The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 12, 1906, Image 2

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Of Albany, Ga., CAPITAL $50,000.00. The Columbus papers both give the victory In Wednesday's joint debs',o to Clark Howell. But It is only fair to state in this connection that both Columbus papers are supporters of Mr. Howell in hl« candidacy for gov ernor , The skin of Senator Clmunbey M. Depew is nothing like as thick as that of his bftttle-scuP'oil colleague, Torn Platt, and while Depew writhes mis erably under the stinging criticisms of the press and the demand for his res ignation by public opinion, as one of the fruits of the Insurant scandals, Platt grins in a satisfied manner and glues himself the more securely to his senatorial chair. Platt resign? Not he. Ho has been a practical politician too long not to be Immune to public opinion. He is a shining example of that “first principle" of the practical This Bank is fully equipped to care for the dccounts of 'urn merchants and others requiring courteous and accurate banking service. It respectfully invites correspondence or a personal interview with those,who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. The'atmosphere is rapidly clearing * afier the Columbus debate, but we see nothing to indicate that either candidate who part legated in that conflict has acquired any considerable Jo batch of additional votes. We are pret tify thoroughly satisfied, however, that Mr. Smith was n little flit'disappoint- ed; at the flavor of the pie ho went W asherwomen Strike loWn to. Columbus to eat, But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a remedy for Wash= woman troubles . . . • \ NO. 18. Albany ...,12:0ffnoon Cordele 1:25pm Savannah ... 8:00pm S. A. L. Ry Macon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry Atlanta 7:50pm C.-of Ga. Ry NO. 17. LV. Savannah ...7’15am S. A. L. Ry Lv. Atlanta 8:00am C.ofGa Ry Lv. Macon 11:30am G. S. & F.Ry Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. & F.Ry Lv. Cordele 2:10pm Ar. Albany 3:35pm Tom Watson repudiates the Sibley letter to John A. Sibley which Mr. Howell rend at the joint debate with Mr. Smith at Columbus on Wednes day. That's easy, since Mr. Watson did not himself write the letter. But It looks n little like tho usual throw- off ou the newspaper reporter aft'er a politician sees his Interview In print and sees that he hns made a mistake or that his hand hati been exposed. Cdsslo Chadwick .’.s go’.ns to have to ws*-.- serve that sentence In. the pohlten- .'tlary, unless the pardoning'power is ' exercised' In her I'enalf. ^Hie United States court of appeals has ordered- i' liiat delays.cease, <iud that Mrs. Chad- 'tflriok be forthwith earrle.1 to the pris on where she is to spend ten years phi solitary medlta’lon over her past pBiisdeeds. It Is probably perfectly tsafe to make |ho posltlte assertion that no persca la more surprised them C aS sle herself tMMihe is really about Lv. Albany Ar. Cordele Ar. Macon Ar. Helena Lv. Macon Lv. Helena Lv. Cordele Ar. Albany Steam Laundry, f For additional informatipn, rate3, etc., address A. V. PHILLIPS, Com'l Aflt, Albany, Ga. J, 8. CREWS 8. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Aflt. v. P. & G. M„ Albany 4. a ADAMS, Soliciting Freight and Paaaenger Agent, Cordeie, Ga.' Brinson & .Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age- solicited. ‘’HE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: FRIDAY) JANUARY 12, 1906. )any Herald —BY THE— aid Publishing Co. ntosh.. President sh ..^00. A Tress. Davis Bus. Mgr. J Afternoon Bxespt Sunday. <ly (8 pagqs) Every Saturday. 4MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. derald, one yssr $6.00 derald, six months 2.60 ‘ trald, threo months...,. 1.25 -lersld, 8 pages, one year 1.00 subaerlptlons payable In ad ding rates reasonable and known on application, ards of thanks, reeolutlons of re- . ct and Obituary notices, other than _ those .whleh the paper Itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at,tho rate of 10 cents a line, ex cept when sueh notices are publish- , vetl by charitable organizations, when a special rate will be named. Notices of church and aoclety and all other entertainments from which a revenue Is to be derived, beyond a brief announcement, will be charged ^^for at the rate of 6 cents a line. Office second floor Postofflce Guild- ing, corner of Jackson and Pine streets. e Herald dealf with advertising ents by special contract, only, and no advertising Agent or agency Is au thorized to take contracts for adver- leemonts to be Inserted In this paper. THE HERALD IS ■ Official Organ of the City of Albany. Offlolal Organ of Dougherty County. Official Organ of Baker County. Offlolal Organ of tho Rallrood Com- mission of Qoorgla for tho Seoond Congreaelonal District AND TELEPHONES: Editorial Rodms and Bualneaa Of. flee, 60. Com^oelng Room and Job Printing Offlee, 60—3 ring*. THE COTTON ASSOCIATION POLITICS. (The prediction freely made a year; ago that the Southern Cotton Associ ation would go the way of all t'ormer organisations of agriculturists launch':- cd In this section Is not being rapidly verified. The meeting now In progress In New Orleans If largely attended, and tho delegates, representing every section of every Utate of the cotton belt, are manifesting an enthusiasm which points a most encouraging An ger to the future. The Softlhern Cotton Association’s efforts, during the Erst year of Its ex- Istence, have been directed on purely practical lines. The farmers, except In happily rave Instances, have stood loyally by the program outlined by the exoctiltvo commltteo of the organiza tion, mul tHe tlc-tip of the last Install ment of the present cotton crop. In the Interest of higher prices, Ims been practically complete. , Thus 'ar the Cotton Association hns kept elenr of politics, and Its only safety lies In a con'tnued strict ndher- once to that eminently safe and sane rulo. Politics has proved the ruin of nil the organizations which In the past Irnvo promised to Improve tho farmers' condition, and tho Southern Cotton Association would fare no bet- tor under similar conditions That an effort will bo inndc nl no distant dny to send President Harvlo Jordan to congress or tho stnto house is no more than mnv be expected; but A Wonderful Pnsodn. The gregt Buddhist shrine, the ! Bliway 1 logon at ltnugun. Is no tem ple, but a groat pagoda, rising from Its platform to a height of 368 feet and all completely covered with gold leaf. This platform, with a perimeter of noarly 1,400 feCt, Is the place of wor ship, The pagoda Itself has no Interior. It-la a solid stupa of brick raised over rdlc chamber. A cutting made Into Its center has revealed*the fact that the original pagoda lints seven casings added to ft before It nttalucd Its pres ent proportions. The shape of the pu- god.t Is that of an elongated cone. It la dlvlucd by Burmese convention Into twelve pui-ln: First, the linse surround- .1 by u great number of email pago das; then the three terraees, called richuyas; next tho Bell; tho Inverted Tliabclk, or begging bowl; the Bnung- ylt or twisted turban; the, Kyalan or ornamental lotus Power; tho Plantain Bud; the brass plate for the Iltl or umbrella; the Htl; the Sein bwln or nr- tlAclnl flowers; the vane, and, lust of all, the Helnbu or hud of diamonds.— The Silken East,” by V. C. Scott O'Connor. If,you. sea It In The Herald It’s so. If y,ou advertise In Tho Herald It goes. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. as tHat gentleman Is doing a greater work where he Is than ho could hope to accomplish In the Acid of partisan politics, It Is hoped that he will In sist on. remaining where he la us long as the farmers are satisfied with Ids administration. 7“ - The fireproof hotel sooms to be as great, myth today as It over was. . Mir It appeai-B to have been a squura deni at Columbus on Wednesday, but from all reports, thcro were no con- preme Court of New York has just handed down a 'decision to the effect that "an agreement not to join a union may properly be, required of a person who soekB an employment, versions. Mr.,Pr"osvquor says ‘•congress Is not a police court.". In thin ago of graft, that august body, however, Is having to alt rather frequently us tv sort of oner's jury. Wonder what thosd fellows who predicted that Clark Howell would ■ quit the race for governor rather than meet Hoke Smith In joint debate think about It now? Some of the comments from high quarters on the case mf Mrs. Minor Morris, the lady who wnB ejected from the White House, aro decidedly onus- f tie. And the PrestdenMnlleth not to "got his," The epeetro of Tom Watson refuses to retire from active participation In the gubernatorial campaign. The spec- Ire may prove more potont as a'away or of votes than Tom In the flesh ns we have known him In the past— , though they may he swayed the other .way. THEIR OWN MEDICINE. The appellate division of tho Sit- The law which declared such agree ments to be coo-eton by employers, and lorbndo thom.Js pronounced by the court as an loter.’orenco with tho employer’s constitutional right to hire whom he plenscs, aqd u discrimina tion Ip favor of labor unions nnd ugalat thoso who do not belong to them. This decision Is being variously commented upon, anil the Inbor unions seem to think It Is hard on them. But the union men ought not to complain. The decision Is not only Just and wise, hut It simply hands out . to the Inbor unions tlmt prohIMt their members from working with non-union men or In open establishments a dose of their own medicine. 1.' the unions prohibit their mumbors from working for any except unionized establishments or' or such employers as employ only union men, then they certainly have no right to complnt'i when nn employ- or refuses to employ union men If lie wishes to do so. , The New York nppellate court’s de cision not only sooms to ho just, but It Is In direct line with tho policy of the labor unions. S.e Title Guaranty and Loan 1 Co. Examines and certifies Titles to Real Estate. Loans Money Promptly on .Lowest Terms. Buys and Sells all kinds of Real Estate. Is conducted entirely by officials with 20 years successful experience in this business. Will pay 6 per cent, for time money. Cali on S. J. JONES, President, (Woolfolk Building) Or Sam. W. Smith, Vice Pres, and Qen. Mgr., (Court Honse.) B. F. MANNING RENTING, COLLECTING AND REAL fSTATE AGENT Httledoctor Brings back health by arousing the Liver. The liver is the cause o£ most Hlness-Mt gets iazy. Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets re store the natural func tions. Don’t use purgatives— Try Ramon’s Complete Treatment. 25 cents. Albany Drug Co. FOH SALK, % Acre lot on Washington ntrett with six room houHe, barn and 8'able. Terms satisfac tory, title* perfect, A nice 200 acre farm, 125 acrea cleared land, 75 a«ro beautiful oak grove. 4 tenement housea, good wo»l water. For quick sale, cheap for cash, bona fide titles. Three 4-room heuaea on Jackaon street cheap on easy terms. Four 2-room houses on Broad street. Mice plantation, John Reynolds plane, East Dougherty, adjoining places of JohmJohnRon and A. K. Ramsey. Cheap ou easy terms, long time. Acre on State street with 4 2?room houses, andouo wltn 8 rooms, cheap; rents for $27 per month. One hundred acres, with all improvements, 1V4 miles; desirable place for truck, dairy and chicken farm. Deslrnble nore on Residence street Hlx desirable lots on State street. One beautiful house, % cash, and others on preferred payments. Several nice lots in Arcadia. Nice farm Smiles from city, 411 aores with 2 wells, good •* ■ • * * * honse with 7 tenant houses; in high state of cultivation, $12.60 per aqre. Also a hundred other Improved and unlm proved. Will be glad to show you and figure with ▼< on vrhat I nave, I do a general collecting br ineas and solid! your patronage. Office in the court house. WANTED—One hundred good labor ing men for saw mill and railroad work. Planing mill gram rs, and all Lads of saw mill Idbo.-eiz, white or colored. Jackson Lumber Company, Lockhart, Covington Couuty, Ala. 18-30t Get a Cup of Good Coffe \ ** t . . WITH . . A Flavor, a Richness, a Strength You will always remember., We have undoubtedly the best grade it is possible for any house to sell at the prices lb. Tins Mocha and Java .., 75c per can A very fine blend 35c lb.; 3 lbs. $1.00 A first-class grade 25c lb. Either whole or ground These grades and blends have individuality which make friends and keeps them. They are packed by Chase & Sanborn, the largest fine grade packers of coffee in the world. They are guaranteed to give you absolute satisfaction. Mock & Rawson. We Lead in Style, Fit and J. K. PRAY* President. A, P. VASON, . Vice President. EDWIN STERNE, Cashier. Citizen s National Bank, $7.50 to $20.00 $6.00 to $25.00. $2.50 to $6.00. If you are out for Clothes that are worthy “In and Out” and “Out and In” then come in and look at ours. S. B. Brown & Co. MOVED Our Office to No. 317 Davis-Exchange Bank building, where we will be pre pared to attend to business even more promptly than heretofore. The Bacon Equipment Company Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES AT ALBANY, GA. IN EFFECT JULY 25, 1905. DEPARTURES uns For Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and East. Train No. 91 Leaves 2:15 am Train No. 95 Leaves 2:00 pm For Thomasville. Monttcello and Points West. Train No. *71 Leaves 4; 00 pm Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am ARRIVALS From Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and East. Train No. 94 Arrives 11; 50 pm Train No. 90 Arrives 2:15 am From Thomasville, Monttcello an# Points West. Train No. 72 Arrives 11:35 ant Train No. 74 Arrives 7:15 pa , S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A„ Albany, Ga. ’T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasville, Ga.