Newspaper Page Text
B. H. DENIfeON-Dentt**.
It is as clear and pretty today as
any man could desire. There Is noth
ing, and tlie paving on the south side
is being pushed rapidly to completion.
surance apply to.
Ml J. S/ DAVIS & CO.
Several spendid attractions me
boohed to appear at the Rawlins The
ater during the next few weeks. The
return of Rose Coghlan next Friday
night will doubtless attract a full
Crso ~
Buzsaw Bill—Is they goin r ter hold
an Inquest over Olkall Ike?
Bowie Knife Jim—Naw. Wasn’t ther
coroner' present at ther lynching?
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Middle Breakers.
All sizes of Chilled
Turn Plows.
We carry complete
list of parts for all
sizes of Olivers—an
Inestimable Advantage
to Farmers.
“There’s no Plow
like the Oliver.”
Mrs. W. H. Gilbert has a very desir
able room and can accommodate a
couple or two young men. 29-lw
Perfection can only be attained in
the physical by allowing Nature to
own resources. Cathartics gripe,
weaken — dissipate — while DeWitt/s
Little Early Risers simply expel all
putrid matter and bile, thus allowing
the liver to assume normal activity.
Good for the complexion. Sold by
Albany Drug Co. a.qd Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Grading on the north sidewalk of
Pine street, between Washington and
Jankson, has been completed prepar
atory to the putting down of tile pav
ing on the south side Is being push
ed rapidly to completion.
His Brilliant Night.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt service.. Patron
age solicited.
The weather of the latter part of
the week is quite a contrast to that,
of the former part. Rain and wind
storms, together with a disastrous tor
nado, Tuesday and Wednesday a re
quite different from the lovely weath-
er of yesterday and today.
Mint., Cream Wafers, Coco Bon
Bons, Dates, Chocolates, Cocoanut,
Fruit Drops, Buttercups, Gum Drops
and Marshmallows are among the
fine candles we are selling at 10c. per
,1b. A shipment of fresh candies just
in. ’Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
“Fred called last night."
“Was he as brilliant as usual?"
“More so. He had a rush of brains
to the head. He actually had one
FOR SALE—7-room house east of
Ventulett’s residence, Commerce
St., lot 75x210. Terms.
3-3t ED. R. JONES.
FOR SALE—Kitchen’s plantation, 600
acres, 5 miles East of Albany.
3-3t ED. R. JONES.
A Benedict’s Reply.
The contract is'soon to be let for
the erection of the new high school
building, so there seems to be little
doubt that the structure will be com
pleted and ready for occupancy in
time for the opening of the next, fall
school term.
Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
Brinson & Co.. Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Promnt service. Patron
age Pxdiclted.
The Albany Guards have under con
sideration a plan f pr an-armory and
gymnasium submitted to them by an
architect a few days ago. The compa
ny has practically decided definitely
to have an armory and gymnasium,
and some of the members are anxious
to go at it right away. A well equip
ped armory and gymnasium would do
much to ilopularize military in the
Means a saving on a good many arti
cles that you have either a present or
future need for.
In every Department are Odds and
Ends, Leftovers, or goods that will
be out of style next: year.
These have had all profits and some-
She—A vool and his money are soon
He—Yes; it’s almost impossible for
a married man to save a cent.- i,
I will insure your property against
4-3t R. H. WARREN.
The new mayor Is getting list'd to
the general routine of hie ofllce. He,
of course, has to hear a score of
complaints daily, some with and oth
ers without, reason, he has to remind
some of the city ordinances which
they had seemed to have forgotten,
he has daily * ta’^s with policemen
ami firemen. The mayor has many
duties which are calculated to keep
him busy.
e to investigate
s worth your w.
e following
Phone 70 for, fresh butter, 30c. lb.
A Living Proof of It.
FOR SALE—Several close in resi
liences. (5-3t) ED. R. JONES.
Dress Goods
^iVaist Goods
Art Squares
And many other JDargams: ihest
goods must go at some price. Savt
yourself money by buying these goods
■My friend, . water is
T. Totaler-
Heaven’s best gift to man!
Chalker—Yes, old man, 1 know it.
I’m a milkman.
It will probably Vie the policy of
the city authorities io continue the
paving programme as municipal
finances will, allow. It is proposed to
pave a few blocks each year, rather
than issue bonds for the paving of all
streets at once—a plan which has
numerous advantages to commend it.
At. present there seems to be no good
reason why some more paving should
not he done this year, though that
is a bridge which will be crossed next
fall when we reach it.
But we run every day except Sunday
and can do your work on short notice.
Let us give you a remedy for wash
woman troubles
Nothing will cure indigsectlon that
doesn’t digest the food itself, and give
the stomach rest. You can’t expect
that a weak stomach will regain Its
strength and get well when It is
compelled to do the full work that a
sound stomach should do. You
wouldn’t expect a sick horse to get
well when it le compelled to do a
full day’s work every aay of the week.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a perfect
digestant, and digests the food regard
less of the condition of your stomach.
Relieves Indigestion, Belching, Sour
Stomach and all stomach disorders.
Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hils
man-Sale Drug Co
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
FOR RENT—4 of the 7 brick stores to
be erected on Pattlson’s Sandy
Bottom block. Possession March 16.
2S-3t ED. R. JONES.
Carbon Hill Coal. Best
on earth.
Cruger ,<& Pace.
Ventulett Building
. A- .. / T ' '- A ■ :
To Our Friends :
We wish to thank you for
the liberal patronage extend
ed us the past year.
It has been a prosperous
year with us, and we assure
you of oup appreciation of
your business.
We intend doing greater
thirgs in the year 1906, and
we hope to merit a contin
uance of your favors.
With best wishes, we are
Faithfully yours,
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store.
. •