The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 12, 1906, Image 8
COTTON PICKINGS. jParnlsbed for Dally Herald Readers by Clark & Co. ueSsxng Contest ItON FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, IGA- «rs Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires :o New Orleans, Chicago and New York. sTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. TIC HOTTOH OUOTATI3HS.< Wheait, Corn, Meat and Coffee—Letters on the Cotton Market and the Opening and Closing Quotations. Liverpool eight down was a -full re sponse to our American market of yesterday. Spots were 6 down and sales (only 8,000. If sales In Liverpool continue large Mitchell,. Gwathmey, Price and their following, who have been pounding the market, will be forced to cover,.and result In higher prices. The beautiful wash-stand set, for the nearest guess tp the number of peas in the jar, goes to Mr. Wm. Copenhaver, he having guessed within thirteen of the exact number. Sparks-Saxon Hardware Co. Market Receipts. Albabt, January 12..1906. day by wagon 6 8 iu.1t by wagon 26.074-26/142 day by rail, >88 nsfy by rail . 42.012-42,597 There seems to be very little bullish enthusiasm despite the convention In kew Orleans. However, they jemaln fixed In their opinion that prices will be much higher. r Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay.—Cotton. t. York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton, ago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. f York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.—Stocks and Bonds. Bears will get very little comfort from week-end statistics of the move, ment. Local Cotton Market. Good Middling. Middling....... Low Middling.. Market Arm. lfo nom. Correspondence Invited We note that some of the Wall street houses that were recently so bearish lean to the bull aide now. New York Cotton Market. . Prev- Op’d High Loftr Clone Close January >11.20 11.27 11.10 11.23 11.25 March.. 11.40 11.47 11.80 11M 11.42 May 11.17 11.54 11.45 1150 11 51 July. 11.68 11.50 11 50 11.55 11,67 Bpofcs quiet. Mid. 11.80. Sales 1,000. Futures closed qulfct and steady. The convention at New Orleans has by a rising vote Indorsed its officers and adopted conservative policies. AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Elective duly 3, 1905—90th Meridian Time. Swanson cables good business do ing. ■'especially 'or India, New Orleans Cotton Market. Prev. Op'd High Low Clone Clone anuary 11.46 11 87 11.87 11 40 larch 11.67 1168 1160 11.61 .1108 lay 11.69 11.77 1167 II 72 1171 uly a, 11.70 11.84 11.76 11.70 1188 Spots quiet. Mid. 11 (HO; Bales 850 PutmroH closed steady, NORTH Lv . .Albany. v AfI 1:30p.m. Lv ..Albany.. Ar Lv .Lumpkin. Ar Lv Hurtijboro Ar Lv .Ft. Davis. Ar . Ar, N’tgomery Lv Ar ..Selma., Lv Ar Pensacola Lv Ar ..Mobile.. Lv Ar NewOrleanaLv Ar .St. Louis. Lv 1:20p.m. 11:13a.m. 0:36a.m. 8:66a.m. 7:30a.m 6:00a.m. ll:06p.m 13:40a.m 8:16p.m. 8:00a.m. Lv ..Sasser.. Ar|13:63p.m. Lv .Dawson. Ar|12:36p.m. Lv .Richland. Arjll:31a.m. Ar Columbus Lf 10:16a.m. Ar ..Atlanta.. Lvl 6:40a.m. Via A. & N. Ry. | Lv ..Albany,. Arj 3:36p.m. Lv .Cordele. Arj 1:36p.m. Ar Savannah Lv| 7:16a.m. Every hale of tills crop will be needed, anil more besides. Let these spinners awoke to the fact that It is not an eleven-million * crop, ns Mr. Theo. Price claims, and there will be a wild. scramble for cotton. Liverpool Cotton Market. ' Prev, Op' 2 V H Clean' Clout) .tan-Feb .' 6 96 6.04 »;«" 6.01 Fob-Mar ; 5.98 6 97 6.98 6,04 Mar-Apr..i 0.01 6 09 6.08 0 07 Apr-May.... 0.04 0 08 0 01 0.10 May..Tuno 0,07 0.06 0.04 0.18 Bales, 8,000':'Middlings,0 09: Heoelpts 88,000: Futgires opened' quiot and atoady and closed ateady. The market continues to he one ,in which purchases made on declines can be resold on bulges and traders can make money. Ng. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich- :and and Montgomery for all points West via L. & N. and M. fe.O. R. Ry \t Columbus and Atlanta with ail lines diverging for Eastern and North joints, mil Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany Ga, W. p. SCRUGGS, T. P. A.. Savannah, Ga. OHAKLia f. ■TirWLRT. A- B. P. A., Bavanpah. Ma. I . There Is a better demand from the /spinners who can not get the cotton to fill their needs at the present prices, and among them there is a growing conviction that the recent government report forecasts a crop of under 10,25’0,000 .hales. CO RN—W H E AT—M EAT. Chicago, Jan., 12.— 1 • Open. Close. Wheat—May...: .7. 884 881 Corn—May...... 46J 461 Oats—May SSf 321 Pork—May 14 20 14.07 Lard—May 7.70 7.65 Ribs—May 7.07 7.00 The reports from the dry goods mar ket state that the situation Is still strong In that quarter, jvith prospects of ti growing demand. Wishing to reduce my stock before taking Inventory, all of my merchandise will be offered for this month at STRICTLY COST I •This is a. great Bargain Sale as my stock consists of very desirable" goods in all lines, and was bought at low prices before the advance of all kinds of merchandise, but-I am determined to reduce my present stock before the spring goods come in, and I shall give to my patrons the full benefit of it. Now York, Jan. 12.—We are enter ing n period of manipulation earlier than expected. Wall, street offices have accumulated’a large line' of March, ai\d the leading bear interests* are attempting to forastall find de stroy any manipulation of this posi tion By forcing the market premature- ly, and this causes a further Increase In the New York stock. It. Is too late In the season to hope to accumulate a largo .lino of long March against May or a later position, as the trade 16 duly warned and Is avoiding sales of March except, wlrerd It. shall be a hedge against interior holdings. This operation, however, projects a specu lative factor which for the time being Is rather in favor of the market than against It, and makes buying for a on weak markets. Office With Georgia Cotton Co. One large cotton buyer is sending circulars all over the South to the ef- fqfct that we arc rapidly approaching; a cotton famine, anil that nothing but high prices will bring the whole crop Into sight. We cordially invite you to take a look at our stock you will see that HIGH QUALITY has been lookea after as carefully as LOW FRIGES. OF ALBANY* GA. v ORGANIZED 1903, Constructors of Cement Sidewalks, Cement Curbing, Cement Coping, Vitrified Brick Driveways. Concrete work of all kinds. Wo have installed here a stone crusher, concrete mixer, In fact a complete plant for the construction of concrete and while we are doing the street paving and our plant ie tu operation parties desiring to construct sidewalks or other concrete work can haev It done at a very much lower price than after the street work Is completed and our plant is moved away. We solicit your patronage and will be glad to render you an estimate for such wqrk as you may have In con templation. Capital, Surplus and Fxi-lf, DR SALE—Several vacant lots, also a number of residences, close In; some for cash, others on terms. Ed. R. ones. 12-3t Accounts of mercantile firms, coi mirations and Individuals Invitee. Special attention given out-of-town accounts. Interest allowed on time Ladles' Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs at • |Qc Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs, linen and lawn, fine and; sheer; ready for gilts, worth 3j per cent, more, at from ■ • 20c to 85 c Big lot While nm^ Figured Hem stitched . Handkerchiefs, Ladles’ and Gents', at • ■ • • gjj 85 Boxes Children. Initial Handker chiefs, 3 in a box, at a box, • |gc Men's White Silk Handkerchiefs, high grade, large sizes, well worth 35c per cent more. Holiday prices, from • • • ■ 25 c to $1.00 $1.25 Ladles' Kid Gloves,\ fine, qual ity; this week at 1 • • 75c ' Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts, fancy designs, delicate colors, from - - - - 65 c 10 $1.25 One lot of White Marseilles Spreads, from ■ • ■ ■ 75c to $3.00 (STJust received au assortment of LADIES' BELTS, stylish and up-to-date. BSHJnderwear and Hosiery for the whole family at saving prices. GtId Quickly Knocked Out. “Some weeks age during the severe winter weather hoth my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedllv develooed Into the worst kind of la grippe with all Its misera ble symptoms,"- nays Mr. J. S. Egle- ston. nf Haple Landing, Town. “Ifnees and Joints aching, muscles sore, head stonped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a/dnse of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, .and by Its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip.” It is n good plan to take a dose of the Tablets when you have a cold. They promote a healthy action of the tyowels, liver and kidneys which 13 always henefleial when the system, Is conjested by a cold or attack of the grip: For sale by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co officers: Brown, A. W, Mui«, ■ Proildont. • Vice-President. W. C. Scovllle, Cashier. A W.Mum, . V.-Prwl Munuerlyn, OmdUer, ijioderate profit more inviting. The local temper con- tlnuesMiearish ,and the short Inter est is rather unwieldy. C. D. FREEMAN & CO. Agent For May Manton Patterns, J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventuleft. J. S. DAVIS & CO., JOS. L. RAREY FOR SALE—Several vacant lots, also a number of residences, close In; some for cash, others on terms. Ed. R. Jones. 12-3t Opened Business Bopt. 6th, 1800 THE OLD RELIABLE TAlLOR. Is still 1 doing business at bis old place over the First National Bank, samples of all the new colorings in all and winter fabrics are ready for nspeetion. Our styles appeal forci bly to well dressed; gentlemen, and our prices are as low as Is consistent with good workmanship. INSURANCE AGENTS against CAPITAL f VSURPLUS FIRE LIGHTNING TORNADO. Plenty of sweet milk, cream and blitter. , . FERNLAND FARMS. ’Phone 199. * 10,3t The railroads, in utilizing their franchises on North street, will be put lo a good deal of trouble and ex pense in avoiding making the Broad street crossing a dangerous place, but th'e end will Justify .the means. Every foolllty In the banking buit- oil offered to ouitomeri. Savings Department. * stsreat Allowtd on Tima' Deposit*. -Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building. : —’Phones—343—88—122—:— FOR SALE—Several vacant lots, also a number of residences, close In; some for . cash, others on terms. Ed. R. ones. • 12-3t JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor, 71 Broad Streets THE USE OF OUR FERTILIZERS INSURES BOTH / COME AND SEE US. IN ADDITION TO OUR STOCK OF ACID PHOSPHATES, Kj^INIT. MURIATE POTASH; NITRATE SODA, ‘GUANOS \ . - TANKAGE AND BLOOD. WE OFFER 500 TONS COTTON SEED MEAL FOR CASH. C. W. ARNOLD, Manager —■— You H&ve If i i' I'.. ' ( r. Contract Hauling of any kind, ( and ‘ want it properly and promptly done—you had bet- / - ter see us. . . . . . E. W. LIVINGSTON & CO. LEADING LIVERYMEN | :' v.: • •.■V."' ■