ifasr aC |tv« tvuy y utock j violating L«3L?«MgW « any son tofa proWtot) ^ Th»*«njft ..... is ated to carry mto effec - t.ddyRwme ...... Light ^ Ta* of the Pacific ia to LcVri itort or, siil Brack, St. George’s Reef, eight »niU« from the Alttms, «pp*> site lft-M'-'Kt i’ity. Gal., nod will cost The highest, j-oint of Seal Bock s>l< 1 fi-ftr f-ewt aWw mem fid.. ■pfec iitfbt will nt l#u feet higher. news of the week. i IterrBSK.vTATIvas of prison management from twenty-two bteUM met i> New York ; end dimmed the various method? of mao • priaona 1 At Newport, R. I., tho officers and crew Limbus jantry in anting disaster. tia* survirors at tho City of Ex-Govsitwon ft D, RusharD died at : Hartford, Conn , of Rri .jbt's fits ato. A nu fai a New YorY tenwnent house has discovered wiped cut an entbA the family. Th» flames vr«: e in early morning, ami when bad been burn*! to dewtlx. Mia. Van Rl;er, thirty-two years, Aitaped from a win dow and bn*. b*r wok. th f 5STTKV“SSf l . K amendment prohibiting th* imbufe* ten and ot hd»®* we* defeated to- HS* HUK« **• amt>iy by sfrty-tfiree aajf* to- slsty-oneyes*. WtLuatt McDonald, a New York city «»*«<*>*% "•* brought 1 before the bar of **“ «m»B«tteil to tea Al baov fail fortxmtem^ln r^nvingtoto^ questions put to o hW coco* ruing mater a! famished by to the New York department of public work*. T«* chendcai works of Powers & Weight man, *zsr&- of Philadelphia, Ht Wn the lamest of t>** Wad L n ! & - * •* < SSS^TS^\TZ tire block, an 1 that *,,4 more than *L,0Oj, °°i wbile r«*stog , from , another, B«ry C. one car to Keleey, eecretarr of state of New ••*•7* rm .s between was b“7J» nOMOtphta from the East and train New which Yiwk. * high wind was i-revaiHng at the tune, and Lerev was bpiau down an embank ®* , k hut he sscapsd wnhout serious l i- 1° n(5s > A struscBimov list has bam opened fot the ptirv c of erecting a 'uiuarmmtto Ide,-.. tenant f I ipn. the rxw' >tiv* odi, ar of the Jeannette, a: Readout, N, Y. °‘ e ,..,,v B * a “ w ® . rt . ‘ A i*i vc h m> battle took, place in Ctovt lajrton <f‘iir-ty, Burk* '.i ivy,. Iv-twcen fuu> * r* of the family. au-i tw - mem!, sirs of tbs Cia ton i he trtmhks grew out of an m» of ptopeg. the Burk* remark famfly.nwtdc retarumg’a a tmotm member Tbs battle by one of the Ciav tons. resulted im thedcatbof <itm Clayton and the dretb a*ci fAfafi of w<»ftnctittgt Burke o.' tto other one and wounding of e^otber. A A gmul sr»ci,Ai. dispatch dfa^teh from from Spokane Fails, to Washington Territory, «ay* ; .the r-’.-catiy dfaeovered LLn» r £S JC and tele al uw> f cSa' ar« iw-? h2 _ >ueb tbe a u i bed for •■On‘f*--r< -A writer Port K».gi: sA •* IbaL-te r^anl to the n -hue*, of the' rround mines, me who ««T Mfan on tbe vTu-e LL? imAiO LULLJ i &to*«ath "f **‘ h : w 1hl *' TOrr «”JwM« , 4 I b in a * Is /* ' * RT ' ■* a rovnwtoo fKv.) ■SistlUcry, whi c was .iwlvnatned by the flood, eUpped into the Ladnng river, with Sd.OsO gallon* of bw»r. 1 eke and VA iillam Joner~ W* hs.n-.-M a* 1 ’Mo. for the T Anderson i a-key. tne raoUv# of thaornne bemg rca.jet-y tred Prv On mm* ba’iued d for it murder.....ifae •: aw» Moor*. former hoOtoelh «•: r »t SfeyiMro, S. U , and ihr latter a: Franklin, lA. M.yas=uw,T Tenncesee Pots, who eml«w.!ed *400,* m> of the S*at-. funds while State treawiter an ! fled, bi was arrested, died gu-Mf-tav «>; -II# heart. 1 <i. been • *.-■ at hu heme in b*ip«> !rt very popular in ft „• e > « ’ !*;s a ■» w is to have come up in a few days before toe supreme mart. wastiagtrs*. RiifTW? Svanw Fish Commissioner national Bibs fa dfattttmtia? .from M, the &fa faatofa* * r y at ..ortbviile, h., to, u > white fiib minnows forUm chain of great Ute*. ' tr * 4 ? nf Tote SJLLvL l.!, 1 ,? • iVn ThJ2?SLi2f*! UT*Tm* ^ ; r ^ ^ >K$ - L,.*4 WM^W-'Inr f the k current flseal y«w fa assupLbf the party eouimithe* vote tDeuKuawts oa fove^n. in affairs favor, a Repdti!»'an« C&U*»rt> Cs.iforn.s »ps»~vti merabm, t > a bib proposed by G>« :l»a a - nrn^ihn- the Chine-* Chino* as; as; ,f -f last last, year year ®* a,< to to gr-iaMy in «teasef» r- Its rwstrlfliori rfttrictfen b?»« etiiTsjrafibn - FVbthkr a«iifirm»;-i!>:».s of the.Preridontee nominal nominal Ma» VV i^r of N •■-» York, consul eoiwnl at at Na»t«; li B, Trist, District of. Cclwtnb.a. cbunal at Moaunbimie; George B. Clark, -f Georgia, consol mi Bun. Luis Rov.--. CaraeWns R Rttim«r, of Vermont, aseociate Jarttas of the eaprame wart of ta* fawstorv of Da s. st&SLtek n- Kf . f-ruuusKt hm received 11-he perwan tegarkm **£ 2 ...■. bin Mawich m Uaiuha* ‘ : Tuk l. j>«-red by tbe Senate in regard to steal i-nii (W authors see the Presideat to di reot tha eamimet-mn of seven steel veseefa tor toe navy, cotwist;ng of. on* ennssr of S.ftrt) tons dfaptaremeut. c m orniaer of 3,000 "Ir^feunte," cb vwret of b&00 tons, two of 1,500 ton. each, one light iiot toimmA gunboat Wl of 7-50 tons, and one gun bsit tons It further au thonrea ttw ocnstroctwa of <m« steal ns eni’sliv.' binwdo b »at and two harbor tor «,)„ butte. The work fa to to done by <*w»* met aud American shipbuilders who eon otonfv tto secretary of tto navy tha; they nontjM an^r'tntki.^ tto^nt^ $* to to xvmUtod to Uki. The nava- «.lvi*jry board K to have uo power to make contracts. Tbk Bouae committer on military' Affair* ieend-.-d t-1 tutkc an atverse report on tha bfil t roviding for 'he perpetuation of the tfttato of g-nwal mi tan tenant-gwoerai. Tuncivii rervuw comm n^u* ftret annual TmiVroenfamt tonarntutoees Congress and to* people on the good roariefam r*-alt» of too law w> far. ah i avows bfa tnat ft W-ffit will hw-Amsfa ct)imn& move to *> of atilt more ib tfa mggaatton# iooy and .rf the cmuitov.n tho making f ir of Girther legisai advises aa ap propriution otouuate for its wmIs. foreign. Txmtrms, ttiapo*^ I»tend# to support in tb» Br.titobouse of lords toe but. legal amg raeuipfaige with a flacoared wt.e* stater. W. B. Hwirr, UuitM motes mfatfatev to bfera tn < fliariesti B. C?*, in ihA foot c&t y | life -nove l wit to teuttbiuL rtwrt wsitapiiointfat riiritaVt^tTfaftStfa of oiiucs, fU*%m * hv jpooix- wbito whm caifeti to Pre-iiiitM,!. Pr^i^t” ftftbtoet aa secretary of tbs .Art,.ui r*f)' gaimwl his cabinet. Mr. Hunt wmm&to Russia a® minister to succeed Mr. Vaster. (Nmauu. other sumadouMt be'eaKuerefl towns in tha Soudmi bare to the Fob* Pruphot** lAiftWcra M t e n alarm has been create ..... l In Lcmdon by efeies*-, toe dteffivery knmhm of manufacture, *?vera.i lofaraot in m3- m» of tbs as^rssisscstrJarsx notorious gambling center. C ;e, of th>* nature ww i» no wise a-*>.iat*<i erith the frlsh cam*, but that they be 1 been hat tori $n Ameri. a, awl that tbe attempts t> oarrv them out had twen made br agent* MRit oa* from the United State*. tive 3 RiSZgS^*SiSlti& to the ti of Ameriew-w in a m cottuto nanoing aud asdsttag djriuuniteni. f» i.-aJing editorial artict* th* i^..d«a Tim*s myr* be «*I***d •htt* intolerable this that. England from should to saccession of plot* • cation which toofavses to be fnendly with m. ,T <? T av ® * >!«»«» Wliv* la peaca an.1 , amity. _ ..... MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC 1 ........... r _ , , ^ , °° .v. Makt A '>ewt «v i« »;U playing to great te«*««aisin Lottoo®. Fswt ruysSnaT ' in “Fedora,* has captured the .Soutti. RaBn.Ki Cavnsix'8 “My Partner” fa to beplay«,iattte Si be. tek Ti1Ka , 1uov; aTalt . H „„ W & C U '^.rewin • at the Uioatrat are larger than they hav.> ever bout known to be. It fa Hated that lb * rc-ipt. of the Irving waam in Amwca w; .f r«a h tho twirsMm ^ ««&? ‘^.Ta ^ ^ ,h ^“.t^ *?rf, and “Uumwa,'’ uL by Bach, at Augsbur*. Z 1»«r«p >«ed retire that Ungtey per niauantty from the stage after Is»a- the prewut seaaon and go into bua'intes ia ta. AS entorprl’ Conn^iqtinrit man is said uifrfeture ;»mi heat T«*r my that Sarah Bernhardt ha* be co n* aoatteana-d pinrsfatliy that rite will return tu this oouatry uext Suptomner via tb« mbits and Jsalf rate*. A SIPD of Senator Morrill, Mina Va!4a fa iu a fair way to be* >xa* om of tbe favor ite* of nmslcat Paris. Her suisdiig fa atlreedy taste lung too al.eacio'1 of tbe’entfa*. ■r»» Of Russia fa the first to pat clown Itdih&u opera. H® n<*u» rtMolY&d to puli down the fa-use in wbs.-.-b it fa givwd in two y- ar, au;l allow u, more itaiiaa opera to b» **!?“•' , IBI-IXU’S show I MS- nsxKf sons tnacb I Stir^Tu m. -am... a^iat^-ur- $mr£orm&j%c& ^ j . • “ TWHehooi for and are said to j haw shoWB dramatic taient of a high order, O'AKMfei Baxnaho, one of the editors of I If'S’.U'iSZti.XS ru»! ♦wane o|*h as ami the hae been tcamtitoi j [ by sjch Frank exeei5.*ut How-on eamsajsers as Alfred Cel her. and Dr. Herna. These! worfcs are intended for pm-formance by chii- ( £«a;r l ”** ; » arc,., -ai K.™ an .«..i it* pay rolls. <;«> in in* exhibition d»|«rt- ! meat, 2lo oil the cm* aud twenty-three ! agents, tents will the daily 2l,W(t expense# tiring fid,100. The **af; p-rsous, and for the : KSRSft5tSWJff!2tj;i the preparations -».!! tm muds in the next. There are eleven j-n aeo cars, seven advance ; atlvartfafaisj cars and tifty-f.iur oars for cage* ; and properties j **y* tk»* «“ oth« t night a rich miner insoHavsriy’s. from Nevada, who is in t the city, rtroilei and watehed the ‘ftfiv-r King'with a geeai deal of in ; temte He ta? gfartteuiS**tf strtaflr with tha M««igof .M»« Tracy, and Wauw.seeot.bu- j »!&*m<htnn*t.tu- and ad act taat he an** . in in* seat, (.nitlng a kJu gold piece from { bis pd^Jcet.-, to-ifVHi i? .upon th^stit^e an a tokwi or his appr».- an >n fur uer work, ills action ww* noticed by many la the bouse, and oe- s CHWoiiwi a - little comment Mkn Tra-y, snowing her tbauto tbs custom* of the far Wsst, stmt I to tbs miner, who hail gone iato ! ‘ would the l-.bby, together w.:h tbs word that she steep the tturner as a eoaveoir,” i ■: | ; ODD HAPPENINGS. ! Auatjah J m>. .a \ Hartland. Ms, In » i of insanity ••.«* ait few tees, me al n time. ; A raw w.wks ago fetti.terfl.ies were nuaser ut F,«gia@i, liras vreire aboveground and -were m faaf. A TOVBto etog * . r-^-aut frigbtenal to near Lai- lyette,. 'Orel. h e fill*} who up ms lutoa t& ami chased tits anfa . A SHOKT '-horn heifer named Li'!t»? ! >»'«, ASstsu j Mba Njcu. burnt 1 * Km.' I in rw, the of Hy-.te rark, iuunls Vt, | severely law, and * »>y the .-xposi fti of a doughnut which , was frying. J H. 8 moot. of Oweu caufttv- Ky., cut, a were livin 4 sferiss * i Mas. entered hov ISA n. Ai.BK'.iT. to Off with falter her Raptfla f into partners > huw- 1 H, in “Albert tbe practice A of Albert; tUc law Attorneys Their sign at; { “ w t < 1 Is _ Beech . Urove. K.V.. Wt.ham J. . H*r- , live the father of twent. one ciuldreix, WU Milter, the father c-f twenty-ix hiu cbU- > and Coaieran .Story, who twenty s ebiktretx. * ; la tfiiterepfak wreBfly is f-ri « .»•«> Viet not «i*t. at fnmm *V-rarfaciB at a | lul ' of slteTfnJwife ^ ! a man moutk I PQ **.. + tarn:, -fifwii-r of ta'/Jfe* tv,t limit.with a bote j *.fa a t»u,i tfah was <X Wen m" the Y*o*sesitioff of the J. .»Y#tu for four Tears. Be receoUv fcbc temp Open ami fc.,ad rb*-tfab ingo.Nl luutatsl u«, witl* itei tap <«v ,tt>*t as wbe 1 >* we»4 to 5 y ear-' mt >,. MEWgY ftLEANINa-3. j ■ Csruniutv on’y ten years old are working | ( ikno cooi Htioea i Th* ftrst Stats efectioa-ol the year will b j <-t • *reg Oaky turee e*«cutioa* for mttrdw took 1 Priiuoa dsiriJK toUTs j ! A . Bce-keeiiers’ «35<St ... aafagtMHfti. . Tmtmm* A700 blrtos and about ‘ t,*.ui> death* ;«w week In London. ■. Ttfsae arc disease nj,0w> cattle suffering Britain. from foot mouth iu Great . 'fiiaita are thrre women in Isew Ycrk dime muwnms whosa combined weight fa t,fa* t^wdty LtfJuuof of Cnx£xHr CfeKMo thmv ia th» ««ntir^ \ a «* Gaiuesrtifa, (fa, of now worth ! lso.000, never were a pair shoos until after to w« twenty-otoyrere of mge . i Tn* brew of ms» llouors in tbts conatry 1s t year ahoat amounted flU,iMUW» to f7,#50,000 pmm.fa of fewrrefa, hope. re- j - qutriBC ttaasusv, Col., rejoices :n to* datmerion of i-ftOK ( .re‘*a!> ’he .<«. rufaUng aettament in in»w«rt tn wh*cb there fa a-ft at fea»t> o.-s tkcnarwfooa. debt 0’inalft l*$l5’\4Wi,tt4. j Tii* to' <>t or fSi-i ai>oa thai' oUm Umted ; S y ^ *** °' lP ’ **“ ^ I no. Hungarian mixers. w*< wmgwxft P.itT» roNUKiev. 1N« Tin; M. flaw rbr Mewl*- Ims*..ii, <1 I a barer* Mv* In >h<- i iial Str*i»c*. . ... letter _ . _ ,, U > _____ >wn, .1 .. a., to . tUO .. . rom nt H . Jlbeimportation of IlUUr oria, says :— SKT.SSSUrA'SSS^ (. nrodiuwrl acreat deal ? 1a u„ s Jnrmo oatiJw of -f ULMa.i«i«ctto» », among «*•» * HiUx.n min r-. h®d lalKirtjre. I he first party of tbee« cheap livers and cheap luborera w«e !<rouplit here a litlkt more tbftO three years ago by tbe proprietora « of the N<«© ^ ^ Wu };(| The m . strike, and «t tfc.w anticipating vrorta htui the tbrrntrjuvl tremble the «o mameiMm sent &o agent to Earop* and brought these peo r ?le over, landing 1 f, <r ‘„,,‘f, set of RfriRte, dirty, , irr ftiui ,, b,it they were willing to work and th«y Many were immediately put in the miuee. ol Tb«nD3 ha#! never Ixwn underground be fore aud at firstwere terribly frightened, Ail aorta of threats were maite against them at that time, and varmoa pracan tioue them were taken their by theojKpraffrs civilised to pro- fel teot from more low-work mao K* riouf, teonhio «S was -til the prewent fresh datedunents have contumed to arrive. There are now uj ^ of 2.000 in tho whole coke region So far th#y have only Attempted tlie oommonast kind of labor, euch i« <lr»w iug ooke and digging coal ia tiin former <^ -' Mn < T . r eonsteta »...»^ IB ttirowtag ■■***« thb finiaheil product of the oveua into the railroad ear*. The women onsietthe men, aud do fully >.ia mooh w<.rk. Yoa *ee th“rn everywhere «t wr*k among tne men, their stumpy littli figures ami {weuliair dress andtfi g them evi rywhere dirttiriguisliaiste. While at thrown work they “ ft >««lc coawe shawl over cono^alij)|? all fWVB a jpfltcu of dark skin and a pair of small, bright eyes. A man’s coat, with the arms cut off, fretiueatiy adorns the aboalders and »„w iv *yn „ thick woolen or Prttieort compiles the toilet to wtiw? it M- a&6.t i*y & pMt of men’s top-boot*. Armed with a steel pronged fork, a woman will fill a box or open ear with coke in aometlring over 5J? I-‘“T:teywasw>'«»”•'■ U 8lu; works for, m.-e.i\'e« SI. “'*!» 50. ihen shonlrteruig h«-r fork and taking the shawl off her head «he trndgec to tbe company’s store to make her purchases ;* r » b "«» '■>«■: l »'OJera cat is hoitcd m , this , ° n>! *. pot, n . 1 ‘ which most of them bring with them from Hungary. Jjj Wtev resrs-ct to the eoonomv and frugal Jr th*'v greatly resemble >v,«™ the (Junes**. 1* One of their nunitier will walk miles, if ncces sarv, to a butcher’s shop and carry >-ff, many cxpnwsious of regard and de light, the Offal and refuse of tbe hatcher "hops , and , slaughter-houses. , . . , I r hey , cook , these in the This, “pot, together with water and bean*. with bread or cracksrs, make np JL nearly their whole diet Ont „ f n ‘ ,. * f ,i,„ KT ~o.f" 1 „ *JL. rt » ur ,>Wt . r Diunth, tlu*y will dr»w ?>w or in money, the balance tiehig eormtiuied in store orders. The American or Irish workman receiving .* the same pay * will on !W:W , ,y ¥f$ '1°***** i,; 0 m „ ”, in * nri<5t ? 8 living, most j hkeiy be dollars in several delft to the store. The Hnagaria-us coasnme a vast (jnantify they drink of like the milk. cheapest They whisky, which aut-li arc favorites tbe oj.Ki.rstore because they neffer ,, nin ,i,j,, the rent, unr f he price or the kind of gtoeertew they consume. Ttu-y do their work not only cheerfully but gladly. Sofa'Xftnnaber, aud never strike who is the largest i uidmdnal coke mannfac-tnrer in the re¬ gion, remarked'. “The Hungarian o»un«t here to work. He is anxious to w -rk »■> ««•« <<«»-«* «« low, lie regniftteft few expemt* no to ev '‘ n th ‘ ,n * .* tu ’ } there arc many things that American and Irish work tueu might learn from him with profit” | There has been sonic improvement. ; among them «< oe tbev ►**?,•»«. have been here, i •«» *“*'» »y cleaner ones than at first. Many of t!l * 111 Wf ‘ ar » h «» now instriui of bwfts, sod aithongti the tnen still drink whisky they drink it at iamie it) their house* f and not on the streets. They oome bare j among the very lowest of the population it'irope, amt „, M i nrobablv the the "®*pnug of swft and alnvea. They look on every well dressed man tiiey son upon theiv arrival «s a lead or jiriaco. One of the paymasters here s»y» that a nma tier @f them tri«l to ki«s his hand when he P«i<l th.m. All of them save tho money ,“. ba they k t° make Hungarv and many bring of them « to over their friends a^id kmdred. . . Not an Eflsy Idle. \» to danger, says sji old N<-« York pilot, no pilot would load.-* an easy life, toid at times it be much preferabfe to have a fiu< - wbrsmer down to leeward to ruti for vdura yon Jeavo your ship. Pilots in ordinary weather,"when they leave the vessel a t.icb thev have been in charge of, take their skiff and row or wail emit to Hew London or some soar port, and come down in the ordinary way. take Pilots nafawaily arc when’it very enrefoS, aud no risk t xcept is t .iti avoidable The danger is when the wind bfowa- off shore and a ship is taken onteith. Then they wnfch their chance to board a eomUrr.' It the -counter ta not going their wav, t h; - v mat tie da vs fa reachioir a o«rt where fhev can com course?, causes great off - ?$*** ago* pilot was eartied m a fWp him os to lost Calcutta, for many and month*. his family A mourned home warcl-bonad craft spoke tbe ship which he was piloting, and brought the news of hi* safety to his folks. Tito pifota wor k pretty much ou their own hook, ’ ““»«« _ a 2. not * s ** ^ U Wit „ * toenty rv»m ago "OS'; wroth, and anfifllMir ckMtetit,* 1 ; i i f, that a’ r n>lies flct'tU iw WHtl A# JESHP BOISE Corner Broad a»d Cherry Sit. JB»UP, tYKOIiOIA.. Junction of Atlantic, Gulf and Mason and Brunswick Railroads. The attention of the inducement* traveling «fi«r«d public is directed fo the them by this House. The location of tkm House is on eis vated *rmmd and DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. It is well supplied with water and drainage, and i* fitted in every way to? give it* guests every comfort of a JPi 7/6 '?- CL ASS JiOUMZ. Ri rra- ft M per day; ‘-‘ingle Meal* GO <*t«. ; by the month $S0; week #7. »nrMRK«At, mscorwT TO rsMius*. Th* Ts J».« will be and a leaning feature •f the Je*up House, being under the immediate supervision of the proprietor, no pains or expense will be rparod to make it equal to the best. Polite wait¬ er will move baggage w and from Hotel and Depot., P T . U f iU VMM. P roprietor. Ell MIL _ DRUGGISTS -AND PHARMACISTS, (At fate N> w Dittt 8 ;ofM JtiOF, CEORCIA, t»*srvfam*«ae ov PhiriiiffBtkj! in J Tail t Preparations *Ki> ti*.*! ft as nt Peteet Mfdicitics, 0t»iio»ery, liooke, Blieuldwf Braces. Triiwra, Ai.'U niiiial Supporters, »n<1 Xeioarnn A foil line of fresh and frir* Garden Seed al w*y* on hand. IT sit- mite 1 Print in alt <v*k>r«, W.- keep what slw people and viJi com¬ pos with any hvoi^ <«, retail prices. Call and exsmioe nnr Hod. DR. F. B M RAE & CO. PR. JfcftAE wfll receive and trrwer call# at tee I>rng Stole, THE JOKER’S REDO,ET. what w e KINO IN THE BVMOHOV# rate nut to while ovkh. vrrr hib’foot w vt. They were returuiri« home from the theatre and bad nearly reached her home when the young man olwerved : •’Isn’t the weather cold and raw?’’ She must have jadsunderatood him. “Kftw/’ahe aaid, rather hesitatingly. “Yen, I like them raw, hat," she eons tinned, looking sweetly in hi* eye*, “don't you think they we nicer tried?” What could he do ? OOTOKiSEKAMI) BT CK0TAM**. A Chitteeo regiment, drilled in tlia European way and coramanded by au Englishman, was atationud at Foochow. I'iu-ir iitlicer was very proud of them, discipline im;i by way of showing their sounded perfect the “aescmbly” at midnight , and the men drew up in per¬ fect order. But he tried this a neoood time, and the soldiers, instead of harry¬ ing to the parade ground, mu to the window's aud greeted their commander with laughter aud ciinn of “no catohoci” .~ N$w Orleans Timm, swfs-ws aw tbt vmimtta. ia toiwTiibSe weather a man grsiwlefl, teoiiibg beautiful,” ire.r a buup rejiliixl past “i tit 111k it’s ah ac-ifisaiMtaiiOit. 4 ‘Tlic huw li;i»*Uowuev«?y dtiy foi; b ui-.- k. ami the air i» dry and picawauf.” That’;i all well," aaid '• very tho growler, "but you know I’m a <y>al dealer." “ Why, no longer ago than a couple of months 1 heard you growling because it was so c.K.l.’' “Yes, but you know, I was in the ice business then."- Arkanmw 7Yamler. A, PBK»OSAt, AJtotJOKMr. "I believe 111 go out ood stretch my ie^’s a iittlo," anisi it tali gentleman as the train stopped at a railroad station. “O, don’t,” said a gentleman passen¬ ger who had been sitting ojiposite to him, and who hnd been much erobar nmfled by the legs of the tall gentleman, “don't do that. Don’t stretch those legs any The more. h«*k They ate t<H> long already.’* the long man gave to the critic who objected to such lengthy ex¬ tremities will haunt the rash man m long ns memory holds her seat. IMT-OATtM. IF Ttgm. Ijitfcle Emma Burt aud Fraiiky El¬ more were making a doli-baliy bed of leave# in the lorinor’a front yard when the following Important ooBvereatioa oeonrreil: “Which would youaomMr lie, Freaky, when yon git married, a man ur a wo¬ man ? “I’d sooner be a man, ’causa jiap he’s a man, and he can go oat when he pltkteoa, and go a-hmitin’ and do most anything. Which would yon sooner I*e, Emmy t" “I’d Boooer b© a woman, 'canoe my ma she’s a woman, and she own go out, too, when she wants to, and kin git sach fine close and mn boas pa and make him do list what »he want* to. ” “I’ll bet your mover can’t boas my pup,” said Frauky, stiuightouing up. “Yes, slie kin, for my p» in a bigger man than your pa. ” “No, she can’t, big uiever. My mover and is most twice as as your mover who can’t do it ,"—Sentmkij Mats Jonmat. ;*. UtAST ItAXMOtUI. As the train slowed up at a Rtation A orameroml fookiug mao, who had beea noticed in earns*! conversation with an otber jaudy of ttic same general ap¬ pearance, wr* heard to remark; * ’Smart ? He% the amor teat drummer yon over met anywhere. la^eote Why. he’s -mart enough to null to * The other head commercial-looking mm »<shied his at thin very happy il lustration, aud everybody thought lone- tbe conversation was ended, when a aome-iook lng imiivfduol on the opposite t G- ..f tift- onr remarked: “It, dcmnn’t take a very smart man to Nefl-stfapeisd-en to a dog.” .roused Even the this sleepy startling fmaaecgere remark by were the at '-iv’ft-ftsme-lixikitjg iutlividutd, and the «ft>i/iBiw*dbl mm asked in some surpmet “Why not?” “BfatutoUW it doesn’t.” “What would a dog want with au» puidero ?” pants,” softly . keep up his mur mnreti ib.c lonosomo looking individual, out across the anew-swept waste, with a far-away lot* in his voice. Ami the jfatontahed brakemaii sighed fond m to crack ev «ry iMup-ohiuioe* mt,~~Bmklwi4 ! Courier,