The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 04, 1906, Image 6
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: THUR8DAY, JANUARY ANNUAL YOUR HAT Har Be • Stylfch One, But It Uikea t Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that’s "In style," but the modern hat tor men has lots to answer for. Baldheads arb growing more numer ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic germs which sap the life from the roots of the hair. When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp is full of Dandruff it is a sure sign that these countless germs are busily at work. There is but one vrim to overcome the trouble and kill the Arms-that way is to apply Newbro’s Herpidde to the scalp—it will kill the germs and healthy hair is sure to result. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpidde Co., Detroit, Mich. Albany Drug Oo., Special Agents WANTS WANTED—Several ladles who have had experience In steam laundry work can get steady employment at the E. & W. Laundry, Savannah, Ga. 4-3t FOR RENT—A four-room cottage on Tift street. 4-3t T. N. WOOLFOLK. PORTER WANTED.—Only good man willing to work need apply. 3-3t S. STERNE FOR SALE—One square piano, good condition. Will sell cheap for cash or on time. Address D. care Her ald. , 3-3t WANTED—To buy small investment * property for cash. Give location, de scription, monthly rental and lowest cash price. W. A. X. Box 97, Albany, Ga. , 2-31 ’resident. An Alba.i\y Epicure to whom we sold A Universal Percolator says: “I am fond of coffee, but I never knew what coffee was until I put a Universal Per colator into my kitchen. I would not sell it at any price if I could; not promptly get another.” •VwwvwVVV'. jpf i ■/ ; i /■-v- i. They cost $3, $3.50 and $4.50. Let us show you. lip W. S. Bell & Son. Bell Prices Ring True. January First, 1906 ahe yov n.EAT>y to Open that JVetv Set of TiooKj? Jj’Wehavs exercised care and judgment in buying Thb Kioht Kind ® of LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS. etc. You can have such a stock to select front that would do 1 credit to any city in the land. Our stook of Office Supplies. Box Files, Wire Files, Files for every purpose, inks, Pens,. Pencils (of many makers), Waste Paper Baskets, Cash Boxes, Memo randa Books, Collection Wallets; in fact, everything to make an office complete. Make your selections NOW. We will deliver ^ the goods when you are ready to open your books. .*. ,\ .V , Mail Orders Will Ha-Oe Prompt Attention LOJSfS'BE'RG’S and Music House A. P. VASON. Vloo President. EDWIN STERNE, Cashier. Citizen s National Bank, Of Albany, Ga., CAPITAL $50,000.00. This Bank la fully equipped to care for tho accounts of (nun ngrohants and others requiring courteous and accurate banking service. It respootfully invites correspondence or a personal Interview with thoseCwho contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. JOSEPH 8. DAVIS, JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, President, V.-President. R. H. WARREN, Sec’y-Treas. HE W TRUST C0M1Y apitai Stock S100,000.oo OF GEORGIA. Now open and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and Washington streets, Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. CHARTERED to give surety an d act as executor or administrator sid to perform all-the functions of a s afely managed Trust Company. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Albany, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that tbe following License or Specific Tax shall be levied and collected in the cJty of Albany, for the support of the city government ;for the year 1906: A* Agency fire insurance, foa each company represented, and not herein otherwise taxed, where gross premiums do not exceed $500 per year...$ 20.00 Above $500 and not exceeding $1,000 30.00 Above $1,000 40.00 Insurance marine 60.00 Insurance broker 10.00 Agcnoe for each life 25.00 Agency or each accident.... 10.00 Agency for plate glass...... 5.00 Agency abstract, company.... 10.00 All others 25.00 And each agent shall regis ter with the clerk the com panies he or they represent or do business for with gross receipts for previous year. Agency, real estate or renting 25.00 Agency, sash and blind factory 10.00 Agency for or dea’ers In sash or blinds 10.00 Agent having an office in the city and representing per sons or firms outside of the city 25.00 Auctioneers, or vendue mas ters, permanent or transient, each 250.00 Council reserving - the right to issue licenses for less time than a year at their discretion, or for less amount; provided the $250 license has not been issued. Any persons crying their goods, wares or merchandise on the streets, or at their places of business aloud, shall he considered as an auctioneer, and subject to the license as such. B. Bakery — 10.00 Barber shop, for each chair 5.00 Bicycle dealers or rgents.each, alone or In connection with others business 10.00 Bicycle repairer or bicycle shop 5.00 Bicycle rink 10.00 Billiard, pool or bagatelle ta ble kept, for public play, each table 15.00 Bill poster for theater, clr* cusses or other traveling shows 25.00 All who post, any other mat ter shnll pay a license to be fixed at the discretion of tho Mayor. Blncksmlth shop, each forge.. 5.00 Boarding houses taking tran sient guests, charging not over $1.00 per day 10.00 Book bindery 10.00 Books and stationery 10.00 Boothiaok, each 1.00 Bootblack, having stand, each stand 2.00 License not transefrable, ancV to bo issued only on recom mendation of Chief of Po- lic^. Boot' and shoo dealer, whole sale 25.00 Boot and shoe dealers, lints and furnishing goods, retail alone 10.00 Boot, and shoe repair shop, . each bench 2.50 Bottling works 25.00 Bowling alley, kept for public play 10.00 Butchers, each butcher stand for the sale of rreen meats and to he allowed to sell and deliver from wagons without oxtra license 25.00 which shall no* apply to farmers selling bv the quar ter from their wagons. Broker, each and every broker doing business In the city, acting for himself or others, who purchases, sells, ships or orders, tranfers or han dles in any way tor account of others, merchandise fruits, fish or produce of any kind, selling to regis tered merchants 25.00 Brokers as above selling to others than registered mer chants 25.00 Brokers, buying or selling .fu tures In cotton, grain, pork or merchandise of any kind for others than themselves 100.00 Building and Loan or similar associations located or do ing business in the city... 25.00 Bucket shop 1,000.00 Brick—Each corporation, firm or person who may sell or (Continued on Page Seven.) NOTVCE 1 All parties Indebted to us are re quested to settle their accounts by January 15, as oivc fiscal year closes on this date. 4-5t HOFMAYER, JONES & CO. POUND SALE. Notice is hereby given' that there ht^s been taken up and impounded one dehorned Jersey cow, which will be sold Tor pound fee if not called for in 10 days. J. W. KEMP, 4-3t Deputy Marshal. POUND SALE. Notice is hereby given that there has been taken up and impounded one black and sandy shoat, which will be sold Tor pound fee if not called for in 10 dayB. , J. W. KEMP, • <l-3t Deputy Marshal, DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Davis & .Christian, com posed of H. S. Davis and E. C. Chris tian, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, E. C. Christian retiring. The business will be continued by H. S. Davis, who assumes all liabilities and to whom all debts due the firm are to'be paid. H. S. DAVIS, E. C. CHRISTIAN. Albany, Ga., Jan. 3, 1906. law-4w FOR RENT OR SALE. Kranich & Bach piano for sale. Mirrored wardrobe, hat rack, refrig erator and dressing table. ' MRS. G. M. BACON, 2-1 w DeWitt, Ga. FOR SALE—Heavy feather mattress and second hand stove in good con dition. Apply fo J. M. Tift, at. Mock & Rawson’s. LOST—An old style pin—amethyst surrounded by pearls. Probably lost down town Wednesday morning. Will pay suitable reward for return to Mrs. S. H. Tift. 13-tf CHMSmAS GOODS For Men, Women and Children Jackstones, per set. Sc. Dolls, from Sc to 50c. George Washington Hatch ets, Sc. Shell Novelty boxes, from 10c to $1.00. Vases, per pair, 10c to $1.S0 Glass Jewelry Boxes with Top Covers, 10c to 50c, Fancy Plates, 10c to SOc. Cups and Saucers, 10c to 3 Sc. Good fancy Water Tumb lers, per dozen, 30c. Punch Bowls, Stereoscopes and Views, Glass Jars with Cover, Glass Gilt Edged Bon Bon Dishes, fancy Dress ing Case Sets and many other useful and ornamental goods, suitable for gifts that will cause joy and pleasure. D. Neuman, Agent For May Manton Patterns. To Our Friends : We wish to thank you for the liberal patronage extend ed us the past year. It has been a prosperous year with us, and we assure you of our appreciation of your business. We intend doing greater things in the year 1906, and we hope to merit a contin uance of your favors. With best wishes, we are Faithfully yours, The.Steele Furniture and Hardware Store. T elephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street ...Our... Cleaning-Up Sale Means a saving on a good many arti cles that you have either a present or future need for. In every Department are Odds and Ends, L eftovers, or goods that will Joe out of style next year. These have had all profits and some times part of cost taken off. ———————— ■ ' It s worth your while to investigate the following Dress Goods Waist Goods Flannels Outings Cravenedes Mohairs Serges Worsteds BARGAINS IN' Shoes Hats and Caps Underwear Lace Collars Lace Novelties Men s Shirts Neckwear Sweaters Rugs Art Squares Mailing Cravenettes Cloaks Jackets Skirts Boys’ Clothing And many other Bargains. Thcj goods must go at some price. Sai yourself money hy buying these good S. REICH ALBANY, GEORGIA JAMES TIFT MANN F0R 7 FNT , ' FOR RENT—4 of tlie 7 brick stores to Attorney and Counsellor at Law. be erected on Pattison’s Sandy Bottom block. Possession March'15. V entulett Building 2S,3t ].;d. r, JONES.