The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, December 08, 1892, Image 1

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09m9M F ilili INEL. HHl I C 4 pp— §i k : 8H OIL L r [ <4 Established i860. YO?A:ME XXVL fast time, ■ Washington : AND Chattanoof . ! i 3UE TM IT JE X».** fit EFFECT OCT, 30, 1392. EAST BOtTN'B, Ar> ••> • Central Tune) -«a' m? fkrisUd iEinsS.sJB .Tims} -r.** St) iOV A; - f "■ - s ■■ A l,sa«Sisei»a4*f6.h yUEcticn 'iS A: Arrrm W 8 sfi<o.g'.i.m W SS COLLECTIONS. Ift*v» w.isrtcton .... iesfiO A.M, Arrist Ms* V’t'S . iMP. M. ass Lave Memphis , ii.» r. \r Arrive Chat t siteog. IS: 2.5 f*. M T-cave Nat-bviUe i:$j 3 Sr. tSS^eCSKSST^ Arrive Chetrswaxte W: S 5 ’. M. leave -'SaSnar Arfe'e <;te bimiegiutm . ■ M a hewe* ■M X.ffftv.r Atlanta 8;Se'A. M Ar selSet ta>,« i sr> i\ m fiK® Mobile K ffip.' ;m Jaeettt Seise* S :45 .A. M Atnve C’enowri fcss p; m THAIN CONSISTS OF Two coachf^ Car Iftffisnun S icepcrs-. Car. Pif 'CSt'J* ts Alt .*a»* At ve ■■:, :.SPSTIBBLEO t viV-fik i ' 3%' "sii’Cl l.'af- .«:t © rtf* ' -! b* <■ Jtm Oiniaf Car Service I nturpassrd, HO EXTRA FARES. £, W r . WRENN, General Pas*, Agt. Knoxville, Ten* ■ . HEM NU HIS OWN A Valuable Book 303 w OR W ' ' tratod,containing By J, HAWHLTOG AYERS, Nl. D. knowledge of liow to treat and core all manner of disease, prolong life and promote happiness. SENT Bl man., POST-PAID, on receipt OF PRICE. 60 cents. Address AH orders to ATLANTA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 116 Loyd St,* ATLANTA, GA, BRUNSWICK AND WESTERN PASSENGER SCHEDULE. . 'UKISO M’fTCi ,-r-ifr-AY, NOV, 2ri 1HH. SHltJed to Ciiiunro Without Notice. : e ubrrirKAST. it a T) ¥fi? s. A. SS-iA », .51, .A S3? •u BRUNSWICK. Jatnaica •. wm SSd * -•• ... 1 r. 1 S 30; if it s ft Sit's is;:, i 7 8 || & ft ft tH 5t 11 4' loi -.-.Lilts WayneaVil!*: VVAYCIM-i: MO V. AtkiTiwm ihi tta,..i os....... ... s -nitelf * ■i * mi 1WT 10 to ' a 10S5f SO mi VI infs f f <T. 7 O*« ft cn *»• M-ISSMJ. ■V, :s Mt!» M. :1* o«-rnm;5 i is H>S*j 9.0S.-Jft4ft - 8M: 1013; MUtinaid ft s m f ;4 S' ■ I’.tax 13 4; W ift.v. u *s; Kirk mil : ri . i" - r. te-. VVoBtOldft I - T i: r <« 'Wit M as v.a- } % mi i l-i bit 14. tVlUaroau M.f ' lit * to . n t«’ A'-iViahu. 10; f ft , u VISftft! - ta«a. Kauri/iM. « mat fll ill d - e 34 r ; it, Kit a mi 2 i .- 4 A- M. ||S*a-*i j P. 't 1’4 V. i lit?; e| if i tr»| 8 A ; v A. M• : r. na«B*.ias if 1 s j» - os * nil ns it.* 1 5; 98JSE 58 S 4 1*| 4 S3! f 1 m kb < IS J 3 4 «.;f i 4 : 330 m li 3 IIS'* i AM* m 5 5 4 4 8S;f Klf 13S ti s 3 iris 49 M A- mi. s A. M A. M. v.\ E>*A M *11, U CaSlj except SSadwy, '! iiirmiah aius N.'. 3. 1, 2,4 (tatty, ‘"f ” fttop (m «gnai l.«u £ I,. ■ --i-'t, 'tllf wiih tail limns sleeping tar* tor Ht. ite i>i»«An>-ry. phi Bir.miliKl.UMA Jin ink , M«.*4 ybr 5 Iff*-. Cliaitato buiavyen og.i. New Verk, Jaeliat.uviUe, Tampa viaBaittbvtbc an-l n y 1 e ft! Ret it* V. ;; ;,r >m -mwl 'M>mt-.£4-miTv i. W. H .umift. .'ftaiK.irim.t. a ■ Jii omm. W, Triffiif Mmamr. It. ■ A W. M, Da, 1 i v.; U .A f VWATKiP. A. P, SAVANNAH, FLORIDA & WESTERN RAILWAY. 'W',i&.’W'0»t€>!»Sg» SjaoatF XaXISrSzi, Tim Card in Effect June, 19, 18512. Schedule of Through Trains to Fiortda and Southern Georgia. • vtS-Mi M» te-YS O ‘ISO M'f.'iH-HKAi)", pr - " . . u m 6 -- (’ '09'** *w ..Bw 8s«wjash Ar 13 Ifptat P 'iSpvx 0 8&a; a M:<4%s:m; t> | OOprn topta'! 1 .... .!> 10$6 8 m»1 6 3 : mrn A « mm } .......•...... o * ..!An.Bmwwick,E, Mariuh, T..£>v f&tmi........ ^Titci S2nm‘ 9 <%!ii 1 pi - yy. . >r &r Lv 9 S l 4Hft!U I ml !%«• mmm. 4«am I A?.. mMAs WaysaieK#..... tv! SXSami 5 ISpra I 05am *. * k ® ■7 SSfJia ' «■ te $ 15pm --- • ’’•m Ceptiiite tou-n ..... tr )w! osu » Iwi t OOfttti iriS: 6 80pm ; 4 4<»pm........!Ar... 1 l&am < « itlprij..,Ar,Sari Tarsi pa,.... V v! t 2&pm v < am r bn u v trj 1 ...,......... .., ,, 1,1 ...... » tr .rtstnoirv .•*. t*'. ■ 4 i.5j m . ..., ,, .................... 11pm! * *H-„i '■ mm .....\r. „ VahJja . J,t 1 ■ 90Bpm . .f > v 5 Vt t". v 1 . < J v , r < n , idpm . .V „„M M t, ..Is Vi m * mpu ' * /*» ‘ S ’1 <r ,«li, I tv Mte 8 8% II 45m •* . - -,-1 )» w K»4Wj., s .....*Ar. .Oh»tt*&oe,jlM»,.....I. Ooiin 4'/?5pre 0 4 03p:v,ArMfcoci.n 1 ........110 10 Mpns Up®!*•!*« .. s ®w, • .....jAr.,.. ,,,4f......A* Golujateia .,. .trl 5 06pm!........L* SftftWj ,,U iittes rnam •C,' , * < f4} ft 4 tv, : ft 7 ........ SBid .. Sfstia ' 4%ds; Tifomf | : 4S«mi ------iAr...K«<v Orhiuns.... L v(..l’... .j 1 Steal ,J D KtSpd 1 00ao Wten *SgwjSB*d5Bos &*«yte.: fc ptKua<Uy, »»- 18, ' ~ ^aeceiiwWATmiteror tudly Eroept Sunday. 4.’ I, ft., .fttsfea*#.,,.. 8,-SS p »| tv, imnp SfO'lA (J5 Ar- ...... ................,.8:0<)pin | Ar. aavamah .... ■ ,s.rii 11 m Thte* „ Sf. fitsE-i'Csra oak iejwxor asd cossE'.ixjom , 87 „ v;e Umry M«m Cm* betwc.« Saw York *«<J fart Taiapa, No. 27oarri«* Fftiieea,, caw Tbmww«ai» m SadsHIH, haukfilW «n-1 OTaclanaR So 7S car. i,Sew oft,.r»i-£iah and Jsct*<?ayufc. wS mi Hidwaavffle. Sra. 5*sri 6 carry PaHmas raw bobraas So*, f. a»4 0 bate futteas cars fcstraecm Savannah aad Atiaam, team* Noa M aud ■> emnea at Jfamp #,, f *u-n. Atketa kA the Wart. Trata IS W ^pA.fa Fj^aa^ \y.bMn ymmmil!*** Ste&er <»««», arwMvUte, Ginciaaatt and Si. *- *A %M i<L md S vmwtot mf.h - ... u‘a ^^rsiSs^ ssr^stver s^‘ mM - andt«!u>T ®#s. P’s**; 4** “WE APPLAUD THE RIGHT AND CONDEMN THE WRONG.” JESUP. GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1802 iP.PP. CURES ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. - ~-rilo* ■ wiiii F 1. V t l'MrMA l^T’Vda ft!!,:*,. arret ' >>.:* rib* ft gmt for tfe* «wr»* of *11 ‘“i \ BBHMN f m,mmnmn,rm ~ J ;ti ■k £ Syj ..... ■ T ....... LA*t _ «, £->*s.AnUvf Sw>'fHr.gfc„ RLm««*sI*s», S&kijM’tfc, i ■ L .V' » ,A:? trre> >.;»» -:% t iw&tTrhj , iRRP.BBg c«Ki -'r«,’c/.«IS7T?fS!?’^555?^c5!y!»l«w7" 1 mjA H»*4. l Sif kb , «e, P_ P. i. « ptnmtaB ksfe, «k! to- vtatmt epp-Oss,., » m *, ill WtdAtg tjs m«ui r&wtlTJ. %U |h?4«s3nM j«a*4 Vib4M f-betd J* m BiS ? pteig j?nqt*rttaH "By of t\ ""iltsT P, "v, V ' Lw BzU'xly r f ar*tO};! Aik, h:"' ^oSt* Root d* P m ■ *, * A USffUS BXOS^ proprietors, Owssfets, bippmanti Block, 8AVANSA3, SA* JAY GOULD DEAD. Tie Mm of Millions Responds to lie la mtaSe Last Cali Short Sketch of His Lite—The Effect iu the Financial World, Jay Gould died at his home in New V<>iit Oily at 9:15 o’clock Friday morn¬ ing. The news w n% unknown outride of the hou-o of the miitlunrire for half ah hour after. The hist, authentic verbal news of the event ome from the color* ed butler, who, res-ponding to inquiries, verified the report. .Mr Gould dkri rounded, by hyaieiatw the members of his family am] the t All day Thursday coni rad ictoi'y rep ■"•its ubeftp his co. d~. thro were circuh fifed, but late la the evening it was ftt’ku-.wkd. c*j that he was failing fast. At 1 o’clock Friday morning fly be teemed to rally nod tin- inra retired; but. at daylight bis condition was more alarming and the family wasTap- again assembled at the bed-ride, It l-aren' that the end was me and Mr. ■Gould set mod to nrd r.< ft The cod came fore peacefully and quietly. Jtt t be¬ death, Mr. Gould, realizing its ap iiot , *a[.r. , ». !:R s3 the acinus morn hers of the family. He was cos and ^ e tirely composed, meeting the end with calmness. Mr. Goukih last words were iti the form of a request that he might, at the closing in rneut of his life, be surrounded by the beloved members of h:s family Ilf? It-ares four S'-ns--George, Ed dawgh’tcr, sv it> Howard and Frank, and otic H leu Mrs* Gould died Mime tw • years ago, The physicians assert definitely the ca tore if the recent idao-s -—its. i? -was gi-B erelly believed— to h-iv- b on lalm'.tur', com miplSon. It is said that 1 saa sevci.-v himorrhagev the day recently, tb,- fust occurring before Thanksgiving, and another a few days tattr » p, i nuoihi r ft few days ago The sufferer was htlively grateful'' for all tint was dene for him. The real cobd.ition of Mr. Gould’s health was n- < rf-aUzed until a year, ago, when be broke down, and since which time there was a gridna! decline, forcing him in a great measure to gi ve up . ! vt {.■srticipatiou in ouaiuess For f.:n<r weeks past Mr. Gould hi* transacted-the home, principal only portion rtf his business at bb brief making a few scat-, ring ec.” mid visitstu his ■lowu-t-.wn t 8 Mr Gould, at the time of his dent) WHS fifty sis years of age. bis ba’St.v urs. Mr. Gould was b»m at Khsbnry, Deb w*r« Hb early couniy, N«w y.,tk, May *27,' 1830 yews o.-re spent on Lis father’s farm. At th- ogi of Pur ecu years, he entered IbTuit ,t -.1, my. aud kept the hooks < f the village bL cUmith. fie acquired a taste foremvning. mathe¬ matics, and during the tummer of 1853 completed a survey of Albany county, and surveyed and mapped the village of Cohoes, following it with other w. rks He aceumuUted $5,009 from these so* veys. When but twenty years old, Mr Gould published a h r J of TM 1W1W( county, and while projecting wber ‘urveys was pro-tinted by typhoid fever On n C-) Pratt, very,lie became a> quain t vutli Zud< ck who sent him into tin- wisfcrn part of the state to selects & sib: for SiH ucry. He chose n fine hemlock, creeled a saw mill and blacksmith shop, and, with Mr. Pratt, was eo«m doing ■. bug. lumbering bought business. HuUsoquently he out Pratt’s interest, and conduct¬ ed the business alone till, just before the panic of 1857, when he sold out his en¬ ure plant. He became the largest stock¬ holder aud director iu the Stroudsburg, Pa., bank. Soon afterward* he h came interested in railroads, and put all his money into railroad securities. rUBCBASElT RAILROAD STOCK. His enterprises widened, and he pur¬ chased heavy of stocks of ih« greatest railroads of the country. In 1879 he organized the Am r)c m Union telegraph, afterwards merged Int< > the Western Union Telegraph Compnnv Iu 1881 he became interested in the e!e vafed railroads in New York Deuiit having been cast upon his financial stand¬ ing, bis he summoned several gentlemen to private office in March, 1882, and spread before Them certificates of stock Laving offered a face value of $53,000,000, md .desired.. to produce $20,090,00y more if \\ ;th Mr, Gould's career since- fee be¬ gan to operate in Wall street the politic are well informed. Speculations in Erie, the “Clack Friday" aud other epis de* are familiar. From the time he entered W»ll street he forged straight ahead. Line after line of railroad fell under his control. With a single move in the stock market he could affect financial matter* not only in every city in this country, but i» London, Faria and Vienna as* well. Be turned hie at ten lion to the telegraph ic system of the country and secured » monopoly of that, con trotting the At¬ lantic cable as well, crowning his profits with possession «.f the elevated railroad system of New 'York,. CA RE I) N0TIUS9 FOR SOCIETY. Mr. Gould married young and was al¬ ways domestic is habit. He eared noth¬ loir. ing for In society the UMthi and h* paid little attention lived plainer than many men whose incomes aro less than $1.0,900 a year He was net 'what some « ■ • ?. '.A-*-. ■ ii' ;■ v , A , He was never, robust except ns to Witt and brains. The most conservative estimates place hi* fortune at about f-6O,boe,00i, while some people in Wall street who think they know something about Ids accumu¬ lations figure that he must have gotten together folly cm« hundred million. Of ’•Of yews this fortune has mere-i-cri rap¬ id.y owing to Lis vaoitnous income from h:A holdsngs of Western UuL.r, i-.r.d Man¬ hattan wlock and bond investment*, and tin income from the-.t three . alone cannot have fallen under $3,000, 900, and probably exceed that. . m raz .stock mmnitm. The effect of the news of Jay Uoul.i’s death oo the stock Exchange. await-V] !V W >Sf . life ittirmrog wan anxiously market opened t-here n i ' . ' ' Tf S 1 there were ettisidpribie' off.; .> .- (i-Oidder;-, uotabiy Mm»mi Western Union, Manhattan and Au.-hH i stuck, were also sold to a considerable exteot, bat. they only broke Missoim P.-ieiSc ■ made tb> gr>- t-wl -1 ciifl'fr- t S 4 per cent, to H but tcoov cred ia the first fifteen minutes to 55. The market then steadied somewbut. There was very little xcitemtat at the opening of the market. »19CU*»BI> AT WAeiU VO'iori The detah of Jay (Tc.i:'S was th- ’ i versal' subject of discussion in - Hi 11 circles at Wash tog to« Friday morning Kfcrftary Foster voiced the. tefdnmn ot the aduiinistration when he raid that Gould’s death would have littl ■ or no ef¬ fect on the money m&rki t of th« United State ; that his death had bmi diecoimt ed, and the fact shut he had withdrawn sever*! from active partc : could pation its IV,!! street years ago, not now disturb basin ess. . ~ Effect of the skits auhovs. A London eabl<%rH*n .sky#-; Fuller par ticulfirs of till* effect of Gould’s, doth upon the market here show th.-.f fur a moment the nr-aa rauaed thorough dis ftirgarritetioo. Kansas, and she Missouri Pun Wabash end Union Pacific stuck were especially sharp pr. -sed for sale. 1 . -re was ft decline, .instantly soci'i *-d«d by a rvttction, itodef which the stocks irimost entirely reenvered. from the de¬ cline, This rapid recover? wa* attribu¬ ted to the effect * f earlier cable dis patihes fl«ai:b, preparing thu peopb; tor the so the news, when it came, did not take altogether' by surprise the market. AN AGREEMENT PROBABLE. The Ultimate Success of the Monetary Uonfereneft Assured. A cablegram of Tuesday from Brussels says: Tin- comm 11 e -» appointed by Hie .nternat'm al ftmuetary rnnf-reneo to consider the proposals of Mr. Alfred de Rothechii ’s, will also consider the p’gas suggested by M. Levi and Profe-s r Adolphus Sod her. Professor S tib.r’s pi n is to establish one gramme of fine gold as the iuten anonal unit of value and to stop the muting of coins contain¬ ing less flout 3,8065 grammes -of pure gold. The circulation of coin of foreign countries of less than new standard will be prohibited by the countries sign¬ ing rior r.u value agreement, will be withdrawn and gold coin of inte¬ within five years. Private hmduals w” ’ 0 allowbd to,coin gold the pa >.f an agreed be seigniorage. issued' gold Gold c<- ilficxtes m»y Professor agafort Boclber’s he ii re serve. the of plan also in eludes coinage silver in the pro¬ portion of twenty value units of that metal to < ae of gold, but private indi¬ viduals will not be allowed the free coinage of silver. . Of the comm it five are avowed bins- isULte, six nmnimi 'a - lists and tit ,a doubtful, it will ,*it, twice each day. It is the generalexpect¬ ation that Mr. dc Rothschild's proposals vrih be accepted by the committee 1 i referred to the conference and g “-tu meets with the modifications suggested by the schemes of Sir. Levi and Professor rrielb; r. One of the medications will un¬ doubtedly he that all Races gold coins lx low the value of twenty be with 'drawn from circulation and replaced by silver notes. The adhesion of the Gor¬ man delegates is considered certain, as Herr de Cleben, formerly president of the leiehslng. Poefber’s approved the main lire- of Professor proposal. The French repneeutativrs which will also accept the plan, was communicated by M. Tu-.-rd. Freuch ex-minister of finance, and was | favorably received by the French gates before it was submitted to the con- j terence. W ith the prospects of early | an agree- ' rnent, nobody now talks of the failure of ' ihe conference, which at first waa the i conference only prediction. wiil likely It is reported conclude that the j j next week. The American delegates aro disposed to support Mr. Rothschild’s proposals on • the principle bread. that half a loaf ,s better item eo GOV. JONES INAUGURATED. _ So Opposition Was Shown—His in- i augural Address, A Montgomery special of Thursday says: i Governor Jones was Inaugurated "for his wcoftd term in tho hall of the house of representatives* bly being the entire general assem¬ preheat There was no oppo¬ sition. Before taking the oath Governor J ones delivered lire inaugural address. Among other things the governor gave an expo¬ sition of the acts of the democratic party from the time it took control of the state affairs in 1874, up to the present time, and declared that the parly Was not responsible for tho condition of the treasury existing at this lime. H>- recited the charge made that useless offices had been created and g-*ve a list of ail offices created since 1874, showing the causes leading to the . refttioa of these office* and the necessity. He hold that the present condition of tire- fortunate treasury depressions was brought about by Un¬ rapid decrease of the following a too tax rate. Ho felt ih»t the only plan to «ava the credit of the state was the Increase of the fax rate, A Jackson, Mias., special says: Tho vole of Coahoma county only reached the office of the secretary of state Thursday. The entire vote of the. state was 52,809, divided as follows; Cleveland. 40.987; Weaver, 10.258; Harrison, 1,408; Bid well, 950. Cleveland's plurality over 'Weaver is 29,081, and hi* majority over ail k 27,085. Coahoma gives Catching* a majority the of ’230, and mikes his major: ty in district 0.75b. OUR LIFE SAVING SERVICE. General Saperiutoudent Kimball Makes Bis Annual Report. Genkrai Biiperinteetlcnt Kimba. of fh Hfo saving that eervj'.e, number states in hi* annual teport tho of disasters t,. vessels within the field of operation ni There tho service during board the year was 3.W were an of these wsseh, 2.570 pers-ms, of whom 2,500 Snd seventy lost. The number of ship¬ wrecked'persons who received Miceor at th totiua wm 747. Estimated value of < d , !•>. usters .. was "SSPSi $*,294,525. haired Of in this the amount camber of $7,111,005 v«Meri totally was lost saved. The was fifty, TILIGBIPIIC GLEANINGS Tiislws of fte fori MtM Md Ply amd Fomlei Paragraph fnten-din 2 and Instructive to AH Classes of Headers. According to a special of Sunday in flucT:7,'4 has rfappc ired at Hamburg Twenty' cases have beep reported, A fire «t the c»rnep of Ibick and Com Tu.erfial streets, »'■ utb St. L uts, at mid night Friday, % tray*, d severs! build iui-.s. The total presidential vote of Maine was; Harrison, 02,871 Cleveland, 48, 044; prohibition ; arty, 8,082; people’s p, tv. 2 045; tinio • lab“r party, 880. .Fire Thursday eight in Mount C!ar< Works of the Baltimore and Ohio rail¬ road totally (testtoyed the embed and damaged a considerable number of Mg*. Franco, A dispatch of Sunday from Cannas, Lucien amimmces the death of gineer Hsj>o!eo« who Bonaparte- negotiated Wise, Panama the civil canal en¬ the {•oottesSion. '1 h< South Fifteenth rtreet mill of the Oliver Iron tud Suei company, a* Pitts¬ burg, Fa., closed Friday or. only n few order hours’ notice. The reason <.*s : gned is n» 1 *, and the mil! overstocked. waukee A dispatch of Thursday official. f ont of Mil¬ the says; The count vote of Wisconsin has been complete * It was follows: Peck, democrat, for gov Crnor. 178,108; Spooner, republic sn. !70,354; Peek’s pmality 7,844. At the fire underwriters’ nifcefiutr in K* w York, 'Wednesday, t-he mast hereafter riper i aii p thing was to decide that 'there shall -be no universal baste of sat*. rate, but that the base rate for each city and town shall depend upon its t>wu record. I be church, St. Michael, one of ti.e finest in, Austria, waa destroyed by tire Wednesday night The church Contained many tombstones from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, which are badly damaged Hie loss t the city is Irrep.ruble. A Chi ego dispatch of Thursday says; The Caiunr ! Iron and Steel works, on old Calumet river near Cummings, has been sold to a syndicate of Cleveland men for about $500,000, and work will laid in r. Mimed in the plant after baring idle for the last year, A Detroit Free Press special dispatch from Saginaw, Mich,, says the Michigan Salt company, on Friday, advanced the price of salt ten cents a barrel, fine (Milt being .noted at 65 cents. The eouapai y Lire SOU,000 barrels ''ob band leas than at this date one year ago, Mich., A dispatch Another of Saturday commercial from disaster Ithaca, says; piecipitated \>v the failure of the bank of Church, Bills & Co., is the assignment of the Nelson-Barber Company, for near¬ ly twenty years a concern which has done business under the name of Nelson & Barber. •A special of Thursday from Tacoma says; The official returns from oil but one county in Washington give Harrison 38,- 481, Cleveland, 88,1)22; Weaver, 30,284; Bid well, *2,487 For Governor: Me Draw, republican, 83.103; Snivel, deroo end, 28,776; Youog, people's party, S3, 030; Green, prohibitioniat, 630. Tho fourth inauguration of Porfirio Diaz, as president of Mexico, took place amid great pomp in the City of Mexico, Thursday in the chamber of deputies. In the evening an inauguration banquet, with four hundred covers, was given in the pri ce to the president by the sena tors aud deputies, V. special of Thursday from Joliet, III., says: The condition of the collapsed S!> n> City bank aud Enterprise 'Wire Mill Company looks more serious. Addi¬ tional claims were tih-dThureday morning, bringi! g the aggregate li-to.itb*:* -if both t om 1 ri « !o nearly « million dollars, with probably one third of that in as-srts, A made New Thursday York dispatch says; Default was on the East Tennes '<■.. Virginia and Georgia first extension 5 per cents, amounting to |5,000,000. At the company’s office it was said that the default was necessary on account of the depression in the south. The bonds may remain in default six months before foreclosing proceedings can be instituted. The congress of the National Prison Association of the United States met at Baltimore Saturday * night. Cardinal Gibbous was among the first to enter the hall- He was «««n followed by ex Pres¬ ident Hayes and Mayor Latrobe. Mr. Hayes reviewed the work of the society and the. growth of crime through immi¬ gration. ist* He said immigration as it ex¬ to-day in America. is plainly in the path of prog¬ ress A news The special from Taunton, Mass., Thursday says: grand jury resumedits session morning and began the exam smiaarion of more witnesses in the Bor¬ den case. Detective HcIIeury and wife, who were mixed up with a sensational publication a few weeks ago ia the court house, wore among the witnesses to testify. District AttorneyKaowltott stated square¬ ly Thursday morning that- the !a*t Insan¬ ity story was ail bosh. A Washington dispatch says: A meeting wa« hall Thursday at the "resi¬ dence of Mrs, John A. Logan to further the interests of the American university, to be erected in this city. Mrs. Logan proposes .-rally to orgrnig* an Americas, nal . lv gun upon llw plan of th« Na¬ tional Woman’s Temperance Union. The object of the league is to enlist the ser¬ vices of the women of the Methodist church uroulutioo throughout the country $1,000,000 In the ac < of a fund of to fmm » part of the university endowment. Official Vote of Ctliaois. A Special from Bpiingfield says: The state board of o;,nv«sser«, on Tburaday, completed liiinoiH the It Is (asms follows; of rive.-iftcmi President— vote of as Oieverind, Weaver, 22,207; 426,281; Bidwclt; Harrison, 399,288; 2.%907. Tm Rev. BWward JCverett Hale. I>, D„ j ^ itttU9 Oaitarmu Chnreb to iterlte ,v,l te » w™ wg * : ®* “* ^ r<aatt ** io ©SlaS’Csb-, Subscription $I.O& Per Year. NUMBER 50. BUDGET OF FUJI. iltlSiOROCS eilllTuHKS FROM VA IttO L' S SO U HOKS, An Inexorable Kxeepltem— \t Home —Lucky Fellow—A Proliwitwat Prevaricator—On the Alps— Perpetual Bliss, trie. Tho heart; relenting, still U prme to smother The angry foeitnys which arise 'twist men; Bat when bahonalste fall out > y eaea other, They seldom speak again —rack. ur.iy •!<:-. wohk, “This is the statue.” “It’s much larger than life. m'T’ “Oh, yes! But no larger thu* be thought he wa*.”—Puck, AT HOME, She (hintingly)—“The lire is going out.” H«—“.Well, 1. hope it wilt briiir s««uo coal back with it.”—Detroit Free A FltOFESSIONAI, I'll KV ARK’A TO U. He—“Babbler always winds up those •wonderful yarns of his with, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Life She—“Very likely it is—to him.”— MuRK than evek. Curoso—“Well, McBride, is there as much billing and cooing as there was before marriage?” McBride—“The billing has increased largely. ”—Detroit Free Press. UCCKY FECtOW. Jack—“Priscilla has made George happy for life,” Clara—“I’m 80 glad to hear it! When are they to be married?” Jack—“Never. She has refused him.'’ •—Truth. BRAINING AND BRAINING Dudelet (after reading the story of a murder)—“Isn't it dreadful to bo brained with an ax?” Miss Sharp—“Yes; but not so bad as to bo brained with nothing."—Detroit Free Press. A .NATURAL CONSEQUENCE, ••Why, Fred, my boy, what’s be come of that pretty girl you used to be about with so much? I never see y ou together now," “What’s become of her? Why, she’s my wife.’-—YankeeBlade. HAFPY DISPATCH. First .Eminent Physician—,.“T have always remembered my first patient ” Second Duto—-“l trust he remembered you." First E. P.—“He would have done so, but he hadn’t time to make a will"—Life. A NATCHAUST. Philanthropist—“What startled you on Weary your wanderings!" Baggios—“A good man told me to *go to the ant.’ I T have been wandering the through the country, study¬ ing habits of the insect ever since *' ON THE ADDS. She—“Oh, what a lovely view! I can’t understand ho w you can remain so apathetic in vie# of one of nature's w«» droua works Dou’t you feel arty thing! He—“Oh, 1 ’ thirsty.’’—Pick yes; Mo Up nsncETOAU buss. Brigga—“Just for a joke, 1 told Mils Elderly the other dry that when she laughed it was all I could do uot to kiss her." Griggs—“What happened!" Briggs—“The next time I saw her she had hysterics,"—Life, OONVI.VCKO, “What a beautiful sky!" observed tho poet, as he looked into the We3t, that Nile was a dreamy blending of olive pink and green; “what a lovely vista of evanescent tones 1’’ “But there isn't any money m it,” re¬ plied his commercial friend. “There ia a ten-d Hirer bill In a sonnet on U,” chimed the poet “Then,” responded the coiamercial mao, warmly, “it is quite as beautiful as you say it is.”—Pac-.r. M».U1\G n KA-V. “S 3 ,”snarled the father, “yon have asked my daughter to marry you, and, having gained her consent, you come tc me for mine?” “That’s about the dimensions of it,” responded the young man, bravely. “Do you know, air, that t have 110 money and cm give her nothing?” The young man patted the old oae on the back encouragingly. "That’s all right, old fellow,” he said, “aether havo J, so tile change will not prove a serious shock to iser. What do you say? Is it a go?” It went. UO.VH5STI: ART. For Sari Cheap for Cash — An original uud unique portrait of Christopher Co¬ lumbus, painted by Tintoretto Ssarihew, by whom orders tor graining and film ‘Hg w id :><? f.liftnViiUy re x>i -t? 1 Said ;>ottrait is done j» oih upon muslin, nineteen by twelve feet; euirume of the prcsKut century, no tuff, uo cuemirotto, tin nous case; just a plain, rctiablc, sen -1 b r, < > •. 1 .;: p t • 1 ( j A'hirers the Blue Iritimi Avemie,' Bairsugc < Oitipmy ViiraHeH-T: n'' A. B*~»Will paint ia a iwor !, if rs qiorre!; nh» my k-Hwtnh' uu,,t may wish, —Chics:;:-:) Ni-»w ’ tt»n»rd. There I*. HERNAMK *Tai lostert! Could yo# find me, plea**? poor Ufltte frightens,! baby t ; The wind had tossed her gelded Oycce, The sterna had scratch®! her dimpled knata* I steoped and' Uftod her with vase. And #oftiy whi«|fcn>l ilar be.” “Tell imyour itnmc, my lii thf maid, J I can't find you without it.” “Aty name is Shiuev-oyo*,'' she said. J ‘■VV, but you lnst v> ^ i'i Oa twr uCftM ’ey r sa-i-i A single ling about if,” 'Tu', , d. nr,' f sM'd, ‘' is your name?* 'W,ir, didn’t, you bear me tell yo«? Dust DbiaeyVeves.” A bright thought came \V, whs s ajot.rr.itmtwhwithey Msm*, iittia oac—it’s jj<t the saiue - When tnarmua has to scold you?' *'My mamma never scolds," *he moans, A little Mushing cnKuipg. “Cep* NVben V w l«ien ti-frowtm; stones, And then sub says” (the culprit owui), “Afehetab's Sanpbira Jones, What has you been a dmogf* —Anna F, Burnham. HUMOtt OF I if E HA Y. Parts of speech—HyphettS.—Truth* Goes through without change-—Th# shopper.—Puck, The indispcusibk* servant is master of the situation,—Judge. Clothe® may not make the man, but suits make the lawyer.—Elmira Gazette. Faroe is a bright robe; but it soon weira out at the elbows.—Rant’s Horn. “F.iriy M of to be 3 ani what early to riso' people 1 despise. ikes a titan roost —Judge. When one woman praises anotlier, folks think she is sarcastic. —Ram’s flora, What is done cannot be undone, especi¬ ally if it is a hard-bailed egg.—Texan Siftings. Success shows off our good qualities; Jack of success shows oil our defects.— Texas Siftings, A roan has to be puffed up well be - fore he can blow his own horn with proper vigor. —iteiel;. The sign-painter may make « dollar while the steeple-painter ia making ascent.—■Boston Courier. If you want to get ahead in the world, don’t lie abed iu the moraiug thinking about It.—Atchison Globe, A great many “gentlemen of the obi school” do not seem quite to have flu i»bed their education.—Puck. It is noticeable that a little man h always very mild ia bis testimony against a big man iu court.—Atchison Glob. It's a queer thing, but the course of true love runs all the smoother the more it is studded with rocks,—Sun 1 fir m. Had Her There: Miatres*-—“You're the biggest fool i ever knew.” Maid — “Yon forget yourself, ma’am.”—Judge. Every man who gets whipped for a sin complains and that other whipped people less.— have don® uxor® been Atchison Globe. “I think Charles the First, was crazy,” said Professor Bungleton. “Lie certainly lost Ms head," observed Professor Sin gitborry.—Southron, It do«3 not f o’low that ull women ar« ptirseproud simply because they invari¬ ably carry their pocket-books iu their hands.—Boston Transcript. Notwithstanding the precautions taken by attendants at a circus tent to swell the treasury, the rain will sometimes beat its way in.—Statesman. North Side Mother—“Oscar, why can’t you be a. good boy fi’ Wayward Four-Year Old—“Mamma, it makes me so tired 1”—Chicago Tribune. “That, is Miss Sharp singing. Her father is having her voice cultivated." “You can easily tell that." “Howl" “It’s harrowing."—Cape Cod Item. A London woman advocates the use of dynamite in scouring “women’s rights." This is carrying a disposition to blow the men up to an extreme.—Washington fitter. Nellie—“Mamma, Geordic’s swallowed a quarter an’ he’s chokin’!” “Oh, my child, why did you do iti Now I haven’t enough for ear fare, Chicago News. Priscilla—“But don’t you think it’s a girl’s duty to ask the consent of her parents?" Prunella—“Oh, yes; unless she thinks they won’t, grant it.”—New York Herald. “Lightuing never strike twice In the same place,” they say. “No?” “No.” “Well, how do you account for it?” “Must be msnipulatcd by a woman, I suppose.”—Chicago Tribune. “Smiggins appears to grow more stupid every day." “Yos*. Somebody told him that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and hr* is trying to forget ait he knows.”—Washington Star. When the city man on a farm begins to talk at the breakfast table about “speckled beauties” he wants to make it plain at the very start that lie doesn’t mean, the horny-handed farmer's daugh¬ ters.—Somerville Journal. “Now, wife, you have again given me too much tea I. asked, yen for a cup half full Don’t you know what half full is'” “Well, John, I ought to. You have endeavored fo illustrate many times wLai it mesai,”—Buffalo Enquirer. “What a sight you av “Just as I was leaving the house to come to the dub my wife pelted me with flowers.” “But that doesn’t, account for your bruised and battered appearance. ” “ you sec, she forgot to take them out of the pots. FHegcnde Brief ter. M iilte-Tu: Bure-. Rare roectiugg in ludi-* pasvroUy iu tiuda some comic 'feature*, and the ritest novelty is a “whit«-tic ram” ie traduced at Kirkee. Tin cmujMititor* ride a certain distaHri.*, dismount, and kbvel before u lurty a rule si:«* tics a * hito tie .round their u<St;k in a neat the** they ivrt»i*u.ot tom start for :<• roi./u boat Mot* ti offs' cm •ttyT deftuesa. —C-‘iK<^»gu Tiwee.