The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, April 17, 1884, Image 1

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18 Jesup Sentiil. Offloe in the Jeeap Bouse, frontier 0,1 Cherry •ire#*, two door* from Broad at PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY T, F. LITTLEFIELD. Subscription Hates. (Fsxtog* Preprffi,) One y««... _________...*3 m . Si* ssratits.,.. ........ .... ....... L M Tbici uiocsth#.... TOWN DIRECTORY. Mayor—-JttM ph d. Bill. Rayot jus* *(«■*- W. S«r«$, CUt* ai«l Tf«r>»rer—Vhatoas A. Floyd. M.*j«hal— John N G >odbrts*d. AhkiMMit—H\ T, Wit kiss, W. Bands, A, Wiliinat, W. K, flea nett sad Tkornta A. Boyd. Ordinary—R. Sheriff—J. D, B. Robinson. Hnpp*. Clerk—J. A. Romnb. T»s«or*r— J. T. Bennett. T« Receiver— A. R, Kichardson. i»x CoUecror W Wiib*. Coroner— W. T Wslk ns Beputy kberyfl”- W.. M.ApPh. C. nn y «grr«yor—fair es Me Cs'l. Sop,rt.-.C'’Court, NVaroe O." county--Martin Solicitor IT. Mershnn, Ju*?ee; B. Mabry, Geacrel. 8vf.*i«r» held on, third Monday n March sad. Srptemliar. C.miv Cf-mmis O. F. I/tt'efteld thrirn r.n: (' C Crso*. F. JUrper, K WsdlMra* C Fort, «cd in A ja»Arv. H Gen'er.-n. C.m'tt {hr October, Arril,-Jtdv *rd BAXERY, CF A. APpfjfiG cmxntt owRcaf*. rtrdiaary—Is*« Tilimsu. Clerk Miperior TL Cook. Court—8. Mobley’ ktfes-ff— CaTfinffor-rVy. J. H O T" t worst ree. Tat Receiver — B. Thomas. O-irouer—-fiec'or MWFech* o Purveyor—Arthur CrtmtV CbwAri«Si<..«er#.r*~-iY. Jefansai. Tfffpln* E rhob-irtan, .Tames Warnock end llama McEie.htn. :l).wlel MeEkehiu, School Commissioner. THAmCRS HILL, CAA. ca 4*>> cocavt ovr.css*. O. dreary— Rehert ii&toher. Fhwiff-Jebn- Brooks, f.v'k-Audre* U. Guwen Go; iecto r - - P.. M, Co. arson. ■ Aseesaor—C. <'■ Craws, Treasurer—Juba Paxton. Coreaer—Jia«* Roblnaoa. dice stMonday i ia Mtroh ail Oj ^AppUog—Second Mondayr iu March »n Wnyn---Third Monday* , M««a „ . and , in V; t - cc—Fourth Mondays , to Marcti and er. , .... April and ... No Wirt—First Mondays in Iter. second .... Monday Coftae—'Tv*i.dft" after m and Nflive mntr third Monday Cnarhna—Tuesday after m end November. Curtidau—Fourth Mondays its April and Glynn - Cowtraensiag on the first Mon M*y aad Decemhcr, sad io vcuHtaa* two weeks, or as long as the bsuites* r* SYMMES i JOHNSON, AT LAW BKttNSWIOK, CIA. Will recoin:•;» attend the Shpericr Coarte of conutie* W&f«e, iinff ot Camclen, Glynn, Pierce, Ware wfii gire-periwns! attentk* so biiNines* entruaied to them. Office oxer J. Madden’s attest, Banking Office. Mniranee on V, KU.UPH, Notary Public •**AND-w Ex-Officio J. P„ 1 , 25 Sth District Q. M., Wayne County, Georgia, Courts held in Court House first Bit nrday io each month. junelfi-u QEYMOtm J. GT.AES, ATTOBNgY AHB COUNSELOR AT LAW imiP, ! GEORGIA IV;!! practice in tto couuiif* of th# Brea w'«k Circuit. 0 F. GOODYEAR Attorney at Law, Over Mlclarleoa’a Provision Store, Gloucester Street, ceunswick:, : . i : GSOKaiA SPENCER R. ATKINSON. Mtorney and Counseltor-at-Law Aud Solicitor in Equity. BRUNSWICK, - GA. theJtanswito Will regularly attend the ffiipurior Courts of Cireuit and the Federal Court* te S*v»aa*h. Office over Hadden's Bank— «t!tran«« Oil Sew CfcSik and G-taacester streete. g ilhabbibT h TTQRHEY AT IM jmw ; GEORGIA. iSnurtiev rexultrir In tha coomb, i ron pcsin* tiw Brajjiswiek eheuit,and etiasbere by s...f era! contract. Q R. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. mtUNsWiCK, GEORGIA, lirttetM* regutol* la the CJconties o Oiynn, Wayne, Oamdca Appling, Fierce, W*w -aad of tto Bruns Glrffittt iLta TelMr of the Omam sachSI-lyr r, ■ » i 1L VIII. SOUTHER!* NOTES. A roar art will be organised ihortly to build * cotton factory at Dalton, Ga. Tvs new cotton mill at Sidney, N. 0,, is receiving it# shafting and maclimery. Savasxab i# thinking of man ifsrtarlng &»■ phaitum block* with which to p*ve the oity. About 40 firm* have been reoeatly purchased la Greea county, Ky„ by «uigrsn u from Ohio. A rotrwtT hu barn eriabB&ed at the lUo iin# min*, near Flatcmis, Fla,, eoadtmud by expert workmen. Tm Knoxville, Tena., Car Wheel Company are nutning their wheel foundry extra time to fill heavy oradr*. Thbbs thousand yard* of doth and one hup. dr#.! blank- ta are manufactured ;» tM S-s Braunfela, T«a#, mills weekly. Aw. the money necessary hMl »on sabacribed to start ths Griffin, Ga,, cotton factory. The capital is about $ Si, 800, A xsw rolling nd!J. the first one in the State, has been started tap at Honrtor., Trias, and ft will engage in making light T rails, Tm locomotive works jn connection wi-h the Boatjoke, V*., Machine Works, are in active operation at this time Several locomotives *r® in process of coiisEnjotios. las track of th# Soutln-ni Pacific to the great- salt mite in the Colorado desert, Idaho, is bailsrtod with groat lumps of crystal salt. Heavy raius and high wafer# might cause a diss<du'km of that- ballast. Tkk Messrs, Moulton, of Laconia, N. H. who are proprietor# of a hosiery caff at Colma* bto, 3. C.. where they employ ;h« labor of ;hs prisoners lit the penitentiary, are largely in creasing toe capacity M their work# thera A«a«*s to the Orange Cite (Fla -I 1 Tim.# limes, ■ there I'M** L - , ^ , ^ Urddm he oMdThe Lr I' 60 "IT ‘ hflt !lSS not L Spor l v lag *?**"«* per cent per a acr nnnm on the M amount invested. TwCuthhert. Ga,,cotton factor, ft with work, having received, on order. for more goods than can posriWy be made in six months, notwithstanding the 'enlarged capacity from the new machinery now being ’ * * put ft,. ........... .... Mobs thsn three-fourth* of the cedar used In the nmnnfaetore of cedar pencils to the world is shipped from Florida. 1 arge groves of ce¬ dar grow op and .down the coast and on the ditwaoiiHi river* ai:-l tbo supply germs intx Uausuble, IwcsTt-are* «aw mills are said te receive ihf ft supplies from Brew ton, Alabama. 1 hose mills are multiplying along the line of the Me. tails and Montgomery *«d the South and North road*, and the ttattor htutoco* i« devcioWag into immense proportions. A fasts of capitalists from sn Indiana town have decided to start a Jute factory at M«», Teen. At least fifteen thousand dollars will be expended in buildings and machinery, and tho company expect to lie manufacturing bag ging ia time for next year’s cotton orop, Mbanasm-ux* feel very proud of their Stats Liiwary In the capita! at Jackson. If compri¬ ses thirty-eight thousand vaftunea, which ta~ elude the legal text-books and reports from all the States m the b’Tsion, staking a collection which ranks third in comptetone-s* in the whole country. I ks Batola cotton factory at Grernrille, S, O. hrn made a largo and rahiabte contract with a lloatoji firm for furnishing them with yarns tmtsi n. xt January, Sew Eivgtas..,! yarns were offered at one-fourth of & cent lower, but the iUpcrior ipiaifty ot ifie South* Carolina y* r oMsmanded the contract. Ckabxjwwh*, a G., ba* orgashsed a coffee impfirting oompany of fifty mmfers, with a capital of $50,(100. Coffee will to imported end toiffut swUrtu to the Uighest bidder, whether re to to a member of tee nwcciatioa or not, If the scheme is cacrenfot, Other articte* w 11 be ixiiported and sold m the Mine way. in* roc- „ cotton, „ 11 , at , Ttr Wtlaon, I „ N. C., _ wh'.cii ware «oteteei>sad stout » year «go, for the manufacture of line yarn*, ore now run &iug thirty-ait eimUug machines and five thou ran<h one hudred am! twenty-four spmdto, sxnployiug oeventy-five hand* and eonauiniag eleven thousand pounds of cotton per wetk. —--------------— \Vmiiv a redius of k*s than thirty mile* of faeitaimma fourteen miaee, ftff in full opcra '..on. Io th.-sc odd aiargc nnrotor of tobacco fo-teries, aafo aim blind fft-totte*, spoke and I, Ati.ffc, *»d one factory that gahihea rim-til.;* teady for the loom. Sown* CiltoUNA ohowi the greatest increase in the cumber of cotton -jniii*, no leg* than forty-thrra «w mill*, with one hundred and tea taouwad fivo hundred aud ninety-five npiadle* baring been addek Georgia has ,j« *»«. «......«„ one buuarcd and thtriy-iune thoosand one hundred aad fifty-six tpind’e* diu u g ths year A»oho the new applications of cotton is it* nse, in part, in tiw* construction of house*, tto tufttariii emptojed for this purpose being ths refuse, which, when ground up with about *a equal asaoust of straw and a*be»to», ft con verted tew a pmt, *&d tfeft it farmed mu, istge stabs or bricks, which acquire, it ft said, to* hardaew at tumt, and forafth » reaUy va-i - -. g stock. AtfAUTU » ocrtirntitm hirer Er-glMid taUaft w-oald «ivs tltfie and mtwty by thwrtwttoa tertwitsMu G«rgft- «sA ;i«ittoris StaUal. Why risoiiid they f\.: tui u: ssifetawse Sgt-ung og&tasi tats? Tfeey JESUP. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 17 ; 1884, year will be worth, nay $3,000,000, Tbs profit iji the busiuea* is tremendous A newspaper correspondent ssj* that *i k year* ago & Uaua chuaMts, nj»s settled turn Mentgomery, Ala. He was very poor but Un thought bs an opportunity, ac-.( uotiebag many rAisitsg psa nuts, be rented land and began working it on share*. Me is still raising peanuts and nothing else, and bs does well to stick to them. Si* y»r» of peoaftt caitor* tew* netted him 1100, 008. Mobile is becamutg quite a timber pork The stevedores of the ante helium data who fairly rolled in wealth have passed away but the new stevedore* who handle timber are getting rich rapidly.. The opinion is expremed that the railroad# will have to carry log# ag a regu¬ lar thing before the lumber trade reaches >t« full proporUeus. It does not cost much more to rati a train of twenty car* than a trails of fir* and ten, and there ia iu> reason why idle car* should not bo loaded wit!:, log*. Ibis may moan a low rate of freight, but it is some thing that mutt corns. A»io quality of lithographic stone i# to be found near Sis Mile, Bibb county, Ala. The Blade *ay»; “Seven mile# of this place, on the possessions of K. }. Bottenberrv, at the south* era base of the coal iislds, there is found tg the Indications for the potrotobm tdl. Iron, coal, marble and limestone are found in the imme¬ diate vicinity, besides the entire county abounds in the very best of timber. The Eagte sad Ptomix mill, Coltftnbus, Ga., which is the largest cotton mill ia the south, w ill pay »- dividend of eight-per cent tin it* <*p ital of #1,9*10,000. ‘Die success of this corjvo rstiOU ha* been remsrksbte. It was rc-organ ired shunt IHS7, and since thenhss paid $1,- 370,000 in dividends and built tint of its earn¬ ings » new mill costing §1,008,000, and has a large surplus besides. It is now proposed to still farther enlarge Its operstinns by erecting a new mill at an expense of 1950,000. A yonrsm# Cotton 8t ed oil mill, which has pute ^Tf iictwreii the ulanfcr* V'‘" '' * and oil men && of T the *«««. Instead of growling about the tasnspor tetion, toe planter will, ere long, express Lai hi. own cotton seed oil and have the and hllUa ri ., jt oa ljlH hinti hl the ^ ^^Ueeou rfit; fvi -' 1! " : " aQ i[1 ' CTe ' llS< '' i prodot!t "' n of thfl oiI - wbi ' h bl!1 eom * *’ ** ******* *« invslusbl# to cooking. A port * bl « ttUlBrnt hashes® tested took the’ seed a. tt c * m * from the gin sn l extracted forty-five wd a-half gallons of oil from two thousand pounds of wed. Ar ts a*a ig bnotslttg oloHg. In 1890, her -cen.-sus jshewed that the fanners' had doubled in acreage, her con. produCMou increased tanre than 45 per rent, oats quadrupled, aottem sixty per e«it. The wool product doubled and the tamcf-.l output mc.reseatl more than 1,000 per cent, Wb»| other state can make a like showing. In th.; near future we expect to be .proud, (a* we at* now) that we arc a native Alabamian. Tbs county of Jefferson alone i* «w-worth more Unm tbo white- cf Alabams wn immediately aftet the wsr.-Mineral Age. PROMINENT PEOPLE, IritlNctE lfisMAUCK has just celebrated Sit* forty-ninth birthday. Henry Irvinu, the English actor, ft read¬ ing proofs ot a bock of his on America. Genera r. B. F. Bcruta will deliver an oration Decoration Dav at the New York acfuiemy of music. President Porter, of Yale, objects to co¬ education because tha system xvould divide the and pe>rUfi{« t to scuisibilitios and in¬ terest of the instructors Imperial Highness Prince Bara, ths only having surviving almost reached child of the the Emperor of of Japan, is having age seven years, a separate palace built for his oo cupanoy. Kaiser William, King George, of Greece, this and King Christian, WfesfoV-ien. of lh-nmai k, will meet summer in xvhere King OiKM-ge pbyKfefam, trill attend the baths, by advice of his Dr. J. H ZukkATOUt, vrto bus gained tto litio of tto champion chess plaver of tins world, now m thft o.untrv. wifi visit the principal Ghifia. - iti.ft i l Use l.'nited Htatcs and Uica go to Jons J at Cisco, wbedtot ia Sew York recently, toys*, nfo a pa budnros l»x. becalm a tailor, «atemt; tto dry good* and sub. banker. teqTwnUy Hs made liu-g# sums of money os a ■mm.oae among tto many mil i, (cm, ires of ilantiattau fttoxul. Ssc&ktaiv? Liscols resembles his father ia peraonal ap»«fii»ice only from ttocy<* up. ib- is not x . tall oi ro gaunt in fii.trc”a», lift fits *r, n«r is tto- kfwr-r paik of fac» sa narrow; but the rwemblamjs m tho eves and f .ritoad ft to marked that, the Secretary sat for what is cons?, tered * us best portrait P alntod of !lis tetlwr. Doctor Rich ard Jop.pas Gatliito, the ahauldered. yra^of*^ white-whiskered He ^ sag te a gun, tali. is bread new friendly mat:, with' a He face, br-gbv blue eyes, and a pleasant voice. to* recontly been making mrm great <*™xfS9Sf*KJXS improvements m his gun, and has ton THE NATIONAL DEBT. A fictintitiou i»f ranrireu flilUen* In Vi an ts. The imtioiial debt statement just famed shows tto decrease of tto put-’lc debt during the month of March to to $14,238,331 Bofitejg* ot debt since Juue30, ^ estate the to*torV.7.7 "!!"." Wft’m Gold SiUyercertificate*outstaiKlinff.... Certificate* tjubtamling..... Kfo2iki.4to isffistssSraaaf 116,408,181 Legal tag tender* ....................... reitfiajiiing MO,881,Ota 86M0O ....... Ft actional currency not including mmmist estimated « lost or deteroyed.................... 6,064,S15 The payments made from the treasury by wuriaHte during tiie month of March, lSw, warn aa follows : Civil Wat... ami miscellaneous.........$5,083,997 S,941,87® 70 ........................ 18 Navy........................... Interior, Indians........... 1,501,180 308,087 ffi 48 Interior, pension*.............. 43 Tt« .......m, mfim ■& The above dsn* not include payments made publfc debt fnt Vnitad ■■ State*. pdbeii ' m tim i -.f tn.« j TfejW*«Sfi —A fipgfed ja^-e. Ifor-ly j fdfuse.-, He 1 f j--s - f O; il»-*. i: , wlso ps< .-•U'.,{ r„» n for stuajuig gixcb the WORLD'S NEWS. Eastern and Miadle Stats Ftx men were Instantly killed by an exp’o *wU in < the 'heKrtr-sl nitro-giyewitte house of tbo Point, ito i N. 'Anno Thw works nt the J. killed building was frightfully torn to pieces, mangled. and men Were Their names are as follows: iamott itupiuit, superintendent vice-pregideat of the company work#;" . Edward %Y. N Hill, of the Nor ««*» oompodndar of nltro-|lyct. . iv n-crg!) W feuk JoJeesn/M, a ly \ MotnUU., daiiglitor of awcH-luwwn m*M and of Zanastown, half Ceuu bad tor the part yeas Bbrtiy, a been affianced to Hci.rj; a farm laborer. Tbs parents of the you-,; tody Staidly, to tliecr daugbb t-’s but maty with bttt notwltitoiandiug - opjv>»itk»i and (bo nvt. went of? a t«w duv I* Ago tbo got married, A going tow to hours Shell sy's after borne *h# after rtac> rorontouy- Cie brothers the «tap tw > cf bfide wont to BMiiy’s volvar# house, ah -altarcatK "" m <,i s:i-v:l. end re¬ were f - tiring which fii! lowed resulted sn tbo kiiUng ■it£ the who* t ; wa„ brothers and the wounding of Shelly, was taken into curtenly. A (ins it-many disartcrs tex,k place ahmg the Atlsur.c court during the h«\ v gal* uf a few day* ago. Front various ptjiita CAitis fe pf'rts of vassals being by task wrecked, iM-c«aprni&I m some instaiK** of life. Th» schooner Kiverdale went onhore no&r the Dolaware Break water, and the eaptein and four «k>b ware drowned. Several vesssi* iwra Aim wrecked t» the Hudson, and two or three Uves lost- The gale was the meet furtiws r« corded in a tong PHiCAJjkbi'HiA L« just had a m; rat fiiMWi rtiow, with $1,308 given in prises to the folium t A TWi ..*-ye aR- oi.r> boy at'J<dui$town, Penn., was thrown down an,! fatally pocked bv a game-cock which the child was teasing. Fbvkn- women have jurt gi adu ib-l an doc. tors. f r, i j tbo Sew V g k Mt li- ui Ce ! > _c ai ,1 Hospital for Women. StxcK rhr Attgtwt gate, seven moHtiis ago, elchtecu fs-Lia^ vc<WU have ljee» loat from GitKicester, Mass., with ail their crew*, which, dories, together with the men lost overboard and ia make* the record 8*1 men lot. leaving bchlitd. as near as can be ascertained, six? ■ five widows and .184 fatherless chUdrwi. T bis is a re<H*d m.p.„ u-aci-i in ffe hte* tory of tlw buslisa* of Gloucester. i Mbs. OrmrpOKrKR. wife of the propriety of the .New y ark Mont'i JCettttnff, the leading th-mu sn newsjkiper of the' twimtrv, foundoa Bbe by her was first a woman husband. of <he<l remarkable a few'dav* Uc : vHga abHitiw muom and very ebarttabto. During Iwff Weinac he pent ver giOO.OtD lo founding charitable inatituticM* hi Kow York, and only recently of benevolence rtxwod a. special d*S;,ration ia hosor w from the limp rocs of Austria. -Until a few years ago aha was the' business manager of the Sttmti Meilung, Rhode Tm .Hepubtican Maud ticket was-eucaeakful in the GlectUm* tha c-4iididst^ for govt-mor ami minor officers Iwiua the pteewit iacmntonta. The legislature wil* stand nine Dvmocrsda. ^ ftenttte—twenty House— seven Rc-pubiissms, licans, fifteen fifty "" y-sevea lUspoMtean s«v Repab of in th*' Democrats; Republican a loss one. senate ami a gala of four in the llcH 3 .se. Mita Qklix and daughter dies! at Loval hanna, Penn., of trichinosis, and tho father and another daughter were not exjiectoil to recover. white Seven Anstro-Fobitidar* iixiking tor work, ton, Penn., walking ok a railroad track near Scran¬ were struck by a backing engine. Four were killed, one was fatally tuptred, one lost an inn and one escaped unhurt. Pittebrn Gkokoz Penn. Jone.i for (colored) the murder was of banged at colored g, named .. Ft*ter, atn tta.-r man in JtffA Jones Baitteht man o aly eighteen when the crime was eom Eouth and Weak T^*6 neirrom were ofif* Tft' fTrk eimntj. S. C., f or assaulting a white man': daughter, C., tor murdering and tho other another in Gaston county, X man. Genera i, Aotjebo, with twenty orimsi n»a, mmmv left Key West, Ha."at mid¬ night and exnbarkod on a schooner dertinwi, it is tieiievcxl, for CulMt on a filibustering ex¬ pedition. The revenue cutter Dix started in pursuit of the party Ar Chicago ca-sh wheat was quoted at Tfift, within six quoted and a in half that cents city. of the lowest fig¬ ure ever A»otrr thirteen lives were lost by the born ing g Chat, of ths steamer rix-or, Bofecca £vertngbam, on the all IO0 Ik» near Florence, Ala. The fire br- »to out at 4 A. M.. and tho steamer the was shore immediately eouM to Uoaii -<1 for tto shore. Itefore reached steamer was conu’htcb- Hk.vav wroceed ia fiamos. « hanged Rose, Oscfeola, a itarro. wx-ighing f..r ^ipnonds was another at Are., the unutter of coloml mau, n prominent member of lift tana. Forest fires have desstroye.1 a large number of houses ics of 8<Joih tana Carolina and ovitbuildings and in fivo count wx or seven eoont-ies of North Carolina. Vast forests have also Irx-h been swept away, many plantations ruined and husdrft.ft of families rendered immkrn, Washington. Rkcrstary Krkijxumi vskx received n telegram from Mr. Horgont, our minister to Germany, cumplinimtary expressing bis .gratitude for the notion of tuo 1'rwsident and tor.ate, but declining tho Russian mission and resigning Uuv* at Berlin toratute of his health, ami other reasons to to explained by letter. The naval approj>rlatix>n hill, as i t cbm® from the tomato edmn^ttee. f;5‘,t-Sf; calls 67(1 £ or The appro rsti priatiua* amounUng to mate* sulwaitted tto to bill, Congress it vailed for te fffiJ,- tto m,Wh mui as came over for tonah' from th« Ho\»>'fo provifk* appro pnatiohs aggj-egating Tha Warn ate committee added $6.4fit,9h0 to the W1L The French and American claims commis iieid its Huai metduig. A final settle¬ ment of all the claims before the commission tv iu nutdft. Tto total nutiitor at cbm* against the ! 'ntted Btates himdmi was ?». aggregating sixteen claims #17,- 6H1,800. ailowml. Two and these and award of were on an 606, without interest, was mads to to date. paid to trams* withte twelve months from AjttMft'T at 'cotuage at tto various Uttite'i Statefl mints durin? March: 87,833 coM ptei-cs. worth $’.4Tif.331.f>0; 1,614,816 2,003,010 silver pieces, worth foVW,0i3.5O; total 4.C04, ■ i •-..ire. worth worth #t?-i,r>'«.48; $S,gR3.fC0 4k coinage, 888 pieces, A r*xv dav* ago GetofW Gfkfit on the floor af the House, and was the re¬ cipient of much attention from the members Bfe had not yet rerovered from the effwta of bis recent painful fail in New Yoi-k. Repre seutatira today RandoUsaidlt by ‘‘Mr. Speaker visitor , wrare this honored Gere having As as AiBcrican a on I need flofw rai Giant an n»* mrrodu re him to you I move tto House taft# s roccsft of fifteen Bttattes to give BB a memtwrs an tn^l opportunity visitor.” -to. pay Mr. their rHKpocfs our ■Carlirie put. tto morion and it then »» car rifii mumimouriy. Geaicral Grant ro» minfulte to his feet and assisted on wittor si to by Messrs. Carlisle middle and Randall, tto laboriously down the eisis to tofore tfe Speaker's desk, wtore, upon his frutebes, he shook hands with Representatives as thev jiassod before him. Mr. Carlisle made the presentation*. every monitor wostatrodunsd. The Senate posttattto '•-utamittite votefl'b. report favorably the bill tn prorMe for a p «• . tee matter. ajrrasd’to report unfavorably on tto same Tara by Indian apmrourifttioa bill has toco passed the House. Goverscr Springer 5ft.-ua.AY, committee of Utah, «*f investizn appeattrl before the Won ordered by the Hotwc, rivI denied ttm hurges of >rrr(:,u!«ri?>" whits to was united fitatcr meirdvei ir> K-’iritcitV H« I'hfirsiri hi* accusers with tola* men of bad and i« to pay of the Worretm, Poretgrw. RnsoLtmsws of eonifolene* to the queen and duchess of Albany, on the death of their ion parliament. and husband, were adopted in the British Gesrra{, 0OHPOS made an advance from KbnrfWdi, defeated, s»tl ia a battfo He with tho rebel fon-es was t rt'teh pursued tbo Egyptians for two n iks after tite batCffi. Hie scene ing troops of confusion presented to behold. by the The retreat¬ Egyp¬ was tian regulars and the Bnahi-Baaouica snouting out that- them wounded had received betrayed uttenuon thorn, ter the no tssa long tj*» of taYri* fears. The troops Ware had damorfag for ‘Area fris&fcs to meet the «tway. In the early part ot th# encounter the Lgyptions wore successful, and tto enemy wars actually la full retreat, when Uioir cavalry made a dashing eh&ree. De¬ spite the reverse tto inbAbitejit* atall remain »taun<-h friend* to General Gordon. Two blank tuwhas wars shot for treachery, which oiUwxi the defeat cf General Gordon’* troops, troop* GatncRAL at Tonqum. Millot, commanding that bo tba to* French beets entirely successful, reports that and the troops will will soon return U> Franca About 6 troops, with the native auxiliaries, willbesuf fictent to remain in Touquio. sailed iteAK’iAS, from Grama*, Btu&tffi with Htteft. his Ths troops, British baa to tttgnia. troop* had hardly left when Osman fol¬ tm appeared naox Taruonieb with about 1,000 lowers. policy Ge.vbral Gordoi? resolved to abandon a of conciliation toward the nati ves of the Soudan and adopt soidie.tu more vigorous mesa firm The Egyptian conduct who said been de¬ tailed Khartoum to give and u proceeding Rife to to Egypt parties rtridvod leaving out. srilers delay. to return A mod to thebeleagurod at citadel Khartoum with¬ stearates daily engaged the rebels, who lost heavily, Biuxck Aiixmm’s bod iv wus taken to Elis' land on the royal yacht OsiKirne. m . . EMttnvD YaTK*, a pro.nincut English journalist Isas nud editor of the Xjondoti Wfefd, been sentenced to four mouth*' ImprftoO went fur libeling the Earl of Lonsdale The judgment al ha* beeti respited pending &n ap p upon a point of A rrast ia London destroyed publishing about a siotoi business bouses, mostly and book binding establftnmiuts. John and Goo rg» Btephftnsou were e» cute. 4 dor at of Ifegjna, did British Demist Aiuorica, John McCarthy for tbs im«: an man A IiOSTG Komt dispatch sov»timt from the Pftmch will probably invade China the northern coast of their Tonquin.and claim will hold Canton in sup I>ort of for indemnity. It is propound in Canada to notify farmer* of weather fervcaat by means of dues on ail railroad stations and loownoti vv engiiwu. First men were instantly killed at«l ■>fh«* Manitoba, injured by a blasting accident at Tort Arthur, cabinet Akteh doefttod a thorough against discussion the proposition the British to tablish proteotorato es¬ ttUNC* a over Egypt I.EOPOLB'8 funeral took place in IV mdsor castle in i«w»jice of Queen victoria and th* other members of the royal family. A second funeral service, celebrated later, was attended only by the queen, 'tor dead ton * wife and tiie dean of Windsor. Th* steaiuitup Daniel Sbeiinnann, from Antwerp, while struck the on a rex-k off Si-iuibro Ingtif S-ho knocked entering hole harbor in ot bottom Baiii'ax, N. S. a her tad tank one*. • Of 180 ijaaMMigyrs and craw only n me w ere sax ed, compruing Hie captain, five and throe pasaon^ar*. The stop ft a ft'to! loss and only her topmastn were visible water. HcsQABv’a supreme tribunal has cwnfirmod acquittal of ailU Esther « Jew* who were charged murdering that they killnd Solotnoasy. It wo* he?- to obtain hor bloo«i mix with Passover bread. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC Elirr.TE CnAEi-OTTE Langtrt ft tho real name of Use ,l«rwy Lily. Mme. B.KRNHABDT has learned to play the organ in view of a scene in “ La Servants.*’ The Greu EnttUsh opera, company will to reorgonfted to play a summer season in New Orleans. Mn. Stetson, the manager, and Sir. Good¬ win, for the actor, Slave enter,.*! into copartner¬ next season. Henrv Irvtno, when at home, ft said to while away i&e hours equally feiiaJcspieare. between angling for trout and studying Mart Ar»kr 80 .v will make* tour of Spain tofore returning to the Lyceum theatre, Lon¬ don, for a revival of “Romeo and Juliet.” Ths Eiten Mu*-» has imea op*««i in Yew York. It ft a permanent wax-figure show modelled after Mailama Tussauds m London. Louis Jastes 1 and Marie Wainwrigbt go to Issudon with lhirr. tt as lift chief support. Charles Hawthorne goes along as stage mm Vas Zaxdt, tto ilhastoah. taKBia, who has long Iscii a favorite in Sms signed an engage ; i rtf to - • ng in tto orrem iximicpie iu Ijondon. Maud Bamks, daughter of Genera! N. F. Batiks, is studying for tto stage. 8he has ap peared with eonskk-rablv ns a public fc« mailer on several occasions Herr Kmii, Si'aria, who ft regarded. siugtsr, by many «s the greatest Rvh^ bara yp next nm-ko VhilhftnwMuc hft find 'appearance conrert fax in Amerk-a New York at th - Toward the close of the p»>rfommnce fa IhoMetejolifiMi tew enings ■ opera-houss. grttGenum K«w York, his a ev ago, -a arose hi s*-at, fared one of the parterre boxes, am) s-tei; “Will the ladteeand gentlamen i» tl »at box be kind enough to keep qwtet, «u thu Ui(«e who desire to hear the oi *xra m ay do s«,T A mtarm of amiiasse swept over tto b.rt-1 there waa no further intem«>1-ionof tin* per fonnance, and when the curtain had fallen pensms waited to grasp the hand of the who had «»ete* out bosiness'failuIes. XcTcrew iu <li« lirnl Thn» Uoiiilu »£ itiv I’wn t «»ir Veatx. It > 1 1>un Sc tto . of Now York, report ths brnfinee failure* in the United States during the first quarter of lias past four years to bo n.i follows; First Quarter of Failures. l iabilities. jmt ....'............... - -l.Wl **,•000,800 jm ...................8,12? 38,«.*»;t«0 J883................,3,806 : 8,908 37,0)0,000 40 000,000 : , ITte Sneak Thief Cracker dealer ^ “Tltw is the latest, showing I gnaws,” said a in novelties, r reporter . what looked like tho motto erackcrn that arc pulled apart at evening parties with a flbwp t* port, disdofting a sentimental motto, “i? is a lut'ttocracker,” he said, “with the ttiotio left oat. They aro also mines the bit of candy that tho motto usually wrapped ' m imnmd. Tbc«e craekera are for toe use i of the oomast cial travelers or others who have to travel to produce a- great deal. They loud are made so plosion ns pistol a rcv>ort The as as Urn ex of & way to uss> the cracker is to fasten one and on the door by wetting this little sartaco of pnm with the tongue, and the other end to the jam of the door. Tto result is that tto door cannot to opened by a hotel nomh thief, if to pick* the lock or stools back tho boll over the lock, without pro ducing a report that will arouse the oc cupaut of the room, Tho alarm cracker eakeinea,” w popular parucuiftriy among jewelry NO. 84, SUMMARY OF CONGRESS Stast,. A hill wn*s rvjtor!. ■! iro. u ti! Iv t ■ establish A national forest reservation ■ the head waters of the Missouri.... Bills wore Intro¬ duced making an appropriation to [lay the fexpwiSBs of aVomBiteias to efeidra Alaska, find to allow dnswboeks on imported ata terialstwsl in tin marmfarturo <* tobnero, in snuff and favor cigars of exported.,,.Mr. his WM Flats to spoke or pnuizti Ute patent office into a depart BteTit. Mr. Hall, from the commit apjnvpriaU, >■ eon appr 'pr'n bill tions, with reported amendments.....The the naval bill <n intro ducoi stwtd.T Mr. ably from by the Edmunds committee and naval jrportel nffnirs, far -ra for on the relief of th,< drwruictite survivorK. w nUHed. It provides %aim for tlw* pompenantion or Ora survivor* for iucamd by them on the expedition. Tbo mnvm and «0 ainounte Melville, ore as follow#; Grorge chief engineer, y>. Dsnenhower, lieutenant, $1J*.»; Juty* raond L Rewcomh, natwralist, $>W; John Cole, lu-ting tmatewnin, $•»»; IV. F. ( . JShr df-rimui, seaman, $G0u: and the remaining standvors $300 each. 'Hie Wll further pro vide* for the payment to tbo widow, child or of i -t legal repr(«t-ntative of each dtttvasod due ic.amber the deceased of the expedition member and any arrears year's of pay and aa ditbfiiftl pay. i The bill to itiereniw the efficiency- of the general salary land of $3,000, office, glrktg and bw the tuatetent btssnujimewere a. and I Mr. Increasing MonxU'a the bill clerical providing force, for was ti» passed las • provam,-,at of! thetwiirto-gc was Meed... .'ttie lUair fducational bill was further discussed. A iiiil te> provide for the creation of a silk culture InueAvi was iatrodtioed by Mr. c»a Mr. McPherson intnvluwl a bill to anientt the-patent laws Tl» Blair cducs* tionai bill was discusaoi without m-tlcn. MrJ Pendleton ejijptwed it, on <.vm:rt-itutu>tu)I grounda. Mr. WiUuutis spoke in favor of the bill. A joint rrsomttea ftsm tahro&ced of Otjjjj'ress t>y Mr. Minister Fincrty tendering the thaftfe Introduced tor to Sorgimt... .Bills were of the etiastrijctimi of n mere-hunt ship »v*v design; to equalise tl>« taxation of dornestid and foreign insuranee ormpnnles; appropri Bttae for the relief of mfforer* by pointment the Mississippi flood* Missouri and nutliori/jiig oouuutosiod the ap¬ of a river .... The Trade Dollar bill was further cosssi.leratl Tbo House ptuwd. the b!0 providing: for ths yrement of the trade dollars and their reooiaage into silver dollars, flfterr strikinx i out Urn the trada fourth dollar.* section, recoined which provided Ht-andarei th; sib into ver dollar* should lie dt-ducted from the amount of bullion required to tw coined by the remonetization act. Tbo vote on tha m» •ago the of the bill was 159 to 50, and that tei to Glfi... rejotiUoii .The of the fourth seettm otiamstm was tsi ramatifter bn r>> ported livestock too bill providing for tit* insjawtion of and hog re iiitMidwl for ex¬ te-tolturaftsi port-, and probiWisins food and 1 iipore the finiiortatton An adwerva of ... aooiambsion report was presented the alcoholic on the bill providing for Tito bill nuthorixing cm Ii*ju<->r truffle.... tho sorrt-ary of the hi treasury, the to im cot tho lawful money national deposited treasury in trust by the bonk¬ ciroudaunx ing associations for tho r n em-ut uf their The no rcjx.rt-.l favorably..., ecai n p; . )inte.-l to investigate the ohorges tnailc bv ll. V. Kot)iv.--,e;ito! Kcib r Hpunst poiulent, Cisneral Boynton, the rorrea subniitte-d a report, Bcoouipanied by this ww resch resolution,; litiiKl: “Tha'‘, -that tea too tiau'iKS charge* aeainrt iu-uuis* II. V. Boynton are not statofned by Utcevi lienee, and by that t.taero is »o grc*ma for any laid r-tton the it? Hoorn* The mvlutfou w«* las,! over over for future action. Omsidcraih n cf the Ind .ndian approprtetioa bid was cutens.1 ui-W-m. ' Phe bill colls for #3,- 34T,h53, Mr as against Throckmortun •last A>,300,08.1 *3,800,083 offered for for the current eum’ifi year an 1 and went providing abolishing that t,he their five places Indian shall inspectors, to token by army officers detaited for the Pimidont duty.... A message was received from the to comme the -teefcibn ndiug an appropriation the h<vn* of of t lower • for pro of the KSfcipp: A joint passed retolution wna authMUKtug t't« e sreretary en tary of uf war xar to loan flag* and bunting to fair the mayor held of Rich mood Vi, to U, used a* ft to to in that city in aid of e hi am for disabUsi Confederate »,>«dicju Mr, Throckmorton', hill, motion to amend tto Indian appro;iriatvm India;. iasiscvitB-s so a., to at*man ttu* tivs tod have Gwur duties tor formed by army oflRoers, woa oarrfod'ui to C7. A Talk A bent Perfumes, “Bow many Sotcn ore uacd ta tho manufacture of perfumes ?*’ “Tho principal onos are roses, orrtnge floxvers, tuberoses, the jitsmiiio, cassia, and violet. Aside from roses the flowery perfumefi are produced in France, where tamers and gardeners devote themselves to the eniti ration of flowers for the pur¬ pose. The pomades, which aro u sort of vehicle for carrying the 'essences, are shipped to perfumers in all parts of the World These pomades rm- nil made in the same way. Several new processes have boeii devised, but none have pro red a» giHxl as the old method. I may also any that perfumes ere everywhere made from the raw material by the same pry cess.” Tiin perfumer took down an oilier curi¬ ous object with from cloth the shelf. It was tut -oat born a tied tteross the ojx^n end. “This ft the original In which, civet is shipped from Egypt. Civet is an ani¬ mal odor and is obtained from a pouch on gn animal of that name, in which it is secreted. The best known of animal the odors is musk, which is obtained from musk deer. China furnishes tho best quality. Twenty-live pods or flacks plates are packed in oblong tores composed of of lead inclosed in a caddy made of pasteboard. The cuddy is decorated with curious- look ing Chinese characters. Musk is obtained from Assam, Siberia, the Altai mountains and other parts of Northern Asia. London is the depot for all varieties of musk. ” “What is ambergris?” “That is another animal odor. It is secreted in the intestines of the sperma¬ ceti whale. A very curious fact is that ambergris is only aoomnulated m‘a by dis¬ ease- - that is, it is only secreted sick whale. It ia hard, oi a light gray color, and is found in quantities varying from twenty fo fifty pounds. It is worth |tiO an ounce. So you see if a party of sail¬ ors strike this kind of a whale they can make for shore. Spermaceti whales are found near the island of Sumatra, Mo¬ lucca, Madagascar and the China seas.'* -....'to “Yes'* rm» young ALaitgemery . j Stay the, proudly, “I can trace invan ; o airy feck for gencraticus. Mtim bnt ' th.- Hne.sLbkiod ia \ inserting the head nows my wti»s," ami of his cane i® Shift f.i. .;ub lie walked away. “Yes,indeed, yea can po h»i*k for gr-jusraffouai" sumatkod r T -t -f tbrfrftdfrtheft f-.itaifv. nddrrwHwt. “I kuow b ; irir-ut rour Yohr groadfalber was a Smnh, vouf vour great-giandtatlpr & Bmi'ii c-t grrua.gtuategmidfethe.r TtefemhU,” ' ' a . THE JESHF HOUSE Corner Broad and Cherry St*. JE8UI», 0KOBGIA, Junction of Atlantic, Gulf and Maeon and Brunswick Railroad*. The attention of the traveling offered public ft directed to the inducements them hy this House The location of this House is on ele* rated ground and DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, Ji is well supplied with water and drainage, and is fitted in every way to give its guests every comfort of a class no' ill. Rates- II .60 per day; Single week Meals $7. 50 cte.; hr the month $20; tep-i.iiiEKAi. mbootwt To vamh-ik*. The Table will be a leaning feature of the Jesup House, and of being the under the immediate supervision proprietor, no pain* or expense will be spared to make it equal to the best. Polite wait¬ er will may* baggage to and from Hotel and Depot P f. LITTLE FI Kill, Proprietor. 1. F. S. Mil l CO., DRUGGISTS -A KD PHARMACISTS, (Atthe Ntw Druifl.ors.) JESUP, GEORGIA. WAK!THr,i BES.S OV Pharmaff at seal aaJ Toilet Preparatiana AK» ESAiailS B* Brsees, Patent Mi-didnes, Trusses, Abdominal Plaijonory, Books, Shonld.r Mermen*. Supporters, and A full line of fresh and pure Garden Seed al¬ ways Wv on keep hand. what Ready the- jirople mixed need, Paint in *1! will colors. and com* psto with any bouse <m r*t«il prices. Call *ud examine cmr abide, DR, F. B. McRAE & CO. DR. MeltAE will receive sad answer colts at the Drug Store, TUB JOKER'S BUDGET. WHAT A QCAKKR CITY WAG UA9 TO TELL I S OF. [From the Philadelphia Evening Call) IN WASHINGTON. “I hear that tins wild Western state's man, Oongrasstnan X.. is laid up with a terrible oold—not been able to leave the house for a week.” *‘l “What knew did it would he do?” happen.” “Yon know old Perkins, the manu¬ facturer V" “Yes.” “Ha offered Congressman X. a big Interest in a now patent hath-tub if ho would publicly recommend it after try tag it,” Well?” “He tried ik“ liEAItXINO TO COOK. “Send my -lauglitcr to a cooking school ?’' exclaimed a New York mother. “No, indeed; our jxviition in aooioty for¬ bids it. with Why all she would bo compelled to mix sorts of people.'’ “But this ia a new school just opened, and I hear that it will be very fashion ible.” “How can a Cooking school be made fashionable ?" waked the lady, withoo;i sMorable doubt. “Its mcmlHirshlp is to be very exclu¬ sive, in the first place, and it will be very expen*iyo, the end nothing will !>e taught but sweetest dishes, such ns pie, cake and that sort of thing.” “Well,” wild the mother, “I may pos¬ sibly allow Edith to atte nd for a little Chile, lmt it must be with the distinct understanding that on pie days she shall have tho nothing crust.” to do with anything but upper how rr works. Mis* Blank—-“What a lot of interest¬ ing items there are traveling around alxiTit Frank .Juntos.” Hon. Mr* Blank (legislator)—“Frank who?” Miss Bhuik—“James, the Westons outlaw, baffdit and road agent." Hurt. Mr. Blank—“Ah 1 Y'>«, I re mcinbcr ftbout him.” Miss Blank—“This paper mys that ho and his gang never robbed the Hannibal and 8b joe trains, because his mother had a frets pass over that line. Yon have a free pass yourself, haven’t you, pa?" Hon. .Mr. Blank—-“Well, ahem 1 Yes. I was given one when I, became a mem¬ ber of the legislature.” Miss Blank—“Was the railroad afraid the people ft--” would rob it if you did not have Hon. Mr. Blank—“There I There, child. Go back to your embroidsrr. You nre too young to understand all the little details of statesmaiiBlup,” A> Ksmsn. “Ah, how de do, Mifika ? Allow me to ci .r.fri'Rt------but pardon under me, the fo impre-s- rhaps I am premature; I was siou that, your wedding day wae fixed for last week.” “Yes, it was. You were away at the time, 1 believe.” “Yes, ]ust got back. How did tiie affair-" marriage “But there wr« no affair; tha did not take place, and I am nearly crazy “Boor with follow grief. ” how must suffer. I you Did your loved one become ill f" “Worse than that." * * f r * “IT*, her father failed.” Obu r.tMU IKS. Y<totern Man—“You ‘old Pluladelphifttis family’ pride, bnxv; a gootl deal of 1 sec.” Philailclphiiui- ‘'Some* of »« certainly have at. cub torn who were Amcricaus ce» turst* ago.” Man—“Well, I lived hte Wests ru years where there art) more old families to the acre than Phiirdelphia ever dreamed of; and more than that, their at teutons were Americana oeataxiea be¬ fore yoa** landed,” .Philadelphian—‘‘Where in tha world is that?” T _«._ ,,, AcateruMaa , w „ In I .. he Indiaa lom i i _ ___ _ i MiMfi—Qa ocoouat o# sewend recent «***« ot death lit Hngittod among ehfl ‘taen who hod be«u led on wheaten bftcult, ttcdinal a Journal physician that states nfahts ta tbo British under six eight months should to fed with nolliing whatever bat milk.