The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 03, 1906, Image 1
VOLUME XV. ALBANY, QA.j WEDNESDAY. AFTERNOON, JANUARY 3, 1908. A DISASTROUS TORNADO , SWOOPS DOWN ON 14 yrrm :9| Great Property Damage and' Some Loss of Life The Course of the Storm. M . - SL m A destructive tornado passed over the western portion of the city about 1:30 o’clock this afternoon and left death and de vastation in its wake. It is known that one man was instantly killed and that a number of others have been, seriously injured. One who views the wake of the tornado marvels that scores were not instantly killed. • * • The terrific wind came from a southwesterly direction, first striking the sparsely populated district on that edge of the city. It completely demolished the big acid chamber of the Vir ginia Carolina Chemical Company. Ben Jones, a negro employe, was instantly killed, being caught under the falling timbers. - The large brick structure containing the ovens was also destroyed. Dozens of small frame dwellings on Residence, North, Madison, Flint and Pine streets were either wholly or partially demolished. The principal destruction was wrought among cottages, largely occupied by negroes, on Madison street between North and Residence streets, and on North street, west of Madison. > Several of the houses occupied by the families of empldyes of the Vinginia-Carolina Chemical''Co., in the grounds of the plant, were completely demolished. At this writing it can only be stated that many are serious ly injured and very many slightly hurt. Mr. Walker Saunders, assistant manager of the plant of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., escaped death by a miracle. He was caught under the debris of -the acid chamber when it cpllapsed, but escaped with slight injuries. The tornado missed the Albany Academy by perhaps less than 100 yards. The building was crowded with teachers and pupils at the time, and had the building been demolished, the loss of life would have been frightful. ' ' The negro C. M. E. church' and several stores were completely demolished. The storm then rose and passed over the city until it N reached a point over Washington street, where it began afresh its work of demolision. The large hull house of the Georgia Cotton Qil Com pany, the frame for the new storage house of the Crystal Ice Co., and a score of cars in the railroad yard were demolished. The delivery \Vagon of S. E. Bush was blown Son} Washing* ton street into the railroad y^rd, and the driver, Jesse, Woodal, was seriously injured., , TELEGRAPH WIRES DOWN. The Herald has received no telegraphic dispatches since the storm passed, and at 2:30 Manager Rust of the Western Union notified us that he didn’t have “a the house. UK The Herald will issue an Extra later this evening giving fuller details of fh storm. 50—Miles—50 :: :: OF :: merican Wire Fence [ OF CHINESE T F ■ 'Chicago, Jan. 3.—A Tribune dispatch from Washington says that the attitude of the Chinese towards foreigners and foreign interests has become sufficiently hostile to warrant preparations by the various governments, for the suppression of another demonstration such as occurred in 1900. The Navy Department intended to order the battleship Oregon back to the United States, but' instructions have been cabled to leave the Oregon in the Orient. Two vessels will be added to the battleship squadron thpre during the spring. Car Loads All Bought Before the Advance in Price LET US FIGURE WITH YOU Albany ^Machinery Co. . . WMM—— STITE 6181 OF HEALTH TO ESTABLISH SUt-L IA SOUTH (EM. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3.—(Special.)—At its meeting last night the State Board of Health decided to establish a sub- laboratory in South Georgia for the study of “slow fever,” which has been causing many deaths and making invalids. The station will be located either in Albany or Thomasville, with Albany the favorite for the place. It will be ready for business May 1st. EONING INSURANCE GO ■ < Albany, N. Y„ Jan. 1—The annnual message of Governor Higgins to the legislature today was awaited with much interest on account of ex pected recommendations regarding insurance legislation. He urged the enactment of a dtastic, but practicable and sane law for the protection of policy holders. He further demanded the careful inspection and su pervision o’companies as to the investment of funds'and full publicity "ill 1 AfllinwTMl»lTlWM III ||niiii iiiiiiii iiinii II FIERCE BUTTLE FOUGHT ■ \ - j Forces of Fugitive President Morales At tacked Porto Plata. Cape Hatlen, Hayti, Jan. 3—Advices received here early today from Porto Plata, Santo Domingo, say that the troops of the fugitive president Morales attacked Porto Plata at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, and severe lighting continued till 5 o'clock In the afternoon. The beselging force then retired. A number were killed or wounded on both sides. Bayonets and swords were the principal weapons. Morales’ forces, when the dispatch was died, were preparing for an other attack on the place. A portion of the population of Porto Plata declared favoring Morales, and heavy street fighting followed, the troops of General Ceceoes being unable to locate the source of attacks. It is rumored that General Rodriguez, comamnding Morales’ forces, has announced that if victorious he will declare himself a candidate for the presidency. ' “Robin Hood" is one of the great-' est conic operas now on the road, and with a cast like that which will pro duce It tonight, including several of 'the principals of the Bostbnlahs, it ould he greeted with a Arge and The weather is not calculated to do much harm to tbo "Robin Hood” com pany tonight as those who love good music and good singing will ! not let rain prevent them from attending. Latest Music. Just arrived. Y our i$m ! Prescriptions a And have them filled by experienced pharmacists with pure ingredients*and exactly m the manner that your .physician wants them compounded. •Mil r V iO.