The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 04, 1906, Image 7

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Continued from Page Six.)
offer to sell brick in the
city 26.00
Baseball game, discretion of
the Mayor.
C. k
Cabinet shops, making and
repairing lurnltjure 6.00
Candy stands, alone 6.00
Candy and fruit stands 10.00
Carriage manufacturer, alone
or In connection with repair
• shop 10.00
Carriage manufacturing 10.00
Carriage repair shop 6.00
Each person or firm dealing
in carriages, wagons and
buggies, except those man-
u'actured at home 30.00
Cigar manufacturer 6 00
Each circus or variety show
performing under canvas or
parading the streets of the
city, and each side show,
shall pay a license at dis
cretion of the Mayor and
Civil engineer or surveyor... 6.00
Clothing merchant, retail.... 10.00
Clothing merchant, second
hand 60.00
Confectioner, or retail dealer
in fruit and candy 10.00
Coal dealer, alone or In con
nection with any other busi
ness, "doing business in the
city, whether h>s yard or
place of business be locat.
ed within the corporate lim
its or not 25.00
This shall also apply to per
sons delivering coal for par
ties who have not paid
said license.
Coal or lime, selling from car
to other than registered
dealers, each car 10.00
Commission Merchants—
Ffult and produce dealers, ex
clusive 10.00
Each commission merchant.. 25.00
Contractor, general or builder 25.00
Taking contracts for less than
$250 ... . 6.00
Cotton compress 100.00
Cotton buyers, each firm or
person 26.00
Cold storage or refrigerator., 26.00
Chiropodist 2.60
Coffins, dealers in 25.00
Dancing master or mistress,
at the discretion of Mayor.
Delivery Wagons—
Each person selling from free
delivery wagons or other
wise, on the streets shall
pay (butchers having regu
lar licenses excepted) 25.00'
Country produce sold by
producer excepted.
Each free delivery wagon, or
any other vehicle hauling
goods or merchandise with
out pay 6.00
Each two-horse^ dray 20.00
and shall be allowed to
charge 50 .cents for each full
load, and 10 cents per bale
for cotton. , j
Each one-horse dray 10.00
and shall be allowed to
charge 25 cents for each <
full load, and ,10 cents per
bale for cotton.
This tax shall apply to all
those vehicles commonly
known as drays, and to
any other vehicles hauling
for pay, and no vehicle sub
ject to this tax shall be al
lowed to run without a num
bered tag to be furnished by
the Clerk of the Council,
which tag shall be attached
to the dray or vehicle In
some conspicuous place.
Drugs, wholesale and retail.. 25.00
Drugs, retail 10.00
Each person drumming or
soliciting trade, except in
front of his regular place of
business, and then only to
the middle of the street in
front of the same, shall be
considered a street drum
mer, and shall pay a tax of 200.00
Dry Goods, wholesale 25.00
Eating house, alot.e or In
connection with any other
business 10.00
Express company 100.00
"Upon the business and oc
cupation of receiving ir,
this city money, goods, mer
chandise or other thing of
value and o’ transmitting
same for hire from this city
to points wholly within the
state of Georgia, and upon
the business and occupation •
of receiving in this city
.money, goods, merchandise
or other thing of value
transmitted for hire from
points wholly within the
state of Georgia and deliver
ing same, to consignees.
Engines or- boilers or ma- j
cotton compress, agents or
dealers, all or any 25.00
Electrical machine^ or sup
plies, dealer in or agent for 10.00
Factory, sash and blind 10.00
Feather renovator 10.00
Fortune teller 10.00
Fertilizers, dealers in, or man
ufacturers of, doing business
In the city, or agent for, do
ing business in the city;
warehouse men, mercantile
companies or individuals
selling fertilizers for profit.. 25.00
Fish Dealers—
Dealers in fresh fish, selling
the same by- wholesale or
retail the sum of 25.00
Selling by retail only 16.00
, All dealers selling flsli by
the package or barrel shall
lie considered wholesale
dealers. This docs not ap
ply to local ilshernfen or
flsli caught by them.
Flying jenny, per day 25.00
Machine or apparatus to be
located at such place in the
city as the Mayor may ap
prove, and license subject
to revocation at any time
in the discretion of Mayor.
Foundry 5 and machine shop... 25.00
Furniture dealer 10.00
Fireworks, wholesale dealer in 10.00
Fireworks, retail dealer 5.00
Fruit stands,' alone 5.00
Fruit street peddler, wholesale 25.00
Fruit street peddler, retail.. 50.00
General store, who'esale and
retail 25.00
General store' 10.00
General store, retail, with not
, more than six salesmen, In
cluding employer 15.00
General store, retail, with
more than six salesmen, In
cluding employer 20.00
This not to Include book
keepers or porters when
employed only as such.
Goods, all persons or "corpora
tions selling from cars or '
otherwise, Bhall pay as
other merchants. license fix
ed In discretion of Mayor.
Guarantee companies 10.00
Gin, public, for each gin'op
erated 5.00
Groceries, wholesale 25.00
Groceries, family or farm sup
plies at retail 10.00
Gunsmith. v.v . 6:00.
Green groceries, retail 6.00
Each one or two-horse hack'
conveying passengers for
pay (these licenses are non-
transferablel ! 10 00
And no driver of a hack
shall be less than 21 years
1 old.
Each fonr-horse vehicle con
veying passengers for pay 15.00
25 cents each for passen
gers. or $1 per hour.
Each vehicle conveying pas
sengers shall be required
to have a numbered tag,
as provided for drays. No
license to be issued until
hack has been Inspected.
Hardware, retail 10.00
Hardware, wholesale 5.00
Harness repair shop, alone,
each bench or horse 2.50
Hotels and boarding houses
taking transients, charging’
$2 and upward per day.... 50.00
House movers 10.00
Huckster or other stand, $2
per day; and no stand shall
be permitted on the street
within fire limits without
permission of Mayor.
Ice— (
Each person, firm or corpor
ation selling Ice in the city
from delivery wagons, for
for each wagon .-. 25.00
Ice cream saloon, alone or in
connection with any other
business ., 6.00
Ice cream, or ice cream
cakes, dealers <u, selling
from wagon, hand cart or
box 5.00
Itinerants, vendors of proprl- , -
ettary or patent articles,
books, maps, pictures, toys,
candy or any article what
ever on the streets, or from :
house to house, or located,
at discretion of Mayor and
Provided, no license shall
be issued for “keifeboards,”
“cane racks” or similar
games of chance
Jewelry store • 10-00
Jewelry and watchers, repair
ers of 6.00
Junk shop ...’ 25-00
And all persc-s opening
junk shops and taking li
cense for the same, as pre
scribed In this ordinance,
shall accept same on condi
tion that their places of
business shall he subject
f- -.l-tt^llAW$ ItlOUQAHftn I —-
from tho police of the city
at any time when the Mayor
and Chief of Police shall
order such places visited
and Inspected; and on refus
al of each person or persons
at any time to. submit to
such visitation and Inspec
tion, or who shall deter, or
in any way prevent a thor
ough inspection of said
place of business, shall
have his place of business
Immediately closed on the
order of the Mayor or Chief
of Police; and in ease any
machinery or any part
thefeo’, or any appliance or
implements of any railroad
shop or gas company, or of
the waterworks company, or
electrict light, company, or
fire department, or sample
waste or loose cotton,
grates or any part thereof,
gas or waterworks fixtures,
1 shall lie' found in such
places of business without n
sufficient explanation of the
same, it. shall subject the
owner or owners of said
junk simp, on conviction
thereof lre'ore the Mayor,
to pay a fine not to exceed
$100, or Imprisonment not to
exceed sixty days, either or
both in the discretion of tho
Mayor. And for the second
offense, the Mayor shall
have the power, in his dis
cretion, not only to impose
the fine above provided, but
to revoke the lieenso.
Labor agent
Laundry, or agent for
Lightning rod agent or dealer
doing business in the city,
each agent or dealer.
Liquor, wholesale
And under such license no
dealer shall be permitted to
sell less than one full quart,
and on election day not less
than four and one-half gal
lons. And on conviction for
selling in less quantity
without a license therefor,
the dealer shall be subject
to a fine not to exceed $100,
or Imprisonment not to ex
ceed sixty days, either or
both, in the - discretion of
the Mayor.
Liquor, not 'teas than one
full quart, nor more than
four and one-half stand
ard gallons
Liquor, malt only, wholesale..
Liquor, malt only, retail...
Liquor, retail ,/i
And under a retail llceney
no dealer shall be permitted
to sell In quantities greater
’ than four and one-half
standard gallons. Provided,
however, that wiy dealer
who sells and delivers or
who sells and ships to one
person at one time more
than four and one-half
standard gallons, whether
same he consigned or ultl-
,'mately Intended for one or
more persons, urd whether
same he In orte or more
packages, shall be held and
deemed to he a wholesale
dealer and shall pay that
Liquor dealers are required to
fpost their licenses In a con
spicuous place within their
places of business, under a
penalty of $25 fine.
All application for license to
he aecoihpanled by money.
Lumber and shingles, dealers
In, alone or In connection
with any other business,
whether the yard or place
of business bo vlthln the
corporate limits or not,....
Lumber and shingles, all per
sons (other than registered
. dealer^) selling *ough lum
ber and shingles, In less
than carload lot? to other
than registered dealers, per
car of lumber $10, or per
car of shingles
Lumber and shingles, all per
sons (other than registered
dealers) selling rough lum
ber, or shingles, in less
than carload lots per 1,000
feet of lumber, $1, or per
1,000 shingles, 60 cents.
Lumber, all persons (other
than registered dealers)
selling dressed lumber In
carload lots to other than
registered dealers, per car
Or, In less than carload
lots, per 1,000 feet
Each and every Itinerant
agent or dealer in machin
ery shall pay a license of..
Machine shop, for repairing
Machinery and | farmf. imple
ments, dealers in, provided
that .this shall not apply to
Manufacturers of soda water
and other drinks not herein
otherwise taxed
Merchant tailor
Merchants, small dealers not
herein otherwise provided
for ,
Each person, firm or corpor
ation operating a corn or
flour mill within the city,
shall pay, upon each mill
so operated, a business tax
Milk Dealers—
Selling and delivering from
Money lenders taking bill of
sale > or other evidences of
lien on chattels or articles
of value
N. /
Newspapers, dally cud weekly
Newspapers, weekly
Newspapers, daily
Each col tohsee-1 p” mill
Oil, wholesale dealer
Oculist, or optician
Organ grinders,’ or ptreet mu
sicians, at the option of the
Painters taking contract
Paperhnngers taking contract
Patent rights, or patented ar
Pawn Brokers
Peddler of groundpeas, ped
dling them around the
streets (country produce ex
cepted) ...’
Same, when using machine..
Each foot peddler or vendor
of merchandise
Pistols and bowie knives, deal
ers in (special)
Plano tuner and repairer....
Pianos or organs, dealers In
or agents for, alone or in
connection with any other
Pressing Club—
Individuals or clttbd press
ing clothes
Photographer or portrait
Planing mill .
Plumber and gas fitter
Printing, job
Opera House
Railroad ticket scalper or
broker ...'
Each company or Individual
'operating a street railway
In the city, hauling freight
or passengers
Real estate or peroonal prop
erty, agents negotiating
loans on, when rate of In
terest, does not exceed the
legal rate
Real estate nr porsonn! prop
erty agents negotiating
loans on. If exceeding le-
gal raths
Roo'ers, asnhaH. gravel or
other material
Scissors and knife grinders,
$1 per month, no license to
be issued for less than
Sewing machine, dealer or
Shooting gallery
Skating rink or dancing hall..
Soda fount, alone or in con
nection with any other bus
Bach livery stable
And be allowed to run one
back free of license.
Each livery stable keeper,
firm or corporation engag
ed in the business of selling,
feeding or keeping horses or
mules, carriages, buggies
and vehicles for hire, not
to Include drays or wagons
to haul in competition with
licensed drays or wagons..
Each keeper o" a livery sta
ble who does a back busi
ness in addition to his sta
ble business shall take out
a license for each hack run
by him, the same as reg
ular hackmen.
Sale and Feed— *
Each feed or Bale stable or
lot keeper without livery...
Each and every person, firm
or corporation dealing in
horses or mules, and each
and every person known as
drovers or traders, selling
or offering for sale stock In
the city, shall pay.
Each proprietor of a sale lot
or livery stable shall be
held responsible for this li
cense on all stock sold from
his premises.
Tailor shop
Telegraph Company
Upon yich telegraph com
pany having nr office and
place of'business within the
city, the sum qf $100 as a
upon the business and occu
pation of receiving messages
in the city from persons in
the sdty and transmitting
the Barne by telegraph from
this city, within the stats to
persons and places within
this state, and receiving In
this city messages by tele
graph transmitted within,
the state from persons and
places in this state to per
sons within the city and
delivering same *o persons
. In this city, provided that
the ' receipt, transmission
and delivery of all mes
sages to and from any de
partment, agency or agent
of the United States Is not
taxed hereby. It being the
true Intent, meaning and
purpose of this ordinance
to levy a snoclCo or occu
pation tux upon the busi
ness o' telegraph companies
as conducted In the city of
Allmniy between said city
and points within the state
of Georgia, and nothing’
herein eontnlned shall be.
construed ns levying any tax
upon Business done for tho
government of tho United
Stales. Its officers or agents,
or upon business done in
the city of Albany between
said city and points otilBlde
the state of Georgia, but
said government, business
and said interstate business
shall be and Temadn un
taxed and unaffected hereby.
Telephone companies
The license issued to tele
graph or telephone compa
nies Is subject" to this pro
vision; That such company
shall remove or alter the
position of any telegraph
or telephone pole, or wire,
when required to do so by
the street and sewer com
mittee of this. Council or
by the Council. And in case
of refusal so to do', the su
perintendent or manager
of such company shall, on
conviction thereof, he pun
ished by a fine of not more
than $100, or imprison
ment not exceeding sixty
days, either or both, In the
discretion of the Mayor.
Ten-pin alley, kept for'public
Negro minstrels, transient
theatricals, jugglers and
other like exhibitions, shall
pay a license tax to be
fixed at the discretion of
the Mayor, pro”ldetl, that
should any or either of Baiil
shows offer, to sell any
goods, wares or merchan
dise, or goods of any kind,
then tlie ordinnnee refer
ring to' transient traders,
No. 122, page 70 of tho or
dinances, shall apply; and
provided, also, that when a
charitable or other deserv
ing object is presented, the
Mayor shall have the right
“Advice is Cheap," Vi
Under Some Circumstances.
The right kind of ndvico if accepted a:
made uso of in always cheap at almost m
price. Our advioo la cheap beenuso it ir
and people are maton* use of It every di
Wo aro prepared to give you advice In 1
matter, correot advice, time saving, eight r
ing, nerve Having. We are properly eq - *'
for making thorough and intelligent o
tlons of the Eyo. * •
We furnish them at as low a figure ai_
root Glasses, good Frnmes. perfect fit an
guarantee can bo had anywhere. If you di
need , *lnss''8 we advise you of the fact l
thnnk you for the inquiry.
Let Us AJv
a r r ii
Leading Jeweler and Optica#
to fix the amount of said
license, as to him may
seem host.
Tin shops, not registered as
merchants :
Tobacco and cigars, alone,
Tobacco and cigars, manu-
facturer of
Typewriter, dealer in or
agent for
Trading Stamps—
Any person or firm giving
trading Stamps in connec
tion with
be taxed
Variety Works
sale shall
dealer in
thereof ’the officer or agent, for
person, firm or corporation or n
ufactumng company, shall be
jeot to tho same • penalty ns
persons who fail to'register and
out lieenso.
Section 4. The Mayor and Council
shall impose such taxes from t!
time as they may deem just
equitable upon all lochl ami id
traders or agonts, nr other
not specilly mentioned in this
ncnce. This' ordinance Bhall'bo
Jeot to alteration and' repeal, In v
or in part at any time, and no mu
amendment or rerqael in any
cular shall be construed to deny the
right of the , Council to assess
collect any of the tax or license
charge prescribed.
. Section 5, Transient traders in
goods, wares and merchandise, of
description whatever, also agonf
oanvassefs for the sale of any
whatever, Itinerant physicians, of
ers Qf proprietary articles or ni
before exposing or offering tl
for sale shall first \ register a:
such speolal tax «i ,1s fixed '
ordinances, or that may be here
or at that time prescribed bj
Mayor and Council; ana in di
of sudh registry and payment shall
punished by a fine not to exceed
hundred dollars or lmprisomnen
work on the streets not to exceed;
ty days, either or ,011, at tho dlsi
tlon of the Mayor, f
Seeion 0. So'much anil such in
of ordinances as heretofore passed
provided .for the issuing and enfon
mont of any execution'for any tax
assessment required!, by such oi
nance, or that Imposed, fine!) or i
•ties for the non-paynieht,oI sm
or foil the failure to register or
out license provided for in said
nance oi; ordinances, shall coni
and remain In force until such ta
assessment shall be'fully paid,
•Section T. It is hereby mado tho el
pedal duty of the police departin'
to see that the provisions of this or
dinance relating to street tax, and
special or business licenses is ob
served; and to summon all violators
of the same to appear before the
Mayors’ Court. \Vnd the Mayor is
hereby given authority toil
and all violators of tth’
fine not to exceed oi,
lars, or imprisonments,
the streets not to exceed sixty days,
either or all, in his discretion.
Section 8, This ordinance shall »e» ’
main In force and effect until the
tax ordinance for the year 1907. shall
have been adopted: Provided, how-,
ever, that in any case where a license
tax, as fixed under this ordinance,
may have been paid for the year
1905, be ore adoption of tho tax or
dinance for that year, that the same
shall be subject to the right of the
Council to raise' or lower the Same
os may be determined upon in the -
Wood yard or wood dealer,
alone or in connection with
any other business, doing
business in the city, wheth
er his yard or place for
preparaing his wood is lo
cated in the corporate lim
its or not
Warehouse, cotton
general tax ordinance for the year
1900. .
Section 9. Be it ordained by the
authority aforesaid, that all ord
ances, or parts of ordinances,, in cc
flict with this ordinance be, and t!
same are hereby repealed.
Adopted in Council January 1, 1
Y. C. RUST, Mayor.
Clerk Council.'
: -P*
Section 2. That the above license
shall be issued for the year only, and
not for any fractional part of the
year, except where otherwise stated
in this ordinance, and shall not be
Section 3. All persons, firms, cor
porations or manufacturing companies,
having either their business proper or
their general or branch offices or
agencies located within the corporate
limits of the city, or who are repre
sented in. said city by officers o r
agents soliciting. or transacting busi
ness for them within the corporate
limits of the city, shall he required
to register and take out tbe necessa
ry, Hcense for ; tid business present
Ckerries and
In fact every delicacy that a
Christmas appetite could crave
ktre in its superlative excellence.