The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 12, 1906, Image 4

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Messrs. Hofmayer, Jones m c ompany
"" j «
beg to announce for,.the week beginning ‘ . > ,
Monday, January tke Fifteentli,
Their 37th Annual White Sah
"The extensive display of
will measure fully up to the high standard of this store. The discriminating women of South Georgia have found it profitable to wait for the
annual White Sales of H. J. & Co. The elaborate preparations for next week's event warrant the assertion that this sale can not be eqalled by
any store in this section, nor excelled by any store in the South. Saturday’s aunouncemeut will give detailed info:(nation.
mayer, Jones
& c
xpand Your Christmas
Our holiday lines are limited in number, but as far as we go
leave no ohanoe for oompetitjon. We carry no trash or use.
383 goods. Those items handled are sensible, useful ones that
of servioe every day in the year; while in getting them here
>u save enough to make your money go far. Money is apt to
shrink at holiday time, especially when you pay fancy holiday
prices,' Every day with us is a bargain day, you can buy just as
-.heap before Christmas as you dan after. Come here for Fine
Perfumes In paokages or ( bulk, Fine Hair and Cloth Brushes.
Fancy Combs. Shaving Sets, Stationery Items. Toilet Articles,
Haggard Drug Co.
Jack Reed Charged With Burglarizing
the 8parke-8axon Store,
Don’t miss auy of it. It
I is well matured, mellowed
j by age and consequently of
fine.flavor. It is sold over
| the bar and costs no more
thaii the cheap kind you
usually get. We serve none
I hut the best Whiskey.
Whiskey that comes from
| the best known distilleries
Bank Building
Broad Stroet.
Jack Reed, a.negro boy, was arrest
ed yesterday by Deputy Sheriff
Godwin, charged with burglarizing the
Sparks-Saxon hardware atore Saturday
night or Sunday morning.
Jack, It Is thought, was caught with
tile goods on. He had on a pair of
overalls and a pair of logglns, both of
which, It Is charged,-were missing
from the stock of the ha dware store
Sunday morning after the burglary.
One of the show windows of the
hardware store was cracked Saturday
blit the proprietors did not think
there would be any danger In closing
up the store Saturday night. When,
however, one of them passed Sunday
Ibornlng, ho found that the whole win
dow pane was missing.
Upon entering the store he found
thnt Ills goods were badly scattered,
and on close examination he discover
ed thnt some of his stock was missing.
He also found .telltale footprints.
The matter wns immediately report
ed to the police authorities. Deputy
Sheriff Godwin took up the case, and
worked It constantly, his reward be
ing the arrest of the negro, alleged
to be the guilty party.
Reed has been In the employ of Mr.
N. W -Wallace, at his farm In East
Dougherty. It seems thnt Reed took
some of the stolen articles, a pistol
nnd shotgun among them, nhd hid
them away at tile farm. They were
turned over to the authorities.
Yesterday Deputy Sheriff Godwin
found Reod about 12 miles south of
Albany. Ho Is now peeping through
the bays of the county jail, pending
trial’In the superior court for burg
Officers W. A. McLarty and S. F.
Price Buys Ou\ H. A. Floyd.
Officers W. A. McLarty and Steve
P. Price hare purchased from Mr.
H. A. Floyd, his grocery store ,and
saloon on Broad street, and they will
take charge of the place nnd run It
Yesterday the store and saloon were
closed, Mr. Floyd taking stock. This
morning, the deal-was consummated,
and the two officers are now In pos-
The announcement of the Intentions
of the two popular policemen to quit
the force 'and engage- in business of
their own comes In the nature of a
surprise to their friends, and to the
people of Albany generally.
Mr. McLarty lias been on the force
about 18 years, and Mr. Price has
been a policeman a large portion of
this time. Both of them were consid
ered among the most popular and of-
flclrfnt policemen that Albany ever
had, and the police department suf
fers considerable In their retirement.
It is hoped by the friends of Messrs.
McLarty and Price that they will suc
ceed In their undertaking.
It Is stated that the store and sa
loon will bo run as before, but that
new fixtures will be Installed.
FOR SALE—Six tenement houses, 2
rooms and kitchen each, South,
street. Rents per month, $20. Ed.:
R. Jones. 12-3t
Will Murray Caught in Cordell;, and
Bound Over to Superior Court.
Will Murray, who has been wanted
by the local authorities for several
months, Is at last -behind the bars of
Dougherty county jail.
Murray, It will be recalled, Is the
negro who nearly murdered Stovall
Flake, a young boy, In the restaurant
at the depot. Without provocation,
and apparently merely to settle some
small grievance, • ha attacked Flake
with a large knife and ripped open
his abdomen from side to aide. It
was thought at the time that the in
jured boy w.ould certainly die, hut he
pulled through, and Is now entirely
Several days ago Sheriff Edwards lo
cated Murt-ay In Cordele, where he
has been since fleeing from Albany.
Tho authorities ^at Cordele werd noti
fied. and Murray was brought back to
Albany. ,
Yesterday he was given a commit
ment trial be'ore Justice Manning,
who bound him over to the superior
court on a charge of assault with In-
:ent to murder.
The merchant who advertises in
The Herald does not have to go forth
into the highways and byways and
drum up customers.
Verily, the mud stteketh closer than
a bill collector, ,
Plenty of swee* milk, cream ,and
’Phone 199. 10-3t
For Livingston’s
Closed Cecbs
i Phone 26:
More comfortable but no more expen
sive than the did open hacks.
FOR SALE — Handsome 6-room resl-
dence near Monroe, on. Residence
street ;^70x210 feet, $2,195. Terms.
Ed. R. Jones. 12-3t
23 means exit.
To be sold at
Highest bidder the buyer, to liquidate J. A
Tohnson’s stock account at my stables, Pine
; street, Albany, Ga., Friday, January 12. Sale to
begin at 11 a. m.
Officers W. A. McLarty and S. F.
Price- have- tendered their resigna
tions to the police commission, and
they will be accepted at a called meet
ing tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock,
and their successors will he elected.
The mcetnlg will be held In the city
It Is understood that several appli
cations for the vacancies have been
made. Chief Westbrook said tills
morning that he regretted very much
the loss of the two popular officers, as
they were always a credit to the de
partment, and were among Ills most
reliable men.
The telephone manners of some peo?
pie in this town are mighty bad. They
appear to he utterly unable to speak
Into the 'phone until they have first
demanded, “Who’s that?” It Is im
possible for the person answering
the “ring” to avoid this by announc
ing number of 'phone and the name.
For example: .Tones, who Is one of
the confirmed "Who’s-that-ers,” rings
Smith's phone. Smith answers, and
In doing so distinctly announces Ills
number and who It Is at the ’phone,
when Jones comes right hack with
his abrupt and Ill-mannered “Who’s
that?” He can’t be cut out of saying
It, and It s'eems impossible ,'or him
to speak what he wants to say Into
the ’phone until he has first bawled,
“Who’s that?”
There is no use guessing what the
weather will do. Unless you are a
post-graduate forecaster, with some
thing o’ the supernatural In your
make-up, you are In danger of falling
down hard If you turn weather proph
et during such seasons as the pres
FOR SALE—Six tenement houses, 2
rooms and kitchen each, South
street. Rents per month, $20. Ed.
R. Jones. ' 12-3t
Nectar for
the Gods
was never sipped with such g;usto
as (lie epicure feels when a glass
of our delicious, sparkling and
highly Invigorating FLINT ROCK
trickles past his fastidious palate.
When run down in health, or when
you have that ’‘all-gone” -feeling,
try a bottle of FLINT ROCK. You
will think it the long-sought-for
fountain of youth, and renewed
Brinson &’Co.. Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Promot service. Patron
age solicited.
The interior of the
brary is being rapidly
enoimii and coal Dealers
• W.# Are at Same Old Stand on Pfno Street.
p>lo stock Montevallo, Cllnnx. Tip Tnp and Blookton, the best from
—aba, Ala., coal -eld?. Also the celebrated HEX and other high
e Jellio Coals. Accurate weights and satisfaction guaranteed ton all
,a »old bv us.,*
* 0 Hard Coal for Furnaces and Blacksmiths’ Coal
’Phone 17.
The fiscal year o: The Herald Pub
lishing Company closes on the first
day of February nnd for that reason
we ask all who are Indebted to the
company to settle,their accounts be
fore that day,-thereby conferring a
favor upon the company’s officers that
will he highly appreciated.
Thanking all for their liberal pat
ronage during the year just closing,
and soliciting a continuance of your
valued orders in the future, we are,
■ Yours for publicity,
Carnegie 11-
flnished up.
The decorations, while not elaborate,
will be attractive and In good taste,'
and these are hetne put on. It will
he several weeks yet, however, be
fore” the building can be turned over
to the hoard of trustees In a finished
.Sickening, Shivering Fits
Of Agate and Malaria can be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitters.. This
is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
benefit In malaria, for it exerts a true
curative influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the system.
It Is much to be preferred to quin
ine, having none of this drug's bad
after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Hen
rietta, Texas, writes: ‘‘My brother
had jaundice, till he took Electric Bit
ters, which saved his life.’’ At Alba
ny Drug Co. Price, 50c. guaranteed.
Sweater Weather
'Pretty mean weather this,
but just the kind that
Sweaters are made for.
They not only keep the
cold out but are thorough
ly comfortable. You don’t
have to load yourself up
with extra clothing.
- » '■ liji tiL