Newspaper Page Text
IANUARY 20,1006.
Our Decern
h Rivaled by Human Hair Where
Dandruff la Eradicated.
Sealskin la admired the world over for
Its aoftness and glossiness; and yet the
human hair Is equally as soft and glossy
when healthy; and the radical Cause of all
hair trouble Is dandruff, which Is caused
by a pestiferous parasite that saps the
vitality of the hair at Its root. Newbro's
Herplclde Is the only preparation that Is
fatal to the dandrliff germ. Without dan.
druff there Is no falling hair, bat a lux
uriant growth of glossy, soft hair Is cer
tain. Scouring the scalp won’t cure dan
druff. Kill the dandruff germ. Thous
ands of women owe their beautiful suits
of hair to Newbro’s Herplclde. Sold by
leading druggists. .Send 10c. In stamps
to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Alhwnv Urnt? Co., Hpecisl A pent*
E, H. DENISON—Dentist.
Twelve pages today.
Were the Biggest
Now for a little dry weather.
Have you got a mean disposition?
The “Ellwood” metal fence is a guaranteed cure-
>r every one of the troubles and trials that confront
’.inner, the stockman and the poultry fancier.
•‘Ellwood” is the triangular meshed fence. It turns
frown rooters as effectively as a stone wall—keeps
• stock in and your neighbor’s out.
We are having' regular April weath
er In January.
The city council will hold Its. regu
lar. meeting Monday night
There/Is a whole lot of reading
matter In thlB evening’s Herald.
Bids are to he opened on the 2nd
of February for the new high school
One of the latest estimates of the
late Marshall Field's fortune places
the size of It at J120,000,'000.
So fur ns regards the prevailing
temperature, we have had a touch of
real- spring weather for some days
Capital Stock’ $100,OOO.oo
Will Jackson street ever look de
cent again? This is a burning ques
tion for those who have to drive
through Jackson, from Broad to Pine.
It has been In a most miserable condi
tion since the paving of Washington
street threw the burden of traffic on
. ,->ain and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and
Washington streets, Albany, Ga.
CHARTERED to give surety and act as executor or administrator
•erform all the functions of a safely managed Trust Company.
WANTED—Two or three furnished or
unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping, at once. Address “Rooms,”
care Hrrald.
FOR SALE—We will sell cheap for
cash, all bearings and Iron work for
one Fairbanks Railroad Track
Scales. Length 36 feet, capacity
100,000 pounds.
CO , Albany, Ga. 10-12t
Is still doing business at his old
place over the First National Bank,
samples of all the new colorings in
all and winter fabrics are ready for
nspection. Our styles appeal forci
bly to well dressed gentlemen, and
our prices are as low as is consistent
with good workmanship.
The Tailor
Beginning Monday, January 22, we
will discontinue our bread wagon.
Any orders for bread left at store will
be promptly delivered.
Thanking you for past favors and
asking for a continuance of same,
FOR RENT—A (furnished room with
bath for two gentlemen. Apply at
once. Address “X," care Herald.
, 16-5t
Brinson & Co.. Wood and Coal,
■Phone 867. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
pi It is fence perfection. Its cables are of double wire,
| it will stop a team of runaway mules with perfect ease
n vithont breaking a strand.
We carry an immense stock of “Ellwood” fence, and
■ ble to fill orders without delay for the standard sizes—
b- w ch, 42-inch and 50-inch.
If you have fence troubles, tiy our prescription—“Ell-
r . S. BELL fc
“Bell Prices Ring True.”
Room Suit Sale!
For the month of January we ate go
ing to offer Bed Room Syits at unusually
1 w prices and will quote a few prices
just to show you:
a good, solid Oak Suit, regular * I 5? Cfk
$22.50 value; this sale I 0»v>U
A beautiful full quartered and polished Suit,
regular $60.00 value, during (tiro
this sale aPOZ.OU
A very handsome Suit, full quartered and pol
ished, 30x40 mirror, regular *7/)
$85.00 value; this sale
We have a large stock of these goods
• j nd we are sure we can pleas e you.
S. A. $£? W. X. Freeman.
Fernland 'Farms
"Dairy Department
Sweet ( Cream RJch Milk
High Grade Butter
Patronage Solicited
For EngeLgemervts Telephone No. 199
The New Albany annex, which was
damaged by fire and water a few
nights ago, will be repaired right
Don't waste time with green wood.
Try our new supply. Albany Coal &
Wood Co.
The police have been kept on tho
run for tho last few days. There
have been s/n unusual number of cases
where the guilty ones were fighting
or drunk. There were no.cases of
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Albany Is beginning to feel the need
of an apartment house. Such an en
terprise Is needed on account of the
advance In residence real estate and
the scarcity of cottages for small fam
Office boy wanted. Good
Cruger & Pace.
Albany now 1ms just enough paving
to satisfy the people that they will
never be perfectly satisfied until
there Is paying everywhere In the
business district and on a consider
able portion of the residence section
of the city.
The secret of successfully ridding
the system of a cold is a thorough
evacuation of the bowels. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey nnd Tar does this—
liquid Cold Cure drives all cold out
of the system. Best for Coughs,
Croup, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co.
and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
N'o\V that the secretary has been
elected, and offices rented, the Albany
Business League is all ready to begin
work. The people of Albany are
taking great Interest in the league,
and it Is a "cinch" that It will bongo.
The officers should strive to keep up
tills interest.
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments lor a blood nnd system clean
ser, such ns Dr. King’s New Life
Pills. They are just what you need
to cure stomach and liver troubles.
Try them. At Albany Drug Co., 25c
It Is said of Marshall Field, the mil
lionaire Chicago merchant who died
a few days ago, that he was not a
tax-dodger, and that he paid more
taxes than any other man in the Uni
ted States. His Chicago property
alone was listed for taxation at $26,-
An Emergency Medicine.
For sprnlns, bruises, burns, scalds
and similar Injuries, there is nothing
so good ns Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
It soothes the wound and not only
gives Instant relief- from patn, but
cases the parts to heal In about one-
third the time required by the usual
treatment. As it Is an antiseptic all
danger from blood poisoning is avoli-
ed. Sold by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
"Sweet Clover" a Play Not Soon
When a play can carry us away
from the humdrum of eyeryday exist
ence in the city to the quiet of a fall
evening “down on the farm" and hnek
to childhood’s fleeting hours, ft has
Indeed accomplished something by
which It may he remembered. To
these scones, does “Sweet Clover”
carry its hearers, and those who have
seen Victor H. Schafer’s massive pro
duction of tills wholesome and home
like play never fail to sing Its praises
whenever mentioned. “Sweet Clover"
will be the offering at the Rawlins
theatre on Monday evening, and will
he an evenly in the present dramatic
season, as It was when presented here
last season. The same original cast
will he seen In Mr. Thayer’s support,
Including Miss Nana Bryant, who still
plays “Lois.” An entire new outfit of
scenery has been made for the pres
ent year. This Is one attraction that
can be and is guaranteed to fulfill
every promise for It.
Prices, 50 and 75 cents nnd $1.
The Czar’s chief cook draws a sal
ary of $60,000 a year and holds a very
Important position In the Russian
world. He has control of all Imperial
kitchens In Russia' and every two
months makes his rounds of the dif
ferent departments of his kingdom.
Ills rank Is that of a general In the
Russian army and he commands ev
ery person serving In any capacity
under him In the different cuisines.
For cougliR and colds no remedy is
equal to Kennedy's Laxative Honey
and Tar. It Is different from all oth
ers—better, because it expels all cold
from the system by acting as a ca
thartic on the bowels. Affords Im
mediate relief in Croup. Coughs.
Children love It. Sold by Albany Drug
Co. nnd Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
There are only six towns in the
South Georgia Baseball League now,
but all are working hard for the best
material that can he seemed In this
section considering the salaries that
tho patronage of the different clubs
would warrant. Albany’s manager,
Mr. J. W. Thomas, who is incident
ally president of the league, says he
will deliver the goods when the time
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of W. 34th
St., New- York, at one time had her
beauty spelled with skin trouble. She
writes; "I had Salt Rheum or Ec
zema for years, but nothing would
cure it,, until I used Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve." A quick and sure, healer for
cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Albany
Co. .
WANTED—Two or three rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished, for light
housekeeping. Address “H,” care
Herald. 20-3t
OFFICE s TO RENT—In Woolfolk
building. Apply to D. C. Betjeman
or T. N. Woolfolk. 20-4t
LOST—A pocketbook containing $33
in cash,’ one blue voucher, and some
blank bills of the Bell Telephone
Co. Finder will be liberally re
warded by returning to telephone
exchange. Price Smith.
In Our History
January so far has not been disappointing. Business
has been so entirely good with us that we have had
very little time to devote to'our space in the Herald.
But just for a change we want to say to our friends
that notwithstanding the past rapid growth of our
business, we are going to make the year of 1906 the
best yet. Notwithstanding the prestige that we have
always enjoyed for carrying the best and most com
plete line of Furniture and Housefurnishings in this
section, we are going to show you goods this year
that will open your eyes. This assertion not only
applies to our furniture department, but will be felt
and seen in our \
Hardware and Crockery
We shall not appeal to you with cheap prices on
cheap-john goods in any lines, for the very simple
reason that we do not run to bankrupt stock and job
lots. In every instance our goods come direct from
the makers, and therefore you get only that from us
that is reliable and first-class. When you think of
think of us, and buy tfiese goods of us and you will
have no reason for complaint.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leader^ inf£ High ;Grade Goods.
Telephone No. 156 |j§ S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
A Card of Thants
1 For the kind patronage paid and
the vast amount of interest shown me
during my Fair Warning Sale, I beg
to use this means of extending my sin
cere thanks to the many readers of this
paper, and in gratitude of same I have
decided that during my stock-taking
period, starting Monday, January 22nd,
and ending Saturday, January 27th, to
have the same low prices on all of ,my
high-class lines the same as during my
Fair ^iVarnmg Sale. r f\
S. Reich.
The public Iij hereby notified that
the partnership hitherto existing be
tween W. L. Veal and Joe Stump, un
der the firm name of Baltimore Whis
key Co., has been this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Denard B«js.
hereby assume responsibility for the
payment of all debts owed by said
firm. W. L. VEAL, Mgr.
Moultrie, Ga., Jan. 1, 1906.