The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, June 27, 1907, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 18G6. VOL. XL. FINAL PRESENTMENTS, To the Honorable Superior Court of Wayne County, sitting in ad journed term, June, 1907. \Ve, the Grand Jurors serving at this adjourned term of court, beg leave t. > submit these our final presentments and pray that the same may be admitted to record as provided by law: 1. That this is an adjourned term of court and as we had at a for mer session examined the various couuty offices and reported upon the condition ot the same, which is of record of this court, we have no further presentments to make thereon. 2. We recommend that the couuty tax receiver accept 110 returns on wild lands of Wayne county at a tax valuation of less than one dollar per acre. 8. We urge our Senator and Representative to vote for any meas ure that may come before the General Assembly that provides for state prohibition, and agaiust all measures that tend toward intem perance of any kiud, 4. We urge the passage of law, whether of general or local applica tion, that provides tor the creation of a Couuty Board «.f Tax Assess ors consisting of five members, the Tax Receiver of the county to be ex officio member of such Board. The members of such Board shall be so distributed that no militia district have more than one member. - 5. While we do not approve all the acts of our Board of Commis sioners of Roads and Revenues, yet we recognize that the principle Up)U wftich the Board is established is based upon coirect. represent ative government. Five representative men, from different sections of the county, cun better look after the affairs of a large couuty like Wayne than one. We therefore urge our Senator and Represeuta tive, now in the General Assembly, to oppose any movt, bill or reso lution that provides for the abolition of the Board. We favor the pas-age of a law that will divide the county into five commissioners’ districts in order that the membership of the Board may be properly distributed among the several sections ot the couuty so that the re motest parts thereof have representation and be duly looked after. 6. That we urge our Senator and Representative to secure the pas- 8 age of a law making tho terms ot office of Die Ordinary and of the members of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues the same as the other county officers, namely two years, and that said terms of office run concurrently with the others of equal length 7, That we approve the change of county line between Appling and Wayue counties prayed fcr by petition, that, is to say, that said couuty liue be changed so as to continue from betweeu lots 168 in Appling couuty and 169 in Wayne countv, iu a southerly direction between lots 149 and 148 now In Appling county and reconnecting with the present county line between lots 114 in Appling county and 115 in Wayue county thereby locating lots 147, 148 and also 224 in Wayne county instead of in Appling county. 8. That m common with the progress of the times we favor ad vai.cement along ail true educational lines. Our schoolterms are too short. The public money available each year is not sufficient even to provide suitable salaries for the short terms that we now have. We need better teachers and longer school terms, and to obtain these will require more money. A local tax of two mills, or one fifth of one per ceutum, on the $5,000,000 of assessed property of Wayne couuty, would give our school fund on additional sum of $10,000 each year. Of this, the railroad interests would pay practically one half. An additional one fourth is paid by local corporations and large land ed interests. Only one fourth of this tax would be borne by the pa trons ot our schools. This small tax would give sufficient money to enable our school officials to furnish onr school houses properly, would enable them to pay suitable salaries for able teachers who would not be mere make-shifts, and would give to the schools want ing the same eight months of free school each year. We earnestly commend the study of this question to our citizens and voters. If education is a good thing, if it will advauce and better our citizeu ship, if it will enable the incoming and now growing-up generations the better to face and grapple with the many serious problems of life, and these things caunot be doubted, tlieu a county school tax, when sueh a very small part is paid by those who benefit therefrom mo.-t, certainly seems just and equitable. Thu question is .therefore com mended to the people of Wayue cour.ty for their most careful con sideration and action. 9. Wi recommend that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues pay to the Wayue Light Troop the monthly sum of ty-five Dollars for their maintenance. The Troup shall be required to keep account of how this money is expended, and the same shall be subject to inspection aud examination by future Grand Juries 10. We recommend that these presentments be published in the Jesup Seutinel aud that the publishers be paid the sum of five dollars for publishing the same. In closing and asking to be discharged from further services, we desire to thank the Honorable Paul E. Seabrook, presiding Judge, for the able, impartial aud prompt manner that he is dispatching tho business of this court. We also wish to thank Col. W. W. Lambdin, acting Solicitor General, and his assistant, Col. Robt. L. Bennett, .for advice and courtesies. We thank our foreman, Mr. B. 0. Middle ton, for his able and wise direction, and <.ur clerk, Mr. J. S. Lee, for his valuable services. 4 ^ B. O. Middleton, Foreman, and E. B. Jones, J. W. McKitfklighter, JoeS. Lee, D. A. Dent, T. C. Slover, J. B. Clary, J. C. Ritch, Walton Long, Jas. C. Hatcher, F. M. Mosley, W. 8. Benuett,- J. S. Jfggttp 0eti!iticl “WE APPLAUD THE BIGHT AK^ppEMN THE WEONG.” JESUP, GA. JUN1$ ath,1907. tax collectors Georgia, Wayne County: Commissioners Court of Roads and Revenues, sitting for county purposes, Jesup, Ga. June 21st. 1907. Court met pursuant to ad journment. Members present, II 011 P. R. Richardson, Chairman, with members Elias Crummey, W. .T. O’Quinn, J. F. Surrency and ! James Strickland; The following setllemeut was allowed D. H. Car ter ex-tax collector, for taxes collected for county purposes tor the year 1906. Statement of County Tax. D. H. Carter Tax Collector, in account with Wayue County Geor gia for taxes collected for the year 1906. Dr. To geueral Tax on digest 11909.67 it “ not on digest, 12.78 a “ collected from Southern Express Co. 9.82 tt it it tt •• Bell Tell. <fc Tell. Co. 19.28 it tt it ,t Western Union Tel. Co. 66.78 i i tt 11 tt American Tel. – Tel. Co. 15.77 tt ft 1 . “ Atlantic Postal Tel. – Cable Co. 5.96 To general tux collected from Atlantic Coast L. Rd. Co. I Jesup Short Line, 2757.79 Brunswick to Albany, I '1518.80 Savauuah to Waycross, 1684.21 To general tax collected from Atlantic – B. Rd. Co. 1164.49 tt tt (t tt 11 Southern Ry. Co. 2659.14 $21778 80 Cr. By Receivers Commissions, $162.29 “ Collector’s *1 489.72 “ Defaulters relieved general tax, 94.88 “ errors in general tax, 108.77 “ iuselvent general tax, 98.05 “ amount paid County Treasurer, Dee. 10th, 1906, 1828.67 “ “ “ “ “ “ 19th, 1906, 1000.00 I * ft It (A. 3. L. Ry. tax) Dec. 19. 1906. 5910.80 “ Amt. pd. Co. Treas’r. (S. B. T. – T. Co. tax) Jan. 1.1907, 19.28 “ “paid “ “ county tax Feb. 5th 1907, 1597.78 t f il i f t i county tax Mar. lltli, 11X17, 1499.00 (< i( it U . i county tax, Apr. 12th, 1907, 1000.00 li H »t 1l i i county tax, Sou. Ry. Co. 6.-19.-07 2614.69 ii <1 'Nit “ “ ( A. B. tfe. A. Rd. Co. tax) Jail. 8, ’07 1164.49 “ “ general tax paid Co. Treas. Jan. 8, 11X37, 1000.00 “ “ general tax paid Co. Treas. June 10th, 1907, 1850.00 “ ‘ general tax paid Co. Treas. June 21st, 1907, 1850.01 '$21778.89 Approved by the court, P. R. Richardson, Chrrn. Ira 1W. Ray bon, Clerk. Solicitor General Brunswick Circuit. Already a year m advance of the time that the,’ primary elec tion will take place candidates are beginning to bej announced for various offices. Among the latest is Col. M. D. Dickerson, of Doug las, Coffee couuty, who wishes to succeed Hon. John W. Beunett, as Solicitor Geueral of the Bruns wick circuit. Tho gentleman was iu the city during the adjourn ed term ot the Superior Court and met a large number of our citizens among whom he made many friends. Mr. Dickerson is a native of Clinch county where he was born j u 1880 He obtained the rndi me nts of an education iu the pub n c B chools of that couuty. By hard work aud by alternately teaching he continued his studies at Jasper, Florida, and at Abbe yillo, Georgia, and finally through these same self-made efforts took a CO urse iu law at the State Uni V eisity at Athens, Georgia, where he was graduated. After being admitted to the bar a t his graduation in 1901, he moved to Douglas, Coffee couuty, Kennedy, T. W. Middleton, I). H. Cart* r, C. J. Purcell, I. S. Bennett, Isham Roberson, A. B. Kelly, W. C. Rogers, H. L. Harris, and ard Bennett. • I' 1 Wayne Superior Court, Adjourned Term, June, 1907. The within presentments having been read in open court, it is dered that the same be admitted to record and.that the same be pub lished as therein recommended. In open court, June 26th, 1907. Paul E. oeabrook, Judge Superior Court INDISTINCT PRINT ;hir>ticJadicial Circuit Presiding, SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PEB YEAH Georgia, and began the practice of his profession. His close appli cation os student had well pre pared him for his choseu profess ion and he was successful from the very first. Iu 1908 he receiv ed the appointment of Solicitor of the City Court of Douglas that has jurisdiction over entire Coffee county and has held that office ever since. Last year, the first time that tho office became elec tive, he was complimented by the people of that couuty by being unanimously elected, a most sub stantial manner of giving a pub lic man a vote of confidence. Mr. Dickerson is a lawyer of ability and successful experience. As a prosecutor he is fair and just, always showing an impartiality that so plainly at all times stamps the man. He stands for faiT-play, for justice, for honesty in otiice. He don’t believe that courts should be made the vehicles through which to vent private spleen or show wrong-doers fa vors. He believes iu law aud or der and in a just administration aud iuforcement of law. And it * s up°u these principles upon which he bases his candidacy be f° re people. NO. 26. cases,disposed of. The adjourned term of tha March Superior Court convened Monday with Judge Paul XJ Seabrook presiding, and W. W Lambdiu, acting solicitor general, with R. I.. Bennett, couuty solici tor, assisting. Tho grand jury having been eharged by Judge T. A. Parker at; the regular term were sent ti> their deliberation- by Judge Sea brook without further charge. But three civil cases were tried. In the cases of A. J, Rooks vs. Janie Rooks a second verdict giy— , ing a complete divorce to the' plaintiff was secured. A case in which Judge Parker was disqualified, Jesup Banking Company vs G. W. Hires, prin cipal, and the Jesup Mercantile Company, indorsers, a demurrer to the plea of the defendant was sustained and j id'emeuf. was en tered for 1 lie plain riff. Wilkin* – Co. vs. T. T. Smith,, suit on note, the jury re'iirivd a verdict for the plaintiff in the sutn of $168.50. William Edeufield pleaded guil ty to the charge of carrying con ce iled weapons and was fined $50 andcpsts or as an alternative giv en six mon ns on the county chain gang. Harmon Edenfield, charg d with the same offense, was allowed a nol prosequi on pavmeni 01 costs On Tuesday Ben Strickland, indicted for assault with intent to rape, was c mviced of assault and battery and was sentenced to twelve months on the chai.igaug. Alonzo Worn berry and George Westberry, for shooting a cow, were acquitted. Bart Crews, charged dis turbing divine worship, entered a. plea of guilty and was fined $10. In the case of Mai Dukes, charg ed wiih disitirbingdivine worship, an order of nol prosequi was eu» tered upon the pavment of coats. Bob Boles, for selling whisk* without a license. a’ter Olb? state had presented a stro"g case ainst him, pleadei guilty andt was sentenced to twelve months; on tho chaingang. T. J. Boston was acquitted ora the charge of being drunk on th# public highway. On Wednesday the case of Sant* Barnes alias H. O. Barnes, charg ed with horse stealing was takem up. After hearing the evidence, the jury retired and promptly re turned with a verdict of guilty. Judge Seabrook passed sentence of fourt;eu years in the peneteu— tiary upon him. Walter L. Jones entered a plea of guilty to disturbing divine wor ship aud was fined $10 and emto.. W. R. Pope was fined $10. and! cost for netting out of season, plea of guilty having been enter ed. Lawson Turner was given $25 and cost 011 the charge of using, profane aud obsene language ini presence of females/ He had also plead guilty. Q a Thursday the first case was that of the slate vs. Henry Them— as (colored) charged with assault; wilh iutent to rape a white* girlj aboilt fourteen years old. XTre case mquired nearly the entiia morning. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and he was sen— (Continued ou last page)