The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 14, 1906, Image 3
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1&>6. / I Wom an’s without ohlldna; it b bar nature to leu* Nightmare and want them at much to aa it b to love the beautiful end pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother moat peat, however, b » fraught with dreed, pain, auffering and danger, that the very thought of it filb her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of hfc to be either painful •r dangerous. The use of Mother’s Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. Thb great and wonderful remedy is always eppliedextemally,and has carried thousands ef women through _ — the trying crisis without suffering, ms amggn mm aH Sand for two book oontslnlng InformaUon H IfFSBlH SfTjSflf W sSarloslmTslno to snsxpeoUnl mothers. H Mj Of 3V JW KJV lbs BradfleU Rsislatsr 0** AUssta. 6a. Mother's Baldwin Pianos, Branich & Bach Pianos, Ellington Pianos. Three of the world’s best and but one of the name on the market, so there is no claim In such cases to be the original, as is the case where there’s two or more of the same name or a similar name on the market. Beware of those making claims on another’s reputation. See our lines before buying. BEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE 104 Pine Street, (Runway Building.) Albany, Ga When Completed take a critical survey of your bath room appurtenances to confirm their completeness. Of course you under stand the Inference Is that It's a Job we finished. Room Appliances ff\ ‘Jtfrjjtef- frout ’ tube down to minor neoessarlep Is a prominent feature of our plumb ing business. No one-goes wrong that uses our work. / , Adelaide Thureton Scored Success In , “Triumph of Betty.” The Triumph of Betty," with the ever-popular and charming Adelaide Thurston in the leading role, delight ed a fair audience at the Rawlins the atre last night The occasion was one of those rare Instances when play and players har monize: when the play Is so written as to bring out the strongest features of the players’ ability, and when at the same time the plot loses neither interest nor sequence on account of fitting a leading part to a particular person. Miss Thurston fits the part of “Bet ty Bartlett” like a glove. Everything that “Betty” should have, Miss Thur ston has. A girl from a Western ranch visiting in London, thinking of “dad” and the happy life she had left: brought up with men of life and ac tion, Americans and Westerners, at that, she is expected to bow to the will and dictation of a rurally relig ious aunt and hostess; laughing one minute, and the next facing the most serious problems and crises in as seri ous a manner as any. This Is the part that Miss Thurston is called upon to portray. She proved equal to the task last night. Dainty, pretty, petite, with a charming personality and great Indi vidual magnetism, she fairly hypno tized the audience, and kept them In a trance, and a most happy one, dur ing the progress of tlje Entire piny. Miss Thurston proved last night that she need not necessarily be light actress all her life. There wcrr many. strong-scenes, -many emotional ! I _ -1 -l.nMntii. ntti.nltniln . 1 • Men’s Hats. ?rom the Tailor and Cutter. There Is a difference of two sizes Jotween the average hats worn In Bir mingham and Glasgow, and It Is gen- arally conceded that the average size in Birmingham 1b smaller than in any other town in the kingdom. Taking the whole of England, the average Blze of hat required by men Is 7, or nearly twenty-two inches In circumference; in Wales G% Is tho average; the Irishman avernges a 7 full, while the cannie Scot’s average is 71k. King Edward for many years wore a size 7, but his size at present is 7%. Harris Plumbing Co, E. P. HARRIS, Mgr. 102 Pine Street, EhI Store ol Rummy Building. ’Phone 25S DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY The Albany Coca-Cola Botflinj?; Co Everywhere 5c. [Washerwomen Strike But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a remedy for wash= woman troubles. . ...... PHONE 39 ) New Albany | Steam Laundry. ] Are You contemplating investing in real estate? If so, the Jones & Smith Title Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for these reasons-: They guarantee the title to every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, and cheap tenant houses for sale. See Wm. E. SMITH, Rqal Estate Manager Jones & Smith T. G. & L. Go., Woolfolk Building. is Saint Valentines Day. We have opened up a line that will please the most fastidious Comics that are Comics, lc each. Novel ties in Mechanical Cards from 5c to $1.50. We have placed them on sale early in order to give every one a chance to make an early selection. Mall Orders will Receive Prompt Attention. LQNSBERG’S BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. Startling But True. People the world over wore horrified on learning of tho burning of a Chica go theatre In which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five times this number, or over 3,000 people, died from pneumonia in Chi cago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been pre vented by the tipiely use of Chamber- Iain’s Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneu monia have warded It off by the prompt uso of this remedy. The fol lowing is an Instance of this sort: "Too much cannot bq said in favor of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and es pecially for colds and Influenza. I know that it cured my daughter, Lau ra, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threaten ed with pneumonia.*’. W. D. Wilcox, Logan, New York. Sold by Hilsman- Suli> Drug Co. lines and dramatic 'situations -for Miss Thurston in "The Triumph of Betty, hnd she handled these with the clev erness so characteristic Of all her work. Harry Ingram, as "Harvey Bartlett,’’ “Betty’s” lover, was very good. James H. Vincent, as “George Wrayburn, a broker,” also deserves especial men tion Sqf his splendid work. Tile rest of the cast was only mediocre, at the most. Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people suffer for years from "heumatlc pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not Itnowing that quick relief from pain m oy be had simply by applying Cham- '“Tlain’s Pain Balm and without tak ing any medicine” internally. Rev. Amos Parker, of Magnolia, North Car- allna, suffered for eight years with 'ame hip, due to severe rheumatic nains. He has been permanently cured by the free application of Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Hlls- nian-Sale Drug Co. A LAXATIVE NEW m TU III Cl.TK Bio,tom sal tit Italy lit tm Iwy Bftttli. r “A Cili tr a Cough marly alwayt pro- — ... .—n tha ..... out -il^naya. . .. .... molature thobowala became dry and hard “ KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE HONEY«“TAR A Bad Guess. “Yob;’ said the barber, according to the Denver Post, as be combed the man’s hair, “I can usually tell about what- f) ; map’s, business is -by. noticing his bead. The bumps tell me. It’ a sort of phrenology, I guess. Oh, ain’t claiming to be a phrenologist, but still, I guess I am a kind of one, “A man bet me the price of a hair cut, shave and shampoo the other day that I couldn’t tell his business In three guesses. I guessed ‘cattleman' the first time. He said that I war wrong, so I said ‘sheepraiser.’ Tha time I hit It. That bet cost him 9 cents.” “Try guessing my business,” sup gested the man in the chair. The barber looked in the other’ face, then he felt the bumps on b1 customer’s head. “Well,” he sab’ “you’re a preacher, I'd say.” ‘Wonderful!” came from the cir tomer. The barber smiled. “I knew I could guess ir.” he said When the customer left the shop few minutes later he was touched nil the arm by a man who had been ir the next chair. “Pardon me,” said th other, “but how do you account fo* that barber’s guess?” “Oh, it was just, a guess and a had one at that,” said the man accosted “Bad one?” “Yes; I am a Cheyenne saloon keeper.” . The other showed surprise. “But,” he said, “you said 'Wonderful!’ when he called you a preacher." “Well, it is wonderful what a chump a man can be when he tries,” con cluded the other. Cures Colds by working them out of the system through a copious action of the bowels. Cures Coughs by oleensing and strengthening tho mucous ntombranes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchi*! tubes, For Croup, Whooping < _ Influent#, Bronchitis, and #11 Cougl ,, Colds; Lung and Bronchial affections no remedy is equal to Kennedy'* Laxative Honey and Tar. Children like it. Put up in 26c, 60c and $1,00 bottles atthe Lab* eratory of E. O. DaWItt it Oo.,Ohlcago, U.8.A. For Sale by? Albany Drug Co. and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. SLOAN S LINIMENT A Necessity When Travclinj For Toothache] Neural die AntT Price 2jt JOf &$/.00 L. W NELSON, Attornoy-at-Lnw, Albany. Ga. a» Davis-Exchange Bank Building. Davie-Exchange I Bank Building.: Many Attractive Values in Home Goods and Furnishings. 25c N x Mayings Sfe 19c i New styles in China and Jap Mattings received. ' The 25c quality we offer at 19c yard. 35c -Wmdow Shades- 24c 3x6 Window Shades, all col ors. Special next week, each, complete, at 24c. 50c-Window Shades-39c | \ Window Shades; a 50c value; 3x7. v 0ffered 4 special next week at 39c each, complete. $5J)0 Dinner Set $3.98 42-PieceJDinner.Set; different decorations; would be cheap at #5.00. Special next week, #3.98. $1.25 Lace Curtains 98c Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards, long; worth $1.25 a pair usu- Now, 98c. $1.25 Table Lineih 98c Table Linen; Efull bleached; choice patterns; 72 inches wide; per yard, 98c. il SELLS IT FOK LESS f...PLANT... Very large smooth Tomato, firm, fresh, beautiful red color. The 1 j. best all round Tomato for table and catsup. Plant now In L&xes-pr hot l*d: Package, Sc; Ounce, 25c. - MAMMOTH OWL SWEET i PEPPER. PJant6 very vigorous and productive, growing upright with mod erately large leaves. Fruit very large ard lorg, sometimes be ing 8 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter. When unripe of a bright, deep green color, being entirely free from any pur ple tinge, and when ripe a deep rich red. Flesh very thiqk, sweet and mild in flavor. Very fine for stuffed pickles. Package, 5c; Ounce 25c. .via j i ; i i Owl Drug & Seed Co. i THB GEORGIA SEED HOUSE. 1906 Improved New Home; Sewing Machines Lateat Stylo Doable Ring, Bail Bearing. Lightest and best on the market. I swap for the old Machine. I will overhauland furnish parts, attachments and needles for any make of Machine. W. F. FLOYD, Mgr. 'Phono 362. Albany, Go.. A Healing Gospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belalr, Ga.. i says of Electric Bitters: “It’s a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff Joints, and complete physical collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have Just walked three miles in 50 minutes and feel like walking three more. It’s made a new man of me.” Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guar antee at Albany Drug Co. Price 50c. It will pay you to keep Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In your home.' It only costs a quarter. Sold by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. FOR THE BEST I am bonded in the following well- known companies. Every claim Is bonded. United States Fidelity and Guaran ty Co., Attys. Dept., Baltimore, Md.‘ f The, National Surety Co., Attys. Dept, New York; The Association of Bond ed Attorneys. Milwaukee, Wis.;. Map tindale Mercantile Agency, New York; Martindafe'e Guide, New York; United Bended Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga. I represent 40 other well-known mercantile agencies. All business re ceives prompt attention and money remitted same day collected. Valuer > in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in MONUMENTS .Headstones, etc., ' try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. “N W. H. MILLER, ' i , Proprietor. Seed Oats, Horse Oats, Corn, Hulls and Neal PorfSale at Miller GROCERY CO. J. CliflordZHale. Leonard N, Speer HALE & SPEER, LAWYERS. once. 981-2 Broad Street. Alban*. Ga. Prompt'and careful attention given to til baRlneBB>nbmttted;to ALBANY CO. —MANUFACTURERS OF— BBIC KL Annual Cipult,, 10,000,000. - I INDSTINCT PRINT . ’£3tl ai’i'isL'Js