Newspaper Page Text
if ' "':' ■'". T W W"‘
t’,* :
riy Herald
Publishing Co.
Tlio girl who marries a dissipated Denison (Texas) Sunday Gazetteer,
young nmn hoping to reform him Is A farmer who lives In Red river
taking a great risk tor her future hap- bottom, east. of DcnlBon, put- up a
plness, with perhaps ninety-nine niean Job on a city sportsman named
Fred. The granger had killed a fox
.... . •P'«* ld « nt chances to one against her. A young . . „ . .,
—osh See. A Trees. squirrel, Bktnned him and stuffed his
* vl »-••’•••• Bus. Mgr. man who Is addicted to drink may re- h , dc wU „! I( , aves then cllmbed up a
'<_? —ttit - —ri—: ^ orm dftor marr >lng the woman he tall postoak tree rind nailed him In
y M (8 r psgeef X Ewery 8 8sturdsy. lovcfl ' but BUCh cases are rare - tho crotch of the tree, Soon Fred
i j | a paper before us furnishes a came along and spied the squirrel.
A distressed T,le . h,lntei ' blazed away at the squir
rel until all hlB shells were gone. He
then climbed the tree, discovered the
(IS- OF. SUBSCRIPTION. warning case In point.
Herald, one year (6.00 now York wife who sought to have
Herald, six months 2.60 ......
Herald, three months 1.26 hor husband arroBted for non-support, dedeptldff mid was so blamed hot-that
t Herald, 8 pages, one year 1.00 tearfully blurted out this piece of he burned a hole In his pants sliding
■ ■ * ' ~ , sound caution: down, but he did not take down the
"I knew my husband drank before 'j al J' He j£ there for some ot|ier
I married him," said she, "and I’d like
to tell any girl if she thinks sho can
crlpttona payable In ad-
Using rates reasonable and
_____ __ fool hunter to shoot at.
own' on application.
of thanks, resolutions of re- to tell any girl it sue mums sno can Nothing will cure Indlgsection that
,n I ch° the* pa per 1 Its el f° m a y give >’° rorm a "> an WTlng him,•she Is doesn’t digest the food Itself, and give
matter'of news, will be charged very much mistaken.” iho stomach rest. You can’t expect
■t the rate of 10 cents a line, ex- . . . , , , WUor exl)er . :hat a weak stomach will regain Its
l when such notices are publish- rll .“ """'"it., bom or nittet txper strength and get ; well when lt ls
charitable organizations, when lence, may wisely be studied by those pompelled to do the fuU work that a
I a I rate will be named. 1 h _ „ ... sound stomach should do. You
oea of church and eoclety ( and , wn nl wouldn't expect a sick horse to get
lor entertainments from which i well whe( It lr compelled to do a
inue la to be derived, beyond aj We have experienced a pang of full day’s work every uay of the week,
announcement, will be charged rca , 8ndne8B ut reading tho announce- Kort0 '- Dyspepsia Cure, Is a perfect
Arrival and Departure of Trains al
Albany, Ga.
In Effect Jan. 8, 1905.
7:46 am
3:50 pm
For Dothan and Florala....
For Dothan and Hartford....
For Maco^, Atlanta, Augus
ta, Columbus, Savannah.. 4:05’am
For Macon, .Atlanta, Colum
bus. Montgomery, Troy....11:54am
For Macon, Atlanta, Savan
nah 9:00 pm
• at the rate of 5 cents a line.
Office second floor Poatofflce Guild-
corner of Jackson and Pine
dlgestnnt, and digests the food regard-
Pient that our old friend, Mr. Sidney less of tho condition of your stomach.
Herald deals with advertising
enta by special contract only, and
I-ewls, or the Sparta Ishinnellte, ls to Relieves Indigestion, Belching. Sour
’ 1 8tomach and ail stomach disorders.
i tlre front the newspaper business on
o advertising agent or agency'la au.
torlzed to take contracts for adveV-
ents to be Inserted In this paper.
flolal Organ of the City of Albany,
flolal Organ of Ddugherty County,
flolal Organ of Baker County,
flolal Organ of the Railroad Corn-
lion of Georgia for the Second
gresslonal District
dltorlal Rooms and Business Of-
nposlng Room and Job Printing
60—3 rings.
you see It In The Herald It's so.
you advertise In The Herald It goes.
■—■■■■ ■
The Georgia Railroad Commission
got busy.
Ol. Sidney Tapp Is for Dick Rus-
I for governor.
from soliciting brlbos or accepting
gratuities designed to Influence tlielr
notion In matters concerning their
employers' business. Massachusetts
passed such an act two ycnrB ago, and
Wisconsin and Now York followed
Inst year. Tho llrst case under tho
The Savannah Press says: “It Is to New York law has just como before
ho] ed that the Item Hoke Smith a magistrate. An Italian foreman for
II not Bet lire to tho wiregrasB. ! the Edison Company has boon malting
: I
Since Mr. Smith visits Hfllnghnm, j the men under hlm glve him large
probably —
Every town la Georgia Is clamor-
for.n joint debate," soys the es-
nod Columbus Ledger. Wo think
p know ono mighty good town that
n't. ' ' V
Sold by Allmuy Drug Co. and Hits-
the first of February, and that Ills rc-
tl-oment Is due to falling health.' The
writer (ms known Mr. Lewis well for bottle
a good many years, and It wus our
privilege to bo associated with him In
the, dally routine of newspaper work
for a yonr, and wo have always re
garded him ns one of the best In
formed men and most forceful writers,
on tho Georgia press. In politics we
huvo perhaps not alwaysl been able
|o agree with him, but we have always
found him sincere, candid and fear
less nnd ready to give an account of
the fnlth that ho entertained. We
shall miss him when ho lays down
his editorial work, but shall not ceaBe
to chorlBh the fondness for him that
wns formed years ugo when he was In
tho prime of vigorous manhood.
nian-Sale Drug Co
Heinz’s Celery Sauce, 20c and 30c
Phono 70. W. E. FIELDS.
From Florala and Dothan... 8:45pm
From Hartford and Dothan 11:40 am
From Augusta, Savannah,
Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am
From Montgomery, Troy, Co
lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm
From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma
con, Montgomery, Colum
bus 11:30 pm
We Lead in Style, Fit and Quality
Drawing room sleeping cars be
tween Albany and Atlanta on trains
arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and
leaving Albany at. .9:00 p. m. Parlor
car botween Albany and Atlanta on
train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p.
m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m.
For further Information apply to S.
A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or
R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, Al
bany, Ga.
i m
Pure Fruit Preserves
A lot of the finest you have ever used, and each
kind has a true flavor of the fresh fruit.
Raspberry, Strawberry,
Cherry, Fig,
Per Jar, 35 Cents.
We have also just received a gross of genuine
Bitter Orange Marmalade,
Per Jar, 15 Cents.
Threo Btntes have In tho Inst two
yonrB passed acts to piovent employes |This is an exceptionally delicious article for cold
supper or lunch and the more you eat
the better you like it.
Mock & Rawson.
■ Colonel Estlll will
tho compliment by
return j parts of their wages ns a condition of
dropping In on being kept In employment. Tho
charge for extortion wouldn’t lie, be-
enuso tho foreman wns authorized to
Congressman Nicholas Longworth, hire and discharge mon, but ho has
who accompanied tlio Taft party to boon held for trial under the anti-
tho Philippines, and who Is to claim tipping lnw,
Alloc Roosovolt at tho marriage
next month, tells congress tlmt
the Filipino Is not only lazy, hut that
Contracted Chronic Diarrhoea While
In the Philippines.
"While with the U. S. Army In the
doesn’t look upon work ns bolng Philippines. I contracted chronic dlar-,
rhoea. f suffered severely from this
terrible disease for over threo years j
and tried the proscriptions of numor-
^ . , oas physicians, but found nothing tlmt
Don’t forget. Mr. Farmer, that when d|d ^ Rny R00(i unt „ , trle ., C hnm-
Vice President.
T HIS bank Has a good active board of Directors' and a
strong body of Stockholders. In' addition to supervision
by tbe national government it bas bi-monthly examinations by
the Directors.
< Thz Citizen s National Bank,
Of Albany, Ga.,
cotton Is high, meat, corn ami other herlaln’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea ’
Remedy, two small bottles of which:
foodstuffs are high. Regardless of tho
entirely cured me. nnd I have since i
price of cotton, It pays tho farmer to had no return of the disease.”—Her-
* • * , .« . , , . mnn Stein, 212 N. Union Ave., Pueblo,
produce Ills own provisions, for ho 0oterwto _ For sale by Sale-Dnvls
can do this cheupor than he can buy Drug Co.
them, whether the cotton crop he
great or small nnd tho price of the
Too Much Bustle in Bowdoin.
| At. some public exercises in tho col*
staple correspondingly low or high. , leBe llal | of Bowdoin In years gone by.
■' ■" ■' - isays the Boston Herald, a stylishly
Ths Herald goes out ns a twelve- dressed young woman took hor seat
page paper this afternoon, and those ln tUo f,ont ro ' v ° r ,1 ' e «*«»*• n,ul
gave her undivided attention to plck-
vhose work lt represents don’t mind , .
lag out her "host man In the crowd
saying they are proud of It. It ls no , )elow Th , a waB before the days of
‘ boom edition. The completion of the the ‘‘don't-you-honr-it-simp" fasteners.
f. Davis-Exchange Bank building made and In sitting, her draperies became
a two-page write-up of this splendid so disarranged as to disclose to view j
... , , „, . , a dress dlstender of primitive make. 1
■ local enterprise feasible, and we have , , „ _ , , ■
viz., a little roll stuffed with sawdust.,
simply taken advantage of the oppor- An aWt .. r ,.„ shle - conoelved the
"Unity. Those whose dally labor is Idea of reducing tho size of this by a ;
bestowed upon The Herald are never thrust of Ills penknife, which caused
'happier than when they can make a nulte a ripple of excitement among
i showing to the outside world " ls confreres ’ President Goodwin, an-
. ,, noyed at the disturbance, arose from
Albany or a praiseworthy Albany M# 8eat on the platform and re .
enterprise. marked severely: ‘‘There is too much
bustle in tho gallery.”
Our Office to No. 317 Davis-Exchange
Bank building, where we will be pre
pared to attend to business even more
promptly than heretofore.
The Bacon Equipment Company
The semt-montlily hale report of the "That is just what we are trying to
National dinners’ Association, com- prevent, sir," replied the audacious
lied yesterday. Bhows that 17G.49G
es have been ginned from Septem-
Indigestion ls easily overcome by
pr 1 to January 15, 190G, inclusive, tlie use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, be
ds, added to the government's Inst cause this remedy digests what you
nv ' , , ,, eat, and gives the stomach a rest—al.
i report, shows a total of 9.S9,,. ] ows it to recuperate and grow strong
■s ginned during the senson of Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach,
, j , Heart-Burn, etc., and enables the dl-
President Taylor, who com- g(?s tive organs, to assimilate and trans.
I the report, stated that the cot- torm all foods into tissue-building
blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach,
Htory was very generally cov- s e lching, Heart-Burn, and all forms
the report therefore should °f Indigestion. Palatable and
strengthening. Sold by Albany Drug
curate. Co. and HilsmamSaie Drug Co.
No. SO
Schedule Effective July 3, 1905—90th Meridian Time.
No. 79
2:00 m.
Lv ..Albany.. Ar
Lv ..Sasser.. Ar
Lv .Dawson. Ar
Lv .Richland. Ar
Ar Columbus L
Ar ..Atlanta.. Lv
Via A. & N. Ry,
Lv ..Albany.. Arj 3:
Lv .Cordele. Arl 1;
Ar Savannah Lv| 7
No. So
I 6
: 65a.m.
..Albany.. Ar
.Lumpkin-. Ar
Hurtsboro Ar
• Ft. Davis. Ar
N'tgomery Lv
. .Selma.. Lv
Penaacola Lv
..Mobile.. Lv
NewOrleano Lv
.St. Louts. Lv
No. 79
12a. ic
$7.50 to $20.00
$9.33 $25.3 0.
If you are out
for Clothes that are
worthy “ln and
Out” and “Out and
In” then come in
and look at ours.
$2.50 to $6.00.
S. B. Brown & Co.
A RouqcI
of Drinks
of the right kind of whiskey
will make ever}’ fellow
When you ask a friend to
have something, take him
where he will not be
Tb« Office
is known among comiois-
suers for the purity and high
quality of the Liquors se rveover the bar at bar prices. It
holds first place in the estimation of those who know.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.
IN EFFECT JULY 25, 1905.
No. 30. Through train’ to Columbus, making close connection .at Rick
and and Montgomery for all points West via LIN. and M. & O. R. Ry
it Columbtia and Atlanta with ail lines diverging for Eastern and North
mints. Full Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent
8. A. ATKINSON. U. T. A.. Albany Ga
W. P. 80RUGQS. T. P. A.. Savannah, Ga
OHARTiB8 W. IHHHT A. G. P. A. «.
For Waycrocs, Brunswick and Points
South and East.
Train No. S9 Leaves 12:50 am
Train No. 95 Leaves 2:00 pm
Thomasville, Montlcello
Points West.
Train No. 71 Leaves ’...4:00pm
Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am
From Waycross, Brunswick
Points South and East.
Train No. 94 Arrives 11:50 pm
Train No. 90 Arrives 3:20 am
From Thomasville, Montlcello
Points West.
Train No. 72 Arrives..11:36an
Train No. 74 Arrives 7:15 pa
S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga.
T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Pass enger Agent, Thomasville. Ga.
NO. 18.
Lv. Albany .... 12: OOnoon
Ar. Cordele 1:25pm
Ar. Savannah ... 8:00pm S. A. L. Ry
Ar. Macon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Atlanta 7:60pm C.-of Ga. Ry
NO. 17.
Lv. Savannah ...7-l5am S.A.L.Ry
Lv. Atlanta S:00am C.ofGa Ry
Lv. Macon 11:30am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Cordele 2:10pm
Ar. Albany 3:35pm
NO. 16.
Lv. Albany -‘•30pm
Ar. Cordele .... 6:15pm
Ar. Macon 9:35pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Helena 9:30pm S. A.L.Ry
NO. 15.
Lv. Macon .. ..G:45am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. ^elena 5:30am S.A.L.Ry
Lv. Cordele 9:30am
Ar. Albany ...,11:15am
For additional information, rates, etc., address
A. V. PHILLIPS, Com'l Agt., Albany,Ga. j s CRPW <!
8. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. v. P. & Q. M„ Albany! Ga.
J. Q. ADAMS. Soliciting Freight and Passenger Agent. Cordele. Ga,
J. CliHord Hale. Leonard N. Sgsar
OMce, 881-2 Broad Street Albany, 6a.
P*ouol sad careful attention given to a
basinets submitted^* vtrfoare. I
6 Per Cent. Farm Loans.