The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 22, 1894, Image 3

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LOCAL NOTTS ITEMS GATHERED FOR THE SKNTI N EL READERS. paveukst pa ft AC it a rut i'lrifEP up A*i> miN'stv ely PENtnntti> F-oi; VXOVtU TO I*EKt Sir, I'kks .kai.s. “BECAUSE IT DO NT' PAY.” Ha li ii tl UJVflrd ilirou-w 8,-tlwr*, bi.iTir.f 1 hi) I >+fiiHW *»<i tffnad m tmteodilc; of poUtto#* rftlifioii &mt th* Knew ■ FVttiythin^ law, until a.od f>!e#fc« l fcox and Tunc* ami jt tam i»l?d U)<?Ul* ir iu law — In short bud all of m«n .both Hat h J'ftlStt STi* buttmi*. forft. wosWs’t ' K * —Th* bicycle cra,r,e has struck Jcfiup, —Mr. D. Price, of Albany, is in J«**p this waok. —Mr. T. C. Rumph is confined to Itt* room this week. —Miss Laura B. Dodge, of Baxley is visiting in the city. —Col. John W, Bennett went to Wawcros.t yesterday. Carry your brokan jowdry to Per¬ ry and haro it repaired. —Tho Sextikki, duplicate* Savan¬ nah prices on job printing. —The Now York Weekly World it not the Sv-STixei, one year for $ 1 ,( 55 . —Mr. Wm. Brock, our g*ni.d night yard-master, visited Macon Tuesday. —Master Adolph Clardy n learn¬ ing the printer’s trade in the fits r: • nm office. —-Mi** Mamie Smith, of Jackson¬ ville, Fla, is visiting her brother, Mr. £i**e B. Smith. —Mi's** Georgia and Belie Pop¬ ped, of WayresvilD, are visiting at Mi. J*h« Westbcrry —Quite a number oi Iwup’s young people attemled a dsme* at Mr John Wcstborry’# Monday evening. -—We notice several of the railroad boy* naioying a thirty day mispen aioit; that’s what the “Hawk” w ill do. —The HuxTiKut, and the Atlanta weekly Constitution one year for $ 1.50 —W* give a year's subscription to te all persons getting up a club of live cash subscribers to the Skst'xs>:l. —d’he time to burn woods ban ar¬ rived, Did you ever fight lire with a green pine top? Well, that* hot work, —Mrs, J. M, WiJrok and Mrs, Oarney, of Pattoraon, Ga„ are visit H;g in Jesup this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. 1 *. Rowland. —Mr*. I, Ware and Miss Nellie Stawnrt left last Saturday might for blainnville, ’Fla., to spend a few month* with Mrs. P, P. Wood, Mrs, Ware’* daughter. —Judge O. F, Littlefield is hav lag his beautiful residence in the western suburbs of Junup made more beautiful by a coat of paint. Mr. Pat Higgins is 8Up*rint*nding the job. —An accident innurane* aj«at from Rome, On. is taking in the state on a bicycle; he arrived in Je.sup •Sunday. Ww are not sure of it, but we presume that he is also a candidate for governor, —When a man fall out with an «d* itor stud quits taking th* paper he reads It just as regular as lie did be¬ fore, if he can borrow it He will walk all over ihe settlement on Sun¬ day to get one from his neighbor. —The Totticlyn Pies* is yet he* moaning the lost ot young lady men¬ tioned m these columns a few weeks ago, ami fadignautly ask# if Jrsup wants any more young lady citi?,«ns, Why, (jf course, we’ll take ail you have to spare. Don’t get riled, breth¬ ren, it's just a mania we have. Sve? —According to the Street ami l *oe eommittiVs report to the city council there are two or three Idoek ad*d streste in our town. One street hi th* n*gro quarter* is said to have * hou«« and y»rd in p*rt of th* *tr*«t, wh.l* ftnethvr, io mother part of town has a gvd<!« half way across it. Th« mayor and council iufttruct •d the committee to do their duty and have the streets straightened out. WANTED.—Yellow Pine Crw« j Ties in large quantities, Quofa for standard ties 7 xH- fi feet. Not ex¬ ceeding one inch sap on corners. Hewn and or sawn; stale which. I)« livtmul f. o. b, ears or in water in rmpptng port, sftm’mg pm t, Matmu 1 ,::-:;,.";:: ■■ .A , watch:m: clock Shat won’t run J* - .. "I ..... ■ tlij . ■ • bars w« mean) V i ton jeweler a mi thi as eure-i. ATKINSON ITEMS. Atkin.ho.n, i J a.. Feb. 19 .—We have been having sums lively times here since lust week, in the way of preaching. Rev. A. F. Branch, pre¬ siding elder of this circuit, preached for us laid night from the text, “Let jmt your 1)C trtR be troubled,” and'in justice to Mr. Branch we must say that it never Isas been our pleasure to listen to a moro effective sermon. A man of his powers of eloquence Aiul kllCi'sledgO oft llO Scriptures IS <-«rtamly a God-send to any ecramu iitty, though ins vt-nerabli $ld head is whiten ad by the frosts of many winters, he m yet an enthusiastic worUr for (Uh] ' Ma >’ *»“ »« bl « life b* preserved lor year* yet to come. The quarterly meeting took place at Ilortense Saturday and Sunday. Atkinson was represented Saturday J hy Mr. B, O, Middleton, who is a very energetic and successful worker I in behalf of Sunday schools. Sunday I the following attended from here: Mr. and Mis. Grooms Middleton, Misses Gussic, Nellie and Era Mid¬ dleton and Miss Gertie Youlos, and Messrs. Willie Willis and Oscar Moore. Mrs. James Rowell, of T.uDton, is visiting Mrs. II. W, Mitehutu. M, " 3 * -—The soldier boys nre out in all their glory to-day, —Mr. W. B. Ciuipma", ol Charles¬ ton, is at the Stinnysidc. -—'The citizens of Jesup are invHuvi th a debate in Massey’s Opcia Ball Friday night. 1 ’ATTERSON POINTERS. Pattkiwon, Ga., Feb. 19 ,— Pierce county’s farmer is pn-paiing their farms for large crops. Mr. Lem Giiner, who was burned out some time ago, is preparing to build n large store house. Mr. J. M. Wilson, of thi* place, ia preparing to move to Lake City, FI*. He ha* many friends hor# who will rcgrftt to*«eo him leftvo. Mr. Willie Grinrr has concluded not to get married this year. Miss Alice Anderson’s best fellow paid her a visit Saturday eve. Mrs. J. E. Griner is quite ill. Miss Akins of South ('aroitua, is visiting her brother A. W. Akins. Wo arc glad to see Airs. Georg* Griner, who has bvmi sick for about three months, in our town again. Mr, John Andnnsort will soon have his dwelling completed; but wo* don't know whether it is for a Georgia girl or not. Rev. E. II. Bennett of Sore von de¬ posited his church letter tu the Bap¬ tist church Saturday at this place. Mr. B, Blitch visited Inn best girl at Offermnn Sunday. Wo nre glad to sec so massy of Pierce county’s young ladies and gentlemen reading the Sxktiski,. G. J. S. Peopl* Vroublad with *jck and ncr voim headaches will find a most *fli cacious remedy in Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver, restore healthy action to the digestive organs, and tho# afford speedy aud permanent relief. An eWdieneo to the simple laws of hygiene and tho use of Ayer.s Sar¬ saparilla will enable the most delicate man *r sickly woman puss Ik ease and safety from tho icy atmosphere of February to the warm, moist days of April, It B the best of spring med¬ icines. FOR iSVSMr.'FaiA, Il}alrsit.e,n. su.t Ctot&fteii eteofu-t :f«. take KJtOW VK f*l«« HITT-J- ■;r», A ,1 toow it, $1 p <r lx>ti rmirn* ha* tjCdAc-ataik ftsa cross*! red Uik :aeu WHtfpt. M’ith pure rsgorou? blood oursing through the veins and animating ev¬ ery fibre of the body, cold weather is not only endurable but pleasant mud agreeable. No other blood mod ibid* is so certain in its result* aa Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. What it does far others it will do far you. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoeba Thomas of Junction City, PI. wag told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there w 1. no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr, King’s New Discovery emu ph’lelv cured her and shs says it 8nv* ed her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, IBP h londa St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadtul cold, ^pproacliing eousiunpliun, tried without result everything cDe then boughv one hot tic of Dr. Kings N« >v l>t>.m»very, and rsr.tixrs ‘ ........ 'r;'.;K a.,,.* ' ; ‘te! tit's, ir.,' i:;ii h,,-ftt U - r ' * ! bo and sLbfa Vipnm cure aonatipsriyn. PROGRAMME. or s. s, c-ixvBsriox to be held with MT. JULKAHaNT CtttliCB, COMilKlfo ON FHII)AT BiCFOlttC THE uEl> St.SHAV 1 ST EBiJKUABY. Introductory sermon, Friday 11 a. by J. E. Black. 1 st. “How far and under what circumstances should a Superintend¬ ent go to attend Sunday school?” op¬ ened by I. S, Bennett, followed by G. W. O’Quinn. 2 nd. Saturday morning, 10 o’clock “What is the apparent difference be¬ tween church and communities where there arc S- S. and where there are none,” opened by T, A. O’Qumn, followed by W. 11 . Morrison. 3 rd. Saturday, 1:30 p. m., “How may the S. S. lessons best be taught,” opened by Brack Bennett, followed by W. J. O’Quinn, Sunday 10 a. ru,, Massiweeting, conducted by J. W. Webster. “Is it necessary for all the children to engage m singing ia S. Sk? If so who is responsible if they do not sing?” J. W. Roberson, K. J. Barber, Vico President!? of 2nd District. Hall’s Ilair Reneuor enjoys the confidence aad patronage of people ftl! over the civilized work! who use it to refttore and keep the hair a nat¬ ural color. All my dry goods, hats, shoes, etc. going *i COST far CASH. Bkn Milikim. To rnake the *ch«oi boy happy buy him a suit of clothes at lie* Miiikm’n at cost. I will sell my stock of ov*rcoalfi *t what thev cost nuv, for cash. Ben Mdikin. * —Before buying elsewhere come to me. I will save you money on watches, clock*, chain* and cutlery. Bbx, FREE.—A valuable 64 -page med¬ ical roiunce book lor men a»d women will he sent free to any address on re¬ ceipt of two 2-ceut stamp and men¬ tioning this paper, by addressing Dr.. Aathaway & Co., Atlanta, on. It is probably not the coldest wea¬ ther you ever knew in your fife; but that is how you feel just now, be¬ cause past suffering* art: soon forgot¬ ten, and because your blood needs the enriching, invigorating influence of Ayer’s .Sarsaparilla—tha superior Medicine. if rotm hack acumh Oryo« ate all w«wh out, rpaliy sood for soUilng it in ovltility. Try UKairX’fi UtOff HITTKHS. JS, wW ewic you, and Kh> « good ug.-.Alw. BM Kf tU U^tkire in iv,;Ck;uat. Hal”* Hair Rentwor is prononne. ed the best preparation made for thickening the growth of the hair, and restoring that which ia gray to its original color. SUNNYS1BE HOTEL NOW OPEN far TRANSIENT or PERMANENT BOARDING. At Reasonable Rates, :—PAT RON AGE SOLICITED.—; U^Comfort of Our Guests Oar Greatest Aim. Mrs. A. V, Oi abuy. BLACKSMITH WHEEL WEIGHT SHOPS BARNHILL BROS. Prop. JESUP, : : : : GEORGIA. \Ve me fully prepared to do all kinds of work m our line, Such &« making *ml repairing bug¬ gies, wagons, road carts, timber cart*, etc., etc, Qi HORSE SHOEING a specialty. The patronage of the public i# r«« pectfully solicited. R»*p’y, BARNHILL BROS. LOST! A AMOUXT or MO*ET Is lost aunualy by panic* purchas¬ ing worthless Jrmt trees, roses, Ac. Gel them from *, firm that grow* their own trees, sends out nothing but good stock and sells *1 reasonable price*. VV« want tlio address of every farmer and gardener in your section and will make you a Itl.cial, offer, wiite fi paiticnlars and prices st once, send stamp far descriptive catalogue. Agent* wanted every¬ where, Address CilXKCKKK NVRSEUY Go. Mention this Waycru&s, Ga. paper. 1 If I IUQ COTTON »•—j™ ten"—!®' r |j| * pll P II JfflfJa-iW ior »«m lamfaTOyi naareM 1 1 ”....... - 1 III. ui. Tabula.; '-oe ttc Eortc. Kij naa Tabaka family feta.'dy. .NOTICE. U Kt tlUJlM -wayne comity To nil whom it may concern: Ail poraoos inLereritftd arc hereby notified tli'il, if ho good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will bo granted by the undersignet!, on the. 6th day of March 1894 , allowing ami permitting F. E. Breen to erect a gate across the public road leading from Scaup to Doetortown, at a point between the three and four mile posts on said road, m said county. Said gate to be erected and kept up at the evpease of staid F. K. Bro< n. Feb. 5, 1 * 94 . G. R. Ritou, Chtinnan pro tern Com. R. R. W, C. J»we* W.Foppell, Clerk. NOTICE. At an election held, in compliance with an act of/tbe last session of the Ga, Legislature, antharizing the cre¬ ation of public schools in the town of Jesup, th* same having been ratified by tb# legal voters, as reqmred by said act, notice is hereby given that an ejection to elect two members of said Board of Education, as provided for in said act, will be held at the Council chamber of said tow* on Thursday the 1 st day of March 1894 . This Feb. G, 1894 , W, N. Clark, Mayor. Attest M, W. Sumuicy, Clerk of Council. a quarter, century test. For a ([uarter of a century Dr, King’s New Discovery has been tested, and the million* who have - > ceive benefit from its use testify tm< wonderful curative poivers in all dis¬ cuses of Throat, Chest and Lungs, A remidy that has stood the to»t so long mid that has given ho universal satisfaction is no,y x[K*rimont. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give rdiftf, or the, money w ill be refunded. It i*Jadmitter!|to bo th*puogt reliable for Coughs and.Colds. Trial bottles Fred at H, W. Whaley A Co. Drug store. Large size 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 , Sen t>, dSSSK’-'WSK ami jott will f#ar copi^« W « M4TK i*ilung wj *9ix«4TaA<» ccmtrkiniae mitur h( *v*ci*\ Oi v# fkdarmu »•«! say wh*«r« rou this adY«rti«rom8»t. B CTCK 1 M N ’S A RNICA SAL V K Tub Brst Sai.vk in tho world for Cuts, Bruised, Sores, llicvr*. Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapfied hands, Chilblains, Coins, nmi all Skin Eruption, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guamnUcd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by If, w, n bnlry A Co, ‘. ‘ YOU}?! ,5 \MWWMW" ,. ■STwi B*by -mM •i-V. wo go-re tier fWoHft W 1 :.n i&# wa* ». CSvild, alio rri»il for CUttrift When eh-: became HI*!, ehc chmg io Citctori*. Whau tha tol OUiUren, itie- gave llwaa (XMoxUr K)l: R BIG 8l.KX.-FSV.SS. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the adv.-rttsmg claimed for them, the fallowing; four fernedlew have reached . ( ,i. • . >. . sale: Dr. King’s New and Discovery, consumption, bottle teed—Electric coughs colds, Bitters, each gnar an the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. B, ckh-n’s Arnica Salve the best in the wo hand Dr. Kings New Life Puis, rouiedie* which are a perfact pill. AH these are guaran¬ teed to do just what is claimed for them, ami the dealer whose name is attSt cited herewith will be L'.-fid to tell you more of them. Bold by If. tv. whale)" 4% € o. T THE STANDARD. ♦ | ^ fTTTTTn v DURANG’S I Rheumatic Remedy!! HfL« its repHiatlon fa? IS yvn m hvitw t;.<* «tAH(iarU remedy for it ie & * a nic k nod p&rifiunuui mm i A Rheum#- # k twm, iHmX . .“tt'biUcA, cue, in nil he forms # ► It i« fijjdoweil t>y thousauds of DhyeD »cU^tH. IHibliBhfffN and r#fScaU r it is purely dost-, j; and J&ilU Luilds up ttow \h& 4 4 Srsi never io enre. i ► bottles t 4 rit« fur i« btie ddllftrs. dollar Oar a .Lottie, or tlx 4 ► -10 -pkm - puLn msQt Free by Mal-L Andres**, J # .ESSSS: th.- a n 05 g • rrMbili % , 4 «t 8* T bult-s ••‘■oyMtea lilpuns JAi uic cure teri„ ] liver. What Is «■* * fa “MBnraw?: fad m a A ■ A m ejfef a tk j ft If J » if I? ip B ,......mum ........ nun.......... a , - Casio ria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant.; Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers/ Castoria destroys Worms and allays feveHsbuess. Castoria' prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ’ cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas» toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. • • Cast oria. ; *' Casterfa. Is nn oxretlnnt; modlclno £,>r <*fi i)i« Mothers hm o rPfxxiteJiy told ram of its S<x*i c«oct upon Hit jr olWidrt'jx," Da. G, C. Oeaooo, Lowell, Stats. •* Castoria H Uvt> Host rtwno-V for children of which I am a<?qiiatated. I hope tho day ia nnl fax dial (wit v'/.on mothers willecmslder tiu> real hitcrw* ot Un-ir children, and uso Cnstorki in ftU-ad of the variouBquaok nostrums whicU turn destroying their 'oved onetj, hy, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, tiioroby madhig them to premature grave*.” l>u. J. F. KaseasLo*. Conway, Ark. 11»® Cc.utABv Coaipasiy, 77 Mavvay Street, lew Work f City, 0-i* 1 , C„ IS. BBM 1 I 1 »3 -OFFICE 55 W. BROAD ST. SAVANNAH, GROWUIA Has Lot the past 15 years made as j ceiidiy of the Following Chronic Diseases: Asthma, Catarrh, Dropsey, Rheumatism, Paralysis Scrofula, Emma. All Chronic Diseases cf the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Brights and Diabetic diseases of tho Kidneys, All Venorial diseases, Gleet and Stricture, Female Disease in all its Forms Epilepsy. Chorea. G-ortier or BIG Neck,Tumors Wens & Cancers CoroDis CoQStipaiiflu i ffemus xbiiioi Bt Vilvtis Dance The Doctor will visit your County seat every month- j The county paper ami his availars will give the date. JESUP, GA., Feb’y 10, ISOl.-To all whom it may concern: This is t° certify for that 1 have been under treatment of Dr. Doll bur for about six day? ber a -long physicians, stan bug chronic disease, for which I have been treated by a num¬ of a few specialists, and I think I have -derived more benefit from Ins treatment than any other; sad I now believe ho will affect a per¬ manent cure. JOSEPH J, BELL. FOR OTHER References see FRED GAMBLE, 55 W. Broad St., 8a. vannah; J. D. MILLER, 151 Perry St., Savannah; MRS. HANNAH BROWN, Johnston Station, Ga.; H. G. WATKINS, Johnston Station, U»., C. L. or D. L. MIDDLETON Johnston Station, Ga,, W, It. CAUSEY, Jeaiip, Ga., (’. J. FldtTCHEH, Johnston Station, Ga,, J, I HILTON, Screven, Ga., SAMUEL HILTON. Screven, Ga. Examination and Consultation free and strictly confua.n tial. All diseased conditions of the vital organs leave certain marks on the countenance which are as plain to the initiated as printers ink on paper And the Doctor diagnoses all e,i«es by those marks, and asks no questions, and will tell your disease and symptoms better than you could yourself. CALL AND Did CONVINCED. SPECIMEN CASES. S, IT. Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis., wag troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his stomaoh was disor¬ dered, his liver was effected to an alarming degrw, appetite fell awav. an<1 ho t4rrillW re , !nwJ fl esh J R!1 ^ , ^t^ngt.i. ^ i taw bolt , leg , 0 --me , trv Bitters cured him. itidtt r,hl Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill. had a running sore on his leg of eight year* standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and Sevan boxes of Buckle nhi Arnica Salve, ami his lag is sound and well. John Speak¬ er, Catawba, <>., had Jive large fever sorer- on his leg, doctors said he was i tors aud one box Buck Urn's Arnica Salve cured him cut.rely. Sold at H. W. Whafay A CVs. drug store. _ ir _ foal _ , weak , you «.nd all worn out taka BROWN’* v TRON BITTERS -- Xeuratff*c I\rmn« Awl UsfWD Iroislilf-l 1 v if H.‘—f'l.ii «< ■«, Ut ■)? him e*rss r.r »*«rr ork will i«s iritevciiliy tsktug JBrottm’* Icon Hitter*, v-.mrnim bM twJ« tnerkfttsil w>*«4'rwl Hue* on Trains*. II :pans ‘Tabnlcw euro fiver troubles. T»i DUU MIS VESTIBULE HUB : WIFM Fm&'MgJt i breve Cincinnati For by Georgia & $c Florida. ! Q. C........7:00 P. M. 0:00 A. M, Arrive Atlanta, by ET T. V. & Ga.,.....11:10 A. M. 1-80 A M. Arrive Macon “ t:S 4 P. M. A m \ M : ; . ..... , \ r ” v Jock • -< v : Tie P W Ry, .It 0 p f*. M. 1 : 18 . P M, AfrjvV i tt-un wfak .Err: V.'A G.i U . ‘ Y= 5 Q G. M. Jr BO A 7 fit.' ' T ’’ 4. latMMA i , V * an'*' ' ->-•* <*»'.« -. 5 , . -V i • r * Castoria. C ■ H Cantoris is bo well atlapla-t to ohiw r©n t**»t I vocommeod It ua superior tu any {K-ooerleticm kttowu to ISMX" H, A. KBCJBMtj, St, D„ III go. OftforU fit , Oruokiyu, N. T. “ Ovt phystes.uis In the lUldren's <ir.r«rt ment have spoken' 'h%h)y ot tl ir ov ; « ; ri otico In their outside praetlea with C«torht, Olid although we only Imva among BMnlicAl suppHes what i« known hs rrguiar prciclucts, jot we are free to confess? ttwtfe ten merit-.? of Cttstorla lifts won us to look with favor upon is.” Vkivexi Tiosmii. ak» Bibpiwsajsv, Boitoo, Rlfjas, Alsjtx C. Bmkm, IVw., WAYNE SHERIFF SALES. •0 EOllGIA—W avsr County. W H! bo sold on t’e.o tirst Tuesday in M»rch n-*rt at th c- , rt houso in M'.iifa *untj, withlu tile legal lioiu* of sale, to the highest bidifer, far cash, tho following property U-ovit: one trad or parcel of laud-'lying in tho B 113 *U district said county, cow turning one Jess, hundred (.100) North acres, moro or Imumfad on the by lands <»f Buck MiddloUm, and \V. T. Thornum, d| the South by i-nnd* i, A. Stnckland, on the East by K. T. V. & Ga. ft. U. and on the west, Levied on as the property of Dan Davis to satisfy :.u o\i. i.i.-n ^ne<i from the Justice court of the IfflJth district m of W,‘f\ ThornUm, ■igaii. t said Dan Brivis, Ab.-i> at th- r im-, tins- r..t piece. <m* 1*0 ('■. *, Ml .1 1 • o (! Alic*-; Got on* eerumi roan colored : l }™“ lu : * re •»»' u <l ! ^” 0,! ;‘l»o..t Y»">b’,.on. s years Said old, ,‘" ! ; v . ” a wu t!lu of : . A. 15 . kml.V, s.» mmfy an CM-m tiol) ^u.-d tl Gourd V -mrt i -ml county, ia favor of T. J. Long A to. *ga»nst said A. B K«liy. Property Vul pops ted out by the plmptill ebasvr to ;-sy for tire* litles. '1 hi* ] f }|, 1. J Si: 4. ■ TV. II. Em,is, Unenff Wayne Co., Ga, S, ft Harris. VYtifFs attorney. so iro WILKii & firs. J'O o-lf&is (oik IJj[f-i GTS EKING & HUMMER GOODS Greatly Reduced Pries Aug, 31 , PROFESSIONAL cards'. Attorxsst. A < ouksbixob at Law .iKSOP, GA. it Attornkv & Covxskixoe at Law SoLieiTou W. C. 0 . ,1KSVP, GA. m K-ajuf! a»a »*•,.!Bias com Ttiie m i ?r k(s %# IHNH & 1ST” ft OFFtO AT ll.W. Yi’hai i i’sa C - r-ir’o «? Mo«t P v :.‘id St, J LSI P, %t>. %. %. ' = = r * D E 5 1 « . r D i# BLACKEREAR, Offers Ids professions ECU'-' the citizens of Je.-np and HUH < • .,j country, and will be «t tho r. ? d House on too let Monday its each month. - I barn in stock a fino lot of Coffin* and Burial Case.*, aHjsdaes’estyka ami proa. 33 . Ia. 3 L.ef.rbreit. JKSUV, G A, East Broad Stre*t, Drs, J.'W.&C, C- Dan 1 * ■ . DENTISTS, ovtnvB AJ*» KKSmPXCP Cm. CougrcH-a and M’hita; 1 SAVANNAH, One of «s will b.e id Jc Sul"Monday in each raon and remain dtintVg tho we Grown work a who wish onr sfrviecd, upon. Jesup office at -W’tlV * dry’s. Plysieiai k Sr L..1 *i JKSITP, PlFiiai k Mi : JhM1 - . Office Er-ftt Broad Street. fi mm m .ij f — «a t»f« r-CtSf U-,: « *' 'y { - ^1 3 ■' | -jJ* 1 )E r 8 • ^ nunil cOPf'P.Gi ” g. LiYr m j ”^ bb.L - Tmf 1 .b.c-rf* - > ft ‘i iffti - tU7 „ *** . ' * r - > f r ’ L " U. —* f >*«('< * . sj-‘ ’* Jf| t: ;; r Y i,L , p•• e ~ ■tv/vfX jf£Hf £AC||g: 9 C 9 tf -s; ** ^ CA f .* °i„r«-uu>. 'Uh.m ? , h Sui wMi-u ih»rnwali coars,, cl ewdy, wjw iJisrwlK.rr _1‘* tfe* •LCT:: t0 - k o^MOT Wftt A r - G * ft* M tw W cow, an- 1 *. vevtkmh - Woescco sees fbee. Hi! Ate Growing Tobacco. a m ■ went ia iff thit *<w»er Crop. writ SOUTHERN TOBACOO JOURNAL, Winston, k C, 1U-i ?>*«•?■■% - H.