The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 01, 1906, Image 1

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Patrols arid Soldiers Ordered Not ; Spire Bullets Wken Attacked. Revolutionists at Moscow Raise Flag’—Troops in Possession. St, Petersburg, Jan, 1,—The govern, ment’s policy pi repressing the revo lutionists continues with vigorous pnjsecutidn. jhw revolutionists are \ carrying on a guerilla warfare and a ' band,,of terrorists is known to 'be y working here. The city prisons are ; crowded with suspects and hundreds nave been removed to the fortresses Government spies are working among j 7 workmen with instructions to give warnings of meetings, which are im-' communication p „ W ished mediately surrounded, when the mem-! hers are searched for arms and the leaders arrested. Nevertheless the ex ecutive committee of the Social Rev olutionists evades arreBt and is meet ing in a different place-each day. Patrols are otdered not to spare bul lets if attacked by persons using bombs or revolvers. St. Petersburg-law 1.—An unofficial this morn ing refers to the threats of the revolu tionary organisations to renew the struggle “this inohf'v The government, after declaring that these rash state ments, are of a nature intimidate ill-informed people, an nounces its determination to energet- ploughed through the walls of the house. A few spluttering shots -replied from a window. The cannon spoke again and again until a dozen shots ■had been flred.. . . It lo'olyul like murder to the- specta tors oh a hill, and so evidently thonkht -the officer in command of the battery, Which- censed firing. A reserve com- Now York, Jan. 1.—A cablegram to tile Herald from Button Plata, Santo Dothlngo, says that the E>ot)ilnican gunboat Indep'endoucla has. anchored off Porto Plata and her conimhndor lias demanded- the. surrender of the town tortile 'legitimate governtnei)t un- , ically suppress all preparations for j pony of the SemlnoVskyre&lnient then : such a rising. It, declares that the ris- advanced and fired volleys'at the up- [ ing, If carried info effect, will be 'Per-,windows. At, the third;' volloy a crushed with every means in the pow . j,wliite handkerchief attached-to a bay- | er of the government. Seven Men Squeeze New Year’s Custom Through a Hole Nine by ; Fourteen " Inches—Two ■ Have Been Recaptured. / Failure of the Revolution. Moscow, Dec. Si.—White flags flying from a dozen factories. In the ten ement houses" of Presna district, where the revolutionaries made their last stand, now'bear riiuie wjtness to served With Traditional the end of the “December uprising In Brilliance at the Na= tional Capital Today. i- - - Atlanta,, Ga.,- Jan 1.—(Special.)- Washingtou, Jan. L—New Year’s day at 1 the national capital was ob served with all the traditional bril liance of past years. The President’s reception began at 11 o’clock, and the murder, escaped from police headquar- throngs which gathered in the vicinity ters this morning through a hole lour- 0 f the White House gave promise of j handful .this morning furnished tfle f. teen by nine inches, which they had the greatest crowd in the history of lust act. of the sanguinary drama. < Before the new year was four hours old seven negro prisoners, all charged one being held for Moscow.” The entire district is now occupied by troops. During the night the vast majority of the members ol the “lighting legions” either surren dered, or after throwing away their arms, endeavored to escape in the guise of peaceful citizens. Only the members who acted as a guard to the revolutionary committee stuck to tlielr colors, and the surrender of-this The staging of this last act was ad mirable—a snow-covered landscape, the small black residence with a tiny dug In the brink and Stone wall of the the presidential receptions, cell. Two have been caught-'TbB At-1 Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks lahta barracks are supposed to be the were the first to greet the President strongest police barracks in the coun- I and Mrs. Roosevelt, and they then red flag fluttering from its gable, the try. The negroes used a piece of iron I joined the receiving party, standing end of. Orbatoft bridge, black with the pipe for-a pick, and used a blanket to the right of Mrs. Roosevelt. Next (guns or the artillery and a thin enclr- to drown the sound.. ( came Secretary and Mrs. Root. Other ''Una Hue of the S'-'ninovalty regiment ; members, of the cabinet followed, all of the guard, broken only directly In LOST HAIR PIN—Has silver top beat-- joining the receiving party. The line ol fire- Suddenly there was a oppt whs pushed through a; shattered pane.'It waved frantically and' all was over. • The little garrts'-n of thirty march ed out-and laid down their arms,. a etrangfe collection of rifles and repeat. Ing shotgrlns. All had revolvers. .Strange to “say, no-tone of the men had even been wrtnuded. When they found that they would not he executed- they appeared to be rather relieved that-the end of the struggle had come, They gathered around the soldier bivouac, stretched their hands over the cheerful fires and begged cigar ettes., ’ The number of prisoners is being constantly augmented, most of the new arrivals being arrested at the bridges or at other points of egress In the Presna district, which is crowded with refugees. The Associated Press learned that after the fall of the Prolt- haroft cotton mill and other factories a council was hastily held at which ’it was decided that *bc revolution had failed and an order was given to ev ery man to save himself as best he could. A hundred. agreed to hold to gether so as to; keep UP a show - of Demands tke Surrender of 1 Legitimate Governn der President. Morale,, > otherwise'threatening a . of the down. The Indeppm. tion Editor Jno. Temple Gtaves on the. Problem of Mu nicipal » Ownership as Solved Here. merican ire ence & H Car Loadfi IP ®T!f g :■} b Slayer of George Wright, ; of Rome, Begins Suit ' Against Wife for Divorce Pending Own Trial. Atlanta, Ga,, Tan. 1.— (Special.)— Concerning the bill for divorce which he has filed against his wife in the superior court of Floyd countv. Vin- / cent T. Sanford, former treasurer of that country, who is in the Tower in Atlanta awaiting his second trial on the charge of murdering George Wright, Southern ticket agent at , Rome, who Sanford shot to death last summer, Sanford x»ake3 this state ment: i “I have applied for a divorce from | Mrs. Sanford because I do not desire New York, .Tati. 1,—The Times today says it was made known last night on excellent authority that John A. McCall .resigned the presidency of the New York Life Insurance Company Saturday nnd that the same was re luctantly accepted by the trustees* It was planned that, McCall’s resignation not be made known until Tuesday. In ATLANTANS WILL OPPOSE LEASING WATERWORKS. Strong Opposition to Proposition of Chairman Patterson. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1.—(Special.)- All Bougkt Before V, the Advance in Price LET US FIGURE WITH YOU for myself or my three young children to be connected with a woman who has been so false and untrue to me. I killed Wright because of his Inti macy with my wife. I did not make any mistake in the man I killed. I , knew that at the time. I have never seen my wife nor children since the i trouble. My children never will see j her. I would not have them be with : her, and they would’ hot go to her If | they could. Mrs. Sanford will not fight , my divorce bill. Mrs. Sanford thought If I was convicted she would be vlndt, cated. I was not given a fair trial and I was handicapped when the case was called last August. The damaging evi dence against Wright was not permit ted by the court.” ‘ ’ Sanford’s trial last August resulted In a mistrial. His second trial Is to j be .called January 8th at Rome. His -three children called on him last night aqd took supper with binUn the ; jail. Since the killing; of Wright by their father they have bqen In Augus ta with Sanford’s" mother. his letter .McCall assigns as reasons j When 11 became generally known that for the step that the , continual mis- j some members of the city finance representations of his actions and the - m 'nm!Uee were in favor of leasing distortions of facts during the Insur-! the municipal waterworks system to ance investigation annoyed him se- j a private concern considerable discus- riously and His health is not nowjrion resulted.-'There'are any number good. The greatest regret was ex- °t persons In Atlanta who would go pressed by the trustees, but they ac- to any extreme to prevent the control cepted when it became apparent that or this plant passing out of the hands McCall insisted on acceptance. It is °? the city. It is really the only poB- not known who 'will he his successor, session of the city which 'brings In but the name of John Chaflin has been revenue of any value, and It Is certain considered, although it is reported that 'bat a big row wlU be-precipitated If Chaflin is about to take a long rest aoy effort Ik made to get rid of it. from business affairs. ,Thefe was a great hue and cry years : ,|ago when the city sold Its gas light- New Pool Tables just up. They're. log plant. Chairman Patterson, of the fine. (It) THE OFFICE. ! finance committee, Is understood to 1 ]be the originator of the idea of leas- LOST DOG—-Strayed from party of ing the system. He is expected to hunters near Aligator pond last recommend it to the general council. Friday. One large white pointer dog, black ticked, wearing collar marked “L. R. Hilsman.” Suitable reward for return or Information. l-3t L. R. HILSMAN. HON. R. L. BERNER JOINS HOKE SMITH’S LAW FIRM. Atalnta," Ga,, Jan. 1—Hon. R. L ner It Is certain, however, that the scheme will never amount to anything. Too many oppose It; A Grim Tragedy Is daily enacted in thousands of homes, as death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated,! the trag edy is averted. F. G.’ Huntley, of Oklahoma, Ind„ writes: “My wife ... the consumption ana three,doc- Bemer, o t Forsyth ^ a member of the law firm of H| Marion Smith &; Hastings. Mr. was president- ot the state senate and was the colonel' . eommandlng the Third Georgia T^slmgnt '.during' - the Spanish-Amerfcafiywar, He is -regard ed as one .of. ti^' ntest aWe lawyer? In the state; H< at Forsyth.' sumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and today she Is well and strong/’ It kills the germs of all dis- ,eases. One dose relieves. Guaran teed at 50c and, $1.00 by Albany Drug Co., druggists. ' Trial ■ bottles free. FOR SALE—Handsome ^thom continue to. reside House, % acre, north JefterEoU' St, t* . Haey tefms (303t)' ED. R: JONES’. ' 1 , f, . “i From tha Atlanta Daily Nows. The friends and advocates pf muni cipal ownership: will find distinct ’en couragement In the figures which are given to the outside world' from Al bany this morning. . We are accustomed to hark back to Glasgow as the finest exemplified tion of municipal ownership. ' There can be no doubt that the Scotch me tropolis has made a great success .In conducting Its own. public .utilities- The general manager of lie system came to Chicago and gave the milnl- clpal authorities there some excellent advice as to the best 'means of con ducting its business. He was- of the opinion that polltical patronpge ,would so far undprmlne any system, of mu- It a success. His arguments seemed - plausible, hut here In our owm Georgia, one of tlie thriftiest and most progressive of the younger cities of the common wealth has given Indisputable evi dence of the fact that municipal own ership can he’made a living, active and practical success. In the system adopted by Albany ho charge is made against, the city for street lights, the lights In' public buildings, fire hy drants. street sprinkling, or- flushing of sanitary sewers. There are nearly 100 fire hydrants, and an arc jamp at every street. Intersection" in the city, as well as Incandescent lights in the Hpnts." This is a liberal allowance on the part of the city to Itself, so to speak, and yet, After paying all ex penses of maintenance and operation, and for certain extraordinary| improve- ments, $7,194.00 1ms been turned Into the treasury, .which Is a - trifle less than $600 a month. These are cold facts and figures. They show that municipal ownership is a success, not. only theoretically, but when adopted by oiir.own people and pursued in our own Sotuhern en-- vlrcnrnent. GOVERNOR TERRELL NOT A CANDIDATE. Notifies Friends T ha t He. Will Not Be In Senatorial Race. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1.—(Specfah)— Governor Terrell has Issued a formal statement declaring, that he' has no idea of being a candidate for the Unit ed States senate to succeed Hon. A. O. Bacon. For some time It has been rumored thht the governor might be a possible candidate, and he has re ceived any number of letters from friends pledging support In the event he should decide to run. It Is not known what the governor will do at the.oonduson of his term of ofllco, but It IS probable he will .return to the practice of law. New "Pool Tables ’jilst up. They’re fine. (It) THE OFFICE Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of! —t- "W. 34th St.. New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled withsMh trouble. .She writes: “I had Salt Rheum or Ec zema for years, but nothing .would cure’it,.until. I used Bjic^Ien’s Arnica Salve.” A qulc^ and! sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 258-at • Co ’ * ' V ! Albany Will to Be Read Tomor row—JVletropolitan A JV1 useurn to Control, lionalre’s Art Treast — V- New^ork, Jan. -I,.—The will Charles T. Yerites, which read tomorrow, disposes of an est $16,000,000,.. The 1 its i Avenue home, with its Immensely i habiei art contohtp esUfflutiri at $5,0 000 In value,;wlll he controlled-,T?y. t: Metropolitan Art Museum .permanen ly. BR0CT0N, MASS,, 4 . ; y HAS A BAD ft ‘f’ — =-'■ . '■ .“ Brockton, Mass., Jail, 1.—Fire - today .caused a loss to business i erty of notivly thrde.hundred.tlion: dollars. There was- heavy dt water In the bulldUvgs n" •escnptio’j And Kave wmm — *■ hWki tkem filled , exac m tke manne tkat your plr wants compo