The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 10, 1906, Image 6
i AGED In wood in perfectly ventilated, sanitary warehouse, where the temperature is kept exact the year round. That is one reason why g is so delightful of flavor, so pleasing in. « aroma. Being free from fusel oil, is so | mellow in taste. Golden Malt never « varies. Put up specially for family and | medicinal use. Specially recommeaded | for coughs, colds, lung diseases and fevers. i\ $1.00 Per Quart Bottle. THE OLD RELIABLE TAILOR. >] Tl la still doing business at bis old 0. M place over the First National Bank. samples of all the new colorings in '. all and winter fabrics artf ready for IS the best 8-2-2 made. SlT^r^ell^es^ynCec.'TndUll PUK gOOds. We alS our prices are as low as is consistent 1 01 DOtaSh. •.ith good workmanship. 1 — JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor Fresli Garden and Flower Seed. W. W. PACE, President W. M. WILDER, Sec. and Traae. A. P. VA80N, Vice-President T. N. WOOLFOLK, Mansgar. Our New Line of Collapsible 'PINT son They Can Stop Tlielr Hair Falling Oat With Herpicide. Ladles who have thin hair hnd whose hair is falling out, can prevent the hair falling out, and thicken the growth, with Newbro’s “Herpicide,” Besides, Herpi- cide is one of the most agreeable hair dressings there is. Herpicide kills the dandruff germ that eats the hair off at the root After the germ is destroyed, the root will shoot up. *tnd the hair grow long as ever. Even a sample will con vince any lady that Newbro’s Herpicide is an Indispensable toilet requisite. It contains no oil or grease, it will not stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich. • and Folding The Satisfaction of Having the Best. Hercules cei BIRD. Is a RARE OLD Rain isn’t as bad as snow and Ice, anyway. Rhone • 280 for Stove Wood and Chips. Rain this season bas Interfered no little with the plans of the hunters. It comes to the family in whose house hold, or the firm in whose place of business Standard” plumbing has been installed. The finish of the famous “Standard” fixtures is as far ahead of tha.t on ordinary sanitary fixtures as their durability is greater. There is no “just as good” about this propositioii, for there is a wide gap be tween the “Standard” outfits and those next in line. Caif we not show you samples of these unrivalled fixtures and make up an estimate for that long-deferred plumbing? W. S. BELL & SON. “Bell Prices Ring True.” Toilet Sets The most exquisite line in South Georgia. "We have them for the Pink Room, Blue Room, Green Room and Red Room, all delicately tinted. Plain and white ones with or without Prices ranging from $2.75 to $ 16 Call and see them even if you don't huy. S. A. 6? W. T. Freeman. Cabbage plants for sale. C. M. Shackelford. 1-26-tf A little politics now and then Is probably good for a community. It stirs things up and gives the people something besides the cotton market on which to center their Interest. THE COLOR QUESTION AT TELFAIR ACADEMY. No Wood famine In Albany now. Barron gets It by trainloads. Now, If this pretty, typical weather will just keep up for two or three weeks, It will all be over—Wash ington street will have had her tooth pulled. The paving will be completed. Just a little Kodol after meals will relieve that fulness, belching, gas on stomach, and all other symptoms of Indigestion. Kodol digests what you eat, and enables the stomach and di gestive' organs to perform their func tions naturally. Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, ‘Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. Eureka Lime, Bestoii earth. Cruger & Pace. Special to The Herald, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 9. — The color question has arisen In an unexpected quarter In . Savannah. Recently the Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences, where valuable works of art are dis played, has been opened free to the public. Hordes of little negroes have taken advantage of this on one or two occasions to take a view of the hand some pictures shown. At one time a crowd of thirty-live negro men and women went through the building, and the few whites who were in there had to break for the open. The curators are to consider what to do with this question. It Is be lieved that arrangements will be made for admitting the respectable colored element into the building. Jqst a whisper every now and then, a casual reference, or an occasional query, but nevertheless It Serves to remind all that It Is not many months before the next Besslon of the Georgia Chautauqua. They never gripe or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. This Is the univer sal verdict of the many thousands who use DeWltt’s Little Early Risers. These famous little plllB reliev head ache, constipation, bllliousness, jaun dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion, etc. Try tittle Early Risers. Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Even with the streets In the condi tion that they were yesterday, It will take old Sol only a few days to dry them out and make them passable again. Old Sol uould be helped won derfully in this work, however, If bet tor drainage were provided. Luckiest Man In Arkansas. ■'I’m the luckiest man In Arkansas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health' af ter five years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs: and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine; Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, which I know from experience will cure consumption If taken In time. My wife Improved with first bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money refunded. *t Albany Drag Co., 60c and fl.QO. Trial bottle free. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, 'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. | Albanians walk right up and step Into the elevator in the Davis-Ex- l change Bank Building just as though j they were used to them. And It seems ; not a bit out of place to hear a man talking about riding In a "cab." Tell you, we are being "citified” in a jiffy. All old-time Cough Syrups bind the bowels. This Is wrong. A new Idea was advanced two years ago In Ken nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy acts on the mucous mem branos of the throat and lungs and loosens the bowels at the same time. It expels all cold from the system. It clears the throat, strengthens the mu cous membranes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman- Sale Drug Co. An average of twenty-five or more letters are being sent out of the of fice of the Albany Business League dally. These letters go to all parts of the country. Many, in fact, the larg est number of them, go to people and firms who It Is thought might estab lish enterprises here. Some go to railroad people and some to other folks. Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains', and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Cham berlain’s Pain Balm and without tak ing any medicine Internally. Rev. Amos Parker, of Magnolia, North Car olina, suffered for eight years with a lame hip. due to severe rheumatic pains, He has been permanently cured by the free application of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Hils- man-Sale Drug Co. Hercules certainly Is a RARE OLD BIRD. WANTS. FOR 8ALE — Some fine Berkshire pigs, both male and female; also some young grade Jersey heifers with young calves. Address G. C. Palmer, East Albany. LOST, STRAYED, OR STOLEN — From ray premises on State street, Albany, Ga„ on FIrday night, Feb. 9, one dark-colored milch cow, one horn, and marked with split In each ear, Suitable reward for return or Information. J. W. Harrell. 10-3t WANTED—Situation as housekeeper or as cook In a religious family for a settled, capable woman. Object, a chance for a good home, rather than wages. Address Mrs. W. H. Culpepper, 609 North 22nd St., Bir mingham, Ala. 9-12t TOY POODLES—Blue blooded, thor oughbred, hnlr as fine as silk; a few females on hand, 4 and 6 months old, perfect beauties, $20 each; pedi greed and perfect. Mrs. Roberts, 027 1 Ave., Columbus, Ga. 9-3t SEED CANE FOR SALE. —I have 8,000 stalks of green and red seed sugar cane for sale, ready for de livery as desired. J. J. MeCranle. GRAINGER & BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, •— Dawson, Ga. Cost of Brick, Stone, or Wooden Buildings Furnished. 6 Per Celt. Farm Loans. TH0S. H. WIILNER, Altorney-at-Law, VENTULETT BUILDING. L. W. NELSON, Attorney-at-Law, Albany. Ga, COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. I am bonded in the following well- known companies. Every claim is bonded. United States Fidelity and Guaran* ty Co., Attys. bept., Baltimore, Md.; The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept., New York; The Association of Bond ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, Wls.; Mar* tindale Mercantile Agency, New York; Martindale’s Guide, New York; United Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga. . I represent 40 other well-known mercantile agencies. All business re ceives prompt attention and money remitted same day collected. JOS. L. RAREY, .art** GO-CARTS The Heywook & Wakefield Carts are just in and is the strongest line we have ever pre sented to the public. All the latest improvements in gearing, beautiful and strong. See them. The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, L elephone No. road Street Our Spring Silk : : And : Lingerie Shirtwaists We have just secured a large lot of these beautiful made shirtwaists. Thdy are nobbiest of the coming season. They are direct from the best eastern market and embody all the Newest and Best as Well •as the Cheapest Ever Shown in This Com munity. Such an opportunity is not likely to occur again. Our winter goods are still going at our Fair Warning Sale prices. See Window Display. S. REICH, Agent McCall Patt eras. ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Our celebrated PINNACLE