The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 01, 1906, Image 6

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iSEPH S. DAVIS, President, >/ - THE ALBANY DAI^Y HERALDS MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1908. AT HOME E. B. DENISON—Dentist. Albany Is In position to accomplish great things during 1906.' ADVICE That was another troat of the "old timer” variety this morning. “Advice is Cheap." Unde.- Some Circumstances. The bankB of the city are closed to day, this being a legal holiday, state and national. This Is the last day of Mayor Lip- pltt'B term. Tomorrow It will be "May or Rawson.” 9 •A ■ •, An. Aiba.n\ .picu tT . re to whom we sold i A Universal Percolator ‘I am fond of coffee, but I . never knew what coffee was until I put a Universal Per colator into my kitchen. I would not sell it : at any price if I could not promptly get another.” They cost $3, $3.50 and $4.50. Let us show you. W. S. Bell &Son. Bell Prices Ring True. January Ftrst, 1906 A"RE you "REAVy Jo Open ihat JVcto Set of BcoAy? We have exercised oare and judgment in buying The Right Kind op LEDGERS,.JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, etp. You oan have such a stock to select from that would do credit to any city in the land. Our stock of Office Supplies, Box Files, Wire Files, Files ffar every purpose, Inks, Pens, Pencils (of many makers), Waste Paper Baskets, Cash Boxes, Memo- randa Books, Collection Wallets; in fact, everything to make an office complete. Make your selections NOW. We will deliver the’goodb when you are ready to open your books. Mail Orders Will Viatic "Prompt Attention LOJ'fS'BE'RG’S poK. and Music House New crop Georgia Cane Syrup, 60c. gal. 'Phono 70. W. E. FIELDS. The occasional explosion of a can non cracker reminds us that the holi days have not yet been left behind. North Georgia block butter, 30c. lb, froBh. 'Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. The sidewalk paving on the east side of Jackson has been about com pleted, and tho pavers arc now laying file on the south side of Pine, between Washington and Jackson. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. Tills genial sunshine Is rapidly dry ing off the slushy streets. They have been in worse condition this winter than ever before—except "when the soldlerB were here." First quality breakfast bacon, 10c. lb. 'Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. Stove wood cut to order while yon wait. ALBANY COAL & WOOD CO. The city fathers will be in session, It is probable, until a late hour to night, as a great deal of business will demand the attention of the retiring and Incoming councils. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. When you want a ton or tub of good Coal, 'phone 280. ALBANY COAL & WOOD CO. Has an epidemic of weddings start ed? From recent events, and from rumors which come floating In on the breezes of local gossip, It would ap- pear that such Is the case. Cruger’s Choice Seed Oats. Best in the world. Crugor & Pace. Home made apple jelly, 15c. glass, 2 for 25c. tV. E. FIELDS. Before tho end the week, the {finishing touches t^ the paving on the main block or Washington street should have been Prided. Tills work would have been finished some time ago hut for the unfortunate sinking of the earth over the sanitary sewer. 'dent. A, P. VASON, \ EDWIN STERNE. Vico President. C&shier. Citizen s National Bank, ' Of Albany, Ga., /• f > CAPITAL $50,000.00. ■Mmmf :. •. XhU Bank U fully equipped to care for the accounts of H um chants and others requiring courteous and accurate banking service. It respectfully invites correspondence or a personal interview with se>ho contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Must Be Quick. Pains in tho stomach and attacks of tho colic come on so suddenly and are so extremely painful that Imme* (Pate relief must be obtained. There Is ncy necessity of sending for a doc tor in such eases if a bottle of Cham berlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. No doctor! rnn prescribe n better medicine. For .*»)» by Hllsuiati’Salo Drug Co. JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, V.-Preeldent. R. H. WARREN, Sec'y-Treas. OF GEORGIA. apifal Stock $100,000,oo CONSERVATOR OF PROSPERITY. • ' "and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and > , Washington streets, Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. 1RED to give^surety and act as executor or administrator The secret of successfully ridding the system of a cold is a thorough evacuation of the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar does this— liquid Cold Cure drives all cold out of the system. Best for Couglis, Croup, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but cases the parts to heal in about one- third the time required by the usual treatment. As it is an antiseptic ail danger from blood poisoning is avoil* ed. Sold by Hilsraan-Sale Drug Co. The sidewalk paving is in progress today on Pine street in front of the post office, where Gie sidewalk is con siderably torn up. As the postofflee is one of the most frequented places in tho city, nearly everybody in the com munity is collecting on the soles of their shoes the red clay which the ex cavations for pavement foundations have exposed. Furious Fighting. “For seven years,” writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., “I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don’t in tend in the future to be without them in the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad ease as mine.” Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, bv Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 50c. The right kind of advice if accepted and made uhh of ia always cheap at almost any price. Our advice is cheap because it ia free— and people are making use of it every day. Olllt OPTICAL ADVICE. We are prepared to give you ad*ice in this matter, correct advice, time savinv, sight sav ing, nerve saving Wp are properly equipped for making thorough and intelligent examine tions of the Eye, IF YOU NEED SPECS. We furnish them at as low a figure as cor rect Glasses good Frames, perfect fit and a guarantee can be hart any whero. If yon don’t need lass s we advise yon of the fact and thank 5 ou for the inquiry. Let Us Advise You. Pkil Harris, Leading Jeweler and Optician. Council to Meet at 7 O’clock. As there will bo a great deal of bus iness to bo disposed of by the city fathers tonight, It has been decided to call the meeting to order at 7 o’clock. The decks will be cleared by the old Council, and the new will be Immediately called to order, after Mayor-elect Rawson and the re-elect ed counoilmen take the oath of office. It will be quite late, in all probabil ity, when the new council adjourns. SicWening, Shivering Fits Of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters.. This is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for It exerts a true curative influence on; the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to quin ine, having none of this drug’s had after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Hen rietta, Texas, writes: “My brother had jaundice, till he took Electric Bit ters, which saved his life.” At Alba ny Drug Co. Price, 50c, guaranteed. Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lathi, Shingles, all kinds of lumber and mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile, Wall Paper and Paints at C. D. SMITH'S. WANTS. Why Not Secure a Home, and Stop Paying Rent to Another Man? It may he done through the Albany Trust Company of Georgia, by a con tract substantially the same as house rent. Let us explain details to you. R. H. WARREN, 29-lw Secretary and Treasurer. LOST DOG—I have lost a solid brown pointer pup, 8 months old. Very large. Been missing since Saturday. Suitable reward for return or infor mation. (26-lw) JOS. S. DAVIS. LOST—An old style pin—amethyst surrounded by pearls. Probably lost down town Wednesday morning. Will pay suitable reward for return to Mrs. S. H. Tift. 151-tf WANTED—One hundred good labor ing men for saw mill and railroad work. Planing mill gran- rs, and all l u.ds of saw mill ’mhoon. white or colored. Jackson Lumber Company, Lockhart, Covington Couuiv, Ala 18-30t GOODS For Men, Women and Children Jackstones, per set. Sc. Dolls, from 5c to 50c. George Washington Hatch ets, 5c. Shell Novelty boxes, from 10c to $1.00. Vases, per pair, 10c to $1.50 Glass Jewelry Boxes with Top Covers, 10c to 50c. Fancy Plates, 10c to 50c. Cups and Saucers, 10c to 35c. Good fancy Water Tumb lers, per dozen, 30c. Punch Bowls, Stereoscopes and Views, Glass' Jars with Cover, Glass Gilt Edged Bon Bon Dishes, fancy Dress ing Case Sets and many other useful and ornamental goods, suitable for gifts that will cause joy and pleasure. D. Neuman, Agent For May Manton Patterns. To Our Friends: We wish to thank you for the liberal patronage extend ed us the past year. It has been a prosperous year with us, and we assure you of our appreciation of your business. We intend doing greater things in the year 1906, and we hope to merit a contin uance of your favors. With best wishes, we are Faithfully jours, The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store. Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street ...Our».. Cleanmg-Up Sale Me Leans a saving on a good many arti cles that you have either a present or future need for. In every Department are Odds and Ends, Leftovers, or goods that will he out of style next year. These have had all profits and some- times part of cost taken off. It s worth your while to investigate the following BARGAINS IN- Dress Goods Waist Goods Flannels Outings Craveneftes Mohairs Serges Worsteds Shoes Hats and Caps Underwear Lace Collars Lace Novelties Men s Shirts Neck wear Sweaters Rugs Art Squares Matiing Cravenettes Cloaks Jackets Skirts Boys Clothing And many other Bargains. These goods must go at some price. Save yourself money hy buying these goods. S. REICH ALBANY, GEORGIA JAMES TIFT MANN Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ventulett Building FOR RENT—4 of the 7 brick stores to be erected on Pattjson’s Sandy Bottom block. Possession March 15, 2S-3t ED. R. JONES. c - *-v .l;-' J ' ■