The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 09, 1906, Image 7

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. j V ' I *HE ALBANY DAILY HERALD! TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1906. * * Bed Room Suit Sale! For the month of January we aie go ing to offer Bed Room Suits at unusually low prices and will quote a few prices just to show you: A good, solid Oak Suit, regular A i 7 ir/'k $22.50 value; this sale cp * A beautiful full quartered and polished Suit, regular $60.00 value, during 5Q A very handsome Suit, full quartered and pol ished, 30x40 mirror, regular *70 CA $85.00 value; this sale >P » We have a large stock of these goods and we are sure we can pleare you. S. A. y W. T. Freeman. THE BOONE CONCERT FOR HOSPITAL BENEFIT. Mias Settle Sterne to be Accompanist Tomorrow Evening. Miss Settle Sterne will act as ac companist tomorrow evening at the James 0. Boone coucert, to be given at the Rawlins theater tor the bene fit o.f the hospital. The concert wilt not begin till 8:30 o’clock, by which hour the prayer-meeting services in several o{ the city churches will have been concluded. Mr. Boone’s entertainment will be a rare musical treat The ladies of the Hospital Aid Association consider themselves exceedingly fortunate in having been able to secure his ser vices, and they tee) that they are en. titled to the generous patronage of the public. Seats are on sale at the Hilsman- Snle Drug Co., where tickets bought of canvassers may be exchanged for reserved seat coupons. A FACT PROVEN. Should Convince Even the Most Skep tical ot Ite Troth. If there Is the slightest doubt In the minds of any that Dandruff germs do not exist, their belief is compelled by the fact that a rabbit innoculated with the germs became bald in six weeks* time. It must be apparent to any person therefore that the only prevention of baldness is the destruction of the germ— which act is successfully accomplished In one hundred per cent, of cases by the application of Newbro’s Herplclde. Dandruff is caused by the same germ which causes baldness and can be pre vented with the same remedy—Newbro’s Herplclde. Accept no substitute. "Destroy tbe cause you remove the effect." Sold by lending druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Go., Detroit, M!ch. Albany Drug Co., Special Agents Swift’s Premium Hams are the best. ’Phone 70. * W. E. FIELDS. f Washerwomen Strike But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a remedy for wash woman troubles. PHONE 39 New Albany Steam Laundry. Open for Big Year’s Business ■iN THE- MACHINERY LINE! The Bacon Equipment Company “The Best Equipped Job Shop in Georgia” Castings Made to Order on Short Notice It’s the Same Old Story At holiday times plumbing is neg lected for social festivities. Ex treme cold comes in to "top it a 1 off” and before you know it you’re wrestling with the Plumbing Out of Order proposition. We can fix it, and we will do it at “clearance. sale” prices, now so popular with those who have “goods left over ” Ours is the best work in town, as every one knows. Harris Plumbing Co rr a uaddic hr E. P. HARRIS, Mgr. 102 Pine Street. East Store ot Rumney Building. 'Phono 2S6. The < Utiledoctor CURES Liver Complints; uses only Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble maker If you would be well, try Ramon’s Treat ment. Only 25 cents. Albany Drug Co. mss ms CLEARANCE SALE! Wishing to reduce my stock before taking Inventory, all of my merchandise will be offered for this month at STRICTLY COST I This is a great Bargain Sale as my stock consists of very desirable goods in all lines, and was bought at low prices before the advance of all kinds of merchandise, but I am determined to reduce my present stock before the spring goods come in. and I shall give to my patrons the full benefit of it. Albany Has Seven Ex-Mayors. There is but one ex-president of the United States ltv'ng. but ex-mayors are more plentiful. Albany has seven. They are Messrs. A. J. Llppitt, J. S. Davis, S. B Brown, W. H. Gilbert, T. N. Wool folk, Ed. L. Wight and H. M. .McIntosh. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron, age solicited. Missionary Meeting at St. Paul’s Church. There will be a meeting of the Wo man’s Auxiliary in St. Paul’s church tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. NOTICE I All parties indebted to us are re quested to settle' their accounts by January 16, as our fiscal year closes on this date. 4-5t HOFMAYER, JONES & CO. The laying o’, brick on the second block of Washington street is now well under way, although the first block is not finished. The pavers could not figure on the sinking of the earth above tbe sewers, and they kept oh with work on tfie second 'Slock. Then came the sinking and the great disapointment and delay caused there by. Griatly in Demand. NotMug Is more in demand than a medieine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system clean ser, such as Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They arb just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try jliem. At Albany Drug Co., 25c guaranteed. Most of the splendid trees that were blown down in Wednesday’s tornado were so badly injured that it was necessary to cut them up, but a few have, after having had their limbs carefully tl'lmmed, been pulled back to upright positions, had the dirt carefully repacked about their roots, and are now fairly on the way to continued usefulness. Furious Fighting. ‘‘for seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, ayid don’t in tend in the future to be without them in the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine.” Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by Albanv’ Drug Co., druggists, at 50c. a bottle., Try them today. Don’t forget to drain tbe water pipes tonight. That's tbe way to- save plumbing bills. A Certain Cure For Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can al ways be depended nupon. It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow. Mr. M. P. .Compton, of Market, Texas, says of Tt, ‘‘I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children and can truth fully say it always gives prompt re lief." For sale by Htlsman-Sale Drug Co. The weather bu-eau struck tt right on yesterday’s forecast. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted In thousands qf homes, as death claims, In each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the trag edy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oklahoma, Ind., writes:, “My wife had the consumption, and three doc tors gave her up. Finally, she took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con- sumptiop, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and today she is welt and strong.” It kills the germs of, all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaran- Methodists Will Taki! Census. The members of tlio Methodist church are arranging to lake a cen sus of the city In order to ascertain who are members of the church, and where the children attend Sabbath School, tt Is hoped in tills way to Induce (hose who are not In the habit of going to church to attend religious services. For convenience, the city has been divided into districts, and (he following have been apppolnted a committee to undertake the work: Mr. J. A. Miller, Mrs. A. W. Miller, Mrs. G. C. Johnson, Mr. A. W. Muse, Mrs. A. W. Muse, Mrs. E. G. Tarver, Mrs. W. A. Sumter, Miss Jennie Johnson, Mr. John Betjeman, Mr. W. A. Woodiu, and Rev. T. H. Thomson. Rings! Signet Rings is a heritage dear from the chivalrous days of old. They betoken proud respect and reverence for your family. Massive circles of antique gold, bearing simply your monogram or elaborated. Price #2.50 and upwards. We have also a nice line of Diamond Rings and Ladies’ Combs, jingle and sets. ■ ...ADVICE... 0 "Advice ia Cheap " Unde*? Some Circumstancefl. The right kind of advice if accepted and made use of is always oheap at almost any price. Our advice ia oheap because it is free— tiudpoople are making uae of It every day. OUR OPTICAL ADVICE. We are prepared to give you advice In thi* matter, correct advice, time savf ing, nerve saving We nre prop for making thorough and intern tionBof the Bye. rou aavice in wna saving, sight Mv* USS* IF YOU NEED SPECS. Wo furnish them at as low a figure os cor rect Glasses. good Frames, perfect At and s guarauteo can bo had anywhero. If you don’t need ■'lasses we advise yon of the fact and - thank ypu for the Inquiry. Phil Harris, Leading Jeweler and Optician. Every Article Engraved Free. Phone 107. Let Us Advise You. $ Phil Harris, Leading ’Jeweler and Optician. Must Be Quick. Fains in the stomach and attacks of the colic come on so suddenly and are so extremely painful that I mine- rt'ate relief must be obtained. There Is no necessity of sending for n (Joe- tor in such cases if a bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. No doctor can prescribe o better medicine. For sale by Hllsiiian-Sale Drug Co. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there Is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but cases the parts to heal in about one- third the time required by the usual treatment. As it is an antiseptic ail danger from blood poisoning is avoi li ed. Sold by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. FOR SALE—Heavy feather mattress ana second hand stove in good con dition. Apply to J. M. Tift, at Mock & Rawson's. ' Patient.. “Did you ever make any mistakes, doctor?" “Well, I’ve bud several patients got •well that I expected would die.” For coughs and colds no remedy is equal to Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all oth ers—better, because it expels all cold from the system by acting as a ca thartic on l he bowels. Affords im mediate relief in Croup, Coughs. Children love it. Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. PALMIST. Have your life rend, from the cradle to the grave, by Prof. Ray, tho re- now’ried Astrologer and Palmist. Reading. $1.00. Honrs, 0 a. m. to 9 n.- m. Room 4, St. Johns Hotel, Broad street, Everything strictly up- to-date. NOTE.—We teach Chaldeau Astrol ogy. Palmistry and scientific card reading. Terms reasonable. Come early and avoid tbe rush. Nectar for Pointing the Way. That’s the mission of our advertising; the store must do tjie rest. If we point right, if we are in earnest and honest in our public announcements, if our merchandise and methods invite your confidence, then the road, the well- beaten track, leading direct to our doors and traversed by hundreds of the buying public hereabouts, will become a familiar road to you. There’s economy at the end of it. Money saving satifaction confronts you at every turn when once you cross the threshold of this store. . Read On the Cods was never sipped with such gusto as the epicure feels when a glass of our delicious, sparkling and highly invigorating FLINT ROCK trickles past his fastidious palate. When run down in health, or when you have that "all-gone" feeling, try a bottle of FLINT ROCK. You will think It the long-sought-for fountain of youth, and renewed vigor. Bridles. . . ,50c to $1.50 Boy Dixies. . . .$1.75 to $2.00 Haines. . . .35c to 1.25 Hamon Stock. , . LOO Traces.-. . 50c to 1.00 CantonS.B.Plow 5.50 to 6.00 BackBandsl5c to 1.25 Blounts 8.00 to 15.00 Buy the Blounts True Blue Steel Plow and get the best. R. C. E atman, 'Pkpne 5. Albany, Ga. P. S.--A Disc Harrow at a BARGAIN. JOSEPH 8. DAVI8, JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, R. H, WARREN, President, V.-Prealdent. Seo'y-Trear- OF GEORGIA, Capital Stock $lQO,OOO.oa CONSERVATOR OF PROSPERITY. Seed Oats, Horse Oats, Corn, Hulls and Neal For Sale at Miller Now opea and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and Washington streets, Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSIT8. CHARTERED to give surety and act ag executor or administrator ... perform all the functions of as ifely managed Trust Company. WE WILL ADVANCE YOU MONEY ON COTTO SEND IT TO ALBANY WAREHOUSE 0 AND OBTAIN CHEAP INSURANCE AND STORAGE. W. W. PACE, President OFFICERS i Vlce-Pre.ldsni