The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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RCPKP fn VOLUME XV. Si'Y \v . . ALBANY, QA.i THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 11, 1906. NUMBER k -JiiWmB SIDEWALKS WILL BE 18 FEET WIDE ON WIDER, AND 17 FEEET WIDE ON NARROW ER STREETS. At a speoial meeting held on Wash- . jjngfton^ street yesterday afternoon, the ,coim"cU i decided to widen all the side- walks in the city. The walks on the Streets running east and west will be made 18 feet 'wld« and the walks on the streets running 'north and south will be 17 fe^t w'de. ■ At the conclusion of the special -meeting Which was helA in the conn ell chamber yesterday afternoon, the council adjourned , to Washington, I street -where a .conference was held w^th,City-'Engineer Wilcox and an in- spectiow of certain street work was made. ' It was found that the levels of the sidewalks on pine street between Washington and Front streets, would necessitate the cutting down of the south walk and the building up of -the north walk. The new walks would be considerably lower on the south side and considerably higher on the north Sidy than the present floor levels of the buildings on that street. Capt.' Wilcox advised that this con dition could be largely relieved if the- walks were made.wider, allowing a wider range of grade in the' walks, and at his suggestion the council decided to make the sidewalks 18 feet wide on Pine and' all other par allel streets and'"to make the walks 17 feet wide on all intersecting streets. ’■■ '*■ ' The width of the paving o’, these 1 walks is not to he increased, but a space will be left- on the outer side of the walk for a grass plot, In which the shade trees and telephone poles will be placed. Many advantages for this plan were urged, one of which was the great saving to the city when .Accident on the^Terminal Elevated Tracks in St. Louis—Six Passengers Injured—One Seriously. 100 Add Per Cent. to value of Your F arms ky v - using X. A merican Field ence Five Carloach just received at Albany Machinery Co. Large Attendance at New Orleans—Im portant Matters tp Be Considered. New Orleans, Jan. 11.—The South ern Cotton Association began a three days’ sessidn here today with a large representative attendance from all the cotton growing states. The asso ciation was organized one year ago here when cotton wns selling at six cents a pound. Many Important matters are to come before this meeting, among them being a proposition to Oiold the balance of last ’'ear’s crop for 1B cents. A decision as to the acreage this year will l>e made. Congress mil he urged to provide for a commission to . visit the cotton marketo of the world including. China and the Orient, to open new fields for American cot ton. Diversified farming and more per- for the place. Officers will be elected The matter of permanent headquar ters will be 'discussed. Atlanta, Mem phis and New Orleans are candidates for the place. Officers will me’elected. and it is likely that Hnr da Jordan \Vu; be re-elected president. President Jordan was given ah ova tion when lie appeared. After an Invo cation President John M. Parker, of the Cotton Exchange, made an ad dress of welcome, which was respond ed to by \V. L. Foster, of the Louis iana railroad commsisioti and an ex tensive cotton planter. President Jordan’s address covered a review of the work during the first year of the association. He recom mended that the proper solution of the marketing problem lies in moving the crop slowly to meet the legitimate de mands of the spinners. To accomplish this ho said adequate storage ward- houses should be built and negotiable receipts Issued, underwritten to guar antee grades and weights, to mnlce them absolutely" a safe collateral. He urged also better organization and better haling of the product. WILL NOT Baker Courtty Negro Has Sentence Commuted to Life Imprisonment - - Cunningham Spared. St. Louiq, Jan. U.-aA-Pullman Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 11.—(Special:)— sleeper attached to the Wabash rail- Will Cqonipgham and.Rteltoa Bjpwti, ° toad tf^-from.. Chicago, duA here at i both werE- nniW ~ton. . those r' o’clock, dropp-d fifteen feo^ To tenon to' ho hanged “tomorrow,- have the pavement from the terminal ele vated tracks early this morning. Six passengers were IfljWed, one serious ly. The car was dwailcd as It swung on the elevated tracks that skirt the river front. CLASS A CASES BEFORE RAILROAD COMMISSION. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 11.—((Special.)— The Class A cases of the Southern, Central, Seaboard and Coast Line rail roads went over today to January 18, so the Railroad Commission can -get further evidence. POULAN’S ANNLAL . /MUNICIPAL ELECTION, Poulan, Ga., Jan. 10.—At the regular municipal election held here today the following ticket was elected without opposition: Mayor, P. Pelham; Conn- oilmen, V. P. Stevens (re-elected) and K. D,. Clark, member of the board of education, J. F. Wilson (re-elected.) A light vote was polled. Plenty of swee* milk, cream and butter.' FERNLAND FARMS. ’Phone 199. 10-3t PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT JOINS THE REP MEN. Washington, Jan. 11.—President Roosevelt was today made an honors ary member of the Improved Order of Red Men. The ceremony was held in tjie President’s office, and was wit nessed by many prominent members of the order. MARSHALL FIELD IS SERIOUSLY ILL. New York, Jan. 11.—Marshall Field is seriously ill at the Holland House here..He passed a comfortable night, but a consultation of physicians laat nl^ht reported him gravely ill. the paving of the streets was under taken. Some of the stone curbing will have to be relaid, but this can be done’ at a small expense, which will be more than gained by savings along other lines. ") . ■BE I’m a Yanke .Doodle Dandy. KHmHhhAmH had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment. The governor -ifas sign ed the papers, and noticed have been wired the sheriffs of Jefferson and Baker counties, respectively. 1 Melton Brown has failed to break the record which Baker county has been building “for many years—a rec ord of never having been, the scene of a legal execution. Brown was twice reprieved by the governor. Ho. was to have been hang- on the 8th of December, hut his at torney, Senator Benton Odum, Induc ed the governor to stay the execution Another reprieve was secured, and now tile sentence Is commuted. Brown killed his wife, Nannie Brown. The murder was cowardly In the extreme, hut it was shown that Brown had nev er been wholly responsible, and on that ground his neck was saved. BrOwn spent a good deal of his time fn jail in Albany, hut is now confined at Newton. It is presumed that He will at trace be taken off to begin his life service at hard labor. Furious Fighting. "For seven years," writes Geo. W- Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., “I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, hut at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don’t In tend In the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine.” Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by Albanv Drug Cm, druggists, at EOc a bottle. Try them today. Weather Forecast. The following Is the weather fore cast for Georgia ,for next 24 hours: Rain tonight and In east portion Fri day; colder Friday. , . 9-tf Co. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. “Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and ibyself contracted severe colds which Bpeedlly developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its misera ble symptoms,” says Mr. J, S. Egle- ston, of Haple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up. eyes and hose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the. grip.’* It is a good plan to take a dose of the Tablets when you have a cold. They promote a healthy action df the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system Is conjested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale by Hllsmari-Sale Drug Commemoration of “Red Sunday” to Be Started By Two Days’, Strike. St. Petersburg, Jan. 11.—The demon stration of mourning planned to com memorate January 22 (Red Sunday), Includes calling a two days’ strike beginning at noon January 21 st.' The revolutionists of St. Petersburg are striving to force a conflict and repe: titlon from Moscow of barricaded streets and other features of rebel lion thore, but the authorities are ready to declare marial law on a mo ment's notice, and scout the Idea tho( anything serious will occur. EMPLOYE OF POWER PLANT HAD CLOSE CALL. Mr. Julius Love Caught By Belt and Thrown. Against Floor. Julius Love, a '■•bite man in the employ of the Albany Power & Manu facturing Co., was quite painfully In jured this morning at the company’s plant at the Big Shoals. Mr. Love was standing nearer a revolving holt than he realized, and It caught one of his arms, lifting and hurling him against tho lloor. His arm was quite painfully hurt, and he sus tained bruises on the head which arp causing, him a good deal of Inconven ience. His Injuries were promptly dressed, and he is now receiving con gratulations on his escape from what might easily have been serious harm. ATLANTA EXPOSITION BUILDINGS DESTROYED. Two Buildings Destroyed and House Damaged. Club Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 11.—ICSpeclal.)— Fire early this morning badly, dam aged the Piedmont Driving Club Hquse. destroyed the New York build ing, whiij'h was given to the club by that sfatii, and also destroyed the flfie arts banding on tho exposition grounds. The lire followed a ball held In the New Y 01 ’) 1 building last night, SIR THOMAS UPTON STILL HAS HOPES. Plucky Irish CVi'Reman Will Again Try to Lift America’s Cup, New Yorit, Jan. 11.—Private ad vices received-here from Sir Thomas Ltpton say ho still hopes to capture the America Cup and Is now consid ering plans for a new challenger which he hopes to have here in 1907. He refuses to divulge his plans. J. S. WILCOX EMPLOYED AS CITY ENGINEER. Is Son of Capt. J. T. Wilcox, and Suc ceeds R. J. Edgerly. \ Mr. city eng!- Julius B. Wilcox peer of Albany. He Is a son of City Engineer J. T. Wilcox, of Macon, who has hoen con sulting engineer employed by thl3 city In connection with the present paving operations. The new engineer stmceefl Mr. R. J. Hdgerly, who hus bee 1 ' immediately In charge for some time past, of the work being done on the streets of Albany. Mr. Wilcox has already taken charge of the paving and grading work. Most of his time and attention will be required on Washlhgton street, but he will find opoprtunlty to super intend the placing of curbing, the widening of sidewalks, etc. He is a young man of known ability ad ex perience. MR. BOONE’S SONG RECITAL. JIMMY HYDE DROPPED FROM EQUITABLE DIRECTORATE New York, Jan, 11.—James Hazen Hyde was dropped from the directo rate of the Equitable Life Assurance Society yesterday. His place has not been filled. OFFICERS FOR EAGLES INSTALLED LAST NIGHT. Griggs Aerie of Albany, of the or der-of Eagles, installed the following officers for the enduing year last night; G. L, Shepard, Worthy Past Presi dent; Z. A. Barnes, Worthy Vice-Presi dent; C. F. Putnam, Worthy Chap ; lain;.Daniel Mayer, Worthy Secreta ry; Charles Marks, Worthy Tream urer; Frank Bacdgalupo, Worthy Conductor; B.. F Etheredge, Inside Guardian; J. O. Byrd, Outside Guar dian; H. Robinson. Aerie Physician, and R. N. Westbrook, H. Solomon arid E. R. Layfield, trustees. Indigestion Is easily overcome by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, be cause this remedy digests what yon eat, and gives the stomach a rest—al lows it to recuperate and grow strong Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach, Heart-Buto, etc., and enables the di gestive organs to assimilate and trans. form .. all foodB Into tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach, Belching, Heart-Bum, and all forms of Indigestion. Palatable and strengthening. Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Si re Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lath*, Shingles, all kinds of lumber and mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile, Wall Paper and Paints at 0. D. SMITH’S. A Rare Musical Entertainment For An Albany Audlanov •Sira ALBANY & NORTHERN AND •GEORGIA NORTHERN TO LAY THEIR TRACKS DOWN FRONT STREET. The , Front, street franchise matter ’ \Vlilch has been before the council at two regular and two called meet-'-, lngs was finally disposed of at a spe- clal meeting yesterday aflornoon when / the railroads were granted tile rights for which they petitioned. Ordinnances wo*e passed allowing the A. & N. railroad to extend its traok from the union depot south along Front street to the Southern limits of the city and allowing the Georgia Northern railroad to extend its track from the union depot south : along Front street to Its recently acquired tormina! property Just south of Broad street. The rights granted urider these or dinances are not to be exercised; how ever, until certain conditions Impos ed by the city are compiled with, The condition Imposed upon both roads is that the plans for laying the tracks, for. passlhg Broad street, ■ j and for maintaining the tracks must be submitted by thn roads. and ap proved by the city before the work is undertaken. Each road is to furnish and Indemnifying bond protecting 1 city against loss from damage to any property on Front street. \ ■ The Albany & Northern railroad i: ro surrender the rights it' now has for the use of the track on, Washln; street for freight hauling apd ag to use the track in this street The. song recital at |he’ Rawlins theater last night, given" for thp hen- f 0r passenger street railway tin: eflt of the. .hospital,'wns enjoyed by I The railroads aro to submit > a fair audience not nearly as Iprge 'as l ,,ans Within fi ve months and the, purpose, deserved. , - ,, Mr. James O. Boone sang himself feSi SB Ml . , „ - . Both ordinances appear else into the hearts of the audience at the beginning, and every note struck a responsive chord. He possesses a dramatic tenor voice, both sweet and powerful, snd his singing'showed'the result 'of deep study, practice,, and judicious cultivation. Mr. Boone Is a young man, hut. he Is destined to male? a- mark in the world of music, if ho preserves his i voice until his merits are recognized and appreciated fully. Not a song of his on the splendid programme was not encored, and heartily. Mr. Boone was ably assisted by Mine May von Gundoll, soprano, who had a number of pretty selections which she rendered ably, and to the delight of her hearers. Miss vpn Qnndell was especially rich In her low notes. Miss Settle Sterne was the/ ac companist, and her work' was enjoy ed. The recital was very enjoyable. Mr. Boone’s last selection, “Sing me to Sleep." so delighted the audience that they would not leave their seats. Mr. Bone was forced to respond to the hearty encore, and he sai)g "My Rosary." in the paper today and their Ions may lie learned In detail by re ferring to them. Your Prescriptions isK ere :./s|p < Plenty of sweet milk, cream and butter. FERNLAND FARMS. I Phone 199. 10-8t MRS. CHADWICK MUST GO TO THE PENITENTIARY. Cleveland, Jan. 11.—'United States Marshal Chandler today received a mandate from the United States court of appeals directing him to carry out the Judgment of the district court In the Chadwick case. • • THIS means that Mrs. Chadwick will be taken to the penitentiary at Col umbus to begin a ten years’ sentence, leaving probably tomorrow morning. And kave tkem filled ky experienced pkarmacists witk pure ingredients jind exactly in tke manner tkat your^pkysician wants tkem compounded* • •» 69 ii ’■'to A Certain Cure For Group. When a child shows symptoms of croup there Is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can al ways be depended nupon. It has been In use for many yearn and has never been known to fall, . viz: Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow.,Mr. M. F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy In severe cases of .croup with my children and can truth- fully ear it always, gives Prompt re- V_iO. lief." For sale by Hilsmau-Sale-Drug Co. \ »P> • ’ S sman-Sale ’ B0 i'Jm indstinct print I