Newspaper Page Text
Those Who Come and Gu—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With Interest—What Is
Oolng on In Society, With Now and
Then a Little Qosslp.
ermusims an
he who is perfectly fitted with
lasses. Reading is enjoyable;
'ork more pleasant.
Perfectly Ground Li
Perfectly Fitted Frames!
arc the leading expert op-
' ticians here.
popular guost, Miss Cobble Hood, of
Six-hand euchre was played. There
were alx tables. At the conclusion of
tho games, dainty refreshments wore
served the guoBts. .The decorations
consisted of palms, ferns, and the'
like. No prizes were awarded. I . 7
The party was highly enjoyable, its
very Informality adding to the pleas
ure of the occasion.
Mr. .T. Simmons, of Chicago, a pop
ular traveling man, spent yesterday
in Albany with friends.
Misses Janie end Agnes
Whlre were hostesses nt a party yes
terday afternoon given In honor of
Miss Janie's eighth birthday. About
twenty-five of their little friends en
joyed their hospltnllty. Many games
wore played, aftor which delightful
refreshments were served.
Mr, nnd Mrs. J. W. Joiner, Jr„ re
turned to the city yesterday, after a
pleasant visit of Bevoral dayB with
friends In Blakely.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gleason, of Way-
cross, are spending several days in
the city, guests nt the home of Mr.
and MrB. F. R. Pelot.
Mr. W. W, Morris will spend to-
ln .Macon, tho guest of
Right Rev. C. Klnloch Nelson, Bish
op of Georgia, arrived In' the city last 1
night and will officiate at services
at St. Paul’s church tomorrow. The
bishop Is a guest In the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Tarver.
Mr. Dan Mims,, of Leesburg, Is look
ing after business interests in Al
bany today.
Work hna been begun on the three-
story annex to the New Albany Hotcr,
which is to adjoin, on the north, ; the-
newest wing of the building.
The addition will give to the Now
Albany about twenty-five additional’
guest chambers, ns well us more Half
room, bath roomB and various con
veniences .which will have a-tendency
to popularize the hostelry, j;
Tho annex is to be three, stories ln\
height, running back along the alley^
west of the court house and over-
innklnir (hn rmn-f ,,,,
Mr. John H. Mock returned to the
city yesterday, nfter a commercial
tour of several days.
Mr. R. C. Dillingham left the city
today for a short business trip, to
Columbus. >■
Mrs. Charles Ooneko, of Smlthvllle,
spent yesterday with her slBter, Mrs.
Orlska Peacock, en route to Ocnlln,
Fla., where sho will visit relatives.
Mr. .T. M. Stewart returned yester
day from Blakely, where ho spent sev
eral days with friends.
Mr. J. W. Fouche, of Westvllle, Leo
county, Is attending to business af
fairs hero todny.
Mr. Drewry Ledbetter, of Newton,
Is attending to buslnes affairs la the-
city today.
Mrs. Z. A. Barnes bus returned to
the city from Eufnula, where sho
spent soveral weks with relatives.
• Mr. J. R. Beckham, of Mncon, a
well-known traveling man, was In Al
bany last night.
two or three yr/ars ago, and w.111 glvi
tho hotel about 130 guest chambers
exclusive of score’s of other apart
The Now Albany today boars little
resemblance to the old Barnes House
which mnny Albanians remember
Tho Barnes House- occupied the ebr
ner, running back about 170 feet or
Jackson street and facing about IOC
reel on Pine. It wns two stories high
When Mrs. Janie Mayo purchased
the property, she placed another story
on the ontire- structure as it then
stood, and remodeled if In various
ways. Several years later she built
an addition on the east, three stories
high, containing about a d.ozen rooms.
When the present owners, WHbou
& Baldwin, purchased the hotel, they
added the modern annex with forty-
odd rooms which fronts three stories
on Pine street and runs baok two
stories in holght on the court house
alley. The further addition ndw being
mnde will constitute the fourth MB
Mr. Clayton Cartor will spend to
morrow In Kufaula, visiting friends.
The friends of Mr. C. H. Buxbaum
will learn with regret that ho Is ill
Youel G.
The many friends of Mr
Hllsman will learn with regret that
he Is 111 at his home on Broad street.
Mr. S. J. Yeoman, of Century, was
among the well-knovvn visitors In Al
bany this morning.
Mr. Will R. Joiner has returned
from a commercial tour of a week to
Albany’s neighboring cities.
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Laths,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass
and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile,
Wall Paper and Paints at
0. D. SMITH’S.
The many friends of Miss Snow
drop Gobert will be grieved to learn
that she Is on the sick list today, be
ing "cbnflned to her home on Broad
lnrgement of the building since
days of the old Barnes House.
With the exception of a fpw f<
izer. factories, it is probable that
New Albany, after the present at
is completed, will be the largest fr
structure In the state.
Correct Dress
Mrs. Adolph Hoffman entertained at
cards yesterday morning at the homo
of Mrs. J. P. Gill, complimentary to
the Friday Morning Bridge WhiBt
club. •
Yesterday was Lee’s birthday, and
several unique conceptions displayed
at the delightful entertainment served
to keep the guests in mind of the oc
casion. Beautiful flags adorned the
walls. The score cards were embel
lished with thr^e hand-painted Con
federate flags. The Confederate col
ors formed the color scheme. The In
terior of the home of Mrs. Gill, with
the pretty decorations, presented a
gala spectacle. *
Instead of the usual refreshments,
a delicious bullet luncheon was
The Tlfton Gazette is tired of re
form candidates. It says: “The
Georgia political band-wagon Is
crowded with so-called ‘reformers.’
What the Gazette wants to see is a
genuine, old - time, self • confessed,
wicked politician, who gets in the
race for the office and what there is
in it."
I The “Modem Method” system of
I high-grade tailoring introduced by
I LE. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
I satisfies good dressers everywhere,
li All Garments Made Strictly
to Your Measure
9 si moderate prices. 500 rtylcs of foreign
• and domestic fabrics from which to choose.
R-r-’,cr—1 br
8. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Ga.
A Proposition to the Howell Vo
Knowing a good ; thing when
see It, and acting not upon imp
but from good reasoning, they will
only, vote for Howell, but will
chase one or more 0! the houses 1
lots embraced In tho following ad-
tlsement: .
I CAN SELL four 4-room houses e
for $250 cash, balance ($750)
$20.83 per month for three ye;
WJU sell any part-of. the four,
Mrs. John D^ Pope entertained In- all. Monroe street, opposite J.
formally at cards last evening, lnj Kemp’s residence,
honor of Miss Helen Davis and her' ED. H. JONES
To draw the fire out of a burn,
heal a cut without leaving a scar, or
to cure bolls, sot-es, tetter, eczema
and all skin and scalp diseases, use
DeWitt’B Witch Hazel Salve. A spe
cific for piles. Get the genuine. No
remedy causes such speedy relief.
A3k for DeWitt’e—the genuine.
Mr. G. W. Jackson, of Baconton, is
visiting relatives in the city today,
One to Five-Mule Farms, Close In,
FOR RENT—Several 1 to 5-mule
farms, close In. See S. W. Smith.
Fresh shipment of butter, 30c lb.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Will continue for another week at the same special prices.
There will be added many new patterns to both lots, making
the selecting of these goods easier than ever before.
Prices* range as follows:
Gowns, . . .
. 48c
Drawers, . . .
. 48c
Corset Covers,
. 25c
. 59c
One lot worth 10c and 15c yard; t
Special, per yard 5c
One lot worth 20c, yard; ^ _
Special, per yard 10c
One lot worth 30c yard; t a
Special, per yard 15c
One lot worth 40c yard; OA
Special, per yard 20c
One lot worth 50c yard;
special, per yard 25c
One lot all linen torchon laces; t _
Specially priced yd, at 5c and lQc
We are daily receiving new and desirable merchandise—we invite
inspection. Below are a few interesting items:
Curtain Swiss
Wool Fmisb Batiste
Fifty new pieces, 36 inches
wide, new and dainty patterns.
10c the yard,
A smart dressy fabric for spring
shirt-waist suits, a 25c value.
Amoskeag Ginghams
Carefully selected, neat pat
terns dark and light colors.
Special 19c the yard.
Fuji Yamai
A silken finished material in
10c the yard.
Japanese patterns; special at
25c the yard.
Punjab Percales
Many new patterns to select
12 l-2c the yard.
Checked Nainsook
An especial bargain; regular 8c
ana 10c value. Priced at
5c the yard.
Miss Annie Godwin, of Leesburg,
spent yestordny In Albany, visiting
the shopping districts.
Misses Annie Claire Fleming nnd
Ella Besslo McMlchnel, of Buena
VlRtn, are guests at the home of Mr.
and Airs. S. R. Fouche, on Residence
Mr. Eugeno Callaway will spend to
morrow In Leesburg, visiting friends.
We have on display many^ new and handsome designs in smart
(white) waistings. The assortment is broad, patterns newest.
Price 25c the yard.
enberg Brothers,
Air. ,T. W. Calhoun, Jr„ of Sylvester,
was among the Visitors In the city
Alisa Sarah Tyler left the city this
morning for High Point, N. C'„ where
she will visit relatives several weks.
now is one of the best invest
ments you can malce. We have
a beautiful line of large, fine
stones, guaranteed absolutely
perfect. Prices just a little
cheaper than anyone else. Buy
now before the advance in prices.
Air. Fred Davis, of Savannah, ar
rived In tho city yesterday. Ho will
spend several days here on business.
Air. L. C. Clark, of Norfolk, a well-
known trawling man, was In Albany
Airs. T. D. Sale left the city this
morning for Dawson, where she will
Dr. T. N. Clark, of Moultrie, wns
looking after business Interests In Al-
brfny yesterday.
Mr. J. D. Fowler, of Sylvester, was
mingling with friends and attending
to business In the city yesterday.
Air. C. W. Livingston spent yester
day afternoon in Cordele, attending to
business affairs.
We will sell Radies’ and Misses’ Suits 40 pir cent, less Ithan
they are marked. You are sure to get a bargain. Also
Misses’ and Children’s K'd Gloves worth $1 for 50c, All
Millinery reduced 50 per cent Corsets with supporters, for
mer price 50c and 75c, will sell now for 35c.
SO Broad Street.
Local Weather. Observations.
The following observations for the
Past twenty-four hours have been
taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at
Albany, Ga., and are published for
the information of the public:
Maximum temperature 72
Alinimum temperature 65
Alean temporaturo .03.5
Rainfall 00.01
Height of river above zero of
gage 6.00
Change In 24 hours, fall 0.3
Cloudy. Southeast winds.
Volunteer Observer.
Mr. W. H. Gilbert spent yesterday
In Pretoria on buslhess.
Air. Julius H. Weil, of Cincinnati, Is
mingling with his Albany Irlends to
Air. Robert Pope will spend tomor
row In Americus.
served, everything being prepared In
chafing dishes.
Mrs. W. S. Tnrver proved the most
Skillful, nnd won tho prize, a beauti
ful brass Jardiniere, unusual In its
Mrs. Hoffman’s delightful entertain
ment will be a truly memorable one
for the members of the Friday Morn
ing Bridge Whist Club.
qol. James T. Mann is In Atlanti
on business today 1 .
Which will. Probably. Be the Larges
Frame Building in tho 8tate.
Air. and Mrs. E. B. Whltcliard, of
Athens, former residents of Albany,
are spending n few days here, the
guests of friends.
Mrs. L. K. Alorrls was the hostess
at one of the most delightful card
parties of the Beason yestorday aftor-
noon, the entertainment being given
In honor of her attractive guest, Miss
Ethel Petty.
The Interior of the home was tast
ily decorated with bamboo, flowers
and ribbon. The color schemp of pink
and green was made quite effective
and attractive.
Five-band euchre was played. Miss
Nolla Vason won the first prize, a
gold sldecomb, and Airs. Milton Bacon
won the second prize, a very protty
vase. The visitors’ prize, a pair of
silk hOBe, was won by Miss Petty.
The refreshments were truly de
licious A chicken salad course wus
served. During the games, delightful
punch was served the guests. The
first strawberries of the season helped
make up the delightful menu. v