The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, August 29, 1907, Image 4

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THE JESUP SENTINEL. ---- Pnbiiohed Thursday , =7 at every Jeattpj A r ayne /ou uty__eorgia.—. BEN MILIKIN – SON, Prop’rs. rTmTmILIKIN tTbTh’aRTIG, Editors – Publishers. ~~ Entered at- the Poet Office at .Tesnp, Oa., as Second Class Mail Matter. Official Newspaper of the Sheriff, Ordi nary, Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues and Board of Education of Wayne County Georgia, JESUP, 3A„ AUG. 29, 1907. The cause of local taxation for schools is the cause of intelligence against ignorance, the better training of the generations that are to rule in the future, the de velopment ot a better citizenship, the attainment of a higher intel ligence and the consummation o a better government aud state. Our readers are again urged to notice the advertisement of the Bessie Tift. College, of Forsyth, Georgia. This is one of the lead ing female colleges in the stale, and under the Presidency of Dr. Jackson, has attained great suc cess. Wo know of no place that we can recommend more highly to those who have daughters to educate than this excellent insti tutiou. The corn crop of Wayne Coun. ty, it is said in all sections, is the best that has been raised here The cotton crop is most promis ing on every hand, not only in yield, but also in prices. Surely this period of prosperity should make all our people not only more thankful to Him from whom all blessings flow, but also more lib ed towards every question of progress, educationally, morally, spiritually and financially. The Sentinel desires to congrat ulate the towns of Screven and | Odum upon the tact that they are now incorporated under the ■ laws of the State ot Georgia ■ j Both places are growing and ; prosperer .; both have sweated some o' : iir best men to inaugur ate the; i oca I forms of govern moot; and there is no reason why both towns should not now take i on a new energy, new life, new growth, and a newer prosperity j aud soon rank with the progress ive towns of South Georgia. ; ■ On the front page will be seen synopsis of t.he report of the cou-i dition ot the state educational speaking, for the year, 190b. This shows that over 63.18 per cent, of the children between the ages of 5 and 18 attended school at all. : Doubtless the average attendance was less than 50 per cent. And the most deploring fact is that the entire state, by state taxation,j by local taxation, and bv money raised otherwise spent only 98 cents per capita of the population for the support of the common schools. This is less than the brush , , states out ... West , that .» . sage are vet dotted with the redsknis are spending, bureh Georgians j should come out from ihat. Don't accept a cough cure that vou may be told is just as good as Kenedy's Laxative Cougn Syrup. quim ^difference^ Kenedy's t Laxative o Cough n „.h 'tvrnn oyrup acts acts ce”t- ge..t ly upon the bowels and clears the whole system of coughs and colds, It promptly relieves inflamatiou ef the throat and allays irrita t‘^old by Jesup Drag Co. The consolidation of all the tax digests in the state, together with the corporate assessments, as re ceived by the Comptroller Gener ftl ghow ^ total iax value of Georgia property to he over $70), 000,'KX). As gratifying as this ap P«af 8 , it being the highest mark ever reached by the state, it is a deplorable condition that in order to come at the true value of Geor gia property, one must multiply this figure by at least 4. If all kinds of property in the state were given at a true valu» we would have the lowest tax rate in the Union, aud still not be forced to face a deficit as we now do, aud in all probability for the next few years, will have to continue. Oh ! that some of our great statesmen would have for a few years back bone enough to overcome the dis honesty conservatism that exists among those who return their property for taxes, and place our ] tax laws upon that basis of equity j and justice where all would share their just burdens of tbs state alike! Ten years in Bed “For tea years I was confiued to my bed with disease cf my kidueys,” writes K. A. Gray, J. P. of Oakville, Ind. ‘It was so 80 - vere that I could not move part of £j ie time. 1 consult' d the very* I best medical skill available, but, could get no relief until Foley’B Kney Cure was recommended to me. It has been a Godsend to me _ Jesup Drug Co. Additional Local News Miss Minnie Richardson, who has been m Wayeross for some nnnthe, bj eut Sunday in Jesup w j t jj ] )er j )artu t s . She has accept ^ r j)()sitiou in Savannah v here | s j ie went t0 a8gume charge of the siime. The first bale of cotton gined jn Wayue cmu)ty thft t we have ]ieard of> wast ,, iued Saturday, Angugt 24th> at Hedland by Mr. Fle;ning Smith . The Cotton was grown by Mr. A. L. Epps aud was of the Florodora variety. Hay Fever and Summer Cold., Victims of hay fever will ex ^f^Xuey a.TtaS, to i shops' I difieult breathing immediately aud heals the inflamed air passu ges, and even if it should tail to cure you it will give instant re lief.” The genuine is in a yellow package. Tlie first Sea Island cotton pur chased by any merchant that we know of this season, was bought last Saturday by Mr. F. B. Gtirr, ot the L. Carter Company, at Odum. It was grown by Mr. G. F. Davis. Orico Laxtive Fruit Syrup is sold under a positive guarantee to cure constipation, sick headache, stomach trouble, or any form ot indigestion, If it fails, the man ufactures refund your money, What more can any one do.—Jes up Drug Co. ! Mr. R. E. Curry has gone to Q a jfc manj Georgia, to attend his; homelodge ot odd Feliows where. f a t. e rnity will have a Love' Feast and Smoker; also iustalla- j tion of his brother, Mr. J. C. Cur-, ry, as Noble Grand, What New Jersy Eitord i a i Says M. T. T; Lynch, Lynch, Editor Editor of of Uie Phillipsburg, Phillipbburg, N. N. J., J., Daily Daily lo.t, Post, writes: writt)g . “j have usedllian y kinds 0 f medicines for coughs aud colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley’s Honey aud Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it-—-Jesup Drug Co. Cohens Department Store. Mr. S. E. Cohen has just returned from New York where he has been purchasing his large fall stock of goods. He will now have tw o stores— one devoted exclusively to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Fur nishings: the other in like manne r to clothing and Gents Furnish ings. The stock of Shoes aiul Hats, in both depart merits, are unexcelled. Special Lines of Ladies Skirts and Suits Fine Stock of Millinery. On Monday, Sept. 9th, he will haveaGrand Opening Day, special sales will commence at 8:30 a, m. The following special bargains will be offered: Fruit of the Loon Bleaching 36 in. wide, 1 Octs per yard, 10 yards allowed to each customer. Indigo Blue and Turkey Ked Calico at 6cts per yard. J. – P. Coats’ cotton thread at Sets per spool. lOct. Hoes at 7 l-2cts. A Cordial invitation is extended to all to call at the store and examine the goods. S. E. COHEN, TUTEN BLOCK, JESUP, GA. ODUM Mis? Minnie Jackson of Brent " ood ° f - Miss Cora Carter Friday night, Mr am , Mrs Joshna Renuett,of ^ ^ ^ ’ ' ^ visiting friend? . aIU re atnes u r< . Mrs. Crandle and children are spending this week at Baxley aud Surrency. Miss Tempie McLaughlin is spendmg this week at Screven Ga. Mr.E. C. Carter have been ill for the past few davs, brat we are gisd to say he is better at this writing. M isses Susie Surrency and Alma Tindall, two popular young ladies ot Jesnp, were the charming guests of Miss Addie Smith Suuday. Messrs. Quinton Carter, \ ance Buie and Lester O'Qwinu spent and Sunday in Brim gW ; el{ Messrs. Arthur Ciawfo.o, ^ estberry and John Brewton, Jfsnp, atteuded the ice r-am litre. The ice cream supper given here for the benefit of the [5^^^ 'SSTlKi greatly ■ enjoyed ,' . by all n present. . Friday night. Lizzie, . . .label and . Misses Surrency attended the ice cream entertainment here Friday night, ROFESSIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL. M. N. STOW, M. D. Physician –, Surgeon Calls Answered Promptly night And Day. Women and Children Disease \ A Specialty. Offiee at The Jesup Drug Co., Jesup, Ggorgia. J. G. TUTEN. M. Ij., I Physician . . – D Surgeon. i Tutbx Block, JESUP, GA | ■ —---------- - ------- - - ------- ' •• JESUP LODGE Na 112 F.– A.M. Meets on th« First and Third Monday j nights at 7:30 p.m. Geo. F. Armstrong, W. M Ira M. Ravbon, Sect. Visiting Bretheru (Cordially Invited New Barber Shop. - Come and see if you don’t find the most up-to-date Barb°r Shop jj n town right by the Postoffice in Kicklighters* new cement building j superintended by J. H. Bennett, tonsorial artist, who has had j ! . 1 Everything is clean and neat with with good * service. Call aud have .. * p '' " " Jesnn 1 ' ____. |\OdOl - _ tniBirrririnn oalpitatioa of tie heart. Digests wkatyoaeat, Physician D. L, Moore – Surgeon Office at Whaley Bldg. JESUP, GA. Dr. J. T. COLVIN, Physician – Surgeon, Odum, Ga, All calls promptly answered. ROBERT L. BENNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Court House, JESUP, GEORGIA Joseph A. Morris ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Court House. Stenographer and Nota Promct attention to ry Public in office all business. JESUP, GA. D. M. Clark Attorney at Law catena attention given to ail business. Cfiica wtaiey Bioct. jesup. g a. - Jas. R. Thomas ATTORNEY AT LAW m all Courts. Business promptly at to. Office in Whaley Block. JESUP, \GEOROIA S. F. ELLIS. Dental Surgeon. - Rikclighter Bldg.. Jesup Ga