The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 23, 1906, Image 6

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FI I WOODAT home E. H. DENISON—Dentin. Business Is as good as could be hoped for, considering. wmmm . The “ellwood” metal fence is a guaranteed cure- every one of the troubles and trials that confront uer, the stockman and the poultry fancier. I “Ellwood” is the triangular meshed fence. It turns -grown rooters as effectively as a stone wall—keeps ■ stock in and your neighbor’s out. Chipped Beef In glass, 16c and 26c Jar. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. It looked as If Albany was going to be treated to some kind of a storm yesterday. *- Oo to the Albhny Buggy Co. to buy your Buggies, Wagons and Harness. 22-6t 58 INCH c 50 INCH 42 INCH .34 INCH, '26 INCH U8 INCH Tom Watson writes like he Is will ing to dig bait for Hoke, If he can’t fish for him In'the Democratic pond. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. Tfcs Constant Wearing of a Hat Prone* gates Dandruff Genas. There are many men who wear their hats practically all the time when awake, and are blessed with a heavy shock of hair; yet It the scalps of these same men once became infested With dandruff germs, the parasites would multiply all the quicker for lack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result New- hro’s Herpldde kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth. Herpldde Is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff euro and contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Sold by leading druggists,’ Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpl- ctde Co., Detroit Mich. Albany Drug Co., Speclel Aeenrs In New York. Eureka Lime, Best on earth. Cruger & Pace. It is fence perfection. Its cables are of double wire, it will stop a team of runaway mules with perfect ease ut! without breaking a strand. We carry an immense stock of “Ellwood” fence, and »p ble to fill orders without delay for the standard sizes— Rg. 2</-iuch, 42-inch and 50-incli. 1 'If you have fence troubles, try our prescription—“Ell- . S. BELL & SON. “Bell Prices Ring True.’ ,, :i Jm i - Bed Room Suit Sale! For the month of January we aie go- mg to offer Bed Room Suits at unusually ) >w prices and will quote a few prices just to show you: A good, solid Oak Suit, regular * i j? irrh $22.50 value; this sale ■ OaOU A beautiful full quartered and polished Suit, regular $60.00 value, during 5Q A very handsome Suit, full quartered and pol ished, 30x40 mirror, regular A70 $85.00 value; this sale ^ We have a large stock of these goods ji'fl we are sure we can pleat e you. S. A. & W. T. Freeman. If you have been ringing for The Herald office today and have had no rosponso, don’t blame as, dear Paul ino. Our ’plione has been dumb all day. Don’t wnste time with green wood. Try our, now supply. Albany Coal & Wood Co. The theatrical season Is drawing to a close In Albany, There have been a number of good attractions here. Thero will be several others before the Rawlins thontro will be dark for the summer months. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of W. 34th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Ec zema for years, but nothing would cure It, until ,1 used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” A quick and sure healer for outs, burns and sores. 25c at Albany Co. The City Fathers or sidewalk pav ers—cither or both—have heard our wall, and evidence of It showed up barely In time today to have a few paragraphs that might have been con sidered ‘‘hot stuff” cut out of tills column. Potted Turkey, Chicken and Sar dines, 10c can, 3 for 25c. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. The first polo match of the season, probably the first ever to he held la Albany, will ho pulled oft tonight at the local skating rink. Ar was be fore announced In The Herald, two polo teams of young sknters of the city have been organized. They In tend to get busy, practice up, and then challenge teams of other cities to contests. The soothing and comforting cffocls of DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve, when applied to Piles, Sores, Cuts, Bolls, etc., subdues pain almost Instantly. This Salve draw? out the inflamma tion. reduces swelling and acts ns .a rubefacient, thus circulating the blood through the diseased parts, permit ting or aiding Nature to permanently removo the trouble entirely. Sold bv Alhnnv Drag Co. and Hllsman- Sale .Drug Co. Fernland Farms .. “Dairy Department 5w*et Cream RJch Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited ITor Engagements Telephone No, 199 R. H. WARREN, Sec’y-Treas. Bar * 1 ' ■I ■ —: ■6? {■ SOA> - H 8. DAVIS, JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, President, V.-Presldent. ns ■ 1 t ! ft OF GEORGIA. Capital Stock -$100,000.oo CONSERVATOR OF PROSPERITY. jMum -SMi and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad and Washington streets, Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAY8 INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. V •'••MITERED to give surety and act as executor or administrator «* -ertonn all the functions of as ifely managed Trust Company. Funny how rumors can circulate and become great, ever-growing cer tainties. Yesterday a rumor started that Leesburg had been visited by a storm. The storm grow Into a a cy clone. Then the cyclono began to as sume shape, and houses were blown down, nnd lives blown out. Then a Herald man telephoned to Leesburg, and the rumor collapsed. In the words of Brutus, revised, “sic semper rtimorls.” Sickening, Shivering Fits Of Ague nnd Mnlarln can be relieved nnd cured with Electric Bitters.. This Is a pure, tonic medicine: of especial benefit In malaria, for It exerts a trite curative Influence on the disease, driving It entirely out of the system. It Is much to be preferred fo quin ine, having none of this drug’s bad after-effects. E. S. Monday, of Hen rietta. Texas, writes: “Mv brother had jaundice, till he took Electric Bit ters, which saved his life.” At Alba ny Drug Co. Price. 50c, guaranteed. The telegraph wires between here and Atlanta are still out of whack, and The Herald’s Associated Press dispatches, which come by direct wire from Atlanta, have been coming around by Jacksonville, Fla., yester day and today. Telegraph lines ap pear to he down all over the country. ■csrr 5&-V . I? HI - MANUFACTURERS of— m niiGK, *-.nual Capacity-, 10,000,000. TO THE PUBLIC. Beginning -Monday, January 22, we will discontinue our bread wagon. Any orders for bread left at store will be promptly delivered. Thanking you for past favors and asking for a continuance of same, 19-2t COHN BROS. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron- Age solicited. j. Cured His Mothor of Rheumatism. "“My mother has been a sufferer for many rears from rheumatism,” says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pennsyl vania. At times she was unahle to move at all. while, at all times walk ing was pain'ul. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and after a few applications she de cided It was the most wonderful pain reliever Bhe had ever tried; In fact, she Is never without It now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly trou bled with.” For sale by Sale-Davis Drug CO. . i „ CAPITA!. SURPLUS. Accounts of mercantile Arms, cot eoratlons and Individuals inviteu. Special attention given out-of-tow l accounts. Interest allowed on time deposits. OFFICERS: S. B. Brown, A, W. Muse. President Vice-President W. C. Scovllle, Cashier. The Steele furniture and Hardware Store. The important part of the bed is the Mattress and Springs. We are best prepared to give you the most comfort trad the most durability, as we have the ex clusive sale on the best known Mattresses and Springs made in America—the OSTERMOOR MATTRESS and the VICTOR SPRING. Jack—People used to Hve in caves. Jim—Well, with the subway it’s easy to get back to the simple life. WANTS. FOR RENT—Room, with or without hoard, close In. Box 7Q, Albany, Ga. 22-2t WANTED—Two or three rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. Address "H,” care Herald. 20-3t OFFICE TO RENT —In Woolfolk building. Apply to D. C. Betjeman or T. N. Woolfolk. 20-lt WANTED—Two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, at once. Address “Rooms,” care Herald. FOR SALE—We will sell cheap for cash, all bearings and Iran work for one Fairbanks Railroad Track Scales. Length 36 feet, capacity 100,000 pounds. I VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Albany, Ga. 10-12t Fresh Mackerel And Fish Roe >, H, Brown, a W Muse, hTwridon’, V.-President 3. P. idunnerlyn. Cashier, 01 AUUM. f.A. L'utOrv'f*.® ttth, IPOO $60,000 15,000 ■Avery facility In toe.-banktng bust- .. *s nfareil *n customer.. Savings Department. laterast Allowed on Tima Deposits. tmm Bank- OF ALBANY. GA. ORGANIZED 1893. Capital, ' • $57 200 Surplus ard Fufilt, ■ 35 qqq jioBLnor-jniANNON SPRING REDS, Ostermoor Mattresses No argument is needed now on the Ostermoor Mattress. It has the largest sale of any mattress in the world. Its popu larity is due to its cleanliness and sleep inducing qualities. There is no reason why a mattress shouldn’t last as long as a bed. The Ostermoor lasts a life time, never loses its shape; is built, not stuffed, so never needs re-making. One price every where, $ 15.00. Victor Springs We regard these Springs as being the best made, that’s why we made big contracts to get the exclusive sale. There are a good many imita tions on the market, but none that have the lasting qualities and comfort of the genuine Victor Spring. It is the best, BECAUSE: It is nbiseless. It does not sag—will never sag. It will always retain an even, level mattress surface. It is yielding, resilient, conforms perfectly to the body, it will last a life time— guaranteed for five years. We have them for either wood or Iron Beds. : Price, wood bed, $5.50. Iron Bed or Brass Bed, $6.50. The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade Goods. VICTOR, No. 3. NOISELESS-WILL M1YER BAG. S. Reich. ALBANY, The Original Laxative Cough Syrup Is Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the sys tem by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar is a certain, safe and harm less cure for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. JOS. L. RAREY, THE OLD RELIABLE TAILOR. Is still doing business at bis old place over the First National Bank, samples of all the new colorings in all and winter fabrics are ready for nspection. Our styles appeal forci bly to well dressed gentlemen, and our prices are as low as is consistent with good workmanship. JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor FOR RENT—A furnished room v/lth bath for two gentlemen. Apply at once. Address “X,” care Herald. 16-5t Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street A Card of Thanks For the kind patronage paid and the vast amount of interest shown me during my Fair "Warning Sale, I beg to use this means of extending my sin cere thanks to the many readers of this paper, and in gratitude of same I have decided that during my stock-taking period, starting Monday, January 22nd, and ending Saturday, January 27th, to have the same low prices on all of my high-class lines the same as during my Fair Warning Sale. GEORGIA L. W. NELSON, Attorney-at-Law, Albany. Ga COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. I am bonded in the following well- known companies. Every claim is bonded. United States Fidelity and Guaran ty Co., Attys. Dept., Baltimore, Md.; The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept., New York; The Association of Bond ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mar- tindale Mercantile Agency, New York; Martindale’s Guide, New York; United Bonded'Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga. I represent 40 other well-known mercantile agencies. All business re ceives prompt attention and money remitted same day collected.