Newspaper Page Text
without children; it
U her nature to lor*
and want them
39 at much to aa
J0 it In to lore the
_ ... s ... beautiful and
pire. The crideel ordeal through which the expectant mother moat
paw. howeror, ia to fraught with dread, pain, auffenng and danger,
that the my thought of it filla her witlTapprehen.ion and honor.
Then ia no nednatljr for the reproduction of life to be either painful
•f dangQiaoa. Tbe uao ef Mother’* Friend to properoj the ajreten for
the coming event the* it ia safely patted without any danger. Thit
gnat and wonderful
remedy it alwaye M#
Enamelled "Wire Sal
B. H. DENISON—Dentlil,
Just think of what the cyclone
might have done.
LOt No. 1.—This lot includes several
articles—Pans, Dippers, Cups. Wortli
up to 15c. Monday's price, each.. .
LOT No. 2.—Includes different articles
worth up to 25c. ' MONDAY the
price is, per piece
Swift’s Premium Hams are the best.
,’Phone 70. W. H. FIELDS.
Albany certainly had her share of
rain yesterday, and much more.
’Phone 70 for Mackerel. Three sizes,
5c, 6 for 25; 10c. t 3 for 25c,, and 16c.
2 for 25c. W. E. FIELDS.
Carbon Hill Coal. Best
on earth.
Cruger & Paco.
Jap Mailing, regular 22c quality, neat 1
carpet paftemS. MONDAY'S Spe- I
cial Price, per yard J
Framed Pictures
10x20 Framed Pictures, worth up to £
$1.23. MONDAY'S Special >
, Price, per Picture V
„„„ Is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
s ’ benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true
curative Influence on the disease,
It is planned to hold a rehearsal of Z^tTX-
the Albany Guards mlnsji“= thin ] ne> having,none of this drug’s bad
wee’' The minstrel will be held soon, after-elfedts. ^E. S. Mundny, of Hen-
clreum- rletta, Texas, writes; "My brother
A number of unavoidable
stances hnve conspired to delay the
show, but they have not succeeded
In knocking all Interest out of It.
had Jaundice, till he took Electric Bit
ters, which, saved his life.” At Alba
ny Drug Ca Price 50c, guaranteed.
Large, firm hyads, perfectly, devel
oped. ’Phone [166-2 rings.
2-4t O. F; CHEATHAM.
For coiurhs and colds no remedy Is-
enual to Kennedy’s Laxative Honey
nnd Tar. It. Is different from all oth
ers—better, because It expels all cold
from the system by acting as a ca
thartic on the bowels. Affords im
mediate relief In Croup. Coughs.
Children love It. Sold by Albany Drug
Co. and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
And buy at 25 per cent’, off any of our pretty. Pictures,-
1 Ladies’ Haud Bags, Jardiniers and Jardinier
Stands, Gilt Mirrors and Photo Frames and dthet 1
articles too liumerous to mention. We do this in order
to clean out for our entire new and large stock. next
Come soon before we pack up until another season.
We cordially invite you to take
a look at our stock you will see
that HIGH ’ QUALITY 'has
been lookea after as carefully
Ladies’ Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched
Initial Handkerchiefs at • ||]c
Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
linen and lawn, fine and sheer;
’ ready for gifts, worth 3j per cent.
more, at from • ■ 20c to 85°
Big . lot While and Figured Hem-
, stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladies’
and Dents’, at • • ■ ■ .go
85 Boxes Children Initial Handker
chiefs, 3 in a box, at a box; - |gc
Men’s White Silk Handkerchiefs,
high grade, large sizes, well wortli
35c per cent more. Holiday prices,
from • • • • 25 c »® $1.00
$1.25 Ladies’ Kid Oloves, fine qual
ity; this week at • • ■ 75c
Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts,
fancy designs, delicate colors,
from 7 .... ggc to $|.25
One lot of White Marseilles Spreads,
from ..... , 75c to $3.00
CfT.Tust received an assortment
of LADIES’ BELTS, stylish and
OTUnderwear and Hosiery for
the whole family at saving prices.
Owl Drug and Seed Comp 5
Fresh Seed S Frompt Delivery
Notice Is fmreb* given that there
will be a meeting of the stockholders
of the Third National Bank, of Alba,
ny, at the banking house on Tuesday,
January 9th, 1906, at 10 o’clock a. m.,
for the election of directors for the
ensuing year and any other business
that might properly come before tie
meeting. F. h, BATES,
Stockholders’ Meeting of the Cltlzene
National Bank, of Albany, Qa.
There will be a meeting of the
shareholders of this bank on Wednes
day, January the Iflth, 1900, at 11
o’clock a. m. for the purpose o’ elect
ing directors for the ‘ensuing year and
for such other business as may prop
erly come before such meeting. ,
71 Bromd Street.
Second-hand Bicycles, comparative-
Iy new. First class repair work done
while you wait. New (Ires and - other
supplies of at! Hindu on hand and’at
low prices, at
Bicycle Shop, next
door to Scott’e Tin Shop, Jackson St
■ ' ' '-‘iit- 3
. Plow Tl
ime is
And so is the plows. Our line
of one and two horse plows con
sist of the following lines:
Blounts True Blue solid steel one
•and two horse, The Syracuse and
the Canton line, Boy Dixie, Bent
Foot Haimon, Georgia Ratchet
and the Brinley line. Our Mr.
Eatman has just returned from
the market where he was fortu
nate in securing a car load of steel
plows, stocks, etc., at less than
their actual value. Therefore, we
are in a position to save you
money on your farm needs.
Send Us Your Orders an<ji ^iVe
Will Save You the Silver.
The sidewalk pavers are losing no
(lino on Pine street. They are fully
half through already.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
Phone 367. Prompt eervlce. Patron
age solicited.
Mrs. w. H. Gilbert has a very desir
able room and can accommodate a
couple or two young men. 29-lw
The police commissioners re-elected
all the policemen. The city re-elected
all the councilman. Everybody Is sat
isfied In this section.
surance apply to
Wl .1. 3. DAVIS & CO.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 307. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
The lights were out for a short
while after the cyclone had torn the
wires down yesterdny, but the current
was put on again much quicker than
the people of the city had hoped for.
[The plant seems to be working splen
didly now.
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system clean
ser, such as Dr. King’s New Life
Pills. They are Just what you need
to cure stomach and liver troubles.
Try them. At Albany Drug Co., 25c
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
T J hono 367. Prompt service. Patron-
Is Being Enlarged and Re
modeled--Actual'' Work
on the improvement
Under Way.
The contract has been awarded and
work has already begun on the en
largement and the remodeling of the
Southern Bell Telephone and Tele
graph Company’s exchange on Broad
street, and the work w.ill be pushed
through to completion ns hastily as
The telephone company haa rented
the second floors of three adjacent
buildings on Broad street; tho second
floor of the Sans iSoucl saloon, the
First National Bank, nnd Jacob Jack-
son's tailoring establishment. This
will just about triple the size of the
The contract was awarded to Mr. C.
D. Smith, nnd he had a force of men
to begin tho work yesterdny. when
the Interior Is in readiness, nil the
now apparatus,’ the switchboard, etc,
will be shipped from the supply house
and will be installed.
The floors are rented from the Da
vis estate and Mrs. S. D. Lltllepage.
It has been realized for some time
by the officials ,of tho company that
In view of the rapidly Increasing bus.
lness of the exchange, larger and
more commodious quarters would
hnve to be arranged, nnd when the
decision was reached to Install the
most modern equipment at th)B ex
change, it became urgently necessary
to get the quarters in roadlncsB Imme
Those who have been doubtful of
the, telephone company’s Intentions to
greatly Improve the service here are,
it Is calculated, due to have their
doubts dispelled by Ibis latest move.
If the company Is not going to do as
the officials say, they are certainly
plnylng a great, an expensive, and a
dangerous game of bluff, which Is very
Open for Big Year’s Business
The Bacon Equipment Company
“The Best Equipped Job Shop in Georgia”
Castings Made to Order on Short Notice
age solicited.
The Herald extw, telling of tho cy
clone,- Issued al (i o’clock last night
sold like hot cakes. There were calls
for them up to noon today, but the
edition was oxlinusted early this
Albany has had a real cyclone now;,
not a windstorm nor any little thing
like that, but a geiiulne cyclone. But
Albany |s not hankering after another
one. Of course, nearly everybody on
ihe streets today can tell you nbout
the connection ho had wilh It; how
he happened to he the first one that (
saw It, oi“ the first one touched by it', j
or how ho escaped It and certain
Best Prices
Best Attention
Best Wishes
1906 i'.
104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga
$190.00 National Cash Register.
Used only for a short time. For sale
at half price by
Must Be Quick.
Pains in tho stomach and attacks
of the colic come on so suddenly and
are so extremely painful that imme
diate relief must, be obtained. Thnre
Is no necessity of sending for a doc
tor In such cases If a bottle of Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Is at hand. No doctor can
prescribe a bettor medicine. For sale
by Hllsinan-Sale Drug Co.
Weather Foreoast.
The following Is the weather fore
cast for Georgia for next 24 hours;
Fair and colder tonight; Friday fair
In east and south portions. 1
The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co
Everywhere 6c.
The soothing and comforting effects
of Dewitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, when
applied to Piles, Sores, Cuts, Bolls,
etc., subdues pain almost instantly.
This Salve draws out the Inflamma
tion, reduces swelling and acts as a
rubefacient, thus circulating the blood
through the diseased parts, permit
ting or aiding Nature to permanently
remove the trouble entirely. Sold-
by Albany Drug Co. and Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co.
MONDAY we place on sale several dozen
pieces of 10c Glassware ' at - the special
price, per piece, of
Two Outing Specials
LOT. No. 1.---Best Outing. Colors: Pink,
blue, white and cream. Regular 10c goods.
Special next week at, yard
LOT No. 2.—Fancy Colored Outings.- Some
remnants of goods worth 10c. All. on
table Monday, yard .
If in need of a Buggy, or
Wagon or good Set of Harness
we have them. The famous
Studebaker and Auburn Wagon,
Summers, Tvson & Jones and
Rockhill Buggies. In fact, we
can suit you if vou want to