The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 12, 1906, Image 6
>1 FRIDAY JANUAI HOME B. H. DENISON—Dentist. Everybody pull* for Albany. --frr . Olve my regard* to Brobdway. 9-tt FOR 8ALE—The Ru»t home, 7 ’ for sale—TheRuat home, 7 room*, 1corner Jefferson and Flint ''sthfets. Ed. R. Jones. l2-3t •.; : —■ _ I'm a Tanke Doodle Dandy. 9-tf l^ldeh, BtreitH' "l4Vej streets, bet ter streets, Is the program of the city council. ■ Modern Home Plumbing The utnttsry equipment of the home ii in V all-important matter, as there is no other ! of the house which will afford as much comfort and be to :ive to perfect health as good plumbing. i \Vell to keep in mind when building, the fact tfiat yourself mily may be required to occupy the home for a |ong period It new plumbing being instclicd, therefore the few extra .dpl- tpended to obtain the best will in reality be HEALTH JRANCE. - •MprnaaMMi ’nn zjui"y-j, All of our plumbing l' * fir., kiS contracts arc executed \ by the best skilled me-' y 8 chaijirc, under our per- ji A[‘ :ij(V^—^scn.’.l supervision and l ‘'ttilfij itX\ no clctilh, lid matter 1 II fin ''°' v u "‘ lrl l’ ortant 1 1 JBHfiStFifiT’V I /l ibsy seem, escapes our va /WmiaaiBMiiiHslimllr III i attention. yiAa^liMw!gVa:~~t- ^7 TV use the famous KM J/ "SlatidaKl’' Porcelain 'j i ajllllll 77 Enameled PI umbi ng —Tmi y / Fixtures, which are the / best made. By placing AssS?s*\\ \lj your worl(, ydu V. Os \ ' IV /t N >: arc assured of the bc6t ns\ u \ V^4\1bWJ material and workman- BJLiLwe^BjS3Ua&3UleBheev ship'obtainable. To Our Friends: We wish to thank you for the liberal patronage extend ed us the past year. It has been a prosperous year with us, and we assure you of our appreciation of your business. We intend doing greater things in the year 1906, and we hope to merit a contin uance of your favors. With best wishes, we are Faithfully yours, The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store. Plenty of sweet milk, cream and butter. FBHNLAND FARM8- ’Phone 199. rnt • —^—~~s /f> / State’s Attorney—The estlmony of those two experts for the defense was very surprising. His Assistant—! should Bay so! First time I ever, knew two of them to agree. Ttys will be remembered ae a wet And it Is an old saying that winter. "dry summers follow wqt, winters. i—The Rust home, 7 rooms, corner Jefferson and Flint Ed. R. Jones. 12-3t Plenty of .sweet milk, butter. , FERNLAN] Phone 199. One cause of the delay In paving, It is claimed, ts the slowness of the railroads In. delivering the netes- sary material, tiftnr it arrives. Always leavo U'otn laughing when you Say Good bye. 9-tf Plenty of sweet milk, cream a butter. FERNLAND FARMS. ’Phone 199. 10 W. S. BELL A SON Carbon Hill Coal. Bei on earth. Cruger & Pace, The city fathers have acted .wisely In deciding to widen the sidewalks of the city. They are looking to the fu- In.n , . * - ■ Miss Backe Baye—I shall not tell you m.v age, and I consider It Imperti nent for you to say I’m about 32. Mr. .Lake Fronte—■Well, no use, you are •Plenty of sweet milk, cream and butter. FERNLAND FARMS. ’Phono 199. , ) 10-St near the freezing point. 2d Room Suit Sale! « • . . \ ' •• • • or the month of January we ate go- WANTS. FOR SALE Two thousand acres round timber, In Taylor county, located 25 miles southeast of Perry, on Atlantic' Const Line Hull road, now cutting boxes. Price, 310,000. immediate delivery. the liver to assume normal activity. Good for the complexion. Sold by Albany Drug' Co. and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. V ig to offer Bed Room Suits at unusually w prices and will quote a few prices ist to show you: good, solid Oak Suit, regular £ i v *>A Rose Cog'hlan bus been to Albany a number of times, and her local admirers Will doubtless greet her in force tonight, when she will be' seen in "'Tlie Duke cf Kllllcrahke,” at tlie theater, Si $22.50 value; this sale i o.JU beautiful full quartered and polished Suit, regular $60<00 value, during 5Q very handsome Suit, full quartered, and pol- To City Tax and License Delinquents, All city licenses for the year li)06 have been due since the first Tuesday in January, and notice is hereby given that cases will be made against all persons or firms who have not paid their license taxes by noon on Wed nesday next, 17lh 'ust. Property taxes for 1905 have bpeu due since the 20th of Decembev, and notice is hereby given that positive Instructions have been given to Issue fl 'as and make levies In cases of all delinquents after the 25th inst. , By order o' the Mayor and Council. .1. W. KEMP, Deputy Marshal. The secret of successfully ridding the system of a cold Is a thorough evacuation of the bbwels. Kennedy’s Laxatlvo Honey and Tar does this.— Liquid Cold Cure drives nil cold out of the system. Best for Coughs, Crohp; etc. Sqld' by Albany Drug Co. and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. ished, 30x40 njirroi\ regular d-Hro ■JA $85.00 va(ue;'this sale. ip / We have a large stock of these goods nd,we are sure we cam please you./ \ >. A. id W. T. Freeman. Maybe Albany won’t have a street cay, tine soon, ah'd then again maybe she will.' If she doesn’t, say those who ought to be In a position to know, there will be ai’trlck in it. Maybe lignin the car line won't help build tho city. Fernland Farms .. “Dairy Department , Sxyeet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter . Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 Notice to Stockholders of Equitable Building & Loan Association. We' are now prepared to pny olf and settle with our stockholders, which we will do on application and presenta tion of stock certificate. 9-31 R, H. WARREN, Secretary. For coughs and colds no remedy Is equal to Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It IS different from all oth ers—better, because It expels all cold from tho system by acting ns a ca thartic on the bowels'. Affords Im mediate relief In Croup, Coughs. Children love it. Sold by Albany Drug Co. ‘anil Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. arning It will bo the yqateBt o' conven iences for tlie people of Albany to have tho sldewdrifs In the festdecne seotion paved, The jiecqasary ordi nance may be passed! and it is stated by many that' its passage Is practically ' certain. The next meet ing of the city council will tell the story. v . Country Sausage >H 8. DAVIS, President, JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, V.-President, R. H. WARREN, 8ec'y-Tre«e. Making on my farm today. Phone orders to the Country Store—No. 119. T. M. NELSON. Buy fresh • Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Laths, ShingleB, all kinds of lumber and mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Putty, Mantels, Grates and'Tile, Wall Paper and Paints at O. D. SMITH’S. apital Stock $100,000.oo For practical work; for saving time; for long service and complete sdtisfaction, no other typewriter! quite equals CONSERVATOR OF PROSPERITY. . ■ r open and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and Washington streets. Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAY8 INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSIT8. CHARTERED to give surety and act as executor or administrator to perform all the functions of a sifely managed Trust Company. COT TON TheSmith Premier and before the fire department bSliding, where horses pass da’lty. PALMIST A little book explaining juit why this is so will be sent on request. Better ask about it to-day. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company H II. ASHe, State Dealer:;*. M C. A. Builmns. AtUnia. Ga. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, hums, scalds and similar Injuries, there la nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but cases the parts to heal In about one- third the Hme required',by the usual your ltfe read, from the cradle rave, by Prof. Ray, the re- Astrologor and Palmist, gs 31.00. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 Boom 4,.-St. J}hns Hotel, itrdet, Everything strictly up- S.—We.tqacb Chaldeau Astrol- almistry ’ and scientific card Terms reasonable, early, and avoid the rush. ■MANUFACTURERS OF- treatment As it is an antiseptic ail danger frbm blood poisoning Is avoii- A. P. VASON, Vice-President T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager. W. W. PACE, Preslden* W. M. WILDER, Sec. and Treat. Annual Capaeliy, 10,000,000. ed. Sold by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.