The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, April 10, 1884, Image 1

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Tie Jang Saoiini. <3«e# :is the Sense, freati** an Vtttmy ftrmt, t*ra d»re t-orn Broad St PUBLISHED KVEE'Y THTJILSDAY ... »Y ... T. P. LITTLEFIELD. Subscription Ksvtes. (fteltage Prepaid,) One year..,.,,. , .»J M Sir nioBlis*..,. Ki Three BKsfifo*. , TOWN DIRECTORY. Mayor—Joseph J.'B*H. Mayor pro lee*.— W. Sarris. Clerk and Tteaenrer—Thoiue* A. Ffeyd.—vfoba S. Ooodhroad. .aldermen—■tV. T. VViikitis, W. Servis, A Wil.ifftav, W. K BWiRoU aai TUota#» A H-yd. Ordinary—R. Sheriff*-J. B. TTopps. i* Uobihson, <.‘i,ik--f. A, It. Tr«»*nrer“.l. T. Bennett. Tex Receiver—A - R. Ka'hardson. Tax Collector— O. W. Will s. fUtoaer— W, T, Wllk-n* Pepntr ’•Tier.'ytf -W. M,Ais*!.in. County Surveyor—Ten e» Vie Call, ScpetMgr fawt, Wayne cowfirt*— Marti# II. Mersiun, Judge i <i.’ B. Mabry, Soliettor Genera!. Session* held on third Monday ii March and September. On j n ty Co in m w •■ j, n <■ r 0. ¥■ I/fFedeM i hr k» Yn <’ C Cvnoe, E JS«»pve, ti € Fort, and A B Cameron. (Uutt U>« Srd Wedata. day 1» Jauarv, Atrif, lalranA Oewbar, BAXCKY, OA Aimaza row I Y OFFICERS, Ordinary—Jstme* Tilnuau. (Ite-ir enprrior Court—B- Mobley .*he.r' 3.—J, H, €<>«k. l.x K-Kr^ MaKach>a, rnroser—ileefor Survsvor—Arthur Johtseoo. Contity. CcmiutwivnarA—W. E. Titmio* . Cba'«»*#. James War»«ck and Rama MeFbtehm. Daaiei McEachio, School Comnii«sionw. TRADERS HU A., OA. ch.klto* ooeaTv oimeMi, o dinnr j .—Robert Hatcher. ShrriB— -John !> reeks. .. Oowen C.erk—Andrew 0. Coilwtor—P, M. Ooanon. AaiexMUf—C. 0. Crews. ire«w*jv-Jehn Robinson. Paxton. Coroaer—J erne* ('lirestMaadUytin Much »t1 0s tuber. Mom , toys ... Mflrch . AnfdUiff—See-rad m m October. Mondays ... Mxrck L s«d , Wayne—Third m Ooiebcr. Monday* . Maron end . p.« rCK „four(h m Or in April sad No* ' |F«r€ t-First tys Monday* .....I . . . "cnfiee—Trssdaw aft* r second Monday in April hud Nowueer. after third Monday ©barter—Tue-s lay m Auii! *nd November. April and '<tom4e! Monday* in November. Glvhn - u; on the first Mon. dny* in M*y and December, rad to continue fur two week®, or as long a* the busine** is3? rtoalr® StMMES t JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BRCN fe\V lOK, CtA . Will regularly attend foe Superior.Court* of the counties of Cctwtcn, will Giyati, Pitrer, Wire and. Wayne, and give irtwmal attenUoit to *11 -fensiiwiM Maditeu's eatrnsted to Office. l&m. Ofike over j. M Ranking Rn trance oa Q'muemiei sire*, f | THOM At* C RUM Pi I,.......... Commissioned Notary Public — AND— Ex-Officio J. P„ 1,25:5th l/istrict Q, M., Wayne Couatjj Georgia. Counts field In Court House first 8at stday in each mouth. junrlS-U s EYMOtm J. CtfikRK COUNSELOR ittOSItn AND j AT LAW JITl-p, OLOKWEA Wilt practice ia foe counties of Mse Bren w’.ek Circuit, Q r. GOOD YE A F Attorney at Law, Over Midurelson’s Provision Store, trloucreiei Street,. faKUNSWlCK, t i t OiflROIA SPENCER R. ATKINSON, Attorney and faneSlar-al-La* ! j AM Solicitor In Equity, ! BH-JNSWICK, - CrA. l mgSBW ragtikrly attend 3838B8 foe Superior Courts of , rn ; .A 'fiWdtrr woyUr cwRcmva, ifclay or ho ago one. of tho most sniii«i:t and elegant lmliea of the eitj" it aboard an iiUnoig street ear. By. me she was seated and bad so S-d aA ”SS *te&* iZdfcl titefSh mil ttoSf Ifter ?3t nSroi' „^ ia T4 tit" n >It mrttwi W I rtto if tor feed*-, that tho rrt ll drmard •*- W*#pa'lfo ___ s@lf; Siia.wte, e ; of m&XM surprised and disgusted t «% at foe meaaneM and of .trausaettoa. She «&w the driver look seveswl tfotres ai the box an ,j then info th® ear. ted «be imagined he f vMjeokUtg jH@M at teniwr her. She m«'n the arrited » resolution, te«fi*to|ip«i. car It, opposite and es-Uine attesation of the driver tli# 'gohd-lonkibg noiuted se&ffeutau' rent the wwil-dresaodi teal 1 Wing: 4 Udte fare teidfo thw fate geBtiejnau my Io and heputitia Wl ?* ia n «thing for him Tbs«rifcr* W1 ,fc “It's ah m »*’ re 1 E,V.T: hvr8Bt Cftt 1 T ‘ «P0t**rtm$. i 0 m ' estm 4 |t»*4 l M ’ '<u \ -rfe- ?■#& h n . § t4 i I M a**i* i .»*• ifi A i 4 - ■■ ■■ | v 1 «C:Ts' • p •-■r \ % VOL. VIII. i CCERENT COMMENTS. Ca*Bt*w 1U»a*Tr, of Akhboniham, Mass., now as year* old, had Ms 'life insured for ®R« W in IBM Having readied the extreme lim It of life, according to the Witte of mortality wi whfeh the iauawuwsa omnpany ■!■»-■•* trig*, r.m, the proudest sent Mm the other dis a rhtefe for fhe-aiaoutil of tits It i» fee* :&v«4 to fe* the only caste o» tespi'd where- a man him beaten ar, insurance company by out. firing a death policy, W* no%r make hue-fifth of tee iron auk one. fourth of the ateel tn the world and we furnish oJK'-liib.r of the gold ami ono-h.Ff of thi sflvrr of the vtotM' - s«v>p 'J thing all the misdng iudtwtrii a of tea world, the liniSed States rep resest ;J5; Cheat BtHi is n, 33, and ail other na¬ tion* 3! p«* cent of tee total, Axtglo-Saxob* slow, tiioreforc. repreaeat* 69 per cent of tee iiilMag industry of the e*rth Tbh Cfefe.*as« Live block Exchange ns* ro »lv<<l ihatthfisre w no ench dimwit' a.» conta F’cua pit njo-ptiriim >eia m the VnPid > rea, no foot aad month disease ift piwoi*, laws or ss country-l-aen so healthy a* now. I* fawaiao •*»* a delegation to Washiagtoa to lobby agate-yt aUoaltl,, .Uacav- legislation. __________ Tbe direussl'm of the red smn-i is coutina,*. Rrol.'Shly the vcteaHie dust theory ha* tbs %r R*rt Biihtber of foitewers, As . a recant sifeH tjfio Uriahs- exprejawa it,, a tromentfevitf voksnic ernptiOB Smvls into dnrt, steam and gas, and Hu - 1 > if toy u> rs hangs iko » cj ill «ut the c-uin. How. long this drBt is to .« the globe is a question, but it. i» suggestthat if the (jimids o*t, their elevation, to ofectrscid * eptdsion ilioret k no res*m w-by they riwnld not stay •» the upper air for year*, but if they are stow-ly trtiiij-jg to lower levels tti.e.sotioH ,;>f ilw retu drops will drag them down f* New Turk, PhiliidHpltiv, and other com merciiil centers, the merchants have inaugura¬ ted * wai to H > : s dropped fully forty per cent fecJew the re gular rate. 'Tits: cut rates apply to the pa to ml nifdiciii's. Tiiv grocers end retlrr rase chants >’• h« *rc competing with the drnggi.- a say that the average aacrehate lr*a to to -»t isfieii with five or ten per etui profit, and there to no reason why the druggist should reap any nture. Of <xmr»« the drnggi: t» are. mad, bat what ran they do atom* it ? The war may bo oh% a harry after aS, er it rhay result- in » i*,n»*ncn( reduction in th,* price® ref patent mwii.-im**. Tlieauatter wiilshajK: itrelf accnnb mg to-the laws of-- trade. ^ - „ , ; . ; *%?»* of 1S.5S ('■•inparf'd *'.....- with last rear. The dv crease in the \ ,id of kr.l pt-r 1 . >;? was‘Aid pumuls. Tim pork pK-loctinn nbowa l K " 5!! ‘ U '<** tllW » ! "" t F«, «>. of nuat iu thh west, iaeladin.q barreled .pork, i»iW 113,* 000,000 pounds less than a year ago. Exports since November l ara 47,008.000 poanda Ire than a year ago, and 145,<KKU5QG pounds lt-» ttan ii average of for; seven j,)< 11 >■>,* t ,,rs reported. The outlook for hog mpplks indi -X"^. ending March 1 was 9,183,100 against 9,342, 999 the previon* vc-av. Otm preparaUims for a more efficient navy will fm$6 1 tho public to feel iuier«d*d iu tha progress of Krupp’a latest mrtorrs in the gan Jin Several 'frjaia. bay* been mad« with Krapp's «Sx inch g«ns, i-Hirty-fiv-? caliber length. A tar get rryrosi-, tote;- t!,e sitl.-s ref on : iron nwii-cif »*r w« .ynjabucied t>r tett-incU : iii,; ’ ‘""‘vri fiji'-fcr«. With ireui plates -.Vi n ere h ires thick on c-acto md<v ttasWieg femrfceu fodted ot irm and ten iaeJfcs of ws«4 The r*»g6 was ifjtj jjjd roa and the prop Me pcSCfUn tiril} through the t-srfttt asid buried ro- i in the sand fetii i»ey<»«l, it w vaukysiowl: that Krrei-p sa now «»work on a gnu that is ev . d t-> ai-eosipfigb s’iJI greater raiulW It got* without *syMg that «f«» foe m«rt bravlly suited vi-siteb t-annnt wifostand gnus of foe Kriipn stamp. In fat-are ships of war. will B- ‘- fee retted srpott' v£ n Url - . Jr in fttiaaklng a wcil furfjficd &,arort stronghokSft, < <’ovwn*ntN-n osfMDXRiso th» qusuu^ onainbv of rf tea tea nsed »»1 fe. i- Hiu» ti w country, on? would. n*fnr*«y sngpptet thkt oar people Baste.->"■ would know some thing *iou* tea. Wfc M*. M.„. of onr tea. come* front China, but R is the infe rk-r grades, the epariims- stuff which has b-m artificially colored. The re*13y good tea i. either eenmaied in China or in sold abroad at fancy price*. The emperor of Russia import* to* at 510 per pound, sod it. «»«««..„ u.v.g for wealthy pe^jk, to payfcU! per r,re:c-< When good tea :* secured y.,« Yl.omd ti foB tftMpeonfol for each person ted cti? It foe pot; belt for. water iu a . fct’ >. I whm it boils'out ‘ tt-e repiimi re ■ - teapot .___ and , pour on th* telling , . water, atouvuig ! ' a Z finite^ ^rl: a i I i‘ Never make fo. team arylUo« t at > . bite'« rue n stone pot. y» -->««• »S »>- ™ Digte foe Suakim corrcspotvtosrt of for ton Iwr tSfjtoMl, Xcfr, fas«»kt«'i*d Jeddsh. 1x re,--:- 'a acvera financial Wow, wten, »w»c six n-u; p--. aRritwh cruiser.captured, two stove Hi > ■ frii of victims on tb« way to Jj-ddsh. Vwiau “* s thcn fsU ftox *** ,0 * <m *' hs * h,,u " e property in Swki» ^ «**.ail iteHgrgred. ai d he tieoawe bcl P c tsiy iTlvolvtd - Bring of ire, gu-at b - v ^ r «>,h« ivtoruo,, ,-y fo JM»li fo had a.«hgitni» rc-hvllum is »ttri!.'Utcd ;. > thu tchitht that otmn Ogmt mti the Jfshdi, li oform«.»al.i<tls rafowteof IteaWfityate mfiaca:.-,:-, juwjaiKd tiiroogh .sncccsafu: tniduig, » h..»t,,ry t>« trastworfoy, pateou* for »d»«r ofeiert* than teHteM w the key note «f 0«tn*nfogtte’* character and mofawsgand B «*»«**art»Btteotel-illtythte he will caslhi* folotte bmk«. tekte® ib, to m. ignorant ftartte. and he ewaot btesetf telteve the myths which h* TO'fcrtpU s m rerefc-r to ooufrol hto tV,Brrev«''s. —------—*•* ------------- I* l«s> ihrra ware <S90;!>5fi p«i*on* ever tft yrars of a g „ raid not re rite. '*>**; jrvbabfap .now ?,d08,<lGO. Ore* niv.« per evnt of the white* In fiMa-oownuy ran m*t w.-ite. Vt> p r l~* ia fo® fnlted , "TvT" (,f ff T K : h ^- 3 '' Pfc. re Uietfftn irri write. Op- re:rf pi iu other word*, efumret writs his own n&we, nmv. •. GEOUCaA. TlirilSDAY. APRIL 10. IKMt. S"' war fhneeTonrths of We •>r,tb’,g pepu’.Abqa .* Mpal4<- of reeding *a<J tmUttsf, ssyn Shamir Bleir, with *»eh facsiHy a* to make tbew art* a eraiwdt intelligent iffitAte enffrege. A)w«i ifehtidTn dhree fonnlw of the vof<W' lv »f4 staka that have a Urge colored population. In GeorgU <mt of 3511,488 melee over 21 yearn of ege, there ate 38.571 white*end 116,616 bleckh who can ssot write. A httic over 45 «f every one hundred ere illiterate, although the ratio f , illiteracy ,„ , m ....... tine state i» not aa ....... high at it u Minsimppi. in Alabama,. ffhia .BonUiw^ has South l«,W Qtfiipfc** ilS^tUa state 4f#,^£ voters There are in the rUte - over 10 years of age who can not read. These figure* of iH>nr«^Urgely..rfi|»re«#,n.t. the i^itpra|g that exist* among the n* gtesh fflwiw are, hwwr, i2#*s31 v/Hitr fStcr^w In the state of the age erf 1A yews end upward*. I J BATTLE SCENES AT TEB, Haw the Fat *<? Prwpberta Arab* t <>« lu (he Itrftish suldl'we* r..'„ «Vr , . fibc tWujpii pausirt -th tlkfr steady itdvan.’t*. It becomes a hand-to-haa<l fight t’sc ’nASAem nitofe;,. the Ar^fe vslth.cEd'1 steoi. tirclAftvorttf -jrcYjwn.afufoeafinguiam at it There is h&t mxitii ‘h,-it;np, tuyd a short, sharp exct«>j*«t>,ja. a fertef also a» oath a* <>»■> '>tldi'or-, • nejie<* u#|t their foos At this critical niomcut, fm the enemy are rushing up thickly, the Ganlcvr gun* $pm fire, ami their h-a-lun hail worn dreidtw the matter At this instailt, Admiral Hcwett who. with Mr. Ecvisoii, his private secretary', Naval is present as a sjh- rotor, Joia* the Ijodire brigade and leads thf-m m v.iV*w the dead 'heir front, of the into Arabs, the lying thickly w'hlrti ritfjwnon pWv.* wt*rw, Cblondl to be but a t*i., k of sand. BUrnaby Imre Iws hi* liorse slifit under him, and a ballet passes fhremgh his . arm, HtiSl with tho doubledlamded fowling piece A ho assail esrrtos he Iioclts over tho rate who Mru. But .Uif-y press on, and ho is only saved from being si>.-aivd by one Arab of w!*> the 'Iordan Jlichthudci-sTwiyoiicflng tv>te an attacks him when tow-reds ot hits, gun ora empty. Several fierce perrum! foe «u touuters pntruncbmunK take tilocc a* the m*otM ffeeSfrig ntsii into e The firs' of ibn* vajojiss and h re th«J panned enthushuisn Away, of their battle uhxsd is s«np now, them. More shrill upon .skirl and more the pipes out, foe. and tho. single men are eager riish to close wish tb» As. Arab® down the bravo soldim otp singly-l fmiftM taste and mwt; V-ayoiH't to .ept i.r, in kWt, ,t t-vjrv alone, instanfs? without vanquisMC^i---thcas firlag. A vofdt-to fey v-ho HWl single-handed would .mgaged two of it ref the -«wi*y hiive got the worst had. not < ap tain and MSbcm,' «f tho tlrt H(^la,goma v to hi» aid th■> body, rttn breaking one el his sw-rel ihredgh recert iug ;o'8m the ar<d ■ a wcund arms face bs hre.did ft>. Hi».rp«* tte.i%ht>fcf.It lR«t®bm««ttl»«HM or two offer tho UMreps Havre pasxnd over tiu» sand bank The wetfk , - ;<• on* Krnpp gun, Uteftnfo which, os ■ -ursc, fall* mi-o .-urlia--. to. grow* thickly all a!; where wo , s« i m-*- 1 ’> nod irtn sb* -x.i f t «< < 1 'L .<! i> ' i't r '■ be- • c i sfc-otVy 1 :tp to th>’ir ftort fttidmlritt >i«. sittyK or by £wv« ami forww, with fmnttfeat-'smor, often mat! . m rill they (all >1 id almost nt tit- -/ tire ntlt-i,. Rurinsc tho halt the W 0 CJUI now see them a»lvan-uu t, ward a istfondistance. laijro mans of th>- Tiieyaretuanlfcatlyauiekeu- < mu;-, wb . an makin.- off ing timir their sabre* para. (tehiug Fsster and the faster sunlight', they cud, go. or*.- in i- , . .* jctl 0 -i* >* ,, ^iiMyr.miiy IMebt through (H<m they ettt their way. nad font turn sharp t«wk ngwln Tho Arab® ao not fi-Y, but tnmtl and light atabiwolv wut gaJ Die dwjday .bg Agotia a>, umeh and courage«-» •■(•'Ate ngairte yirseti infHutry. bu> again •}<*« ■■. '■: i tU , ot H- «***& < 'id soldier* wham I ha ve s|»fceu on th SjKyt said Umjv never met ^ mgas rasolute red in l-t» cost-Kc of B.U: rtisir »>«-ffce. 'ihe kh-wj lit tUoluittlclicid, -I Ujrafti red* overoa Satwniav, justified this dcseripti.ou of savaga v.-ilor. Tho wail# of Ei Tcb are protected by tiro earth-works' and a S'-aji-c: r n- line - «ntn->.fchiJienf«, htul b<»ts 4iv wsdre indtiding foaHfl» ttep L4<n4,w"r nits, wbi-.-h t«»h, »t*rt ' and Which each conbunod a o :ite>r of teewrwnon The einruiioUBieutaand pite,.wara literally already half crafBftifcl burted with the dead sand. bod The tea, object msjuy in •ffllMfkfrnMi th« deffiiwlwii wm to sprhiK <»» fo: a-iriiVi.-mg line, fuid in lain®ifosiou l i.y sud.teimppragntoote'1-rtish, adramvsi • • revile ittsuie th(, -^ar- ■ Had w, ifed'bsoirw ebbi soie.i tteir of frontufottrt'-hji-ghf. leas.-tertiftl --hsrtts but tha '■fnXo, x attadfieti more err koraaM; iu their rasr, were them i.r« Hururis?,,.!. Judging frcin jrhat t s-rw, 1 M " * 1 * ‘ »* *> t.ieti.a a.» wo« t nicely strewn Wi.fe noah«. K3s e®l* the tow ruined bnrk bui.dlnss. Near foe buiMiUg which Colonel hirwiby helped ctear with las doublre-barroiaa rate ^ iar fi ^thbuckakot, I countad ftraoBg a fought as dc®iierat«ly '* oren us tlw ylalts. T 0 ami win-n foa dead jvuAT rushed ami dying .started un, and with a ijre^t ero^d,'M«iW”Vtete«W^iiiSte^ t' f «t25 lr re U> «'f I th*»°' V*^ to ; a b«ef tsteinpoa;;ifcthereteiajp, fte «*»«. backof ,me of a^d triwl to c!it hre throat An <«. r rushine up pistobd 'h« Arab through foe heart, tardy ia timetre save the soldier’s life. ... ___________ *»** **7* ; . » Task a bon‘ men.” sud the conductor of a Pullman car, as bo sat in SS?g?S5r^2t« ^ * 5SET? other ev mt 0 ( JM r<> U the n, £( lt : Hls a Ftcte Tat woman, to dioiVvooteh' . (SfolTeZeback" h elected a Uaci/te berth-a liis B iiibl»> in w-.r -iuid then wtott wUc twi VM <n her-inrak'd tau t treat to bed done Aim! m l‘Vh*r aft.* tiifo 1 was. ftfow.S gottig through the train when the stuped m« ami waatnl ia kuter it Umdany ' uipty b«tks. I_ t.-M her there wrw idcaty df Utuu, hfeoa wu«u she broagot Iter ^ «!>• together vise and ©Uiiehed h«r j l.r..o, t « tsy l O&g ' ,h y >«t, 1 j J~ 'f±f f y‘>» ff.'iw. tl.fitv »t*pe t V? >‘ l,a “ CJ °* oera had to«l her there »ufin 6 ! 1 xl!^ ttotSirt ms^* Jfe naud i.^d oxer s eVff > tea r 'i v 'f'vw nmuta »•*., 1« m ml- . 1 i ,a tioij. totte fj^ft fa# ba^ fam , ! vA-,'te ‘ * { iTL to.Vaf , ■’ - ■■ ^ ■ "Alt he T.-i» attas «* tofo t, ws-. A rn,JrE!r - «**. “A waft |>., I.jams hut vp- ->u‘» go........ i.-nons ‘-tier” Tfao Cfafoww musi HHWS SUMMARY " Sftstera and Kiddle State ' ' ~ „ „ ., to i preacher and ljxtttwr, U dt»L Coddle A YtRK eofttywujfs in New Y ork fartoty. deeded •causing' the Eiooto, lu:u'of a abv'ut Aw W.ww. p ,K!X *'*':Eltr>tt werepuimvrwd near Mr-ndvilie, Peiai l,y fdppuig ^ tho pn u r»t a tnse trhn.h th ,, v ta wl Two of the litOr* .ni-n <tte.U MUkr, Jo»y d*» «k eklen pwmliUiiG■■* a^iburt YgMF uihl yearh ma te vahnit at fy.usy.uO:>. ,^g5fc«ssf.srv ticket rurfelia viatic aiicics State left in Cen- tliil H‘ato bv flic itlaa at AnmhA hVtrSSl^i^-T-Vrt* "^K w> ?re’ : Iti1 ", l: f ufc ' ll ::>t ’ g> * \> ruor, - and l- nuias L. O. Ite , illy for (ittov- , ney general. of A wife BILL beaters pwrdfnR defeated for the public th.- ilassachu- wtupaing Ifoaaa. ,w at ui *ett» ®S yLSrS?5^# at.r,ner‘ k ‘fleT,t 55^rf ^ SSTViSSfe tthiiTU JeMK Nctt, tea Mayer of lh,k.«.at Union, t8-*Ah Pcun., Inis gom- io bamre rill, Kan. to taiae chaise of bn, n, U r s farm. A wild scene of dispr l r n unv 1 in (be Now York State aasciidjlv at Ailwny dui.n? «3*t: 1 VS&iK .veiling 'I ,V.r'. ;2S prevaUed, their voices, menuiers and id the top of the noetic i- said to Hava been uuparaleik'd in the annate >>f 1-;A t- u. At’turtnrva SoUSbt., f w many years a preraimtot. fair* {p tile York, Art, bn-ite-to an,| JWltiaU that pert,, life aml-dnriiig of Sew the Hreetey ex -collector miutwfi_-» ref chairra-m pf the nartrenal IV iiiieratto cem outtae, diedfovotfthr day i.u ha seventy-seo «od year. By the bawtttig of a d«m about a i.uSs and a half *hove Vaamja. Cons., m> immense body of water w ,re freed and swept down (ha vaUer wtucfi_ with a denfculng Vmt¥ ftnA a forew EwuipwtrJy carried uwey {leefSre eycryfiiuig m its path. the in ft*,, f»t,t<?ri"> and suflliuniht hyiise- iu.the cours„ of the (lu 4 had received to »<ik snShf tWirniug high of the ixupending disaster 31iat burst from on darn groiind, *r tecront tha ojicniiig was live foot high, and about three hundred feet wide. A utuiibta- of sii ops, dwetlingw and Imr-us*. and a atone arched i mdgein Ansouinwci-o carried kvifttutf of f'K »n e peatMaiy - dfresngo Fiv* racn at L 1-” stortf i ■) * sftialt row" m -a largo i ire-ttter >sa » ftbf’ar- i P*»i«g or-:,--the hfc fall* ae»r U». tawatB of the ciariot! m.-r fo« test « £:,i - JBwninon Walker. W »aa David F«ir fere .iro-vuad At » sah* of y< r»>> « sfrjft la New Trerk eichtydwo imv.,-- r- t roughf ?«•, aw, or on average -i prin iriiidi* .-: gskil l.*V for (aik animal. The mire ->* n-b rort-fey by foa fart, that ?', the i.utbis-.t prin • •'.- r» .tjBived.frrr.a peb.U# JcrvA, mutual nt a wu.-jo. waa for thi# Tfcm H-firt I b-- it, bat of r«v*y ret j *w >■’ I r - s >{> ^S.SkYfofa fc loom t Mi 1 on-- also [*W Jessamine • ■ f>, ytokc Pogis III., out of of riruivn n p-» to •’,-•• '!>...... w „# 1 L, ‘ ' ’ * Z!„ ‘ LV ;1 ****- f , i l “ dt * ^ wwssu|ja. <tosTB>tePi’ : vs •.:- rcuiruc-1 re* Rover, . H.. ua& p—:..tod guilty tt k:'..r,^ a maiw, . wuirt. I mac s - «WsSf» “renyiara ><• :tfo, «» -ut t>, c:.-.u I'l'tom tor .fbsKXt«('.-. mii.-h talked about white clo .|tianr'- err:v,-(l io New V He : k „ few (inscribed dues sinc^ on an *# *n» - .u t it as u ’^ Tv ’• v 'op s spots. -a. Tn jvw ' r nn: r wiAtlon bill, as reported Wri. •>-i rest curi'oat in? THUJUTfll fiscal, of the approt.rumon for the year that .may remuin tttc’Si3«fttel' on balance dunu IS) '%b*U be rc«ppro- feby,. priatod. This is .-stitiuttovi at WO.O0O. -re v- ... A PAtnCASB of tmrat money representing *3.090 w*w- rtxsreivai by the thutod Mass* treasury dejuiruner; It th« n few days of ago, ifWras for itedemption. I’Hjwfeig, qtiarryoito,' was j roprerty lipug tear !)<•.*••' a ogfea. ,>t tewstyforae -VVis.*, atwi. «f • hard Uu».. -sayates is years wto mMKsW. Hte ctein w as dest.royrtj fey «re> of* aatt with it all his twinev, which was fa tha tom of gr»«<acks and nalireual Tbs ’ charm! remains bank bank notes note. of '-siadpitepn the Uso money sneeu-j' of was wis ^tbmitted the m the ex as-*"- is.- jdl > i- omnutte ■ id t > of treasury 'rhey jpg? to' foe juw-iiint rtAtt* redeemed of T lie - were were at onco. remainder will'I be k- transmitted transmit to the bank* of issue for foetr action, and the result will be that foe 0 { fo« burnt mmt,y will bn regtored to it* owner. This is only one of SSKT° [ ““ “g FrstBEK awninn thins bv the Pj«sidnat *^vi* oftb'-hr-'m S^ifo^ trenwiryV Ravel re, be *oHeitor of the Cokted S. ^ntTsEMy tM-. l R. skbfei.'ref TmcI " States district judge, eastern dirtrict of Texas. Coiigrertsovn At a prolougcJ rf-iation «uvtw of the pasted lirtureeratws that foe re■ was jBo; r:»>u bid should be token up f»r o>nsi<ii>ratkm at tile esrlkwt practicable day ai ‘ ' i f s Tci TV^'-- ^ l, i’T-' to Out (pod qf foe fou 191 individual PrmoqratJ.. action m^nibgrs ot Itemoerata, pi foe Sdtifo 172 vm-e preseuf, ami foe ru-iteta- fo.ted mtjl jniriulgbt U’iUiani Thk fienat* M. fiuim, confirmed of T’h-livtelphia, the nomination* of to be governor of Idaho Territory, and Sumner the Howtuxi, ot iltefeigan, ot the to lw Territory •'iuei' justice of Ari- «f supreme court ■totta. di Y-op-orf foo.Of.ia. . ' tm- ^.vt-vi- * »*«r mm #®«» of a,« 4 vrenvi* r> ixuds tlsai -‘vHi cfoomcrw twrain kpected during foe . absmiar year ends.-. I Hi* i-riqg «ut fnefrase of 2J5 TTr* fiver aiiwifta- the manbrr of Offlcfers inspected Itf---.<>-..! the previbos »,3?K yy,-. w-a-c «; *«.jf fey .j. rt> f ‘te™»w t tl^» of fay# w« -l-st if*>'*•** fo*> f> was ««; ; .|,rfr;«us j «*r. . i %*» fo^teWr <****&**%■ \?.< i£*r> ^4 nfqPfi 0 ntewfor' fill ! **’ ‘'tm,i:re,-. to the > r , Jn it-:-- ; .-re «*«■ pr to v He l®* 4 - .Minister Mu«t. t.Jiiib "jpuftlf t . .«• ,4 jwv-n.-ito: r'. oAiunOife v-p 'dtor.: mndo h- ttic ! *» <■ fpre >. v, ,r (WU-ra did not to-r m £Sb£dwl% cat reRmda® ft to t a s-omMitti* to con.«,l-a* *i«tT«w^/»irfe KtfaiPkm rwenHT Onhwon been numn&ty by We g«w»»n taassASisassassatte Pti«u>*5iTAaia.Ctt ;»rf» i«Ai«nt.u,.Uw.--- pTF^ : ‘ s: * tit w P iftfHwt pn.vfsktJ a . uf Eirch aew iM miliart file four gurAo-i. ,. find the comf>ietion SL'tStfij***** of four . d,,ii|'-k tmrofea w«»itor*. nP 4, nupRo ue willeaHU^he goeerauxiut t»«M*ruct iU ! <3c#*m»m m *m wmum* “ 4 w “* - «r«sar -■ kk23tssiT« , isM. te***^’ several rcehlimcea and a Jorge number of bam* and mnhousea, uprooted twee. am4 'exteurtod djettnured hvwrOtfne ad}a,.*nt ftiffe ti»dc. The sti.rni into the county of r.exiug ton, wiiero great damae,» was also done. • Obbat rlamage to property hw been done to tf**^'** gt^nMiSK aM f<>r k^lns&i/W &ttcaiaSr eiSrtif Tl known since tli n-af. The hreate m the venom levee* 1st ni large volume of »«*»-, which overspread tbo country, inun- : ..f** 51 ' pfeotfatmns, etui ruined the rotu'd nwl ^1^.1*:^“ SK! ?£&Z* “ my «3’ vt ‘™me , i t was A JitMhEB ;,f persons were tailed, many te»n« more were mjpred and gri-nt damage was to yroperty l>y tornados in portii-ire of In k ?' n ; Y*> e_* «■■-.'tie *Mm wto estimated , at rn*o lies Just otttkwfti sJ«ta»’"l^. the people severest shock of ewrterjua&S iinrch aSamurl and rtMi T j H1 of were then very house* Use Vi w, *1 ik lasted lift w*a K^'cmds, and ^sevenM buildings w« badiv A heavy fall fh wheat at Chicago caused an exciicmrnt almost amuaisttmr to a nan to. L‘ , V’ > dnrV^. > * l wheat Wra .................. m*i*m licnk w-iuj hivKcn; at iiadd,. Ky.. soviaul per wera. Mil*! a«n'.' many- im.>ro''-fuiAj-«.si, pSf¥Sl: in tm> cic'tiHty of Dayton, .Ohiii, ivere; jiteraliv a Bnday, and on drunlMh'" .McPduv cA Into » mumi wish <®eof- hfc tnuttwimrs and Was •hot by tea < uwwwhlo. A tuvud of wamw <*:, it, air -s.T " • ■ >™"- J *“>» Fiv» chiidraj of Jxmm Wifeam (coiomh, Eviug near 'erJewsiv^kjO*., beuaaoe ah* pork for stirs. Brer, big sabwajaeatly s>-venU ili and afhsi-Jiagfefc' Their in grunt ftgreny hours died. partsnis olairured that they were Uie vk-tiius of trichina to the {icrs, and the plauton? in tha coubty were n rich «,st 'ise-l In < < naxpiajK >, Many, however, «m mdinod t < tile.belief that the obildre t! wwre poisren«il fev thtrfr fete pamita, that «nd tins tho theory tvte pttebfon&y sfoeogfoomd by fact pitn-ow yefatesd to divulge Where tin* pork was obtoiureL \ oasxT iwowd to,000 June -X attwrttte ti:.- - illiacs 1ml at <’inrim»trin,aB attempt t» Ifnrett Berner, whose trail tor tire s lf-confossed'• r of IViRfamn Kirk l «mied in a fqqj&A of mere rm-tn alaughfor. coiled by tliv A» crowd's fiante-ebTfaiAigjiafien Uinj,- the meet and ins aStfcnptuis; uitir. to jail f c force an entrance. The laiiitia wag called out, and in tho firing which fol¬ Much lowed excitenitjiifi me man-was which iriito.t |uwai-ed «n«l rtfecririnjtirftl, in. i.'i»cin nrui lias not boon known there in a Jong 'time. - ■ Foreign. hirZ Empeboh Willtau’S eighty-seventh day was jn boSMay fashion iu Her S^tthmSwri ^ Wlu * du»» atfopnfiangwixtoxra. At a eettf isftory held in Itome the pope ere . ateil twtxe/uriuittl* and twenty-one lftgbo]ia;» Tit* vrhsie jk irntry surrouteling Khartoum , wrs rejirirtodto bain foe hands of foe False Frophet’s folietWors. ’ micstratei TfiJE unperial tribunal at Laiprif h».« so th-property until foVcharges of the FciLsh p<«-* KragrevrsW ot high tmis-m against him have been tried, IJ !»itkd STATte MtNi$1£B E ahosxt, iu _ rare p-mtig the toast to Emperor Uilinimat the dinner given on the occasion o ' the upaniBKof the AmeriHut Kxcbmv-;i* in Jb-rttn, a t «day* ago.Kai-i “Ktacemr vYillism is - m tied to the v>'a» f i.»rii Jill furetoBcw .wJbj- live amms-'l hi tn Jc-wiiio nfotue uaiboruil to, hialorv He is already admiretl by mankind lneSp*o tivo of territorial boundaries,'" mrih&t A GA'snsyrsro fa.ju»*Jor wotnon han becn «ti. in Pari* Qisewteml by ifea poface. In Twc|ity-si.x women vrer* Uxo M blingr. As sto-siv prevsfis tn Crete, and rmrnmma' of Chrtettans by H-*!etns and of » Mosleina by f'hetstians tom rej;>orte4 from , various ports of foe ocuittty. A ranme «Z foe royal found v of An-nwn has bee :a hanged fbr [troii.otia* foe 1I«SIW9 of flu istians. f £tts»aEf3ftsaw the Indiatis that twfnf.i cuj-red tb«r r *• ■ ds by bog.- ^ ajMai faa ><a.pora,. wfaMh-att iMsmtsxm oa* - ■, , i -s.vrttAL GSAHAMJa fore* ehtwwl on Tauiafoeto lito^-.AArfostookpla-;-*. hear which the recent battle with - tom-fo Th* Arab* otter.>1 a finer resistas**,- mi&g Bri»h (square* from b»hm<i rocks tljwi A^ssa#aRiacrt2. fleeing to the op.n owtutry. General Mattel ha wmdC,lM*tt m'troops to Hankim. Tbe oaaBpaMi waa dodtuad sit s* Mr. Brand in thohooojuaBd c-mak®eBts the %eak«abip of tbe Engfeh Hotrso Commons, m toe yonngest eon of the late Hir Itobevt Pee*, who w«a »*'« Pmxuer. and-was horn m 1S25*. The presteut hmvu^&t % ltolasri without of Ihy. A£W ftijuse Speaker, of IS a steal m (Join tuotts the at present, {mvhig c:mdidato been lei defeated m crtia«-rv;ihvo Urav«. cad iaii jo Ul«-rid .July, ftpO. -'oid U.> to a poliueal fees c , always eoiM-Muv»iuvc by tsarwa, and is ehauging his polities. He . r-r^Kssw tto.nsiuids of few debts. If«l up hisfeifatie rh tigUilv 'm pcs^ibift, and left hi* heir | and HHwmuKe ia a state ot chronie tin fsemiosity. - J NO. 33 . SUMMARY OF .CO^UIMSS# the;Jrtnlon. Werrf Setoitrew wid th<j j UndNbto^ that the ghffiflOti of ad- | . poHWrtil 1M Brt/nf Bufrotn w» teysfilcrt c* a J’hi'SStKlSJEWa.wS sessstB ^ ssaj^“s«ffssssa “ 4 : A bill w»s reported Xuyrifablv fuc the read jvtst^mrnt 'ifuiof mails of cwtep«»#U<ta .utrjmU. for Ablllw tbo ttaa$>orUjr ast’uini cm i •. <iu**d for the adju<R-^tk>U of JK;ireten rUtenit hw ... of The Yn«»<l lull fixing States at fA.OW^Aii^r Jnojf^ ■trtrtj^'d the saute" district fof-^^Kw^g^SX? Iw "i^&.opa^t ^ M VM Ml rhprwted from lafss j 0 tea .StniSwowfan MMHtrtiflWt to ro^ulaM tbo forms of bllla of U ltn*. and the dtttfe# B)lt i liabilities of ship-owner* a»-i other*, and to provide for the sanitary ' inspection in ■» «•»»*••• Ilia teinato pejssed Mr. Hawley'* bill offer tinaoly n.trfM.000 reward for the recovery of tho party, Srobw with an auujndmfnt exempting for from any the party undertaku^ tee task.... Mr. Brown & Ml! to ixyjnfre ttw trarmwit of tdo.A'jS.A! in ettah .toZreifflteirBfi. State «f G« »o from f»® 1 6 to The Constitution giving women the right to vote. Mouse. . Mr. EIR* aaked and w rtftwed cowptto i .‘,V UW the ec»>ltttto« reuohition <m const-ttutional U5. ground*. hut bv The w»s lost bv Sft to unan providinsj aTuiRartn rating for infwd pm *• tor « P«nw» f >d*ely and fraudulently *? Lwtod as-.ssme State.....Tite to be aa offlWr Hc»w> br employed pnswxl tocnate of the a filtr.Ts&TSSj' f,.nu*4 wytiarts, to be rtuacral lands, and to *- ’UF« to, Fiat fjfato 4 h’t Um'Ot U tee act donhi iffe'miMtt; lauds to the y»veraJ Bthtes *:id Temfories which may prtivide colleges for the benefit of ««ri‘''t»ltur»v - Ms. Down *i>ok>' ia favor « bis bi!r m ,im vidipg fhr tbo rerfJNrorw* arid ridm of 11«> fretde doihiev. fhobill rrovldcs t hat itn til J line l,im>, .ArsrtJo d(4lm* ehnJi t» re-; rr.v «<T at tisofr fit, -u value in rnyment of ail blues to- the Crated states*, and •hall m-ti fee agntti paid out Holders of trade dollars on the j>r«wutafki,i of fiw iviinis any tre;«survr or amietmlt trea». twwr will jfetoetvU iitt-arefiftW^mtoUarfor dollar, shuidavd silver dolliB-s of tho United -Htatei.. The triuift doflfci-s rtweived m ft a arc, nofifiiwl i depository tei dollars, ana to rim to rciiiin- -J Into ktflanf t ad« A fl*r» are to be rogaMed m Si, when lwwived at the saint, aa s silver turttion , hsi th«fr Smtlion •still !-»■ deducted wi th a anioimt. of huilten rapuori t,t 1... (,arciiwwd Thotjiii.wa# undfomad by the act'of 'Febniarv as. I STS. unanimously Mr. Kliilor,of n-jerwi Cjififcmia. by t!» commit r%sjrti#fi to-, favor-. ..ably with from amendment, tin, tvauadtteo the on joint . oaval reftoiut.ii-n • afftdrtt an | 5 ?,"“' 1 ?^ A memorial was presmuted from the teirtela fr’u- ted makins ,3’ho hocushtions aite’kfi axaiust Oover tier deflated, Murray... Mr. Hampton biair itelbUlwTte wldress in its making ait extended Mr. Anderson supj»trt. UteSrtid« reritdotUffa provkl of ing June. that Congiyas It referred shoolii ialjoitfu,*n the 2d vrttn to foe ways and me»n« '---miniUi.s-.... At. res evening sre Pf r lUlreire,>’il<- ls,on btlK U Atnteg tn’S’ them was twenty.fore* one smug a .WJl . granting, a fienutev t* M»s, Sarah E. K. tfeelye. who serveit ns « soldier for thr.o viicv Y> Vi under foe assumed nanus of Krankim wn|*o*», and, when sick ittfe* about to he ♦ nt to tha hospital, deeerfod to recap* the detection of her sax. ■ NEWSY OLEAMNQa . Thwissc aye fi{5£) BapUst churcfare fai Sonlls Carolina. ’ ' Cwii’ACo tn 1888 killed 9,918,900 hogs and 2,188,990 cattle. The 1 KU-iun Times has become a convert to civmat c.m. , jzss&tsp’* w •—**« Ths cost of maintaining tojr.g#. the Brooklyn, bridge iiabwrt W8b,tk» OvjW UM.W.wri f«.f, of dumber have bren Wgeddn Sbiliw foe present mn/vm. ifesap Last year in london fe.’j |x-r»ons g<irud of whom fto traee has ever faren At prreest rt«-.nt 19,000 persots* are exiled to :>iire.-rin anuually, and about sixty percent oreotojkR. - -V Utemumcn. Kansas. - negro ate five > loom rtrts*, apcmadl of ba »u and a ioa-f of rye ftea-i, on < a wagpi-. .... i 1’S W- fabr-atuw jUm> a ertri Israel «• ere mi .-aya-ifiat the w-nasi Lfcstswt mortsUitv from m pi-rmi«; i.; Ur*it u w3^Jgfo?Ct ttekme-thW of it h'oTu 35«I t)ie Cnltod iSfoSmfr btatisi, ' Ttos New number York .of frivenwa jollca hrou S sr wbi* the Hfy ctojrf# tost-yow wa.-rWt.W. a,$14 tfn in-rwwt of W per pwiplfl Mwttssrtmjfcerrs court# g,rtS> hngtted sfe, ww tca.^ lftrtjtey agntoyt to t _ Th-re . i tag a»1p«tag j^rjeiK fetesatefa I jam*s' *i of fe* tamtmsm, w*s found to ttorttrsfe York * raring i gSS^SteWW^ W ^ , 1 •; * i -------....... w. - j i SM.un fc — Tite the saialk-ai lucrative. invention A some \ limes -provte most Han i Fruscmoo hulv. igveator at. a fcwbv car, - Givic«r»i Indy.yjeids feteS'fe tfa*S a Krg«? .utea ftl a Mt..t]<* . girl, patentee. hm realized Bv.iJbUM of do)tors to > ;t* S, E, HA BBSS, ATTORNEY AT U» JUSTS*" 1 fi^dTROIA, Pre«tfo* r Brunswick ’ r#hl*fft In the nwfotlri *om« i>o«i&j> The circuit, and *i«« *h«rw t>» «,<ec;*J contract. Q. B. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BST7&SWICK, GEORGIA. Practice regularly in the Counties o Glynn, and Wnyne, Camden Appling, the Pierce, Brunswick Coffee Ware of Circuit, and Telfofar of the Oconee Cira mebSi-lyr JESDP USE Oorner Broat! and Cherry SU, JKStBt*. - - GBOBwIA, a ol AU*»tie, Gull wt Swi «* *«—»a#-* iiSTyikH^? «». The location ; of r thW n rr. House a : is An on Clfr .u yatod erdurni and U'BECTLY r,Sriw, v Aoshcirtter OPrv.5irfc > Hfc ntefir wt> v/I. ft t* w«R etwpl;e<I i« «««> with water and rfrainar- eomfort ^"ry of way to JBK-te e^ a FlVS7~CLAi>$ J7G2FZ. RArr^lW ^month i»r day; Hin«l« w«>k Meals r. 50 : ^ ^ WMWLkL BHOOm TO FAMII.ISS. THE _ - TABLE Will “TT^—*T 1* a irtUllOf; feature . 4 of immediate the Jcaut* KUpervision House, and of being tho proprietor, under the make U p*» » d «r»« the V«*st. *m ty Polite ,£mi ti it equ U) wait er will move baggage to Attu from Hotel nnd Demte. FIKtl), g f, Lit KUJE-EwlSj!____— TW lT«l>rIet»r. ... : t m S93I r^ 1 aa ■■»*■■ m mm * i >1 y. *} D y GISTS ; --AN i>~ PII ARAl ACISTS, (At the Nc»t)ru| Stere ) 4ESUP. GEORGIA. »Ajre*!actra*» or ■ i PharaacfBUcal and Tofl«t freparatiags *sd i,in,ras nr , Br*««s. Tni**e*. Abdomiiol KenMeqr. b»ppt>r!«rt>, and A frlUm« of frroh ted pure Garden Scud *1 wfiv*<irt>hsnd. keep Ready mixed Faint in *11 otilow. We whst for prrepks nowl. and utlioum pete.wiM* Osll »«d any examine house on retoil prior*. our stack DR. F. B. McRAE & CO. DR. Dhif S>:BAE will receive and answer rail* «* foa Store. THE JOKER’S BUDGCT. iVflAT VI 8 I'TNIl IN THE IH t!(»tttH> rePl Ku T<» Httll.b OVER. n-TOT-Niotir w»-rAit mo ns, ITj’-i Jiiniti.r-.“llif fnrr.ficn n> oat *4 or.-lu*, jbut I can get it fixed in time lot tho Traveling pdrfonaanne Theatrical ” Manager-"Don’t \V<> are to stay here a week and wur.t the first night to be a. brilliant popular Janitor—“Bat Hueetes.” it be if the toll is its cold os a fafU'ti ?” Mai)ager—''Easy the audience enough. 1 irill clap At every their opportunity tour Ah and stamp their feet keep to tva^ip,"—/iVortriifit (Ml roott jut riiorifc "T«-; ho poor, but awfully .proud,” “lYhftt IH fee proud aliOtit ?” “1 don't know. It conn s natural,” * Be ' learning cannot lorhHio?” btawt of birth, breeding, or “So; hut ba is proud from tj»e top of his head to fin: so),-* ref his {c ( t; in fact, the pr.«Il- 4 man L cv* r bsw.” “Indeed !” . “Yes, sir. If that man were starving, and too weak to stand, ho would «fam, a report tied he tens laid up with the goul. ’/*A ilade*p/aa Vail, how wk do rnixuA “1 tea it stated that the author of ‘Kathleen Mavounu'cis’ i« sfaurvlug iu Ralttmore. “Don’t believe it; the same report was published once before-, and it- inrnnd owf tiitd he visa not in great want, but only in very poor d.rcam*tftuces.’' “But this time there seems to bo sotoe foundation for the rumor.*’ . “Indeed?” "Y.-s, It fc given as a Met. Don’t you think aometbitig onght to be. doms ?'* . 4 iredcrei 1. *h>. I will this very day take .-ti pe towut 1 starting a movement to get up a find to erect a nionament to his memeert."- - PMImMphia Call, VmXit FBBPAKED FOB *H» fHTPAWOH, “ft i» my duty to inform yon/* said the superintendent <’.£ a New Euglmtul rail toad, os one of the train oouductors enh icd his picsciua, "(feat the safam« s of all (nun men are to be cut ten per ‘wnt. with the beginning of the month." "Yes, sir," was tho cub a reply, “I am triad yon take such a eheerftii tnmitha “?i‘* past, saw} **P**H»k the conductor. H. tor ««* “1 . ..tort® put WJ?P«d all my «MM real estate mortgage iu my wife's ail »»«<*, personal effects, a tod rai»‘d $200 <m on a hank-Bote which the indorser will have to pay. Make tho old cut thirty per it you want to, tor- this m thioaly ^ . tare, Ciwufo-Sp«.kmg WoodUdc 'fft.'!.) of Btrgg’s bog?"*rjf» cap-. ■ : “There ain't ao ytisc tryin’ to git mr from a, te-M Long Island sohnto Metier. I tofod it wwust Joyeell, an’ at .Wry step teccfaw gained on me Cxem the rime he crawl'd: threw the (encif, and in about tu hundred vurds feo ws-ehud out W* long arm end I don’t wimtUat fell tlm rest,” -• ..,,.•***■ tewsfjat. A ane cm cxtiifaiticu at K Ikin ,*d « v*iib the heir of her iHisbnndin the ysoid ninrftal igfoj way l»i» fe H&Mft to gtow ia a eiogie m*linwt.-~-&i#»tafdk