The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 10, 1906, Image 2
)any Herald —BY THE— erold Publishing Co. McIntosh. olntoih.. Davis. .President .See. A Tress. 1 .Bus. Mir. y Afternoon Except Sunday, kly (8 pages) Every Saturday. IMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. i J d, one year.....*...$5.00 d, six months 2.60 d, three months 12S, ekly Herald, 8 pages, one year 1.00 IV subscriptions payablo la ad* ce. dvertlslng rates reasonable and le known on application, ards of thanks, resolutions of re- and obituary notices, other than which the paper Itself may give matter of news, will be charged at the rate of 10 cents a line, ex- .when such notices are publish- by charitable organizations, when special rate will be named. 1 Notices of church and society and ill other entertainments from which i revenue Is to be derived, beyond a lef announcement, will be charged Or at the rate of 5 cents a line. Office second floor Postoffice Build- corner of Jackson and Pine eta. ; ■=«=—== The Herald deals with advertising agents by special contract only, and ho advertising agent or agency Is au thorized to take contracts for adver tisements to'be Inserted In this paper. afr 1 - '*• ===== THE HERALD 18 "Official Organ of the City of Albany. Official Organ of Dougherty County. Official Organ of Baker County. Offlolal Organ of the Railroad Com mission of Georgia for the Sebond ongresslonal District J\ TELEPHONES! Editorial Rooma and Business Of- floe, 60. Room and Job Printing : rings. nee, eu. Composing Office, 60—5 i ydu see It In The Herald It’s so. fyoii advertise In The Herald It goes. r—- ■ ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1906. • The fate of "Bluebeard" Hoch seems tf> have been sealed, but Lawyer Pat- 'ffoR is still able to see the light : abe In’ receipt of a letter from i)U applicant for work ,at a type case [r job press.' The writer Informs us at he is .“11 years old, haa no bad bits, and Is Blngle.” He evidently illbvea In being explicit. ?; | Sal's (lie .Orlffln News: "We nwalt .the Chntge that It was one of tho other l:.' candidates' who set lire to tho Janies M. Smith Science Hall nt the Stato Norton!. School, which was burned to ground tho other day." AN APPEAL TO BE AN8WERED. The Georgia Industrial Home will celebrate Its seventh anniversary on the 22nd Inst., and advantage Is being taken of the fact to call the attention of Georgians to the crying needs of the Institution, its opportunities and Its hopes. There are now 160 children In the Home, which Is at all times crowded to Its full capacity. Were its facilities greater, it could harbor scores, even hundreds, of boyB and girls for whom admission Is being sought and who are In sad need of tho moral and Industrial training which the Home provides. During the seven years of Its ex istence this Institution, "founded on faith In God and humanity,” has ac complished a great work. It has openod Its portals to children who were otherwise without hope amid the surroundings In whloh the emissaries of the Home found them, and has pointed them to futures full of prom ise. These boys and girls, brands snatched from the burning, ' are re ceiving that training of heart and hnnd which will eventually enable them to become useful members of society. Wlmt they might have been the mind shudders to contemplate. In tho anniversary appeal which is being made to the people of the state It Is stated that the substantial re sponse of tho Home’s friends Is ur gently needed. In other words, the In stitution wants financial help, and Its opportunities are going to be either Improved or crippled according as re sponse Is made to the present urgent call. Here Is a charity to which all de nominations, all creeds, can afford to open their hearts and their purses. May It never bo said of Georgians that they neglected It. Georgia has not furnlBhed a governor In many a long year, and he thinks It Is this section's time to send a chief executive to the capltol. Mrs. Myrlck observes that "it has been two weeks now since the steam ship Valencia was wrecked, and yet not an Atlanta man bobs up among the survivors.” .Great Britain’s monster bnttleshlp. the .“Dreadnought,” was successfully Unohed nt Portsmouth today. She will cost the British government sev en. and a half million dollars, and will bo the moBt powerful battleship afloat Where Man’e Influence is Fatal. From the London Telegraph. Man is the only animal which Is always accompanied by disease, ex cept those creatures that are his com panions, and share his patronage. There Is reason to believe that the denizens of the forests, the veld, the rivers, and the ocean, so far as they escape man’s Influence, live, with hardly an exception, healthy lives. Chronic ailments begin with man’s protection in the dairy, stable and kennel. Man has created artificial conditions with which tho "thousand Ills that flesh is heir to” are asso ciated. It Is now his supreme task to bring these conditions into harmony with the laws of Ills being. Sickness and debility are not to be regarded as natural and Inevitable pnrts of our heritage, but as tho fruits of rebellion against nature's laws, nnd, therefore, to be got rid of. If the human fam ily dwelt In ventilated houses, breath ed pure air, lived temperately with little or no aldbhol, and took daily-ex ercise In the open, it would perhaps know little more of gout, rheumatism, cancer, fever, lumbago, dyspepsia, asthma and the host of infectious troubles than do the lower animals. iy : , Judge A. W. Fite Is getting some ' ,'mrlodorous notoriety out of Ills por no ution 'of tho Dalton Argus. He Is dining loose a string of boomerangs that will keep him out of Congress ic - dud bo coming back for years to knock liuleB In his conceit. ...- ... . Capt. James W. Eng’lsh <m-l cap*. W. H. Brotliorton, those two arch enemies of'Atlanta police board fame, arc preparing to resume operations, ns the terms of two of the present com- , njlrsloners are nbout to expire and the vacancies are sought by these two Irreconcilable feudists. HBflf Times are getting strenuous down til the county seat of Mitchell, and the Camilla Enterprise perpetrates Col. J. H. Estlll addressed the voters tho followingr "Well! Whnt has Ca- ( of Ware county at Waycross today, mllla done that she should have to and set at rest any fears which might :: wrestle with a carnival, a skating rink j have existed In nny quarter that he P• ■ • m . « .ii.. ...._i .11 | M ii-mll.1 li., n onn/H/lnin «,llllnnl #1 oolrlorl ami ■ THE MALIGNED MOTHER-IN-LAW. A Now Jersey man whose mother- in-law was being sued In a Philadel phia court for divorce took the witness stand on Wednesday to raise his voice In behalf of the defendant. He had only good things to say of her. He denounced ub false certain statements dorogntory to the character of the de fendant which had been made by pre vious witnesses, and wound up by as serting that If sho had been anything less than a most 'excellent woman, "she nover could have raised a girl like my wife.” The man who will side' with his mother-in-law and sing her praises tin dor nny and all conditions is rare but, happily, not altogether unknown. For we all know that the mother-in-law Is tho most mnllgned, slumlord! and misrepresented of all relations. To poke fun at her and minimize her vir tues hns becomo a well-defined hnblt with the American people, nnd Its out rageous consoquences are positively shameful. We happen to know some mothers- In-law who are ministering angels in homos that would be otherwise almost desolate. Many a mother's valued counsel has been lost, to have Its place filled by the mothor-ln-law's sago advice. Sho has brought bless ings to sons-tn-law and dnughters-ln- law to the number of millions, and if she wore not of nngellc mould would long ago have rtoen In rebellion against the systematic misrepresenta tion of which she hns been the uncom plaining subject. session of the city court all In would be a candidate without decided one week?" "Representative Longwortli, the son- V ln-law-olect of the President, is a fld- dlbr. A news Item says that Miss Alice Is continuing her dancing les- vlews on Important questions. Brief ly stated, Colonel Estlll stands op posed to negro disfranchisement; op posed to the division of the school fund between ths two races except under a more equitable arrangement ,''.soils. But the fiddling and dancing. Kian present exists, nnd opposed will 1 probably stop after the wedding,’ , t0 (.[did labor. Ho favors public own- the Savannah News. Oh, we e rshlp of school books, In the Interest I’t know! of the poor children of the state, nnd advocates the establishment of an Im migration station In Georgia. He lay : a great deal of stress on the fact that bur good friend, the Cordele Daily iiws, carries a patent medicine read- ..Vhlch sets forth strongly the vlr- ... ■i . whnt Georgia needs about all things ,'qf a certain well known remedy, ...... , . else is a business administration. Be- ch receives this parting shot: . j . Ing himself a business man, he con- the tens of thousands who . slders that he Is In position to fill the „ used this remedy, not one caBe ever been reported that has re- W Thc Savannah candidate also For sale by—, etc.” calls attention to the fact that South CENTRAL OF GEORGIA. RAILWAY. Arrival and Departure of Trains a< Albany, Ga. In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. DEPARTURES: For Dothan, Florala and Lock hart 7:45 am For Dothan, Floralla and Lock hart 3:60 pm For Macon, Atlanta, Augus ta, Columbus, Savannah.. 4:05am For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Troy....11:64am For Macon. Atlanta, Savan- nah ' -_9:00 pm arrivals: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 8f?6 pm From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 11:40 am From AuguBta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon...: 7:26 am From Montgomery, Troy, Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Mn con, Montgomery, .Colum bus ....*. 11:30 pm ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars be tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving at Albany at 7:26 a. m. and leaving Albany at 0:00 p. m. Parlor car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p. m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m. For further Information apply to S. A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or R 8. Morris, Commercial Agent, Al bany, Ga. To draw the Are out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe cific for plies. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DoWitt’s—the genuine. JAMES TIFT MANN Attorney and Counaellor at Law. Venttzlett Building HICKS* CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES To tfie Public: We will have at our store Feb ruary 9-10, Friday and Saturday, Mr. J. W. Alexander, represent" ing the well known tailors, L. E. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, 0., with a[ full line of samples of all the new styles and shades of Import" ed and Domestic Woolens for Men’s Clothing. We will be pleased to have you call and make a selection and get your measure taken while he is here. Yours truly, S. B. BROWN & CO. Do You Use A supply of good bread is a certificate of health and a guarantee of peace. Our Breads Do not “just happen” to he good—not an accident, but the flour and shortening and yeast we use and the baker, too, are all the best and highest grade money can get, and it is this reason that our breads are always a success. Just get one dollars worth of tickets and have the bread wagon call for your convenience. SEABOARD AIR LINE Schedule Effective July 3 II RAILWAY. 05—90th Meridian Time. No. so NORTH | No. 11 | No. 8o | 2:10p.m.|Lv ..Albany.. Ar l:30r.m. 2:39p.m.Lv . .Sasser.. Ar 12:53p.m. !:64p.m.|I«v .Dawsoa. Arl2:3Gp.m. 1: B5p.m.lLv . Rlchlsml. Ar 11:81a.m. 6:16p.m.|Ar Columbus Lv{ • :36p.m.lAr ..Atlanta.. Lvl 6:40a.m. I Via A. A N. Ry. j 2:00 rn.lLv ..Albany.. Ar| 3:25p.m. J:05j.m,ILv .cordele. Ari l:25p.m, R:00p.m.lAr Savannah Lv| 7:15a.m. WE8T No lup.m. 16p.m. 47p.m. 23p.m. :466.m. 30p.m. 00a.m. 55a.m. 15a.m.| 44p.m. Lv ..Albany. Ar Lv .Lumpkin. Ar Lv Hurtsboro Ar Lv .Ft. Davis. Ar Ar N’tgbmefy Lv Ar ..Selma.. Lv Ar Pensacola Lv Ar . .Mobile.. Lv Ar NewOrleans Lv Ar .SL Louis. Lv 12a.m ; 66&.ro : : :00a n On week days No. 110 leaves Albany nt 5:30 a. m„ arriving Dawson 7:25 a. in. nnd Richland 8:46 a. m., connecting at Richland with trains for Columbus, Americas nnd Snvannah. No. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich land and Montgomery lor all points West via L. & N. and M. & O. R. Ry. nt Columbus and Atlanta with all lines diverging for Eastern and North ern points. Full Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. W. P. SCRUGGS, T P. A., Savannah, Ga. CHARLES F. STEWART, A. G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. J. K. PRAY. President. A. P. VASON. Vice President EDWIN STERNE. Cashier. This Bank welcomes the account of the small depositor, whose business receives the same careful attention as that of the larger one. Deposit your money with us and draw checks in payment of your bills. These checks, when paid, are your receipt. The Citizens National Bank, Of Albany, Ga. Fern land Farms .. !Dairy Department Sw^et Cream • Rich Milk High Grade Butter "Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 Georgia Northern Railway Go. ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. i Read Up.. No. 6 No. 4 No. 2 | Effective Oct. 4th, No. 1 No. 3 Daily s» v. 19Q5.V , u JL Su. only Dally Ex. Sun.l STATIONS Dally Dally 7:30am 3:50pm 7:30am Lv. ... Albany . .. Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm 8:24am 4:44pm 8:24am Ar. .. Ticltnor . .. Lv. 10:40am 7:15pm . 8:30am 4:50pm 8:30am Ar. ... Doerun . .. Lv. 10:35am 7:10pm 9:10am 5:30pm 9:10am Ar. .. Moultrie .. Lv. 10:00am 0:35pm 9:30am 5:45pm 1:15pm Lv. Ar. 8:05am 5:15pm 10:10am 0:25pm 1:55pm Ar. .... Pavo .. .. Lv. 7:20am 4:30pm 10:46am 7:00pm 2:30pm Ar. ... Boston . .. Lv. 6:50am 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nos. 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele, Savaro- nalt, Macon and Atlanta, via A. Si N. All trains make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Ga. iJljv .points, including Atlanta, Macon, Amerlcus and Montgomery. Sleep ing car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:26 a. m. Connections at Tlbknor, via F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta. Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul trie via A. & B. for Tlfton and Thomasvllle. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A.. G. E. SMITH, prattle Mgr.. Albany, Gn. Moultrie, Ga, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES AT ALBANY, GA. IN EFFECT JUL Y 25, 1905. DEPARTURES For Waycross, Brunswick and Points • South and East. Train No. 89 Leaves Train No. 95 Leaves .12:50 am ..2:00 pm For Thomasvtlle, Monttcello and Points West. Train No. 71 Leaves 4:00 pm Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am ARRIVAL8 From Waycross, Brunswick Polnta South and East, and Train No. 94 Arrives. Train No. 90 Arrives. .11:60 DM . 3:20am From Thomaaville, Montlcello and Points West. Train No. 72 Arrives 11:35 ait Train No. 74 Arrives 7:15 pa S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. ALBANY & NORTHERN N’Y. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES. NO. 18. Lv. Albany ... ,12:00noon Ar. Cordele 1:25pm Ar. Savannah ...8:00pm S.A.L.Ry Ar.-Macon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry Ar. Atlanta .....7:50pm C.-of Ga.Ry NO. 16. Lv. Albany 1 '30pm Ar. Cordele 6:15pm Ar. Macon 9:35pm G. S. & F.Ry Ar. Helena 9:30pm S.A.L.Ry NO. 17. Lv. Savannah ...7-i5am S.A.L.B Lv. Atlanta 8:00am C.ofGa J Lv. Macon 11:30am G. S.&F.J Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. &F.B Lv. Cordele 2:10pm Ar. Albany 3:35pm NO. 15. Lv. Macon .. . ,6:45am G. S. & FJ Lv. Helena 5:30am S. A.L.] Lv. Cordele 9:30am Ar. Albany ...,11:16am For additional information, rates, etc., address A. V. PHILLIPS, Com’l Agt, Albany, Ga. j. s. CREWS S. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V. P. & Q. M„ Albany’. Ga. J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight an d Passenger Agent, Cordele, <U. ’ ■HHSHfiiHuaBiil