The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, April 02, 1885, Image 3

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THE JESUP SENTINEL. mrnsis iY. April 2, issr.. Special A otices . CIIUIIIH DIHF.CTOKY. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. C. H. Branch, Pastor—Preach ing Second Sabbath in each month, Moru and Night. Frayer meeting every Wednes day night, at 8 o’clock. Sunday School at 3 p. m. every Sunday, BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. E. Price, Pastor—Preaching first S mday and Saturday night before, also third Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 71 p. m. Sabbath School at 3p. m. I each Sunday afternoon. Prayer meeting It Bp. m. every Thursday. Monthly Conference Thursday night before first Sunday. MASONIC I.OUGKM. JESUP LODGE. Jesup Lodge, No, 112, F, A. A. M., meets regular the third Saturday in each month at 2:30 o’olock p. M. W. H. Whale*, W. M. W. W Wish, See. Zocal Mailers. Pic-nics will soon be the order of tbe day. The Altamaba Holol is receiving a new coat of paint which greatly adds to its appearance. The Bi'z of the soda fountain is now heard. It is only dangerous whan she is thiio y and he is strapped. Quite a number of young people nssembled at the. social hop given at the Jesup House last Thursday even ing. Everything passed off pleas antly indeed, and every one was highly pleased. We have not yet decided whether we will go to Saratoga, Manhattan beach,Chautaqua Lake, Coney Island or Long Branch this summer, but in eitaer event wo will leave the Senti nel in competent hands before we leave. The authorities of the Central Rail real at Macon aro expecting tho ar rival of the Wadley monument on or about May Ist. It will be erected at their intersection of Mulberry and Third streets, and will be a worthy tribute to the memory of the lute President. The young man that made arrange meets to have talk with 11 young lady last Sunday night, was very badly “'put out” when he saw her swinging to another fellow's arm going to church. He has vowed by all that’s good and bad that she will never have the pleasure of “going l ack” on him again River Improvements. iOnpinin John 11. VVesterfielil, of tho stiamer Toocon, was in to see us Wednesday. The Captain is now at. work between Darien and Doctortowit and we feel satisfied that the money put in his hands to be used on our river will be placed where it will do the most good to the people interest ed on the Altamaha. The timber men were delighted with the work accomplished by the Captain and his boat a year ago, and they hail with delight his return to duty amohgst them. —Darien Gazette. Recovered $7,000 Damages. The suit of Mrs. Susan A. Folks ngainst the Savauuah, Florida and Western Itailway for damages, which wrs tried last week in the Superior Court of Pierce couuty, at Blackshear, resulted in a verdict of $7,000 for the plaintiff. Mrs. Folks’ husbaud Cbaunc-y M Folks, was engineer of a passenger train of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, and was killed in a collision at the 73 mile turnout on Feb. 19, 1884. Missrs. Lester & Rnvenel. of Savan nah, and J. C. McDonald, Esq, of Woycross, represented the plaintiff, nnd Messrs Chisholm & Erwin the Company. C. C. C. readily cures chronic sores, scrofulous ulcers, discharging wounds bruises, scalds, blotches, bums, pim ples and all skin eruptions caused and fed by tainted or impure blood. Saved from Malaria —I l>'*vo used your mediciue in Malarious din tricts for many years, and it if the best medicine I have ever tried in my life. 1 am now over fifty vears old. Rev. B. B. Risenhoover. Troy, Tenn , May 31, 82. For sale by Dr. Drawdy, jesup, Ga. Mexican Female Remedy- The Most Effective Astringent aud paiu alleviator in the world.—ls especially designed for that class of Female diseases, only known to aud appreciated by ladies, including all weaknesses, inllamatious, ulcerations, displacements, irregularites, elc., an 1 differs from all other female medi cines, in Ibat it is to be applied di rectly to the parts affected, which it cures at once. Grand Jury Presentments- Tie the Gnurd Jurors, selected, chosen and swor 1 for the March term, 1885, of Wayne Superior Court, beg leave to present the follow ng gener al presentments: The committee to whom was as signed the duty of examining the books of the county offices, and the public buildings, submit the follow ing report:—We the committee ap pointed to examine the books of the county offices aud buildings, have discharged that du ! y, and find the books correctly and neatly kept, ex cept those of tho 334 District, and 1, 308 District which have not been submitted for our inspection. We also hud the Court House and jail in tolerable good condition; but we ivc ommend the building of a substan tial stockade around the Jail. Respectfully submitted. C. C. Grace, 1 W. H. Whaley, > Examining J. A. Rogers. ) Committee We recommend that the School Commissioners cease to visit public schools, thereby saving the per diem paid for such services. We recommend the commissioners of Roads and Revenues to take such steps as will secure at an early day the building of a bridge across the Little Satillaßiver at the place known as the Middleton bridge. We also recommend tho Commiss ioners’ of Roads and Revenues to join Pierce County in building a bridge, at or near the Chancy Ferry, on the Little Satilla River. We further recommend that D. C. Richardson bo appointed Notary Public in the 333rd District. G. M., and that Charles H. Lewis be appoint ed a Notary Public in the 1,308 th Dist. We further recommend our Representative in the Legislature to take such steps as wi 1 secure the passage of an act, increasing the license for selling spirtuous or intox icating liquors in Wayne County, from one thousand to five thousand dollars per annum. We further recommend that the County Commissioners’ place Joliu Rooks on the pauper list, and pay him five dollars per month. We further recommend the passage of an act by the Legislature levying a tax of one tenth of one per cent (one mill) to be applied for educa tional purposes. We recommend the pay of Jurors remain as now fixed at 81.50 per day. In regard to the condition of the public roads in the county we regret to say that in mauy localises we find them in bad condition, and greatly in need of work. In some portions of the county they are reported in fair condition. The incessant and heavy rains which have prevailed for some timo past has prevented any work from being done in most placos where they aro now in bad condition. We also append to our General Presentments tiro report of W. H. Roberson, County School Commiss ion-r. To the lion. E-reman, and member* of the. Grand Jury for hayne County, assembled in Jesup oil the I6IA of March, 1885. Gentlemen —There were 34 white public sc ho >ls, ands x colored taught in this couu y last year; of which there were 44ti white males, aud 389 female’s admitted into the public schools. There wore 99 colored males, and 117 female’s admitted, making an aggregate of 1,051. Oat of this grand total there was an aver age attendance of 757. I am glad to state that a majority of our people are b< c miing more in teres ted in the education of their children, yet I am sorry to state that there arc mauy who take but little interest in the matter. Wo have some proficient teachers now teach ing and our grade of teachers is on the advance. I herewith present you my books for examination, which will show the amount received, also the amount paid out. There is a balance of $234.90 in favor of the sch ol fund now on hand, $l3B 00 of Ihe amount is deposited in the safe of Mr. John Massey, the remainder of $90.90 is deposited in the safe of Messrs. Black and Miliikin. It ospectfully submitted. W. 11. Roberson, G. S. of W. C. In taking leave of his honor Judge Mershon we beg leave to tender him our thanks for the able charge given our body, and to Solicitor General Carter for courtesies extended us, we are, James W. Harper, foreman. James M. Stewart, John W. Manning, William H. Whaley, It. B. butterlob, Samuel Nicliolls. Samuel B. Kelle.y Henry R. Dennett, Francis M. Mosley, William G. Harris, Geo. W. Poppell, John N. Goodbred, Geo W. Willis, Chris C. Grace, George N. Hendry, Aaron Moody, John D. Oxneer, William D. Middleton. James A. Rogers, Joseph It. Rogers. Arthur B. Kelley, Wilson Poppell, Joan W. Hatcher. 0. C- C —The Hot Springs Remedy. Tho orii'i nut or of this medicine was for years a practical chemist aud druggist in the city of Hot Springs, Ark., and after thousands of experiments, which necessi tated the expambturo of ft fortune, he at last discovered the method of extracting the very ‘‘quintessence”of the disease ex terminating and healing properties of these waters, which is now brought to the djo' of every inhabitant of the Globe, in the for:., oft! C. C., the Hot Springs Rem edy. Re not ilec ived nor mistaken. Tho oelobrated Hot Springs Waters are actual ly used in the preparation of O. C. C., the ! proprietors Laving completed arrangements for all they aej-i. Zeya l Aotices. - Attention Architects’. Sealed bills wilt be received Tor the build mg of a brick Court liouse in tho town of Baxley, Appling County Ga., until 12 o’clock m. Monday the (!;h day of April, next. Walling of the first story to belli inches thick, for second twelve Inches. Speoifi rations of said building being on file in tbe clerks office; may be seeu ou application to the clerk. Contractors will be required to give hind in double the amouut of the bid, if accepted. Bidders are also required to furnish with their bids, tho names of lhe security they will give, should their bids be accepted. If farther information is desired, ad dress either of tho committee, G J HOLTON, LEMUEL JOHNSON, E. D. GKAHAM. Building Committee. I’eb’y IG, 1883. She’-iff Sale. GEORGIA — Wayne County, Will be so’d on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court House in said oounty, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: Lot of land number three hundred and thirty-two in the third district. Originally Appling, now Wayne Cos. Ga., containing four hundred and ninety acres, more or less. Said land levied on as the property of S. A. Sponce to satisfy an execution issued from tho County Court of Appling County, in favor of If. R. Overstreet adiur., of tho estate of John Overstreet, deoeased, against said S. A. Spence, and Joshua Spenoe as prino ipalp, and George Eason security. De fendant given notice of the levy and lime, aud place of sale. Tnis Feb’y. 23, 18S5. HIRAM BENNETT, Sheriff Wayne Cos. Ga. NOTICE. Application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of Charlton County Georgia, at the first regular term after expiration of four weeks from this notice, fur leave to sell two lots of wild land, Nos. 10 & 18 in the first District belonging to tho estato of John K. Baohlott, late of said county de ceased, ior the bonefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. March 2, 1885. J. liAWLS, Admr. The Board of Education of Wayne comity will meet on (lie first Tuesday in April next, for tho purpose of ex amining applicants, subject for teach ers of tho public school. W. 11. Roberson, Cos. S. C. of W. C. Traders Hill, Ga.. Feb. 10, 85- As heretofore tho legal advertising arising from the Ordinary’s Office, of Charlton county, will be done in the Jesup Sentinel. W. O. GIBSON Ordinary, G. C. CENTENNIAL YEAR. THE AUGUSTA ’ CHRONICLE. One Hundred Years Old. —:o: Tns Augusta Chronicle was establish ed in 17-n. hu* is still young, vigorous and progressive, and fully up to nil tbs require ments of a first class newspaper. Demo cratic in politics, honest nnd the advocacy of all good measurss—tho organ of no ring or clique, it has no friends to reward, or enomies to publish. The pur pose of the Cuuonigle is to advance the general good and support such measures as will insure to the moral, sooial, oduoalion al aud material advancement of th Stale a'd Country. Tho columns of tho Chronicle are free from tho taint of sensationalism nnd the depravity engendered by immoral publica tions. Our telegraphic nows service is full and complete. The Chronicle contains an average of nine thousand words per day from the New York Associated Press. The service is supplemented by specials from our able and talented correspondents at Atlan a and Columbia, who are indela iga ble in their lab rs to give our rendors the latest >*>ws and tho most interesting loi ters. Our accomplished nnd brilliant associate, Mr. James It. Randall, of the editorial staff, sends our readers his graphic and in ostering letters from Washington during the session of Congress. The Chbonioi.e publishes the full Tele graphic service of the New York Associated Press. TERMS: Morning Edition, (i mos $ 5 00 “ 1 year 10 00 Evening Edition, (i mos 3 00 “ 1 year. C 00 Sunday Chronicle, 1 year 3 00 The evening Chronicle is the largest and cheapest Daily Paper in the .South os it publishes all the telegraphic news, and all Ihe news of the morning papier, aud is sent to subscribers at $0 per year. The Weekly is now a ten page paper, hut in April it will be enlarged to 12 pages—B4 oolumns. It is filled with im portant nows. The Sunday Chronicle is a large eight page paper, and contains fifty-six columns of reading matter. Specimen copies sent fiee. Address CHRONICLE A CONSTITUTIONALIST. Patrick walsh. President, Augusta, Ga. KOll SALK VALUAIiLE TOWN LOTS Improved and unimproved, beautifully located for reuidoncc lots. For particulars address WILKINS <fc CO., 3oa Jemup, Ga, Wilson Snrvis. Wheelwright and Blacksmith jl wa&mi* Unlit ami K< paired. All work done in the bet possible man. uer know, aud promptly. luo a trial. Helwpfn (L’,tnr ami Piuui .xss’j? - • - Zeyat Polices. Legal Advertising. Thr net passed by tho General Assembly during its Into session, to regulate the rnie of legal advertising in this State, provides as follows: “For each one hundred words, 75 cents for each insertion for the first four insertions; for each subsequent insertion the sum of 35 cents per hundred words.” All fractional parts of a hundred words counts as one hundred words, and will bt charged for at the same rates. Each figure counts as one word. Payment in advance for all legal adver tisements required. Officers please count words and collect accordingly. Application for Administration. GEORGIA— Wayne County. To all whom it may concern. J. P. Strioklnnd has in due form applied lo the undersigned for permanent letteis of ad ministration on the (State of Thomas H. Hooker, late of said couniy, deceased, and I will pnsi upon said application ou the first Monday in May 1885. Given under my baud end official signa tare, 31st day of March 1885. R. B. Holes, Ordinary W. C. Application for Administration. GEOKGIA — Wayne County. To all whom it may c nceru. Imoindii Clary, hns in due form applied to the uu dersigued for permanent letters of admin istration ou the estate of of Willis (Jlary, lato of said county, deceased, and 1 will pass upon said applicat ou on the first monday in May, 1885. Givou under my hand and oilicial signa ture 31st day of March, 1885. It. 11. Horrs, Ordinary W. C. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wayne County. 15. W. Morgan lias applied for ex m pticn of personally and sotting apart aud valua tion of Homestead, and I will push upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m. on the tilth day oi April, 18S5, at my office* R. B llorrs, Ordinary W.O. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA, ) Wayne County. ) Will be sold on tho first’ Tuesday in May next, at tho Court House in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, tho following property, to-wit: All of those coriaiu lots of land, being eighteen in number, and situated, lying and being in tho county and state aforesaid, and in the eastern portion of that great body of land usually called the Wil liams survey, and containing oue thousan 1 acres, more or less; mid numbered 41), 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. 50, 57, 58, 51), 00, 01, 02, 01, 05, 00, and 07, aud all lying coutigmn adjoining and together; and tho entire tract of said eighteen lots bouiulo 1 North by iv strip of land lying between said entire body of land and the Fino Iloway, (Fl)iu boway) or Phinholiway oreok. K*t by tho Jaml-4 whose names are u. known. South by lots forty-eight, (48) wixty-three 03) aud unknown lands, and West by lots uuuibcr 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, and 35, as will readily appear by referring to n up of said property, entitled a map of tho southern portion of Georgia from D ugbterfcy coun ty, aud 23rd district of Thom s county to tho Hoa coast. Published by 3. O. Edwards Macon, Ga. Haul entire body lying on both aides of tho lino of l*a:t Road former ly known as tho M<cou and Brunswick, but ut present as the Eist Toouosmo, Vu - giaiu and Georgia Railway; >itid between station band Hill end liuokl-on. Tho K-tino levied on under end by virtue of, and will be sold as aforesaid, to satisfy an execution issued from the - interior Court of Mclntosh Coui ty, Georgia, in favor of against the same levied uu as the property of Car! Epping, one of said defendutue, there being no property of siud ft m of Eppping, B lias A Cos., to be found, h.iid proper y pointed out by plaintiff's attorneys, an l notice g vc.n tenant in pos i-hsion thereof. This Murch 30th 1885. HIRAM BENNETT, Sli'tt W. C. IHB 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE wil be mnilod, securely wrapped, to any address in Ibe Uuited States for thru* months oil receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to pos l ill inter 4 agents and clubs. Sample topics luaiald fice. Address all orders to RICHARD K POX jan22 P ankliu Square, N. Y. General Family Medicine. SIMMONS’ HEPATIC COMPOUND Fills ft nerd in many homos, as a reliable Family Medicine*. Wo have receive I hun dredn of t< st:m'>ninl ? from headn of families who mate lliji* they al vayn k< ep it on hand, and would not he without it. Tje ill tny oiluientK occurring ii the household, nnd the disordt rs incident to childhood, find ready relief in the prompt u o of SIMMONS’ HEPATIC COMPOUND. An occftHJOliiil dose or two will remove nil im pur Lies and irritating mil>*lH!icoH from the system, ly purifying the hlood, aud ffi tone find correct net ion to the various functions of the bod), tlins assi t ini* nn! lire to throw oil morbid ndl ••mce- nnd actions that tend to disease. The llkpatio Com pound is composed entirely of vegetable ingredients, aud can bo iih and with perfect safety in any c.iko whore tuo movement of the I Towels is desired. SIMMONS’ HEPATIC COMPOUND OK MV Ell IKE, Is put up iii liquid and dry form ; or pre par**d and unprepared. The prepared is in hollies bolding ‘2d ozs price per bottle, #1 00, or 0 bottles for #5 00 The unprepared or dry is iu packages, with fu’l diiections to prepare in each. Price jw poe/. 'L/c, . r oc. Samples of either, L’qnid or Fowder, 25c. DOVYIE Js. 31 DISK, i’luiiriclmt, Wlio'cwilo I>i uggists, OliaribKtoo, 8. C. FOIS SALE IN J HSU I’ 15 Y F. 3. McRAE Sc CO. 1 T| • Hand six cent* for post n Ml I/U age, and rjccive fr*rc, a Ia 1 ii/iUfl costly box of goods whir;)! will help al!, of cither srx. to more money right away thau anything else in tliia world. Fortaucsawait the worker** absolutely sure. At coco fidditbu Tkvk & Cos. Au^. - Xiaiuo Dyspeptic Elixir. The only known remedy that wifi cure every case of 11/spcp'ui or l iver Olsens \ N-rv >ns HcJidaob'\ Fanudice Ac., and all that trniu of n rvom troubles dependant upon ; il:s avr, :f you suf fer with any of them ny r, and bo convin o. and that your disease, is not incurable. It has been tested in hund’cbi of cases, and never failed to make a permanent‘euro in a Biugle iustauce, will do all wo cl dm f.r it. For sale, Wholesale and 11. tail by DR. F. B. MC.RAE, & CO,, JESUP GA,, Who will be pleased to sliow’you Testimonials. 27 12 83. SOITLY S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER Is tho BEST BUILT, FINEST FINISHED, EASIEST RUNNING! SINGER MACHINE over offered the public. The above cut represents tho most popular stylo for the people which wo offer you for tho very low prico of §2O. Romombor, wo do not ask you to pay until you have seen the machine. After having examined it, if it is not all wo represent, return it to us at our expense. Consult your interests and order at once, or weud for circulars aud testimonials. Address A * CIIAULKS A. WOOD A CO., w No. 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, IV* TtJTTFS ” p- — jTTCTTr^ PILLS □EH9E9BEBIHnMHR9HfIBHHMEI TORPED BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , , From those sources arise tliroo fourths of the discuses of tho human rave. These symptoms indicate tlioir existence: ILo hh of Appetite, Dowels costive, Hide Dead* r.cSie, ftillneHS ntturcntiuki aversion to exertion of body or mind, Klriic-tntlon of food, Irritability of temper, liow spirits, A feeling of iuvhiff meglected some duty, isiralnca.-i, JFluMorltiK at tho Heart, Dots before tbe eyes, highly col ored iTrino, €OnTNTIPATIOIV v l> mid do* mund tho uso of a remedy that acts directly cm the Liver. FUjIjN have no equal. Their action on tho Kldnoysand Skin is also prompt; removing nil impurities through those thrco“acav cngi rs of the uystem,” producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear Bk in and a vigorous bod y. TSJTT’.N DILLS cuuso no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTE DOTE TO MALARIA. Hold everywhere, 3ISc. Office, 41 M array St..,N .V. TOTTBHASFDIfi Gray Haiti or Whiskers changed In stantly to a GLOSSY JiLACIC by u, single up. plication of this Dyis. Hold by Druggists, or sent by cxprcHS on receipt, of g I. ,1 Office, 44 Murray Street, New Yolk. TUTT'S rnmiAl OF USEFUL RICEIPTS FtUi. jRII Unrivalled in Appearanco. Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction. Unprccodontod in Durability. Uncxcollod in Economy of Fuel, Undisputed in tbe BROAD CLAIM ol peine me VERY BEST OPERATING), QUICKEST SELLING), HANDSOMEST AND Kver offered to tflltt public. MADE ONLY BY EUQELSiOR MANIJFASIUP.IKS GO. Non. Cl 2, Oil, GIG 2s Cl3 IT. Main St., ST. LOUIS, MO. BE. A. 0. BEST, i>ien t is T Romtivod to Corner 11 HOUGHTON ,('• HAHNAhO STHKUTS, SAVANNAH, GA AH (V iftal operations performed nt lowest prices, consistent with use of finest mate rials and the skillful manner execution, jun. 2.%tf SiWiifi 01/taineO for row invention®, or for Improve inontH in old once. Ouv< utH, T'rudo Murk .nd ill pulent bnuiikikm prom |illy KUi-mlrrl to. INVENTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN HE .ii;< tki) may still, in moKt ouses, be patent ed by iiar. lining opposite the |J. S. Patent Office. and ' ' <1 in IMTOT BPSf.NKSS K.xrhlsl VFIiY, wo can secure patcntH in ess time than those who are remote fron Washington and who must depend upon the mails in all transactions with the Patent Office. Wh n Inventors send model or sketch we make search in the ’'aient Office and advise an to its patentability/)*"' of uhoiye. Cor resjKrndence confidential, prices low, and Ml Ml AHUE l/JfLEKS I’ATLM IS OB TAIXK2I. For special referencin', terms, advice, Ac., Address C. A. SNOW & CO-, - 4 W HiHS ELEPHANT Is now cm exhibition in (lie north, and is e.roaling any amount ol wonder and • xeiteinent. Savannah inis no Elephant to exhibit, but have among their midst a wide awake HOUSE, IN THE FIRM OF APPEL BROS, Who continue to create an excitement parallel to that, oi the nbove wonder, by their astonishing low prices, perfect fits and courteous treatment to all. They have on hand one of the largest stocks ol Clothing and Ilats in tho South. Their C. O. D. Department is under the personal supervision of a member ot the linn and they propose making that braiieh a specialty. Any goods shipped Unit, way may be returned should same not meet with tlie approval of the purchaser. Don’t tail, to call on them. 163, CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA„ ©ipip©sino: ram MW SHE! RT 6881! W. 11. WIIALEY & SON, having removed lo their now store corner Broad and Ohor strode, Jesup, Ga., hereby notify their patrons and the public generally that they huvo THE LARGEST 1 MOST COMPLETE STOCK over brought to this town, and that they will keep on baud a lull supply of everything needed iu tho liouse or on the farm,onsistiug of Birr OCKMM. NOTIONS. lIOSIKUYnmI READY MIDP. OLOI'IHNO BOOIS, Ml I OKS. MATH, OAI’S./KI’O., BANOV (I ROCERIES, CONFECTION Kit Y, omt CANNED GOODS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, uml GENERAL PLANTATION SUPrLIE I3acon, Hay, Corn, Eloui 1 Tolkxcco in any quantity, loßotlior with Druga, I’utout Moiliciiuia and Vcgotaldo Seeds. In addition to tills lio liiih fitted np the seooml story for a I' urniluro Department where lie will keep on hand an ussortiuent suited for Kitobon, Bailor, or liedroom at loweßt figures. Wo are nlso agon Ia for the popular AVERY WAGON, single or double. Como end eeo us. We im-au husim ss, and think we ouu supply your wauls at prises that will make it t) your iutorest to cull uguiii. VV. It. WHA LEVA. SON. W. B. MM & m . S. "WT Jk BIIAI ■* W 1 ami American Oulf Hkina, Sole, llamonu, Rridle, 3 B I ■ ■ 1 I*lUan l ami I‘atont Leather, Trnuks Vuliaes, Whip* JjHhJKJr MW MtmJmMKjf £ and Haddlorjr Ware. ’■ ]■ jn! ;B |9 In 9 VI4" llnriii-xN Miillnhlr for the rartlcular Altcntlon Is B-C M-C M H W 0 . iHi'fa"lit "'"I Tiirntmine given to <;.<). I>. Onlors. J||_P if ',84 !1 1 W H' 1 M i|k_,/^ ’ l " llll,< l, “ ’ ll specialty Bavaniuih, Ga TT IT> Rf jao2s-ly 1(H) Congress stroot. .ML*iVL THE Hhimnltaklv lilt Tho CHICAGO WFEKLY NEWS is now an oight-pago, sixty, four-column paper. It is tho largest “ dollar weekly” iu America. Its eight broad, long pages present, oneh week, a mass of choicely selected matter, containing much to suit each of tho varying tastes of the family circle. First and foremost, it gives all tub news, complete ns to details, yet concise in form. Its connection with tho CHICAGO DAILY NEWS (member of the Associated Press), gives it facilities for news-gathering unsurpassed by any journal in the country. Its makkim' Rici’OttTß are specially ooniplcto and thoroughly t rust worthy. Particular attention is given to agricultural ur;d homo matters. Every issue contains six comflhtho rtobiek, and a regular installment of an original story by some well-known English or American author, ex clusively secured for tho CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS. Coudenßed notes on fashions, art, industries, literature, science, cto., etc., appear regularly. Few papers in the country are no extensively quoted by the press in general for its bright and humorous paragraphs as tho Chicago Daily News. Those are all reproduced in the WEEKLY NEWS. In its editorial expression the paper Speaks from tho standjioint of tho indiei'BNDknt journalist, thereby escaping the temptation to support or condone the questionable under tho pressure of party allcgianoo. Mere partisan extremists will not like it ; the fair-minded and thought ful of all parties will appreciate and value its candid statements of facts and conclusions, all calculated to qualify tho reader for the formation of liis own intelligent opinion. The political events of tho year to come promise to assume such a character that a thoroughly truthful and impartial record becomes all-important rather than a partisan one, colored and perverted to individual liking. In all its departments tho CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aims to present an enterprising, impartial and entertaining family newspaper of tho very !i‘ghost grade. WHAT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY > 1 WHKN THKY IIKNKW THKIH BUlUiCitirTlONfl. ‘ * ■% The Chicago Weekly ISTews and the JESUP SEKTffIEL Only $2/<5 a year William Cannon*. Ponflao, On kitin'! County, Ml' h . myn: - ‘l think It In flic Lent paj < r m Ann rl V I, A Welrh, Htilllvan. O. *’lt In Letter thofi Mi tin yof 'lit* r* J* - f - Jani' H V. Mftlunc, 2.'3 ht Ctmrh'i* New OrluuiiM. Lu.. Muytt. *• Id comparing y>iir with othtint I rrcelu*. I muat >ny yours ih- CiiK'At.o WaKKf.r Nrw. Is yin,4. rr* r . ><• n. I W'.uhj HMOII'T fiilMh a iiii’ii 1 !hn h iiuiiiln’r'<f lli: i-Kwn. If i the newspaperuf thu lajr. It Is true to It -name.” Alfred I'. Fofi'r, Wro4htiU, Ifonry County, 111 , kayn' "It In one of t tin > lrtnenl paper* pub lid lied, XV W Hh'Hlf* Adi!u. Mleh , My*: ** I don’t WH’it to ini** h unrnher. It !h thu Lu*t paper for dew* I lbiif (■ver *’**n.” I’l-tei J,;.t.!!i. . RBiir.'lem County. N<C •y " I ilk*? Imb wmu Nw. lit* full iA It.j nizc uad rlmractiT con-idi r <l. tin* riTIf'AGO WEEKLY NEWS Is th* cheapest \ctekly in Amnrtra. ONE DOLLAU A YEAH, postage included. Oit sjH-ciril rinlibing Term brftip it t itiiin tlie hjcli <f: il our subsrriber3* Bpcciiiitu oopicii iuj.y be ut tuii oliicc. t>uid tiuL-v.. to tbid oblco* rendiihln and Tnlunfilr r*w*. %rd. alfhoujph I cm In rir.-ipt i.f nine weekly journl*. I Bin coa mmined to * ’*-j.t Tint Wirri.r New* •• No. in. le. aub'- <f In iu n '*ri<*an uttltudo I'lllfltn. pl’lrn it)-! Ili uiiKisrbled trull* < Mueriilnc tho action* of ull political por tic*.” M. F Da\ • r:r -r*. P*lrnyr*. N Y., *ay*T "It hi th- chu'i'Mt butl bei paper l ever read." f Mr*. L B-h'>:in. I;nulh*l. Mo.. *y: ** 1 llko y • /ill- pap r ;ry much. 1 l* other p*per*. 1 it do not like then) a* well a* the Wsiiiir Nrtva." W R. Law. ’Myisfleld. Tei., *ay* s •'I *m fifthly pfua-*-d with th'* Nbw*. for 1 get oolt th * presented in H In rurfi a way 1 get rxHlfc *,;!<■ f tlie 'jiiujitlon fairly *et utterly inipoi *llb to get In a strictly party J-sur ual of either aide."