The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 02, 1906, Image 9

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7he Albany daily herald; Tuesday, January 2, im Married Krdry w«UU wntt i shapely, pretty figure, *wA the Women 1 many of them deplore loee of their fo alter merfiue. The heat r mania**. The hearing of children it often deetmctfye to the mother's ehapeHneee. \ „ All of this can be avoided, however, by the » ef Ulotter’s Friend before baby comet, aa thh great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and neerres the symmetry of her form. Mother’s Priend oveseomee all the danger of child-birth, and cai ‘ thie eritieal period without Thousands gratefully tell ef the benefit and relief derived use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $i.ooper bottle. Our little hook, telling all about thie liniment, will be sent free. carries the expectant mother safely throngh ut pain. It is woman’s greatest blessing, of the benefit and relief derived frees the Mother’s tent free. flMA i m Bnrffleld Rreslatir Ccl, flllaata, Pa El Bm^BiSSS Open for Big Year’s Business RATES AND PROGRESS. President Samuel Spencer Writes of the Work of the Railroads. WASHING WITHOUT WATER -IN THE- MACHINERY LINE! The Bacon Equipment Company “The Best Equipped Job Shop in Georgia” Castings Made to Order on Short Notice DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED!] I BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co Everywhere 5c. • • • Fertilarid Farms .. “Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited For FrvgaLgemervts Telephone No. 199 4 4 The Best is the Cheapest. tt We can prove this to your entire satisfaction if you will give us an opportunity. Why allow your Bed and White Linens to be soak ed over night in a solution of potash water and hung out the next day on a line to dry with the dirt in them, when you can have them washed clean with pure soap free from any caustic or acid at a lower cost to you? Our Work is the Best and the Cheapest Ne%> c/Hbany * Steam Laundry, Writing In tl\e Century Magazine for January Mr. Samuil Spencer, president of the Southern Railway, discusses the relation of railway rates to thie industrial progress of the conn, try. He recites many Instances to show how quickly the railroads come to the relief of a community when crops fail or when they are over abundant. For example, one year the corn crop was a failure in Kansas and the roads lowered their rates to carry corn into that state from Iowa and Illinois. Another year, the Nebraska corn crop was enormous and the price be ing low the roads reduced their corn rates so that the farmers could make more In selling it. Speaking • of rates on cotton, Mr. Spencer says: “Numerous cotton mills are located in Georgia and the Cnroli- nas, which of course compete with the older cotton mills located in New Eng- gland. Rates on \otfon* from the Southern states' to these mills are so adjusted as to enable ^ill of them to obtain raw material. This enhances thi. competition for the purchase of cotton. If the rates on cotton were so adjusted as to be very much h'gher to the more distant mills, it would perhaps result that the growers of oot* to i would be virtu • l\v confined to ills nearest mills for their market “Rates are likewise adjusted fiua* .these mills to the market foi cotton goods, in order that the mills may dispose of their product. If these rates were adjusted primarily with regard to distance each set of cotton mills would have a large territory in which it could sell cotton goods, vir tually without competition from mills in other parts of the country.” The point which Mr. Spencer makes is that the ralroads are anxious to help every producer, whether he be a farmer, miner, lumberman, furnace- man or manufacturer, to reach a wide range of markets. This gives the con sumer competition in buyin gaud gives the producer a better chance to sell. The policy of the Interstate Com merce Commission, says Mr. Spencer, has been in the opposite direction— that of restricting the consumer^ to the nearest markeV He asserts that the commission could not possibly give prompt and proper attention to the requirements of constantly chang ing commercial conditions. Give -the commission control of rates, says Mr. Spencer, and either it must take time to investigate and thereby delay passing upon applica tions, until the relief when granted might come too late to bo of any real value, or it must grant the application without sufficient Investigation, arid hence make its supervision perfunc tory and harmful.” The railroads have several thousand experts engaged all the time In revis ing, correcting and changing rates (s Like Trying to Get Rid of Dandruff Without Herpiclde. Did you ever see any one trying to wash themselves without soap or water? If you did what would you say of him? s It Is every bit as foolish to try to get rid of Dandruff ahd to prevent Bald ness by feeding the germfc which cause It, with Canthrarides, Vaseline, Glycer ine and similar substances which form the principal ingredients of most so- called Hair Vigors. Newbro’s Herpiclde is successful be cause it attacks and kills the parasltio germ which feeds oh the hair roots. Tt is the original and only genuine scalp gejrmioide manufactured. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Albntiy Drug Oo., Special Agents 'Phone 39, m AIOS—BEST STATIONERY Best Prices Best Attention Best Wishes 1906 BBAMAN'S MUSIC HOUSE 104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.] Albany, Ga S. B. Brown, President. A. W. Muse, V.-Prbaident. A. P. Coles. Cashier, J. P, Munnerlyn, Ass't Cashi r OF ALBANY. GA* Opened Busicoac* Sept. 6tb, IPOO CAPITAL SURPLUS, - £60,000 - 16,000 Every facility In the banking busi ness offered to oustomers. Savings Department. Exchange Ml OF ALBANY’ GA. ORGANIZED 1893. Capital, - - - $g 7 200 Sctplbf aid Piofits, - v35 000 Accounts of mercantile firms, cox porations and individuals Invitca. Special attention given out-of-town accounts. Interest allowed on time deposits. / officers: 8. B, Brown, A. P. Coles, President Cashier. A-. W. Muse, W. C. ScovUlisL. Must Be Quick. Pains In the stomach and attacks of the colic come on so suddenly and are. so extremely painful that Imme diate relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of- sending for a doc tor in such cases if a bottle, of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv is at hand. No doctor can prescribe c better medicine. For sale by HilfiinaTi-Sale Drmr Co. What is saved, and not what Is made, gives the result of a fortune. Instead of hazardous investment, It will pay you to investigate what is offered in the Investment Savings De partment of the Albany Trust Com* pany of Georgia. R. H. WARREN, 29-lw Secretary and Treasurer. The :nct*iing an! comfoytjn" effects of De’Vj^'n Witch Hazel Salve, when applied to Piles. Sores, Cuts, Bolls, etc., subdues pain almost instantly. This Salve draws out the’ inflamma tion, reduces swelling and acts as a rubefacient, thus circulating the blood through the diseased parts, permit ting or aiding Nature to permanently remove the trouble entirely. Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hilsman- Sale Drug Co. Eels In Scotland. . Although eels abound in Scotch wa ters and are caught In great quantities, they are not considered fit food there. No matter how plentiful and how very fine and large they may be in any dis trict of Scotland, no native will oat one. The objection to the eel is said to be based on its serpent-like appearance and the fact that it Is not oVerfastidi- ous as to wbat it feeds on. Tons of choice eels for the London market are taken from streams that lire not con spicuously free from sewage. Indigestion is easily overcome bv the use of Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure, be cause this remedy digests what you eat, and gives the stomach a rest—al lows* It to recuperate and grow strong Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach, Heart-Burn, etc., and enables ths di gestive organs to assimilate and trans form all foods into tissue-buHding blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach, belching, Heart-Burn, and all forms " f Palatably-’ Didn’t Understand. Robson—I understand that you have a great deal o£ trot work In your home. Snobson—I don’t see the necessity for drawing my wife into the conver satton. Furious Fighting. “For seven years,” writes On. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., “I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, hut at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don’t in tend in the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 50c. a bottle. Try them today. Nectar for the Gods was never sipped with Buch gusto as the epicure feels when a glass o( our delicious, sparkling and 1 highly Invigorating FLINT ROCK trickles past his fastidious palate. When run down in health, or when you have that "all-gone" feeling, try a bottle of FLINT ROCK. You will think It the long-sought-for fountain of youth, and renewed vigor. L.. G©IG©R. We cordially invite you to take a look at our stock you will see that HIGH QUALITY has been lookea after as carefully as LOW PRICES. Just a Few Prices Ladies’ Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs at ■ f Qc Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs, linen and lawn, fine and sheer; ready for gifts, worth 3j percent, more, at from • - 20c to ggc Big lot White and Figured Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ and dents’, at < > - - - 5c 85 Boxes Children Initial Handker chiefs, 3 in a box, at a box, « |gc Men’s White Silk Handkerchiefs, high grade, large sizes, well worth 35c per cent more. Holiday prices, from - - ■ ■ 25 c 10 $1.00 $1.25 Ladies’ Kid Qlaves, fine qual ity; this week at - ■ • 75 c Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts, fancy tlesigns, delicate colors, from .... 65c to $|,25 One lot of White Marseilles Spreads, from - • 75c (cl, $3.00 SsTJust received an assortment of LADIES’ BELTS, istyllih and up-to-date. eSTUnderwear and Hbi the whole family at savin iery for : prices. L*. ■reel Tke First Sko MEN’S NEW Spring Suiting JAN. 3 and 4. Mr. Wood, an experienced cutter and measurer, will be here with a full line of Spring and Summer Patterns. If you care to be up-t-o-date in the material,’ cut and style of your next suit, let the Globe Tailoring Co. do it. > ALBANY AGENT, J. Ehrlich. Ghrystalized Cherries and Pineapples, Citron, Currants, Raisins, k / S £ 'AAvief' -•rt'. Under Some Circumstances. 1 riCliinidttd'' of advice if accepted t use of as always cheap at almost a . Our advice is cheap because tt is fre made us' price. U Ouf advice is oheap because it is fret"■. and people are ^naking use of it every day. OUR OPTIOAL ADVICE. •epi - V wm Wo are prepared to give you ad tic o in thin matte**, correct advice, time saving, sight sow ing, nerve Having, We pro properly equippA? aking thorough add inteuigqnfee for inal tions IF YOU NEED SPECS. We furnish them at aa low a figure as reot Glasses, good Frames, perfect fit and a guarantee can be had anywhere. If youdon’T- need -lnss*B we advise you of the fact and thank you for the inquiry. Let Us Advise You. Phil Harris,. Leading Jeweler and Optician. . RAWLINS THEATRE MATINEE AND NIGHT ARCHIE L. SHEPARD j In fact every delicacy that a Christmas appetite could crave is here in its ^uperlative excellence. S. STERNE, The Grocer. For practical wotk; for saving time; for long service, and complete satisfaction,^ no other typewriterj^quite equals TheSmith Premier A little book explaining juat why tilia la so will be lent on request. Better ask about It to-day. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company «#$< H IS. ASHE, State ueulari.f. M 0. A. Building. Atlanta, ua. B. F. MANNING RENTING, COLLECT ING AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Offers the latest marvelous achievements in high-class Sn Moving Pictures Presented on a Grander Seale than ever before with . New Extraordinary Realism / PRICES; Matinee, 15,25c Night, 25,35,50c SEATS MONDAY;s Examines and certifies Titles to Real Estate. Loads Money Pro on Lowest Terms. Biiys and Sells all kinc of Real Estate. Is conducted, entirelj officials with 20 ye successful experience this business. Will pay 6 per cent, time money. Call on S, J. JONES, President, (Woolfolk Building) FOll SALK. % Aoro lot on Washington utroet with six room house, barn and s'able. Tor ms sarisfac- tory, titles perfect, A nice 200 aero farm, lift aorps e)eared land, 7f> aore beautiful onH grove. 4.t,enenu*nt houses, good we'l water. For quick suit 1 , cheap for cash, bona fide titles. Three 4-room h uses rn Jackson street cheap on easy terms. Four 2-room houses on Broad street. Nico plantation, John Reynolds plane. Fast Dougherty; adjoining pitted 6f John’: Johnson and A. R. Ramsey. Cheap on easy terms, long time. % Acre on State street with 4 2-room houses, andone witn 8 rooms, cheap; rents for $27 per month. One hundred acres, with all improvements, 114 miles; desirable place for truck, dairy and chicken farm. Desirable ft acre on Residence street Hlx desirable lots on State street. One beantiful house, ft cash, and others on preferred payments. Several nice lots in Arcadia. Nice farm 2miles from city, 411 acres with 2 wells, good house with 7 tehant houses; in high state of cultivation, $12.60 per acre. Also a hundred other improved and unirn proved. Will be clad to Bhow you and figure with you what I have, I do a general collecting bus inesa and solicit yonr patronage. Office in the court house. J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventulett. J. S. DAVIS & CO. INSURANCE AGENTS agalnBt FIRfe LIGHTNING TORNADO. Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building, j—.'Phones—343—38—122—:— J. CliHord.Hale. Leonard N. Speer HALE & SPEER, LAWYERS.. Office, S31-2 Broad Sheet, Alban,, (la. mammeuasmssms Or Sam. W. Smith, Vi Pres, and Qen. Mgr., (Court House.) JOS. L. J THE OLD RELIABLE TAILO] Is still doing business at place over the First Nations sarajfles of at) the new colorings 1 all and winter fabrics are ready * oepoctlon.^Quteglstostbnqljldis bly to wall dressed gentlemen, . our prices are as low as Is coxxslsi with good workmanship, JOS. L. RAREY, i_ The Tai j Good Meats are essential for good We furnish Native and Western Beef, Pork, Oysters, Veal, Spare Ribs, Mutton, Hog Haslets, Brains, Lard, Liver, Breakfast Bacon, Sliced Ham, — Y . Fish, Oyster Crackers, Sausage ■ A trial order will make you ner manent customer. m -in Sj&8§ ’Phnnn it. - •Stockholders' Me Notice, is hereby given thsi ing of the stockholders of National Bank of Albany, ,C held at their banking 1 'of Albany on Tuesday, Ja cIot