Newspaper Page Text
other painful and serious
ay other pa
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use ol
I “Mfllta't Flhli* This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
sr’S Frieid” need fear the suffering
T O _r incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
s condition mere favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
' fcSa.’&RS IflATIIEDfi
fotherhood,” is worth •"■■■■ ■
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing applicatipn to
ftradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Rawlins Theatre,
•Grand Hospital Beneiit
JltS 0. BOONE,
Dramatic Tenor.
America’s Foremost Ten
or Voice.
Admission: 50 Cents.
Wishing to reduce my stock
before taking t Inventory, all
of my merchandise will be
offered for this month at
This is a great Bargain Sale
as my stock consists of very
desirable goods in ?1l lines,
and was bought at low prices
before the advance of all
kihds of merchandise, but !
am determined to reduce my
present stock before the
spring goods come in. and 1
shall give to my patrons the
full benefit of it.
Tt*« Gallury Verdict.
He Was Practical.
T.he Leading Man—Fairest lady, I
am a nobleman of rank.
Voice in Gallery—Yes; awful rank.
For coughs and colds no remedy is
equal to Kennedy’s Laxative Honey
and Tar. It Is different from all oth
ers—better, because It expels all cold
from the system by acting as a ca
thartic on the bowels. Affords Im
mediate relief, in Croup, Coughs.
Children love It. Sold by Albany Drug
Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
Then He Would Have Wealoned.
D. Neuman,
Agent For May Manton Patterns.
Good Meats
A Good Minstrel Show Coming.
It Is altvays a pleasure to announce
the coming of the Donnelly & Hatfield
magnificent minstrels Which appear
at the Rawfllis theater next Wednes
day night.
This show always affords genuine
entertntniient. The melody of the pop-
ular songs has preceded It Into this
city,, for Its songs have been whistled
throughout the country. These popular
song hits are offered in the first part.
It'is said that the color scheme and
the ‘'effects" of the latter surpass
any thing of the kind ever presented
In mlnstrolsy. And It Is claimed Its
good humor and melody run ovpr nt
the side Many feature ac|S are jm the
program. t>no of the entertaining
acts is “The Dorktown Circus,” a
burlesque upon the most popular
of American amusements, the circus.
While one counts five the audience Is
Introduced to all the accessories and
atmosphere that go to make a typical
one-ring circus. The entire company
of forty people take part In this act.
The scenery Is both gorgeous and
realistic. This act Is relieved by the
Toledos, impersonators of animals,
reptiles and amphibious monsters.
They give feats of contortion and acro
batic agility.
, “Where the Moonlight. Falls” shows
a miniature landscape with a full
moon nnd rippling waters, where a
company of darkles gather and do a
series of dances. There Is a mono
logue l>y Tommy Donnelly and a mu
sical “fete” by Crawford ■ & Finning.
The Tuscano Brothers, Roman axe
manipulators will make their first
American appearance with this com-
Ipany. TheBo genetlemen balance, jug
gle and throw rude Roman axes.
“While Old Glory Waves” discloses
a series of spectacles representing-the
varied career of America in arms.
The managers of this popular or
ganization have made the vocal music
of their splendid entertainment one
of Its chief features. Some of the
best blackfaced comodlans in the
business have joined their forces.
Price, 50 and 75 cents and $1.
She (romantically)—We could live
on bread and cheese and kisses!
Ho—Sure! Do you think yotir fath
er would be willing to supply the
bread and cheese?
Jock—Alexander the Great lived too
Jim—What do you mean?
Jack—When he was looking around
for more worlds to conquer lie ought
to have run up against a nautomo-
A Certain Cure For Croup.
are essential for good living.
We furnish : ; : :
Native and Western Beef,
Pork, Oysters,
Veal, Spare Ribs,
Mutton, Hog Haslets,
\ Brains, Lard,
Breakfast Bacon,
Sliced Ham,
Eish, Oyster' Crackers,
Sausage r
A trial order will make you a Dtr
manent customer.
•Phone 71.
If you want to rent buy or
city property or farm lands, see
Real Estate Agent,
12-lm Albany, Ga.
J. Clifford Hale.
Leonard N. Soeor
Office, 98 1-2 BroadTStreet. Albany. 6a.
Prompt and careful;attention given to all
business submitted^* care
Why Not Secure a Home, and Stop
Paying Rent to Another Man?
It may be done through the Albany
Trust Company of Georgia, by a con
tract substantially the same as house
rent. Let us explain details to you.
29-lw Secretary and Treasurer.
FOR SALE—7-room house east of
: : Ventulett’s residence, Commerce
St*, lot 75x210. Terras.
3-3t' ED. R. JONES.
When a child shows symptoms of
croup there Is no time to experiment
with new remedies, no matter how
highly they may be recommended.
There Is one preparation that can al
ways be depended nupon. It has been
in use for many years and has never
been known to fail, viz; Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. Give It and a
quick cure Is sure to follow. Mr. M.
F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says
of it, “I have used Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy in severe cases of
croup with my children and can truth
fully say it always gives prompt re
lief.” For sale by Hilsman-Salo Drug
Rose Coghlan In “The Duke of Killl
Miss Rose Coghlan is to he seen
in a new play next Friday—"The Duke
of Kllllcrankle," a farclal romance in
threw acts by Capt. Robert Marshall,
author of “His Fveollency the Gov
ernor," "A Royal Family,” and “The
Second in Command." His "Duke of
Kiliicrankle” which was originally
produced In London by Charles Froh-
man, had an elgh' months’ run there
at the Criterion Theater, and was
afterwards transferred front that
hous6 to Wyudham's Theater, where
it ran into the following season..
So phenomennl was the London
success of the play that Mr. Frohman
brought, it to the F.mplre Theater In
New York, where it proved equally
successful, running through the en.
tire sstison, receiving universal pralae
from the critics sp being one of the
most delightful conjedies seen In New
The secret of successfully ridding
the system of a cold Is a thorough
evacuation of the bowels.. Kennedy’s
Laxative Honey and Tnr does this—
Liquid Cold Cure drives nil cold out
of the system. Best -for Coughs,
Croup, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co.
and HilsmAh-Sale Drug Co.
- tag.
Mr. Jones (3 a. m.—I suppose you
think that excuse 5 just gave you Is a
bare-faced lie?
Mrs. Jones—No, John. It's so . old
that It has whiskers on it."
The soothing and comforting effect s
of DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve, when
applied to Piles, Sores, Cuts, Bolls,
etc., subdttcB pain almost ipstantly.
This Salve draws out the inflamma
tion, reduces swelling and acts as a
rubefacient', thus circulating the blood
through the diseased parts, permit
ting or aiding Nature to permanently
remove the trouble entirely. Sold
by Albany 4Drug Co. and Hlleman-
Sale Drug Co. ,
The Reason.
Large, firm heads, perfectly devel
oped. .’phone 155-2 rings.
2-4t O. F. CHEATHAM.
’I am surprised to hear of Gruet’s
failure, I thought he 'was doing a
smashing business.”
“He was; It broke him.”
improved Lady Thompson Straw
berry plants for sale. ’Phone 156-1
rings. O. K. CHEATHAM.
FOR SALE—7-room house east ol
Ventulett’s 1 residence, Commerce
St., lot 75x210. Terms.
3-3t ED. R: JONES,
d .
York in years. Wl’h the stamp of ap
proval of New York and London, the
original production Iwlll this season
be sent on the road with Miss Rose
Coghlan as the star, and the vehicle
Is said to give Mtks Coghlan an ex
ceptional opportunity to disclose her
well-known Individual style of acting.
Mr. Lynn Pratt, who Is Miss Cogh-
lan’s leading man, will have the part
Janitor—1 know the fiat is - ec IU.
I’m sorry, but It isn't my fault.
Tqnant—I know, and I guess that's
why you’re' sohry.
the Duke. The story of the play
deals with the manner In which the
young Duke of Killorankle decoys
Lady Addison to an Inaccessible cas
te] in the ’Highlands, where, with the
nssistance of a member of parliament,
and the rich widow of a glue king,
he manages after various trying, buf
amusing situations to win the fair
Henrietta's consent to become his
wife. Otfier noted members a’ the cast
will Include Miss Mina Phillips, Mr.
Wallace Erskliie, Miss Harriett Ne
ville, Martin Cody, Robert. Cleary and
others. “The Duke ol Kllllcrankle" will
be seen at the Rawlins Theater next
Friday night.
Sickening, Shivering Fits
Of Ague and Malaria cun be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitters.. This'
is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
benefit in malaria, for It exerts a true
curative Influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the system.
It Is much to be preferred to quin
ine, having none of this drug's bad
after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Hen
rietta, Texas, writes;' “My brother
I had Jaundice, till he took Electric Bit
ters', which saved his life." At Alba
ny Drug Co. Price, 60c, guaranteed.
Broade—Have you ever gambled 1Jt
Wall street stocks?
Weigh—Sure! Ain’t I a policy hold
er In an Insurance company?
It Certainly Wasn't.
Ella—That apple that Eve gave
Adam has been the seed of much trou-
Tom—Yes; that was no seedless
. $190.00, National Cash Register.
Used only for a short time. For sale
at half price by
will keep them from shrinking.
the best to use.
will not injure' the most delicate fabric.
WOOL SOAP ls *. i'# hlte
WOOI SOAP wiH not harm the
VV KJKJL SA t' most delicate skin.
Owl Drug & Seed Co,
Fresh Garden, Flower exrvd Field Seeds.
Stockholders’ 'Meeting of the Citizens
National Bank, of Albany, Ga.
There will be a meeting of the
shareholders of this bank on Wednes
day, January the 10th, 1900, at 11
o’clock a. m. for the purpose oil elect,
Ing directors for the ensuing year and
for such other business as may prop
erly come before such meeting, ,
Notice Is herebv given that thi
will be a meeting of the stookhold’
of the Third National Bank, of J
ny, at the banking house on Tuesi
January 9th, 1906, At 10 o’clock a
for the election of directors
ensuing year and any other bi
that might properly come b<
meeting. F. H,
If in need of a Buggy, or
Wagon or goo,d Set of Harness
we have them. The famous
Studebaker and Auburn Wagon,
Summers, Tvson & Jones and
Rockhill Buggies. - In fact, we
can suit you if vou want to
S. B. BROWN & |CG.
•% i*.' bfejfc&L—