The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 29, 1906, Image 5

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/ * . ' I- THE- ALBANY DAILY HERALD: MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 190$. EVERYBODY RIDES IN IT AND THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Those Who Come end Oo—Short and Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest—What Is doing on In Society, With Now and Then'a Little Gossip. ■* Mr. S. H. Gundershire, of Atlanta, a well-known traveling man, Is in the city today. . A \ Mr. Arthur Adair, of Worth county, is looking after business interests here this afternoon. Miss Mary Westbrook, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. S. H. Tift for the past two weeks, left the city at noon today for a visit in Cordele, prior to returning to her home in Mon tezuma. Miss Vic Collier left the city at noon today for a short visit in Cordele, Mr. W. E. Grubbs, of Sylvester, is spending the afternon in Albany, on business. •*, • v* • * l r| • The friends dt Mr. L. E. Merritt are pleased to seer him up, after a short illness. * Mr. G. M. Bacon, of DeWitt, is among the well-known visitors in the city today.' .Mr. H. Wertheim, of Savannah, a traveling man, is spending a few days in Albany. Mrs. Frank Ticknor will entertain the Tuesday Afternoon Card Club at her home tomorrow. Mr. G. S. Jackson left the city at noon today for Cordele, where he is spending the afternoon with friends. Mr. Earl Glover, of Amerlcus, was mingling with friends in the city yes terday. Mr. J. D. Fowler, of Isabella, is at tending to busines affairs in the city today. Miss Ellen Dortch, of Greensboro, N. C„ is expected in Albany in a few days. She will be a guest at the home of .Miss Sarah Tyier. - u. • y Mr. N." L. Ferguson, of Savannah, a popular member of the drummers’ bri gade, is spending the day in the city bn business and -mingling with his friends here. Mr. F. L. Wilder, who has been con fined at home by illness for several weeks, was out yesterday, to the de light of his many friends. Taking ad vantage of the first fair weather that we have had for a week or more, he walked out into the sunshine and spent a good portion of the day out of doors, a privilege that had been denied him by his physical condition for sev eral weeks. We sincerely hope that he will continue to Improve and that he will soon be himself again. Mr. Will Pinkston left the city at noon today for Amerlcus, after a short visit with his homefolks. Miss Dora Baer, who has been the popular guest of the Misses Plonslcy, left for her home,In Eufaula at noon, Judge W. 1 N. Spence, of Camilla, Is spending the afternon In Albany. Father G. X. Schndewell returned to Atlanta today, Where he Is under treatment of physicians. Mr. C. IT. Strangward, of Sylvester, spent a short while here this morning Miss Gussle Harris will entertain the Wednesday Afternoon Card Club this week. Rev. J. B. Dixon, of Arab!, spent yesterday afternoon and today In the city with relatives. Mr. O. H. Dean was the guest of friends in Thomasville yesterday. Mrs. A. V, MItcliam, of Lovejoy, ar rived In the city Saturday afternoon. She is visiting ai the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. L. -Forrest, on Flint street. J; ' i Mr.' R. E. Oduih, of Blakely, was among the weffknown visitors here yesterday. The friends of Mrs. W. E. Rowsey are pleased, to see her up, after an Illness of several weeks. Mr. Charles McTuege, of Macon, Is looking after business in Albany to day. Mr. R. L. Michels has returned from a drumming tour, and is spending the day with his folks. Misses Adeline and Blanche Baum, of Dublin, are expected In the city in a few days. They will be the guests of Mrs. Marvin Cclm.^ Mr. Nelson Tift; erstwhile Albanlap, is mingling with his friends In the city today. THE BALTIC A Swell Dress Shoe Lace and Button ;• / * • r,w»oeJi Nji ew**it v jS HOB FOR GENTtCMEM at Ekrlick s. Mr. B. O. Bridges, of Amerlcus, was among the well-known visitors In the city yesterday. Miss Eugenia Huntley left the city yesterday morning for Bainbrldge', where she will visit friends a few days. Mrs. T. E. Maultsby, who has been ill the past week at her home on Pine street, is improving. Mr. J. B. Livingston, of Blakely, spent yesterday in the city with friends. Mr. Will R. Joiner leaves the city this afternon for a drumming tour of a few days, Mr. Harry Kline, of Moultrie, was mingling with friends in Albany yes terday. Mr. H. E. McCollum spent yester day In Baconton, the guest of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Yeoman, of Cen tury, were among the shoppers in the city this morning. Mr. Bernard Allen, of Camilla, has moved to this city, and Albany will be his home In future. Mr. Allen has accepted a position with Mr. R. C. Batman. Mr. Clarence Thornton spent yester day In Columbus. He returned to the city this morning, accompanied by his wife, who visited there last week. Miss Carl Glausler, of Pelham, is visiting at the home of Mr. J. M. Oliver, in Arcadia. Mr. HerBChel Glausler spent yester day in Pelham. Mr. H. J. Tyler, of Georgetown, Ga„ Is attending to business affairs in the city today. Mr. P. B. Hofmayer left the city tills, morning for a commercial tour. • Messrs. W. C. and C. E. Hay, of Syl vester, and Mr. C. E. Bass, of Cordele, are the guests of relatives In the city today. Mr. J. E. Moore, of Amerlcus, could not resist the temptation to spend yes terday with his Albany friends. After a visit to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stanley, Dr. and Mrs. C. Z. McArthur returned to Fort Valley yesterday. Miss Gertrude Farkas left the city this morning for Sumter, S. C., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Jack Harby. Miss Sarah Tyler will entertain the; Young Ladles’ Euchre Club on Thurs-i day afternoon at the Tyler cottage In Arcadia. Bliss Triumph, Early Rose and Peer-’ less Seed, Irish Potatoes, 60c peck. Phone 70, W. E. FIELDS. JfOST — Ong Crescent Bicycle, chaini wheel, coll spring seat, top frame bar slightly bent. Lost about three weeks ago. Reward for return to N. F. Tift. 29-3t Contracted Chronic Diarrhoea While in the Philippines. While with the U. S. Army In the Philippines, I contracted chronic diar rhoea. I suffered severely from this terrible disease for over three years and tried the prescriptions of numer ous physicians, but found nothing that did me any good until I tried Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, two small bottles of which entirely cured me, and I have since had no return of the disease."—Her man Stein, 212 N. Union Ave., Pueblo, Colorado. For sale by Sale-Davis Drug Co.' - Whether a gas plant Is established or not, Albany will have plenty of good electric lights—and a supply for a long time to come. Furious Fighting. “For seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., “I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don’t in tend in the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by Albany Drug Co., druggists, at 60c. bottle. Try them today. =THREE EXTRA SPECIALS IN= Desirakle Merchandise FOR THIS WEEK’S SELLING. Ladies’ Shirt Waists at less th^n half , regular prices. This group comprises two lots. | LOT 1—Contains 23 Waists in taffeta and louisene silk, colors white red, navy, reseda and myrtle green—all sizes. The former prices were $5.90, $6.50, $7.50 and $9.75. Specially priced this week at $3.98. * LOT£2—Contains !14 Waists in white batiste, china silk and black taffeta in all sizes;Tformer prices $3.50 and $3.90. Specially priced this week at $1.98. w omen s Tailored. Than One Suits Half, at Les s Our one-half price sale on these garments left us with 30 desirable ,suits; these we are going to close out regardless of their former cost. -Sizes are complete, and styles most desirable. Prices on this lot ranged from $12.50 to $15.00. . , > I Your choice now for $5*90. An Extra Special m Womens Gloves X vy*-: •* • ; 1 ' This week we’ll offer our entire stock of women’s gloves at the following prices. They are all as good as gloves can be made and are perfect in every particular. ! • Women’s $1.75 kid gloves in tan and white; specially priced at....$1.29 Women’s 1.50 “ “ all sizes and colors; specially priced at 98c Women’s 1.00 “ “ regular stock, all colors, all sizes, at 79c Women’s 1.00 “ , Pinkston stock,, in black only, all sizes; this glove is not guaranteed—specially price at, a pair,' - / V 59c Wool and silk gloves, all sizes; regular 50c quality, a pair, - - 39c Cashmerette self-lined gloves, regular 25c quality, a pair, - - 19c A Wonderful Theory. Gladys—I don’t like this egg, auntie. It’s not good. Auntie—Nonsense, dear! It was only laid yesterday. Gladys- Well, then, it must have been laid by a bad hen. Still In the Future. Cashier (coughing)—Pardon me, I did not catch your last name. Ethel (blush ing)—I haven’t caught It yet myself.— Cleveland Leader. Timely Toilet Suggestions When cold winds blow it behooves ’you to look to your toilet accessories. There’s hardly F an article, of recognized value, for beautifying and preserving the complexion, teeth and nails, [that is Jnot included" in our stock. If it’s good, it’s here. V \ Albany Drug Co. Cured Hie Mother of Rheumatism. “My mother has been a sufferer for manv years from rheumatism,” says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pennsyl vania. At times she was . unable to move at ail, while at all times walk ing was pain'ul. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and after a few applications she de cided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried; in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was -formerly trou bled with." For sale by Sale-Davis Drug Co. Seed Oats, Horse Oats, 1 ; Corn, Hulls and Meal 'For Sale at Miller Many New Spring Linens, Cotton and Wash Goods for Your Inspection. } Linen waistings, a remarkable value; 36 in. wide, the .yard,- * - 25c Brown dress linen, 27 in. wide; special, the ydrd, , - - ' 19c The 1906 cotton and wash goods are growing more in evidence each day—select them now, it gives you a gpo^ chance to pick the new things for present need. You also get an insight into tfte correct materials for coming spring. " Rosenberg Brothers, Mr [ THE ONE PRICE PEOPLE. ’ SPECIAL s MUSIC OFFER! For 30 days we will have a Special Sale of the McKinley Edition of Classic and Popular SHEET MUSIC both Vocal and Instrumental, 1000 copies will be offered for 30 days, at 5c perl copy. This is a chance for anyone to stock their music library.' We are doing this to advertise Ms Edi tion. Teachers of . music, this is YOUR opportunity, Cata logues free for the asking. . Pianos and Organs sold on easy payments. LONSGERG’S BOOH IB MUSIC HOUSE. MAX CASSEL <& SISTER I ’ . ' - I . . We will sell Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits 40 per cent. IeasOthan > they aro marked. You 'are sure to Ret a bargain. Also Misses’ and, Children’s Kid Gloves yvorth $1 for 60c. All Millinery reduoed 60 per cent. Corsets with supporters, for mer price 50c and 75c, will sell now for 35c. MAX CASSfcL <& SISTER GROCERY CO. 1906 Improved New Home Spwing Machines Latest Style Double Ring, Ball Bearing. Lightest and best on the market. I swap for the old Machine. I will overhaul and furoiBh parts, attachments and needles for any make of Machine. W. F. FLOYD, Mgr. ’Phone 362. Albany. Co- SO Broad Street. Don't bet money on the ' Governors race—it is gamb ling. Simply wage a case of Flint Rock Ginger Ale. Its better form and~you have something to live for. 7 JAMES =T= XIFT MANN Attorney and Counsellor at- Law. Ventulett Building Office With Georgia Cotton Co. Constructors of ; - Cement Sidewalks, > Cement Curbing, , Cement Coping, 1 Vitrified Brick Driveways. Concrete work of all kinds. We have installed here a stone crusher, concrete mixer. In fact a complete plant for the construction of concrete and while we ate doing the street paving and Air plant is in operation parties desiring to construct sidewalks or other concrete work cun haev It done at a very much lower price than after the street work !■ completed and pur plant Is moved away. We solicit your patronage and will be glad to,render you an estimate for such work as you may have in con templation. , ' •