The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 26, 1885, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL* t. i. ri.r.ri r.i.n iidimi-. THntontv, niKCH ?ti i;. A 1 ?.i tier intended for publication in these column*, of any lenyth, in or i '- in insure insert ion, should be hander! n mil later than Mott fay. Jtrief communication* i ijxin all xuh le ts 100 l iny lo the advancement, of the interred of our county and section, in or off if, or otherwise, u< diet led, AH communications mud he accotn ponied by a responsible signature for reference. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYNE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF APPLING COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CHARLTON COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF PIERCE COUNTY. WASHINGTON LETTER. Froth of r r< "ii|.ir < orn ) Washington, March 21, 18Hf. If actions Hpcak louder than words Ilian Mr. Cleveland is telling the office HOtkirs in quite muliblo tones • o go home and wait for t.h( ir coun try to call them to public station, rather Ilian to iiisi:-l oil seeking hon ors for themselves or their cronies Thus far the j>n smiro of influence se< ms to have failed to dictate a sin gle i ll >)><>i taut office. The President ik evidently callous to entreaty from interested parlies, and such urgency is apt to do more liana Ilian good, lie very (irmly di believes in the f< tidal system in poli'ics, and reaen's slate making by delegation as an in It ngement on the functions of tint executive. It is probable (bat wo shall hear no more of motilities by es ngroieioiiftl state a- legations to ii' itc i.antes for recommend it ion. That scenic lias been tried prottv fhoronglily, and must lie put down us a failure. It is amusing to observe tlm ef forts of Democratic Senators to avoid office seekers nt the Capitol. Every looming at nil early hour the nppii cants fur si ii flm nee to aid tla in in getting appointments begin to collect ill tlm Senate ehaiuli. Hy II o’clock generally all ti e seals in rear of the chamber nro occup and and lhe aisles am thronged wi li noxious w i'chcrs. Numerous ipien tions are put to the pagos in re ud to Senator So and So, as to w on ho usually comes, by which door ho enters, etc. It is noticeable of late that the Democratic Senators, with few exception*, do not show up until nftoi the senate has been (ailed to x lder. At live iniimtes to twelve dim Chtistiu makes tlioc rcnil of tlm chamber, warning all, ii his deep bass voice, who aro not entitled to Ihe 1! oor lo get out. As llm crowds tile out the men east anxious glances biwk over their shiuil leiK. app irout ]y si ill hoping to catch ii . it of the Senator upon win in their hopes of j office rest. Hut the Senutois, thanks 1o the rules; are protected from their linngiy cjnstitutueuta after the fall of (lie gavel calling tho body to order. Department lioikoh are not alieltcr ul by the civil service rnlof, mu I it hai' been decided that th v imr < >. Secretary Lamar ami Attorney <i. ,i --wnl Garland lmve both and s.u- I w tli t*io homes mid oarriiu-v )' ’• vidod by the Government. I > i o veatigating llio Pivuid nt h dl. s <-01. Lauiont also concluded ..n tlu re were more lioims kept t <t. f •! the office nr of the White House than will be i e d< I during i lui r- iiu r, and ban Licit ro giw .1 id. s that all but th iv shall be In: c.l 1 1 •lie qu ir.tnu tst ■' s di" lie' , while thuV belling. 'i 11 .e \\ t e or dually hi von office horse-. During Mr. Ar bur’s adm pstn tioli the Whito House \va- \vt 1 Ii . I, a*- in addition to the seven h—. s 10- fei red to. lie kept till li >rsi s at is ' wn exjn use, among them four 1 . ; Ivivh, which wore oft i) driven f nr in hand. Ttu m> Mr. Arllmr hit f r Hi Use of l’lesid :H t'levr'iui 1 as 1 ng iih he might and. sire, I’res.d' t eveland intends ke-ping but !a .1 rar:ja,;e hois s for his own priv-.o u i, at du i hli r!y | urrii iso a s rdde but until then will e n. ( - lie lo U r those placed at his and * ill by Mr. Arthur. The ex President is ri'ceivi' g a constant round of at nl’.uis dub 1 ..- stay at Seen ‘ary Fr< liny 1 - house. Mr. Arthur has duioil ' 1 Senator and Mis. Kugene Hale, n t Mr. and Mrs 1). 1* Morgan, with . o Miuisier and Madame !'.• F rave, aid with Chief Justice aud Mm. \V:, to. tln ti formal reception of Pres id. nt t .1 vyi.uid last evoiiug w s a ii ~il.l 01 I successful affair ill Ivi v v.ay. Ai no time in the histt ry of iiu Exie ’. vc mansion has it pn s. n ted anr t attract:vo appearance with its brigiitiv illumiua td nml dower docked parlors, and handsomely dre-sed hgiou of ladies who moves! a oat among the palms and ll >ral exotics that adorned the e :ri lors nod ix y nook and conitr of the p <rlors It ivuS rather interesting to see ex l'rOsident Aixiiur 1 a-sing in with the other gu< st> to do lmm ige to the offi “e wiiieh he held only a fi w weeks ago. President Clevehuid as soon as he saw him, stepped forward and grex ted him heumly and M;>- Clevo laud was 110 leas warm ami cordial in her manners towards her brother’s pi ed- CcSSOr. It is wh sp- r .1 th-’.: Mrs. Manning will be the social leader iu the Cabi net circle for several seas 'Us. Mrs. Bayard is too lunch out f health t bear the f itigtus and responsibilities and inns* 1* oft.-i i> •H -ti, id bv ! r daughter, alts Mini g: a woman of t ciua:. ; p:■ ii" •v.ho j a-s -es plenty of tact, a ren Iv memor, id faces and n on s. and is socia'ly in clined. Indeed, lam told tint her ambition, ri.tliei thin h r linshnnd's, i h and him to give up his business in klbany f r tlie Cabinet posi ion. Sound Sense. President Cleveland, in his ever lopicip 1 nguage, thus discourses upon national affair : 'J lie genius of our institutions, the i ceils of our people in the home life, and iho at? on lion which is demanded for the sell lament and development of tho 11 soloes of our vast territory, I’ictate the siiupuh ns avoidance of any <]• parturo from that foreign pol icy eominembd by tho history, the traditions and the prosperity of our lepuhiie. It is the policy of hide pendf 1 ' ce favored by i ur position and defended by our known love (f jus tice and by our own power. It is the policy of peace suitable to our interest. It is the po'icy of neutr.l ity, rejecting any share in foreign broils and ambitiniiH upon other e >n t.inents and repelling their intrusion here. It is the policy of Washington Monroe and Jeffo'Boii: “Peace, cam mirce honest friendship with nil nations entangling a bailees with none.” A due regard for tho interests and prosperity of all the people demands that our finances shall lie establish' <1 upon such sound and sensible Inis , us secure the safety aid conn deuce of business interests a id ma..c the wages if labor sure and steady, in <1 that our system of tevo lino shall he so adjusted as to ;e --lieve the people from unneccessi y taxation, having a duo regard to bie interests of capital invested and workingmen nnployed by Amcican industries, and pr v n iug the atcum -1 ill ion of a surplus in the treasury to tempt extravagance and waste. f— -•-*- The VftHHiir r.’i'ls rclclnaU fl iiiftiij'iiiiition day in fino stylo, in* hid itiff and Hun;', at tho l{oj)id>li m i (lamsdl w t \|m n c*. Amoutf tin ir rdruiiiH was tlm led owing: For yenrn Iwoi ly-four you Lave lived nt journm, You’ve Mtnje l lit 11> White 1u imtl done wlint yon pit i'll, And longer j our May would nmly b.ivo been If not with n Jimmy you’d Iriod lo k it In. - -♦ ♦ It is said a coiiSpiiney lias been discovered in Washington to defeat all (Jlevelaml’s appointments which will cost a Republican a place. Mexican Female Remedy- Tnn Moht Ekkectivk Astiuxuent and pain alleviator in tlio world. —Is especially designed for that class of Female disensi-s, only km-wn to and appreciated by ladies, including all weaknesses, inllainations, ulcoiations, and splaceiiieiits, illi gulantes, ear, and diffeis from all other female inodi ciues, in that it is to be applied di rectly to the parts affected, which it cures at once. ——.— —- rurrd Tlilr<l diijr ( IiIIIh l Twelve Snlh NlAlldlllK. Wn Imve a o hikl that had boon having Tulrd-Day Chilli and Fever for twelve months, and doctors or patent medicines could not core her, 1 {iim'lißaed a holtle of (Jhilhirino which hiut ourod bur sound and well. .1. M. Moiuian. lota, Urioiea 00. Tex. For silo iu Jenup by Dr. Urawdy. (1. c. C The Hut Springs Itemed). The originator of Ibis intdieino was for years a prnotioal chemist nod druggist in iheoityof Hot Springs, Ark., anil after thousands of experiments, which ueoessi tuled the exp mlltura of a fortuno, lie at lust discovered tbo method of ixlraoting tbo very *Xpliutesarnea” of tbo disease ex torn mating and bealnn. properties of those waters, which is now brought to the' very door of every inhabitant ol the Globe. in Iho form of il. C the Hot Spriugs Item edy. lto not deceived nor mistaken. The celebrated Hot Springs Waters nro notnnl ly used in the prepsrntion of <l. 0. 0., the proprietors having completed arrangements for nit ttiey used. For solo in Jisnp by Dr. Drawily. Given Away For One Year- W® wwut 200,000 kulc rib ora bofore April Ist, 18S*, to our * Illustrate*! juMum nun, I'itvc FiuKhiuK Maoaeihf. loonier to j t l llu* above number of Hubst'ribflrs we tmiNt pive ntv.iy Nubaeriptiona tti* first yrnr, aml tli 0 *f*con*l year \v® will iuaho up tbo lu**# as moat of thrm will Knbscribo iu;:nii !•\ iour regular prioo a yoar. Or.lrr t i youiaelf .iml friondH ami you will never regret it. Send 12 two cent postage stauif s ucd yon will bur#* to it id every wtek for a whole year. If you Mccrpt the nlo'e i>fT r, wo * xoeot you w ill I* knot to distri ute atuong your frier.ds, h few small bo<*kH our i he:iiftOiuenl* au 1 one hnudred aud sixty st\eii of the best household receipts, fvn* wbicU wo will n .ike you a prtseut of a I it: Ist mo Mum. sixe 12*li luebee, ci a It au ifui plush coy 6red photograph ulbum. Sts to how many books you can nw**y lir us, and wo will send tbo aud present prepaid, tteuieuiber you will ro cinvo the priscut be lore you distribute any books, ns we always pay iu advance, and if the presul is not euhrelv satisfactory yon cn return it at our expense. Address. k lUt>Il)E M VGA/INE, lluuie, N. Y. LaGiuwo*, GA. Du. j. Iln.uiriKLD, —Dear Sir- I take pteaauie ui staling that 1 hate used, tor the last tweuly yeirs t the medioine nh.t you are uow putting up, kuowu ns l>r. Brndliold's Feuiale Regulator, audcaiisiit r it the best combination ever tokjetti er for the di eases f<ir which it is recom mended. With kindest regards 1 u’li Yours very reaped fully, W. B, FEUKKLL, M. 1). Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free. Puuuuklu liKov laTvb Cos , Box JS, Atlanta, Ga. i Tliiinrv idx cents for p^st ft Hll / H * and receive free, r II 1 llaiUt costly box of goods w Lie h will help all, of eitl r \. to more money :. u m y than ax y t Lit * *• ebe in this world, iviiuiits .w .nt the workers absolutely snr. At cucerduresi Tu\&± Cos, .Augusta, Maiae B. ! . • 31U, Dealer ill ®> vote vi e Ales, fines, Liquors AND CIGARS. Purt! "Wlii.^koy. Our Whifkif> roof the best brawls, <li-tilled from I've and Harley Malt by (he old faxliioned lire copp r priccss. entirely free from lusil oil or any oilier matter injurious to health. It Is manufactured with great care so ns to preserve the quality, taste and flavor so highly appreciated hy all lovers if a good stimulant. It is recommended by the Medical Faculty for the use of invalids. War ranted to give satisfaction. PRICK LIST. Rtncd Kye Whiskey 82 75 Old Honrhon 2 50 Hard lo Heat Wlibkov 2 75 Hcthcl'f* Hi mi Whinkry I 50 Furc Coin Whiskey .. #2 00 to 2 50 (jin I 25 lo 3 00 I; uIII 2 00 lo 3 00 Fine *‘la\vha Wine .*. I 25 to 1 50 I'art; Fort Wine I 25 to 2 50 Faro Sbciry Wine.... I 25 lo 2 50 D. GRIMM, Cor. Randolph & Wheaton Sts., SAVANNAH, GA. II I Oin Ml lv mew Home ko’B!' l9 - * P^Jticßrn 6 No eq^ 1 — ■ NEWHOhr^CHMEG J 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK O V\\C Atf 0 Nffr, ILL- O MASS. ON 7 TOR SALE BY A Single Fact IS WORTH A SHIPLOAD Of Argument. Cautkusville, Ga. This w*ll certify that two members of my iron edintf family, have m:titled for many years from menstrual ii re^uhirily. and have been treated without b uttil by various medical doctors, wi re at Irngih j completely cured py one l ofle of D . I. Bradfit ld s Female Regulator. Its # fleet oil such cisos is woudeilul, mid well may the nm dy be cHed ••Womans Best Friend ” Youia respectfully, JA\.FS W. STRANGE. EMiKE AND ABBol.l’ IF. SFCCESS. M j -lohu (\ W’hituei, of A J.ixta. well and favorably known nil over ti e United > tes as Gem and Iu c urauce Agent, s.iys: *T us* il this remedy b fore ibe war on a I . * plautniiouin a numbti of cases .. s w uh absoluie success.” Dr. J. Dav’s, of Militown, Ala., writes: * it \u u*ed 1' roJ li • Id’s exteus ivt'y u my practice with tutire success. If ii is not a spec fic, it is in my opinion, the be st known remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended.*’ A lady of Bouhrm Texas, wriiee: “1 \ we been using your Female Regulator for vt al weeks ami with great bemlit. My imv ;s of lv'ng standing, and has buff .id n iuy pl ys cians. I have tried every ti ed cine I could be. rrf put the Regula tor ; the only cue that has ever releivod my distressing sufferings.” rrci-ifi?-. on the Health and II ppi; tss \Vcn2txi u aiitvl free. Tux B&apfikuv Rr Tri.ATiR t’o , Box 2>. Atlanta, Ga. THIS PAPER il'r’™. St WSJ V Advtrl!'*.: 1* ■ .*U 1* ‘-.'n , o '•.tWYORK. t> pr i ng. C: eatl % s pri Is at hand and as B. H.LEVY and Bro. are nor on'y “up with tne times, ’ but also with the Seasons, they are happy to announce their Grand spring Opening MWW&t 6‘ a Rules for self measurement sent by mail on application We guarantee fits and satisfaction in all cases. EXTRA BARGAINS! We aie now offering remarkably low prices to close out tho rema nder of our Winter stock o' Clothing Overcoats & o'c. Our goods are the Cm st our prices can’t bo discounted. P> e Me I|lY¥ ami BE®. 189, 191, 193, Congress St., Savannah, Ga. GOIiLAI' bhos„ 149 BROUGHTON STREET. 149. onk mice ! sTiiicri.v o.V'it! oun stock was specially made to OltDElt FOH US ! Having just < pcueil, every article is ns fresh an fresh cau be. Desiring to deserve the patronugu of the public, wo kt-cp only such standard makes as can he found in u first class Northern house. And as wo have determined to tell at New York prices, we have adopted thiir rule, namely : We shall sell at THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! AND STRICTLY FOR CASH ! Every article is marked in Plain Figures, hence a guarantee for honest dealing. PI .EASE BEAU IN MIND, Our stool; if L idies’. Cl ildren’s and Gents' Shoes wore selectid with the grrnti st .s ar and our vrriety and sty h s are as oomph teas long husim ss ex ero Ice and sound judg ment can make it. In addition tberoto we carry a complete line of Trunks, Valises, Club and Tourist Bags! Our ftHflortmfnt of Gentt** Hr* is (be chi iccf-t nrd w bhirM in tlic city, nnrl Our Prices ftro tho Lowest. Give ns afl inl. pi and we are Hound to please. Bear in mind, we ore not old fogies! Wo me ent^l ll iin atn, md mtun l ufiiicns. CtTSpecial attention paid to C. U. i). orders. wmm BROS, PALMER BROTHERS, " ‘ Wholesale ami Ut tail Dealeia in Rubber 'Belting, H rdw. re, Agricultural Implements, Fairbanks’ Scales 148 t 150 Coui;ri'H6 ami 14!) a 151 St. Juliur ’Uriel*, nov2o.m SA\ AASAII, GKOIIGIA. krMA HKKT-SQUAIiK IIOUSK.-®® REMTxIM A, OOETRE f [H-ucccsscrs to Vulrntine Basler,l Dealers in Brandies, Whiskies, Laser Beer, Ale, and all other Liqnors. -tS'i.--'-'- • — Jr4 ** TilE W'KLL KNOWN TEK-PXH ittll, At tin* Old Stand, No. 17 l Bryan Street, opposite the Mi .Ket, SAVANNAH CA. Our Foreign L'quors fire all ol our own luiport.uion junt-2-12ui ANDREW HANLEY Paint and Oil Store! Btnler in Uaiiroad, Straruloat auJ Mi'l Supp Sea. FUUK WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLORS. GLASS, DITTY, VAR NISHES, BRUSHES, ETC., 'A^. I.ockß, Sash-l Cord. Hings, Screw- i.imo, Pi after, Hair and Ccraon*. : Corner of Whitaker and President Sts-. Savannah, Ga. KtTHM\:ES CHS.FJtFUJuI.V ICKNIBUKD i East Tennessee, Virginia and i Georgia Railroad- GEORGIA DIVISION. CT3 ITiL'W SEDS!T ILHniB. | CHAITANOOGA TO ATLANTA, \ HOME TO ATLANTA, ATLANTA TO MACON AND — THE SHORTEST OF ALL ROUTES CHATTANOOGA AND THE WEST TO FLOIiIDA AND THE SOUTHEAST. The only iiue running passenger coaches between Chattanooga and Jacksonville without change and without extra fares. Condensed Local Passenger Schedule (on basis Louisville time, by which all trains are run.) In effect March 16th, 1884. SOUTHWAIiD. stations. i Irani Irani No. 53 No. 51. Leave Cleveland \ Leave Chattanooga I B:2oam 7:3opm “ Ooltewah | B:s3am B:l2pm “ Cobntta j 0:25 am B:sopm Arrive Dalton ! o:ssam 3:2opm Leave “ 9:55 am 9:20 pm Arrive East Rome 11:17 am U :00 pm “ Lome ’.l:2sam IlTSpm Leave East Rome 11:25 am 11:15pm “ llockmart 12:19 pm 12:18 am “ Dallas 1:00 pm 1:11pm Arrive Atlanta 2:25 pm 2:50 am Leave “ 3:15 pm 4:00 am “ McDonough 4:lopm s:3oam “ Jackson .. . 5:23pn 6:lonm “ IndinuSprings .. 5:36pn 6:23nm Arrive Macon 7:2opm 8 OOnm Leave “ 7:55 pm B:4oam “ Cochran 9:43pm 10:45am “ Eastman 10:37 pm 1 :00pm Arrive Jesup 3:3oam s:oopm Leave “ 4:( 0 run Sterling 6:00 am Arrive Brtnsw ck 6:45am NORTHWARD. stations. Train Train No ".I No 52 Leave BBcmwicx. .... 8: 1 opm “ Sterling B:4opm Arrivo Jesup 10:30pm Leave ■* 11:30pm 6:55am “ Eastman 4:lflam 12:20pm “ Cochran 5:45 am 1:20 pm Arrive Macon 7:ooam 7:3oam Leave “ 7:3onn 4:95 fm “ Indian Springs.. 9:07 an, 6:40 pm “ Jackson 9:2oam 7:00 pin “ McDonough.... 10/iOam 7:T> m Arrivo Atlanta ll:30pm 9:'spm Leavo “ 12:05pn 2:30 am “ Dallas L'37pm 4:35 am “ Rockmart 2:35 pm 4:31 am Airive East Rome ; 3:35pn 7:ooim Leave Romo I 1:43(111 8:35 am Arrive Dalton ! s:l3pm 11: * nui Leave Dalton “ Cohutta 5:47pm 12:2 Ipm “ Ooltewah 6:2opm I:4opm Arrive Chattanooga. .. 7:t’opni 2:4(1 rm “ Cleveland 8:00pm l:10pn Connections- Trains Nos. 53 and ! t con nect nl Chatisnooga with Memphi i and Charleston Division. E TV&. G l It. Trains Nos. 51 and 52 connect nt Cohutta and Cleveland with Main line East Tenn. Vn ,t Ga. R, R, and connect at Rome with Alabama Division E T V G 1! R. Trains, Nos. 51, 52, 53 ami 54 connect nt Atlanta amt Macon with all diverging ronds and connect at Jesup with S F & W Ry (or Floiidn. All trains run doily. Trains to and from Ilankinsville connect at Cochran. J. E. MALLORY, Superintendent Divi-iou Macon. I lIEO. L>. KUNE. Superintendent Atlanta Division, Atlanta •l.f GRIFFIN, A. G. I*. A. Atlanta. A. TOPE, General Passenger Agent. HI Dupont’s Powder, How Lost, How Restored! Ju-t pnlilishwl, n new edition of Dr. CUL\ ERWELL’S Celebrated Essay on tin radical cure, of Sp< rma | torrl.oei or sominal weakness. Invol nntary Seiniunl L sshs, Impotency, Menial and Physical Incapacity, Ini pediments to Marriage, etc,; also. Consumption, Eplipsey and Fits, in duced by seif-indulgence, or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebiated author, in Ibis admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ successful pract ice, Hint the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cerain, ami effectual, by means t f which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any address, ou receipt of 4 cents, or two postage stamps. Address THE CCLVEItWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Anu St., Neiv York, Postotlice Box. 4:,0 THAT HACKING COUGH cm bo so qn'cii ly enr.-d by Suiloh's Cure We guarantee it. )) IL_, YOU Si 1 FEli with dyspepsia and hirer Coinplaiai? Shiloh’s Totalizer is gnaraateeil to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGH IS, made triserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Caro is iho remedy for you. CATARKH CUBED, bealtb aud sweet breath secured by SbilohN Catarrh remedy Puce ~0 cents. N.isal Injector free. For lante Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Price 25 cents. StliLOH’S COUGH aud Consumption Cine is sold by us ou a guarantee. It cures consumption. SHiI.OII -s V ITALIZEB is what yc-u need for Constipation, Loss of Appeti.e, Dizzi ness and a'l sjnip.oms o. Dyspepsia. Price 111 and 75 cents per bottle. I I.OUP, 11 HOOPING COIG H and B nn cLi. simmediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure EDEIRTi HOUSE OrrOSITE -'ASSEXGER DEPOT, MACON, GEORGIA. E.E. BROWN, & ’SON, Proprietors Rats Two Dollyp.' Fee T>a7 ! Savannah Florida & Western Kailway. [ All trai is of th s road are run bv Cen tral (90) Meridian time, which it 36 min utes slower tLan Savannah lime.l Supekintenijent's Oeeioe, > Savannah, March 22, 1885. f ON and after Sunday, Mar. 22, 1885, Pas senger Trains on this road will run as follows: ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS. L'ave Savannah daily at 6 42 tm Arrive at Savannah ~ 8 16 pm Anive at Jesup „ 8 46 am Arrive at Woycross ~ 10 10 am Arrive at Callahan „ 12 18 pm Arrive at Jacksonville „ 100 p m Stops at all regular stations between Savannah and Jacksonville. EAST MAIL. Leave Savannah daily at 701 a m Arrive at Savannah „ 8 25 pm Arrive at Jesup ~ 8 48 am Arrive at Way cross „ 9 50 a m Anive at Callahan ~ 11 29 a m Arrive at Jacksonville „ 12 00 m Arrive at Dupont ~ 11 21 a m Arrive at Valdosta 12 10 p m Arrive at Quitman „ 12 40 p m Arrive at Thomasville „ 180 pm Arrive at Bainbridge ~ 3 30 pm Arrive at Chattahoochee „ 3 50 p m Stops only nt stations named above and nt all stntions between Thomasville and Chattahoochee. Passengers for Brunswick take this train arriving at Brunswick (via B. <k W. Ky.) nt 1 13 p.m. Passengers for Fernandtna, Waldo, | Ocala, Leesburg, Gainesville, Ceder Key and all stations on Florida Railway and Navigation Company take this train. Closo connection ut Jacksonville dAily for Green Cove Springs, St. Augustine, I’iilutkn, Enterprise, Suuford and all land ings on St. John’s river. Passengers for Pensacola, Mobile, New Oi leans, Texas, and trans-Mississippi points take this train, arriving at Pensa cola lo 05 p m.. Mobile at 2 40 a. in.. New Orleans nt 7 45 a. m. Pullman Buffett, and Sleeping Cars, Waycrost to New Orleans. CHAKLESTON EXPRESS. Reave Savannah daily at 130 pm Arrivo at Savannah ~ 124 p m Arrive at Jesup „ 3 30 p m Arrive nt Wnyeross „ 500 pm Airive at Callahan „ 715 pm Arrive at Jacksonville „ 8 00 p m Stops at all regular stations between Savannah and Jacksonville. Pullman Parlor Savannah to Jack sonville. Passengers for Bimiswick take this train nriiving at Brunswick (via B. & W. Ky.) at 8 21 p. in, JESUP EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 415 p m Airivo at Savannah ~ 845 a m Arrive at Jesup ~ 7 00 pm Stops at all regular and flag stations between Savannah and Jesup. alrany express. Leave Savannah daily at 720 p m Arrive at Savannah „ 6 05 a m Arrive at Jesop „ 10 20 p m Arrive at Waycross „ 12 15 am Airive at Callahan ~ 6 05 a in Arrive at Jacksonville „ 700 am Arrive at Dnpont ~ 2 30 am Arrive nt Live Oak „ 5 10 am Anive at Gainesville ~ 8 10am Arrive at Valdosta „ 4 25 a m Arrive nt Quitman ~ 520 a m Arrive at Thomasville ~ 6 45 am Airive at Albany ~ 10 30 a ni Pullman I’aluce Sleeping Cars S .vanuati lo Gainsville. Pu In,an buffet and sleeping cars Snvt D nan to Jacksonville. Passengers for Bruuswick via Jesup lake this tiain, arriving nt Bruuswick at 6 05 a in. Passengers for Fernandina, Gainsville, Ceder Key, Ocala, Wildwood, Leesburg, md n'l stations on Florida Railway :nd Navigation Company and Florida Southern Railway take this train. Passengers for Madison, Monticello, Tallahassee and all Middle Florida points take this train. Couneciion at Jacksonville daily with Peop'e’s L.tie Steamers and Railroads for St. Augustine and alt points on St. John’s river. Through tickets sold and sleeping car berth accommodations secured at Bren’s 1 cket Office, No, 22 Bull street, and at tho Company’s Depot, foot of Liberty street. JAS. L. TAYLOR. General Passenger Agent. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. fJP, STRONG'S PILLS) Tho Old, Well Tried, Wonderful Health Renewing Remedies. STROP'S SANATIVE PILLS Mall'S i ; r l.oni'tltiint. Kegulutinß the Bowels, Purifying thf Wood, Cleansing from Malarial Taint, A |>*r fc l t Hire for Sick SI rmlache, Con*C I potion 1111 'J ik li Union* IHaonldt a. STRONG'S PECTORAL FILLS Kheufuittlam. Insure healthy nppetite.ffood , •'. uiarity if the bowels. A pt-eclua boB jt-UctUe female*, soothine and bracing tho rv oils s>.stem, i.nd givinc vigor and health to every ’i'u •! of toe body. Sold hy Druggists. For ’(c.. eddrossC F. HullA lB Cedar St.,N.Y-C/it/ Caveats, He issues and Trade-Marks se* i.ed, and all other patent causes in tbfi 1 atent Olßce and before the Courts promt ly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful examination, and adviso as to patentability Free of Charge. Fees Moderate, and I make no charge unless Patent is secured. Information, advice and special references sent on application. J. B. LITTELL, WsahiagtoD, D.O NTA2 C. S. PATENT OFFICE. W Qniciand Easy CiiM-Birtli^l B 9 Thousands of women over the laud testi- ff : ■ fy to tlm wonderful effect* of this great rem- H ■ ecy: it will not only shorten labor and lessen H g 9 thu intensity of pain and suffering beyond B ■ expression.'but better than all, it thereby H B greatly diminishes the danger to life of both B ■ mother and child. This great boon to snf- B |s fering woman is /Wnw' Liniment, or I Eg J Wter'g Friend. Prepared and sold by J. B H Ebadfiei.d, Atlanta. < J>y^iu For S;.le in Jcsup by McRAE & CO, PATENTS ITTVN k CO., of the Sctznttvic Amtricax, eofi tlnue to act as S- licUors for Patents, Caveat*, Tr*4 Mark*, Copyrights, for the United State*, Canady France, Germany, etc. Hand Book a tow Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years’experience Patents obtained through MUNIf A CO. are noticei In the Scientific Ameuicak. the largest. best, a&4 E.'-st vr:delv circulated scientific paper. (3.20 a year Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting ilk formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer ican free Address MI NN ACO SmNTiJlf AkakucjlN' • 2oe. at 1 Broadway, Ne* Yotk. a