The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 07, 1907, Image 1

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AD LI SHED 18GG. L- XL. .dARD OF EDUCATION. March Meeting. .lesup, Ga., March, 5, 1907. The Board of Education «f Wayne county met on this date. Hon. A. R. Richardson, Pres, presiding and the following mem bers present: R. J. Madray, B. G. Middleton and J. C. Hatcher, Jr. The minutes of February meeting were read and approved. Oh motion the following resolu tion was adopted: Resolved, By the Board of Education of Wayne County, Georgia. That, whenev er the patrous of any school of «»id county shall furnish to the "s^ity School Commissioner fif ^pcr cent, of the cost of guch supply of Patent School Desks ns they may need, the said Commis sioner be authorized to use a like amount of th > Public School Funds and trder such desks, the same to be shipped direct from the factory to the nearest railroad depot of such school, Prices of desks to be furnished by the Com missioner to the communities wanting the same It was further ordered that the Board pay the freight on such desks. On motion provided that none but single desks of the ball-bear V - " ; od be purchased. n was carried, to buy t ■ om Clanton and Webb, 3 ut oppoiuted R. J. wmr bit the Friendship — .e the building, as K ’ * 'ue and report to next meeting, d by 61 zed statement show 'on aitures for January was re, IS a approved, same being for the amount to $639,77. Account of B. D. Purcell iu the gum of $116,60 was approved, the game being salary aud incidential expenses tor the months of Janu ary aud February. The President appointed County School Commissioner to appear before the Grand Jury the spring term of Court, iu interest of the schools of county. On motion the Board move made at a previous 71 g for the Commissioner to appoint a committee to chose a iitefor the Meridian school, the original recommendation the Commissioner in regard to this site was accepted aud adpo teu. This recommendation pro vides that the deed tendered Mr. Harley Smith for school site be approved. No further business the Board adjourned to meet the first day April. A. R. Richardson, one day R. .J. Madray, ” B. G. Middleton. ” ” $ 2 . J. C. Hatcher, Jr. ” ” A. R Ruuakos'. ' ,jrv R. 2 D. Puecelu, Coms’r. jnday a un- -• successful Colt for Sale. Small farm mulc. - f caii pull erosties, TTE ROOFi g. Also one two »,. p] . 7 vonr u irs old mule ’ and - . colt. . / '' XA \ ■’ ' corse v*ood. put it on g 00 ^ notes. Ap- 1 Milikiut jesup, Ga. entinel. “WE APPLAUD THE BIGHT AND CONDEMN THE WRONG.” CITY ALDERMEN MEET. | The regular meeting of the May or and Board ui Aldt-mien met in j Council chamber at 8 p. m., pros- 1 ident mayor l). M. ClarK, presid nig and Messrs. Wilkins, Brice and Dye. The minutes of the last meeting were read audopproved. The r. port of the Fiuance Com mittee was laid over until next meeting. The Clerk was instructed to write Ex. city treasurer G. W. Williams for the return of com missions paid him on amount borrowed by the town. Ihe Tax execution against the estate ot Hiram Bennett was or dered cancelled, and collection of the 11 X 0 taxes ordered to be col lected from the present owners. A communication from Hon. Juo. W. Benuott, in reference to tax execution was laid over. The tux execution against Eu gene Fennell was ordered cancell ed and J. F. Breen was allowed to pay tax for 1906 on the property on a valuation of $50.00. The report of the Tax Assessors for the year 19C7 was upon motion received. The Tux Ordinance for 1907— 1908 was read lor the first time and laid over until the next meet ing. A providing for the widening of Cbeiry street railroad crossing to 100 ft. and to regulate the movements of trains over said crossing by the R. R. Companies was presepted read and laid over until next meeting. A resolution to prevent the sell ing of intoxicant liquors in the town was read and laid over until next meeting. The Wayne County News was made the official organ of the town, the printing to be done at the full legal rate of 75cts for each one hundred words per insertion for the first four insertions and 85cts for each insertion thereafter. On motion the time of meeting ing was changed fr<im 8 p. m. tc 7 p. m. The following bills were exam ined and ordered paid. J. B. Cross, $2.90; W. O. Strick land,$40.00; H. J.Walker, $8.00:i Brinson – Kuighe, $165.00; A. Daniel, $6.89; M. S. D. A. Byck, $9.75; J. H. Wilkins <fcCo., $21.49 Wood, $ 1 . 00 ; Wayne County News, $ 6 . 00 ; James Steele, $31.40; J N. Good bread, $80.00; W. T. Wilkins, $0.00; J. C. Knight, $ 0 . 00 ; W. A. Jennings, $ 6 00 . . Upon motion adjourned. The Baraccas Entertained. Ti e fiaracca class entertained ^ ,e Rhilathea class last Ihursday night at the home of Mr. Henry Bennett’s. There was a large at tendance aud a good time was all. Mr. A. L. Bunch was mas of ceremonies, Kenny 1 '' 1 1 ’ 1 m i' c 4.-1011 a < success, Miss Amelia Bennett pre sided at the organ, Mr. Bunch rM ead ,i ti the 1f> p/i.i,.. - -Be, Rev.. t . 1 ii Nt.r-s v. r . . ! 1111 prayer, after which ad re pcated a v-rse irons the Bible ^ ariou ’ 1 an< I mnocent games were free ^ indulged in. Refreshments were served in the beautiful dec orft t e( j dining room. Ice cream, cakes, fruits etc. were served. The lasses am doing fine work iu ail the various departments of Christ ian endeavor. JESUP, GA.. MARCH 7th, 1907. Tobacco Culture For Wayne County Jlr. G. W. Drawdy took a trip down into Florida last, week in vestig–tiug the tobaco growing section of that state, and also the part, of Georgia bordering on that part of Florida. Quincy in Gads deu county, Florida, is the center or headquarters for the culture of fine tobacco. Decafer comity ih Georgia adjoins Godsden and the people of that county grow as fine tobacco as they do in Florida. The Doctor learned that twelve million dollars worth of tobacco is grown around Quincy and han dled there each year, and many of the farmers who had grown poor growing cottrn had quit, began growing tobacco and got rich at it. Dr. Drawdy thinks we have sim ilar soil right here in Wayne county and can grow as fine tobac co as they can iu these Georgia au4 Florida counties. The tobac co they grow sells in the dry leaf at from two to five and oue half dollars per pound. The doctor has brought back with him some of the seed used at these places and has prepared the seed bed and sown the seed. He is enthusias- tic in the matter and is going to test some ot his soil and wants others to do the same the present year as there is time enough yet. He hasu’t time to tell each indi vidual what he learned on his trip about tobacco growing, but if the people are efficiently {interest ed in this subject, a meeting of the Board of Trade - 'and Citizens generally will be called to meet some time next week, either dur ing day time or at night, and he then can explain to all what he learned about soil preparation, planting, cultivation, etc. The Doctor thinks this is Wayne county’s golden opportun ity to get rich by growing fine tobacco. With a factory right here in town making the finest cigars in the South,the people of the surrounding country should take the matter up and see if they can’t furnish some of the tobacco at. least for the local factory, or perhaps for more than one facto ry There is no middle aged person who has been reared iu this sec tiou of Georgia who does not know that tobacco grows well here. Now all that is needed is to grow and cure this tobacco, learn to grow and cure it properly, that brings these very hgih prices. We trust that others will join Dr. Drawdy iu this experiment. Who knows but it may mean much to our county and entire section of the state. Death of leland Williams. Little Leiand Williams, the 011 - l y child of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Williams, of Jesup, died last Fri day ai ,d wag hurried at Jesup u relay afternoon, Rev. .T. D. Nor r j a conducted the funeral. The child was sick five weeks, had measles iii aud pheunmma. It „ was fourteen month* oW to a day. It waa the joy and pride of its par ents, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their t ' Go J. H. -- Wilkins ;—7 A “ Co. for to and Boys Clothing, Hats, 3 –c. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER VIA It Patent School Desks. To trustees of the Wayne Coun ty Schools: As will be seen by the minutes of theBoard of Educational! offer is made by the Board to assist in furnishing any school with patent school desks. W..en a school will raise half the amount needed to supply desks the Board will give the.other hal£. This » very liber, al offer and should result in most of our schools being well seated. We hope the trust- es of each school district will become inter ested in the this matter ai d lose no time in raising the amount needed. This should easily be raised by private subscriptions and public ;entertainments. school recently raised enough from one entertainment to furnish school room. To seat 80 pupils will cost $60.00, therefore it would be essary for such a school to $88.00. The Bo-rd will pay freight. For lull particulars, ply to the County School missioner. B. D. Purckix, Commissioner. Jesup, Mar. 6 th, 07. The County Schools. Good work is being doue in the Screven school. Professor E. A. Lewis and his assistant, Miss Viola Aldridge are strong teachers who have specially prepared them selves for work in the schoolroom. When a visitor enters this school ho i 3 at once impressed with the quietness and earnestness of the teachers and pupils as they work. A firm tut gentle discipline counts more than anything else for the success of a school. Three new school houses are now being built and will soon be conpbted. These are Flint Branch, Oak Groove and Liberty. The contract has been let also for the building of the Red Hill school house. This work will be rapidly pushed forward so that the school can open in a few weeks. We hope to see several mo.e school houses built during 1907. The Board of Education donates $100 towards building any uew r school house. The Carter school nsar Screven is very anxious to secure a teacher at once. A Pleasant Party. Onjlast Friday evening, at the residence of Col. aud Mrs. C. C. Tiudall, Miss Alma Tindall pleasantly entertained a number of her young {friends in celebra tioy ot the aniversarv of her birth. The charming young hostess was the receipieut of qu te a number of beautiful birthday presents. Tne happy participants passed away the evening only too rapidly amid music and games. Light , . . . , D 1 'MiL'^TindaU’s ... ** mliny friends only wished that many such occasions of joy and pleas* ore may be in store for all. Those who attended were Misses Li]lian R 9 dd i*h, M Hdred _____ Bertie Bennett, Essie Milikin Hattie Mae Crawford, Jettie Mil ler, Amelia Bennett, Alice Hall, Jhetta Austin, Nellie Crawford, Ray Westbery. Iheo Conyers and Tivvie Spell; aud Messrs. Roy Price, Joe Austin, Kenny West berry, Aurthur Crawford, Odel Williams, Frank Drayton and W. W. Waters. NO. io. COMMISSIONER’S. Court. Georgi 1 , Wayne County. Commissioners Court of Roads – Revenues, sitting for County purposes, lesup, G«. March 5th, 1907. Pr- sent, aiul presiding therein, Hon P. R. Richardson, Chrm. with tn< mbers Elias Crummey, W. J. O’Quinn, J. F. Surrency and James Strickland. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and adopted. The following claims against the County were approved and or dered paid to-wit: P. R. Richardson, amount paid for tools, $58.62. P. R. Richardson, service as commissioner, $ 6 . 00 . E. Crummey, 'service as com missioner 6.00 hauling machinery 1.50—$7.50. J. C. Knight, 5 days mule hire, $5.00. J. W. Yarbrough, expense go ing after convicts, $47.41. Geo. W. McCall, building oil house, $16.00. M. Carter, hauling lumber, $4.50. N. L. Dukes, lumber, $9.00. E. C. Crummey, M. D. profess ional services to prisoners, $12.45 Ira M. Kaybou, Clerks Comrs. Ct. 2 months $80.00 freight pos tage express etc, paid on county matter, $16.85—46.85. J. F. Hurrepcy service as com missioner, $ 8 . 00 . W. J O’Quinn service as com missioner, $14.00. Jas. Strickland service as com missioner, $ 8 . 00 . O. T. Blitch, janitor, February, $28.00. Clanton – Webb Co., desk for Sheriff’s office, $27.80. W. B. Lyons, jail fees, Febru ary, $124.60. F. A. Lyens, guarding jail 82 nights, $48.00. J. H. Wilkins – Co., merchan dise for ccnvict camp, $51.67. Knight’s Pharancy, medicines lor prisoners, $8.45. Palmer Hardw-are Co. iron pipe, $1.80. SVayue County News, printing citations, $1.50. Wilkins Supply Co., im-re han dle convict camp and road work, $79.88. Brinson <fc Knight, lights for Feb. $ 6 . 66 . Jesup Mercantile Co , morchan (ljge ag per bill, $3.02. Mrs. S. JE. Harper, mattress and pillows, $1.95. Kicklighter – Scott, shoes etc. for convicts, $4.90. Upon motion ordered that Al len Porter be added to the list of county pimps and that lie a pam from ccuntv funds the sum* of $5.00. Upon motion ordered that Car uliue Fields be paid $5.(X per mouth from county funds I ilia 1 uad of $2.00 as heretofore. -tionordered that H. Roberson, lie j> id $5.Off p- i nth from county funds until fu her ordered. Upon motion it iR ordered that W. M. Crummey be appointed as Courthouse janitor. Court a djourned oubj ■: to call, P. R. Richardson, Chrm., M. Raybon, Clerk.