The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 08, 1906, Image 3

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• ' V '•■ - c - '• • THE ALBANY DAILY HERALO: MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1906. Il ss ordeal which a8 women approach with indescribable BECOMING _11 J| B8J6BAfalPtLM MU" IB) nothing compare* with MOTHER .*£ the suffering and danger in (tor* for her, rob* the expectant mother ' of all pleasant anticipation! of th* coming avent, and cast* oyer har a ahadow of gioem arwah cannot be shaken off. Thoutand* of wboien hoTe found that the aea of Mother 1 * Prim'd during pregnancy robe eonfiamwnt of aB pain and danger, and feature* safety to Ufa of mother •ad child. Thi* actanrific liniment is a god-eend to all woman at tha time of their moat critical trial Not only doe. Mother's Friend aany women safely through tho peril, of child-birth, bat R* os* gently preparer tha aystam for the coming erent, prevent* “morning me knee.," and other die- -. comfort* of this period. Sold by aU druggist* at |i.eo per bottle. Book containing Valuable Information free. Iha BradfieM Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. M 'FuWmLlw-MJj THE ORIGINAL The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling colds from the system is new and original fn Kennedy's Laxative Honey andi Tar.,; r. LAXATIVE • A certain, safe and harmless remedy for all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all Lung and Bronthial affections. Mothers praise the children’s favorite Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar COUCH SYRUP Prepared at the Laboratory of E. C. DeWITT A CO., CHICAGO, V. 8. A. By THE BED CLOVER BLOSSOM AHD THE H0H2T BEE IS OB EVERT BOTTLE. For Sale By Albany Drug Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. ' The 1906 Kodol Almanac a.nd 200 Year Cal endar will be sei>t free on receipt of 2 cents in postage by addressing E. C. DeWitt & Co„ Chicago. IT BLOOD POISON CURED A Desperate Struggle and How it Ended, .» Just 27 miles from the classic city of Athens, Ga„ is Ioc'atod the thriv ing little town of Maxey’s the residence of Mr. Rybert Ward, who,has just been released from the most perilous predicament, the particulars of which he has consented to give to the public. He writes tas follows: Maxey’s Oglethorpe Co., Ga„ Julyl. For 12 or 14 years I have been a great sufferer with a terrible form of Blood Poison (Syphilis), which ran into the secondary, and finally it was pronounced a tertiary form. My head, face and shoulders became almost a solid mass of corruption, and finally the disease commenced eating away my skull bones. I became so horribly repulsive that for three_ years I absolutely refused to let people see me. I used large quantities "of the most noted blood remedies, and applied to nearly all physicians near me, but my condition continued tot grow worse, and all said 1 must surely die.M My bones became the seat of. excruciating aches and pains; my nights | were passed in misery; I was reduced In flesh and strength;', my Idd- | rieys were terribly derange^, and life became a burden to' I chanced to see an advertlsemenr. of B. R. B., and sent $1 to W. C. , Birchmore & Go., merchants of our place, and they procured one bottle for me. It was used with decided benefit. I continued Its u»e and when eight or ten bottles had been used was pronounced sound and well. Hundreds of scars can now he seen on me, looking like a man who had been burned and then restored. My case Is well known . In this couu-. ty, and for the benefit of others who may be similarly affected. I think It my duty to iglve facts to tho public, and to extend my heartfelt thanks for so valuable a remedy. I have been well over 12 months; and no re turn of the disease has occurred. ' ROBERT WARD, i » Maxey’s,Ga., July 1. We, the uritlerSlgned, know Mf. Robt. Ward, and take pleastffe'in stat ing that the facts as above stated by y him are true, and that his was bne. of the worst cases of Blood Poison wo ever knew In our county, and that he has been cured by the use of B. B. B.—Botanic Blood Balm. \ . A. T. BRIGHTWELL, Merchant, JOHN T. HART, W. C. BIRCHMORE & CO., Merchants W. C. CAMPBELL. J. H.,BRIGHTWELL, M. D. . Botanic Blood Balm,(B. B. B.) Is guaranteed to cure any Blood or Skin Disease If taken In sufficient quantity as directed. It IhVold by all good druggists at $1 per large bottle; 6 for $5. Valuable book free. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta Ga. Star Performers With Donnelly & Hatfield. Theatrical managers throughout the country are complaining of the scar city of vaudeville headliners. It Is very difficult to secure good attrac tions In this line of eptertainment. The big hippodromes throughout tho country lnyve created a demand foV this class of amusement and managers have been forced,to draw upon the resources o; Europe for their' special ties. A1 G. Fields, personal director of the Donnelly & Hatfield Magnifi cent Minstrels, and for twenty years owner and-manage of the A1 G. Fields Greater Minstrels, has been fortunate in securing one of the strongest acts in vaudeville for this popular organi zation. The Tuscano Brothers, Roman axe manipulators, will make their first American appearance with this company. These gentlemen balance, juggle and throw, rude Roman axes. It. is said the act has never been du plicated in dexterity, 'it Is a daring one. :’rSught. with much danger to the performers. Axes large and small, axes roilght. wrought and razor edged are thrown and juggled with grace and artistic precision. Elaborate scenic effects add to the attractiveness of the performance.' Other specialties of a sensational nature will be Introduced by this com pany. The Toledos, impersonators of animals and reptiles will glvo, feats o-; flexibility, contortion and acrobat ic agility. They are one ‘ of the big acts of the vaudeville stage..They are cne of the favorites everywhere. Oth- er acts of- a similar - nature will be presented 'as a vaudeville adjunct to the Donnelly & Hatfield Magnificent Minstrels. E. H. DENISON—DentUi, Skating rink open tonight. For TORNADO and CYCLONE In surance apply to 4 !’l J. S. DAVIS & CO. Enjoy yourself skating tonight. % Brinson & Co., Wood and. Coal, ‘Pbonb 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. EST PIANOS—BEST STATIONERY Best Prices Best Attention v Best "Wishes * i 1906 BEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE 104 Pino Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga A Charming Comedy. The Empire Theater (New York) great success ^The Duke of Kiilicran- kie/f will be at the Rawlins theater Friday night next.. This comedy was admitted to he the hit of last season, having a bril liant run ; of over a year in London, at Charles Frohman’s Criterion The ater, and equally successful presen tations in New, York, Boston, Phila- d'.dphi’a, St. Louis and Chicago. In brief : the plot is as follows: The young Duke of Killicranlde, propos ing to Trady.j plenriet^a Addison in Mayfair or the fifth time and receiv ing dismissal because he lacks ear- host ness and force, decoys her to an inaccessible castle In the. Scottfsh highlands and with the assistance of a member of parliament, Henry Pitt V’.’elhy^ who owes him money makes a l'ulsoner of .her. Mrs. Mulholland, the widow of a glue king whom the member cy’ parliament is anxious to marry, is also duped" into accepting a similar invitation. The'^wo w r omen are ^furious over their Imprisonment, and plot deliverance through mock n^arriages and otho*'Expedients. \Vhen they show signs of rei^nting the two men tell them Hiey have , ceased to care for them and are willing to set them free. This of course brings matters to a climax, the captives ex* pressing theii^ wii'ingnesS to capitu late., The company is headed by Miss Rose Coghlan, and other notable play ers are Miss Minna Phillips, Mr. Lynh Pratt and Wallace Ersklne. The en tire equipmept w* n be the same as used at the original production. Prices, 50. and 75 cents, $1.00 and $1.50. ' • AT HOME Good skating at the rink tonight. Brinson & Co., Wood and 'Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. Come out to the skating rink to night. ' FOR SALE—Several close in resi dences. (5-30 ED'. R. JONES. This begins another week of the 5 ear,. 1906. .' Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron- age solicited. Albany is counting on' getting n street car line tilts year, and there will be hundreds of Albanians disap pointed if the line doesn't materialize. I will insuro your property against WINDSTORMS AND CYCLONES. 4-Bt. R. H. WARREN.’ Carbon Hill Coal. Best on earth. Cruger & Pace. FOR SALE—Several c ose In resi dences. ;(5-3t) 'S '. R. JONES. There has been unusual activity. In veal estate in Albany bore of late. Nearly every day, many lpfs of city property and tracts o,” suburban land change hands. Activity In real estate Is an Indication of the confidence peo ple have in the city. ■ —-Vy", Mint, Cream Wafers, Coco Bon Bons, Dates, Chocolates, Cocoanut, Fruit Drops, Buttercups, Gum Drops and Marsltmallowu are among the fine candies, we are selling at IOC', per lb. A shipment of fresh candles just in. 'Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. The heavy travel of Christmas week has been gradually falling off, and now that, the new year is'well on its way, it is jus f about normal. The trains, however/ continue to come ,ln and leave late; possibly because they formed thnt habit during the holidays, when travel was unusually ’hejtvy. KPS®".,- «v-» ' : A CLEARANCE SALE OF M en s an< The Holiday business has left our our stock (irt many instances') 1 • . with odd sizee, hence these price reductions. Men’s Suits that were $14.63, are now - Men’s Suits that were $12.66, are now- Men’s Suits that were $10.98, are howm-™--— Men’s Suits that were $9.98, ' are no w Men’s Suits that we,re $7 t 7Q, are now '*■, Boys’ Suits, up to, $6.63, a r ij. n 1 ■ now S— w i mn ■ ! SELIiiS: rT W.OR IsESS !#,|g Rawlins Theatre, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10. iAA warn Fernland Farms .. !Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Tatronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No; 199 Furious Fighting. “For seven years," writes Geo. W- Hoffman; of Harper, Wash., “I had a bitter Rattle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. T unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don’t In tend In the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine.” Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, 4>y Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 5ue. a bottle. Try them today. DRINK A BOTTLE .CARBONATEDS • Grand Hospital Benefit JUS 0. BOON!, Dramatic Tenor. •: ’ *'* y, ■■ y • • . ; ■ v America’s Foremost, Ten or Voice. ■ \ Admission: 50 Cents. HE JOKESm Title Guaranty and Loan H Co. BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co EverywhereISc. Examines and certifies Titles to Real Estate. Loans Money Promptly o.n Lowest Terms. Buys and Sells all kinds of Real Estate. Is conducted entirely by officials with 20 yeats successful experience in this business. Will pay 6 per cent, for, time money. Call on- S. J. JONES, President, (Woolfolk Building) Or Sam. W. Smith, Vice Pres.' and Gen. Mgr., (Court House.) , . —We ordered p fine lot ol— CAKE flora t)ie American Biscuit Company for our Christmas trade, and for some reason the shipment was delayed in transit. We have received tho Cake; and must sell it. We offer It at %,bar- gain: FRUIT GIKK. in 5 pnu)i«l Tin., (pi OE worth #1.50, at u)|,ZtJ Citron Pound Cakefgf 8 'j^.?& Plain Pound Cake. jSrt'S Raisin Pound Cake 30c Tie Enternrise Store JOS. L. RAREY, THE OLD RELIABLE TAILOR. Is still doing business at his old place over the First .National Batik, samples of all the new colorings in al) and winter fabrics are Teady for nspectlon. Our styles appeal forci bly ter well dressed gentlemen, and our prices are as low as Is consistent with good workmanship. JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor. WOOL SOAP for WOOLENS will keep them from shrinking. WOOL SOAP for SILKS l ’ the best to use. ,, » WOOL SOAP for LACES vfijl not .injure the most delicate fabric. 'Wool soap - sy ,wte ? WOOL. SOAP most delicate skin. Owl Drug & Seed Co. Fresh Garden, Flower &rvd Field Seeds. a -ml Stockholders' Meeting' of the Citizens National Bank, of Albany, Qa. There will bo a meeting of (he shareholders of thl^bank on Wednes day, January the wth, 1906, } at 11 o’clock a. m, for the purpose of elect ing directors for the ensuing year apd for such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting. , EDWIN STERNE, Cashier.- . STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. Notice is hereb'- given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders <jif the Third National Bank, of Alba ny, at fhe banking house on Tuesday, January Bth, 1906, at 10 o’clock a. m„ for" the election of directors for the ensuing year and any other buslrfess that might properly come before the meeting. V F. H. BATES, 8-30t Cashier. If in need of a Buggy, or Wagon or good Set of Harness we have them. The famous Studebaker and Auburn v Wagon, Summers, tvson & Jones and Rockhill Buggies. In fact, we can suit you if vou want to buy S. B. BROWN & 1GO. •'