The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, August 22, 1907, Image 2

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Burnetts Heights Mr. James Tambliu, of White Spring Fla., is visiting his sister Miss Viola, a 1 the home of Mr. J. J. Burnetts. It seems that after General Green has been dued that labor does not cease, a? General White has appeared. The , at the Height - - , picmd as predicted was a succe-s Every one present seems to enjoy the day however, the progaam was minus the speaker and the mill tary drill. and Mr. Milikin are due us an Mr. Jas. Burnett, of Echols county wbb with liis brother J. J. Burnett Saturday and Sun duy. Mr. Scotia brother, Mr. Thom as Scott, of Emanuel county, was among 1 1 iends at the Heights Saturday. Mr. C. W. Dukes has gathered almost a bale of cotton. RUNE GROVE ODUM H F l ) The farmers ot tins sei-tion are about done pulling fodder. We had quite a heavy rain Sun day evening. The farmer* of this section are feeling quit.) gloomy on acount of just, being in th-ir cotton. Misses Alice and Birdie Dent were the guests ot Miss> s Fannie and Lena Pye Sunday. Dr. M. L. Mudray attended church at Bethlehem Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Henry Eason are all smiles this week over the ar rival of a new baby girl. Quite u large crowd of this vu cinity attended Church al Beth lihem Sunday. There is a senes of protracted meeting running at Friendship church. Mr and Mrs. C. W'.-tberrv wme pleasant visit us at Mr. Dave Westbery’s Sunday. *•* Madray Springs l’h-ase take notice: our school closing will be on Saturday, A’ig 81st, ins end of Aug. 8 Ui i a* pup lished last we -k. Fodder pulling is almost with us, so iho pupils are all back in school again. W» a; - - going to exercis? every effort in om power to entertain till) e who honor us with their presence at our closing. A number, from onr ty, attended the picnic a' Heights Saturday. All uports a good time. Miss Della Griffis is spending a few days with Mrs. J"p Frye. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rich the guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Madray Sunday. There must be some attraction for Mr. Janes Mudrnj down about the Heights; a* be did not home from the picnic until Mon. dav. Mrs. \V. E. Bowen and Miss .innie a'tend'd the picnic Saturday. rep*-ut of ing little “was of i he ten rules of life of Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States, and the rule ap plies to every one without excep tion during this hot w> ather, 1 e cans * it is hard to;' f>>od, even in small quantitie-, tc b- digested when ttie blood is at high temper ature. At this season we eat sparing and properly. We should also help the stomach us much ai possible by the us* of a little Kodol For Indigestion Dyspepsia, which wilt rest stomach by digesting tr.e food it self. Sold by Jesup-Drug Co, NOTICE Georgia Wayne County. Officers of Commissioners Roads – Revenues of caul county ' :; Jesup, Ga. July 2nd, 1907. Sealed bids sill be received bv the undersigned lor the building of an addition to the county jail as well ns a brick wall around jail. Tb0 oootractor to furnish ail labor and material necessary in , the co , ) 8 t r uctlon ot said addition to jaiJ as well ag the brick j aronnd j ail> Addition Building to be size shown on plan 20 x 80 teat outsule measure Walls to be size marked j on cross section as follows: Foundation Wall to be four brick in bottom and racked off to wall size as fol lows -17 inches thick to lloor joist, the remainder of the wall- to be thirteen inches Horn the floor joist to ceiling joist. Excavation \\ ulls for the addition to jail to be 24 inches below the level of the ground and the excavation for wail.around the jail to be 18 inch | es below the level and foundation walls to be four hick in bottom and racked off back to two brick : where the pilasters are marked on plan they are to,be t in-; bti< k dei p and four brick long. OUTSIDE WALLS All outside walls to lie of good bard burned brick, all brick work to b* plump and laid to a line both sides and brick in addition wall oi jail for house purposes to be laid in good lime, mortar and : all brick in wall jail to be laid in cement mortar, to be diuuroughl v flushed every course should the contractor slight his work the Commissicnerf reserve the right, to have same torn down and have it properly done at expense of the contractor. All outside walls to be neatly painted and al! walls to be neatly cleaned when work is completed. MOIITAR Mortar used around jail to hi 1 com posed of two parts sand and ulle part, portland cement and re mainder lime. Mortar for wall around jail to la- compos'd us follows, two palls sand one part portland cement (UU the Ie umind«r lime, h loor joist to be 2 x 10 , 16 inch center heart. Fecund joist to he 2 x 12 j 16 inch center, square edge. Hip ratters to be 2 x 8 inch, 16 j inch center, square edge. 2x8 inch, Ceiling joists to be ' inch ceim r, square edge. Deck rafters to be 2x8 inch, j inch center, square edge. ! Jack rafters to be 2 x 6 iuch, inch center, square edge. Petition walls 2x4 inch, 16 inch j eeuter square edge. Toe plalates QxlO inches i deck square edge. • Wall plates 2 x 12 imh j edge, These wall plates to be bolted with jj inch bolts, 20 inches (every six feet. Flooring for addition to jail be |x3 inch face, clear of knots. Floor for porch to be of good j heart tace. Sheeting for roof to boot’ inch surface boards. j Ffri.ies to be boxed frames, for 1| inch sash, built mi heart. lumb->\ The sash to I 2 fr. 10 inch x ft 6 inch If white pine, snsh glaze double ! strength, Al! windows to have blinds be of number one white pine with suitable fixtures to haug same. j Roof to be a plain hip roof, ; w ith deck extension from the Oil jail, deck to be covered with ] tin. flat lock and soldered. Main ‘ t of is to be covered with right special brand of metal shin gles same as on jail toot: roof to ; be painted Bann col lor as jail. Cornice, to be plain wood cor I nice as on jail from gutter with fall to each corner, with tin same as jail, connect these gutters with 4 inch galvanized down pipe ground, valley and deck to painted cue color before laid. Plaster: All interior walls and ( * ilitlK8 wlfcil two coats of mortar ,, * First coat c °at of wood od to have good hair well mixed. 1 oud coat to be of gofd hair well mixed. Second coat to be of good . |im morfar) A u be fiaisl ed „ „ , . m ^ r ^ ^ ^ , eft w , th 8mooth and even surface. Biild stairway as shown plan three feet wide plain rad and j post and ballisters. Doors. All doors on plan to be wb - te pj ne and number oue and j| inches thick as size shown o.j p j all) one transom lightover front | door 18x86 inches. Flues: In fire places tc. be built iu wall at the most suitable places, that they may be selected, Fouf fireplace,*meor more flues, Fro:;t por ,. h to l(e 7 $ f ee t. by 24 feet to have six brick piers as shown on plan and four turned icolumns 6 x 6 inch and two culumn ^ Th>! f , nui(1 atiou d()or lo have good heart lumber. Plates and rafters to be dressed and covered with ceiling on top. Cover roof of porch with same as building. Sills for porch 5x7 inch heart, '•leepers 2 x 6 inch heart. Kuchin wall to be 18 inches j thick ttud l)laater ou the inside two coa ts g (HK j ii, lie niortar. gize of kitchen 16x20 feet outside mea 8 U reuieut, roof to be covered with tin or tin shingles same l,S j roof to main building, with j b , e gutter and dowll iup „. j Lumber for kitenen. joists 2 x 10 inch heart, 16 inch WQ{eT% wjaM edge Rafters 2x6 inch center, squate ed Root to be covered with J inch dressed sheeting. All wood work to have two coats j paint, color to be suggested by the board of County Commission ers. All tin to have two and tin shingles one coat of paint, j >p 1)e d „ or to the to the entrance of j h jj y ard to he double door one of The 21 x 80 addition to jail to have a centre brick wall through ^ ( 0 flrgt floor joist, Rians and specifications now of j n the Clerks office. Gontrae ! tor will be required to give u good . lnd guffici-nt bond in double the amount of the contract, price for ] the faithful said performance of the contract; jail to be paid for by Le l> completed and accepted ■ he Commissioners. All bids to 1 be addressed to P. R. Richardson, Chairman, and marked “bid ou addition to jail and wall in around ; said jail” and be hauded or re ceived not later than 10 o’clock a. m. on the 3rd. day of Septem ber 1907. 1 he Commissioners reserve the right to reject auy and all bids. P. R. Richardsou, Chr’tn. Comr’s. R. – R. W. C. Ga. Ira M. Raybou, Clerk. j Men Past Sixty in Danger More than half of mankind ov er sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, us uallv enlargement cf prostate glands. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley’s Kidney Cure should be tak«u at the first sign of danger, as it corrects ir regularities and lias cured mam old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rockport, Mo.. writes: “I suffered with enlarg ed prostrate gland and kidney trouble for years and after two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cur I fed better than I have for twenfv years, although I am yiy t arsold.”—Jesup Drug Co W anted! Twenty-Five Carpenters and One Hundred Laborers to work on our new Wood Turpentine Still,at Mt. Pleasant, Georgia. Wages paid every Saturday. Atlantic Turpentine Co. L Carter, J A Ross Geo F Arm Pres. Vice Pres. Sel The?Wayne Realty -*BUYS, SELLS AND LEASES'^ Improved and Unimproved ICountr; and city property, Turpentine and Saw Mill Locations. Special attention to r ark of property for non residents. We collect rents and make prompt remittence The Wayne Reality Co Jsup, Ga. VERY LOW RATES TO NORFOLK. VA. and return account JAMESTOWN TER-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION Via Southern Railway. Season, sixty days and fiifteen day tickets on sale daily comm-ncing April 19th, to and including Nov. 80th, 1907. STOP OVERS will b» allowed on Season, Sixty da* and fifteen day tickets, same- as oi. Summer Tourist tickets. Full and complete information | can ui. Ticket agents Southern Railway, or write: G. R. PETTIT, Trav. Pass. Agt. Macon, Ga. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE 'fwenty Or mhre town lots, 50x100, in the town O. Odum, for sale on the following terms: Price $40.00 each §7.50 cash, $16.25 in ihre months, §16.25 in six months c OIJ d for title given purchaser Deed given when final payment is ma de. For further particulars address E. C. CARTER, ODUM. GA.