The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 12, 1906, Image 7
THE ALBANY bAILY HERALD: FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. One of the Immortals. APPEARING OLD Aet»:M a Bar to Profitable Empldy- < v intent. l ' ; You cannot afford to grdw old. In these days of strenuous 'competition It is necessary to maintain, ks lonp ns possible ones youthful appearance. It is imposslblo to do this without re taining a luxurious growth of hair. The presence of Dandruff Indicates tjt® presence of a bufrrowlng gorm which lives and thrives on tho roots of the hair until It causes total baldness. Newbfo’s Herpldde is the only known destroyer of this pest, and It Is as effec tive as it. Is delightful to use Herpldde makes an elegant hair dress ing as well ad Dandruff .cure, Accept no substitute—there is none. Sold by lending druggists. Send 10c. In Btamps for sample to The Herpldde Co., Detroit, Mich. Alhapy Drug Oo„ Snontjil Agents that good common sense of which all of us have a share, how can you continue to buy ordinary soda, crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for 5/ you can get Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from dirt by a package the very beauty of which makes you hungry. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ADVICE ‘Advice is Cheat iircumstances. The right kind of advice if accepted amt made use of is always cheap at almost nor prioe. Our advice is cheap because it is free— and people are making use of it every day. OUR OPTICAL ADVICE. Wo arepreparod to give you nd*ioe in thb» matter, correot advioo, time savin», sight sav ing, nerve saving We are properly eqnippcd for making thorough and intelligent examlna- Signet Rings is a heritage dear from the chivalrous days of old. They betoken proud respect and reverence for your family. Massjve circles of antique gold, hearing simply your monogram or elaborated. Price #2.5(Mnd upwards. We have plso a nice line of Diamcftid Rings ^nd Radies’ Combs, single and sets. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Albany, Qa., Jan; 10, 1900. The following is n list of letter! remaining In chls offlea unclaimed Jan. 10, 19QC. TInles called for they will be sent to the Dead Letter Ofllne. Gentlemen's List. B—Arthur Brown. D—Monroe Dykes, Tlios. I\ Donaldson. G—Honry Gardner,' H—Mr. Hooks. I J—Oscar Jackson. V L—Henry Lane, Elbert Lewis. M—Joe McNeil. N—W. H. A," Nesblt. O—John Owens. P—John Parry, Sam Poke. R—Willie Robert, Forrest Reildln. S—Sam Scott. • Rm^Rev. O. A. Thrower. . W-'Lj.W. Warren, Tobe Webb. Ladles' List C—Miss Mollle Casey. G—Miss Jessie G»rden, MIhs Jessie Goodwin. H—rMlss 1 Estolla Hall, Miss Diner S. Hall, Miss Clara' pell Hays. Miss Passay (o’ the bullet)—Tha's awfully nice of yolt to say I remind you of ono %.’ Tennyson’s poems. Old Stager—Yes; when I see you on the stage I think of what he says In “The Brook"—“Mon may come and men may go, but you go on forever.” We furnish them at ns low n flgurn ns oor reotGlnsses. genii Women, per!.rl lit nnd l KUHrnuttxi cun lie lintl nuywhere. If yon doo’l lined -lasses wo ndviso yon of thn'fao, nnd thnnk you for the Inquiry. Let Us Advise You, Greatly in Demand. Nothing Is more In demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments tor a blood and system clean ser, such as Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They are Just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Tty them. At Albany Drug Co., 26o guaranteed. , Many a, Woman’s Dream of Love 4 Is cruelly blasted by .wretched,'feeble health, aiid she is often condemned to a solitary life. Not realizing fully the danger of slight female troubles in the beginning, and wishing to ba spared a doctor’s examinations, she often allows a slight trouble to become so developed or chronic as to seri ously impair the purpose of every true woman’s life—that of love, mar riage and motherhood. Leading Jeweler Optician; Every Artiolo Engraved Free. ' Phone 107. BLOOD POISON CURED No Reduction. A Desperate Struggle and How it Ended, Just 27 miles from the plasslo elty of Athene, Ga., is located the thriv ing little town of Maxey’s the residence of Mi*. Robert Wal'd, who has- Just been released from the most perilous-predicament, the particulars of which .he bae consented to give to the publlo. He writes, tas follows: Maxell's Oglethorpe Co., Ga„ July 1, . i For 12 or 14 years I , have been a great sufferer with a terrible form of Blood Poison (Syphilis), which rah Into thfi ^aecondary, and finally It was pronounced a tey'lary form. My head,.face and shoulders becaine almost aj solid mass of corruptton, and finally the disease commenced, eating; away my skull bones. I became so horribly repulsive that for three years I absolutely refused to let pioplls see me. I used large quantities of the most noted biodd remedies, and applied to nearly all physicians near me, , but my condltlon continued tot grow worse, and all said I must surely diet My bones became the seat of eixoruolatldg aehes and! pains; my nights \ were paesed In misery: I was reduced In flesh ahd, strength; my kid neys were terrltily deranged, anil life became a-burden to me. I chanced to see an advertisement of B. B. B„ and sent i$l to W. C. BIrohmore & Co., merchants of our place, and'they prooured one bottle for , -■ me. It was used with decided benefit. I continued Its u«e and when eight , “ or ten bottles bad been need was pronounced sound and well. , </. Hundreds of scars can now be seen on me, lodklng like a man who . had been burned and then restored. My ease 1b well known in; this coun ty, and for the beiieflt of others -who may be similarly affected, I think it my duty to give facts to the public, ond to extend my heartfelt thunks for so valuable a -emedy. I have been well over 12 months, and no re turn of the disease has ocourred. ROBERT WARD. Maxey’s Ga., July 1. We. the undersigned, know Mr. Robt. W(ird, and take pleasure In,stat ing that the fleets as above stated by y him are trite, and that his was one of the'worst cases of Blood Poison we ever knew In‘our county, and that he has been cured by the use of B. B. B,—Botanic Blood Balm. A. T. BRIGHTWBLL; Merohant, JOHN T. HAI^T, , W. O. BtRCHMORH & CO„ Merchants W. 0. CAMPBELL. J. II. BRIGHTWHLI/, M. D. / Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is guaranteed to cure'any, BI6od or Skin J—Pinkie'Jackson, Mrs. Marie Jdnds. P—Mrs. Anna Park. ., T—Mrs. Jennie Tpmpklns, Miss Mary Th6mas, MIbs Bessie Taylor. W—Miss' Bessie Wafd, Mlsq Zolan i Wlllen. In calling tor the above letters please say "Advertised” and pay one cent for same. H. F. BRIMBERRY: P. M. The sootblrig and comforting effects of Dewitt’s Witch'Hazel Salve, when applied to Piles, Sores, Cuts, Bolls, etc., subdues pain almost Instantly. "Did the landlord come down on your rent?” “No, he came dewn on me for ndt paying It.’ For fenerations and generations G. F. P. (Gerstle’s Female Panacea) has been the reliance of thousands of women in the .battle for healt.i against disease. It is a truly marvelou3 medicine as a cor rector of female disorders as an aid to nature in its proper func tional duties. Many ethical physicians recommend it, and it is so unfailingly successful in accomplishing its purpose of health that wo now sell it under an honest guarantee of relief or refund your money. . This guarantee authorizes any druggist to refund the purehasa pnceofa bottle fG. F. P (Gerstle’s Female Panacea) to any woman who tries it and is not benefited by its use. Read what Mrs. Sarah Chisholm, of Esias, Miss., says: “lam most happy to say that your treatment did just what _ ——— i you said it would do. I have taken only three hot- v This Salve /draws out the inflamma tion, reduces swelling and acts, as a 'rubefacient, thus eirdulating the blood through the diseased- parts, permit ting or aiding Nature to permanently remove the trouble entirely.. Sold by Albany Drug Co. and Hllsman- Sale Drug Co. Furious Fighting. “For shvnn years,” writes Geo. W Hoffman, of Harper, Wash.,' “I had n bitter battle jylth chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters^ I unhesitatingly recommend them' to' all, and don’t In tend in the future to be without them in the / house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to. have cur^d such a bad ease as mine.” Sold under guarantee to do the Bame for you, by Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 50c. a bottle. Try them today. ties, and I feel like another ; err,on. It is the grandest female remedy in the world, for it has cured me entirely.” i This is the only medicine of its kind in the United l States in which tho manufacturers havo equal S Confidence, for G. F. P. (Gerstle’s Female ffll Panacea) is the only guaranteed female remedy Nice Bound Books at 15c each, worth more than double the price. Such authors as Kipling, Eliot, Schriener* Haw 1 ; thorne, Shakespeare and many others,, Boys’ nicely bound books only 15c, by Hentvi Bills,Meade, Alger and others; 1 000 new stock paper' bound Novels worth 28c for IOC each. Have you seen the new Sou venir. Post Cards of Albany, View of Broad Street, Elks Home, Opera House, New Alba ny Hotel and Monument, Court House. a) is the only guaranteed female remedy sold. Try it at once. l $1.00 Pot Bottle at Any Druggist’s She Was More Attractive Then. Disease If taken In sufficient quantity as directed. It In sold by all druggists at t1 per targe bottle; 6 for $5. Valuable book free, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta TO IMPROVE AND PRESERVE Morris Wesloeky, D. W. James. President. V.-Pres F. H. Bates, Cashier, ' 'IN dREEN BOXES ONLY SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. HARMLfi AS WATER. M A.DINR Fhch Powder is con)pounded FS C a h & A Face « greert boxee nru pure tbn comr lesion 60 oent pfiok-'pe nnd if yott are not enti: Hatisfled notify iu. and we will, prom] HUrOND TODll UOHKT. Bold by leading druggiatn, or mail. P 60 cent*. White; Fleah* Pink, Brunett, ; Prepared by Nation&l' ToiletCo., Paris,T< Hold in Albany by ell leading druggists. Miss Antique—Men are not as gal lant and chivalrous as (hey used to be. Mtss Cutting HI'Ms—I suppose you mean that long ago you used to get a seat in a street car. ' Values in Marble 'and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in A A Certain Cure For Croup. ■When a child-shows symptoms of croup there Is no Mme to experiment with .row remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. Thfere is one preparation that cun al ways be depended nupon. It has been In use for many years and has never been known to-fall, viz; Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow. Mr. M. F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Rem&ly in severe cases of croup with my children and can truth fully say It always glveB prompt re lief." For sale by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. .150,0. "WO B.BOuOO Sollctts accounts of ir at .and .Individuals Headstones, etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. RAILWAY. t . . Arrival and Departure of Trains at Albany, Ga. , In Effect Jan. 1905.' „ Morris Weslosky, President. D. W.Uamea, W. 8. Bell, 1st Vice-Pres. 2nd Vice-Prea. Joseph S. Davis, P. W. Jonec. Oaslier. Ass’t Cashier. First Rational Bank. ALBANY, Qy\. DEPARTURES: For Dothan and Floraja.... For Dothan and Hartford For Macon, Atlanta, Augus ta, Columbus, Savannah.. For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Troy.... For Macon, Atlanta, Savan nah' V v Jjest Prices , Best Attention Best Wishes 1906 BEAMAN’S MUSIC! HOUS • 104 Pino street (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga Proprietor Capita) ,:. t 1.150,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 70,000. 1906 was a great building year In the history of Albany, but evidences are not lacking that 1900 will leave an even better record. Confidence of Albanians In Albany is full and complete, and confidence is every thing. It Is an asset that makes for the', bull-ling of live, progressive, hustling cities,! ; MONEY LOANED, OFFICES Deposits received Subject to Sight Draft. A general banking 'business transacted. Banker*) and merchants' s*ennnta solicited. ARRIVALS! ' '/ / .v?'. From Flofala and Dothan... 8:46pm From Hartford and Dothan 11M0 sin From • AugUBta, Savannah, , Atlanta. Macon.;..;...... 7:25am From Montgomery, Troy, Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta. Savannah, Ma con, Montgomery, Cblum- . bus ,11:30 pm In the Davis-Exchange Bank Building are being furnished. While the workmen, are thus engaged, I will be in Savan nah. But only for the present week. Will return at-end of this week, . DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED! Albany Insusange ' AOfiNCV. A Grim Tragedy is .dally enacted In . thousands of homes, ai death clalmsMn each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia, But when Coughs ahd Colds are properly treated, the trag edy is averted. Fi G. Huntley, of Oklahoma, Ind., writes: “My wife had the consumption, and three doc tors gave her up. Finally, she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds,* which cured her, and. today she Is well ahd strong.” It kills the germs of all dls- eases. One dose relieves. Guaran teed at EOc and $1.00 by Albany Drug .-, ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars be tween Albany and Atlanta on grains arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parlor car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p. m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a.-m. For further Information apply to S, A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or —A.UA-1NBT— 5 , FIRE LIGHTNING AND WIND STORMS. Telephones 10 and 11*. F. O. TIGKNOR. Mgr BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling GERSTLES FEMALE PANACEA MONELY BACK GUARANTEE! 1 ; i n ^ii • rtB 4k