The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 06, 1906, Image 2
k- THE ALBANY DAI..Y HERALD] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 1906. Albany Herald —BY The— [Herald Publishing Co. H. M. Mclntoih. President H. T. McIntosh See. A Trees. Jno. A. Davis.. Bus. Mdr. Every Afternoon Bxeept Sunday. Weekly (8 pages) Every Saturday. COLONEL MANN'S TRIAL. | Tried to Whip the Editor. Col. W. D. Mann, the "Town Topics” i F om the K»r... O”- .To-’rn'I. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Herald, one year $5.00 Dally Herald, alx months 2.60 Dally Herald, three monthe 1.28 Weekly Herald. 8 pages, one year 1.00 ad* and All aubserlptlona payable In Sk vance. Advertising rates reasonable made known on application. Carda of thanks, resolutions of rs- spent and obituary notices, other than those which tfie paper Itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents a line, ex cept when such notices are publish- , ed by charitable organizations, when a special rate will be named. Notices of church and society and t - all other entertainments from which a revenue Is to be derived, beyond a brief announcement, will be charged for at the rate of 5 cents a line. ' Office second floor Postofflce Build ing, corner of Jackson and Pine streets. The Herald deals with advertising agents by apeolal contract only, and ho ■'advertising agent or agency Is au thorized to take contracts for advsr- tleements to bs Inserted In this paper. VHE HERALD IS ""official Organ of the City of Albany. Offiolal Organ of Dougherty County. Official Organ of Baker County. Official Organ of the Railroad Com- ' mission of Georgia for the 8soond Congressional District editor whose remarkable genius for extracting large sums of money from hlgh-rollers of social and financial prominence Is now well known. Is on trial In New York on, a charge of per jury, growing out of the Hupgootl libel suit, but recently concluded. Colonel Mann will receive no sym pathy. The hope Is well-nigh univer sal that he will be adjudged guilty, and will receive the limit of the law In tho way of punishment. Charity for others Is something which “Town Topics " never knew, and charity will now hardly come Colonel Mann’s way. It woujd be a lino thing for the fu ture of American Journalism If a shining example wore to be made of tills gold-thirsty old leech. The revela tions of tho Hnpgood trial were start ling. They laid bare conditions which were not dreamed of, becuuso It was not believed possible that they could exist. That wholesale blackmail could be practiced on such victims as the vile Mann publication caught In Its net would never have been believed had not the overwhelming evidence of reputable witnesses been adduced to prove It. An example Is noeded for the sake of the future. Colonel Mnnn Is the nlng mark, and all Join In the fer vent hope that he will get "all that's coming to him.” TELEPHONES: ' Edlforltl Room* and Buslno** Of fice, 60. Composing Room and Job Printing Office, 60—3 rings. If you as* It In The Herald It’a *o. If ygti advert Is* In Tb* Herald It yea*. (rFFr "it 1 TUESDAY, — FEBRUARY 6, 1906. 'aiau ■t .mi" r . Tho real winter weather wafted for inry. The farmers, of all other, classes pught to bo In favor of good roads. Ergonopliobln Is the new scientific name for what plain folk call laziness. ; Cool waves come nnd cool waves go, but the coal bill waves on forevor. Albany Is enjoying a season of un precedented growth without hnvlng anything like a boom. Albany never Tyan a boom town and never will be » bum town. The hope Is vain that tho Census .I Bureau will ever be able to formulute a cotton crop estimate that will bo dually satisfactory to the hulls nnd the bears. A visitor who had been prospecting In Albany for several days was heard to remark, yesterday, that all that A1 bitty needed to make It a perfect city wo-o n street oar line nnd a gas plant. me of the midshipmen expelled IBSt 1 the naval academy ut Annapo lis for hazing has been pardoned by the President, and has resumed his position, nnd the probability Is that , tho others will be pardoned. Down In Izzard county, darkest Ar kansas, they do things up brown, says Bent Murdock. An editor called a member of the legislature a “lop- eared liar,” and tl^e member went In to the office to lick the editor. After minute’s conversation the editor man threw the “lop-eared liar” out of the window on to a shed roof, whloh was rotten, and the legislature man fell through to the porch below, light ing on a sleeping dog. The dog rose up and bit tho man on the arm, where upon the “lop-eared liar” kicked the dog. At this moment the owner of the dog, hearing a commotion, rushed around the corner, very mad. It Ib not safe to kick an Izzard county dog, so the owner of the dog kicked tho “lop-earod liar” off the porch Into a convenient horBc trough. About this time the member of the legislature concluded thnt he was a lop-eared Idiot and went home. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA. RAILWAY. Arrival and Departure of Trains s' Albany, Ga. In Effect Jan. 8. 1906. DEPARTURES: For Dothan, Florala and Lock hart 7:45 am For Dothan, Floralia and Lock hart 3:50 pm For Macon, Atlanta, Augus ta, ColumbuB, Savannah.. 4:06am For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Troy....11:64am For Macon. Atlanta. Savan nah 9:00pm Senator Patterson’s action yester day in “bucking" the Democratic cau cus was spectacular, to say the least of It. The senator evidently chafed beyond the point of endurance under the plan to bind the minority to a vote on the Dominican treaty and he rath er stirred things up when he treated the upper house to an Impromptu dis sertation on “the rights of Senators voting on treutlos." There la a great deal of truth In tho Colorado states man's contentions, though the caucuB Is Indispensable to both the majority and minority of large legislative bodies, If" party organizations are to be maintained. In the present case, further developments, as promised by tho Colorado Senator, are awaited with no small degree of Interest. The Worst Kickers. Fr' - "’ t,h«» PhOMp’nJiH Rponnl Cotton glnners’ reports are sub stantially records of facts, and there fore the cotton growers have Insisted upon the publication of glnners’ esti mates of unglnried cotton, which, of course, can not be facts; can not be anything but guesses. The guesses are no more satisfactory than the facts. They Indicate 250,000 bales of cotton still unginned, whereas the re ports of the cotton ginned were al ready too big to suit the growers. Hence the Southern people are con demning these estimates, while the spinners point out that 1,643 glnners have not yet guessed at the remain ing cotton, and It Is likely to exceed a quarter million bales. The wheat growers and the tobacco growers have done some kicking, but for vio lent and uninterrupted 'denunciation of all figures hot in their own Interest no clasB of producers compares with the cotton growers. ARRIVAL8: From Lockhart, Florala nnd Dothnn 8:46 pm From Lockhart, Florala- and Dothan 11:40am From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am From Montgomery, Troy, Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma . con, Montgomery, Colum bus 11:30 pm ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars be- The strike of coni miners seems to be coming right along, and the coun try can but look forward to It with dread. Thnt It will bo a bitter, long- drawn-out battle, with determination animating both sides, Is hardly to be doubted in vlow of the elaborate pre parations thnt are bolng made, and the character of tho news that eman ates from sources of Information on both sldeu. And remembering strikes of the past, we fervently exclaim, “May this one be averted!" Now .plans for the High School building are now In procoss of prop- nr itlon, nnd will he ready in a few d\v3. It Is still hoped that the bulld- , log will be completed by the middle of September, when the next school • term will begin Japan expects to Increase the ton- unge of her navy to 400,000 by the end of tho fiscal year of 1907-08. It is evi dent that tho little Island kingdom has no Idea of being caught napping. In creasing presttgo hns brought Increas ing responsibility, nnd likewise the In creasing envy of other world powers. Jupan Is wIbp, She knows what she may expect If sfie be not pi;epnred to take care of herself In the crucial.hour which may come with hut brief warn ing. i Editor John Temple Graves, of the Atlanta Nows, In being enjoined by an order of the court not to discuss his r« ’u candidacy for tho United States Senate, nor to write anything about the six gubernatorial candidates, is hvtly hampered indeed in the midst or so much politics and political dis- gcitsslon. Might as well give a fellow the itch and fix him so lie couldn’t scratch. YWe feel sure that it will be gratl tying to the friends of The Herald to know that the paper has shared In the gocernl growth and prosperity en joyed by Albany and its business en ter] irises during the past year. The fh;cal year of the Herald Publishing pmpany ended on the first of Feb- proved the most prosperous in company's history, as attested by [lie report made by the business man ager to the annual meeting of the * stockholders held at the office of the m company yesterday afternoon. A eounle of British ueromuits linvc crossed the English channel In a bal loon, traveling from London to a point near East Bourne, France, but no hardy swimmer 1ms yet succeeded In dolpg tho trick with only the Imple ments supplied by nature. It is about time, however, for some venturesome athlete to try to do the trick again— and full. — Miss Alice Roosevelt will receive magnificent wedding gifts from most of the crowned heads of Europe, and In future years Hubby Longworth will nt frequent intervals find it necessary to go deep Into tho family purse nnd “put up" for similar remembrances on the occasion of the marriages of roy alty in the Old World. The nntl-Ainerlcan feeling In China Is evidently fast approaching a point where "open violence will follow the retaliatory tactics heretofore em ployed by commercial organizations in the Celestial Empire. lu the mean time, Congress jogs contentedly along, evidently caring nothing tor the future and forgetful of lessons pasL tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parlor car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p, m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m. For further Information apply to S. A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or R 8. Morris, Commercial Agent, Al bany, Ga JAMES TIFT MANN Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ventulett Bulldina To draw the Are out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls, soreB, tetter, eczema and dll skin and scalp diseases, use DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe cific for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DeWltt’s— ,ne genuine. Do You Use THE MEN of most fastidious tastes, as. well as men of all physiques, can make satisfactory selection of their Spring and Summer needs, from the well-known assortment of Made-to-Meat-.ure materials, shown by Strouse & Bros., makers of the Celebrated HIGH ART CLOTHING. Their expert cutter will be at our store Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEBRUARY 1, 2 and 3 A supply of good bread is a certificate of health and a guarantee of peace. Our Breads Do not “just happen” to be good—not an accident, but the flour and shortening and yeast we use and the baker, too, are all the best and highest grade money can get, and it is this reason that our breads are always a success. Just get one dollars worth of tickets and have the bread wagon call for your convenience. IVIock&Rawson SEABOARD .NO. 811 2:10p.m. 2:39 p.m. 2:54p.m. AIR LINE Schedule Effective July 3 RAILWAY. 1905—90th Meridian Time. NORTH Lv ..Albany. No. 71’ |i No. Xo WEST l:30r.m.|i 2:l0p.m.|Lv 12:63p.m.| 12:36p.m. Ar Lv ..Saeser.. Ar Lv . Dawson Ar 56p.m.lLv .Richland. Ar 1l:31a.m.l 5:15p.m.lAr Columbus Lv;to.l6a.m.l »:8Rn.m.lAr . .Atlanta.. Lvl F.:40a.m.| 1 Vie A, A N. Ry. | 2:00 m.|Lv ..Albany.. Arj S:25p.m.l ’•05.1,m.:' v fnrdele Ar| 1:25p.m.I 7:15a.m.|Ar NewOrleana 8:15p.n 8:OOp.m.lAr Savannab Lvl 7:15a.m.l' R-44n.m I Ar St. Ixmis. t - 1 «-nn,V 4:16p.m. 6:47p.m. 6:23p!m. :45p.m. 11:30p.m. 5:00a.m. 2:55a.m. Albany Ar. z», Lv .Lumpkin. Ar|ll;12a.» Lv Hurtsboro . y)r| 9:36a.n Lv .Ft. Davis. Ar| 8:66a.n Ar N'tgomery Lv| 7:S0a.n> Ar ..Selma.. Lvl 5:00a,a Ar Pensacola Lvlll:05pi* Ar ..Mobile . Lr'l2-'40e.n On week days No. 110 leaves Albany at 6:30 a. m„ arriving Dawson 7:25 u. m. nnd Richland S: 45 a. m., connecting at Richland with trains for Columbus, Amerlcus nnd Savannah. No. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich land and Montgomery for all points West via L. & N. and M. & O. R. Ry. at Columbus and Atlanta with all lines diverging for Eastern and North ern points. Full Information upon application to: any SEABOARD Agent. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. W. P. SCRUGGS, T. P. A., Savannah, Ga. CHARLES F. STEWART, A. G. P. A„ Savannah, Ga. K. PRAY. President. A. P. VASON, Vico Prosidcnt EDWIN STERNE. Cashier. This Bank welcomes the account of the small depositor, whose business receives the same careful attention as that of the larger one. Deposit your money with us and draw checks in payment of your bills. These checks, when paid, are your receipt. < The Citizens National Bank, • / Of Albany, Ga. . Fernland Farms .. Hairy Department Swf*et Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 and will be glade to receive your order. Faultless Fit, Superior Workmanship and Up-to-Date Styles. S. B. Brown & Co. r Georgia Northern Railway Go. ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. X Read Up. No. 6 No. 4 No. 2 1 Effective Oct. 4th, No. 1 No. 3 Daily 1905. Su. only Dally Ex. Sun.| STATIONS. Dally Daily 7:30ara 3:50pm 7:30am Lv. ... Albany . . Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm S:24am 4:44pm 8:24am Ar, .. Ticknor . . Lv. 10:40am 7:15pm 8:30am 4:50pm 8:30am Ar. ... Doe run . . Lv. 10:35am 7:10pm 9:10am 6:30pm 9:10am Ar. .. Moultrie . Lv. 10:00am 6:35pm 9:30am 5:45pm 1:16pm Lv Ar. 8:05am 5:15pm 10:10am G :25pm 1:55pm Ar. .... Pavo .. .. Lv. 7:20am! 4:30pm 10:45am 7:00pm 2:30pm Ar. ... Boston . . Lv. 6:50am 4:00pra Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nos. 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele, Savan nah, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All trains make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Ga. Ry. points, Including Atlanta, Macon, Amerlcus and Montgomery. Sleep ing car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. Connections at Ticknor, via F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul trie via A. & B. for TIfton and Thomasvllle. S. A. ATKINSON, 1). T. A.. G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr. Albany, Ga. Moultrie, Ga, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. PAS8ENGER SCHEDULES. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES AT ALBANY, GA. IN EFFECT JULY 25, 1905. DEPARTURES For Waycross, Brunswick and Point* South and East. Train No. 89 Leaves. Train No. 95 Leaves . . 12:50 am . .2:09 pm and For Thomasvllle, Montlccllo Points West. Train No. 71 Leaves 4:00 pm Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am ARRIVALS From Waycross, Brunswick Points South and East. Train No. 94 Arrives. Train No. 90 Arrives. . .11:50pm •. 3:20 am From Thomasvllle, Monticell: Points West. Train No. 72 Arrives li Train No. 74 Arrives 7 S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. & R’Y. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES. NO. 18. Lv. Albany ... ,12:C0noon Lv. Savannah Ar. Cordele 1:25pm Lv. Atlanta Ar. Savannah ...S:00pm S.A.L.Ry Lv. Macon _ „ M| „ 0 Kr Ar. Macon ......4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am g! s! 41 Ar, Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry Lv. Cordele 2:10pm Ar. Atlanta 7:50pm C.-of Ga. Ry Ar. Albany 3:35pm NO. 17. -■ 7-l5a m 8.A.L. ■ ••S:00am C.ofGa • 11:30am G. S. &F. NO. 16. Albany a-30pm Cordele 6:15pm Macon 9:35pm G. 8. & F.Ry Helena 9:30pm S. A. L.Ry NO. .15. Lv. Macon .. . .6:45am G. S. & F.I Lv. Helena 5:30am S.A.L.1 Lv. Cordele 9:30am Ar. Albany ....11:15am For additional information, rates, etc., address A. V. PHILLIPS, Com’l Agt., Albany, Ga. j 3 CRFWfi 8. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt V. P. 4 a. M AlhW o J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting | Freight and Pasaenger Agent Cordele Gt’ ' INDSTINCT PRINT