The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, August 01, 1907, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1S66. VOL. XL. NOTICE Georgia Wayne County. Officers of Commissioners of Roads – Revenues of raid county. .Tesup, Ga. July 2nd, 1907. Sealed bids will bd received by the uudersigned tor the building of an addition to the county jail as well as a brick wall around jail. The contractor to furnish all labor and material necessary in the const ruction ol said addition to jail as well as the brick wall around jail. Addition Building to be size shown on plan 20 x B0 feet out-ide measure me nt: Wads lo be size marked ou cross section as follows: > Foundation Kvall to be four brick in bottom and racked off 10 wall size us fol lows -17 inches thick to floor joist, the rt>maim er of the walls to be thirteen inches from the floor j >ist to ceiling joist. Excavation Wall - fr tie addition to jail t. tie 24 inches below the level of the ground and the excavation wall around the jail to be 18 inch es below the lev.l and foundation wall* to h« four hick in bottom and racked off back to two brick . where the pilasters are marked on plan they are to be three brick deep and four brick long. OUTSIDE WALES All ou side walls to be of good hard burned brick, all brick work to b- plump and laid to a line both sides aud brick in addition wall 01 jail lor bouse laid in good Him ; moruiraod: all brick in in w 11 jail to be laid tu cement mortar. to be houroughlv flushed everv course iu d should the contractor sLght his wot kthe Commissi, nerf reserve the ridi t, have s.,me torn d i\vn an l h.iv,' it properly don*- nt expense of the cot. 1 rue tor. All outside wa Is l a be n atly painted and all walls to be neatly cl aned win n work is completed. MORTAU M. rtar used nr uind j >iI to be eotnpoii d of two pirts sand and one part portland cement and r m .iud* r lim Q . Mortar for wa 1 arouud jail to v compos'd as follows, two ind one part portland cement and the leinunder lime. Floor j list to be 2 x 10, 10 inch center heait. Second joist to be 2 x 12 inch, 16 inch center, square edge. Hip rafters to be 2 x 8 inch, lb inch center, square edge. C 1 ! ng jot=tsto be 2x8 inch, inch i-enii r, square edge. Deck rafters to be 2x8 inch, inch eeuter, square edge. Jack rafters to be 2x6 ioch, 16 inch center, square • dg*. P -titiou v alt- 2x4 inch, 16 inch center square e-ig<‘. To" pla a e- 1 {x 10 indie* for deck rqoar.- edge. \V > I p ates 2x12 in h square ed 8 e. The-e wall p a’e- t, be bolted with J inch bolt-, in»*n» s lung ev. ri six f et MooiKJg 1 -1 nd 1 ion *» jai. . ° be ^x3 inch fac-, < Lar of knots. Floor for porch to be of good hean fac-. Sheeting for rouf 10 be of J inch surface boards. Frames to be boxed pulley j frames, good heart for lumber. If inch sash, The built sash to of j ■ Sentinel. “WE APPLAUD THE EIGHT AND CONDEMN THE WRONG.” ! be 2 ft. 10 inch x ft- 6 inch If white pine, sash glaze double strength. All windows to have bhuds 1o be of number one white piu« with suitable fixtures to hang same. Roof to be a plaiu hip roof, with deck extension from the one on jail, deck to be covered with tiiM'fhit Jock and soldered. Main roof is to be covered with Carl right. sp'-cial brand of metal shin gh-r- same as on jail root: roof to be |»a me! sam-collor as jail. Cornice, to be plain wood cor nice as on jail from gutter with fall to each corn r, with tin same as jail, connect these gutters with 4 inch galvanized down pipe to ground, valley and deck to be painted < ue cob r before laid. Plaster: All interior walls and C 'iiinas with two coats of mortar as fol one, First coat of wood to have good hair well mixed. Sec ond to he of good hair well mixed. Second coat to be of good lime moriar, n I to be finished under t lie float an left with smooth and <v n rurfuce. Build etuii way as shown on in feet wide plain rad and ^ uud ballisters, r8 All doors on plan to be w | 1Me pjne >,nd number one and inches tlvek as size shown on la trnn30m Ught over front d )or 18x8(5 inch(g TM Mims: f In tire places , tc . . be built in wall at the most suitable p| aCf g> that they tnnjr he selected, F ,, ur fi re pl ac •*>, one or more lines. jfrout porffi to be 7* feet by 24 p tVfj B [ x hrick piers as „ howu <in platl H1K , four tur 6(J c duiinis , oxo „ inch ■ and . . two halt , ,, 'Iuiiiic. , J m.' foundation , and , c floor »o have good heart lumber, Pate-and rafters to be drrss d amt covered with ceiling on top. Cover 1 oof of porch with same ns builuing. Sills for porch 6x7 imh heart. Sleepers 2x0 inch heart. Kitchen wall to be 18 inches thick and plaster ou the inside with two coats good lime mortar. Size of kitchen 10x20 feat out*ide measurement, roof to be covered wlt |, tin or tin shingles same as rou f tom in building, with suita ble guiter and down pipe. Litnib' r for kitenen. Floor gtiJ 2xl0 inch ), eartj 10 inch cent(JI% e dge. Rafters 2x6 inch center, equate Rout to be covered with ^ mchdr s e l sheeting. All wood work to have two coats 0 f pain', color to be suggested by the boa' d of County Commission e rs. A 1 tm <o have two coats a , lf j t j,, ghingl s onecoatof paiut. Tne door t the to the entrance of j jj yard to be double door one of The 21 x 30 addition to jail to have a centre brick wall through it 10 fie*- fl op j ,ist. I’m 11 s tinil sjiecifications now of fil • in th ■ < ’le> k* oflSce. Contrac to Will I)- required to a good a id Htifnci n liond in double .•niiotn t of the contract price ’ he faithful performance of the ! c uitract; -aid jail to be paid for w 1 en compo-ted and accepted bv , u , Commissioners All bids to ] b** iuUlr*ss 0 d to r. K. KichardsoD, Chan m m, :sod marked “bid ou addition t ■ jail and wall arouud sa id jail” mid handed in or re cei wd not la er than 10 o’clock r n. <>0 tin-3rd. day of Septem ber 1907. The Commissioners reserve the right <o reject, auy and all bids. P. U. Richardson, Chr’m. Comr’s. R. – R. IV. C. Ira M. Raybon, Clerk. JBSDjt, : ^ AUG. iSt, Uxa. 1907. Picnic at Hopewell The Hopewell School, though not now in session, had a most elegant picnic on Wednesday. Appropriate exercises had heea prepared, free refreshments and an elegant dinner was served, and the community held up its good name as an entertainer, to the top notch. County School Commissioner B. D. Purcell opened the educa tional discussion.. He was follow ed by Editor T. B. Haitig, aod Col. K. L. Bennett, a u d it seems safe tosav that the cause of local taxation for schools, through which we will be enabled to build up a good system of public schools for the entire county, has not. n biogle enemy in that pare of Wayne. Mr. J. C. Hatcher, Sr. of Wins low, was the master of ceremon es, and conducted the entire program with an elegance that, was most complimentry Picnic at Pine Grove Tim Pine Grove Public School, und-rthe management of Miss M idge Long, closed the five month* term Tuesday, July 80th. The exercises in the morning cmist- t ed of a march by the, a numV er of recitations, and a *pifch l by / Mr. T. B.* Hartig ” on _ , . . . . . , . A >ol J U < * >f ix niurei P f ° p e ul( ^ am t0 4 10 Se m h1 , 8 l,,t rll,lllftr flrul . r " fre . * h ' m( " 4s " er0 (M0< • In T th- afternoon Rev A. W Webb, S'are Organizer, deliver'd uddr ,, as . in , behalf , ,, of . the , Sen „ an , Island , . O' _ 'ttou _ Growers „ , nssocm* tion, aud i.icidautally sp .k in behalf of local school taxation. The day was a most pleasant one throughout, and both the cause of local school taxation and proper organization of our Sea Is land Growers made many warm friends. It may not he amiss to state that the Pine Grove School is one of our rural schools that has made much progress lately. Instead of the old time bench seats, they have elegant patent seats. There is also a library and in many ways progress along educational lines was easily noticed. ScilOOl ClOSIfl^ , 8t mt«Pl89S8nt ThepublicschoolatMt.Pleas an t closed last Friday afternoon appropriate exercises. Miss Ethel Gardner, who has been the successful preceptress, proved a most successful teacher, aud held up a good attendance throughout the term. To her credit it must be said that during the last pup lie school year, four different leachers made the attempt to teach the 8chool , and t l le ir com bined efforts failed t<> finish the –ve months term, but Miss Gard ner vas able to hold up a good av erage for tlie • ntireterm. The exerci8es consist.-.I of ^oi gs and recitations by the puoii*. and address on education in g-"«r al and local school taxation in particular by Mr. T. B. Hartig. Refreshments consisting of ice cream aud cake were afterwards erved. .^_, ’N^YasD ^A^? Tr UatatheandheaUiun^t SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR HITCH Fodder pulliug is the main question of the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Purvis left Sunday, tor Savannah. The protracte l meeting id. the Baptist church has been postpon ed until September. Quite a crowd made a trip to T) bee Sunday. Mr. Frank Duberly has gone to Brunswick where iie will reside for a while. We believe there was soim tirng about the picnic the other day that had some effect on the pe > pie. Th-y don’t mind talking Local School Tnxatio 1 . There will be n joint debate be tween the Hitch and Oak Ridge literary societ es on Saturdav night, August 10th, 1907. The subject for debate is, Re s lived that Washington was a grea'er man than Coiumbns. The affirmative will be represented by Messrs. I. M. ilurst, F. F. Mikell. J. A. Lee and D. Lubberly. The negative by M 'ssr. C. J. McD u» ald. Oscar Ah man, J. C. Altman aud .John Altman. There will al so be music and addresses Everybody come out. FLINT BRANCH (Jertiip K. F. 1 ), 2 .) The thermometer has gone up pretty high here recently, it be ing 102 and 108 several days last, week. Fodder pulling is he order of the day. Mr Jus. Abbott who has been quite sick is better now. Our Worthy County School Commissioner, Hon. B. D. Pur cell. visited our school, Wednes day. In his talk to the sch.'ol he classed pupils into civo large classes, Viz : those who are attend ing school from a good motive and those who have no good pur pose in attending school. We were pleased to uote that he would cla*s a large majority of our pupils in the former class. We believe Prof. Purcell is a most earnest worker in the cause of ed ucatiori a d we are pleased to have hi in with us. Ti er ■ n ,w pupils eutered our school last Monday, making a nice average for the week Several from hero went to Sa vannah, Sunday. Mrs. J. II. Mattox, of Daisy Ga . is the guest, of her father-in law Mr. A. P. Mattox. The Satiila Base Ball 1'eam is planing to give the Goose Creek Team a Picnic and au interesting same <>f ball next Saturday, Aug. 3rd. Go.-se Creek, you have a good .ecord ::s published in last weeks Sentinel, but the Satiila boys are going to make you and your hired pitcher work to keep it next Saturday. Come prepared to do your best and don’t forget to bring your hired pitcher. Mr. J. L. Hill, the Cash Gro cery man, has mooved his large stock of goods into the new Whaley Block, where, having more room, he can show them to his custo mers to better advantage. He iuvites his friends to call on him in his new quarters. NO. 30 . HICK OX Editor Jesup Sentinel, Je3up, Ga. Dear Sir. If you will alow me a little space in your paper, I will atempt to speak a word for our tittle town ns there is nothing never written here for the paper. The farmer-are gettting busy with their f Her an I potatoes. Hickox is still on ih*- hood, the maieriil son the ground for Mr. A . Dowlings new r sideline Mr. (fowling is a mem' er of the firm of Dow! lit; itios. of Hickox We understand arrangements are being made for a new Mercan tile business at this pi We are glad to note J. A. Courson will soon be uble to go firthin , ug'in utter being sick sometime. We are having one of the l e t s'dioo s that has ever b en conducted at Hickox, under the ma luxem -nt of Prof. R. H. Carswell. If we could always get the service of a man like Mr. C ir-well, our school would be a satisfaction 10 both patrons and pupils. SHADY DALE Miss L' re 1 11 (mm, wa« u wel come visitor at Mr. John Harvey’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Hoops Car ter, aud two children, vis,ted Mr. Carter’s fath-ij Sunday. Rev. J mi‘S Bradv will preach at the Carer scnool ha urday night and Sunday a d hope he will nave a good attendance. The school is progressing nice ly under the manacement of Miss Edna Hatcher. We thauk Mr. Pur cell very nm -h for sending ns such a nice teacher. We huvo an enrollment of umout 80 and ex pect more very soon. Mr. and Mrs I. D. Cartel, visi tod Mr. Green Sunday. Mrs. I D. Nichols visi’ed Mr. D. H. Carter Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Tyro are all smiles, it’s a fine girl. We would be pleased to have Mr Purcell, to visit our ehools. We read of him visiting the other schools very often. O’QUINN SCHOOL (Screven R F. D.) The “sing” was well attended Sunday afternoon. Mr. Alton Sommeralt, of Bax ley, was a guest at Mr. R. A. Long’s Sunday. The Misses Murrays visited at Mr. George Mrray’s Sunday. Mr Marvin Wilhamson attend ed the “sing" Sunday. Miss Addie Smith is at home again for a few days. Mrs. Remer Oliver and Mis* Dolly Kennedy have been visiting their brother Mr. S. P. Kenedy Mr. Cleveland Findley who has been visiting relatives has return ed home. Miss Amelia Bennett of jesup is assisting in our school. Mr. Lonnie Smith is on the sick list. Little Miss Ruth Jones is also quite sick. Wo always speak u g w! word for The Sentinel