The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 04, 1906, Image 5

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JANUARY 4, 1906.
Have your for’une told by one of
the greatest astrologers of modern
times. Time limited. • ' '
St. John’s Hotel, Broad Street.
Nice Waiting room for Ladles.
Carolina Chemteal Co., arrived In the
etty this morning. He will spend a
few days here looking into the re
pairing of the damage to the local
V.-C. plant done by the cyclone yes
Opportunities Left
Those Who Come and Oo—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With Interest—What Is
Going on in Society, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Mrs. W. S. Tarver will entertain
the Friday Morning Whist Club at
her home tomorrow morning.
Perfection can only
attained In
the physical by allowing Nature to
own resources. Cathartics gripe,
weaken — dissipate—while DeWltt's
Little Early Risers simply expel all
putrid matter and bile, thus allowing
the liver to assume normal activity.
Good for the complexion. Sold by
Albainy Drug Co. and Htlsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Mrs. J. A. Yancey and daughter,
.Miss Margaret Yancey, and Mr. and
Mrs. S. B. Wight have returned to the
city from New Orleans, where they
spent the last few days.
Mr. G. L. Collins, of Arlington, was
among the visitors In the city yester
Mr. Will E. Hilsman, who has been
living In Moultrie the past few years,
has disposed of his business Inter
ests there,. and he Is again calling
Albany his home. Mr. Hilsman will
be connected with the Hoggard Drug
Co. He will stop with Mr. Ben Collier
at his home on Commerce street. Mr.
Hilsman has many friends here who
are glad to welcome him back.
Mr. i. Jacobson has returned to the
city' from New York, where he has
been Visiting several weeks. His wife
will remain In the metropolis sever
al weeks longer.
Expiration of Jury Exemtplons.
All Jury exemptions held by special
pay members of the Albany Guards
expired on Jan. 1, 190G. All parties
desiring exemption for 190G will call
on the undersigned, or Alfred Deese,
at Albany National Bank.
Commander Albany Guards.
Monday’s and Tuesday’s business .was phenomenal in our
Suit Department; we want this to continue until every
Suit i$ sold. There is still some rare opportunities for
*-f \ , ’ /■
you in superbly tailored novelties in which the smartest
ideas in artistic designing, and the newest fabrics in
great diversity find full expression. Of the remaining
Suits the models are recent and the colors good. Small
women ' are generously remembered and should in
spect these unusual bargain values. The prices are one
half the usual value and it will well repay you to make
your purchase now before the sizes and assortment are
limited. ^ Ng V V \jp
Mr. H. H. Nelms, of Nelms, Is look
ing after business Interests In the
city today.
FOR SALE—7-room house east of
Ventulett’s residence, Commerce
St., lot 75x210. Terms. -v ■’
3-3t ED. R. JONES.
Miss Bessie Parsley, o: Pretoria, is
an attractive shopper in Albany this
W v hy Not Secure a Home, and Stop
Paying Rent to Another Man?
It may be done through the Albany
Trust Company of Georgia, by a con
tract substantially the same as house
rent. Let us explain details to you.
29-lw Secretary and Treasurer.
Mrs. J. D. Hall, of Newton, Is
among the shoppers in the city today.
Mr. J. L. Underwood, of Blakely,
spent the morning In the city.
Miss Marie Dekle, who has been a
guest at the home of Miss Annie Pate
the past few days,, leaves for her
home In Thomasville this afternoon.
FOR SALE—Kitchen’s plantation, GOO
acres, 5 miles East of Albany.
3-3t ED. R. JONES.
-Stockholders’ Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that a meet
ing of the stockholders of the First
National Bank of Albany, Ga., will be
held at their banking hpiise In the city
of Albany on Tuesday, January 9th,
at 12 m. to elect officers for the en-
BUlng year.
8-30t JOS. s. DAVIS, Cashier.
Mrs. W. J. Hall, of Oakfleld,
shopping In the city today.
Women’s Tailored Suits that
were $22.50,.’special price.
Women’s Tailored Suits that
were $25, special, sale price.
Women’s Tailored Shits that
$27.50, special price..
Women’s Tailored Suits that
were $30, special sale price.,
Women’s Tailored Suits that
#ere $32.50, special price..
Women’s Tailored Suits that
were $35, special sale price.
•Phono 71
Now is tho time for you to select your Christmas goods and you
can find the prettiest handwork in Maxinco Linen Center Pieces and >
a large selection of Handkerchiefs, hand made; the prettiest assort
ment of Dolls and Brio-a-Brao. Hats at very low prioes. Also cut
prices on Tailor Suits and Skirts.. ‘ H
Spring Suiting
JAN. 3 and 4.
Mr. Wood, an experienced
cutter and measurer, will
be here with a full line of
•We ordered a fine lot of-
f’Om the .American Biscuit Company
our ChrDMnaR trade, and for some
reason the shipment was delayed in
transit. We have received the Cake,
and must sell it. We offer it at a bar
FRUIT CAKE. In 5 pound Tins, (p| ftr
worth SI.fill, at vpl.ZO
Citron Pound Cake jfes % Zt:
Plain Pound Cake. “ftrM
Raisin Pound Cake 1 br rJ ; 30c
80 Broad Street.
. Fernland Farms ..
"Dairy Department
Sweet Cream Rich Milk
High Grade Butter
Patronage Solicited
For Engagements Telephone No. ,199
spring and Dummer
If you care to be up-t-o-date
in the material, cut and
style of your next suit, let
the Globe Tailoring Co.
do it.
{ Stockholder*’ Meeting.
Notice Is herebv given that there
will be a meeting of the stockholders
of the Albany National Bank, of Alba
ny, Ga., at the banking house oh
Tuesday, .January 9th, 190G, at 11 a.
m., for the election of directors for
the ensuing year and any other bus
iness that might properly pome be-
for the meeting.
'l2-tf A. P. COLES, Cashier.
Stockholders’ Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting of the stockholders
of the Exchange Bank, of Alba
ny, Ga„ at the banking house on
Tuesday, January 8th, 190G, at 11 a.
m., for the election of directors for
the ensuing year and any other bus
iness that might properly come be-
for the meeting.
12-tf A. P. COLES, Cashlir.
Is still doing business at his old
place over the First National Bank,
samples of all the new colorings in
all and winter fabrics are ready for
nspectlon. Our styles appeal forci
bly to well dressed gentlemen, and
our prices are as low as is consistent
with good workmanship.
The Tailor.
The Misses Blattner entertained the
Wednesday Afternoon Card Club very
delightfully yesterday afternoon at
their home on Commerce street. Miss
Etta Brown proved the most skillful
and fortunate at euchre, and she
■won the lovely prize, a hand drawn
handkerchief. The color scheme of
red and green was tastily carried out
In the decorations. At the conclusion
of the games, del'clous refreshments
were served.
Miss Louise Weldon left the city
yesterday for Pensacola, Fla., where
she will visit friends several days.
Messrs. Ike Weiss and Ike Hofmay-
er returned to the city this morning
from Macon, where they spent a
couple of days on a pleasure trip.
Mr. W. W. Morris has returned
from Amerlcus, where he spent a
short while, the guest of relatives In
his former home.
Mr. F. H. Scarborough, of DeSoto, is
looking after business Interests in
Albany today.
Little Miss Josephine Blattner is
on the sick list.
Mr. Barney Williams, of Morgan,
is among the well known visitors
spending the day in Albany.
Mr. W. C. Livingston, of Newton,
spent last night and this morning In
the city.
Miss Lottie Tift will entertain at
cards the first part o’ next week at
her home on Jefferson street, in honor
of her guest, Miss Alma Lindsay, of
Mrs. W. E. Wooten is entertaining
the Northstde Euchre Club at her
home this afternoon, and the ladles
are, no doubt, having a most enjoy
able time.
Miss Eula Jones, after spending the
holidays In the city, returned yester
day morning to Athens, to - resume
studies at Lucy Cobb Institute.
Mr. Joseph S. Davis returned to
the city last night from Atlanta,
where he spent several days on a
business trip.
Messrs. Paul Dozier and Gus Slap-
. pey, of this city, are In Macon for a
few months, having entered Stanley’s
Business College.
Miss Reggie Crawford, of Cordele,
was among the visitors who attended
“Robin Hood” at the opera house last
night. She is spending the day here,
the guest of Miss Helen Crews.
Messrs. Paul Brown and Will Tar
ver have returned to the city from
Macon, where they attended “Beau
Brummel” Monday night and “Raf
fles” last night
Mr. R. F. Sams, of Atlanta, divis
ion superintendent of the Virginla-
Grtp Quickly Knocked Out.
“Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and
myself contracted severe colds which
speedily developed Into the worst
kind of la grippe with all Its misera
ble symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egle-
ston, of Haple Landing, Iowa. “Knees
and Joints aching, muscles sore, head
stopped up, eyes and nose running,
with alternate spells of chills and
fever. We began using Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy, aiding the same with
a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use
soon completely knocked out the
It Is a good plan to take a dose of
the Tablets when you have a cold.
They promote a healthy action of the
bowels, liver and kidneys which Is
always beneficial when the system Is
conjested by a cold or attack of the
grip. For sale by Hilsman-Sale Drug
FOR SALE—7-roora house east o’
Ventulett’s residence, Commerce
St., lot 75x210. Terms.
3-3t ED. R. JONES.
Indigestion Is easily overcome by
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, be
cause this remedy digests what you
eat, and gives the stomach a rest—al
lows it to recuperate and grow strong
Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach,
Heart-Burn, etc., and enables the di
gestive organs to assimilate and trans
form all foods Into tissue-building
blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach,
Belching, Heart-Burn, and all forms
of Indigestion.' Palatable and
strengthening. Sold by Albany Drug
Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
The newly elected officers of Ever
green. Lodge No. G5 will be installed
Thursday night, January 4th. Every
member Is earnestly requested to at
tend. An oyster supper will be serv
ed at the conclusion of the meeting.
32t R- L .KEARSEY, Secretary.
An Emergency Medicine.
For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds
and similar injuries, there is nothing
so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.
It soothes the wound and not only
gives instant relief from pain, but
cases the parts to heal in about one-
third the time required by the usual
treatment.. As it is ,an antiseptic all
danger from blood poisoning is avoid
ed. Sold by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
We sfcope 2/ou
Will 9fot
Be sick during 1906—but if you ^-re
phone 28; let us send for and fill
your prescriptions. We are fully equip
ped in every respect to handle the
Albany *Dru(j/ Company.
Good Meats
are essential for good living.
We furnish : : : :
Native and Western Beef,
Pork, Oysters,
Veal, Spare Ribs,
Mutton, Hog Haslets,
Brains. Lard,
Breakfast Bacon,
Sliced Ham,
Fish, Oyster Crackers,
, Sausage
A trial order-will moke ypu a Der
maaent customer.
Windstorm protection for
your property is cheap.
Albany Insurance Agency.,
Women’s Tailored Suits that (5 £ An
were $10.00, special sale priee„yU.UU
Women’s Tailored Suits that d»/“ C)ft
were $12.50, special sale price..
Women’s Tailored Suits that fa
were $15, special sale price... .*?( .DU
Women’s Tailored Suits that d*Q A (L
were $16.50, special sale price..
Women’s Tailored Suits that d»Q Art
were $18, special sale price.. . ,aP»/.UU
Women’s Tailored Suits that d* 1 A AA
were $20, special sale price. .*P AU.UU
Of good plumbing In everv ease. We
sometimes wish wo didn’t .do such
good work, because It’s so Ion" be
tween jobs. But we have
Of doing only good plumbing and w
are too old to.get out of it. So w
don’t propose to change. In fact
have made a New Year resMutloji
do batter work than ever. Wo’ll ke„
it, too. If such a thing is possible.
lfi 255.