The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 22, 1894, Image 1

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PI pn SENTINEL. Established 1866 . VOLUME XXVIU. OUR LATEST DISPATCHES. The flaps' Brief and Concise Paragraphs And (bnlniiiing the List of the Hew* 1 rout All Parts of the World. The ease of Madeline Pollard against (Vmgrcssmnu Rreekenridge will toe {••ail¬ ed before Jiistice Bradley at Washington on Mart'll 8, at 10 o’clock. Judge Bradley rendered this decision after hearing the arguments on the contin ntK>. r. V. Pow.lerly, past general master workman, A. \\ Wright and .John Hi i tin. ot the lab- general executivo board, have entered suit against the order of the Knights of Labor, for ha! am f salary which they claim arc due them The t ■im-r Bloouiing rail and merchant mills oi 11# Peimaylvunia Btoci in patty, at Horriaburg, la., ha. I'oHUtncd operations, Bailey's pud dliug null in South Harrisburg, after a suspension oil two weeks, has also resumed l b.' jury in the case, of tin- Mans*field Valley rioters at_ Pittsburg, Pa., lias returned a verihef, Twcnty-onc of tin- 58 found prisoners guilty; were acquitted, tjjjrty two two had . liter, d pleas of guilty and three were ncquitt ed by order of the irt Gem ml Juba] Early Dipped and fell clown the stone steps of the postofflee at buck. Lynchburg,' He Va., and sprained hin was badly stunned and at tirst was supposed to be ftriom-ly in jured, but after being carried home he rallied and Jus physn mu stuns that he Is not badly hurt and will be out in a few days. The Genera,1 Electric Company at ries Lynn,- Mass., will start up their facto¬ on full tinu This means fifty six hours’ Hchedule and the employ merit of some 1,500 hands The com puny lias received large orders lately . The shoe business is picking up among the manufacturers, who are daily re porting the arrival of fresh orders from all points of tlio compass Tlie side-wheel iron steamer Ida was burned to: the water’s edge at Haiti more and the hull tilled with water nnd sunk. The Ida has for several years plied between that port and points on the Chesapeake bay in pas¬ senger and freight trade. She had jnst been .locked at Locust Point for slight repairs. The loss is about $80, 000: insurance $60,000. Bill Nye, the humorist, was billed to appear at, Niagra Fall lust pl'l viouK to his departure from Iris hotel to the theatre he was suddenly taken ..'with heart failure- nnd is now iu a critical condition at the Imperial hotel, and is under the constant care of phy¬ sicians. It was stated that Mr. Nye - Imd been threatened with the present • - attack for some time. , The Two, rescuing putties at wqrk in the Giu lord mine, at Wilkeslmrre.Pft., trying to tind the thirk.-n entombed limn, tun! coal arc milking slow' progres J h«*k emtuHtes to fail, afnl on more than ore casiou they were obli !'ed to flee from the work in order t «ve themselves,- It is safe to.sav at . 4 -cut that it will take fully a mouth .. : ‘Wiv pe itie;- can re.udi the men wiie^i inejl'iireTPitjflxfiieVl tfi-lm. 11, JngktiGfi, .Term arc on Uyiy o of excifeirtetit expeetihg the return of “lu\ (i : B. Howard from the 'Coinmtoif'--; 0,,-~ picnitentiary ■ tuml trial fm -,'uboruiug wit nesses in hi« late trial When lih'went away h<> w ■xipj telv attired and wore k inagiu ■nt suit hair and beard, the latter worn full and flowing Now*..he is shorn ill gloi and pride and a ill. through his attorney try every plan to keep from coining back I’L • silk rihl ii wcitvers at N ew York art still out oil a strike; from present indications tho strike will be long and bitter, Ac 'jjiqnitteo of strikers had a confeienc with the manufucturerH at HteinkftttT mills, on West 511th s I. reel rite strikers deTUanded an in cre aBe of 75 pi.-r cent iu their pure, Th wuu refused, and Steiuhart «siid uoeiisiotw would be made There are nearly Oil weavers and H.ffffff girls out of \y.i j ‘ ! tbo apjdicatioft of nure'eured creditor to t amount of $Tfi,('H)0, the C’lw -t'-r Manttfnetnring Com pan v, Of Chi-s ter. B. « hi- been placed in tii hand; a temporary- receiver; Me two il-tgJI: ‘•s !ip:oii-! r-he re for Soil,000." i In- hulls have }; ■a. rnteii for Kom- time mi-for an - arras,ig nt witti ... Woodward, Baldwin A to-.,' York, who handle their I vox j prodticii. T lit'v \x ill resist the H P' j pouitment of » permanent receiver | The t'audos Kubbcr company, oi j New Haven.Corui., announces a - cut in wagi-H, to trth'Teflhct «t oat 'Iu wage* nf gills will reduced about 'iff per t fit, While the cutting and milling roums xvill 1 -m nugh' eight houi k of (W* is lie th of: the cut. The - (kin d;:*4 company iho.i employs nearly 2,11® hands, I t tshnt v partifdly t'whmonths lust hi)!, tint reopened in 'November. Of, late . 1 ■ ,- \ i Lu-aii s has been get¬ ting slack again. The attorney for the bank of Reids ,1'ftfik Gib',. N, , ill,' Ptaiitt'rs’ ’National National *d Dnnvilh', and tho People"a bank of Lynchburg, Va., in u * isiiit fignin.'-.t the LreiFsyiih;, N. <i cot ton nod x-- -hu i.i:lj.i, iff behalf of Hu n- ■ L- and all mim creditors, has obtained an order appointing Uiram F *>»1, 1 ft Spray. N. receiver of that eorporation. Thot* being a quantity f raxv material on hamf, the. order ate Is til.- I ■ci iver ti -ul j nio- *h< off red; tire mid ■util «H t: •> i ■f'fee,,! TV* antis ASHTiv • ■ WE APPLAUD THE PICHT AMD CONDEMN THE WRONG.” from Saltillo that Governor Jose Mig¬ uel Mnsgra, governor of the state of forth id as, Mexico, lias resigned his ofliee bad created, tt great stir m pifliti cftl affairs throughout the state. Gov¬ ernor Mii-gri/. whs appointed to the office by president Diaz about six mouths ago and has His made n .splendid record-as governor. appointment was made as a -compromise between the two .political factious of the state, who were for several months in mih J tnry array against each other. j PECKHA1 IS REJECTED. Tlio Senate liy e Vote 40 lo 31 Turns Him Down The bong anti Pespernto Struggle Brought, to n Finale, Wheeler lb Peek ham, Mi. < l< v. land's nominee for justice of the kn ■ p tome court, was rejected bv the. aena-tt j bv „ vote of iff to 31. Fifteen demo , ,. V!l f 8 nnd twenty-live republicans voted • Rgtl inst confirming Peckham fwenf.y | two voted democrats to .confirm and him. nine republicans ( ' manifested There Was in theisenate a grim determination when it to met I push forward in the I’eckham-case tit 1 he earliest possible moment - | contending early, leaders were on't-ho'ground and there appeared to be little ' change in the personnel of the opposing I forces. J n te M were 12:2o closed the and doors the battle of the of sen th ! ; ‘bey before was renewed Comidera ble routine business was transacted ‘ first, and it not until i o’clock that was ! Mr. Vilas got the floor, and began his speech in favor of IVckhtuii. Before the doors closed ho occupied himself arranging a great muss of letters and papers, which, it was supposed, formed the groundwork of his argument Mi Hoar was Gmiiariy occupied with pur poses the opposite of .Mr. Vilas. Mil. VII,AS STEAKS FOB PECKHAM. The first half hour of the executiv. session was spent in rottlii business when Mr. Vilas tdfok the floor and be £! ftU 11 speech, winch lasted lor inofi than an hour and was in defense of tin of the president to appoint whom he pleased for this or any other office, qun.liflea tif>jiif alone to be considered. H* then entered into a long discus¬ sion of the merits of the case and read numerous letters from distingnishod attorneys going to ehoiv tliiil, Pecliham was in every;' way .fitted for the exalted place to which ho find been noiniitutcd. Mr Mitchell, one of tlio r.-publiuttn m.-mlui, of the commit tee, followed in a brief . pM eh, in which lie said he bad examined all of the alleged charges and had reached the conclusion that there was nothing in them that in any interfered with the discharge of his duty as a meuil l th .supreme court. For that reason, he believed it prop, r that he slioufil 'b.qe.mfirmcd. 51r. George, a democratic hiefiiber. of the eoilliuitt. who it will be reman b<red opposed the confirmation of llorublb\Yei\ coiisurm’d tin' tiiuo allot¬ ted h> him in t-vplalning whi he now endorsed Mr. 1'eekhfem, His reason xvaa Hmt the charges in the two'cares XV el iitiredy -different, and that in Peck] Mini’s CHS they had been di« proved. It xi ss the intention ul the <>ppo Hunts of Beckham to do no talking but when' Mt : ■eorg had finished Mr. Whit Of ( alifoi rnui; acmoernt, find Mr. Hawdey, oi’&unectknit, re¬ publican, spoko perhaps three minutes each, stating why they could not assist in confirming Beckham. The opponents of Peckham sought to force tie: v-ite r each speech- The vote was finally taken u's above given ftud alter some time - spent in straight euing but the pairs, the Bennie, at 4:15 o’clock, adjourned. THE QUESTION OF WAGES. l’resideni Tlioaias Abrogates Hm ( on Irani With His Employes. A Nashville dispute: 1 says The committee called on President J. W. Thomas, of the Nashvillo, Oiffittaiuioga and 8t. Louis railroad, Wednesday in a body and conferred on tho recent order issued by him abrogating the contract with the men in the employ of tho road as to wages, rhe roa.l asked st temporary reduction l..„ 5 st of .... December and asked for a renewal last mg till March tho 1st Tills was granted, arid ns times had not im¬ proved, President Thomas thought it better to abrogate the contract than keep on asking f<ir -temporary . delays in restoring wagon. Nothing was ac oouipliaht'd Thomas «t this meeting. I’re-i,b at said that there could bo lai restoration of wages until times im proved so as to justify him in putting back the 10 per cent, reduction made December last. TO FREE POLAND. An Extensive (onsplraey Unearthed by Warsaw I’oHee. The police nt, Warsaw, Poland, ciann to have discovwetf an *oxteiisive non epiraey, tho object' of which w m t core the fn.dom of Inland m couepir&tora are said to iuclmie nihil ists m well «« peratru-s not tisnull Icund affiliating with nu ml f that «rcf ' ! !! ’ 1 iirrests havr , n Aai«n. tho*«' ,v' n "' ..’re*' 1 **’ iukon K t *- v ’ Hie cio'-re- ed»b i - i staff ° ,,Wi jn'iuni'H (inbiiani 1 at Werrsaw inftn T Catholio prlehte. The con s l nr ' a< T >« HH1 ‘I to hove extended to t! H !, i‘ places in Poland. At Kl v> n P'd'fo' visit nns made lo the. . h ' i-iiimi v imcoil- -n Ahere, wind: re. o o-_ to > i iri- q a l,u r.i. ■.! " 'i !U: F ‘ff- ’i 'in 'T f "'TT, i> t i -‘J »’»» and tree than. e • ? re ru*.«Jte t*Tprs?*tev- JE8UP, GA.» THURSDAY* FEBRUAKY 22, 1814 THE FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS The Hoase and Senate Called to Orher in Regular Session. Daily Summary of Routine Business ia the Two Houses. THE iior-u It; r,rii.»AY. Feb. 13 —The debate on the Bland silver seignorage bill was r. -nm.d in tlm house ’Im-mUy. Stem.' 'I he routine business preceded it. - speaker laid before the house the Hawaiian message of the president. transmitted Monday. At the request oi Mr. .burrows the correspondence iicconjpanying the message was rend, I he message and correspondence were referred to the foreign affairs commit tec; Mr, Kilgore, of Texas, and Mr, Dell spoke in favor of the seignorage ■iR- Mr. Bell believed that the ex travagiinco of the last adininistration was responsible for the financial dis¬ tress of the present onp, Mr. Johnson, of North Dakota, said that the bill, in its effect, would not only destroy th e parity between gold and silver but be " tween different issues of paper money '• WlONKSOAl Feb i 1. ~ Messrs (Juigg and Straus, the members clcet troni ><-w York city to miccecd to ellows w \V (.-diii.’si.ay f“’. r - lin ; : a.thougl then ci. s atm.s hud no, arrived. A hater from braw ey was read. Dal,ng hat his rcsigna re-cnTaticTha b forwTided to'tho ' IW l ' 1 , ‘ 1 srir f r? U , S, ’f M r r0 ;■ 1 ,,n ' 1 H 1 ( T< > hmlt u l h< , mK for general .1-ait.• on the seignorage Me Ml ml ,! ' i! ’ ’’ ’ l) "'™|' minutes, nut wmu.ut ha ^ H * *1 !. kftflt WiiS «WJHpokcm.aM.roi t5 _ f n tak r ! }'Vi Silul Mr it. : ht -tr. ?. m; Walker, of Massaciansetts, followed Mr. Btoue and opposed the bill. Thvmhoav, Feb, 15.—The house bill providing for the t rcctian of public, buildings''at Now Port, Kv., and Brockton, Mass., wnw report¬ ed from thec.iranultoc on public build in and grounds Thursday morning, Without being able to fix a limitation to Hie debate, the house went into committee of the whole on the seign¬ iorage bill. Fiuoay, Feb. Id—-On Mr. Bland s motion to close, general debate- on the seignior age bill at three o’clock there were on a division of the house '99 votes in the affirmative, and none in the n egative Mr Tracy, of New York ’ ,u ‘ made the .point of - “no quorum,’* ami the yeas and nays were ordered The vote resimed in a tie-.......81 on each aid. -and Tracy, thereupon, asked unani¬ mous Consent that the house take a recess until 8 o clock, which, under the rules would be taken at 5 o'clock, This was agreed to, and at i ■ 15 o’clock the house took a roe ass until 8 o’clock p. in., the evening'session to be for the consideration, of private pension, bills <>n; v. ... B.Vi’ljEDAY- The house non .-concurred in the senate amendment to the bill requiring railroads to stop trains at town n> . tb'.ahonifl, fixed by j fit-.nor . .itijuir m.-nL'kiul ftaked acou ter.-iic,: thereon. Al l'tl(- ; Mr. Hand moved that the house resolve ii well into committee of the whole on the seigniorage bill, and that general debate be closed in thirty niin ut- and demanded previous question on his irmtion. A division showed yeas 108, nays 1, Mr, Tracy, of New York, made the point of no quorum, and the 'yeas and nays were ordered. The vote resulted, yeas 157, nays,13. No quorum. j - Tin: SKNATK. Tcebda.v, Feb, 13. —A bill was re¬ ported by Senator Toko and passed!he net senate for Tuesday the protection oontiiming of in fish, foreie-tho -tho in I’otomue river. Th'e senfito Irilfmaking labor the first in t-'inbir. b , legal holiday, xvas'reported by Mr. Kyle, from the committee on cdiicut iiin, find planed on file. _.Then at 12:80 Senator Gray remmiod.firgu nient on the Hawihiqy yesylufhuL Wui'nekdav, Feb; ’14—-The senate tit Wednesday's reunion considered the honso 1415, requiring railroad com panics in territories to maintain sta turns ot towns established by the in ter ior dejuinmont. THt’i'-suAY, Ft b. 1 ii. — When the sen ate met Thursday Semites? George pre ¬ vented credentials of Semitor-electMc Lanrin, of M ississippi, and the oath of office whs administered to the new sen ¬ ator. A bill was presented b.v Mr. Hoar “toprevent lottery practices’’ through - out the national and foreign mail serv¬ ice. Mr. Hums presented a bill to prevent conflict between federal and state eofirt-j in nil cases affecting pri¬ vate rights. The house bill to compel tin- Rook Island Railroad Company to stop its trains at Enid and Round Bond, (ikiahoiha, camc np at B> :H0 as nnfin ifthe-d bnt-Iness, and Mr, Blott, of Con nectu-ut. tool, the floor iu opposition to the measure. Fkioav, Feb. 16 After some rou tine business the senate went .into ciiutive, se&frikui to continue tfe consiih orati'-n <>I. the Peckham uununation. FIRE AT THE FAIR. AgricnHimi? Bnifiling a8d Mavliineiy Hall Threatened with I-fi-srem-iion. Fire broke out W<dju-dny morning on th<-colonade iv,-( „e<-n tin agrienh urni irniiiiiny nnd wacliinery Imll in -the noridN fair prcmula. i he Jl.iiu* 1 gained rapid headway ntn! the seoohd third culls xvero gent out, but be fore additional cngineo reached the burning structure it-; dcstruetioa and that of tb - largo 1 iditiiig;,- ndj.ii-ent - r. ■ it i>- t < id- a a, ih>f aid id (In fis or,fils, ; -i o ■ n , lone is uoffilmU, Thu origin i« •rip th ha-vc hsco ittofetffhaty, BUSINESS REVIEW. Report of trade for She Past Week by Hun & Co. 11. G. Dun & Co.’s review of trade for the past week save: This has been In a week silver, of in record-breaking. forms of lu iron wheat, and some -ted, in ('■ nm-llville coke, and in well known cotton and woolen goods, the lowest prices ever known have been influence upon the tone of business gerrfrallv.'ami Thm.-t, tlur 'Waalers confidence in W all less improvement in mrtim faetnrc S and a greater decrease ! nl tltc volume of payments, through 0 l. arin^ houses, which were 24.4 per ,. j es - s t han a year mm outside of Kew York, and 41.7 per cent less than a vear ago j iere> notwithstanding nn ' usi ia j transactions in aju-cinllv grain. While no action affecting jngtem'the hnsim-s prospects was taken at Wash continued discussion of revenue and monetary measures and ihe une. rtaiurv regarding them have a constant favorable influence, and iu different markets have caused sudden fluctuations in prices. Wheat at flOie, is lower by 4|e than it was for a single day last year, an ! lower by t ,c than it bad cv<-r been in the previous seventy seven years, A v.sibie supply of over 7‘,hi'in',0f>0 bushelsFebruarv ,0th, with , ia } €( , lui ,[ reeoiid-?; from farms eoutuui infr j ar g C< h tts completely destroyed fait ), j n the otticiul reports of the yield , aMt Vfinr fil ,d c-ansed enormous liquid. at “* US - companies have ® tmD gpJ to advance money against wheat as collateral security, but with results not os vet , ncouragiog Cotton declined an eighth with in , : . r( , as j 5ig distrust of short crop csti mat.. Kecu'pts from plantations this week have been larger than a year »nd lit no time small enough to y x the idea that th.> erop.ff 1S1J3 «as but i. iii i , 0!) bales nhn-.i would meat! tiiftt ]«, *« t .ian ofH>,bales have yet to coma into sight in- over six mouths. The slight recovery iit prices of iron products has not been maintained. Bessemer pig has declined at -Pittsburg to 330.65 a ad gray forge to 39,65 and i-te d billets are sold below $1.6 there, while at Philadelphia most rolling mill products arc lower than ever. Shipments ot boots and shoes from the- east are Iff per cent, lens than a year ago, with cheaper .grades pre¬ dominating in orders and in maiutfac; tMT and not many factories fully em¬ ployed. Textile industries do not seem to have gained within the past week, j- or B8 many works have dosed as } i(m . resumed work, and in woolen and cotton manufacture rather more. There has been a sharp break in print cloths to 2 e.nfs; some of tin best known cottons have been 'put at-The lowest j>r.iee« ever made and there is more talk of general closing of mills, Bomt> woilen mills of large impor¬ tance have Btopped, one bephUBe a re¬ duction of wages was resisted,- and in textile works such reductions have been more numerous and largertlmn in any v previous week The demand JVi woolen goods does not improve and wl ] ( , s 0 f wool decreased sharply a/t i >r j s | c activity two weeksttgo, being oh \y pounds for the. Though week, against 5,586,300 hist year. , seme nriuh r at < M-arco nnd pric.-s rel¬ atively higher West tuau here, the markets do not advance. Exports of merchandise were about 8500,000 smaller for the week than last year and for six weeks tlid increase has ■ been only .$3,100,000, or 7|. per cent,, but- imports la:sl w- •: kM'-r. Idtic more than half ns large »s last year and for ‘TIic year thus far the decrease is about 42 per cent. There is no chauge of importance in the money markete. •Fnihires for the week have been Sfifi in the.-United. Btates iii against Cituada 11*7 hist year, and thirty-five against tliirt v- -i.v last rear. TENNESSEE IN LUCK. Her Hands to Hie Amount of $t>00,ffffff Safely Floated. -hatham, Alexander ,V t'o,, .fiscal agents for the state of Tennessee, have cdnMhded one of the most important financial operations that hoa been made in behalf of any southern state for a longtime, 'I litre sold to Blair k Vo,, bankers,'§{500,000 of D per chnt Ten¬ nessce bonds at- par ujjd accrneu inter cat. There bonds'"were authorized by the last legislatnro of Tennessee.for the purpose of building the state peni¬ tentiary. This negntufiion iusury* be¬ yond d >nbt the calling in of alt oui ctandiJig-A and 6 per cent bonds of the state of Tennessee without delay.-und Abe refunding of - the same, in u now bond bearing a lower.'.rate fid interest YELLOW FEVER AT RIO. The rlagae Said to Have Spread to the American Squadron. A dispatch "f Thumlav from Tho states that yellow fever, which has been so prevalent in that city, has at length communicated to tho foreign squadron. Several sailors . on tho American men-of-war are reported t<> have, died and others wo ill with tt, Tho American admired is r-'ported to have ordered the cruisers, Newark and Detroit to leave the port owing to.the spread of the disease. DA GAMA REPORTED DYING I rom Wounds Received in the Here id Skirmish fit Rio do Janeiro, Admiral SaidanliB DaGamo. the. rebel compander,' who was wounded in the nock and arm during the battle of Arimreo on Friday according lust, is in a crit¬ ical condition to a dispatch I from Rio He Janeiro It Wits at first } --supposed that the admirnl's wounds 1 xvt'i'xr ixisignjfxesMit, but n is mm .said ! t hot ho ,-i.i i— t-i<>usPr nguretl tbnt !>• 1 may hxve die. livery admiral effort is being made j ta tb.« a life THE NEWS IN GENERAL ConiM iroia Our Most liwlaat Telegraphic Alices - And , , 1 n resented In . Pom led and , Steada* „ . hie Paragraphs. ___ d M * wi Rml ®> . 1,ftHllvlllw t'f,; *«!*oad for #o,^ J! )0 *£ e B 3 !' rl< ' S 1U 10 »*year, dim k f*l««tal clerks and allege t! ‘ ,‘VT d * nt Wfts dm> to R deft ^ t * During Wednesday night» . gale the ? lf mrk ‘den New from Light, Savannah Captain for Philadelphia, Avis, lumber was stranded on Hogue bench, twelve miles west of Beaufort, X. C. The etcVf - w “ 8 saved. The vessel is a total lo6H * The pilots report seeing the musts of two schooners sunk on Outer Diamond Lookout shoals, Wednesday the Indian council sold 3d lakins of rupees, chiefly iu lole graphic transfers at ldj pence. Com limiting yp this action, The London Daily -jS'cm says; “The council evi dently is carrying inf o effect the governraent’sintention to refrain from placing »u artificial value on the rupee, tYcdesday's allotment being the lowest ever recorded;” A special from Scituate, Mass., says: Gap tarn Ht. John and the seven mm bets of the crew of the Minnie Itqwan, which went ashore off .First-Cliff Point, wore safely lifesaving landed Wednesday night bv the crew of Fourth CUff. They were badly frost bitten and ter riWy exhausted after their experience having of the previous, eighteen hours, spent a greater part of the time in the rigging X|iere wore no new developments xiiursduy at the Gaylord mino in Ply p a _ The rescuers arc working hard through solid coal to reach the entombed miners. So far, they have been unable to communicate with them iu. any way. Should they all be alive now it is safe to say that they wilt starve before they can be reached. In this event eleven widows will be left to care for forty-five orphans. At ft meeting of the board of direc¬ tors of the Associated Press at Chicago Thursday Victor F. Lawson w as elected president, Horace White, of the New York Evening Poai, first vice press dent; A, II. Bcl.p of tin* Galveston jVem* rind Dallas AV «■», second vice president; Melville E. Stone, secre¬ tary and general manager ; Charles B. P'i.-ht, assistant secretary and assistant general manager: George S.-hncider, treasurer. Judge Bradley, of the- district em preme . cmrt, at Washington Thursday refused to grant the petition of Carrol l L. Biker, of Chicago, for a mandamus to compel Secretary Carlisle to issue to him a' pi'n rata share of the $50, 000,000 bonds used on the basis of proposals subtuitted by him Judge Bradley, in denying Hiker's applica¬ tion, said that he had no authority to giant the application, and that secre¬ tary Carlisle’s power iu the premises wuu disoi'ciknnu'v. I he wholesale dry goods house of Jones, Witter A Go., at Colmnbus, O., and several small buildings adjoining, were- burned Thursday morning. The total loss is placed at $2 fii.iibo. dietri imU-d as follows: Jones, Witter .v Co., on stock, $180,000; T. E. Miller. <n building, 40,000: adjoining props erty $20,000, Insurance on stock $ 1 Uf>,000,on bniidiug probably $ 1.3,000. ’Ifie adjoining property- is well insur ■cd. Tliroe-firemen.were severely but not fatally injured. A Brooklyn, N. dispatch John says The jury- before •which A Me Kane, of Gravesend, wea tried fox dered a verdict of guilty with Tho a omiueudatiou for .mercy. pun jsnmuit rer.ivldeH* proviuea bv fix Uw law is „ot not ithS Iosa than two years imprisonment nor more than ten. McKane was charged with a number ol oik-usee against tue elec lion law?, but- the particular ouo brought him to.grief was his Ing the''vccutinnof an ord< t issuci! by Justice Gaynor to permit the inspec- of tion pf the registry lists of the town Gr>«cocud, in xxhi<-h Coney island eiubract'd. THE POLLARD CASE. The IHatnflff Hustling Around tod ting Up Testimony. Calderon G. Carlisle, of AYashing ton, attorney fui’ Miss Madeline Pol lard, ' vxho wfiH in Cincinnati in com¬ pany with his client for several days, says that the. case will come up in tho Huprcine Court of the District of Co¬ lumbia next. Thursday. Carlisle and Mies Bollard left Ciu cianatti fur Fruulifort. Tho deposi¬ tions of Mrs Dr Buchanan and Mrs, Dr. Perry, of Covington, which wore to have been concluded, have heart leit uufijtiaked, and Mies Pollard will call no more witmmm. Bueh witnesses as she needs will go to AYashington «nd testify at the trial. A Steamer (Bounded. The Eastern Philadelphia Line Btcurnship Com¬ pany at received a tuhi gram Wt-dnosdax from Capr, James, of tho grounded steamer Oxford, dated Kere Wt st, ted which stated that there arc” eight feet of water in the Oxford’H hold and engine looms, it. is feared the vessel and carg.-i wilt be a total lofis. Entonibcd Miners. A cave-in took place Tuesday morn teg in the Gaylord the mine, id Plymouth t'n.. operated by !\i nt-.-i.-n i OAF fltipipawy I'M rfc.en iu mnrn, vs-pqrte.d far' ,t<> be iff tb.a pM, hwrs bevtt nts tote te atffishta Subscription $LOC? Per Year. FAST TIME, * “tub 1 ?§t « « . IfKitltRTitR , Mg Bdffyjl •§ t}L. Ii wvlllli||iuil am~' “ ^#F Chattanooga ^ ■*-*■&■ TTVTTnri7 *2- , 'n !->• ** I IN EFFECT OCT, 30, 1882, ! • - C BrSlaf(C*««l .......BAST aanvn BOXING. IfcSS Noon I .Wr Time) 7 :US P. M i wo r-i..-,: iw>, ii..«x «;40 P. M j {j^^SSSS ISSlS 7:25 730 A A. M M 1 i Arrive WMhmgum S:8uA. M : CONNECTIONS. be Sv e Vt ashingtOH ! ow A.M Arrive New York 3;«;P. M heave MemptiN n,:S!l P, M Arrive Chaltanooga 14:211 P. M Leave Nashriiie, '“7:311 A. M Arrive. Cirattannoga IS: 25 P. M Leave N,-,f <>ri-;aiss mSTTM Leave iSirrain^haia A. M Arrive Chauanmya It:6i \ M - Atlanta . . 8:20 A. M Arrive •e Cieveianrl 1:25 P. M Leave Mobile •>. 1 M Lf.ave Se lls a * ‘jl 1 p' Ill Arrive Cleveland '■ . M .................. . .............................. TKatw CONSISTS OT Two couch- and h* ee »,-«- Ca. ALL W™ p !. .o. isi® ' nd \YuCOTID»H /VtSTIBULED Cr CSfiS* ----------- •»i‘At»nuwB«i«. «»Ui8»g service Unsurpassed. NO EXTRA. FARES, B.w.Avrenn,G enwriP m»,A gt.KrivxvUJe,T«n» , fl ‘ . A Tlflfififli‘fi} [W8 8 " ~ , : migmgpcwmg; 151 : _ Abraneh' offihe Siam Unfiémlty» f SpringLTm begins Fm! MMday «m 17.5.? - C’ :ffla’rg. ' rfifaéf Term éggz’mV-"E’irgg , 2-1:“, .- f 7V Mfl’fldaffrifi Septmbml, , :;. , 1 LI mat $61100} 'fin-iha mgth, ?milimyrig-un‘ing"v1.3 fox} gggm: 11$ ‘ f unified mews; Thai gmmr,‘ , thqw‘xi‘gb, bg‘xng gm’smmmry'otwm away. U; s. 3ng; - ~ w‘dgmfied 3mg"snzxugfifivizEquu'ghum by ‘ _ 1 " ‘ .. gu'rmxzs.g \ ‘ 1 " ; ; "ani'i fieén’gipd io tench ' ' ' ‘V‘ ‘Stfidémsfa’re 1;:ngan 01 ans ,zegmame.’ ‘ , 1 wine pumia' gchoola, by m: 31216an ' ‘I’Lect‘ures',hn' Agriciulmm-nud tbs bydiéfinguishéfi eflncatgra gm: mama, . g , ‘ ‘For‘ ~healm-_ the climate .isr nnmgma. - ':. watuawgmfwt. ”Opetmmgth ' mdl-ppmds; .. ,y i 34955533" _ ,5; 239m} ff, ’, .~ geioyeryzigtmf . mdxreprésenfiat‘imo! f 'j 11;; ' thragysittgv : ' , Embjgenamr undi‘vqeqneated'm appaigthge, PW. 'L fs'am‘maz} clist‘richror mmmwimqut ‘paying‘ ftrcsmfhi'g muviauiafimvféc, dnfing 1m term, " _ . _' ~‘ mfcwmhtign, 566m _ 5% _ : , For catsifig or 9: Tram; ' ‘ 1mm Treasurer, 139ml; ‘. , = . ’ Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. WAYOB08S AHOTiT USB—TIME CABO. Schedule of through trains to Florida and Southern Georgia. In effect July 2, 1893. Going South— ltea.1 down - Going North—Bond up. '5 I - -g-- ' 6201 »10j> 8 2S«: 6 lOu l,v Savannah A i 12 0f»re 8 3'te joaip 10 1 Joe 8 -fitfai Are, .Jveujj,.. Lv 10 26a C25l) s m sate 1! Us »13a : ....... ..........Wtv aross• - ■ b ItSftl 5 l&p 1 0LK SOal.,,...,. ,. Bruns wick, 7 2Cftf'.. 7 <V.p % • - Wpj........ ..............AIfi&n>...... ,...Jacksonville.• ?od»i £ drip IBp'lsOOa;........ 6 jJSpi........ ...... Sanford....... • - i Ife; 7-60a S65p: 1X..i',d0 20pl .......... ..............-Tampa....... flop M - ------... 180l *i5a i46sp;ii .......j oopi-------- ...........Port LI T.xmim.... OuA...... ii.-* !■#»’ l JJ| assp........ ,,., ........ ...AJiUnesvUh-.. v© S OOtU.,.,...' s tfo. a '.T‘."Tit»a h.'E.TI . !....... : S'.Np'w.t.i .....VaWosta...'.. - 5S3? sa* 1 02 p ........ ........ ,'i -TlionaV'ViUe - - - - ...... ii 'JlQp......} ......-t• 7»11 |®a . MoBtlveilo..... v-i *> a 25p ........ .......... ;.....,12C?i£ ...... *.S3p ......... . —... ..B&intii'idse..... ua«a .........ClialtftiitiOcJiea .....—....Macon...... . 8.35a; 10 65«:.. Ltri ten | Wa ibas.... • W) I c fcf.-ji titw . II-.!.,I fioa:.. ........At Ua ilia 7 35rt!?, ; » ow 8 40p oSl .....Mont ntg'omery t it 3 .-Mobtle--., ....A] .....,j|0!Shi 7Wg ’.T New Orleans - t .......................... «ur.sma o*» aw» oewrtctro**. Train# No#. 85 and U c«*y Pallmaa car* between Naw York, Baranfi«|)*ai.l Port i-wtiga. e<. *S wurriw Pullman Steeping car# Wayorow to Nashvffie, Louiwtle and Chicago f reu <H ullman < m Pullman atM^agcax* between Newlork soil Jacksonville. No. 6 carra's I carg between fevannah wkl Chicago, and on Thursdays Wedneaday* and and Mondays Hatttnte.v* the sleoppr No. 5 rotvrui * - fror. fue man deeper- to Bnwancee Springs, and on f or Maoon, Atlanta and tho west- Train 23 cimuc:t« at bay cross for 'Mwrtgomenf, 'New Orleans, Nashville, Oincinfiait, fit, bcuis and Ohiapc- Xhiwgb Pnl'mau deeper Waycross to Chicago, Train 2 $ connects with Alabama Mtilland railway tot y ^ deeping bertha secured at passenger statioiis, an 5 t. ■> ear office, 22 BuB street, E. A, Arsnand, City Ticket Agent. Tfonrmj Pa< It. G, Fietuiug, Superintendent ■ XV, M. B&yiditon, a*r«fe M ______ BRUSWICK AND WESTERN PASSENGER SCHEDULE TIME TARIJS NO. 58 IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE. 4 . 1833 , Subject to Change Without Notice. —TEe aIT gu WNW A ihD.) . Ul G> t ' 1 ‘ oSiNS"vs-S5-. . | OOlko .1 AST. , T~nr.~i x-T~rr~rT dSI'Llnaha;: '%«! sis: *2 nsm oiir'7Wi*t28j r«H.r» .. BRUNSWICK. Jamaica,.,.. .,— L 6 05 ; l 25 jf 7 47 ft 8 06 Wayimsviile. . . »< / sat < 05 3 xo T .. few».* R4* s'6 2S|"1 33{f 7 55 a 8 11 Atktnsoo- ..... ev- 1 5;p ......60! ..... .....k ii 7 « 00; 2 2 l iff *?if liijf mm *32 8.J3j* 2 * *V>\ 825J 17! ..... ..... ... Bdfexken Naliufita I.aiatfm ...... •'• ..... .!>» v.v>.- @ V- ( ,, oi;". f ;j. jj .... ,. - ......Is 8 15 j 5 Wt SMjs 8 50 ; Schlatteryill*. ■'■■948 £ f;3 4 S' • js' i SBSj :i 4 -'i ,8 ’J Mils 9 10 ; WAY.CKOSS,, - | - {> 5>iS»»: ioft.S 5 *};» fo 3 1 •»; 4<>: S I 12 i : 4;> S3 1(1 i5!;s 8 I0j 3 10; 3 35! r jaUSte 5 6 36 io f f. a 3 25 U 33 fe . .Wareslwo.. ’.{ifovowf - - ■ r C: 4 * 5m tedK .1 ;,7ft r> -ij n ! ! .... '-’ te-s 3 1245, e m\l 10 »• X»33;! .xteliiwmi'S .q< 8 52 f 424 1 . • 138’ S SiTnUf-T to 53 Pf-:U'ft.n.., \ 8 ix < te? it 4 fu@! .... 4 , XS'fl 7 0.7 10 33 HOC 1 .» teSrlttsIHl Mite Po»t --is S 1*1; 4 • 5! - ", 2 15 7 K:t l03.'i-nt5j ...S® --{.4 8«*,< 3 J-r-; 48; I S * 2 30-1 7 8! f 10 3 !» tU«i ...... ii vn y’» ■ -!« 7.77ft H‘ !■ 5 ft ...... 240: 7 3f-;fW40> 1.1.23 .. XVillucoocheo >-U 7 5-7 Pi 3 4 m: 4' ...... a v 3 ?re * 9F- UfflS II ♦♦ , .... Esitjonii..- AHx]>»hft -■ '■■■].$ 7 &'}■* pM to 0. .... , 1 4 05l iW f .Sitj's-iaO-'! .... • * -j * b~>. V ]££• i -.!■ v-' - i ’. ...... M.i- 3 4ft a 9 1;.; Iii'! .... jRroofclin'A s rj5 ». Aft' *!] .....Tt.-wo 33 ; 5*5 5 1', '» 5-, E tosalf.tatttL'uta;- X. SI M : TV Tv - - » « iYf 3 V, 8 ft 8«re.. ...... .. -4s , " 10 47ff 1213,4 l«6j- .. f 7 p «• K '• . f» 7 06...... . .... e-itef. 17 'T » 4 7 40 u ffii;tW23;f ui- .ref , " ji.3 s re?i33oA .....tsabeita scvfi te : -« 45 f. 818 ii i m ., .... Wifftnjl i iitVmash it; **«-< s etw-f t ■»:; 7 4J . ■ sH5 liSiVfr ----- .... iSfcvi*... ■IS'iffl 5® Mi «*•]*• £> »i V . ... . ....... . .UUarj A-. M, {A, AI-jF, 51 V. v. A, AS. r. M 1 - jiforiV;b. s,ft, 13, «, fiaoday. Train# Ni- 1. 2. 4 Xi op m ff* *i’ - ..... NUMBER «» P1 ftp Wmu 'WtMm T '’ --yf* CURES ALL SKIM AND BLOOD is i « » » DISEAbt.5. P ■ - i ESS L TL HK««»V fllS l ; |||§||| - Cuff iii-5-*J***J'* BM»«i'>n.,' ’ Mshtit, N S { ' rcafUc '-'' ,! i.f! ppppk 4 i * mm powerful t»ai wtd a a s'scs-HarS v;y.p<-5>'r. ® Ms a» SKS® v rawijiw8fe' La.V. tecw -iw ir, :&?>" -t-.-ti i v;b '*y poliMia ) a-.i : l 4 ia nv cr- impure -cortfipjo i:,, 4r-.j Vj iAftlriiruffi «r-A era ffll &J W IJ IJ f V C^URE'S ” ---- - f g W ^ ¥> M ^ ft 1 ft RF J I ® 1 ® MELAIImI j ’•g. 11 ;, 111 ? ik'rT^S—- SWkTISlgTll ~r -r ?&"\m — ---- I mmmmmmmmmem m V P ' ......" ar* . ‘ sft3 l s, » fi i U?mm BEOS., Proprietors, Druggists, Lippmsu's Block, glVAfl: AB, SA,