The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, January 13, 1887, Image 1

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,1 I r^\ i ^ ! t f t * ' , - I Mb* , 1 j L I. Town Directory. w, M. Wk . r. $fe vviiki»»« ,W&|: IS. u--'b <-r. J"' P 0 : iCih ?P* .....T w, |tg- 0 , Wu aim w, ,T BAX, EY, GEOi : VIA. ttui T \y ThirH Mm ti Mk AfA: Courtlanci Symines ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK 5EORGIA John L. Parker, Notary Public Ei-Offioio Justice if the Peace. I iJ 55 ih District 6 . M., Wayne County, G?, Seymour J. Clark, Attorney aM Canaselor at Lai, J P. GEORG I C. P. Goodyear, U * O Mich, i«Ol Provision Stc Bit U NSWK IS. (ST S. R. Harris, ATTORNEY LAW, JKSCP, E. D. Graham, ATTORNEY AT LAW SOUCSTOR N EQUITY. BAX 1 .EY OEOE HA FOB FINE Job PrintiD ~4S0 T* f TJUK Fentinel Office. ” r ' 1 _ Tapioca and Apple Funding. Take >■> veil g**o<l si/rd ;<j<pb -, p o .i t.l >s tp > 1 ’, t i of tapioc? i% oue quart of water until it is tboronghlv dissolved o „ 6 w ; ,,o wf. eugiir, one teaspu afut of salt, » Utlie butter ap*l nutmeg; heat two egg-, add ole fftiJiU cup of «uwn or milk, mix with the taubea 9 t,., „,,1 ilM" «ppKi» , 1 *M ly, pat m a pudding jhsh. pour th tapioca over Gtetn, balsg fifteen ruin ttt«l To W eaten with sweetened cream . rJksvp ffEVE-I % (iur dub eH-$ ; a 0B rua v not ii r rei : Ckrt and t< mi at ono. two and ns the«ml Mr K H said he had I II m hi* de ir« 1 to know what IHM done and how they had shed it and at what vo eftrefaily eoimting the t sion a ! weighing# food, t f i the value of } s , lie had ihuoght $ a good y /OO-d him at 17,50 a >ld at m. 00 . T! on : ; ? feaBon .as on n 1 kimU of feed Mr, Me | m id him i: ft. to :>n ter hv am yearn M ■<>W Mr. H. il tlis. hut. the 0' Mi :md c 11 i raoi - with .¥i j. Ti « l j i farm ervthi 10 'W111 > | u nu and it witt Thej tie a For 11 dinner mil iil fimmiiy < a either. 1 sun per urn .... no not forget tc ground hjpi i hav* lilV tovvl i ga:bm fir iw<. In tL*- --i hreds f|"if Pekin . My hens of th>>r , ami Mum-ov**'. d Light Brown and Brahmas, White >ruF ! W: I i on - i 1 It A l 1 **’! * ■» ! ',! £j 7 ,ln ,’ 7 an ^ ^mgshans ^ and Bronze ba i y :m| ' r T"o ' i ' r v fi . ; dneers no iowla can equal tin* 5 C, . Leghorns, but th*>v are fallowed by \t»- F. < lt r -.u ■ : !>. Tmfn li.A; ^T tb ^.Ut^l.v ‘mdo»lCi'" 8 "* 1 1 ”! j of ,m hm account rirljnm of maturity \ * nt * hv; *»ty of plumage I prefer the >«.■>. and i.angshmts, f¥«t Hrahmas. being P heavdv C**ch . **»«*. wm> ii»»««««w u,,.„t JESUP, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1887. w ti r lay IB for tin healthier nm-f W h x t T d. re wort,I A i I present i >wi !. Wii iu w Ilk t roo&i w tliBia a ug to th o) 1*15 <> getting sat.., that he ft* &>r. the. 8 *r a*’re tH m % ,j OW tV , av j hoi : have tbs hull and M oil to return I : :>ack t ! a»" worth nothing fertiii Yet ting i'uhere 1 .»1 ^ U T ’ Ut !" b *......... it t nature to do for us Sli.ll, brmher fjmnere, w ffotrifl to eniov J riX,j the folh t>f giving away ..... what pay back for a less Aide Sot n lertiiizers, ifi We a >Y i l! v ot H V wh P ottrm who fi proii i ? i \* o Western Now M tl: This fact s nature oi t tl sn for lorgest. A Hines e.«iruble for the.-! 1 it irodui n t clay t supplies 1, Kentu W ten New Yor nu j v >1 t s Ti t r lEi ml; 'i Jes h* i fU> w!i W their; xv i <,f t at tipai JY | ! I ed by ext i nary dr* ught, large vari«*ty of prod t a i high! rettiuneratn « V r,te . f'r u ir uuure market 1 , rc niltry 1 i*l early I i * and offeri OjSH! 8- a most favo * tl It am this Lon, i s culture j ] management,but I l _______________ ...... -i by a study of die nature of tin > i j products, and of the soil, and a kpeaencc is unite if tnistil : s hi . unusual si iiuh juaa wring iiiti vat ion are tl irm »riant pomts ti tl; meat of iHel a wen t of tl xt: 11H1 ie ;oo beavv el: ti ■-E-; i as <1 r< imlec! too V .i ? MXV * 0i-< Wl! tha tf fii- gitte From “The Onte« lid Spanish Fort.' Th .structure firs Juan die Pinos' 1 Mareo but now called Ft. Mi t con t he waits 21 feet high and 12 leot thick, are built u n glume rate formed h tjf»or T whole build- i vers a ut 4 acres of groumi This building was < .GSH* an A. large ?F. fIndians were (d ! 1 ! ts eonstructn TI if wag transpo rted i it isiime ra nu s trora the * i. TI re omurodatioua are for 10< etuis ami i 1000 men. 1 it was formerly end red bv a i drawbridge but this has been <1* 106 ! i luvay with and the water drawn from the moat. ! Over tl lot rway is a stone slab ins£ the H panish rost-of-aruis, ve this a globe anti eroHtf and i underneath a. lumby and inscriptioii in S j Wcan give no diseription of inside of the Fort a-s a written per mil from the commander of the rarrison was required, and this .we ail to get. Tile excuse rendered was •t o> many had iieen in of late that the pets <»f H’ncle Sam’ : were lining ! i worried. Uncle re. f Sam are *'ot»| 1 of a body of 445 Indians irom one year old to gray hatred •hieftains. They can be nbtinly it fro ruths top oi the outside walls hicb are free for every one. We talked with several of them,and saw dance tnem play- the ball and other green corn, bear and war dances d hev are ji. hard looking, filthy ^ set, 1 have often read of the noble wd man of the fomat and plains, but I his wan mv first sight of a body of them and I could see but tie or ii tl tl t From the fort, w This a fling from Fort m: w *4 Befov ( L; M 1 M i hiied with < H T5 old 1 «re led to the ground ; light ‘ >nse arc t n.'i ri< ancient Augustine wa innum ■ is not much .«m rid for huilding. i At tlie south, terminus of the i land is the ruin of old Fort Man! M* tpfr It w vc ag ! t< guard St. the Ausftartine Manta hai tvsr sc o * nils. Hh' for whites ind one for bl ndos several private bools uli vent on St j Ireorge street is tholio school for girls. i f rom the Plaza St. j George completed street gates, i my round of this city uv th* St. ( M the i obi original street of tl ic. cii ■ I s ! feet in width and about half ii . mile in fengih. stories, Some and of the build IB: j are two ha ■ a porch ; . the upper story,which makes th* distance between the. buildings so short that parties can almost shake hands across it. has My how'coded, trip to the “Land of Flowers' and I turn mv face homeward well pleased with toy ; shot! trip, and satisfied that Flori da is a good country for 1 things. Oranges, winter, vegetables, fish, good ’ climate in alligators ■ and tleae w ithout number. A man ; wish money can live in Florida and | enjoy had himself, but .without money I S rsUher be In old Georgia. X A. L Our W ling to Le Tl ate Senator tei I y interred II) i 1> r the His m proving d oe tor w rt hi viewed v t if under Mood it; at ti y of the Trea Samuel vVidfo argurme i' w t, iki •ir w \ ew i 1 U i mi*’ What A 1) it In P held in Witt aft < [irfsti iC wo r n nl w ma stion Where it ha» m r stead iiy I i world but one* I Sr an show he wtii not t ukss uns wa\ The total is xx t sstnihtei; v th* Patent Offic w Landing Decembc Total t of U. S., db2. Saturday night the Bibb county Orphans 1 inrne a spring, three miles from Mac* 8 burned ami hvc eld hire W;Ct throw itt of their be* 8 . into tl *.old night air, Th were taken to the h nt t >f t| H . |J, t n^ighln cured for, till morning an* •R froze to death. The Committee of arrangme ;>f the National Fuibtry and B t A iation, which meets in Atlan ta Jan. loth have arran .11 hold er.ereist in the Hail of t! House "■ haiwcscntaiives. --------—- ^—....... Tuskegee Ala., and Waveross Ga. became Presidential poidodrces on the first of January Charles If.- Raymond, a Now York dealer in hardware suppliex has jailed for ffkKbMVi,