Newspaper Page Text
E. H. DENISON—Dentin.
This weather can't be beat.
Cabbage plants (or sale.
Witn all the mud off, Washington
street looks like the original real
Arrived, Ten carloads of Dry. Pine
Wood. Albany Coal & Wood Co.
A Bluffer, Always.
W. 6. Bell & Son.
“Bell Prices Ring True.”.
Toilet Sets
The most exquisite line m South
\Ve have them for the Pink Room,
Blue R oom. Green Room and Red
Room, all delicately tinted. Plain
and white ones with or without
Prices ranging from $2.75 to $ 16
Call and see them even if you don t buy.
S. A. fe? W. T. Freeman.
19 0 6
[.Improved New Home
Sewing Machines
Latest Style
Double King, Ball Bearing.
Lighten and best on the market.
I swap (or tho old Muchtuo.
I will overhaul and furnish purts,
i Attachments and needles for any
1 make of Machine.
m: F. FLOYD. Mgr.
'Phono 362. Albany, Ga.
J. 8. Davis.
T. W. Ventulatt
J. S. DAVIS & CO.,
.Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
once Co.
Office—Ventulett Building,
i i—'Phones—348—88—1Z2—:—
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup
^.Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and
expels all cold from the sys-
Um by acting bb a cathartic on the-
bgwels. Kennedy's Laxative Honey
jmd Tar is a certain, safe and harm
less cure for colds, croup and whoop
ing cough.
Society Is not booming this week as
It did last. There are a number of
prominent social events this week, but
not as many.
Just received a car of the Celebrated
Brown Wagons and Drays.
Mast Rave Luxuriant and Glossy Hairy
No Matter What Color.
The finest contour of a female face, the
sweetest smile of a female mouth, loeea
something If the head Is crowned with
scant hair. Scant and falling hair. It la
now known, Is caused by a parasite that
burrows Into the ecalp to the root of the
hair, where It saps the vitality. The lit
tle white scales the germ throws np Id
burrowing age called dandruff. To euro
dandruff permanently, then, and to stop
falling hair, that germ must be killed.
Newbro's Herpldde, an entirely new re
sult of, the chemical laboratory. destroys
the dandruff germ, and, of course, stops
the falling hntr, and prevents baldness.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In
Stamps for sample to The Herpldde Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Alhanv lirnr Hneejnl Aronrs
Great Capacity.
Here’s a chance to save dollars. By buytug uu w
you will be given the pleasure of a new Heater for the '
remainder of the present winter, and will have it ready
fof service when the thermometer begins to fall next
• The juts apply to all grades of Heaters, the med-
m and most expensive grades alike.
Tho prospects of Albany having a
groat aggregation of baseball players
this season is mighty good. Alban
ians are going to he treated to some
good diamond work.
Don’t waste time with green wood.
Try our new supply. Albany Coal &
Wood Co.
Get In line with Albany’s march,
and move forward with her. There Is
no bettar way to do this than to join
hands with those who are working so
assiduously In the name of the Al
bany Business League.
Etireka Ljhie,
Beston earth.
Cruger & Pace.
“Hello, neighbor, where did you get
that nice harness?" “At the Albany
Buggy Co.’s, of course. They keep the
best line of Buggies and Harness of
any house in Geoigla.” 3-Gt
The Albany Guards will hold a com
pulsory meeting at the Auditorium,
their new armory, tonight. Those who
don’t come of their own free will will
be takon there, It Is said. The mem
bers of the company will receive their
uniforms and equipment tonight.
The New Cough Syrup—the one that
acts ns a mild cathartic on the bowels
—Is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. It expels all cold from the sys
tem, outs the phlegm out of the throat,
strengthens the mucous membranes of
the bronchial tubes, and relieves
croup, whooping cough, etc. Children
love It. Sold by Albany Drug Co.,
HllBman-Salo Drug Co.
Messrs. Ed. R. and Clayton Jones
yesterday purchased from Mr. A. F.
Churcliwcll part of building lot No.
03, on Tift street, and from Mr. C, W.
Rawson an Improved lot on Society
A man whq once bad rough, horny
hands made them soft and smoth with
Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the
genuine—that bearing the name “E. C.
DeWItt & Co.. Chicago.'' For sores,
bolls, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. It has
no equal, and affords almost Immedi
ate relief from blind bleeding. Itching
and protruding Plies. Sold by Albany
Drug Co., HUsman-Sale Drug Co.
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Laths,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass
and Putty, Mantels, OrateB and Tile,
Wall Paper and Paints at
0. D. SMITH'S.
WANTED—Young Indy, to help in
photograph gallery. Holland’s Stu
dio. , 5-3t
There’s no argument about it —
| something great is going to be doing
in politics in this particular neck of
; the woods soon. One can see the
sides lining up for the clash, and such
a clash as there will be, if all Indica
tions fail not. A little politics every
now and then wont’ hurt.
LOST—Small violet pin, diamond set
ting. Suitable reward for return to
Y. G. Hilsman. 3-3t
8,000 stalks of green and red seed
sugar cane for sale, ready for de
livery as desired. J. J. sMcCranie.
Attention, Dove Shooters.
The next shoot In the baited dove
Held on the Farkas place, live miles
south of town, will occur about Mon
day or Tuesday of next week. The
field Is still being baited', and shooting
therein will bo prohibited until the
time selected, due announcement of
which will be made. The charge for
each gun will be $1, to cover cost.
Several parties who participated In
last Friday’s shoot have not yet paid
their assessments. They are re
quested to come forward at once and
settle. Payment in advance will be re
quired for the next shoot
Frightfully Burned.
Chan. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright
fully burned in an electrical furnace.
He applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
with the usual result: “a quick and
perfect cure.” BGreatest healer on
earth for Rums, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema and Piles. 25c at Albany Drug
Regular meeting of Artesian City
Lodge, No. 30, Knights of Pythias, at
Castle Hall this evening. The at
tendance of visiting brothers and all
members of the local lodge is request
ed. By order of tho Chancellor Com
mander. H. ROBINSON,
K. of R. & S.
Extra fine Lemons, 25c doz. Flori
da Oranges, 30c doz. Coconnuts, 5c
and 10c each.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Afraid of 8trong Medicines.
Many people sufTer for years from
rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so
rather than take the strong medicines
usually given for rheumatism, not
knowing that quick relief from pain
may be had simply by applying Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm and without tak
ing any medicine internally. Rev.
Amos Parker, of Magnolia, North Car
olina. suffered for eight years with a
lame hip, due to severe rheumatic
pains. He has been permanently
cured by the free application of Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Hils-
man-Sale Drug Co.
The Millionaire — I discharged my
last chauffeur because he got drunk.
The Chauffeur—You won’t have to
discharge me on that account. I can
drink all day and never feel it.
Tomatoes and Okra, Corn and To
matoes, 2-lb. cans, 3 for 26c.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited. ,
Ella—A man is as old as he feels.
Stella—How about a woman?
Ella—She is as young as she can
bluff people Into thinking she is.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the
Mother's Favorite. !
The soothing and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have
made It a favorite with people every
where. It Is especially prized by
mothers of small children, for colds,
croup and whooping cough, as it al
ways affords quick relief, and as it
contains no opium or other harmful
drug, It may be given as confidently to
a baby as to an -adult. For sale by
Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
An ivory Mat.
Many people have never even heard
of such u tiling, and It is not to be
wondered nt, for those mats are ex
ceedingly rare, and it Is sakl by those
who know that only three of these
beautiful curiosities exist in the whole
world. The one we now write about Is
the largest one made. It measures 8
by 4 feet and. though made in a small
hill state In the north of India, has an
almost Greek design for its border. It
was only used on stntc occasions, when
the rajah sat on it to slgii Important
documents. The orig'nnl cost of the mat
Is fabulous, for (1.400 pounds of Ivory
were used in i^s manufacture. The fin
est strips of ivory must have been tak
en off the tusks, as* the mat Is as flex
ible as a woven stuff and beautifully
flue.—London Graphic.
Sen Water and Colds.
The delusion that sea water does not
give cold Is accountable for much harm.
A chill may be caught by wetting from
sen water ns quickly as by wetting
from any other water. There Is ft
certain stimulation to the skin from
salt, no doubt but that does not pre
vent chills from indiscriminate ex
posure to wetting by salt water, and
chills are fertile causes of Illness. Chill
to the lower part of the body is always
dangerous to nny one. It Is much more
so to n child than'to a groyn person,
though many people seem ft think the
reverse Is the ease.
All old-time Cough Syrups bind the
bowels. This is wrong. A now idea
was advanced two years ago in Ken
nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. This
remedy acts on the mucous mem
branes of the throat and lungs and
loosens the bowels at the same time.
It expels all cold from the system. It
clears The throat, strengthens the mu
cous membranes, relieves coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-
Sale Drug Co.
SET of beautifully decorated imported China.
Three patterns to select from. Stock limited.
We have also just received several genuine
HAVILAND one hundred and two piece Dinner
Sets which we are offering at the low price of
The Set.
These goods are as dainty and delicate as you
would wish them to be, and if your table is
not supplied .with such China as you desire,
this is your gpportunity.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leaders in High Grade Goods.
A Notice of
As our fiscal year closes on
February first, we earnestly re
quest that all those who have
accounts with us set
tle same on or before that
Notice is also given that ac
counts not settled on or before
this date will not be increased.
If you can not settle your ac
count with us, please do not put.
us in the embarrassing and un
pleasant position of having to
refuse to increase it. We mean
no affront to any one, but shall
rigidly enforce this rule to all.
Is still doing business at his old
place over the First National Bank,
•amples of all the new colorings In
all and winter fabrics are read; for
napectlon. Our styles appeal forci
bly to well dressed gentlemen, and
our prices are as low as is consistent
with good workmanship.
The T ailcr
Attotnay-at-taw, Alb.,,.* r.
I am bonded in the following well-
known companies. Every claim is
United States Fidelity and Guaran
ty Co., Attys. Dept., Baltimore, Md.;
The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept
New York; The Association of Bond-
ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, wis ; Mar-
tindale Mercantile Agency, New York;
Martlndale’s Guide, New York; United
Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I represent 40 other well-known
mercantile agencies. All business re-
ceives prompt attention and money
remitted same day collected.